HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-09-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT TEE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY,, SEPTEMBER 10, 1048 HENSALL, Ston and family of Hamilton spent onday in Cxoderich, MIN and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ingeam of Plea -1M, cott and family and Mr, and Mrs. sarrtvillo, N.Y., who have Visited for, y some time with the latter's mother, Johnston and Miss Doris Loar left Mrs. Devlin, left for lionie on Tues• for their respective homes-. on Mon- dayda evenin Mr, aucl Mrs. W, C. Goodwin and y g Mary, also Mrs. Maulldisou, attended' Mr. Robert Leiper and sister, Miss the Clark -Paterson wedding in Lou- Agnes Leiper returned to Toronto don on Saturday last. 'Monday after spending the week The Misses Beryl and Alice Pfaff,' end and holiday at the home of their Mary Goodwin Margaret Bell and Helen' Moir spent the Labor Day mother, Mrs. Annie Leiper, and tam - week end at Grand Bend. ily. Mrs. Carter of London spent the Mr, Win. Lather, who has been in week end with her parents, Mr, end training since the end of June, re - Mrs. W G' Bell r ' ' turned to Petawawa : on Tuesday. af- Mr, Wm. Cook of London spent week end with his, mother Mrs. ter spending the week end and holi-, Devlin, I day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Miss June Sundereock who had a Annie Leiper and family. Mr. and position at Grand Bend for the sum -1 Mrs. John Leiper of Clinton, also mer months, has returned home, Mrs. George Hess and Ruth, also spent Sunday at the above mention - Miss Georgia Hancock, Donna Mc. ed home. Ewen and Lenore Norminton are Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox motor - spending a few days at the Hess ootb ed from Toronto on Saturday accom- age in, the Pinery. Orion. Stephen had her tonsils re- parried by their sister, Miss Laving moved at Dr. Steer's office on Friday. Knox and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Snyder and little daughter also of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manning in Brussels and his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Knox and other friends. Miss Levina holidayed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox and Mr. and Mr's. Snyder and little daughter holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Roberb Jamieson of near Constance and other friends, all re- turning to Toronto Monday evening. Mrs. Cardiff of near Ethel visited last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. and Mr. A. W. Beacom and family last week. Master Bert Lyon of near Londes- boro spent last week at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom and family. Mrs. Arthur Colson and mother, Mrs. Robert Jamieson, recently spent a week with friends in Toronto and Mr. Arthur Colson accompanied by Mr. Robert' Jamieson and Mrs. Thos. Knox motored to Toronto spending a few days with friends. The form- er couple returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd and Joan of Walkerton spent the week end in Clinton calling on Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing, and taking Master Tommy who has been holid- aying for the past few weeks, home with them. Little Jean and Kenneth Gibbings of near Clinton spent part of last week at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson. Mrs. Knechtel held the August Ladies' Aid, W.M.S. and Baby Band meeting of Burns' Church at ' the home of her brother, Mr. Reece Fer- ris with a large attendance. The ladies' of Burns' Church are invited to attend the Kinburn Lad- ies' Aid and W.M.S. meeting Wed- nesday afternoon of this week. Mr, and Mrs. Matt England spent the week end visiting friends at Niagara Falls and St. Thomas. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent the week end with friends in Blyth. Pte. Gerald Campbell of Chatham spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Earl Campbell. Public School opened on Tuesday. The High School will remain closed until the 21st, Miss Florence Schwalm of Clinton and Mr, Lee Schwalm of Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs, Violet Schwalm, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Smillie and family spent the week end with Miss Murray, and the latter returned to Toronto with them for a visit. While backing his team of horses down the gangway on his farm ou Saturday Mr. Alex Buchanan had the misfortune to have the horses and wagon upset over the edge. As a result he sustained a double fracture of his leg while making an effort to save himself by jumping from the wagon. Mr. Buchanan is at present in Scott Memorial Hospital under the care of Dr, Donald Steer. His many friends hope for a good recovery, The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held on Thursday, Sept. 8rd at 3 p.m. in the absence of the president, Mrs. Cross, the chair was taken by Mrs. Carrie Balantyne, 1st vice president. The meeting openedwith nprayp forer and the hymn, Stand up, Jesus. During the business period a discussion was held regarding a pot luck supper and it was decided to hold same at the November meeting. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Jinks, after which Mrs. Merner led in prayer. Mrs. C. A, McDonnell read a paper, "Youth goes on Strike." Miss Lammie contributed a pleasing piano solo. Miss Murray gave a short talk on Temperance. The meeting closed with a hymn followed by prayer. Additional quantities of pear and plum marmalade must be made in order to make the full quota. Those having pears to donate please phone Mrs. Maude Hedden, and those hav- ing plums contact Mrs. C. Cook. Pear marmalade will be made in the United church Thursday, Sept. 10th, at 1 p.m. Your help is needed. The annual Harvest Home service of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held next Sunday morning at which time the church will be suit- ably decorated with the fruits of the field, tree and garden. The minister will preach on a theme in keeping with the message of the harvest season and the choir will render suit- able praise. It is hoped that all mem- bers and friends of the congregation will be present to join in this service of thankfulness. The Sabbath School will meet at ten o'clock. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- ped twill be observed on Sunday, 20 in Carmel Presbyterian Church. The usual preparatory service will be held on the preceding Friday. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel 'Church will be held on Thursday, Sept. 10th, at 3 p.m. The text word will be Prayer. Sunday, Sept. 6th was observed as a day of prayer through the Empire. In Carmel Church at the morning service Rev. Mr. Weir took his text from Ephesians 6-12. The same chap- ter was read by a Padre to some of our. Canadian troops before going into battle recently. The September meeting of the Hensall W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir ou Wednes- day evening the 16th and will take the form of a pot luck supper. Mrs. Jas. Paterson will be co -hostess. The roll call will be answered with a Scotch joke, Miss Audrey Russell, who held a end for the sposition at Grand umme months,has atoned home. TAX COLLEQTQR WANTED ',township of Tuckersmith Applications will be received up to Sept. 18th, to fill the office of tax collector for the Township of Ruck- ersmith. Information in regard to duties, bonds, etc,, may be received from the Clerk. D. F. MaGREGOR, Clerk. Miss Beatrice Pryce of'. Ottawa spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Pryce., BAYFIEL. Mr. S. Castle of Simcoe spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs, Castle. Mr. Go. Castle moved his family to Goderich this week where he is employed in a factory doing war work, M. J. Balkwill of London spent the week end with Miss Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. P. Weston and Mr, J. Stewart and H. McGregor were in Stratford Labor Day attending the races. Mrs. Patterson is a guest of her brother, Mr. John Leslie at their cottage, Mrs. K. Smith of London is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Parker. Dr. W. Tillman and Miss Tillman of London are at their cottage for a few days. Mr. Geo. Elliott spent last week in Windsor. Miss Pauline Maxwell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. Maxwell, has arrived in Washington, D.C., where she has secured a position in Civil Service. Miss Mary Jean Moorhouse of London was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Jowett, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDonald of Detroit were week end visitors with. Mrs, McDonald's parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Weston. Mr. and Mrs, H. McLaren of Port Elgin spent the holiday "with Miss Stirling. Mrs. W. J. Ferguson and sons of Sudbury are spending a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mrs. J. Churchward of London, and friend, Miss Shortt, of Lambeth, spent the week end at her cottage. Many of the owners of cottages have closed them for the season and returned to their city homes. The many friends of Mr. H. Talbot are sorry to know he is still ill at his home. Miss Ruby Fisher and Miss Pollock of Waterloo spent the holiday with Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr. L. Fowlie of London spent the holiday with his sisters, Misses Fowlie. D WINTHROP The W. A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Somerville Wed- nesday, Sept. 2nd. Mrs. Toll pre- sided. Hymn 380 "Where cross the crowded ways of life" was sung after which Mrs. Blanchard led in prayer. The roll call was answered by a verse on "Trust." The meeting was now open for business. The date of the October meeting was changed to Oct. 14th. Mrs. Wm. Church and Mrs. A. Somerville were appointed as del- egates to the Presbyterial at Bruce - field. After the .business the meeting was turned over to Circle No. 4 with Mrs. Church in charge. Hymn 394 "Happy the home when God is there" was sung alter which the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. The Scripture taken from St. Matthew, chapt. 5, verses 13-16, and chapt. 13, verses 31-33, was read by Mrs. Hogg. Mrs. Garnham le'd in prayer. Hymn 376 "Blest be the tie that binds," was sung. Mrs. Church gave a read- ing. The new study book, "The church in our community and the church in the city streets" was intro- duced by Mrs. Toll. Hymn 379 "Jesus Master Whose I am," was sung and the meeting closed by , singing the national anthem. HARLOCK Mr, and Mrs. Chopp, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith of Det- roit and Mr. Cliff Ball of Windsor spent the week end and Monday at the home of Mrs. Chopp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Bell, and other friends, returning to Detroit Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, James Scott and fa- mily of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 5, McVittie and other friends. They were accompan- ied by Master James and Donald Watt who had been holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston and fa- mily of Hamilton and Miss Doris Lear spent the week end at the Mime of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelsen Lear. Mr. and Mrs. S. McVittie, Mr. and Mrs. K. McVittie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and family, Mr. and Mrs; James Scott of Toronto and family and Mr. and Mrs. Johns- Card. of Thanks Mrs, R. H, Modeland and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the many expressions of sympathy shown to them in their recent sail bereavement. Auction Sale Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, September 12th. 200 head of mixed stock cattle. Sales every Saturday. A. C. McAlpine, Auctioneer, Auction Sale Of House Furnishings in Seaforth. on Saturday, Sept, 19th at one o'clock on John Street, at the home of Mrs. James Riley: One Quebec kitchen stove; one electric rangette, new; one heater; one electric washing machine, like, new; one extension table; glass cup- board; marble top cupboard; six kitchen chairs and one armchair; three small tables; one small gateleg table; three rocking chairs; two lea- ther chairs; six dining room chairs; one high chair; one parlor suite; one chest of drawers; sewing machine; several pieces of linoleum; two dress- ers; three beds, springs and mat- tresses; a lawn mower, dishes and garden tools, etc. Terms cash. Mrs. James Riley, Prop. Edwin Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. VARNA Owing to the absence of the rector of St. John's Church, Rev. John Graham, Mr. Meir of Seaforth, who is president of the Huron Deanery, gave a very interesting talk on church work and church going. Week -end visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott of Kitchener, and Mrs. Ferguson and children of Sudirury, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Laythem and . family with the latter's mother, Mrs. Beatty and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ohuter and fam- ily and Mrs. Walker of London with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chuter•. Mrs. Austin and son Russell and daughter Mary called Sunday on friends in Londesboro and Seaforth. Mr. George Clark spent a few days last week with his son in Seaforth. The many friends of Mrs. M. Elliott will be sorry to know she is not enjoying the best of health. Rev. Reba Hern, pastor of Varna United Church, is having a vacation. Mrs. Bill Ball of Clinton spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mossop. The Red Cross meeting will be held in the church, Tuesday, Sept, 15th at 2 o'clock. We are expecting a good attendance as we have a few patches left over from our last print crazy quilt we made and if anyone has any patches to spare we would be pleased to get them at this meet- ing. The public school teachers and pu- pils wended their way back to school on Tuesday and seemed quite anx- ious after the long holiday. There are three new pupils at Winthrop school, Ronnie Davidson, Ronnie Trewartha and Mac Montgomery. Ross Montgomery, who received a badly cut foot which required four stitches to close the wound, will not be able to attend school fox another week at least. Mr. Haase has finished drilling a well on his own premises and is busy drilling one for Mr. John H. Storey, Mrs, Harold Bolger and baby daughter are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pryce. BRUCEFIELD Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Charlotte Marie Drager. All persons having claims 'against the Estate of Charlotte Marie Drager, late of the Village of Walton, County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of August, 1942, are hereby notified to send in to' the undersigned on or before the 24th day 01 September; 1942, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 2nd day of September, 1942. Dorothy Rutledge, Administratrix. ' By her Solicitors, McOONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. FOR SALE Two wagons suitable for team, or one horse. Also one horse blanket. Apply to John Abel, Seaforth. The Horticultural Society are hold- ing their flower show on Friday aft- ernoon and evening of this week. Tea will be served. Misses Ina Scott and Margaret Aikenhead of London spent the week end at their homes here. Mr., and Mrs. R. McKenzie and family of Detroit spent last week with relatives here and in London. Miss Ellen Scott is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser of Detroit. spent the holiday here. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. 12. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, Austin' Wheeler, , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wheeler of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, C. Halstead and Floyd of Stratford. Miss Anna Cornish and friend, of Toronto; Carlyle Cornish, RCAF, Brockville, spent the week end at their home here. Miss Doris Dutot of London visited at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan spent last week in Chatham. Mr. D. Swan, Miss E, Bowes', Mrs. Grainger, spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Norma Collins of London is visiting her grandmother Mrs, Mary McKenzie. Miss Elizabeth Scott is visiting in London, Mr. Ross Smith of Wingham is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry, Spence's Produce GO EGGNMENT REGISTERED GRAD IN STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTE'S FOR SALE 8 roomed house, conveniently loc- ated in Seaforth, modern conveni- ences, garage. Apply McConnell & Hays, Seaforth. We Sell War Savings Stamps Calf Meal— Darleys Shoo -Fly Animal 100 pound bag......,. 3,49 Spray, 128 oz. tin,.,...090 , Havelock Flour— pig Starter- 98 ib. bag.....:.......2,49 per bag ........,,,, 2.65 Maple Leaf Flour- Ceresen— 4 25 98 'lb. bag, . , ..2.09 6 potrnd tin . Whyte's Pure Lard— Ceiesan- 3 pound.,... .. 25c 1 pound tin 110 The Leather is there in every pair of Greb Shoes . Our Prices are right W.g Finnigan McCONNELL & HAYS PERENNIAL PLANT'S FOR SALE Delphinium, Pyrethrum (Painted Daisy) Geum, Canterbury Bell (bi- ennial) also cut flowers. Beautiful Gladioli. Plants may be set out now. A. L. Porteous, West St., Seaforth. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Ann McDole. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Ann McDole, late of Swan Lake, Manitoba, formerly of the Township of Huilett, in the County of Huron, Province of Ont- ario, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of May, 1941, are hereby: notified to send in to the under- signed on or before the 24th day of September, 1942, fill particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among- st • the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be lia- ble to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have not- ice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 2nd day of September, 1942, William Earl Mills, Walton, Ont- ario, and The Honourable ebn Schnitz, K.C.,' Winnipeg, Executers. By their Solicitors, ,' McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE 66 acres Bayfield Rd. 10 acres bush. Good buildings and good fences. Excellent dairy farm. Apply to J. E. Pollock, R.R. 1, Varna. FOR SALE 1 buggy, like new; 2 copper kettles about 40 gals. each, with apple butter attachments; 1 copper kettle about 30 gals., with apple butter attach- ments, new; 1 sugar kettle, large size. Apply to Mrs. Joseph Rau, phone 98r6, Zurich, Ont. 7 miles south of Bayfield,LBluewater highway. FOR SALE Corn blower, 12", with thirty feet of pipe and hood, first class shape, for sale. Also a circular saw, in good shape. Apply to W. H. Keeler, phone 19 on 24, Dublin, R.R.2. NOTICE 1The Seaforth Public Library will be closed from Monday, August 31st, to Sept. 14th. G. Thompson, Lib- rarian, FOR SALE A third share in a Massey -Harris corn binder near Seaforth. Apply Edward Melady, phone 22r10, Dublin. 'FARM FOR SALE 120 acres; mile east of Walton, Large bank barn; frame house; gravel pit. Apply to Jean Turner, or .Alex Kerr, Seaforth. "Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve" Something new for corn sufferers. Use Benzocaine, the new local anes- thetic contained in "LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE." 50c at Mc- Kindsey's Drug Store. FERTILIZER Do not be fooled on your Fertilizer.. There is none in store- houses this Fall. Order what you want and have it delivered. SPROAT & SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 Seaforth Used Cars Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, uilding, Seaforth, Office hours:--- Tuesday, 'ours;—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p,m. to 9 p.m. sox. Ifinttrat #truin Special and Careful Attention AMBULANCE Office Residence Main St. Jarvis St. 43 18 Buy a Late model. It will fast you for the duration,' the next best to a new car. Low mileage, finish, tires, etc., like new. Liberal Terms No financing charge to pay 1941 Chev: Master De Lux Coach. Green. Heater. Defrosters. Spotless interior. 1941 Ford Coach,• slightly over 9000. Dunlop Fort tires. Heater. Save $200.00. 1941 Chev Master Coach.eseedium Blue. Heater. Hurry, late models sell. 1936 Chev. Standard Coach. Steel top. Hydraulic brakes, *fink, low mileage. Priced to sell quick - 1935 Chev Coach, steel top. 1980 Chev Sedans (2). 1929 Pontiac Coupe. 1929 Ford A Coach. 1934 Terraplane Sedan. 1930 Ford Model A Sedan. John Gallop' WARD FRITZ Seaforth Phone 129. HOUSE FOR SALE 6 -room house„ all modern convent- ences, Box ly priced to wind 127, Seaforth News. p an a INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE ;AGENCIES FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, due. Sept. 20th, for sale; also. 35 feet of six inch pipes and hood for ensilage cutter, A. W. McEwing, Blyth. Phone 23 r 8, Blyth central, STRAYED From lot 12, con. 12, McKillop, a light red steer about 930 lbs. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this an- imal please notify Edward Pr'yce, phone 845 r 23, Seaforth, FOR SALE About 80 Leghorn hens, year olds. Wilber Keyes, Phone 656 r 11, Sea - forth central. FOR SALE Rosco Portable Silos, , Insul-Brick siding, Asphalt roofing. Eavetrough- ing. Rock wool insulation, Building Papers & etc. 'Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field, Ont, Phone Clinton 618 ring 12. Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 106 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President,. Alex McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager & Sec. Treas„ M. A Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,. Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E.J.Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth;' W. IL Archibald, Seaforth; Alex MoEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, • Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) 0=4 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. . All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. • SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of university of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and r thereuptio equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moerefleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seeforth Clinic first Tuesday in each montb.-63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO, OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wax Industry) t�� i