HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-11-26, Page 8!Aga Ewwiw T S 14 ORTiI NEWS THURSDAY., Ni YENMBER zs, 1942 MENSAL!, Mr; ReYmgnd Fliggins, RONVIt, of London, visited with relatives and. friends in the village during the week, Mr, Allen Soldani of the RCAF, To• Tonto, spent a few days recently visiting with his mother, Mrs. Harry Solean and; members of the family. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. White of London called on relatives and friends here on Sunday. Miss Helen Glenn of London was a week end guest with her parents Mr, and Mrs. George Glenn. Mrs. H. 0. Dayman yisited during the "past week in Exeter. Mr. Roy MacLaren of St. Cathar- ines spent the week end with Mrs. MaoLaren and son Donald, Mrs. Don Steeves of Vancouver visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. A, MacLaren, and uncle Mr. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and family of Chiselburst visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones and Patsy. Messrs. Sidney MacArthur, Thos. Sherritt, Sam Dougall, and Roy Bell returned home from a hunting trip in the Bruce Peninsula with fine sam- ples of venison. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening in the school room of the church with Mrs. Robt. Cameron presiding. Following the opening hymn Mrs, Cameron led in prayer. The next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Wm. Douglas' group. ' Miss Irene Hoggarth and Bobby Cameron favored with a vocal duet entitled "Land of Glad To -Morrows." Mrs. R, Y. MacLaren gave an inter- esting reading entitled "The Wed- ding." The meeting was closed by singing a hymn and the benediction, after which contests were enjoyed and refreshments served. The Late Mr. Wm. Reynolds One of Hensall's most highly es- teemed residents passed away at bis home hero early Friday morning in the person of Mr.. William Reynolds in his 73rd year. The deceased had only been ill a week when stricken with pneumonia and he passed peace- fully away. Born in Tottenham, Eng- land, he came to Canada with his Parents, the late Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, when very young and took up residence here. He spent his ent- ire life at newspaper work, learning printing with the Exeter Times, He carne to Hensall seven years ago from Tillsonburg, having worked at printing with the Globe in Toronto, the Denforth Press in Winnipeg, and finally the Tillsonburg News. Mr. Reynolds will be greatly missed in the village, where he was highly re- spected for his reserved kindly man - members el the Arnold Circle at their home op Mendel evening. The pre* dent Miss Sally Manson, presided over the program 'which opened by singing "What A Friend We Have in Jesus," after which Mrs. ,toy Mac - Laren led in prayer, The Scripture, Isaiah 35, was read by Mrs, A, Orr, Following the business the hymn Take Up Thy Orme" was sung. Mrs, Melvin Moir gave a reading entitled "Reconsecration," and the topic was very ably taken by Miss Violet Hyde on "The World After the War." The meeting concluded by singing ."Abide With Me," and the Lord's prayer in unison. The next meeting will be held in the church on Monday, Dec, 14th, when the Horne Helpers will be ent- ertained. Refreshments were served at the close. Celebrates 90th Birthday — Mrs. Catharine Baker, formerly of Exeter, who is now residing at the home of her• daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, John. Pilaff, celebrated her 90th birthday on Wednesday. She is in her usual good health and en- joys doing the household duties, and has a family of three, one daughter, Mrs. John Phaff, Hensall, and two sons, William of Goderich and Leo of Windsor. The latter resided in Hensall' several years ago. We Join in wishing Mrs. Baker many more happy birthdays. Mrs. Alex Buchanan celebrated her 83rd birthday at her hone on Nov. 19. BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs, Bowers 'and family of Waterloo spent the week end at their cottage. Mrs. Gertrude Reid, tax collector for Stanley township, will be at the town hall, Bayfield, on Monday, Nov 30th, from 1 p.m. till 4 p.m. Nominations for village trustees will be held in the town hall, Bay- field, on Friday evening, Nov, 27th, front 7.30 to 8.30. Mrs. (Rev,) Crosby and son of Bolton Landing, N.Y. expect to leave for their home on Thursday. Mrs. Crosby has spent the last two months with her mother, Mrs. Lena Woods, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Howard and Mr. Howard. Mrs. Spencer Irvine spent the week end in Southampton. Mr. H. Pollock of Toronto called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of London spent the week end with with their sons, Messrs. Jas. and Bill Robinson. uer and his pleasant smile. He is sur-' Mrs. Robt. Watson and son Ed- vived by his two sister's with whom he resided, Miss Amy Reynolds and Mrs. T. G. Robinson, also one sister (Flor- ence) Mrs, Demorest of Regina, who carne here to attend the funeral, which was held from the late resid- ence on Monday at 2.30 p.m., conduct - ward, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. F. A. Edwards for the past six months, returned 'to their home in Saskatchewan on Tuesday. Dr. Volume and Mrs. Volume ed by the rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt, of spent the week end in Southampton. St, Paul's Anglican Church, of which' Mr. F. Weston, who has been en - the deceased was a valued member. ; gaged in work at Sky Harbor for the Mr. Hunt delivered a very comforting past two months, moved his family address, taking his text from the to Goderich on St. John 14, Let not your heart be Monday. Troubled, ye• believe in God, believe Misses Sterling spent the week end also in Me. The following hymns were in Port Elgin the guests of their sung at the service, 'What a Friend sister, Mrs. McLaren and Mr, H. Mc - We Have in Jesus," 'Rock of Ages" and "Peace Perfect Peace." The floral Laren. tributes 'were very beautiful showing Mrs. J. Boyce of Egmondville the respect with which the deceased spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs was held. The pallbearers were Messrs. Peter Moir, Robt. Middleton, Wm. Dowson. Thos, Welsh, Mervyn Brown, W. R. Davidson and John Henderson. Inter- ment in Hensall Union Cemetery. DUBLIN The euchre and dance held in the An interesting program was ren - town ball, Hensel], Friday evening, dered at the Continuation School on sponsored by the Kippen East W. I. Friday. A number of vocal selections was very successful. 45 tables were and choruses, duets,and novelty in play for the euchre and the prize a winners were, Ladies, M rs, Charles number by Miss Alice Ryan were Farquhar, Kippen; Mrs. Taylor, particular features. Miss . Maida Brumfield. Gents—im Venner, Chis- Mueller gave a piano number and elhurst, W. Tremeer, Prizes were war savings stamps. The winner of the acted as accompanist. quilt, for which 812 was realized, A successful dance was conducted was Richard Taylor Sr. of Chisel- by the war services association in hurst. Murdoch's orchestra furnished the music for the dance. Mrs. Streets of Clinton was a re- cent visitor with Mrs. Chas. McDonell Mrs. Fred Corbett visited this week at the home of her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones, and Patsy. Miss Ruth Maclllvenna of Thorn- bury, spent the week end visiting with friends here. Miss• Audrey Dinnin, assistant tea- cher at the Continuation School, spent the week -end in Toronto, Mr. Homer Tanney returned to St. Catharines after a pleasant visit at ' the home of his father, Mr. Matt Tinney. Misses Irene and Dorothy Donnel- Mrs. Hugh Morenz of Dashwood is spending a few days at the home of ly, Goderich, Miss Marion Meagher, the parish hall on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf. LAC Albert Donnelly, RCAF, 'Vancouver, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly. Leonard Nagle, Provost Corps, of Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle. Private Clayton Looby, Camp Borden, with'his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman. Mr. Perris Cantelon of Schomberg spent the week end with relatives and friends here and was accompan- ied home by his mother Mrs. Kate Cantelon, who has spent the past sev- eral month at the home of Mrs. Annie Saundercock. The many friends of Mr, Geo. C. Petty regret to hear that he is con- fined to his room again and continues quite ilh Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the services in the United Church on Sunday and delivered fine discourses at both services on the following sub- jects, "They That go down to the sea in ships" and "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the eine of the world." The choir sang two an- thems, "I must tell you of my Father" and "0 God of Love." The . Wohelo Class of tine 'United Church will hold a orokinole party on Friday evening. Keep the date open for the new tyme dance to be held in Hensen Town Hall on Tuesday, Dee, 8, when .the Pudney orchestra will return, Mrs. Chas. McDonell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. W Taman of Exeter to Listowel on Sunday and visited with Mr, end Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni. The regular meeting of the WCTU will be held in the sohool room of the United Church on Thursday at 3 p.m. Arnold Ciecle — Miss Helen Moir and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham pleaeasttly entertained the Miss Katherine Jordan,Miss Gene- vieve Atkinson, Miss Jean Quinsey, students at Stratford normal school, Miss Margaret Mary Ryan, Miss Mar- jorie Moore, students at Stratford business college, Miss Ethelyn 0' - Hearn, Goderich, at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Moly- neaux. James Statton, and Robert Mur- ray were among the successful hun- ters to bring home deer. Mrs. Wm. Riley visited friends in Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf of Detroit visited 'friends around Dublin on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, John McGrath spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conlin, of Granton, Mrs, Peter Fitzpatrick has been called to 'her mother, Mrs, Teresa Jordan, who is critically ill at the home of hot. son, Rev, John Jordan, at Imlay City, Mich, Mrs, Elizabeth Nagle is spending the whiter at London. Mrs, Thomas J, Molyneaux has re- tuimed home from Chicago and De- troit. Pte. John S. Walsh of Camp Bor- den, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John Walsh. James IIrauskopf is a Detroit vis• itor. Mrs. William J', Hanley received a gable this week of the death of her brother in Ireland. Mr, and Mrs. Hanley paid a visit to Ireland during the summer of 1939, Mr. and Mrs. William Curtin' at- tended the Kurtz -Feeney wedding in Stratford on Saturday, Urgent Need to Return Empty Feed Bags Any farmer who has empty bags, particularly of the larger size, suit- able for holding dried brewers' grains, distillers dried' grain, bran, shorts, or other bulky products, is urged by the Used Goods Administrator to return them' without delay to grain dealer's in the best possible condition. There is a shortage of .material. from which these jute bags are made, The' products which normally go into bags of the kind mentioned. acre used for feeding live stock—and are being used to a greater extent these days due to the heavier de- mand for meat and dairy products. New bags are only being supplied in limited quantities and if the distri- bution of feed products, of brewers,: distillers and mils is to be'maintain- ed it is essential that used bags be kept in circulation — that is to re- turn them as soon as they are empty, The normal supply of jute just isn't coming through from' India due to the fact that more ships are being. used to take care of the more press- ing needs of the fighting forces. FOR SALE 10 York pigs ready to wean. Law- rence Ryan, Walton. FOR SALE Leteester rams los' kale. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth central, FOR SALE e 'About 800 feet of 3x1Q ' hemlock ook el timberlank, 1r 3ress 3 lpfeet iong, 1st1C foot l' 1 sq.. Also 34 Leghorn pullets, laying and 19 Rock pullets laying, J. A. Nichol, Hay P,0, Ont. FOR SALE 1 registered Hereford bull, 1 York sow, Apply to Thos. Bolton, Walton R,R.2., FOR SALE Five Polled Angus 'young cattle; S.4 heifers and 1 steer, Apply Mcl3rier, Seaforth R,R.2. Phone 845 r 3. ROOMS TO RENT In cottage, Town water and electric lights, Miss F. Gallop, 34 East Will- iam st., Seaforth. FOR. SALE Purebred Shorthorn bull, roan color, ready for service, Harry Norris, Kip - lien, Ont; Phone 658r4, Seaforth. WANTED Washing and Ironing wanted. Also wqrk by the day wanted. Apply to the News Office, FOR SALE Dettyain good shacream pe, with 7powe' att60 lb. caachmenbe t. Bach s store, Seaforth. th. Robertt Agar, R.R.2, Seaforth. Phone 836r5, . FOR SALE One oalt davenport or daybed. Also 1 large ss condition. oak Phone 61ain Both 18, Seaforth PICOBAC; Pipe To6ccco FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE To The Residents of Tuckersmith The Scrap Metal Campaign is in full swing, and where canvassing coukl not be done this past week, will continue on until completed. Dec. 15th is the last date. Holders of more than 500 lbs. of scrap metal without a permit to do so are liable to a fine up to $5,000 or 5 years imprisonment or both. Where it is desirable to retain unused machinery a permit for the same must be secured from the steel controller. Canvassers are requested to make an estimate of all scrap metal in their district, moved or retained, and report to the Reeve, Reeve S. H. Whitmore WAR -TIME TRAVEL. TIP NO. 1. $e. (w��/' T/CKF7s kiadsta+uee Avoid frayed nerves and Kelp relieve wartime pressure on the railways by making reservations early and purchasing tickets well in advance of train time. CANADIAN NATIONAL V GOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER WE CAN NOW GET IMMEDIATE DELIVDJiLY OF 2 AND 3 FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS FOR 'FARMERS NEED- ING THIS EQUIPIV.[F)NT JOHN BACH Main St, Seaforth There Will Always Be a Christmas Cut Mixed Peel, lb. 350 Royal Purple Calf Meal Gilt Mixed Peel 1/2 lb, pkge. . Whole Green Cherries rFe Ie. New Life Calf Meal Whole RedCh..100 Ib, „3.65 lb.. . ,... 260 New Info Galt Meal Asstd• Pine Rings 25 ]b, 990 /a Chlberries , . 25c Maple Leaf Flour Red Coz.bo 98 ib. bag ..., ,. ...,2,79 3 oz. bottles150 National Hog Concentrate Creon Cherries 3 oz, bottles 140 cwt. 3,25 Shelled Walnuts, is lb. ....19c National Pig Starter, cwt 2,70 CHICKEN HADDIE, per tin 22c 100 lb bag , 54,00 ' 18c 50 lb, bag ,,.2.05 25 Ib. bag .,,1.10 X11, J. Finnigan NOTICE We wish to inform our customers the Winthrop Chopping Mill will be closed for repairs the second week of December, commencing. Monday, 'Dec.' 7, Haase & Son, FOR SALE Cream separator, Massey Harris, 500 lb capacity, 6 years old, in good shape. Phone 654r21, Seaforth. Ru- dolph Etue. Auction Sale Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Lot 21, Con. 10, Stanley Township, four miles southwest of Varna, on Friday, November 27 at 1 p.m. Horses — Matched team of Perch- erons, filly and gelding, 8 years old; one 3 -year-old Clyde mare; one driv- ing mare 7 years old. Cattle — 12 Durham cows, due to freshen from time of sale till March; 3 baby beeves, 450 to 500 pounds; Spring calves; 1 yearling steer; 1 Shorthorn bull, rising two years; 2 calves one month old. Pigs and Poultry -10 York chunks. two months old. 140 Rock pullets. Machinery One McCormick -Deer- ing side rake; 1 Massey -Harris riding plow (like new); 1 walling plow; 1 4 -section diamond' harrows; 1 corn seuffler;. 1 single scuffler; 1 Massey. Harris cream separator; 1 set of beam scales; feed cooker; 1 grain crusher; 1 cutter; 1 rubber tired wagon; hay rack; gravel box; slings; 1 colony house; brooder stove; 1 set of farm, sleighs and flat rack; 1 wheelbarrow; gas barrels; quantity of lumber; 4% squares of galvanized roofing (new); forks; shovels; whit- fletrees; neckyokes, etc. Harness — One set of breeching harness, like new; 1 backbend set of harness; 1 set of� single harness; 3 horse collars. Hay and Grain — 200 bushels of mixed grain; 300 bushel of choice barley, suitable for seed; 25 tons of timothy and clover hay. Household Furniture — One couch; 1 mahogany table; 1 spool bed; bed spring; washstand; writing desk; 2 kitchen tables; 1 kitchen cupboard; 4 kitchen chairs; 1 'stool; 1 piece of linoleum; 1 baby's cot; lamps, gas lantern, 1 laundry stove, lawnmower. Farm — Lot 21, Concession 10, Stanley Township; 120 acres clay loam land, with abundant supply of water; well drained; 135 storey brick house; 1 barn, 38 x 72, 7 years old;. hen house, garage. Hydro, running water. Four miles southwest of Varna. Terms. Made Chattels Cash. kno vn on dayProperty of sale — Sold subject to reserve bid. Percy Johnston, Proprietor. Harold Jackson Auctioneer. P ILES protruding Piles should Sufferers of bleeding and know Bunker's Herbal Pills treats the cause at its source. Money back if not satisfied. At Keating's Drug Store, FOR SALE Dual Purpose Shorthorn Bull, 18 months old, registered if desired. W. H. Palin, lot 28, con. 4, McKillop. Seaforth Farmers Co-operativ Are open every aay and have the following Co-op. feeds in stock: 20% Lay Mash. 0. A. C. Lay Mash with Cereal Grass. Developing Mash. Poultry Concentrate 40%. Poultry Concentrate 33%. Lime Shell. Oyster Shell. Hog Concentrate 42%. Pig Starter. Dairy Supplement. Dairy Mineral. Calf Meek Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Oil Cake. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. A11 risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYD.E We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SBAFORTH TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 106 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 Mck,.ONNE LL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1,30 'p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m, JJ BOX ..R, 7 YirrttX #trU,C Special and Careful Attention AMBULANCE Office Residence Main St. Jarvis St. 43 18 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager & Sec: Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brumfield; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. lir DIRECTORS +ab° Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT 1110. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. • SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduatt 't University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M,D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptir equipment. Dr. F. .7. R. Forster, 'Specialist in Diseases of the Ear. Eye. Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 8 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held' en *the second and last Thursday 17' •very month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, Physician and Surgeon in 'Dr. H. H. Roes' office. Phone 53 DR. F. J. R..FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at 'Speforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo bt., Stratford. Telephone 267.. un Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIOH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS. REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT -- SEAFORTH 16. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO, OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) 1