HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-11-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
HENSALL spent a few days this week visitingPPR SALE
Auction Sale
file slams Senidiresd Wednesday tes o Miss Mai •area She herd was the meine. Lot 23, Con. 3, Moi{illop Twp;, wean, Apply to John Davidson, phone
the Hensall Senior Women'e theta & p or Th • d N 2
fel* then acarol ablye meeting Horses Matched chestnut B
Mtss Florence Welsh assisted meeting hold an the school -room of i t - d , e1�
on n a eve - ,
1V1rs, Win, Parkm.
Young People a Union Farm, Farm Stook and Miele- Twenty-five good swami's, ready to
convener of the. Young• l?eop]e's z urs ay, oy. 6t11 at 1 p,m. 629r24, Clinton.
as co hostess, The president, Miss the United Church r Mo, d y n g an cam 4 an 5 years 1360 lbs
Gladys Luker presided and the meet- ing, Miss Elva McQueen presided Cattle -Durham cow clue June 1;
ing opened by singing the ode and and $he Scripture, Matt, 8:142 was 2 Durham vows due Mar, 31; 2 Dur -
one verse and chorus o$ "0 Canada" read by Miss Donna McF�wen, The ham cows due Apr. 1; 2 Heifers 2
Years old, due May 1; heifer 2 years
The Lord's prayer was repeated in next meeting will be held on Nov. 30
old, due June 1; 1 yearling steer; 6
unison and Mies Gladys Luker gave with Miss Lenore Norminton as
an "Armistioe Prayer." Following missionary convener, Miss Annie E. spring salvos;
the minutes and collection the roll Hens 130 white Leghorn pullets;
Consitt gate a very interesting ad- 60 hens, year old,.
call wasBluanswer Bros with
diureosar dress on "Mary and Martha," tete Implements - 1 Deering binder,
t8 Bible characterseas. Miss Gladys Luker 7 ft. cut; 1 Deering mower, 6 ft, cut;
had been 17 packed oxes foron Oot.ocal 28, 'After an favored with a piano instrumental 1 M.H. fertilizer drill; 1 hay rack,
. a bar- and the meeting closed by singing 1 M.H.hay loader; 1 scuffles; riding
hxdebees were paid there Is
ance on hand of $24,31, this amount "Rock of Ages, Miss Gladys Mc- plow; walking plow; disc harrow;
to be used at the next time of pack. Kenzie directed contests, set of harrows; fanning mill; set
ing. Mrs! J, Patterson gave a few re- Word has been received here that sleighs; 2000 lbs. scales; wagon, cut-
marks relative to the District meet Provost Harold Hedden arrived safe- ter (Portland); buggy, cement pig
ing held'at Mrs, Glen McLean's. The ly' overseas with a Canadian Contin trough; 2 polled Angus robes. Quan-
following committee was appointed gent. Harold is a son of Mrs. Oath tit of rock elm lumber and plank,
to discuss ways and means of raising arine Hedden of Mansel. 1 incubator, 250 egg capacity. Iron
money, their views to be presented Rev. Wm. Weir spent several kettle. Viking Dream separator, 650
at the December meeting - Mrs, days in London recently. Ib. Forks, shovels, whippletrees, neck-
Kennykes etc.
Beer, Mrs, Sh'erritt, Miss Beryl Phaff, Yo
Mrs. Shirray, Mrs. C. Cook. A letter ' Dalrymple le Y P - Harness - 1 set, of double harness;
of thanks was read from Mrs, Erie The marriage of Dora Dalrymple, 1 set of single harness; number of
Kennedy, also a letter from Miss daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert horse collars,
Irene Douglas in appreciationof the Quantity of house furnishings.
Dalrymple, Ki en to Mr. Prank 700 of t 16
gift and address forwarded her on ppGrain = bu. oats; tons of
Monday evening by members of the ' Kenny, Stratford, son of Mr. and mixed hay.
institute. Mrs. Carl Passmore was Mrs, Edward Kenny, Kinkora, Farm --s Far100 acres, well drained,
then presented with a bank book and solemnized in the Immaculate Con- brick house, driving shed, bank barn.
address for the baby daughter Norma Never failing water supply with wind
Pearl by the president, to which Mrs. ception church, Stratford, at 12.00 mill. Situated 2. miles north east of
Passmore graciously replied, The o'elock noon Saturday. Ilse. W. T. Seatorth. Subject to reserve bid.
Red Cross work sheet was passed. Terms on chattels, cash. ,Terms on
The motto "Good Health and Good Corcoran officiated, The bride, given property made known day of sale„ ,
Sense are two of Life's greatest in marriage by her father wore an Mrs, Mabel Sterling, Proprietress.
blessings." was very ably taken by
Mrs, R. Y. MaeLaren. A demonstra-
afternoon dress of royal blue. crepe' Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
tion on "How to Bathe and Dress au with hat and accessories to match
Infant," was given by Mrs, J,`Patter- and carried a bouquet of carnations
son. This was followed by a musical and maidenhair 'fern. The couple Huron Federation
trio entitled "Our Empire's Here To was attended by Mr. and Mrs, John
Stay," by Miss Florence Welsh and ' Holds Annual Meeting
Mrs, Hess, accompanied by Miss Reidy, the latter wearing a black
Greta Laramie on the ' violin, Mrs. crepe dress with black accessories.'
Fred Beer presented a very interest- S reception and ' weddul dinner Deputy Minister Says Need For
t of the oonvantion held in g Greater Food Production, -
Re -elect Officers.
Food is now the important factor
in Canada's war effort, declared G.
S. H. Barton of Ottawa, deputy min-
ister of agriculture, addressing the
annual meeting of the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture in Clinton
During the early months of the
war, said Dr. Barton, the emphasis
was placed on equipment.
"That goal has been reached," de-
clared the speaker. "Our fighting
forces are as well or better equipped
than any engaged in this war. Now
the need is for food and more food."
Dr. Barton dealt with measures
being adopted to bring about maxi-
mum production in farm areas. He
gave a summary of the exports of
food from this country to Great Bri-
tain, emphasizing the increase being
shown each year since the beginning
of the war.
"Food will win the war and will
also win the peace," he declared.
President A. W. Morgan, of Henr
sail, presided at the annual meeting
of the Federation. The meeting
marked the completion of the first
full year of the organization and the
president to his opening address
spoke of worthwhile achievement,
while admitting that more might
Mr, Ronald Parker of Toronto was Join In Power have been accomplished. He urged
week end guest with his parents, the members to keep one purpose in
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker. Saving Drive mind -the best possible service to
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love and familyCanada and the Empire on the mat -
of Hillsgreen visited on Sunday with ter of food production. "That," he
Mr. and Mrs, Robt- McKenzie. Towns and villages and small rural said, "is my challenge to each and
Born -In Hensel] at Mrs. Saunder- communities in Ontario and Quebec every one of you."
cock's Nursing Home to LAC. D. E. for many years Have been among After the adoption of minutes, fin -
and Mrs. MacKinnon, on Saturday, uncial and auditors reports, the sec -
November 14th, a sou. the world leaders in the use of elec- retary, W. J. Dale, was asked to read
the report of the striking committee
E. Chesney, Clerk.
illg -r
London which she attended as a were held at Mrs. M. Hamilton's tea
delegate. Mrs.'Roy MaeLaren gave a, room, 116 Dufferin street, in the city.
recipe for a fruit cake, and Mrs. W Later Mr. and Mrs. Kenny left on a
A. MaeLaren gave a humorous read
ing' entitled "The Minutes of the Last trip to Windsor and Detroit, the bride
Ladies' Aid meeting." Miss Margaret traveling in gray wool dress and
Buchanan was the guest speaker and
fgave an atale Paralysisinteresting address gray
hearty vote of will reside int umed Stratford, wolf. They
thanks was extended to the hostess,
cohostess and all who contributed to
the enjoyable affair, also to Mrs. CHISELHURST
Beer for her kindness in acting as a
delegate. The meeting concluded by I The W.M.S. Chiselhurst United
singing the Maple Leaf Forever, and Church met at the home of Mrs. John
God Save The King, Refreshments
were served by the social committee' Simmons with 14 ladies'present. The
as follows: Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. J. fro]] call was answered by a verse on
Shepherd, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and, Peace with the 3rd Vice President,
Miss Beryl Phaff, Following is the
address: To Norma Pearl Passmore: i•'Mrs, D. Chapple in the chair. The
To -night we welcome Baby Norma meeting opened with singing the pa -
to our Baby Band. We
iglad to ad to tional anthem and a hynm. Scripture
Have another happy from Micah 4:1-4 and Luke
a member of this small group. We4:16-22,
hope that as she grows she may con-, fall repeated the Lord's prayer. Econ-
tinue hi health and happiness through- omit Security, the November leaflet
thut is a'b nl ]book" andkliope tthatao by . of the Church in My Community was
balance in it will also continue to taken by Mrs. Carl Stoneman. A
grow with the years. Hensel! Wo-' reading was given, Why We Should
men's Institute. I' Observe Armistice Day, by Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verbeem and Brintnell. Boxes are to be packed at
family moved to Ipperwash this week
in their new and up-to-date rolling- the December meeting for the shut -
home which the former s.
himself and which shows constructed
t result
of splendid workmanship.
Born -In. Hay to Mr. and Mrs. Dick tris power. Now, however, war in-
Taylor Jr, of Chiselhurst on Friday, dustries' need for more power has in the formation of subcommittees
November 13th, a son. •for specific branches of farm pro -
Marathon Bridge Club ( grown to such an extent that House - holders in these sections of the Beef production, duce. The committees named
Jo t Were:
Entertains - yn ,
A very enjoyable evening was spent country must conserve and economize Lucknow, J. Armstrong Londeaboro,
on Friday night when the Marathon
in their use of electric current. It and V. Wolper, Zurich; hogs, W. J.
Bridge Club entertained at a double- Turnbull, of Brussels, W. L. Whyte,
marathon in the council chamber of does not mean that they should con- of Seaforth, J. Armstrong, Zurich;
the Town Hall with about fifty pre- serve today and then waste electric- ; poultry, J. M. Scott, Seaforth, V.
sent. Following the games refresh-'ity tomorrow. Rather it boils down Roy; of Londeaboro, H. Johns, of
ments were served after which the Woodham• dairy, Elggin Roweliffe, of
president Miss E. Johnston thanked to using a goodly amount of old- Hensall, E. B. Goudie;: of Seaforth,
eall fficient members
their kind nd fashioned horsesense and continuing Hugh Hill, of Goderichffr cast; crops,
to use it at all times throughout the W. Ellerington, of Exeter, W Alex -
evening such a splendid success. Miss
Katie Scott announced the high score fall and winter months, ander, Hensall, P. Eisenbaeh, Grand
for the evening being won by Mr. Look around the house. If there Bend. The first named on each corir-
mittee is to be chairman.
HarryLawrence. The •president are any colored bulbs replace them The duty of each committee is to
called on the Red Cross treasurer solve
Mr. Lawrence fora financial report with plain bulbs. The colored bulbs problems and to stimulate
from the Club, which was most Brat- absorb one-third of the light. Instead Production on each separate branch.
The report was adopted.
ifying. The evening concluded by of using several low wattage bulbs For the election of facers Will -
singing "0 Canada." Another maga- in a room use one or two higher mot Haacke was a,
thon will be held on Jan. 15th, ppointed to pre-,
wattage bulbs placed to ensure the aide. The election resulted in the
W. M. S. return to office of President A. W.
The November meeting of the W. proper amount of light for reading Morgan and Vice President W. L.
M. S. was held in the school room of or sewing or work in the *laundry Whyte. The matter of membership
the church on Thursday at 3 p.m. fees and finances ingeneral was up
with Mrs. J. Patterson presiding and and kitchen. A. 100 -watt bulb, for in- for
discussion and . recommends -
opened by singing "0 Come Let Us stance, gives 50 per cent more light tion for a per acre fee on each town-
hip was defeated.
The afternoon session convened at
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall favored with ciurent. p.m. and was largely attended. An
address of welcome was given by
in the Arms of Jesus" with variations. Proper wiring can aid in power Mayor A. J. McMurray. Warden W.
Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Weir were saving and also personal safety. Armstrong, next speaker, voiced his
appointed on the visiting committee Keep cords on any electrical appli- . aakennciatitn pprof in the farme interest being
taken problems as avid•
for the coming month. Mrs. Jean Man- ances free fro mbends and kinks, enced by the large attendance. Chair -
son gave an interesting paper on the man A. W. Morgan then asked Vice
introduction to the study book. The Check all connections to avoid short President W. L. Whyte to take the
meeting closed by singing "0 God of circuits and make sure that there is chair and introduce the guest speak -
Bethel" and the Lord's prayer in no exposed wiring anywhere. Have ers, explaining that Mr. Whyte had
unison.those frayed and broken extension
been largely instrumental in proeur-
The many friends of Miss Goldie ing their services.
Cross, nurse -in -training at St. Mich cords repaired immediately. T. H. Robinson, assistant director
areas Hospital, Toronto, are glad to
Sing of a Wonderful Love," after than four 25 -watt bulbs, yet it uses s
which Mrs. Weir led in prayer. Miss
Minnie Reid read the Scripture and only the same amount of electric 2
a piano instrumental entitled "Sate
If a fuse blows out find what of Selective Service, and W. 'E. Hos-
know she is convalescing after her caused the trouble, It may have been kine, secretary of Canadian Federa-
recent operation at Seaforth Hospital. an overloaded circuit, or defective tion of Agriculture, were heard, each
Pte. Wilfred Kropp and Mrs. giving a comprehensive explanation
Klopp of Woodstock were week end wiring or a short circuit in an appli- of the workings of their separate
visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. once or fixture. As soon as irons, boards. W. H. Porter, London, editor
and Mrs Jas. Parkins. toasters, and other appliances are no of The Farmers Advocate, spoke of
Mrs. Lorne Elder o£' Hamilton en- farm production methods in England
joyed a pleasant visit with her par- longer needed disconnect them, as observed by him on his recent trip
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore. Not only in the house, but in the to the 011 Country as representative
Mrs, Verne Smith of Exeter spent office and plant, and even in the of a group of Canadian journals,.
Dr. Barton and Mr. Robinson were
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Annie farm buildings in rural sections called upon to answer a number of
Mr. Wm, Reynolde continues quite power can be saved by making dor-,iiwti ns anter farm
pics submnitted
ill at his home here suffering from a tain that lighte are turned out when
throat infection. He is being attend- they are not needed. At least 20 per
ed by Mrs- Bessie 'MacDonald of
Cromarty. cent of the power used in homes
Rev, Vim. J. Isaac of the Driver- must be saved and a similar eedue-
sity, of Western Ontario conducted tion should be the aim oflovery
the services in Carmel Presbyterian person' working in a war plant or
Church on Sunday in the absence of office, or in farm buildings, These
Rev. Wm. Weir who conducted anni-
versary services at Auburn. savings over a long period of time
Mrs. Jack Corbett and Connie will protect the war production,
Auction Sale
Farm. Stook and Implements, Mr,
Herold Jackson has received in.'
structlone to, sell by public auction on
Lot 25, Oen. 10, McKillop, 6 miles
north of Seatorth, on Wednesday,
' Nov, 25th, at 1 o'clock sharp:
Horses - Well matched black team.
mare and gelding; one aged Clyde
Cattle - 5 good milch cows comp-
rising Holstein cow 9 years old, due
1st of Feb.; Holstein cow, 6 years
old, : milking 2 months ' and bred
again; Holstein' cow 7 years old,
milking 6 weeks and bred again; Hol-
stein - Jersey cross, 7 ,years old,
milking 3 months and bred again;
Jersey cow 7 years old, due in Dec„
Hereford bull, Richard Domino No.
128005; 7 steers and heifers rising 2
years; 3 calves.,
13 hogs weighing .,190 lbs; 11
chunks 10 weeks old; 9 chunks, 3
months old; 12 sucker pigs 4 weeks
old; 3 Yorkshire sows,
150 Leghorn pullets,
Implements- 7 foot Frost & Wood
binder with sheaf carrier and trucks;
Frost & ,Wood 12 run shoe drill with
grass seed box attached; Frost' &
Wood 12 tooth cultivator; Massey
Harris Quebec riding plow; walking
plow; 3 sections. drag harrows; farm
wagon; wagon box and stock rack;
set new sloop sleighs; Portland
cutter; farms ladder; 2 Massey -Harris
cultivator wheels; set scales 250 113.;
buzz planer, set oat rolls, wheel
barrow, lawn mower, 2 hay rack sills;
10 colonies of bees; 4 frame revers-
ible honey extractor, bee supplies,
scuffler; 4 new chicken shelters;
h.p, motor; some wood; potatoes and
vegetables, and usual miscellaneous.•
Grain - 600 bu. mixed grain; 400
bu, oats; 100 bo. wheat; 6 loads of
Household Effects Kitchen table
and 5 chairs; Coleman Air -0 -gas 4
burner range with oven; Belle Oak
heater and, pipes; bed; spring and
mattress, Chesterfield, 2 rocking
shah's, linoleum rug; Bell City incu-
bator, 150 egg. Adjustable -dress
form, 3 lawn seats, 5 tube electric
radio, airway electric cleaner, Bell
organ, spring couch, 22 silver Black
foxes, pens and shed.
Terms cash. Everything must he.
disposed of as the farm is sold. •
David G. MacFarlane, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Lot 21, Con: 10, Stanley
Township, four miles southwest of
Varna, on Friday, November 27 at 1
Horses - Matched team of Perch-
erons, filly and gelding, 3 years old;
one 3 -year-old Clyde mare; one driv-
ing mare 7 years old.
Cattle - 12 Durham cows, due to
freshen from time of sale till March;
3 baby beeves, 460 to 500 pounds; 4
Spring calves; 1 yearling steer; 1
Shorthorn bull, rising two years; 2
calves one month old.
Pigs and Poultry -10 York Chunks,'
two months old, 140 Rock pullets.
Machinery -,One McCormick -Deer-
ing side rake;. 1 .Massey -Harris riding
plow (like new); 1 walking plow;
1 4 -section diamond harrows; 1 corn
scuffler; 1 single scuffles; 1 Massey -
Harris cream separator 1 set of
beam scales; feed cooker; 1 grain
crusher; 1 cutter; 1 rubber tired
wagon; hay rack; gravel box; slings;
1 colony house; brooder stove;, 1 set
of farm sleighs and fiat rack; 1
wheelbarrow; gas barrels; quantity
of lumber; 4% squares of galvanized
roofing '(new); forks; shovels; whit -
Harness - One set of breeching
harness, like new; 1 backbend set of
harness; 1 set of single harness; 3I
horse collars.
Hay and Grain - 200 bushels of
mixed grain; 300 bushel of choice
barley, suitable for seed; 25 tons of
timothy and clover hay.
Household Furniture - One couch;
1 mahogany table; 1 spool bed; bed
spring; washstand; writing desk; 2
kitchen tables; 1 •kitchen cupboard;
4 kitchen chairs; 1 stool; 1 piece of
linoleum; 1 baby's cot; lamps, gas
lantern, 1 laundry stove, lawn mower.
Farm - Lot 21, Concession 10,
Stanley Township; 120 acres clay
loam land, with abundant supply of
water; well drained; 1% storey brick
house; 1 barn, 38 x 72, 7 years old;
hen house, garage. Hydro, running
water. Four miles southwest of Varna.
Terms, Chattels - Cash. Property
- Made known on day of sale. Sold
subject to reserve bid.
Percy Johnston, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Two room apartment in Seaforth..
Modern, downstair. Phone 30, Dublin.
40 Rock pullets, laying. Also collie
pup, 3 months old. Phone 37r17, Dub-
lin central.
A second hand piano in good con-
' dition wanted by S.S. No. 7, Tucker-
smith. Apply to Arthur Nicholson,.
Sec.-Treas. Phone 656r2, Seaforth.
The business man sought to cut
the interview short, "Let me remind
you," he observed coldly, "that my
time is worth a dollar a minute."
The other was not impressed. "By
Jove," Ile said, sympathizingly. "It's
rough on you when they put the
clock on, isn't it?"'
Piano, furniture, grain, vegetables
and many other useful articles, at the
Monster Auction Sale, Seaforth, Sal-
vage Headquarters, Saturday, Noe.
21st, at 8 p.m.
License plate for a trailer lost be-
tween Leonard Stroilg's and Sea -
forth. Phone 655121, Seaforth central.
Pt To (
There Will Always Be a Christmas
Cut 'Mixed Peel, lb, 15o
Cut Mixed Peel
i/a lb. pkge. , , 18c
Whole Green Cherries
313 lb, 28e
Whole Red Cherries
4 b25e
Asstd, Pine Rings
% lb. .,,, 25c
Red Cherries
3 oz, bottles 15e
Green Cherries
3 oz, bottles
Shelled Walnuts, 1/4 ib.
Royal Purple Calf Meal
100 1b beg .,., ,.,$4.00
00 lb. bag , .2.05
25 lb. bag ., , 1.10
Newif .'Calf Meal10, ,..,3.65
New Life Calf Meal
25 lb;,..,,,,,,,,,..:,•990
Maple Leaf Flour
98 lb, bag,.. ., ,.•2.79
National Hog Concentrate.
14e cwt, 3,25
,..:19c National Pig Starter, cwt 2.70
CHICKEN HADDIE, per tin 22c
�t11 # J.
Of . Farm • Stock, Implements and
Household Effects. At Lot 39, Con. 3,
E, Wawanosh, 21/a miles northwest of
Blyth, on Tuesday, Noy, 24th at 1
o'clock sharp.
Terms cash,
Daniel McGowan, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale ,•
By direction of the Administrator
of the Estate of Ellen Coleman, de-
ceased; there will he sold at public
auction at Walton, on Saturday, the
2lst day of November, 1942, at 2 p.m,
all the household goods and furnish-
ings of the late Ellen Coleman, con-
sisting of beds, springs, mattresses,
bedding, dishes, radio, stove and
other articles too numerous to men-
Terms cash.
Solicitor for Administrator
Seaforth, Ontario,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Dual Purpose Shorthorn Bull, 15
months old, registered if desired. W.
H. Palin, lot 28, con. 4, McKillop.,
To close the Estate of the lite
James O'Connor, there is offered for
sale the East Half of Lot Number 11,
in the 1st concession of the Township
of McKillop, containing 50 acres of
land, now all in grass. On the prop-
erty, which is situated on Number 8
Highway, 3J4 miles east of Seaforth,
there is said to be a six -roomed
frame house, frame barn and poul-
try house ,(40'x60'), frame 'drive -
shed and two wells. Apply Daniel
O'Connor, Administrator, Dublin,
Ontario, or McConnell & Hays, Sea -
forth, Ontario, his Solicitors.
Evaporator for making maple
syrup. Phone Dublin 23r20.
Two flax brakes. About 20 pulleys
ranging from 8% inch to 261/% in.
with face mashers from 4% in. to 1
ft. Also two wooden scotching
frames, would make good saw
frames. A quantity.ofinch piping.
18 hard maple scutching planks, about
2% or 3 in. thick and 6 feet long.
J. A Nichol, Lake road, Exeter.
Hay P.O-
Will make Cider, Apple Butter and
Jelly, every day until Nov. 21st. No
creamery cans allowed. Phone 181.
Fred Hennick, West Ward, Mitchell.
Spy, Russet, Baldwin, Peewaukee,
Cider apples and cooking apples.
Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred MCCly-
wont, Varna.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operativ
Are open every day and have the
following Co-op. feeds in stock:
20% Lay Mash. 0. A. C. Lay Mash
with Cereal. Grass. Developing. Mash.
Poultry Concentrate 40%. Poultry
Concentrate 33%.
Lime Shell. Oyster Shell.
Hog Concentrate 42%. Pig Starter.
Dairy Supplement. Dairy Mineral.
Calf . Meal.
• Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Oil
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Aecid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Monument Works
Formerly W. E, Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock.
of Cemetery Memorials
` SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr, Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay,
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the. Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p,m. to 5 p.m. Saturday,
evening, 7.30 p,m. to 9 p.m.
neral #i?rui.c'
Spacial and Careful Attention
Office Residence'
Main St. Jarvis St.
43 18
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex McDwing, "Blyth;
Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea-
forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A
Reid, Seaforth:
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, 11.11.1, Brucefield; d. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt„
Blyth. ,v, >r
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londeaboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J.'Trewartha, Clinton;.
Thomas Moydan, Seaforth; W. 'FL
Archibald, Seaforth; Alei McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton,;'
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their, respective post,
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watsonl
All, kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed . at lowest rates in First -Class
Tar. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
University • of - Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D.; Graduate of
University of Toronto, '
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptir
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Bar, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 pan.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
en the second and last Thursday it
every month. from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 61
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine. Unlversite
nt Toronto. Late Assistant New 'York
Ophthalmic and Aural institute
Moerefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, 'London. Eng. At
Commercial Hotel. Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to.
4 p.m. Also at Seefortb Clinle first
Tuesday in each month: -53 Waterloo
qt.. Stratford. Telephone 267.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)