HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-10-22, Page 6f'4GE SIX THE MIXING nowt . . isy ANNE AttAN Nyafel* Wm* loaawatst GIFT BOXES FOR IN UNIFORM Hello Homemakers! High time to plan your Christmas gift boxes for those in uniform . ou the land . on the, sea , . . in the air. You may also be thinking of tlie families of the men in the armed forces and, too, of the folks in the homes of. indomitable Britain who so cheerily "make do," During the next three weeks such great numbers of parcels will be go- ing through the mails that it is portant to pack your boxes so as to speed up deliveries and make sure your parcels will travel well. Here are sortie suggestions: 1. First of all, choose a stout box— preferably of the carton type which combines lightness with strength. 2. Packing or inner lining is neces- sary for a light weight box, such as corrugated cardboard. Cotton - batting or socks pushed along the sides and into the chinks can be used. Little packages of raisins or something that will not melt may be used as fillers. 3. Contents. Foods should be wrap- ped separately and labelled so that the recipient may undo things as they are wanted. We suggest baking the fruit in cocoa tins. When cooled put the lid on and you have fruit loaf and container ready. Cookies carry well when packed in baking -powder tins with wax paper. There are also many acceptable packaged goods such as powdered milk and eggs, cocoa, soups, etc. 4. Fit everything into the box as closelytogether as possible. Close THE SFAXFOATII NEWS Olci-Pashloried Taffy altvaYS been working at full blaet. 2 cups light brown sugar, 3 Iint since British bombers Wept ever tbs. corn snap. 1 tb. Vinegar, 3 the port. at the' rate of fearteen a Os, water, pinch of salt, 1 tb. minute, bombing carefully selected butter, 1% tsps. pure vanilla. targets, output has fallen at a terrific Stir sugar, corn syrup, vinegar, rate, water and a generous pinch of salt In BretneM the 'Focke-Walf plant, oVei' heat until sugar alewives, Bring where many Of the liege four -engined to rapid boll, using electric element bombers which cooperate with U - turned to "High"; addthe butter, boats in the Atlantic are constructed, then cook at moderate speed, stirring has also suffered heavily at the hands of R.A.F. bombers, These .gigantic attacks also hit hard at the men and women of Bre- men who are employed in the con- struction of U-boats. It was recently reported that 80,000 out of a popula- tion of 320,000 were horneless follow - her in care of this paper, Send in ins a full-scale "visit" from BoMber your questions on homemaking prob- lems and watch thoris column f°rnumaild' replies. Now that American bombing' squa- drons will be joining thoSe of the Nipping Under Sea R.A.F., Germany's, factories on 1J -boat - Work will be hammered harder than Flowers in the Bud ever. It is important' that training schools Just before the outbreak of World for future u -boat crews shall be put War II, Vice -Admiral, Karl Doenitz, out of, action too. That is why, in close adviser to Raeder, chief of the raids upon Kiel, Hamburg, 'Rostock German Navy, and nominal leader of and Lubeck, Britain's bombers made the underwater fleet arranged for the sure of dropping a "stick" across construction of II -boats in small buildings used for training under - Parts, The Reich was bent on igUm'- water seamen, Ing its promises not to build an .And what ofthe craft which do cessive tonnage of these craft, and escape, and take their positions in Doenitz hoped, by dispersing the fan, Germany's underwater fleet? They tories producing his new fleet, totrare hounded from the moment they escape the attention of the nations -slide down the slipway. And again which, desired to keep the world at the R,A.F. plays its part, in success - peace. ful co-operation with the Royal Navy. At the same time, Doentz realized $t's not a. pleasant life, being in a this this dispersal system would submarine crew, even if You do sue - prove of infinite value when the Ger- ceed eventually in getting to sea. man nation once more went to war, for he felt confident that with fact- SOWING MINES IN THE DESERT oriel so widely scattered, DO enemy The laying of minefields in the bombing force could hope to knock out, or Ipwer to any extent, his rate of 1J -boat production. He reekoend without the R.A.F. The Germans are now reported to have something like 200 U-boats in commission. Only about half of these craft can be in action at once, and the nazi navy commanders, on more the box; tie firmly with twine and than ane occasion, have hinted that put on one set of address and deo. their great aim is to keep in the At- laration labels, just as though the lantio an under -water fleet numbering box were not going to be,Wra,P- close to one hundred. ped. According to neutral observers, the 5. Then cover the box with factory Nazis claim to be constructing, on an cotton (say, a washed flour bag). average, five U-boats every week. But fold the ends like the back of an on the debit side stand the United envelope, and stitch, using thin, Nations' recent successes. against the strong twine in darning needle, 'U-boats, which are heartening, al - Tie the box firmly again and put though we should be fooling our - on a second set of labels. It is selves to think that the battle against ranch better to put on an alternat- Hitler's submarines has already been ive address than a return address won. —a civilian relative or frien In R.A.F. Raids Blast U -Boat Plants the old country may be named on Then take the R. A. F.'s contribu- the overseas label, tion. The mammoth raids upon, Col - 6. Check on the rates with your ogne, Essen, Bremen, Mannheim and postmaster (overseers boxes up to other great industrial centers must 11 lbs. cost 12c per lb.). It is have shaken Vice -Admiral Karl Doe- adhisayle not to pack the maxi- nits, for on each and every occasion mum weight. Remember, civilian TJ -boat plants have been subjected to rates are different and certain heavy and consistent attack. gifts may be on the dutiable list, When the biggest -ever 'aid was a point you want to check, launched against Cologne, British Be sure to send only what is need- planes had to run the gauntlet of ed—as shipping space is precious. some of the heaviest defenses in the Lists of general items needed will be world, For the U-boat targets of Col - sent upon request. ogne were vital, and the German SPECIAL RECIPES FOR high command had installed 120 pow. GI FT BOX ES erfu] searchlights, 500 anti-aircraft 1 cup seedless raisins, 3,4 cup guns, and had placed night -fighter brown sugar, % cup corn syrup, bases within easy range of the city. 1 cup boiling water, 1/3 cup Despite these precautions, Britain's butter, 1 tsp. salt, 4 tsp. nutrney, pilots forced home their attack with 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 cups all- , devastating success. purpose flour, % tsp. baking pow- No fewer than 250 factory build - der, 1 tsp. baking soda. Ings, some of them engaged on II - Put raisins, sugar, syrup, water, boat work, were either gutted or set,. butter, salt and spices into causepan; iously damaged, while the buildings simmer gently for 5 minutes. Cool. which housed hundreds ot workers Add sifted dry ingredients. Mix thor- for these factories no longer existed oughly' and pour into loaf pan 9"x 5" by the time the R.A.F. bombers wing - lined with waxed paper and greased, ed their 'way back to Britain. Bake in electric oven, Although it is impossible to assess Golden Fancies the exact damage inflicted ' upon 1 cup shortening, % cup brown plants, there is no doubt that the sugar, 1 egg, % cup corn syrup, German U-boat plan received a tor- sugar, cup hot water, 3 cups pastry rific jolt as the result of the mam- flour, 2 taps. baking soda. moth raid upon Cologne. Cream shortening; add sugar; mix Bremen, another center which haa received constant visits f well, Add unbeaten egg; beat well. rom the Add syrup and hot water. Add sifted R.A,F., is the headquarters of the IJ - dry ingredients in three additions, boat building industry. Here the vast mixing well. Chill thoroughly. Take Deschinag and Atlas submarine yards out spoonfuls of dough and roll be- tween the palms of the hands into ever since the war, clouds broke in small round balls. Place about 2 1039' inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Nearby, the Norddeutsche Hutte A. Flatten with tines of fork. Bake in G. steelworks, where many of the electric oven at 375 degrees for 12 steel plates for U-boats are made, has minutes, occasionally, until a few drops of the mixture will" form a brittle masa when tested in cold water. .Add the vanilla and turn quickly into a but- tered. pan. Anne Allan invites yon to write to Date Squares 1 clip shortening, % Cup brown sugar, % Cup corn sYruP, 2 mina rolled oats, I% cups all-purpose flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. I salt, 04 cup warm water. Cl shortening, add brown sug- ar and syrup; beat till creamy. Add rolled oats, blend well. Add sifted dry ingredients, alternately with water, Press one-half the batter into greased ',pan 9" x 18". Cover 'with fruit spread remaining dough over filling.: .Bake in electric oven at 350 degrees for 85-40 minutes. AUCTIONEER V'. W. AHRENS, LicenSed Auction Per tOr Perth and Huron Counties Sales Solicited. Terms on Application Farm Stock, chattels and real °gnu pr0pm4y. R. R. No, 4, Mitchell Phone 624 r 6. Apply at this Mire HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth COM - ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed, For information, write or phone Harold JacksOn, phone 14 on 661; R R 4 Seaforth desert sands is intended mainly as a shield for a fortified position. If the mines are laid thickly enough, the enemy cannot make a break -through without a loss of many tanks. Usually they are laid in rows, about six feet between rows and be- tween , mines, so that no tank, Bren- gun-carrier or lorry can pass over the field without touching off at least one mine. The sappers leave a path through the fields, marked with flags to guide their own vehicles. As soon as atack is threatened, the flags are pulled up. Shite theIpath is a zigzag the enemy have no chance of dash- ing through without exploding mines. British mines, which contain an eight -pound charge of explosives, are laid on beds of small' stones at the bottom of holes dug in the •sand. Pressure on any part of the lid causes instant explosion. German mines' are shallower but wider and have an explosive charge of eleven pounds. Clearing a path through a minefield, is an even more dangerous job than: laying th emines. To locate the field,' soldiers will prod their bayonets into: the sand at an angle as oblique as Possible, hoping to strike a mine without putting pressure on the lid and exploding it. Under some Circum-: stances it is possible to detect mines' -THURBBAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 1ff VICTORY BO DS WERE AT YOUR DOOR... Would any sacrifice be too grs_d? When the Victory Loan canvasser calls, think of Stalingrad and Chungking ... of London and Coventry . .. of Dieppe. These are the yardsticks by which we must measure our sacrifice—our right to share in the victory. This is our job. 'OF On "Cate"ve Se44/ke '000 TELEPHC.211. Oiaseg GliZszfs 2 likteis P. D. WILSON, Manager. by an electric device. Once the field has been located; accurate shell-iire or low-level bombing can explode the mines and clear the path. • At the village hall the concert was a great success and no turn was more popular than the conjurer from town. For his assistant he chose man of the "country bumpkin" type of whom he made great fun. But the country/nen got his own back when it came to producing rabbits. 'I am now," announced the conjurer, "going to produce a rabbit from this gentle- man's5inside jacket pocket." The other grinned broadly. "That will he a mirahle," he said: "I've got a ferret in there." Laborer; "I dug this hole where I was told to nad began to put the dirt back where I was supposed to. But all the dirt won't go in. What'll I do?" 11n The supervisor pondered, and then said; "I have it. There's only one thing to do. You'll have to dig the hole deeper." 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