HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-08-27, Page 2PART TWO
THl)RFIPAY, Au0041' 21, 1046
Recent! Flax Acreage
fc*ktuss', of tie t'3arSe +Sraks Sitat-
atsou in I`aaaada at the moment is
he sehstaltdal increase in the *ere-
kl.te ttt oat, bariey. and 311
,eel, \rhietl raderts the 1Wpo ise of
tt;esterta tanners to the Goren:meitt's
appeal for grouter poxitteti'on of
these $rains as part of the. wartiira%
be;ni. given a a 'lift'".' o1. tlae
truck 4114 lite rashilas of the 1ietltae
CJst:aw3 bank aome dor$ later,.
was remanded to j3iF ; for ent-
re. The eirouraetanees are said to
be that Rowe, after being ageamntoii
tiled with a ride. took advantage. of
the driver's aeons+racy ai!sene and
stole the etc ne, made payable to
Tho mats ll Te., 14 a11ett township. At
program for the heaeat of the r tilted' the osamira hsilt lie is said 31 ;lays
nations, The gzreaTca t percentage III. represented himself as caster's son,
'"*.ase his ten lla( eat t'ze area endorsing the rte y;;e "Fie. Oster' -
arid reeeiving the money. : orne time I
er ROWS, do';lned back is Birth.:t
int; a refreshment plaze
seeded to tisx for the p oanca:d t
3aueeel oil, ,and, solvated with 1.$4:,
dense ed a. rea;e ita the Prairie Prey-
4w , , i .h er. it „
,t a::,T 1.irgest is ^s ge sown
,::c' ,...i1. :..1.A e- wra_. .,,t-rz..
:attern to an and en-
e >r, t, Tt e` Cowan.
en \Vest slavish was
Renew Apt. RoNerl Lori:co:LA
< a: ada.. 'E=1.; s As•'eea-
," ?Cary ., ..rlet tf..,«..inmtraes _. the ,r,,,,
.enc.'s at azer4s 'c' n de.ided t some r.f.
','1.r :entreretrob-
.t . ,. a: a .. .: a few
abs :per.sea's,.,_, �_'Ceraz ii Srl ^e:] $ ,<I
ba CsZ 5 _
,_. Y� ..«. �>:''`� .:...r ere:tea '_`
:"7". ..,,... . ..f.12. 'ander the post
• f,` • derided something
_f a°3r o;;r_ ,.w
was:: as the 133M•33.37Lf: os,1337,
4.7= . r ', re 33 rl \Tore
• _
s.. ee:T., ..._. ,"`"'-
... .... .. . ..._ 4,c:_ Tisa.
_T rr
E71 .
_ a "" ham
,.,. .::r . ...-_ _ ..:'t�
«..« i'1. _.,.,+.:_ .: I•?: _a _
• :7 keep the late 1e -ors.
1,.., ,-. ▪ ...«„ 'Ma. .. beh tea .1
Commando Raid by
at Dieppe
S::le',s Sr the
= -z- e ,. _. __,�» y'argh:e-
:£W « t e e . ,1. ,.. ter. a--
;s P; se. 4:r,...« s,: i -..._:-'f:. ' e
1:71:77E7: Iter.sall or.
\tS-.mbe: 11th -:: wan RST.. Will-
wr -•e the a.:er,.,_..: -
ire wn�r. Zr x. Inbea-s
0 ?:::a..
47:1'11.:1 =x' the
Fete:• . "„g - _ «fie:_
ws .h lir, _a, rat: __ :
,._., ., ._w... ..._,,..
and :mayt:.r.g. Prenah«, ti, ps lam. week
rt: tv _,_rts'sST. Alt i _-used W a
'Kt 721 e w1. --,7Z£3' CC.
P:'•e2:47. IS S1., :_. ,be
�.a 7-e ...-__,red
:,sx.t:a-mks, shy fmris s r aWY-
a ,r.roteznve dor the
• .11
� -t £:
_as;'. __: «..a.:__ -:s:: 1.:1.127 ? 11:7•271...
k.FIte P▪ ,,,e peafie.
.:. ▪ '2....7.7.i &771.:17
......___. .._ tel:pe
' f•
,...._,-, MLT*
A:::r Po:by Winnipeg, o T
the -;:tadiar. Wontett's A7:1 -4C Corps!
mg I; word . eri :A`ea arora t:anta.$5£n
id :.ary H'cs„ ::ar.sts. :RR ay.. P r:y
ts the irst enlisted woman in am c
a three i`:d...adfan Prroes :o be .
...,ally ,o,s,_ « tor « on t:,e
i 'til sirs,
attatd Cel T -r at Canadian
a_,Id , "! SSI
.'lrsi--:t:el P.'tited fa`.r w1;:IT
ptiiiry tkat height ire then: t8f
IR7lowes whet: Rider :ocatawsm
dIs Cher keep i Arai testa seekit\ '
gerersxe litirit>aeh ,doubtsataout the
gated Slates
l3sat sort Of Grass* TO tie?
They are MOT Ike foni:ewers- e is
blitnnater and the believers in the
tadEo l side of the :Salk -mai ;;eciatist
They are the e'en who scrambled
on to the bandwagon 'when they sass
5:1 slider the .r'.e vara sr io r_,1. d
3esmy T'he power ei the t;,e.!.'sisa
Sr<'r 'anions nd srrsp the racial
.sgi.slation of the Weimar Rep:al .
brfy arr.; The &7,si Prase .= Zunmer
'ttMz feared therr fsTBTes
wc..:..! ,, 'ti. t „p a 1.r °ate s3
ants and so Tresenzed a ▪ ':Stalls :,'
rr :.,,crit • litandembtrrg to,
make sure, that
They are the hip nhans...at e
the Petah: lili :e and. who .t' upT'e_:
r:Se To, reav£e that sob -'r 1.r later'
l hu the- : e` -,`=g drat-- :n the far_. rie_
Bey wT .moi _
They ate the generals wriaz admired
:_e was de:red the :P ent S_+1.
P-i,ish and get away with >t.
These a re the - 1.: ex.,ae
mat -Laths
T�WE•e'.>~...1 lis.:a<•�?wr'*t."1.T n}i'_n^�_: whc_
Ins _nests fr:m 3?imier a.:13 h.`
firs r
i7,"„ .77 _ 5-
E 7E7:11 carried
..: t.:_essa ..,..eta ^ T• ‘'2.71.77.:,:-:. 027
i t
717E Reg: -
trent from _ 1.; ,::t wren, fr 1,7:.+
• _e
-W -. smtrle of h= . *..• sS
.^ 11: =tier she 47r=8r. '?t ae-
thronesh the opera,...,:m„, =ATE.. 'ALT_
>.?r_2i. :rid .: s,: -.i2the r 'P;area n Ze 'T;a.,3, and
t zYd nr, 21.'_ a ? ire dV.� rte, .� art- eves
sreIke :x
,n1. '• a`mriv_ .-_^
` zt.Im^ ss Not Ste ?viiAd
:>~; - : $ _._._s_ 1.r::
e .2.=4._ i}e T_.:•4-
7,:z.2"T was £:r.F,Itef.
2:A3 -id 'AP ._
__i_.- ▪ t`^.._h the _. ._
'have r:.ib
xtti .Ti?: t'e£:y et' =.'^.1.£3I-
.smr sena the wc3..>erif _e:.r5;•d '.
7.7. --at. ~mss= _ of the rmired
the Berkeley, -was sr be:7 a£tms aa: ds �x -c F h1x zbe b7 :it u4 m gt
.,em .track :zE: she had. - rtea N e a
srhandoned. M-==1 br ie3as= S 33Z
��, ars_tee "37%.1...S221.1,7 7:11,1
L 5 £z •n1.. T�kr..szting .m,1
-A` ri3r-T2 £P*1 the,
warketa see to ;h.e
e,T,"'y„ :. be _'*'rma 3.maL*_= .31e tie
a` -:an 'u» -ram s. a ire
TiLfM, � e the ul- 1
sr ,k.
Peace Feelers Try to
Fool UnitedNations
Te -Lou' 7tlar,:Es+:._ AE?y
Srme reay -meet; -.ire eloo y+ aI a
117 E •Iiat%ry _z £ r ztha:nam:y
rr -1.-r, £ -..rte v • -5t "s'y "T2 -e
• LLLI 71:::7.77
roar, saCit offer* - from the rer_hrs:
r .•_
.-. ... » .w.Ls... ., _-._ a
. ?'s ": ,Dc-- -�:. -i '•r _ 'rte • ::Zt" E : .t
:_.e :*:1:.1..
Sarre r" a rS
._...^ ?_.. .. F
.._ ,.salt .,,..... ,...L ..e'.,�. ,._
_ ,yea *:a ci Wit:; 1.1.4 bier_ _�_,..
tratsitt :rt..., _
Lk4 F1 -•e s:3_c:,.,. t::.,:- S«EtrilL:5
.3' :;lei ".lie 1iiL 1:
_-"$1 :1.'t. rS IINII Vrti a IelbK7S,I $43:14
... Iii .".. -..
itaeh atlaTr i, ..
: "It.:F:I. ..i..Lt...ILL
_. _ . I .<.;I e'^?.. ILL ::.z .._ , ..
rtarner. Ite.oa:,.rar.t. of the
-r• aked the Sim...vams ri-..ndatpt
L z ane z senst,m:i} -,
. _iI.E, F'_r Vie:.. :LZ .1.v.iE<-,
.'...'.. _..
"I telt my family that as long as Jack is
overseas, well eat hash and like it."
"WE :QRS at war. It costs lots to win. It
would coat everything to lose. So I don't
figure that because we'll soon pay a small
amormt as compulsory savings, I can fold
my hands and say That's that !' No sir 1
peopleinay need compulsory savings
to sere something for their own good. But
that's theminimum. Pm out to save an
I can to buy War Savings Stamps and
Certificates to help winthe war and have
something substantial. put by for the days
when there won't be all this work and
"rive christened my garbage can `Haw
and bell eve ens he doesn't get anything
gears worth anything,"
1."s Notion,! War F-11111104 Committee
Bey Your Savings Stamps front hec3Siasr
banks, port oirsoss, tail -phone afire*, deport -
anent stores, grocers, tobacconists and other
rets! etc.res. Certificates may be parcheeed
f«-im.ea raresta drapery in denominations f
PS from banks, trust aonspaniet
and poet odes_
E_ -^,i. 's_._ : £: efi6n 5 :nF,-. .: would be 3 iiee if we
'rims Eseparate. Mrita .: :53• - e r-'_`., :; Ste; or
f_. __lam:ae i=:� _be mow. $7r;1 :_1._P= wor..Q gnarrel eL
,• S;Ea Emla. :mac of ::gym r-s:m Ft_: aswes:im-
: nn v'�";-... `u-: .a$ �'Sc f1„f7srenS be -
;t ._ _ :FE_.ns,_,-srnzzr. :ber .:�: a.LIL', wc- :Tc -1t, _' f_ larks ..
L7,2 VII= Ws..-m-mr i'e„_..,_ \hull Come
aL.:se▪ ? L Wit' '' ^less 1..3 he Heyd-
E=,`_ '}=:k-: Y__: -D e3 - .i2.
.__ee -E _: _` E'.i. ..,. -v- .. __ „_-,....._._.,. n that
_.. "L,.E:. -SiEfix 'R-Ez '•-T �T :.Tfe �._. _.. ._ :._,_ -Mindhearrtne
1.,_,_ _ .e T` r. �
_ _ ,u:Ls.: _ ma _.-.: _ they :: receive a
_ .....- _..._ moi. 'WE.3... 7r_1: _«„ because--
71".... 7 SI stLt: 1:T.t.rcS':e ,1 _ e pears ,cam_.._ :ha: name ':,i,
7.11.272. ,L»:_.:z".1.. =11. '^'-"IL 5ez �:•^:. - 'T'1+:T 2. 7=1`2'5'
r:. 7. -1.1.X.." rnmes _ L y iii::
-ream .E "ulY~^,, >.i 7....;E:. S -rb h Lufe_,l :is rear, lMarchoffensive
._.._ _...-.i. world _1_ Jm-my.,rk; • I.'..- ?1e el^;_'.eaP: of
.be :er_:ca ST'ita- .: E :�„ •f;; �-, .-tia�___.-.� .r-s.Iles.
Ess _ • M_: _eel r}.ere Z.'OTi T
inter .. 's -b:,, = =a. Ira he z:z-* 3"t T _ ',he nailed Na'
=.'sec E_' the :t: i',a,c,r-; e 'Dam r -.:or,- sb between�Uhe.
be-:+ L E:. � _ r- I-;' arc! he '$TIt'er
emt. • b.s. gram."PE:•c miter, bcw-eve. ire;:_.
.sa▪ me_ a_n-meam•E;_eS: �,,e �r.E, 'n:tr:..i ti:._ „rii-1.T „ the Ger-
, -i--
r. ;sties ". _ b '1.=:? .i._ �, "T'2 'f: MEQ T`4'•z:'E
1+3..`._:- II•?=,, 1.'i..:-.1=.SIi1� ':._. IL -a:.:;: ...: :1,1".."771111-
LEgE2':11. t'L.S!:1: a:':r°.E.- ...... '-=i- Si_^.s _. w' 1-7.71i7
: ...,..
.cif.... 77- .ti • :t_ pear-, :1i- ,..LLE 211`. L...
7-2E7 .Z- :L , w-£:.. &:f:37
,_-.. _. c' 'S.:... 7w --L._ rat -tai sr.;i . __ -.lis
-..: it
.1.°...''ka.._rr Decrease Zn
Farm Labour
c t: L
✓ _.... L'-
L..•.L :xe"L•:E"ST
'L Fr.L "S .E tP1ttilLt
''r,',r_ - lis: sort ,.i_.''~7tisrL:..itata,
• ..:^.LS 2.7071.
,c i zrtr ate out Et', ; oLIMS.
Z. -_d.` 1,_ _ :r.' -'1.-L' I:: .- ..
. L'.L: L -�' E L.. _1.`"-z:L., sixtL.:
..e_+• .17. «... :1. E.
_ , »:tn xt 3 ▪ L: 1.11-7 .g: :s
, ...E S':L'L y1L _.r_ :C. nple .. -,
Ii:S:1= they ' -r. t to tee: 3:: prve,
z brrp
paste'_iEe-t ram he _.L,ec :. 1.3' s e
�2,Yitl'. :'.E i'siTs lfr Ea atr ^.E1
nrcu I>aa *.i' c�t'+raei haps
I to ie mat-:ec more serltraFs;S-
;'_2 TkrL •Lrate. .. :Yea, any tArther.
_ _1 :!?rums -^.. :L'i't:L , m -pit, might
:p1? to:ted __ -cs Ler^ t:. ire:...:es as'`
5,-fer tint 1,1,41-4 =smell
'C':t E?_••e t:.E^.� 3e ;a': rs., :i1 \darts 7'rili
Z:'c1Gr_ E3ifi `,. d?•,=•_" its what labour'
..-r-tes reatx ed an the farms, the
:1i;,namLi L3t_s;.' .Ti51: 3`:. nmattliio.l. 1?e.
iLr.:1am.^. :f & - t- :.:t -.. '.^,17S,31a: itfl YY
surrey of Farm labour from coast to
coast during the montes, of February
and ?March 194. The. lass of =ale
hired help added to the decrease ha
male family v1. r3rS2 the .._:.it
shows aha: he ,7rz as rameta=:
male. labour suap.y ,i3::T'.-
;,i'y ,.. , ,..,.:1.W_. to 1'_,„nil per-
sons. _ a: ...:�'.��: e.�..�.� C,f 1i - per cin:_
The aa: decrease 712 ale farany
worked Ii the :r.1. years
11141 was es_.satei __,.._.., nw_
ilii nt addirlimal _n.lis,»__»__ a=! de-
parrares rebm.e..:he _er cf ..._
workers 4 r1
Stas - The net 's
workers between January 1. 1 1._•d
Mar.:1: 15. 164_ is es i:ma:a at
-.11.:t67,. The ?i decrease Y:male
hired workers between n slam :a •:,
114;1. and January15. S--:, is e-
:. h3Te been
In detail. ;male family halo en
farm_ in 1142 averaa'ei 1 for ere:,
lei farms. a _ ,lbs:an,:13: .._.1._ ,: f`-
141 an IP41 17:e nage VAS i- tr0=;.1
in British C o:ti«i 1 1.D 144 fr.
A total of :'_ female ii i y worker*
t t r ,tae r '+ e1 :i_ Will: workMg oar... work ,., _?t_, There
.T. 9. al increase. in fema:e
;T. iaity farms
THE SC,.,0-1i.S OF THE SiSliE
- L,S Icon have --
,;1i .t1... .: .�,�ks .,,-'the \ewe `x
afdir.g . 5 z if'
fie.; i1t0 .ltatl`i' ,'+f :'�. «_t
ills t2i+di+.
Atte that i,t 13x& txt. iEi :e1..1 ,` s
.ter 1t'iee wilt att,te`T' :',:1•Y- to