HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-03, Page 6UP AGAIN—OVER TOBRUK Confident that this time it's there to stay, two British soldiers hoist the Union Jack over Tobruk, famed siege city of the Libyan Egyptian see -saw campaign. They were confident, because they, with their mates in the Eighth Army, had just recaptured Tobruk, with Rommel far away in headlong flight. Modern Etiquette 1. Should one express a choice of food when the host or hostess requests it? 2. Is it correct to sign a letter with the initials only? 3. Should a girl secretary ever discuss her employer's affairs with others, outside the office and at home? 4. When a bride has received a gift from the office force, con- sisting of perhaps a hundred em- ployees, how should she ea - knowledge it? 6. Is it all right to use the don'ts else butter plates? 6. What would be the correct phrase to use when introducing two women? ANSWERS • 1. Yes. When requested, it le much better to state any prefer- ence rather than say, "Anything at all." 2. When writing a note to an intimate friend, this is per- missible, but the usual letter should always be signed with the full name, 3, Never, Anything that concerns her employer's af- fairs should never be discussed. That is one of the fundamental things an efficient and competent secretary will respect. 4. Waite a personal letter of thanks to her employer, or the chief clerk, or the person ate knows had charge of the contribution towards the gift, asking this person to thank the others. 5. No; these have been superseded by the bread and but- ter plates, which are about five and a half to six and a half inches In diameter, nd are placed at the left side of each Plate just above the forks. 6. "Miss Allen (the elder), may I introduce Miss Adams (the younger)?" It is estimated that 40,000 Loyal - tate migrated to Canada during the American Revolution. Bells of Coventry The Germans thought they had eras -lied Coventry. When, the Nazi bombers battered the English city, they believed that Coventry would never rise from the ashes, says the Windsor Star. But, the bells o! Coventry rang out on Sunday. The Nazi pagan had not destroyed the faith nor the courage nor the confidence of these people who believe they are on God's side in this war. Pealing out for the first time since the war stilled their ring- ing, the bells of Coventry Cathe- dral reaffirmed the faith of a people by playing: O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home. BELGIAN CONGO Indian Ocean South Atiantie: Ocean UNIO 6, AF MADAGASCAR The Belgian Congo is one of the many footholds in central Africa where American troops are reported stationed. Pictures re- cently arrived in this country showing U. S. soldiers at Leopold. ville, capital of this jungled, tropical country, OPSY WS PARKER' WHY DID YOU BETRAY THAT SECRET T TOLD YOU, MOPSY. WO 9 BUT I OI DN'T. T ,FOUND 1 OOULDN'T KEEP IT SO l JUST TOLD iT TO SOME- ONE WHO eOULP! '1-,24 WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING MOISTURE IN HOU$E Dr, 1Vlorten Mott -Smith reminds us, in "Science News Letter', that 65degrees is a comfortable level, that most Europeans are comfort- able at 60. Since what Europeansdo about such things never has been of ]ouch interest in this country, it. may be well to follow the doctor further, to observe that he says we keep our houses too dry for win. - ter comfort. Humid' air at 66 de- green,. he assures us, is more: com- fortable than, dry air at 70.. Most modern heating systems provide for moistening the air. Those of us with older plants often set out pans of water in the hope that they will relieve us. Dr., Mott -Smith points out that though they help spore, a kettle of boiling water will do much more geed, He insists, of course, on the value of insulation, makes the val- uable suggestion that many win- dows can be conveniently and in- expensively insulated by installa- tion of an interior sheet of cello- phane. The point is to create a layer of dead air between the in- ner and out exposures. Perhaps his most important advice is that we recognize the fact that when the feet are warm the rest of the body is likely to feel fairly com- fortable. For more reasons than one, next winter will be no time for cold feet. Church Bells Ring Again In Britain Some British Children Hear Chimes.; For First Time Chus'oh bells of England, which rang at the aoceesfon of Queen Elizabeth, at the defeat of the Spanish Armada and at the death of Nelson at Trafalgar, rang out again last week to celebrate the victory of British arms in Egypt. For the fiayst time since the war began, church bells in the British Isles, landfiamed through centuries for the sober Sabbath music of bells and chimes, broke the crisp morning air. British youngsters who have never heard the sound of church bells—for ringing has been reserv- ed during this war as the signal for invasion, heard be chimes of Westminster Abbey, the measured tones of St. Paul's bell and the voice of St. Mwrtin's-in-the_Field, and in Scotland the note; of old St. Cuthbert's, in the shadow of the great rock of Edinburgh Castle. Some Bells Silent It was a sedate Sabbath of re- joicing and thanksgiving during which people crowded into the smallest village parish ehurchea and into the great cathedral. Its soberness was not lessened by the silence of some of ngland's most famous bells, destroyed in -enemy air attacks. No sound came from the fire - reddened tapered spires of St. Bride's in Fleet Street, or from Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece, the now -shattered wreck that was St. James's, in London's Picca- dilly, Bow Bells, in sound of which any Londoner mustbe born to be considered a true cockney, crashed to earth in 1941, St. Paul's bells were heard despite diffioul'ties. The full peal could not be rung because of fear of a further *racking of the tower, already shaky from a bomb hit. Bells of Coventry Heard Even the famous tones of St.. James at Belfast, which had rung not only for the accession of Queen Elizabeth but for auoh other great events as the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the great Irish Battle of the Boyne in 1000 'BLUE COAL' RAISES STANDARD OF HEATING COMFORT Thousans of families will tell you that 'blue coal' is the beet coal you can use in these days of careful spending, That Is because this dependable, even -burning an- thracite gives you more heating value for every fuel dollar you spend. It burns slowly, steadily and economically. It fills your home with uniform heat and saves you worry, trouble and dollars over the heating season. Let your near- est earest 'blue coal' dealer tell. you how easy it is to Beat ,your home the 'blue coal' way and save money, too. Phone him today. �WOMEN (NO HEED THIS ADVICEII If you're erase, restless, bru aVOtJS— Suffer hot flashes, diazines—ennsed by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Plnkhem's Vegetable Compound, Made e5555i0at5. for 2aalneia, Hundreds of thousands re- markably hSlped, Follow label direc- tions, Made 10 Canaria. MOC..e.mo.nasa: arid Lord. Nolsolti'rl .death at 'Z'ta' falgnl in 1806, !mined from a tower' which to all that remains of the church. At Coventry, .observing :the see- ond anniversary of the terrine air attachit suffered, the mallow old bells in the solitary re'inaining towel' et the cathedral broadcast, "0 God, Our Help In Ages Past.." By opder of King George VI the Sabbath was also Civil Defense say, set aside to commemorate the luiroism of civil defense, workers dur'ing the air attack, . 'l'liousands of these uniformed civilian unite • marched through bomb -scarred areae to cathedrals and churches. Have Yoia Heard? "George," said Mrs. Lovey to her husband, "I have received a letter from, mother saying' she is not accepting our invitation. to visit us, and saying we do not ap- pear to want her. What does she mean by that? I asked you to write and tell her to come at her own convenience, You wrote, didn't you?" "Yes," said George, "but—er-- I couldn't spell that word 'con- venience,', so I made it `risk!' " Butch: "Is there a word in the English language which contains all the vowels?" Bo: "Uunquestionably," Butch: "What is it?" Bo: "1 just told you." Mose, charged with theft, was on the '.Witness stand, and the judge sought to discover if he knew the value of an oath. He Said: "Mose, if you tell a lie under oath„ do you know what hap - pelts?" Mose said: ""Yassuh, Jedgo. , I goes to Hell." "And if you tell the truth?". persisted the judge. "I goes to jail," said Mose. English teacher: Will you correct this sentence, "Girls is naturally better looking than boys." Sophomore: Girls is arti- ficially better looking than boys. Professor: "Define transpar- ent, translucent, and opaque." Student: "I cannot precisely de= fine those terms, professor, but I can indicate their meaning in this way: Tho windows of this room were once transparent, they are now translucent, and if not cleaned very soon they will be opaque." Amateur Performer — "I can pick up a cent with my toes " Dixie is economical you cut it as you use it There's no waste. Bright Spectator—"That's nothing. My dog can dothat with his nose." - A teacher was impressing upon her class wtwhew fact her class the fact that you'cannot subtract One tiling from others un- less they are of the same denom- ination. "For instance," she said, "we cannot take two apples from three oranges." Then a bright boy said: "But, teacher, can't we take four apples from two trees?" "I asked if I could see her home." "And what did she say?" "She said she'd send me a photo of it." HOW CAN 1? Q. How can I prevent dried fruits from sticking together when grind- ing them? A. Run cold water over the dried fruits and they will not stick to- gather. Dried fruits can be cook- ed and kept on hand for a week or more. Q. How can' I matte paint dry quicker? ' A. Fresh paint will da'y quicker if an electric fan la placed in the room. It will also drive away the odor that IS so unpleasant to some persons. Q. How can I make the leaves of a house plant glossy? A. If the plant is sponged with STOPPED QUICKLY u=l euktn11e0,om51olalallue,m,mttes eslobetutemillynatofeeaute Sae lotus, at druegiel, grove. 1100 money 5ac:: a cloth dipped into tea, the leaves will, remain glossy and healthy. Q. How ann:I avoid wastiug gas?' A. When the flame shows out- side the bottom edge' of a vessel of boiling liquid, it represents wanted gas. Turn down the flame until it does not show around the edge of the vessel. Q. What is the best way to pop corn? ` A. Start with a moderate heat when popping corn, then increase. the heat gradually; and avoid bay- ing the popper too full, allowing for expansion. Q. How can I paint .window shades? A. Window shades can be paint- ed successfully it a flat paint that is thinned to a oream-like consist- ency is used. Enlistment Record Evey physically fit man of mili- tary age in the Lake Brie fishing village of Erleau-58 out of a total population of 235—has enlisted. Mrs. Mollie Vidler; who keeps re• cords of every volunteerin the village, says Brieau believes ithas the finest enlistment record in Canada. WANTED GOOD AUTOMOBILES Cash paid immediately. Flee, or single units. Bring cars to C. R. Evans at ANDERSON McLaughlin - Buick Pontiac LIMITED 1029 BAY ST., TORONTO if Ff;" a a n•� S 1 AGENTS WANTED wAN''rigD NOW! LOCAL AGENTS in country and town — spare (line. We operate a six hundred acre nursery — stock the best in fruit a n d ornamental trees, shrubs, roses. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. AUTOnlo11II.ES—US EI) IMOD CARS WITH LOUD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 1540 Yonge Street; Head -Office, 092 Nl.ount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. 'Telephone 017. 2181. ,BABY CHICKS MARTINDALE'S 1948 CHICKS ready Jam 4th—Barred Rocks, New White Leghoi'ns' andhtk Hybrids. Canadian Approved and Blood - Tested. Folder free. Martindale's Foam Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont., POULTRYIS]EPERS— P L A N ahead. It's the only way right now. Our 1941 prioelist is ready. We'd advise early ordering. Aslc about our contest. Bray Hatch- ery, 120 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. CAMEIRAs WANTED WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES FOR modern, still, and movie cam- eras. What have you? Write. to- day. 3. C. Williams, Optician, 5 Richmond Street E., Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. 'ENTERTAINMENT 81NTIARATNMBNT POR ANY OC - (lesion. Concert e, Banquets, Church Socials, Fairs, Carnivals, • Dances, ate. Preference to patri- otic societies. The ICarlsaa Farm - or, Brussels, Ontario, FOR SA.1.12 ' 10 ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND, all kinds of small fruits Orchard, buildings hydro. immediate pos- session..'Write or Phone 801W. Mo. A. Belts, 994 Willow Rd,, Guelph, Iron SALE 200 ACRES FOR SALE 23 MILES from town in pfesperous farming community, good soil, 9 roomed. house, furnace, good outbuildings, cement floors, running • water, litter carrier. Bargain for cash. Furtherarticulars write Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Renfrew, Ont. I' A'rEN'l's • L'90TH1dRSTON14AUGH & COMPANY. Patent Solicitors, established 1800; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re coast 1,00'1 1151,91 5150M10LIMA ('u,rM1 r3ALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle oil we agent, Denman Drug Store, 0(1000, GOLD IetnOSSiNG 3N'I{ USE IT FOR CHRISTMAS CARDS, parcels, party cards. Your own handwriting in beautiful raised gold letters. Many other attrac- tive articles. Send. 25e and re- ceive Gold or Silver ink, or lust send name and address for free information: Taylor SpecleltY Co., Dept. 8., Toronto. Holum RrlOZ'EDI'ES TRY OUR ASTHMA AND BRON- chitis Remedies — they're good Health Happiness, 1792 Dan- forth Avenue, Toronto, 1 ACIOIONERY FOR 'SALE Oft WANTED WE BUY, SELL, AND TRADE IN Hammer 21111s Plate Mills, Rolls, Mixers, etc, Stock of parts for most mills carried. Morley Se Son, 71 Duke. Street, Toronto. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The - Ramsay: Co., Registered Patent Attorneys,.. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. MACHINE FOR SALE AUTOMATIC PRESS (Kluge)- FOR sale, practically. new, 12" x 1 .' with electric sheet heater, extra rollers and chases; motor A.C. 650 volts, 25 cycle, 8 phase produc- tion .8500- per hour. Box 268, 78 Adelaide West, Toronto. MEDICAL IT'S EXIILLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. DISEASED ENLARGED TONSILS, Doctors claim they lead to many complaints. Use Thuna's pink tabiete for the nose and throat. For strengthening the 'throat; dropping of mucrons discharge; sensation of a lump In the threat; bad taste in the. mouth. They help build resistance against colds, clear the voice and pose better bodily health. Ob- tained from Thune. Herbalists, Dept. T, 298 Danforth,Toronto.. Canada's oldest and.largest herb- alists. Write for particulars. SICK? CONSULT ME REGARDING YOUR health problems, (Consultation free), Write or call when in the City. Chiropractic Science gets Wok people well. Phillip's Scion. title General Health Service, 19 Queen East, Toronto. NERVES 9i4v6 you that dog tired feeling, 9.66ompanied with loss of appetite and ragged nerves, it you have, take Morissey's Nerve Remedy, 70c box of ,'100 pills, 25 days' Croat most, postpaid. ORFOItD B. MORISSEY Druggist 537 Maln St., St. .loin, KB. ISSUE 49-'42 NEW 176111OSSED PICTURES NEWEST THING! 1 BAIAUTIFUL embossed pictures, assorted sub- fecte, Including religious—small, $1.00; medium, 51.25; large $1.50. Postpaid. A real gift. (]ealere write). Ace Art Service, Toronto. PATENTS & TRADE MARIis. EWIIJtTON R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. oyers. 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. PERSONAL MARRIED OR ENGAGED? . THEN you should read the unusual sensational books, Facts of Life," 25e postpaid. 130 pages. Adults only. Guaranteed. Illus- trated medical catalogues in- cluded Tree. The Medical Health Bureau, Station F. 87 Toronto. (RHEUMATIC PAINS PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking. Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Paine and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store 936 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid '$1.00. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 74,0 treat, Italn, or hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by 05n11 Any 6. or -8: exposure film perfectly, developed and printed for only 250. Supremo quality and Cast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station .1, Parente SAPID WANTED SAFE WANTED — STATE AGE, condition, inside size and price. Box D., 73 Adelaide St. W., To- ronto. SHEEP OXFORD DOWN RAM LAMBS, price gg also H...11ailaday Smith's Valla grades. STAMPS SOLD OR BOUGHT FREIE LIST. BETTER VALUE D'OIt collectors and dealers. Cash retail- ed for collections or accumula- tions. Atlas Stempel, Room 707, 137 Wellington West, Toronto, 25 FREE CHICKS SEND .VOR OUR PRIDE LIST olr- faring' tree chlcke for early, orders, and place your order Carty, Goddard Chick hatchery, • Britannia Heights, Ontario. "503411 1575 BRON'LE BREEDING TURKEYS. Have splendid Young 'Toms and Ilona from blood tested Govern - moot banded stock. A. W. Ind- Werde, Lansdown, Qnt, An estimated 80,000 machining operations go into, Ube making et one airplane.