HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-09-10, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.42
',111 4;:11
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Hello Homemakers! To -day tctolt
of us should be geared to st high
degree of physical fitness. Civilians
can help win the war by developing
more strength of body and mind
through watching the foods they eat
and the things they. do,
Fatigue is too common. an.ailment.
Despite tremendous food resources
and inedleal facilities, illness whittles
clown our production efficiency... As
we all know, thousands have been
rejected for active service due to
their low healthstandard. So it'e
easy to see that we need to check up
on our habtis.
Let's change chores to cheers bY
making our motto; work while you
work; play while you play; have
eight hours' sleep and good food for
Your keep. Make sure of sufficient
exercise, correct foods for your
particular nods, and healthful recrea-
tion- Doing your chores cheerfully Ss
not only an emergency necessity—
but a long-range objective for happy,
purposeful living.
Cereal, Cooked in Milk
Hard Cooked ]9gg
Toast Coffee
Steamed Fish
Peas and Cauliflower
Whole Wheat Bread
Fresh Fruit Gup Fruit Bread
Cheese Fondue Jullienne Salad
Melba Toast
We'll have
a real nest-eo
aft this war. i
OUR FAMILY went through hard times
once. Itlaught us that you can't keep
your independence without foresight
and sacrifice. We learned what we could
do without when we had to. So we
know that a real nest -egg means mdre
than just compulsory savings. It means
all the War Savings Stamps and Cer-
tificates we can lay our hands on.
They're safe. And they're an invest-
ment.every Canadian should make.
Why? Because they help equip our
fighting men to protect everything
we've got. And because, too, they pay
back $5.00 for every $4.00 we put aside
now. We've got to win this war no matter
what it costs — and we've got to
prepare against the time. when the
boys come home.
Buy War Savings Stains front druggists,
hanks, post offices, telephone offices, de..
pertinent stores, grocers, tobacconists and
other retail stores. Certificates may be
purchased for immediate delivery in
denominations of $5, $10, $25 from Banks,
Trust Companies and Post Offices.
National Win. Finance Cornmittoo
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
219 MITCHELL or, Ingersoll 21
,Berry Shortcake Tea
Fruit Brown Bread
% cup flour; 1 tsp, soda; 1 tsp.
salt; 11/2 cups 'Whole Wheat
flour; % oup ground dried
prunes or raisins; 1 tb, butter;
clip molasses; 11/2 cups butter-
Mix and sift the flour, soda and
salt and stir in the dour and prunes
or !raisins, Add melted butter and
buttermilk to molasses. Pour into dry
ingl'edients, stirring only until moist-
ened. Put into , greased loaf pan
(about 4 x 9) and bake in an electric
oven at 350 degrees for 1 heur. Serve
hot or cold.
Cheese fondue
1 cup grated , cheese; 2 tsps.
fat; 1. cup milk; 1 tsp. salt; 3
eggs; ½ tap, mustard; 1 cup
bread crumbs or cooked rice or
left -over cereal.
Beat egg yolks slightly, add must-
ard, crumbs, salt, milk, fat and
cheese; fold in beaten egg whites.
Pour into a baking dish and cover
with a wax paper. Stearn for 40
mins, and brown in electric oven with
top element turned to Low or place
on lowest shelf with top element
Julienne Salad
Arrange crisp shredded lettuce,
endive or chicory in salad bowl; put
julienne (thin) strips of beets in
centre, Mix strips of cooked green
beans and cubes of cuemnber. to-
gether, Add to -salad bowl. Chill in
eleotric refrigerator, Serve 'with
Curry Dressing.
Cleaning an Electric Refrigerator
I. If the machine does not automatio.
ally defrost, turn the dial to
defrost when the ice is about 1/4
inch thick on the unit. Remove
lee cube trays and wash in clear
R. Wash interior of refrigerator and
shelves with a new cheese cloth
dinned in a solution of baking
soda and water. Dry with another
clean cloth.
B. Odours can usually be removed by
placing a saucer containing char-
coal or dry baking soda in the
lower part,
4. For oiling, follow the manufactur-
er's directions if unit is not her-
metically sealed.
Mrs. S. A. asks: "Should the string
of wax beans be removed before they
are canned?"
.Answer: Bacteria are generally
found in this part, but if they are
young and tender, it is not necessary
Miss B. C. asks: "Is there anything
less, expensive than lemon juice to
prevent discolouration before can-
Answer: Two teaspoons salt to
each quart of water is sufficient to
add to peeling water.
Anne Allen invites you to *write
to her in care of this paper. Send in
your questions on homemaking
problems and watch this column for
Produces Yearly 30,000 Tons of Resin
for the War
One hundred tins of bully beef can
be coated with the shellac used in
the recording of a sonata (of, say,
four 12" records) for the gramo-
phone. And, as shellac has a place in
almost every branch of Britain's
work fox the war, British production
of gramophone records has been
Promptly cut down as the war effort
keeps speeding up.
Made as a*protective covering by a
tiny Indian insect only one thirtieth
of an inch long, shellac is the only
natural resin produced by animal
agency. Thirty thousand tons of it
are being used every year in scores
of industries ranging from tank pro-
duction to dentistry.
Latest of all developments is its
part as an important constituent in a
now "dope" for giving aeroplanes
greater weather resistance. But this
is only one of the 68 new uses which
Britain, India and America have
found for shellac 111 the past ten
years, It protects fuses, detonators
and charges for shells, bombs and
roines, and it is used in Bengal flares
and signal lights and rockets.
Word has been passed around that
the commanding officer had offered
his men 95 for every Gorman shot.
That night, the look -out ran silently
to his sleeping friend. Ile shook him.
"Sell" he whispered, "Don't 'Wake
the others, Bill. Just grab yer ride
and come with me. There'S fifty
thousand of them blighters coming
over the top."
Betty—"Do you know you're wear-
ing your wedding ring on the wrong
Ilithel—"Yes, I married the wrong
Taking to the Skies
By Capt. Bruce M. Pearce
Canada's army is taking to the
Six officers and 20 non-commission-
ed officers comprising the first men
from the Canadian Army to be ,
accepted for service in the 1st Caned -
iso Parachute Battalion are now in
training at Fort Benning, Oeorgla.
They will return to Canada upon
completion of their courses for serv-
ice as instructors in the new Canad-
ian Army parachute training centre
to be opened at Camp Shilo, Man.
All fully qualified soldiers, volun-
teers for the ist Canadian Parachute
Battalion must be of high Physical
standards, They must be alert active,
well -muscled, with first-class eyesight
and endurance. Sento rofficers must
be under 35, and captains and lieu-
tenants not over 32, and NCO.'s and
men from 18 to 32,
A. jumping tower will be erected
at Camp Shilo and volunteers will be
given complete instruction in all
phases of. this modern form of fight-
"There has been a very large re-
sponse to the call for the volunteers
for the parachute battalion," stated
Brig. Weeks, "We are careful in our
selection not to enrol a man with
specialized technical training. We
want young, strong fighting soldiers
with initiative and military experi-
ence. They must be under 185 pounds
In weight and have strong feet and
Training will be progressive. First
the men will be trained in jumping
off walls,10 and then 15 feet high.
• Then there wil be the tower -jumping,
from the 250 -foot structure. They will
first make a controlled jump from the
tower in which they will be guided
to the ground by wires. Then ponies
the "free" jump, and the men will
commence real parachute jumping
from planes.
Service with the paratroopers is
absolutely voluntary. If a man even
suggests that he doesn't feel like
jumping, he will be. removed from
the parachute battalion and transfer-
red back to his own unit. A distinct-
ive uniform and special, paratroop
badges will be worn.
Reunion of Veterans
By Williafit McNulty
When a pilot officer ih the Royal
Canadian Air Fbrce stepped out of a
fighter .plane on a farm near Lunen.
Inirg, N. S., he saw a horse looking
steadily at him. A forced landing had
been necessary in a pasture field,
but neither the plane nor pilot was
The pilot , thought he recognized
the horse as one he owned about two
years ago, on a wheat farm near
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, but which
he had sold on enlisting in the air
The airman ,shouted, "Major," at
the horse. -Whereupon, the equine
raced, toward him, hwinnying happ-
ily. The horse rubbed his head
agains t the pilot's uniform. The
man and beast had a joyful reunion
for a half hour until the Man went
to the nearest farmhouse to tele-
phone news of the mishap to his
base. The horse followed him right
to the door, and they were together
until a rescue plane arrived in about
an hour.
The pilot learned that after he sold
Major, the horse was shipped from
Saskatoon to Halifax, N. S., in a car-
load of western farm horses, and at
Halifax, was bought by the farmer
close to Lunenburg on whose land
the plane came down.
The airman is now convinced the
world is not so big after all. Out on
the prairies, he had used Major for
horseback riding as well as general
farm work, and they had been the
beet of companions.
They were reunited after two
years, about 2,700 miles east of their
Firm, Sparkling Jams and Jellies
Without Fuss or Failure
only aot7eSil.Rtttu
TniatOcitLo two.
For j ECM 700 r100 a give
Inftnolirnnuui tteeeintittoolsla, oti.nonlillnyittotgae.bkonit
:Hall al Fi vTa you got THRIFTY
As practically no juice has
time to
up 10 ono half more jam
or jelly from the sante
amount of fruit,
Tice boil is so short it can-
not affect the fresh, natural
taste or darken the colour.
Follow exactly the tested
recipes given free with
Certo and you'll have
lovely jams and jellies.
Book o/72 Tested
Recipes under the
label of every
CE RT 0 bottle.
,,cEILT $141,-.:EXT4AttEllAtri, Veit*
)ever was the need for fire prevention so great as it is
to -day. Why? Because buildings are next to impossible
to replace. Because farm fires destroy food along with
the power to produce it. Fires are the Nation's loss
Get everybody on your farm to be a fire warden. Crack
down on smoking in or around your barns. Insist that
no matches be carried unless in tight tin boxes—and
not at all While threshing.
See that the lamps and lanterns are filled before dark.
Always hang the lantern well up—snapped on with a
good strong snap. Don't takes chances with kerosene
oil or gasoline.
Don't tamper with electric wiring. Keep your lightning
rods and cables in good repair—always. Fight by
Preventing fires.
Walkerton, Ontario
Zurich, Ontario
Nairn, Ontario
old stamping ground. It was appar-
ent the horse had spotted his former
master promptly when the latter had
emerged from the plane.
In the early hours cf the morning.
the Duchess strode haughtily across
the pavement from the hotel where
a charity dance had been held, and
was getting into her car when a beg-
gar accosted her. Spare a copper,
lady, for charity? Pm starving,"
The duchess turned on him sharp-
ly. "What ingratitude!" she exclaim-
ed, "Don't you. know I've been danc-
ing all night."
It's so much easier to be a cheer-
ful winner than it is a cheerful.
"Easy -On -Meat Budget" Recipes
Some worthwhile suggestions for
preparing inexpensive cuts of meats,
with directions, will be found in the
Housewife's Food Almanack, in the
American Weekly with, this Sunday's
(Sept. 13 issue) of The Detroit Sun-
day Times. Be sure to get Sunday's
Detroit Times fax this war -time cook-
ing feature.
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c.
Threatened with the daily'posaibility of Japaneso air raids, women on the Pacific Coast ere taking an active
pert in preparing for all eventualities!. On the left a young housewife practices disconnecting the gas supply. On
the right a trained ARP worker demonstrates the method for taping windows to prevent the glass splintering,