HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-03, Page 5THYRSDAY, DECEMBER 3, MAR
THE SEAF01311111 NEW$
J. sTOILs .
Superior *slues — Thursday, December 3, till Wed., Dec, 9
Large Pkg. . .. • ... • • ... • • ... • • • — 23c
2 — 10 oz. tins - - 16c
1 Ib. bag ,... ...... ,, •,, ..... 49c
per pkg. . ........ . .. .. . .........— ..... . . , .. ..... 190
per tin , 100
2 — 20 oz. tins 19c
Catelli's Macaroni or Spaghetti • 16 oz. pkg11c
Ivory Snow large pkg. 25c
Gold Soap per bar 5c
Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkg. 110
Sunlight Soap 3 "bars 19c
• Aylmer #3 Sieve Peas. 2 — 16 oz. tins 270
Aylmer Spinach, Fancy Quality.16 oz, tin 12c
Aylmer Pumpkin, Choice Quality...... ...... ..2 large 28 oz. tins 25c
Aylmer Tomato Catsup 12 oz, bottle 15c
Tiger Catsup 26 oz, bottle 19c
,Sweet Blossom Honey, Amber Color 1 lb. carton 210
• French's Prepared MustardPer Jar 10c
Saxonia Cut Mixed Peel 1/2 th. tin 170
Kleenex, 200 sheet box 2 pkg. 25c
Kleenex, 500 sheet box each, 29c
Superior Baking Powder, 8 az, tin -14c; 16 oz. tin 230
Savoy Gravy Browning per tin 10c
Serviettes, folded per pkg. 15c
Household, Roll Towels per pkg. 15c
Aylmer Infant's Food 3 tins 250
Mazda Electric Bulbs, 26, 40, 60 Watts — each 150
Hawes Floor Wax 1 Ib. tin 450
Old English Scratch Cover Polish 4 oz. bottle 25c
Chipso, Quick Suds, small pkg.-100; • ' large pkg. 25c
Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8
, Art Wright PHONE 77
Mr, John Bennett spent a few days
'witli friends in Walton and Wit -W-
hat. Win. G. 1VIcilay et' the Queea'S
Own Rides, Dobai% NS., and Miss
McMurray, Lorne Park,
'were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John McNay last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Webster and
family, of Detroit, visited the latter's
parents,. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reeves,
also in Exeter.
Mrs, L. T. DeLacey left on Wednee,
day to visit Mr. and 1V1rs. Morley
Counter in Clinton before leaving to
spend the winter in Toronto,
Dr, and Mrs. Hodgins of Torento,
and the former'e son, Morley Hedging
of the RCAF, Clinton, spent the week
end with Mrs. L. T, DeLaoey.
Mrs. 8, Eyre' left this week to
'spend the winter with her sons hi.
Many residents of Seaforth will
learn with regret of the death of
Mrs. 3.'W. Hodgins, wife of the late
Rev. J. W. Hofigins; a former rector
of St. Thomas' Anglican Church,
Seaforth, which occurred at her
home, 34 Ridge Drive, Toronto, on
Friday. Mrs. Hodgins had been in ill
health. for a number of years. Her
husband's ministry here began in
1889, coming to. Seaforth from Bay.
field parish, and they were here for
sixteen years, until 1905, when they
went to Stratford where Mr. Hodgins
died more than twenty years ago.
Mrs. Hodgins is survived by a family
of three sons and two daughters,
Reginald, Lloyd and Mabel, Toronto;
Cecil, in California, and (Dorothy)
Mrs. Hugh McNeill, Cleveland, Ohio.
There is also one grandson, Hugh
McNeill, Cleveland. The body Was
brought to Stratford for burial on
Monday morning, in Avondale cern-
etery. Rev. 3. R. Thompson officiated.
Mrs. Hodgins was the daughter of
the late Morgan and Catherine
?reels, who were pioneers in the
Niagara district, Her.son Lloyd is a
professor of Trinity College. .A bro-
ther, is William H. Freele, London.
Ten Picture Pages; United States
One Year At War
America's part in the world con-
flict since Pearl Harbor will be pic-
tured for you, in ten pages, in the
Pictorial Review with next Sunday's
(Dec. 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday
Want and For Sale Ads, 8 weeks 50c.
Veit call tog AVOlge kr
Greetils, please!"
• by We, Serino Stoops
Winne*. of ow IMO
• Telephone 9voinibee
"I've hung up the Santa
Claus suit for the duration.
I'm in uniform now—loaded
down with war calls.
"I can't get material to
build more lines.
"So please don't ash me
to tarry Christmas
messages, particularly
long.haul calls to the
eastern seaboard and the
far west:
*Thank you . . . I know
you'll understand."
A snlentild service WAS held OU
Sunday morning in the Goited
Church by the executive of the
Huron Presbytery Young People's
Union, Mr, Benson Sutter, Clinton,
opened the meeting by a few re-
marks and introducing the speakers.
Tho President of the Young People's
Union of the London conference from
Whitechurch read the Scripture les-
son. The Rev, Stewart Crysdale, ol
Vancouver, delivered 4 forceful aU
dress on "Running the Race." Mise
Thelma Holmes, Chatham, sang' two
lovely solos and Mr, William Comm
of the Radio School, Clinton, also
sang a, solo. Several young people
from different points were Present,
The service throughout was one of
unusual interest. At conclusion of
of this service slides were shown in
the Sunday School room.
A social afternoon and. pot luck
supper was held on Thursday after-
noon of last week at the home of
I Mrs. Margaret Manning when the
' villagers numbering about 35 gath-
ered and spent an enjoyable after-
noon, Two draws were held, A pyrex
dish donated by Mrs. Alexander on
which tickets were sold brought
$2.70, Miss L. Young being the win-
ner. A lovely cake donated by Mrs,
T. eairservice was the second draw
on which $2.50 was made, .Mrs, W. T.
Brunsdon being the lucky one. $1.0.80
was realized from the tea. The total
amount raised, 516, was turned over
to the Londesboro Red Cross.
Winter has set in and good sleigh-
ing has started.
Rev. Mr. Atkinson and Mr. R. P.
Watson attended the Presbytery at
Fordwich on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 21. F. Berry, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent Sunday
near Wingham.
M. and Mrs. Frank Strange of
Termite spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. G. Swan.
Mr. D. Swan and Miss E. Bowey
spent a few days in Galt.
Miss Grace Dalrymple of Hensel
, spent the week end at her home.
. We are sorry Jimmy Paterson is
with pneumonia. We hope he will
soon be on the mend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred DuFort of Tor-
onto visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan
last week.
1VIr. and Mrs, Austin Zapfe of
London spent thg week end with
friends here.
Pte. Glen Swan of Chatham, Pte.
Wm. Graham of Listowel, spent the '
week end at their homes here.
We are sorry .to report that our
,two storekepers are under the wea-
ther with the cold, also Belden Ross.
We hope they will soon all be out
Mr. Jack Mustard, who has joined
the • RCAF left on 'Thursday for La-
chine, Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Burdge and Rev.
Mr. Atkinson visited Mr. D. Fother-
ingham in Victoria hospital, London,
on Sunday.
Miss Doris Dutot of Crumlin spent
Sunday at her home here.
Scott's 11.0.P. Sired Barred Rock Chicks
A Timely Reminder . . . .
Plan your season's chick needs now. It looks as though it will be
a ease of "First come — first served." Something similar to last
season when hundreds of our customers were disappointed because
they were tardy in placing their orders
Phone 851 - 32
Margaret Fotheringham, beloved
wife of Malcolm McKay, Goderich,
(Ilea suddenly in Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital, on Friday ev-
ening in her 78th year. Mrs. McKay
was taken ill suddenly on Wednes-
' • e••••• -ms removed to the hospital.
Mrs. McKay was the daughter of
lete Nil'. and Mrs. William Poth-
erineham who came to Canada from
the.Orkney Islands, She was born in
Plenshard township but spent most
of her life in the Township of Tuck-
ersmith. She had been a resident of
Goderich since 1905, Always active
in church work, Mrs. McKay was a
menthe'', of Knox Presbyterian
church until 1925, and since then Of
North Street United Church. She was
a former Sunday School teacher and
a life member of the W.M.S. An ar-
dent lover of flowers, her garden
was one of beauty, and she gener-
ously donated bouquets at various
times to the hospitals at the airports.
Besides her husband there survive
three sisters, Mrs. Alex. Monteith, of
ICippen; Mrs. Alex, Clutton, Col-
t,orne Township; Miss Fotheringham
of (Ironton; two brothers, Dougald
Fotheringham, Brucefield, and Tho-
mas, of St. Paul, Minnesota. The
funeral took place from her late res-
idence, East street, Monday after-
-nen The Rev. R, H. Turnbull, of
North street United Church officiat-
ed. Friends were present from Tor-
onto, Granton, Seaforth, Brucefield,
Clinton and Goderich. Interment was
in Baird's cemetery, Brucefield.
LAC Kelso Adams of No, 6 Service
Flying Training School at Dunnville
is spending his furlough with his.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Adams.
Come and help us to raise funds.
The proceeds go to the Red Crags.
The tickets will be drawn for the
tufted bedspread on display at Miss
Graves' store. There will be a door
The Club will supply lunch
Music provided by Collins Orchestra
Door Prize A. Goose
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
eggs and PaiiitrY
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Special services will be held in the
United Church next Sunday when a
musical trio comprising Miss Mary
Goodwin at the cirgan, Miss Greta
Lammie, violinist, Miss Gladys Luk-
er, at the piano, will render "Nearer
My God to Thee" and "The Holy
The December meeting of the
Senior Women's Institute will be
held at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff
on .Wedn.esday, Dec. 9th, with Mrs.
K. Hicks, co -hostess. The roll call
will be answered with a gift for the
Sick Children's Hospital. Miss Mattie
Ellth is to be the guest speaker, sub-
ject to be selected. The motto, 'The
glory of life is to love, not to be
loved; to give, not to get, to serve,
not to be served," Mrs. N. E. Cook,
demonstration, filling the Christmas
stocking. Mrs. Harvey McLarnon,
recipe, Mrs. Drysdale; current ev-
ents, Mrs. A. Shirray; social commit-
tee, Mrs. H. Dayman, Mrs. Drysdale,
Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Mrs. Robt,
Foot Injured by Falling Tie.—
Mr. Jack Corbett, an employee of
the C.N.R., niet with a very painful
accident while assisting in unloading
ties for the tracks on Monday when
a tie slipped and fell on his foot,
fracturing to bones on the fore
part of the foot. He was attended by
Dr. D. G. Steer and removed to the
office of Dr. D. G. Dunlop, Exeter,
physician for the local branch of the
C.N.R. His foot was placed in a cast
and he was later removed to his
home here. It is expected the injured
foot will have to remain in the cast
for seven or eight weeks.
Hudson -Dicker. --
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at New St. James Presbyterian
manse, London, at 4 p.m. on Satur-
day, when Velma Murrieta. third eld-
est daughter of Mr. Thos. Dicker, of
London, and the late Mrs. Dicker..
was united in marriage to William
George Harvey Hudson, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. Colin S. Hudson, of
Hensall. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev, T. J. Watson. The bride
looked charming in a delphinium
1,111n sTrAPt.-ieneh dress with navy
,,,msories and wore P eorSage of
Tiriercliffe roses. Mrs. Bert Thomson
was matron of honor, wearina a mar,'
dress, matching accessories and cor-
sscre nf jehanna 22111 roses. The
groom was attended by Mr. Bert
Thomson of London. Following the
ceremony a reception was held at the
ho•-ee of the 'bride's cousin. Mrs. Alf-
red Davies, The bride's table was
tastefully arranged with pink anti
white streamers. candles and bnhy
Mums, and centred with the wedding
cake, Mr. and Mrs. -Hudson will take
up residence in London.
-'id 'T -'e. 4. Earl, Whalen,
with her moth,- Wm. Sadler.
ctero-ein and Mrs, Norris, of
Nini1stnn end MT. Mid Mrs. Elliott
and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
jackson, Ralph and Leroy. Mitchell,
with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Norris.
Mrs, A. Smote was a Stratford
Mr. and Mrs. :fames Howe in De-
troit with Mc. and Mrs. Ed, Howe.
Mr. and Mre. A. W. Norris in
Bayfield with Mr. and Mrs. B. Dunn,
The Rev. Mr. Hagen occupied the
pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on
Sunday morning and delivered a fine
sermon from the words: "If 1 may
but touch the hem of his garment I
shall be whole."
After the preparatory service on
Friday evening a meeting of the
congregation will be held to discuss '
the calling of a minister.
Mrs. Leonard Houghton has re-
turned home after attending her bro-
ther's wedding at Drayton.
Pte. Wilfred Scott, London, Pte.
Frank Scott, Niagara Falls, and Pte.
Malcolm MacKellar, Listowel, at
their homes.
Little Irene Kemp, Mitchell, with
Mrs. William Houghton and family.
Send us the names of your visitors
Full Strength
In the Airtight
Stores will be open ail day
Wednesdays during Dec.
DEC. 26, Stores will be closed all day, to save electricity
and fuel for war industries.
Chamber of Commerce
Di? r D
Quickly removed in cleah sanitary trucks. Phone collect
219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21