HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-11-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
mr:kroury Hortpn, who hale been
ponflned to his irpme owing to illness
continues seriously ill and was re-
moved to the hospital be London pn
Mr. Thomas Decker, of .Hamilton
road, London, announces the eugage.
meet of his third eldest daughter;
Velma Murreita, to Harvey George
Hudson, of London, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Colin S. Hudson, of Hen-
sall, the marriage to take place
quietly on the 28th of this month.
The .Exeter Hensall Branch oe the
Canadian Legion intend holding a
bingo and dance in the town hall,
Hensall, in the near future.
Mrs. Fred Beer recently attended
the convention held in London as 'a
representative of the Hensall W. I.
Pte. Edward Little now stationed
at Ipperwash, spent the week end at
his home here.
Mrs. Stokes of Sussex, N.B., is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. B. W. Carlile, and also.
visited with her father who under-
went an operation on his foot recent-
ly in Toronto. Mr. Carlile had the
misfortune to receive injuries to both
feet when the scaffold on which he.
was working gave :may. We under-
stand he is improving following the
The Young People of the United
Church met in the school room on
Monday evening, November 2nd, with a dress of rose crepe. She was as- the following items, tobacco, cigar -
Miss ElvaMcQueenpresiding. After sisted by Mrs. Jones gowned in or- ettes, canned goods, cheese, peanuts,
singing "We've ve a Story to Tell" Miss chid crepe. Both wore corsages of homemade Christmas cake, candy,
Miva McEwen read the scripture and pink and white snapdragons. The cookies, •shortbread, wax paper, pen -
Georgina Cook led in prayer. The dining room was attractive with pink ells, chocolate bars, needles, buttons,
roll call, minutes and offering loll- and white streamers while the bridal thread, shoe blank, tea and shaving
owed. The next meeting will be held table was centered with the wedding sticks, The fact that various persona
November 16th with Nliss Margaret cake. White tapers and vases of pink throughout the village donated sugar
Shepherd as convener. Miss Gladys and white snapdragons. Serving were made possible baking of cakes and
Luker read an interesting paper on the Misses Ellen Love and Phyllis- candy; while other kind friends
the life of Madame Chiang Kai -Shelf. McBride, cousins of the bride, and provided the cookies and shortbread.
A humorous skit "Poor Joe" was then Mrs. Roy McBride and Miss Agnes The ladies of the Five Hundred
presented by the following caste: Love, aunts of the bride. For their Euchre Club packed for enclosure in
Lenore Normintou, Audrey Russell, wedding trip the bridal couple motor- these boxes, their contributions of
Elva McQueen, Ruth Hess, Marion ed to Orangeville, St. Thomas, and home made candy, tooth brushes,
Sangster, Bob Hess and Mervyn Toronto, the bride donning a cinna- handkerchiefs, razor blades, cigar -
Stephen. The hymn "He Leadeth Me"' mon brown dress with sequintrim, ettes, bars and other accepted gifts,
was followed by the Mizpah benedic- dark brown coat and accessories in The November meeting of the We-
tter:, after which Bob Hess directed brown. Mr, and Mrs. Jones will re-
-. helo Class of the United Church
contests, side on the groom's farm near Kp-
The Late Owen Geiger
guests, Mrs. Love receiving wearing
In Memoriam
lir lin 1pg nrentor•Y Of My dear Siete,'
Annie, Mrs. Dan Dupes, who died
Nov, 6th, 1941.
You were ever a channel of blessing,
$o unselfish, se faithful, ete'tr•uei
Whose Reties were soo dear as the
Dear sister we chorea, memoz'les of
Eller remembered by your loving
sister Mary, Mrs. Fred' Reeves, and
In :Memoriam
SMITH — In loving memory of a
dear daughter and sister Vera
Elmira Smith, who passed away
suddenly one year ago today, Noy.
7th, 1941.
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell
Of the loss of one we Loved so well,
And while she Bleeps a peaceful sleep
Her memory we shall always keep.
—Lovingly remembered by Mother
and Dad, Nee, Edgar and Gladys,
Local and rural citizens are to be
commended for their Hearty support
given to the appeal for donations of
money, and other gifts for Christmas
boxes for the Hensall boys serving
overseas. These boxes (17 in number)
were packed ' by the Hensall War
Service Committee and, the Women's
Institute on Wednesday night, Octo-
berwheat. Quantity of hay.
28th. Each parcel conhisted of Forks, shovels, tools and other
articles too numerous to mention,
Some household furniture.
Everything will be sold towind up
the estate of the late James Mc
Cluskey. Terms cash.
Lauds — 100 acres choice product-
ive land, being lot 16, on the 4th con.
of McKillop, This land is well fenced
and underdrained, plenty of water, 2
never failing wells and .spring creek.
Also good cement gravel pit. Bank
barn 49 x 74, stone foundation, cement
flooring, 14 story brick house.
II. Also 80 acres choice productive
land, being pts. lot 16 and 17 on the
2nd concession • of McKillop, • well
fenced and well drained with, barn,
drilled well and windmill, and 5
acres bush, (barn 40x56).
Land sold subject to reserved bid.
Terms made known on day of sale,
Terms on chattels cash.
Angeline McCluskey, Executrix.
• Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Auction Sole, Lambert Sale Yards,
Stzathroy, Saturday, November 7th,
250 head of revel stock cattle, A
choice run et cattle. 'kruolcs to de-
liver. Also run of mixed Pigs.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farrar Stock and Imple•
infante, To be sold on Lot 16, Con• 4,
1Kct1illop, on Thursday, Nev, 12th
at 1 p.nt. the following:
9 work horses.
• 1 Holstein cow 6 years old; 1 Ser.
soy cow '5 years old; 1 Durham
heifer 1 year old; 2 spring calves.
16 weaner pigs,
1 McCormick binder, 7 foot; 1
,Deering mower, 6 ft.; 1 Keystone hay
loader; 1 side rake; 1 McCormick
Deering sulky rake; 1 Kemp manure
spreader; 1 Massey Harris root pulp-
er; 1 bobsleigh; 1 waggon; 1 buggy;
1 cutter; 1 walking plow; two -furrow
gang plow; 1 scuffler; 1 diamond
harrpwe;' 1 sliding rack; Massey
Harris seed drill, 1 steel land roller,
1 disc, 1 cultivator, Chatham fanning
mill, 2 hay forks,,'2 oars, ropes and
slings; 1 circular saw; 1 weighing
beam, 1 grinding stone, 1 cream .sep-
arator, 1 International 4 horse power
engine and jack and grinder; 1 set
double harness; 1 set single harness.
About 1300 bu. oats and '100 bu.
pen Sunday School will be held in the
Mrs. D Valls is spending a church on Pc ridgy evening, November
In honor of Miss Irene Douglas, a pleas-
6th. Please bear the date in mind.
valued worker in all church aas,va ant holiday with relatives and friends Miss Goldie Cross, nurse -in -training
ties, who is leaving shortly to reside at St. Marys. at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto,
in London. Rev. and Mrs. Brook ent- ! Mrs. Gilbert of Ailsa Craig is spent a few days visiting her parents,
ertained the teachers and officers of spending a pleasant visit at the bonne Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Cross.
the Sunday School at the parsonage of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Rev. Win. Weir conducted the reg.
On Monday evening. The evening was and Mrs. A. Orn ular, services in Carmel Presbyterian
spent in amusing contests and games Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid moved Church on Sunday, and delivered a
under the leadership of Misses Greta into the dwelling owned by Mr. Peter splendid discourse at the morning
Lammie and Dorothy Dougall. Miss Moir which he recently purchased service on the subject, "Born a man,
Edna Saundercock then presented from Mr. Harry Smith. died a green grocer," and commenc-
IViiss Douglas, the guest of honor,' Mr and Mrs. Jack Corbett; Ross ed a series of sermons at the evening
with a beautiful cogee table, the ac- and Connie visited on Sunday with service on "The Lord's Prayer in
companying address being read by Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Moreuz of Dash- War Time." The choir sang numbers
Mr. Edison Forest, Sunday School wood• at both services.
Superintendent, after which the re-' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and
°ipient voiced her appreciation and
family von
ilisited Sunday with Mr. Harrow of Toronto
thanks in a fitting manner. A dainty Addresses W. C. T. U. —
lunch brought this delightful affair and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie at Kippen. • Mrs. Harrow of Toronto delivered a
to a close. Dear Miss Douglas, Your Mrs. Beatty and Miss Mossop of very impressive address at the Coto -
fellow associates in the Sunday Varna called on Miss Elizabeth bar meeting of the W.C.T.U. held in
School of the Hensall United Church Slavin during the past week. Hensall United Church on Wednes-
are becoming increasingly aware of Rev, Weir Addresses Young day afternoon, Oct, 28th. She is an
the great loss we are to suffer People's Society — active worker in the W. O. T. work
through your decision to move away'
and was the first person to organize
from • our town. For many years now The Young People's Society of the Band of Hope in Winnipeg. Mrs.
you have been identified with our Carmel Presbyterian Church coin- B. W. F. Beavers of Exeter, who was
work and there is no teacher that menced their fall and winter meet- a delegate from Huron County at the
we have more highly esteemed and ings on Monday evening with Ree Provincial convention held in Toronto
counted on than yourself. Your edit Weir in the chair. After singing on Oct. 1st and 2nd gave a very in-
cational background and training has "Breathe on Me, Breath of God," formative address. A social half-hour
furnished you adequately for this Mr. Weir read the scripture lesson was enjoyed at the close.
Christian task and you have served from John 14, and then led•in prayer. Miss Margaret Bell of CWAC., of
us well. We have admired your con- Miss Beryl Phaff was appointed sec- London, spent 'the week end with her
scientious attitude toward this re- retary in the absence of Harry Dou- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell.
sponsibility and rejoiced over the gall. Following the singing of a hymn Miss Edith Parkins of London
confidence and respect which your Mrs. Chas. Forest was elected presi- visited during the past week with her
many scholars have had for you. dent for the coming season and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins,
You have proven yourself to be a Harry Dougall re-elected secretary- prior to commencing her new duties
genial member of the staff, always treasurer. The business was then at Crumlin.
ready to co-operate in every way, not taken up and the offering received. ! The many friends of Mrs. A. L.
only to advance the interests of your Mr. Weir gave a very interesting and Case are pleased to hear that she is
own class, but the welfare of the ent- informative address on "The Oxford gradually improving after having un -
ire school. It is going to be difficult Group." The meeting closed by sing- dergone a very serious operation in
for us to adjust ourselves to your ab- ing "Come Holy Spirit" and the ben- Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Case
sense, for you were faithful in at- ediction. It was decided to hold the returned home this week after spend-
tendance, and as a Fellow worker regular meeting once a month on the ing several days in Toronto.
your influence has been of the high- fourth Monday of the month. I Miss Dorothy Munn of London
est kind. We trust however that in The many friends of Mr. Geo C. spent the week end at the home of
your new church home, you will find Petty were greatly pleased to see him her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
a similar field of service and that up in the village on business on Sat- Munn.
your personality and teaching will do urday after his recent illness, having! Mrs. D. G. Steer spent a few days
as much good as it has in our church been confined to his home for see- recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
here in Hensall. eral months. Cameron Steer in London.
Mrs. John Simmons and Mr. Jas.! The members of the Red Cross So -
The November meeting of the Vance of Chiselhurst are getting ciety of S.S. No. 10, Hay, held a very
Hensall Women's Institute will be nicely settled in the dwelling, which successful progressive euchre at the
held at the home of Mrs. Roy Mae- they recently moved into on High- home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rout -
Laren on Wednesday evening, Nov. way No. 4. I cliffe on Wednesday evening. •
11th, with Miss !Florence Welsh as Mr. Geo. Hawkins has been con-. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and family
co -hostess, The following interesting fined to his home for several weeks of near Denfleld- were Sunday visit -
Items will be presented: Roll Call, owing to illness. His many friends ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
"A Ctu'e for the Blues." The guest hope to see him out again. I Mrs, Sarah Coleman and Misses
speaker, Miss Margaret Buchanan, Messrs. Wm. Harding, Lindsay Bra- Sadie and Shirley Coleman of Hay
will give the address. Motto, "Good tier and Robt Robertson of London visited recently with the former's
Health and Good Sense are two of visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. " sister Miss . Annie E. Consitt.
life's greatest blessings." Mrs. T. Fred Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mrs. Chas. Steer of Mount Brydges
Sherritt. Demonstration, How to Corbett.
Bathe and Dress an infant. Mrs. 7.1
spent several days recently at the
home of her son, Dr, D. G. Steer.
Paterson. Current events, Mrs. W. Council Meeting — Mrs. Hannah Workman visited last
MacLaren. Recipe, Mrs. Roy Mac- I The regular meeting of the Village week at the home of her daughter
Laren. Social Comm., Mrs. N. Cook, Council was held on Monday evening, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. J. Shepherd, Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. Nov. 2nd at 8 pen. in the Council Britton of Dublin.
Goodwin. Each member 1s reminded Chamber with all members being pre-' A very successful auction sale was
to bring paper and pencil, also tea sent. Minutes of the last meeting held at the home of Misb Irene
Mut sugar` were read and adopted. F. G. Bon- Douglas on Saturday afternoon. Miss
Jones - Leve -- thron appeared as a delegate from ! Douglas recently sold her home to
the Canadian Legion asking for a re- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson of
A charming autumn wedding of bate on the last six bingos held in' Varna, and she intends taking up
wide interest was solemnized at the the town hall. Horton and Kerslake,' ,residence . in London in the near
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. John Love, that we refund half of hall rent for , future*
of Varna, on Saturday, October 31st, six bingos and dances to Canadian!
• at 11 a.m. when their eldest Baugh - Legion. Carried. R. E. Shaddick re -:i 'AUSTERITY" BUSES
ter Margaret Anna, became the bride! ported re street lights as being al! -
of Harold William Jones, only son of justed, also re rebate on street light-!' Now Beira Built for Public Service
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Jones, of KIP-, ing. Court of Revision on Willedli
Rev. W. Weir, minister of Carmel Provincial wreath. R. J. Patterson, IThe first of a fleet of "austerity"
Presbyterian Church, Hensall, was Tax Collector's report, read as having
performed under an arch of evergreen received $2900.74 on current taxes. buses has just been completed in Bri-
and autumn flowers. The bridal music Correspondence read and filed. Bills tain and will soon be operating in a
was played by Miss Ellen Love, and accounts, R. J Lewell and Co•, Midlands area.
cousin of the bride, and during the supplies, 923.51; Thee, Kyle, salary,
signing of the register played "I love $70; Sandy Contracting & Machine The bus, a single-decker, has been
you truly," Given in marriage by her Works, bulldozing, 915; H. T. Cud- specially built to 'save petrol by carry-
father, the bride was lovely in a more, arae $ ; A Spencer
Falconer, ing more passengers. It can seat more
carry -
floor -length gown of white. sheer; coal, hall, $32; A. Spencer &Son
with lace inserts, long bishop sleeves, supplies, streets, $93.19; Bank of than 40 and it has room for many more
pleated vestee with satin covered Montreal, interest, $23.70; Drysdale's standing Passengers than the usual
buttons, her floor -length silk embroid• Hardware, supplies, hall, $0.69; G.
ered net yell was caught -with orange M. Case, teaming, streets, $4,50; single -docker rigid chassis type. .
blossoms, and h.er Bore bouquet was Hensall Hydro, hall, $9.88; C. Wolff, Fittings are kept to eseentials and
silver sheen 'MOMS. The bridal at- labor, streets, $25,50; H. Wolff, labor, ,anything approaching luxury has been
tendants were the bride's sister Miss streets, 915.60; 2. Phaff, labor, streets,
Love as bridesmaid, costumed 0 A. Patterson selecting jur- severely cut out,
In floor -length pink sheer with sequin ors and expenses, $4.25; R. J. Pat-
tern, The width of the brie exceeds the
pink wreath in her hair and her arson, do., $1.50; R. E. Shaddick, do, regulation limit.' of 7 ft. 6 ins. by he
flowers were golden glow mums, Her $1.50; Canadian Legion, refund rent,
little sister Eolith was a• dainty flower
$24. Total, $388.92, Bylaw #8, for the extra six inches and the overall length,
girl frocked' in blue taffeta, knee nomination and election, was read is'33 11. 6 ins.
length, carrying a bouquet of golden and finally passed J, A. Paterson, It is the first: time that buses of
glow and pink mums. Her small bro" ewe •
!her Timmy was a, smart little ring this type have been permitted for pas-
sengerwhielt the ring reposed in a bed o ire this weekw e transport on British roads, and
pen. The ceremony solemnized by Drain, also as having received the In Britain
Jean 915.60; 1
bearer, oar'rying a. silver basket in Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Routcliffe vie -
d 'with th ]otter's bra -
sweet alysuni. Mr, Gordon Westlake ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and •Mrs, now a number of them are on the way.
of Bayfield was groomsman. The wed- Ross MacLean and their daughter
ding dinner was ,served to thirty Doneida who is M. Want and FOr Sale Ads, 1 week 25e.
Although Mr. Westcott is away on
War work the business is being car-
ried on as usual. All lines of watch,
clock and jewellery repairing are at-
tended to in the usual prompt and
thorough manner as in his previous
15 years experience in this store.
Your continued patronage will be
16 choice suckers, also one butcher
sow. Apply to John Burns, Market st.
10 feet of steel well cribbing 3 feet
diameter; also that clothes line pole
your wife has been wanting. Cooper
Forrest, Hensall RR. 2, Phone 16 on
91, Zurich.
10 pigs, six weeks old. David
Dignan, Hensall R.R. 2. Phone 91rlS,
Zurich central.
Evaporator for making maple
syrup. Phone Dublin 23120.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House, God-
erich, conmlenciug Tuesday, Nov.
17th, 1942, at 2 p.m.
All accounts, notices of deputa-
tions and other business requiring
the attention of Council should be in
the hands of the County Clerk not
later than Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1942.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
Annual Meeting
of the Stanley Federation of
of Agriculture
Will be held in the Varna Town
TUES., NOV. 10TH — 8.30 P.M.
Mr. Hugh Hill, Colborne Township,
is Guest Speaker for the evening.
Everybody Welcome
Murray Grainger, Pres.
Elmer Webster, See.
Household Effects of the Estate of
the late George Hanley, Brussels, on
Saturday, November 7th at 1 p.m.
Solid walnut book ease, oak dining
room extension table, kitchen cup-
board, table and chairs, large leather
chair, upholstered rocking chair, ma-
hogany commode, solid walnut dres-
ser, walnut bed veith springs and
mattress, oak bed with springs and,
mattress, fern stand, washing ma-
chine and wringer, New Williams
sewing machine, 2 large size rugs,
quantity of rag carpet, large kitchen
range, Quebec heater, stove pipes,
dishes, kitchen utensils, garden tools,
2 trunks, table lamp,curtains, quan-
tity of wallpaper, paint, and sundry
items. Terms cash. Property sold sub-
ject to reserve bid. Terms made
known day of sale.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Robt.
Patrick, Clerk.
Saturday Cash
Blue gibbon Baitupg Powder
lb, tin ,
Calumet Baking Pawder'
ib. tin , 23v
Quart Gem Forest City 33c
Whyte Pure Lard
3 lb. 29c
Tillsons Rolled Oats. —
3 lb. pltge, 15c
Quick Quaker Oats
Large Pkge. , 23e
.Post Toasties, 3 Pkges '� 230
Fresh Corn Meal
6 lb . , ,,.,23e
Carry Specials
Dar•leye Disinfectant
lb, bottle , ,, , . 46c
Derleys Rog Worm, Powder
lb. pkge, 250
Royal Purple !log Tonic
pkge, „ ,,. , ,. 60c
Pratte Poultry Regulato'
pkge , , 690
National Hog. Concentn'ate'
41% Bag 3.25
, National Pig Starter, bag 2.70
National Poultry Concentrate
Prairie Rese'l lour, 98 ib. 2.55
Real Old Nippy
Cheese, pound 25e
W. J. Finnigan'
The time of the meeting of the
Tuckersmith Council. on Saturday,
lepv. 7th, {las been changed from 2
o'clock to 7 o'clock p.m,
D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk,
A female beagle hound, white with
tan markings. Please phone 14-91,
Two flax brakes. About 20 pulleys
ranging from 8% inch to 26% in.
with face mashers from 414 in. to 1
ft. Also two wooden scutching
,frames, would make good saw
frames, A quantity of inch piping,
18 hard maple scutching planks, about
2% or 3 in. think and 6 feet long.
J. A. Nichol, Lake road, Exeter.
Hay P.O.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Ellen Coleman.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Ellen Coleman, late of
the Village of Walton, :Spinster, de-
ceased, who died on or about • the
15th day of May, 1942, are hereby
notified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 7th day of Nov-
ember, 1942, full particulars of their
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth this 15th day of
October, 1942. .
H, G. MEIR, Seaforth,
Solicitor for Administrator.
Will make Cider, Apple Butter and
Jelly, every day until Nov. 21st. No
creamery cans allowed. Phone 181.
Fred Hennick, West Ward, Mitchell.
Spy, Russet, Baldwin, Peewaukee,
Cider apples and cooking apples.
Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred McCly-
mont, Varna.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operativ
Are open every aay and have the
following Coon. feedsin stock:
20% Lay Mash. 0. A. C. Lay Mash
with Cereal Grass. Developing Mash.
Poultry Concentrate 40%. Poultry
Concentrate 33%.
Lime Shell. Oyster Shell,
Hog Concentrate 42%. Pig Starter.
Dairy Supplement. Dairy Mineral.
Calf Meal.
Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Oil
Due to the gas and tire restric-
tions we will not be able to give
you the service we have in the
past, so it is up to you, friends and
customers, to help yourself and
help us by calling at the house
when in Seaforth where a full
stock will be held at all times. We
will be pleased to pay the charges
on • all mail orders. Your Watkins
54 George St., Seaforth
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Log 160
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hay.
Telephone 174.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:--
ours:—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m.
aI .ervrtr.
Special and Careful Attention
Office Residence
Main St. Jarvis St.
43 18
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex McEwing, Blyth;
Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea.
forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A.
Reid, Seaforth.
F. MoKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
Thomas 'Moylan, Seaforth; W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate
•,t University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m,
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday le
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
7n Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5.9
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate In Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
8t., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners'
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)