HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-10-22, Page 8PAGE EiGHT THE $FAFORTH NJ WS H ENSALL Notice - An urgent appeal is now bei made for donations of money an other gifte for Xmas boxes for th local boys overseas,, These box must he packed and shipped by No ember 1st, ,All ,rural and local ei rens are asked to leave their coati buttons at any of the Hensall store not later than Monday, October 2 or remit money direct to Glad Luker, President of the local In tote. The Hensall Women's Inetitu and the War Services Committee wi attend to the packing. Your e operation is needed at once. Do n disappoint the "boys." Hensall Women's Institute The October meeting of the He salt Women's Institute was held the home of Mre. C. Cook, on We nesday evening, with Miss Got Lammie as co -hostess. It being special meeting for "Grandmothers there was' a large attendance of mem bers and' guests. Miss Gladys Luk presided. The meeting opened.wit the Ode after which the Lord's pray er was repeated in union. The na lona, anthem followed, The minute were read. The roll call was take "My Grandmother's Maiden Name. During the business session it wa revealed that the Men -making pi'ojee had been ftniehed, the. total quantit of 1728 lbs. having been shipped, this being 128 lbs. over the quota (1600 lbs,). Re the balance left from the lam fund it was decided to hold this in reserve until next year. Mrs. Blowes, Miss Pfaff, Mrs, Beer, Mre. Smale, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. Good- win, Mrs. W. Sangster, Mrs. 0. Cook, volunteered to pack Xmas boxes for overseas, These must be packed and shipped by Nov. lst, Mrs. Beer was the delegate appointed for the Lon- don convention on Oct. 27th, 28th and 29th. Two verses of "Old Black Joe" were sung, The motto "Recall Now the Ancient Landmarks," was very capably presented by Mrs, 01 Kennedy, in which she paid refer- ence to "local" landmarks of inter- est. Miss Beryl Pfaff then took charge of the amusing demonstration Wash - ions of Long Ago." Miss Pfaff and several members appeared in old-time costumes, the history of each being quoted by Miss Pfaff. Two verses of "'Wren You and I were Young" foll- owed. The guest speaker, Mrs. Dow, chose for her appropriate subject, "The Angel of the Gatineau" concern- ing the sketch of a grandmother's life years ago. Miss Mary Goodwin rendered a pleasing solo, The Sec- ond Minuet," dedicating this number to her Grandma Mrs. Maulkinson, one of the guests present. Her accompan- ist was Miss Greta Lammie. The next item was several "headline" current events listed by Miss Sally Manson. Miss Florence Welsh pre-, Mr, Brook has been invited to preaeh Anniversary servlees at Caven Unit- ed Chureh, Winthrop, On Wednesday, Oeteqber 23, the ail' na nuel convention . of lib . Huron Cauri• e ty Tenperarrce Federation will be es held commencing at 1,45 pan, at. Hensall United Church, The election ti- of officers tor the new year will take i place. Prominent speakers from Tor- onto and this Vicinity will be present to Address the gathering. A11 inter- n ested in Temperance are urged to be Ins Present. to Glenn -Gill - 11 A quiet wedding took place at the n United Church Manse, Grand Bend, of at noon on Saturday, Oct. 17th, when Phyllis Anna, daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. Herman Gill, Grand Bend, became the bride of William Dickson Glenn, only on of Mr, and Mrs, u- George Glenn, Kippen, The ceremony at was performed by Rev. W. T, Cleave, d- The bride wore a floor length gown a of white chiffon with quilted, taffeta a jacket. A shoulder length veil fell from a halo fashioned with orange PAM year, When they return to menton, Mr, McKenzie will do the work' of an itinerant lniusion,ary of the Presbyterian Church iri'lV'oithern Alberta, Mr. Fred Smallacombe and daugh- ter, Mrs.Boyd, are spending a few days this week with, }relatives in Guelph, M. jack Shepherd, who has, been in training Inc some time for active service in London and Kitchener, and who suffered a severs . attack of pneumonia some time ago, has been discharged from the army and has returned home. • W1NTH.ROP The Red Cross meeting held in the church Tuesday afternoon was well attended.. 27 ladies were present and 3 quilts were gpiited. A•speciai coll- ection was taken .up to help buy Christmas boxes for the boys over- seas. We thank 'all those who don- ated quilt patches and pieced blocks blossoms and she carried 'a shower ,for the quilts, Luke bouquet of American Beauty roses. A euchre and dance will be held by h Por "sorurething old" she wore ;her the Winthrop Red Cross unit on t-- grandmother's gold locket. The bride Wednesday proceeds sinrgrie October 28th. was attended by her sister Miss go towards s Helen. Gill, who wore a floor, length the boxes for the lads who are fight- ,: gown of ice blue taffeta with : match- ing Jacket and carried a shower bou- ing for us. Please show the boys we are behind them. 6 quet of talisman roses. The groom Mr. George Kinney of London t was attended by George Smith of De- spent Sunday with his brothers Win- g troit. After the ceremony a reception tam and Joseph' Kinney. - was held at the home of the bride's Mrs. Mae Dorrance visited Mr. parents. Mrs. Herman Gill, mother and Mrs. George Eaton this week. of the bride, received in street length Miss Margaret Montgomery of Galt dress of triple sheer black crepe with spent the week end at her home. a corsage of white mums. Mrs.! Mr. Haase has. finished drilling a George Glenn, mother of the groom, well for Mr. William Thompson and wore street length dress of. btu'gundy has moved up to Tiverton to do some crepe with a corsage of white mums, well drilling. After the reception the bride and groom left on a trip to Hamilton, To- tailored suit of chocolate brown with' ronto and Montreal. The bride wore a Card of Thanks' ( LOST brown accessories and a gold brace- . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman Some articles in a basket were let, the gift of the groom. On their 'wish to express their sincere thanks placed in the wrong 'car in Seaforth return they will reside en the farm to their neighbors and friends for on Saturday night, Oct. 10th. Finder at Kippen. Guests were present from the malty expressions of sympathy please leave at The News office. Hensall, London, Thedford, Windsor shown them in their recent bereave - and Detroit. meat. We also drank those who ' HOUSE FOR SALE Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett and loaned cars and for the beautiful I At Walton fancily spent the week end in Lon- floral tributes; special thanks to Rev. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Livermore as pallbearers, also the organist and and baby and Mr, and Mrs. Witney those who sang. Carter and Catherine, all of Clinton, spent Sunday with. Mrs. C. Redden.. Mr. Wilson Carlyle, ,who has been in Scott Memorial Hospital for the past week or so, was taken to Toren- MOLE. -In loving to on Sunday for further treatment, dear mother, Mrs. Edwa Miss Margaret Wildfong of near passed away, Oct. 24th Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Alexander Wish to expose their sincere grati- tude to friends • and .neighbors for the many kindnesses shown them' in their recent bereavement, and them for the numerous flowers, FOR SALE 90 Rock pullets for sale. Apply to: Harvey McLiwain, phone 852 r 23, TO ;REN' In Seaforth, Heated apartment. All modern, two bedrooms. ° Apply to Regent Theatre, Seaforth. Auction Sale Of Household Effects. At the resid- ence, Hensel], on Saturday, Oct. 3iet, at 1 p.m. 3 -pc. chesterfield suite, like new; 1 chesterfield table; 1 Axminster -rug, 9'x12'; 2 large leather chairs;' 1 tapestry, 4'x6'; . oak rocker; electric' Dek'orest Crossley radio; secretary;- oak dining room suite (near); Con- goleum rug 10'x12'; Clare Jewel stove (new) Perfection coal oil stove, 3 burner' (new); 1 extension table and 6 dining, room chairs; 2 rocking, chairs; 4 small' tables; 8 -day clock; walnut finish single bed, springs and mattresses (new); Congoleum rug 8'x10'; 3 toilet sets; 1' iron bed; 2 dressers; 3 washstands; 1. bedroom rug;' ,2 Sets of. bed springs;1 mat- tress; 1 Congoleum rug 10'x14' (new); 1 screen; lawn mower; gar., den tools, full line of carpenter tools. "Easy" washing machine,' practically new; 7 ft.' step ladder; 17 ft, cedar ladder, Terms cash. Miss Irene Douglas, Proprietress. Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer. James Paterson, Clerk. don, A W. Gardiner, to those who acted In Memo • To' close the estate of the late Ellen Coleman the undersigned has been instructed to sell by tender her late residence ice the Village of Walton. The property consists of one riam half acre of land on which is erected memory cry of our a one and one-half storey frame house of live rooms with summer kitchen 1941* hen who and fiiel shed adjoining, also a frame hen house,. Exeter is spending a few days with 'Home is not home, for. mother is ' Bidders will submit tenders in Mr, and Mrs. George Walker. not there; writing to the undersigned on or Don't forget the euchre and dance Angels have taken her out of our before noon of the 2nd day of Nov - on Friday evening sponsored by the care, 500 Club. Music for the dance will be ember, 1942. supplied by the Murdock orchestra' Dark s the room and empty her • H. G: MEIR, chair.Seaforth, Ontario, and proceeds will be used for war 1 work. She has gone to that home so peace- Solicitor for Administrator. seated an uP to•date recipe "Toasted • London spent the week end in Hen- Sleep, mother, sleep, thy sufferings Squares.' At this time the president! sail 1 are all o'er. Edson of ful and fah, extended a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case are spend- We all loved you but God loved you fill those who contributed towards ing a short time in Toronto in the more. providing this outstanding affair, in - interests of the latter's health. Mr. -Ever remembered by husband eluding the hostess and her co - hostess. Mrs. F. Farquhar, on behalf filled by Mr. Guenther of'Hespeler. 1 Case's place at the station is being and daughters. of the "Grandmothers" also added During the absence of Rev. Wm her appreciation. One verse of Abide Weir on Sunday the service in Car - With Me" closed the meeting atter mel Presbyterian Church at 11 am. which refreshments were served by was taken by Mr. E. G. Davis of Loa- the following committee: Mrs. Sniale, donwho took for the subject of his Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. who "The Omnipotent Jehovah." Kerslake, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Weir•,•Miss Mr. Davis also took charge of the Lammie, Mrs. Orr. Bible Class after the morning service Fine weather on Sunday last en- at which there was a good attendance. AUCTION SALE: . Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, October 24th, 250 head of mixed stock cattle. A choicesxun . of cattle. Trucks to deliver. Sales every Saturday. Private sales through the stied a record number to attend Sun- week. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. day School and worship on Sunday There was no evening service owing WANTED Hos- morning and an worship ing numbernato the anniversary services which Laundress for Scott Memorial33os- ggwere being held in Caven Cburcb' ital. Apply in Superin- in the evening. At the morning sere- Exeter, p person to Su erin- ice at Hensall United Church Rev. The annual thank offering meeting tendent. Mr. Brook took his text from Deute- of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ronomy, Chapter 4, verse 6, to develop tan Church will be held on Thursday, the theme: Has Religion a place in Oct, 22nd at 8 p.ni. The guest speaker National Life?" The thought was ex - will be Miss Ada Adams of Toronto, pressed that a nation that calls itself who will also address the Arnold Christian should be more than Chris- Circle which will meet at the home tian in name. Both Government and of Mrs, George Moir on Thursday Church should work co-operatively to evening. make it easy for all citizens to 'follow, WANTED Cattle wanted to feed, by the month or by the gain. Elgin Nott, phone 847 r 5, Seaforth, FOR SALE' A young Polled Angus bull. Harold Penhale, R.R. 3, Bayfield. that which is good and to keep the McKenzie- Robinson - FOR SALE statutes of God. In all international I Outdoor closet for sale. Apply at contacts no contracts or transactions Egmondville United Church was Eberhart's Chopping Mill. NOTICE should be entered into that did not the scene of a pretty wedding on Notice To Creditors In the Estate of. Ellen Coleman. Ali persons having claime against the Estate of Ellen Coleman, late of the Village of Walton, Spinster, , de- ceased, who died on or about the 15th, day of May, 1942, are"hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day. of .Nov- ember, 1942, full particulars of their claims. • Immediately after the,' said last mentioned. date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusionofall others, and the undersigned will not be .liable' to- any person of whose claim the'under- signed shall not then have notice' for the assets so distributed or any part. thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 15th clay. of October, 1942. H. G. MEM, Seaforth, Solicitor for. Administrator. manifest a true Christian attiude and Saturday, Oct, 17th at 2.30 p.m.FOR SALE foster the spirit of goodwill and mut- when Isabel Ruth, daughter of Mr. Collie dog, 2 months old; good ual understanding. A Christian na- and Mrs. Thomas Robinsbn of Eg- strain; reasonable. Phone 833r 14, tion could not afford to be conrpromis- 'mondville, became the bride of And- Seafoth central. ing or fearful on vital issues nor be rew H. McKenzie, B.A., of Edmon• guilty of duplicity lir dealings for ton, Alta, son• of Mrs. Wm. McKen- commercial or economic gains. zie of Hensall, and the late Mr. Wm. The evening theme was "The On- McKenzie. The church was beautiful - ward March of Truth," and was an ly decorated with pink gladioli and attempt to answer the often heard white dahlias charmingly arranged very: "Why does not God stop the war The Choir rendered acceptably solemnized by Rev. A. W. Gardiner On Monday evening in Hensall of Egmondville, assisted by Rev. F,. United Church an inspiring and in,G. Veaey, of Toronto Bible College. ou•ster the d e w s p le auspices of the Huron Presbytery Miss Wilma Watson f T t q •�„ in white baskets. The wedding was good anthems at both services. structive meeting was heldThe wedding must as u pl d by 0 oron o and Missionary and Maintenance Commit- the soloist was Mr. Earl Smith of tee. Many charges in the southern Knox College, Toronto, who sang in section of the Presbytery were rep- splendid voice "0 Perfect Love." resented by their ministers and con- The bride who was given in marriage gregational delegates. Rev. H. V. by her father, wore a floor length Workman, of Northside United gown of white sheer, long full Church, Seaforth, the efficient chair- sleeves, high neck line, tight bodice man of the M. and M. committee of with full waist and skirt, a floor the Presbytery, was in charge of the length veil. She carried a bouquet meeting and the guest speaker was of red roses and white bouvardia, Dr. James G. Endicott, M.A., of with matching bandeau in hair. The Chungking, China. This Is Dr. Endi- bridal attendants who were Mi9s cott's second furlough, and coming L. Sheppard and Miss Nita Reddick, to Canada at this time of interna- both of Toronto, wore .dresses made tlonal crisis he has a vivid story to on similar lines ofink and blue tell of China's part in the democratic satin -faced crepep struggle and stressed the opportunityp , with small hats In war torn China and the period made of same material. Both carried after the war. At the close of his arm bouquets of bronze chrysanthe• - brilliant address Dr. Endicott pies- mums. Marjorie Currie, niece of the, We have it. The popular "Pitts- om NOTICE To Rent -6 roomed house, hard- wood floors, bath room, furnace, lights, with garage, situated on John street. Possession given Nov. 1st, For Sale -8 roomed house, bath room, furnace, lights, garage, situated on Centre street. Immediate posses- sion. Apply to E. +C. Chamberlain, phone 334 or 220. Real Estate.and Insurance. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative • Are open every day and have the following Co-op. feeds in stock: 20% Lay Mash.e0.A.C. Lay Mash with Cereal Grass. Developing, Mash. Poultry Concentrate 40% Poultry Concentrate 33%. Lime Shell. Oyster Shell. Hog Concentrate 42%. Pig Starter. Dairy Supplement. Dairy Mineral. Calf Meal. Bran, ,Shorts, Middlings and Oil , Cake. COAL ented moving pictures of the b b groom as flower gut wasd d ` , nesse rr, ton" Anthracite. ing of Chungking which gave a thrill- pink muslin and carried a colonial ing description of the terrible devas- bouquet of pink roses. The grooms- tation caused by the Japanese bombs, man was Daniel J. Firth, ' B.A., of on the city. A male quartette sang a Kriox College, and the ushers were' challenging number: "Followers of Douglas G. Seaton, and P. Gordon the Man of Galilee." Maclnnes, also of Knox College. Fol- Tuesday morning, Dr. James G, lowing the ceremony,, a reception Endicott visited the Public and Con- was held in the basement of the tinuation Schools at the invitation of church where Mre. Robinson, mother the staff, when the children enjoyed of the bride, received the, guests very much the films of Chungking, wearing a navy dress with hat to On Sunday morning, October 25, match and corsage d white roses• the W:M.S, will hold their Autumn She was assisted by themo- Thank ,offering service at 11 am. The who also woof anavygrooms a servioo will be in charge of the l se. Cher anddress and nd William J, Patton, BA., of McKillop. hat corsage of white roses, Lat The guest Speaker will he Mrs, Will- er the bride and groom left for Ed - lam Gould of Toronto, who for many menton, Alta,, where they will re - years, along with her husband, W,as side For travelling, the bride wore engagedin missionary work at For- a tailored navy suit, White blouse; noes, navy accessories and corsage of red Rev. Mr, Patton will preach at roses, Both bride and groom are Chiseihurst on Sunday afternoon, 0c• graduates of Toronto Bible College, tober 25' at 3 pan. and at Hensall at The -groom is also a graduate in Arts. 7 p.m. He will also represent 1Vlr, of the University of Alberta, He has 'Brook at the dedication ceremony to been minister at St, Andrew's Pres - be held at 8,80 in Hensall Town hall, byterian Church, Edmonton, for --the Stove or nut size. ---Farmers price $14.80 haul your own. $15.40 de- livered in town "Pocohontas" Treated 'Stove Coal Fke tne40 ihi aufuyonuaceo.Yo. u delivered in town. For Farmers in need of '3 Tors or over, we can arrange truckage. Phone 336, or 136 J, Seaforth J. H. SCOTT - J. BROOME PIcoBAc Pq,e Th z v FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE 1 The Women's Institute will be packing the Overseas Boxes for local boys from Tuckersmith and .McKil- lop on or before Nov. lst: Any dona- tions of money or goods could be left with members of the Institute or at Mr. Hudson's store. NOTICE ` Township. of'Hullett Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. Voters' Lists, 1942, Township of Mullett, Huron County.' Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my Office at Londes- boro, on, the 12th day of October, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at. Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I HEREBY CALL upon all Voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, and that the last day for appeal being the 12th day of November, 1942. Dated this 12th day of October,• 1942. JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk of Mullett `Twp. FARM FOR SALE • 120 acres a mile east of Walton. Large bank barn, frame house, and gravel pit. Apply to Jean Turner, or Alex Kerr, Seaforth. FOR SALE CHEAP Dress suit, grey suit, grey top hat, fur -lined coat. May be seen at Gilles - pie's Cleaners, Phone 196. Seaforth & District Salvage Corps, I • 7 year oldPon Cl degALE ho e;. 8 year old filly, part Belgian; also heifer due end of Dec, Harvey Taylor, Londes- boro. Phone 850r 22, Seaforth central COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF SEAFORTH The first meeting of the Court of Revision for hearing appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1942 of the Town of Seaforth will be held 40 the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Tues- day, Nov: 3rd, at 8 o'eloek p.m. D. H. WILSON, Clerk, SAVE FOR VICTORY Saturday Cash & Blue Ribbon Baking Powder lb. tin ., 230 CaluMet Baking Powder lb. tin 23c Quart Gem Fprest Oita, -, . , 33c Whyte Pure Lard 3 lb, 29e Tilisons Rolled Oats - 3 db. . . . ... 16c Quick Quaker Oats - Large Pkge...,.,..,,, 23c Post Toesties, 3• pkges 23c Fresh Corn Meal - 5 lbs 1 • 23c Carry Specials Darbys Disinfectant Ib. bottle 45e Darien, Hog Worm Powder 1b, pkge.............. 25c Royal Purple Hog Tonic pkge,, 60c Pratts Poultry Regulator pkge 69e • National Hog Coneentrate 41% Bag 3,25 National Pig Starter, bag 2,70 National Poultry , Concentrate cwt. 4.25 Prairie Rose Flour, 98 ib. 2,55 Real Old Nippy Cheese, 'pound' 25c n IN.,�. ani FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres, lot 22, con. 12, Hibbert; also 49 acres, west half lot 20, con, 13, Hibbert, On lot 22 are good brick• house, good bank barn 42x80, garage, 2 good wells, 4.5 acres bush. Lot 20 is an seeded, Ras spring creek, about 3 , acres bush. Arnold Westlake, Cro- marty. WANTED TO BUY' Small gas engine wanted, ,suitable for separator or pulper, from Ve to 2• h.p. Write giving particulars, to Box G, The Seaforth 'News, NOTICE Strayed to Lot 19, Con. 2, Hibbert, a yearling calf. Owner may have salve by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to James` O'Connor, Dublin. FOR SALE 75 White Leghorn hens, one year old. Apply to Mrs. Orville Dale, 847r 22, Seaforth. FOR SALE A 1932 Ford roadster model 5, good running condition, all good tires (two brand new), and a good battery. Will sell reasonable. Apply. to Mrs. Ken Thornton, R.R. •2, Walton. NOTICE Township of McKillop Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7, of the Vot- ers' Liet Act and I have posted up in my' office on the 10th day, of Octo- ber, 1942, the list of all persons en- titled to vote in said municipality for inembers ofparliament and municip- al elections, and that such list 're- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to 'takeimmediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day of appeal being the 31st day of Octo- ber, 1942. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of the Twp. of McKillop. FARM FOR SALE, Lot 17, Con. 9, McKillop. 100 acres. Good land, No buildings. All in grass. Plenty of water. Apply to J. C. Laing, Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE • The following lands are offered for sale by tender, namely, Lots 19, - 20, 21 and 22, en the • West side of Mill Street, hi Carter's subdivision of part of Block K, in. Jarvis Survey of part of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 24th day of October, 1942, and must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% of the amount of the, tender. On the said lands there is said to be erected a one and one half storey frame dwelling house with 'cement, foundation. These lands are offered for sale to close, the Estates of, Rosey. Wilson and Robert, Wilson. The highest or. any tender not necessarily accepted. McCONNELL & HAYS, •Seaforth, Ontario, ,Solicitors for A. h Meredith, Administrator of the" Estates of Rosey Wilson and Robert Wilson, CIDER MILL. Will make Cider, Apple Butter and Jelly, every day until Nov. 21st. No ereameiy cans allowed. Phone 181. Fred Iiennick, West Ward, Mitchell. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spies, Russets, 'Sloane, etc. Apply to Gordon Horner, Varna. Phone 626 r 25, Clinton central. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE SpY, Russet, Baldwin, Peewaukbe, Cider apples and cooking apples. -Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred McCly mont, Varna. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable.. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E: Chapman • • NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM 8F PRYDE We invite inspection of our. stook of Cemetery Memorials" SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other, time •by appointment See Dr. Har'bure-Phone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -Bog 150 4 ►Vl.cLoisiN LL & :JAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 1 ' E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court, County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1',30 p.m, to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 pan. to 9 p,m. BO X 3fru1 urat 'rruin ? Special and Careful Attention AMBULANCE Office , Residence Main St, Jarvis St.' 43 ' 18 The McKillop Mutual Fire 'Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex' McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A - Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS P. MoKerolter,R.R.1, Dublin; John, E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brumfield; J. F. Procter, Brodhagen; James Watt„ Blyth. .DIRECTORS ' J Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knot, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; `E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R,. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex, McEwing,. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinten; Hugh Alexander, Walton, Parties desirous to effect insurance - or transact other business,. will be' promptly atended to by applications: • to any of the abovenamed officers• addressed to their respective - post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Snecessors to James Watson, MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed ,at lowest rates in First -Class. Companies, . SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A, Molester, M.B,, Graduatt ,f University of Toronto.. Paul L. Brady, M.D„ Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped wit,+ complete andmodern x-ray and other' up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic• equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the firs, Tuesday in every month from 3 to • 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday it every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A.,M,D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone fi 1 DR. F:.0 R. FORSTER Foye, Ear. Nose and Throat traduate .in .Medicine,, University' of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield'a Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. :At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third' Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. Sun Life Assurance. Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)