HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-11-26, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 86, 1942 THE SEAri ORTH INEWS PAGE .FIVE OP • glens Superior Values — Nov, 26 till Wed;, Dec. 2 P. & G. SOAP —' 4 bars VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUiCE — Large 48 oz. Tin MAPLE LEAF PEAS, # 4 Sieve 16 oz. tin 19c_ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 19c 10c TILLSON'S QUICK, COOKING OATS — Large 3 Ib. pkg. 17c PASTRY FLOUR — 7 Ib. bag 25c. Red Maraschino Cherries 3 oz. bottle 14c Neilson's Cocoa,, % ib. tin -19e; 1 lb. tin 290 Puffed Wheat Sparkles per pkg. 9c Dr. Jackson's. Meal — With "Teddy Bear" or "Dolly Dimples" Cut Out (Cloth) per pkg. 29c Aylmer Tomato Catsup 12 oz. bottle 150 per tin 10c Per Tin 290 — each 150 2 lb. pkg, 25c 40 ft. roll 150 100 ft. roll 250 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, Assorted Shade's Sant Flush, for Toilet Bowls Mazda Electric Light Bulbs, 25, 40, 60 Wa Kellogg's Gro -Pup Para Sani Wax Paper Para Sani Wax Paper Long Grain No. 1 Rice Hillcrest Pure Lard Ellmar Vanilla Extract, 4 oz. bottle -10c; Pot Barley Wheat Germ Yellow Cornmeal White Hand. Picked Beans, per Ib. —5c; Cow Brand Baking Soda, 1 lb, pkg.-5c; Rose Dill Pickles Catelli's Eggwheat Noodles Moody's Chloride of Lime Lifebuoy Soap Woodbury's Facial Soap 2 lbs. 25c 1 lb, carton 17c 8 oz, bottle 150 per lb. 5c per lb. Sc per Ib. 6c 6 lbs, 25c 1 lb. pkg, 10c 17 oz, bottle 23c 12 oz, pkg, 15c large pkg. 15c 3 bars 190 2 bars 15c Princess Flakes, Regular pkg.-15c; Giant Pkg. 25c •Allen's Apple Cider - 32 oz. bottle 190 Kellogg's Variety Cereal — 6 varieties — 10 pkgs 25c Lipton's Noodle, Soup 2 pkgs. 25c Kkovah Health Salts 4 oz. tin 290 Plain or Iodized Salt 2 — 2 lb. cartons 15c Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkgs. 11c Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. tin -14e; 16 oz. tin 250 Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS Pulpit, press and radio are all boosting—Allied Concert --Nov, 80, Mrs. John Carter Sr., who has spent the summer with her daughter Mrs, M. McKellar, returned to her home on Sunday, Miss Isabel MclCellaar, nurse in training at Stratford Hospital, spent Sunday at her home. Mr, Gordon McKellar of the C.N.R., Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, McKellar. Francis Phillips of the ROAF,. Galt, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Phillips. Melvin Merriam left for Halifax on Sunday, having joined the Navy as a shipwright. Melvin has three brothers alsoin the active services. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Garrioch of London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Nott, Flt. -Lieut. and Mrs. C, C. Murray and family of Toronto, were Visitors this week at the home of Mr, Robert Scarlett, Donald Scott of the RCAF, St. Thomas, spent the week end at his home. Morley Hodgins of the RCAF, Clin- ton, son of Capt. and Mrs. Hodgins, Toronto, was a visitor with his aunt, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. S.M. Stewart Geddes of Petawawa is home on leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, John Cardno of British Columbia, arrived home on Tuesday for two weeks' leave. Mrs. H. Speare, who has been ai guest of Mrs. L. T, DeLacey the past month has returned to her home in London. Glen Smith of the RCNVR, is home on leave before leaving for the West coast. DUBLIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL BINGO Friday Afternoon Nov. 217th 8.30 sharp Adults 25c. Children 15c. SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS! maketftellIhdeliunif#• f HAPPY; These Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran- teed. If yon already subscribe to any of the magazines listed, your subscription will be extended. Send us the Coupon TODAY. BIG -FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice Any THREE of These Publications CHECK THRU MAGAZINES—ENCLOSE WITH ORDER [ 1 Maclean's (24 issues), 1 yr. 13 Cljok (The National Mature Monthly), 1 yr. [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. [ ] American Fruit Grower, 1 Ire [ 1 Screen Guide, 1 yr. [ ] National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [ ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 ye (] Tanta, idereld & Weekly Star. 1 yr' (] Rod & 'Gun in Canada, 1 yr. r 3 Oanadiaa Sorticulture 5 Home, 1 yr. t American Girl, 8 mos, r ] Canadian Some Journal, 1 >e. ALL FOUR ONLY 2.00 SUPER -VALUE OFFER This Niewspaper 1 year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group "A" andTWO Magazines In. Group "B GEOUr "A" t GROUP "B" r 1 Megasine Digest, 8 moa [ ]Maclean's (24 issues), 1 yr. [ 1 Tree Story, 1 yr, [ ] Canadian Home Journal, 1 eat (3 Silver Soremn, 1 yr. [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr. 1.3 Christian Herald, 6 moa [ 3 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [ 1 Feat Digest, 1 yr. ( 1 Family Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. ( 1 Science & Discovery, 1 ye I' ] Screen Guide, 1 yr. t 3 Click ,(The National Picture (] American Girl, 1 yr. Monthly), 1 yr. 2.50 c, [ ] Parents' Magazine, 6 moa [ 1 Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 yr. ( 1 Open Road for Boys, 1 yr. ( 3 Canadian Poultry Review, 1 yr. 3 Can ian [ 'rills Newspaper 1 year, and Your[ChoicedONE other publication at Price Listed [ 7 American Magazine, 1 yr. 3.80 7 Soreenland, 1 yr. 1.90 [ 3 American Girl, 1 yr. 1.90 [ ] Christian Herall, 1 yr. 3,00 ALL FOUR ONLY I 1 Liberty (weekly) 1 yr. 12.30 [ ] Maelean'a (34 issues) 1 yr. 1.30 [ 1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. 1.50 [ 1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr, . , 1.30 I 1 Chatelaine, 1 ' yr. .. 1.80 [ 1 'Family Herald 3r Weekly Star, 1 yr, 1.N [ 1 Click, 1 yr. (Thr'Natlonal Picture Monthly) L80 6 ] Trus Story, 1 FL LSO ( 1 Red Book Magazine, 1 yr. 330 [ 1 Screen Guide, 1 yr. . 1.80 00 [1 Magazine Digest, 1 yr ...4•11.• 3.30 [ ] Physical Culture, 1 yr. 310 3 Popular Selene* Monthly, 1 yr., , 3,11 -[ 3 Child Life, 1 7r. 8,10 FILL OUT rets ' MAIL TODAY, Please clip flat of magazine afterchecking ones desired, x111 out coupon carefully and mail to your Ideal paper, Gentlemen: I encioae' 1 1 am checking below the offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper. t 1 Aft-Pemify 1 1 super -Value 1 1 single Magazine Haase Poet Office >Rd Province BRUCEFIELD obituary.-- On Wednesday evening, November 18th, there passed away at the fam- ily home, Duncan Stevens McEwen after an illness of two weeks. The deceased was the son of John A. McEwen of the second concession of Stanley, and was born on the 21st of August, 1924, on the farm that was always his home. Duncan was a young man of steady habits and good character. He was a member of 13rucefield United Church and Sun- day School and was one of the Group Leaders in the Young People's Un- ion. He was also active in the Junior Farmers and was Vice President of that organization in Stanley town- ship, His early death removes a young man of fine promise from the community, and his passing is deeply regretted by young and old. There remain in the family circle to mourn his loss, the father and mother, one sister, Margaret, and a younger bro- ther, Walter. The funeral was held on Thursday, November 20th, and owing to nature of the illness, was strictly private. There were floral tributes from the family, the neigh- bors,. the Sunday School Class, the Session, of which Mr. McEwen is a member, the Young People's Union, the Junior Farmers, the Public ,School, and the President of the Young People's Union. On Thursday morning it was with deep sorrow that the community learned of the passing of Mr, Duncan McEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McEwen, who passed away Tues- day night, after a brief illness, Synr' pathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. McEwen and family. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs, W. J. Elliott who has been very ill the past week; and to Mrs. Jas. Webster, who was operated on for appendicitis in Clinton hospital. We hope both may soon improve. . Pte. Donald Dayman is on a short leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayman. Mrs, F. Taylor attended the fune- ral of her mother In Sarnia. Symp- athy is extended to Mrs. Taylor. Scott's R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock Chicks A Timely Reminder ... . ORDER YOUR 1943 CHICKS EARLY ! Plan your season's chick needs now. It looks as though it will be a case of "First come — first served," Something similar to last season when hundreds of our customers were disappointed because they were tardy in placing their orders SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth BORN CARBERT — To Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Carbert, 2327 Woodland Ave., Royal Oak, Mich., in Providence Hospital, Detroit, on Nov. 10, 1942, a daughter (Mary Helen). LANNIN—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Friday, Nov. 20, 1942, to Mr. and Mr's. Fergus Lannin, Dublin, a. daughter. DIED McEWEN—In Stanley Township, on Wednesday, Nov. 18th, after a brief illness, Duncan 'Stevens McEwen, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McEwen, in his nineteenth year. Witness: "I'm not guilty. My wife can prove a lullaby." Judge: "Alibi, you mean." Witness: "Begging your pardon, it was 'a lullaby; at two o'clock on the morning in question I was walking the floor with the baby." RED CROSS EUCHRE & D -A -N -C -E FORESTERS HALL, CONSTANCE Wed., Dec. 2 Cards 9-11 Pryce's Orchestra Gents 35c. Ladies with sand- wiches free • NO -SURRENDER CLUB EUCHRE AND Dane, IN WINTHROP HALL FRIDAY, DEC. 4TH Come and help us to raise funds. The proceeds go to the Red Cross. The tickets will be drawn for the tufted bedspread on display at Miss Graves' store. There will be a door prize. The Club will supply lunch ADMISSION 350 ^ _ EUCHRE' AND DANCE! ,ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, NOV. 27TH ADMISSION 250 Good Music for Dancing. Quilt tickets will be drawn, Be on time for Cards at 8.30 Auspices of C. W. L. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices pall for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth BRODHAOEN Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice on Sunday were, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Sholdice, Mr, and Mrs. William Sholdice, and Elva Mae, of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schellenberger and Erie, of Clinton, Mr, Carl Schellenberger of Mitchell. Miss Doris Hinz of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. FIinz. - Miss Eva Beuermau and Miss Norma Hillebrecht of Galt spent Sun- day at their homes here. Visitors at the Horne of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hinz on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Querengesser and Glenn of Rostock, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Wurdell and Carol of Bornholm, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wesenberg and Mrs. Henry Wesenberg of Cranbrook, Miss Hilda Mueller- of Linwood, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Eidt of Mill- bank with Rev. and Mr's. Schultz on Sunday. The Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church quilted 3 quilts on Wed- nesday of last week. They will be quilting every two weeks on Wednes- days. Mr. Carman Mogk has taken a pos- ition at the Heimbach Funeral Hoare in Stratford. Quite a number of friends and rel- atives attended the shower at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Benne- wies near Walton on Friday evening for Miss Marjory Peterman and Mr. Harry Bennewies of Galt, who will be married in the near future. The regular monthly meeting of the Luther League of St. Peter's Lu- theran Church was held in the church basement on Thursday evening, Nov. 19th- The opening devotions were in charge of the education secretary. The topic, "Count your blessing—Our Country," was given by Jacls Prueter and quite an interesting discussion followed. The roll call ' showed 41 members present. Following the bus- iness session a social hour was spent playing crokinole. Winners were: First, Adeline Siemon and Wilfred Wolfe. Second, Georgene Bach and Edward Bennewies. WINTHROP The Red Cross meeting held in the basement of the church last Tuesday was attended by eighteen ladies. TWO quilts were quilted. We thank Mrs. Gilbert Smith for the donation of a quilt block also those who donated blocks and pieced blocks, also for the money donations for the boys boxes in Canadian camps. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dapple and Marjorie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryce. Miss Jean McFarlane has returned home from London hospital after a serious operation. We hope her health will be greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pepper of Tuckersmith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Pethick. Gunner Arthur McClure returned to Petawawa Camp after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. We were sorry to hear of the large loss to Mr. Thomas Bolton, who lost his barn, stock, implements and sea- son's crop by fire early Monday morning. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Sol Shannon is on the mend after being confined to his bed for a couple of weeks from a heart condi- tion. The annual meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Patrick, Wednesday, Dec. Ind, at 2 p.m. Installation of officer's will be conducted. "George said that if I refused him he would never propose to another girl." "That's right. I believe you were last on his list." Judge: "You say you have known the defendant all your life. Tell the jury whether you think he would be guilty of stealing this moires." Witness: "How much wits it " ALLIED Benefit Concert! BY LOCAL TALENT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SEAFORTH Monday Evng., Nov. 30th AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP Speaker: Dr® Hurford Subject: "THE ATLANTIC CHARTER" —An Able Speaker —A Vital Subject —A Good Program —And a Twice Worthy Cause BRITISH WAR VICTIMS — RUSSIAN MEDICAL RELIEF The "Giving" Season is just opening and WE are still permitted to enjoy (?) Christmas. No Door Admission will be made — just bring your offering. You will be given an opportunity to present it. Thank you The Choir, assisted by other local talent, will present an interesting Program, as follows: CHAIRMAN Rev. Hugh Jack CHOIR "Marching Men" Soloist, Mrs, J. A. Munn MALE QUARTETTE—"Bid the Din of Battle Cease" D. L. Reid, J. T. Scott, M. R. Rennie, L. Henbu•ger SOLO—"When Your Boy Comes Back To Yon" Miss Gera.lda, Flannery CHORUS—(A) "My Love's An Arbutus" (B) "The Cradle Song" (Seven Young Choristers. directed by Miss Turnbull) READING—(A) "Make a Friend Today" (by Douglas Malloch) (13) "Sunset", John Beattie ADDRESS "The Atlantic Charter" Dr. R. P. D. Hurford SOLO "When the Lights Go On Again" (semi•darkness) Buddy Smith SOLO "The British Children's Prayer" (Black out) Mrs. J. A. Stewart — OFFERING — CHOIR "Hymn Of Peace" Soloist, James T. Scott WAR VICTIMS' COMMITTEE Crawford Smith, M. A. Reld, W. J. Dittman, Edwin Chesney Janes M. Scott and John Beattie REV. HUMGinig eCK Mrs. M. R.aReennie O"GO"D SAVE THE KING" M. R, Rennie, Choir Leader