HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-11-19, Page 5TIiURSPAV, NOVEMBER 19, 1942 TEE S_+.. +ORTR News PAGE FIVE. • r For THURSDAY, November 19, till Nov, 25 BIG 19c SALE OXYDOL Large Pkg. 23c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN -- Large Large Pkg, 21c PALMOLIVE SOAP -- 3 Barg ,.,19c MUFFETS — 2 Pkgs. 19c JEWEL SHORTENING -- 1 1 Ib. carton 19c SUNLIGHT SOAP — 3 Bars 19c Cox Gelatine, for Soups, Salads,. Desserts per pkg. 19c Carnation Milk 2 large tins 19c Libby's Prepared Mustard 2 jars 190 Tomato Juice 2 — 20 -oz. tins 190 Laing's C. C: Sauce3 oz, bottle 19c Choice Pumpkin 2 - 16 -oz. tins 190 Kraft Dinner per pkg. 190 Allen's Apple Cider 32 oz, bottle ;19c Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 190 White Hand Picked Beans, per lb. -5c; 4 lbs. 190 Tiger Catsup large 26 oz. bottle 19c Classic Cleanser 4 tins 190 Champion Dehydrated Dog Food Gillett's Cream of Tartar Powdered' Borax, lac pkg, 'Aylmer Junior (bods Puffed Riee Sparkles . 2 pkg. 190 2 oz. pkg. 190 2 pkgs. 190 2 tins 19c 2 pkgs. 190 Canada Vinegars,Malt, Cider, Spirit, 2 — 12 -oz. bottles 6 dozen 190 Good Hardwood Clothespins Cashew Nuts "Sure Pop" Popping Corn large tube 250 Colgate's Toothpaste tube 290 Lifebuoy Shaving Cream ' Peels, Cherries, Pineapple, Nuts, Spices, Extracts, Finer Flours,. Raisins, Currants, etc. 1/2 lb, 35c 2 lbs. 25c Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 TOWN T'OPIOSI GoVNTY OQUNCI1, SAYS Continued Peon Page One Mrs. W. A, Wright, who hes been seriously 'ill, is improving somewhat. Her son, Bruce Wright, of the RCAF, Toronto, is home Qn leave, Mr. Fred Archibald of )3everlY, Mass„ spout a couple of days this week with his mother, Mrs. Andrew Archibald, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon SSillson and daughter Carol, Mr. and Mrs. George Millson of Ingersoll, were • week -end visitors with Mr. E, Mole and family, Miss Beth Walmsley and Miss Olive Papple spent the week end in London. Mrs. Con Eckart left this week to spend the winter in Detroit with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bi'ail of Detroit spent the week end with her mother Mrs, C. Eckert. Mrs. Chas. Wood is visiting her daughter in Toronto, Mrs, R. A. Mennell, Master Jimmie, Sallows is visiting his cousin, Barbara Mennell. lvlr, and Mrs. Wm. Hotham of Lam- beth are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John. Hotham, Wilson st. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Laithwaite and family of Goderich spent Sunday with' ,Mr, and Mrs. John Hotham. • Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Laithwaite and gamily of Goderich were callers on Sunday evening at the home of Mr, ;and Mrs, John Hotham, Gnr, Ross McNah returned to Pet- awawa on Monday after spending two weeks leave with his parents. Mrs, Duncan Cooper and son Doug- las of Kippen, visited her mother, Mrs, John Hotham, on Monday. Mr. John Lloyd Hotham has joined the RCAF, and will leave on Deo. 9 to attend the Training School at Galt. RED CROSS EUCHRE & D -A -N -+C -E FORESTERS HALL, CONSTANCE FRIDAY, NOV. 20 Cards from 8.30 to 10.30 Gents 35 Cents Ladies with lunch free fiance AT DUBLIN FRIDAY, NOV. 20 Rau's Rollicking New and Old Time Orchestra Get that victory urge and help us keep the parcels going to our boys - and girls overseas Admission 40c. Lunch booth Dublin War Service' Club These Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran- teed. If yon already subscribe to any of the magazines listed, your subscription will be extended. Send us the Coupon TODAY. BIG - FAMILY .OFFER This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice Any THREE of These Publication CHECK THREE MAGAZINES -ENCLOSE WITH ORDER [ 3 Maclean's (114 Issues), 1 yr. [ 3 Click (The National Picture ALL FOUR [ 3 Canadian Home Journal, 1 ye Monthly), 1 y=. ONLY [ ] Chatelaine. 1 yr. [ I American Fruit Grower, 1 7S. ] Screen Guide, 1 yr. 1 1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr.. [ 3 Canadian Poultry Review, 1 ye. [ I wily Harald. a, Weekly Star. 1 y=• (I Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 yr. [ 3 Caaadlan Horticulture & Home. 1 yr. L 1 American Girl, 8 mos. 2.00 ................— SUPER -VALUE OFFER This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice of ONE Magazine in Group "A" sad TWO Magazines in Group "B' OROUP 'A' t GROUP "B' f 1 Jisgaalae Digest, 8 moa. [ 3 Maclean's (24 issues), 1 yr. [ ] True Story, 1 yr. (3 Canadian Home Journal, 1 ye. [ 1 Silver Screen. 1 yr. 1 1 Chatelaine, 1 yr. (3 Christian Herald, 8 mow [' 3 National Home Monthly, 1 ye. 11 Fact Digest, 1 yr, [ ] Family Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. [ 3 Sclerae & Discovery, 1 yn t ] Screen Guide, 1 yr. r ]American Girl, 1 yr. [ 3 Click (The National Picture Monthly), 1 yr. 1 1 Parente' Magazine, 8 mow [ 3 Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 yr. r 3 Open Road for Boys, 1 yr. [ ] Canadian Poultry Review, 1 yr [ 3 $ereenland, 1 yr. L ] Canadian Horticulture & Homa, 1 Yr. ALL FOUR ONLY 2.50 [I [I 3 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. , , . 1.50 1 [ I National Home Monthly, 1 yr, , . 1.50 [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr 1,50 f I Family Herald & Weekly Star, 1 yr. L50 Click, 1 yr. • (The National Picture Monthly) ..... 1.10 [ ] Tru. Storz. 1 yr. ..... 1.00 L 3 Rad Book Megaairi , 1 ye, 3.10 I l Screen Guide, 1 yr. 1.00 L ] Parente' Magazine, 1, yr. 2,00 [ 3 Magazin, Digest, 1 yr. ..... 8,20 [ 1 Physical Culture, 1 7r. 2.00 [ 3 Popular Selena. Monthly, l'yr.., 1.85 ] .Chir Lilo, 1 yr. 2,1e This Newspaper 1 year, and Your Choice ONE other publication at Price Listed Liberty (weekly) 1 yr. $2.30 ( ] American Magazine, 1 yr. 8.80 [ 3 Screenland, 1 yr. 1.90 Maclean's (24 Issue') 1 yr. 1.50 L j American Girl, 1 yr. 1,90 L 3 Christian Herall, 1 yr. 3,00 (1 FILL OUT L2caa- MAiL TODAY, Please clip. Ilet of magazines after checking ones desired 7111 out coupon carefully and malt to your local paper. Gentlemen) I enclose 0 I rim checking below the offer desired' with a year's subscription to your paper.. (1 All -Samar 1.1 super -Value 1 1 tingle Magazine Karol Poet Office SA, Province for a grant! It was referred to the warden's committee. An invitation to attend the annual meeting of Huron County Federation of Agriculture in Clinton Wednes- day afternoon was accepted. Owing to the postponement of the International Plowing Mateh this fall the county's cheque for $2,000 was returned, Council adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Various communications, resolu- tione, etc., were read by Clerk N, W. Miller and referred to the various committees to bring in recommenda- tions. A resolution from the County of Elgin asked the endorsation of the couneil that the Federal Government be requested to make use of the national registration and release men with farm experience from non-es- sential industries to assist in harvest- ing farm crops which cannot other- wise be done with the acute short- age of labor, A copy of this resolu- tion to be sent to the Dominion Gov- ernment, the Minister of Agriculture and all county councils. Another resolution from the County of Perth also asked for farm labor exemption from military service for one year, The County of Erin sought con- currence in a resolution to the Ont- ario Government asking that the use of women's beverage rooms be eon - fined to women only. Two resolutions regarding the war effort were read as follows from the County of Prince Edward: "That the Federal Goyernment should show evidences of thrift and frugality in connection with the af- fairs administered by it as a neces- sary foundation for the proper ac- complishment of such objectives as the saving of money and the reduc- tion of the standard of living so that the average citizen may invest to a greater degree in war savings certi- ficates and war loan bonds. "That satisfactory steps be taken to prevent waste and' salvage in raw materials in connections with air force stations, military camps and navy establishments to a greater de- gree, so that increased success in voluntary salvage campaigns can be achieved. These resolutions were all recom- mended to be filed. Welland county asks concurrence in a request to the regional oil con- troller to allow county councillors sufficient gasoline necessary to look after municipal business connected with the war effort. Hon, J. E. Michaud, Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, in answer to a letter sent after .the June session, advised that the construction of the road to the north side of Goderich harbor was the subject of a confer- ence with the department in June last;•and that consideration is in abeyance pending further informa- tion. Letters from W. H. Golding, M.P., and L. E. Cardiff, M.P., also promised co-operation in furthering the scheme. In answer to a resolution regard- ing the subsidizing of fertilizers and concentrates, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, lllinister of Agriculture, wrote: "Apparently the members of your council are unaware that feed grain 'and niilifeeds purchased by farmers in Eastern Canada are already being subsidized by virtue of the present freight assistance policy which pro- vides for payment of freight on Western grain and mill feeds from the head of the lakes to any point in pastern Canada, and that the fertil- izer subvention policy provides for the subsidizing of fertilizer used on crops for the feeding of livestock and poultry." The council will deal with resolu- tions from the Ontario Agricultural Council regarding: Exemption of crown property from taxation; elec- tricity for farm power; cheese, milk and butter prices; establishment of prices on farm products, farm labor problems and the representation of producers on various boards; the purpose of importation of import subsidies to . insure a continued flow of imported goods for sale in Can- ada, under the retail price ceiling. R. W. Thompson, provincial ento- mologist, in a letter expressed sat- isfaction in the work of the two corn borer inspectors. ST. COLUMBAN Scott's R.O.P. Sired' (Barred Rock Chicks 1 A Timely Reminder ... ORDER YOUR 1943 CHICKS EARLY ! Plan your season's chick needs now. It loops as though it will be a case of "first come — first served," Something similar to last season when hundreds of our customers were disappointed because they were tardy in placing their orders SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth Hart- Roach — A pretty wedding took place in St. Columban church Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock, when Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Roach and the late Mrs, Roach, was united in marriage to Francis Hart, son of Owen Hart and the late Mrs. Hart. Rev, Father O'Drowski officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a floor length dress of heaven blue taffeta, made on princess lines. The bride's sister, Miss Loretta Roach, Kitch- ener, as bridesmaid, wore a floor length gown of: sea green taffeta, de- signed or the same lines as the bride's. Joseph Hart, Stratford, bro- ther of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were Jack Roach,, brother of the bride, and Jerome Nicholson, Logan Township. .A. wed- ding breakfast was served to the im- mediate families at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell. After a short honeymoon the couple will reside in St. Col- umban, "Isn't this blackout awful?" coo.. plained the unpopular Msr, Jones to her neighbour, "I • shouldn't bother, dearie," re- plied ,Mrs. Smith. "After a time You'll be able to see just like other eats," LONDESBORO Remember the "Allied Concert" in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Mon. Nov. 30, in aid of war services. The November meeting of the W.M.S. was held recently in the church with a fair attendance. In the absence of the president, Miss L. Young took the chair, Meeting open- ed by singing the national anthem, followed by the daily prayer for peace. During the business period, the nominating committee was ap- pointed, they being the group cap- tains. It was agreed that the Society present the Baby Band with their magazine. At conclusion of business Mrs. T. Adams took the chair. Hymn 380 was sung. Mrs, F. Tam- blyn gave a reading, "The Farm Home." Mrs, F. Wood read the Bible lesson. Prayer by Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. S. Carter and Miss B. Kirk each gave readings. The report of the sectional convention held recently at Bruce - field was well presented by Mrs. Menzies. Mrs. Stanley Lyon sang, "I have been alone with Jesus," Mrs. Adams closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Albert Radford was hostess for a very successful quilting and pot luck supper on Tuesday after- noon for the Red Cross, Mrs, J. Tamblyn is this week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stone- house, Goderich, Miss B. Kirk visited at Wingham on Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Cole, who has been with her mother, Mrs. E. Lee for some weeks, returned to her home at Marosa ore Monday. Mrs. Wm. Radford Sr., of Blyth is spending the winter with Miss L. Young. Christmas Boxes Packed for Overseas.— The Red Cross committee in charge met at James McCool's store last week and packed and sent 1a111 boxes of Christmas cheer to the fol- lowing boys who are now overseas: Stanley Younabintt, Nelson Radford, (Cleo. rowan. B. Hall, Donald Sprung, Bill Little, E. Garrett, H. Ross. Each box weighed eight pounds and con- tained the following 1 pr. home knit socks, 1 lb. Christmas cake, 1 large pkg. cigarettes, 2 pks. gum, 1 comb. 1 bath towel, 1 bar soap, 1 can sard- ines, 1 can soup, chocolate bars, salted peanuts and chocolate coated peanuts, writing paper and envel- opes, 25c box of glazed fruits and hard,mixed candy. Miss Alice Fing- land and James' McCool assisted the committee in charge. CONSTANCE Mr. Will Moore broke a rib last week as a result of an accident while plowing. Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby held a Red Cross quilting and sewing last week and about twenty ladies attended There will be one this week at the home of Mrs. Benj. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson vis- ited friends in Blyth on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Colclough, accompan- ied by her brother, Mr. James Thuell, of Brussels, left on Monday to visit relatives and friends in Windsor. Mrs. George Cook of Goderich township spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrl. Thomas Pollard is visiting relatives in Clinton and Kippen. Regular monthly meeting of W. M. S. was held in the church on Thurs- day, 'Nov, 12th, Mrs. Britton presid- ing. Theme, the church in my com- munity. Opened meeting by singing hymn, A Better day is coming. 'Pray- er was offered by Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Robt. Lawson, Minutes were read and adopted. Scripture reading from John, 13th chap.: Jesus' ex- ample of serving, by Mrs. Robt. Law- son. Poem on Good Will read by Mrs. Britton. Hymn, Take my life and let it be. Closed with benedic- tion. Mrs. 'arm. Britton spoke on eco- nomic security. What is economic security? Why should our auxiliary he concerned about economic secur- ity? We are going to find that the law of life is sacrifice. He that loseth his life for My sake shall find it. Nothing will keep aglow the Holy Flame in the Christian Heart more than the winning of others for the Master. Christ's commission is Follow thou Me and I will make ye fishers of men. A fisherman will go where the fish are. He can't catch fish by building a house by the water's edge. So we church members must not wait till those out of Christ come to our church in order to reach them. Christ's command is to go out into all the by -ways. What are we doing to obtain this standard. After which the election of officers for 1943. A Mission Band was formed, Mrs. Ross McGregor leader, and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt as assistant. The slate of of- ficers remained as in 1942. Respond, oh church, these myriad calls, Appealing call from street and mart, Where every man from sin enthrals, Expects a welcome to thy heart. Reach out, oh church, this is the hour To make thy ministry complete: God waits to furnish thee with power To hft the city to His feet. "Dear Madam," wrote the Heart Throb columnist to an enquiring parent. "You say you have been trying to keep your daughter at home by hiding her clothes. I am afraid you haven't been around much. Try hiding her lipstick and nail enamel." Sodality DANCE DUBLIN DECEMBER. 28 (CHRISTMAS DANCE) Adam Brock's Orchestra EUCHRE AND DANCE! ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, NOV. 27TH ADMISSION 25c Good Music for Dancing. Quilt tickets will be drawn. Be on time for Cards at 3,30 Auspices of C. W. L, Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth GOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER WE CAN NOW GET IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF 2 AND 3 FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS FOR. FARMERS NEED- ING THIS EQUIPMENT JOHN BAChi Main St. Seaforth