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Valoos, Thursday, August 20 till Aug. 26
32 oz. Jar 290
per pkg. 11c
2 oz. bottle HUUcreat Vanilla . . ..... . „....25c
per pkg. 5c
48 oz. tin 23c
Woodbury's 4 Cake Economy Facial Soap per pkg, 25c
Princess Flakes, regular pkg, 15c; giant pkg. 25c
Odex Health Soap 3 cakes 19c
Toddy, small tin -25c large size 450
Flusho per tin 210
Interlake Tissue 3 rolls 25c
Crisco -1 lb. tin 29c large 3 lb. tin 730
XXXCider or XXX Spirit Vinegar 1 gallon 49c
Pkg. Pickling Spice, Whole or Ground
Crown Medium Jars
Jelly Tumblers
per pkg. 5c and 10c
per dozen 1.14
1 lb. pkg, 150
per bottle 250
per dozen 60c
Fly Ded
16 oz. tin 250
Dr. Ballard's Meatier, 16 oz. 2 pkgs. 250
Colgate's Toothpaste or Powder large size 25c
Palmolive Shaving Cream large size 33c
Moody's Chloride of Lime 1 lb. pkg. 15c
Aeroxon Fly Coils, doz. coils 25c 2 coils be
Wilson's Fly Pads per pkg. 100
Long Grain Fancy Rice 2 lbs. 250
per pkg. 190
Kellogg's Cora Flake—large 12 oz. 2 pkgs, 25c
Table Salt 3r/a 1b. bag 90
2 in 1 White Shoe Cleaner per bottle 150
Red Bird Matches 3 boxes 29c
Quick Quaker Oats large pkg. 230
Seasonal Fruits, Vegetables, Peaches, very choice, Corn, Plums,
Carrots, Beets, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Melons, Celery,
Cabbage, Parsley, Cucumbers, etc.
Cox Gelatine
Ross J. Sproat
Art Wright
WED., AUG. 26
Dancing 9 to 1
Admission 35c
Auspices of C. W. L.
Aug. 21st
Moonlight Serenaders will pro-
vide the music
Admission 35c
Blyth Sept. 9-10
Atwood Oct. 9-10
Bayfield _-.. Sept. 28-24
Seaforth Sept. 24-25
Zurich ...._.,.....,..,.Sept. 21-22
Milverton Sept. 10-11 '
Exeter Sept. 16-17
Kincardine .......... Sept. 17-18
Mitchell _.._...._....._ Sept. 29-30
Teeswater Oct. 6-7
Mrs. Grevell, Miss Elizabeth Hur-
ley, Miss Nellie Hurley and Mr.
Ward, Stratford, with Mrs. Teresa
Thomas S. Melady and family, of
Toronto,. with Mrs. Katherine Mc-
Miss Dorothy Donnelly, Goderich,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph Donnelly.
Private Lawrence Dillon, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Dillon,
David and Jack Dingeman have
returned to Detroit after spending
six weeks with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell.
Mr. and Mrs. William Curtin, in
Mrs, Katherine Benninger in Lon-
Mrs. 112. J. Nagle and Mrs. Cather-
ine Stapleton in Goderich.
Mrs. W. Mathers in St. Marys:
Mrs. D, Dillon in Stratford
Mr. Paul Mulligan was a visitor at
Misses Muriel and Joyce Racho at
Dr, S. A. Murray and Louis Me -
Grath in Northern Ontario.
Donald Benninger, C.S,B,, Toron-
to, is with his mother, Mrs Katharine
Arthur Looby, C.S.B., Toronto,
with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Captain Frank Stapleton, RCDC.,
Brantford, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Stapleton.
Private Joseph and Mrs. Carpen-
ter, Chatham, • with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Carpenter.
Miss Mary Hubbs, Flint, Mich.,
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling.
Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Seaforth,
with her aunt, Mrs. Lucy Woods.
Miss Eileen Dwyer, Kinkora, with
Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton.
Mrs. James C. Jordan and daugh-
ter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Jordan.
Roy Brown, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Brown.
Rev. John F. McConnell and Pat-
rick McConnell in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham, of
Stratford, Mrs. George Graham,
Mitchell, Miss E. Graham, Keewatin,
with Mrs. N. Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery and
Mrs. William Sadler, Staffa, and Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Earl, Whalen, with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie and F.
Casson, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Cully, Mitchell, with Mr, and
Mrs. Jas. T. Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. Cline, Sebringville,
Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. John Hapf, Hamilton, Har-
ry Penchion, Mrs. Eaton and baby,
New Hamburg, with Mr. and Mrs:
William Keeler.
Miss Edith. Roney, Seaforth, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Britton and
daughters, Gwen and Jean, attended
the Stanlake-Workman wedding in
Mrs. Ernest Annis in Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs: George Pepper at-
tended the funeral oib Mrs, Pepper in
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bushfield at
Grand Bend, •
Mrs. 3. W. Britton and Miss Al-
berta Roney at Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith at
Mrs. Marion Simpson and daugh-'
ter, Mary, in London.
Joseph Looby, Windsor, with his
mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Mrs. James Donnelly and daugh-
ter, Detroit, with her grandmother,
Mrs. Jane Burns.
Sister Jeromey Sister Evelyn and
Sister Agatha, Ursuline Community,
with their father, James Jordan.
ReV. Dr. Ffoulkes in Toronto.
Mrs, Chas, Sills and Mrs. Conrad
Eckert, Seaforth, with friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Devereaux,
Seaforth, with Mrs, Katherineyrne,
Miss Marion Meagher has returned
from Londono
TQVNN TOPICS Successful Concert by
Varna Betty Butebard of Shelburne, Red Cross
Out., is a guest of Miss Jean Hur-----
The Varna Iced Cross Society
Mrs. B. Duncan of Toronto is sponsored a very successful sacred.
spending two weeks at the home of concert on Dr. Moffatt's grounds on
Mr. and Mrs, Mel Clark. Sunday evening, August 10th, when
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of approximately 800 persons wended
Detroit returned Monday after a their way through the entrance and
week's visit with his sisters, Mrs, up the drive, where a perfect setting
Richard Rogers and Mrs, Marshall for such an occasion came into view.
Young in Hullett. All-around were dozens of majestic
Mrs. Goy Richards and son Wayne trees spreading their sheltering
and Betty Ann Robinson of Detroit branches, leaving spaces for the stars
visited at the home of Mr. George to twinkle through. The lovely old
Seip fora few days. Mrs. Charlotte stone mansion with its stately pillars,
Robinson returned to Detroit after a Pretty shrubs and flowers, breathed
two weeks' visit here. out an atmosphere of gracious hos-
Mr. T. S. Melady, M.A., and son pitality and formed the background
Jack and daughter Rita Rose are for the stage which was built in
visiting his father Mr. Joseph Melady, front, having baskets of flowers and
and brother Mr, Maurice Melady, 02 many colored lights for decoration,
Ribbert. Many who came early had a chance
Rev. H. C. Elford and wife of to meet friends and stroll through
Chesaning, Mich., Mr. Glenn Elford, the park to the left, viewing the pret-
ty of Sudbury, with his wife ty shrubs, fountains, flowers, etc.
and two children, and Miss Alva El-
Promptly at 8.30 the chairman,
ford, M.A., Ph.D., of Toronto, holi- Rev. J. Graham, opened the program
dayed with their parents, Rev. and before a large seated audience. The
choir of twenty-two voices from a
Huron county RCAF radio school
was an attractive feature of the pro-
gram, giving three anthems which
were greatly appreciated, and assist-
ing with the hymns, National Anth-
em, 0 God of Bethel, Onward Chris-
tian Soldiers, and 0 Canada. A very
interesting address was given by
Squadron Leader Scott Morton,
padre of the radio school. LAC Beat-
tie of the radio school rendered two
beautiful solos, accompanied on the
piano by the organist and choir dir-
ector of the school, LAC Gibson. Mr,
Carey Joynt of Hensall delighted
the audience with two solos, accom-
panied by Miss Gladys Luker. Mr.
R. H. McGee of Auburn, in his usual
capable manner, sang two solos, ac-
companied by Mrs. Phillips. Another
soloist was Mr. C. Meakins of Goder-
ich, who with Mrs. Meakins as his
accompanist, gave two pleasing
numbers. A vocal duet was nicely
given by Mrs. E. A. Keyes and Mr.
Floyd McAsh of Varna, with LAC
Gibson accompanying.
A collection was taken at the gate
in aid of the Red Cross, which
amounted to $81.25.
Mrs. James Elford.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carter are
spending a few weeks at the home
of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman L. Carter, on their re-
turn from a holiday in Haliburton.
Miss Marion Lawson has accepted
a position with the Mutual Life As-
surance Co. of. Waterloo, commencing
Mrs. H. W. Purkis and her daugh-
ter, Miss Winifred Purkis, of Toron-
to, spent a few days at Spruce Villa,,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. L.
Mr. John Pullman has purchased
the former Gottschalk property, cor-
ner of Market and Louisa streets,
and will move there shortly from S.
Main street.
Mr.• and Mrs. James Kerr, of Buf-
falo, and Mrs. John L. Kerr, North
Main street, were visitors at Flesh-
erbon, Omen Sound and Tobermory
last week.
Mrs. Thos.' Grieve had the mis-
fortune to • fall in her home in Eg-
mondville on Sunday afternoon and,
striking her head, was rendered un-
conscious for a time. Her many
friends are pleased to know she is
now resting comfortably.
Sgt. J. Walker Hart, military
training camp, London, was a visitor
during the week end with his mother,
Mrs. Margaret Hart.
Mrs. J, E. Busby ,and daughter
Shirley of Chatham visited 'a the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson
last week.
Mrs. Marion Rowland returned on
Wednesday to Muncey after spend-
ing a few days this week with her
aunt, Mrs. W. H. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray
and daughter, and Miss Mary Galli-
gan and Miss Ruth Eggert and
1Vlessrs. Dan and Tom Galligau have
returned to their home in Chicago
after spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Murray, McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds and
Mary of Hamilton, are holiday visit-
ors this week with Mrs. Edmunds'
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan.
Mr. Del Parker of Cromarty, who
has taken a position at the foundry,
has rented Mr. Kenneth McLean's
house in Egmondville. Mrs. Parker
and. their three children will move
here about Nov. 1st.,
Miss Nell McDougall is spending a
couple of weeks with relatives 'in De-
Mrs. W. J. Bagshaw of Lindsay
came on Wednesday to 'visit her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free.
Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Logan and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Carlile, all of Hensall,
were guests on Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. L Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and fam-
ily have moved from James street to
the Thompson residence, John street.
The many friends of Mr. E. Case
are sorry to learn he is ill at his home
on John street and will be confined
to bed for several weeks.
Mrs, E. C. McClelland of Toronto
is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. S.
Miss Mary, Hays and Miss Ann
Downey, Reg.N., are holidaying at
Grand Bend,
MoLEOD-In New Westminster, B.
C., hospital, on Aug, 14th, -1942,
Rboderick McLeod, formerly of Wal-
ton, beloved husband of 1VIargaret
McDougall, in bis 87th year.
Honor Mr. John Fell—
Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, William
Strachan, Cambria Road, took ad-
vantage of the beautiful weather of
Wednesday afternoon to gather on
their lawn for a friendly picnic, The
gathering did honor to the oldest
person present, Mrs. E. E. Grum-
mett, Anglesea street, who is eighty-
eight, and to the second oldest, Mr.
John Fell, Cambria Road, 'these two
were presented With candy canes.
—Goderich Signal -Star,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wakefield of
London spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wakefield.
Mrs. George Cook of Goderich
township, visited last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Mann near Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley are mov-
ing from Seaforth to the village this
Mrs. Leo Stephenson and family
spent Sunday in Blyth.
Brussels Betty Thuell of Bruss is is
spending a few holidays with her
aunt, Mrs. Henry Colclough.
The meeting of the W.M.S. was
held Thursday afternoon, Aug. 9, in
the schoolroom of the church, Mrs.
W. Britton in charge. Hymn "Arise
Go Forth to Conquer," was sung.
Prayers were offered by Mrs. Brit-
ton and Mrs. Robt. Lawson. Business
was conducted. Scripture lesson,
John 15, and the devotional leaflet,
"The Barren Fig Tree" was given by
Mrs. John Carter. The hymn "Must
I Go Empty Handed" was read in
unison. Meeting closed with prayer.
The regular meeting of the W. A.
was held in the basement of the
church, Thursday, Aug. 13, with the
vice president, Mrs. John Carter, in
the chair. The meeting opened by
singing hymn 223. Mrs. Lindsay off-
ered prayer. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved.
After the business was discussed
Mrs. Frank Riley took charge for
Group 2. Hymn 174 was sung. The
scripture lesson and text was taken
by Mrs. 'Lindsay from Ephesians, 5th
chap., 1-30. Mrs. Carter sang a solo,
"Something for somebody every ,day."
The meeting closed by singing hymn
KNOX—At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Thursday, August 13th, 1942, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox, Blyth, a
TROTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on Thursday, Aug. 13, 1942, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Trott, Seaforth,
a daughter.
LANE—At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Saturday, Aug. 15, 1942, to Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph J. Lane, Seaforth,
twin daughters.
KENNY—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Sunday,, Aug. 16, 1942, to
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kenny, Dub-
lin, a son. '
BENNINGER — At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1942,
to Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Benninger,
Dublin, a son.
WALMSLITZ—In Niagara Valls Gen-
eral Hospital, on Aug. 12, to Mr.
and Mrs, William Walmsley, a don
(Wayne Edward).
Poultry Feeds
Are the results of scientific research carried on at Canadian
Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Farms, with thousands of
birds which proved that the coarser rations were not only more.
palatable but that the birds grew and produced better when the
protein level was reduced, providing an adequate variety of proteins
were included in the ration.
0, A. 0, CHOICETERIA LAY MASH $2.80 per cwt.
With cereal. grass
O. A. C. GROW MASH $2.75 per cwt
FATTENING MASH $2.35 per cwt
Mix with home grown grains
Phone -851 r 32 Seaforth, Ontario
The August meeting of Kippen
East W.I. will be held at the home
of Mrs, Wm. Kyle on Wednesday
evening next, Aug. 26th. The Varna
Institute will be the guests for the
evening. This is the historical re-
search meeting and Mrs. Paul Doig
of Egmondville will give the topic.
The roll call will be a story from
local history. The July meeting was
very beneficial and instructive. Dr.
Paul Brady of Seaforth gave a con-
tinuation of his first aid lecture.
There was also a good report on
jani making and a substantial return
on the salvage collection.
Continued From Page One
six pounds of mash per 100 pullets.
At night they get wheat and oats and
also a crock of buttermilk.
"It is the eye of the feeder that
counts," observed Mr. Scott. "We
watch the development of the birds
and increase the proportion of the
grain to hold off production to five
or six months. We consider, too, that
we are fortunate in being able to°get
buttermilk from the local creamery.
It does something to growing birds
that is hard to get otherwise."
Continued From Page One
Hay, Wilma: Eng. Comp. I; Eng.
Lit. I; 'Mod. Hist. I; Alg. I; Geom. I;
Chem. II; Latin I; French II;
Health II.
Keating, Kenneth: Eng. Comp. III;
Eng. Lit. III; Mod. Hist. F; Alg. C;
Geom. C; Chem. C; Latin F; French
F; Health C.
Moffat, Janie: Eng. Conip. III; Eng.
Lit. III; Mod. Hist. III; Alg. I; Geom.
I; Chem. II; French C; Latin 0;
Health II.
Moore, Ahyvonne: Eng. Comp. C;
Eng. Lit. C; Mod. Hist. III; Alg. F;
Geom. F; Chem. C; Latin C; French
C; Health II.
Rapson, Jean: Eng, Comp. C; Eng.
Lit, 0; Mod. Hist. C; Alg, C; Geom.
C; Chem, F; Latin F; Fren. F;
Health C.
Ryan, Frank: Eng. Conip. II; Eng.
Lit. II; Mod. Hist. I; Alg. C; Geom.
II; Chem. II; Latin III;; French C;.
Health III.
Sandford, Beatrix: Eng. Comp. III;
Eng. Lit. III; Mod. Hist. C; Alg. I;
Geom. II; Chem. C; Latin II; French
III; Health II.
Southgate, Lillian: Eng. Comp. F;
Eng. Lit. F; Mod. Hist. .0; Alg. 0;
Geom. C; Chem. F; Latin C; French
C; Health II.
Devereaux, Helen: Eng. C; A&M.
Hist. C; Latin I; Fren. 0; Health
III; Alg. II.
Dunlop, Annis: Eng. 3'; A&M. Hist.
C; Phys. F; Latin F; Fren. F; Health
III; Alg. F.
Golding, Marjory: Eng. C; A&M
Lakeview Casino
Do you realise Labour Day is only
two weeks hence ? Better make
the best of
The "Modernaires"
Ontario's Band Sensation!
Sunday, August 23rd
Concert 9 P.M.
Get behind your local band
with your support
Thank you all for your fine eontribu-
tions for the British Bomb Victims'
—Keep up the good work
Hist. C; Phys. II; Latin C; Fren. F;
Health F; Alg. II.
Harrison, Keith: Eng. 0; A&M.
Hist. C; Latin C; Fren. F; Health 11;
Alg. IL
Hicknell, Leo: Eng. C; A&M Hist.
C; Phys. C; Fren. F; Health III;
Alg. III. ,
Holmes, Kathleen: Eng. C; A&M.
Hist. F; Phys. F; Fren. F; Health,
II; Alg. F.
Hopper, Neil: Eng. 0; A&M Hist.
III; Phys. I; ' Latin C; Fren. III;
Health III; Alg. I.
Hurford, Jeanne: Eng. III; A&M
Hist. III; Phys. III; Latin F; • Fren.
C; Health II; AIg. C.
Mackenzie, Dorothy: Eng. III; A&M
Hist. C; Phys. C; Latin I; Fren. II;
Health C; Alg. III.
McMaster, Joan: Eng. III; A&M
Hist. II; Phys. III; Latin 0; Fren.
C; Health I; AIg. C.
Scott, Harry: Eng. C; Phys. F;
Fren. C; Health III; Alg. F.
Smith, Dorothy: Eng. II; A&M
Hist, I; Phys. C; Latin II; Fren. II;
Health II; Alg. C.
Southgate, Jas.: Eng. C; A&M.
Hist, C; Phys, C; Latin C; Fren. 0;
Health III; Alg. C.
Westcott, Marguerite: Eng. C; A&
M. Hist. II; Phys. III; Latin F; Fren.
C; Health III; Alg. III.
McKellar, Isobel: Latin A. C;
Latin C. C.
Patrick, John: Eng. Comp. C; Eng.
Lit. C.
Certificates for Departmental sub-
jects will be mailed in due course.
The names of certain pupils who
have not yet returned their employ-
ment certificates are not included in
the above list. Such pupils should
return these certificates as soon as
they have completed their 13 weeks.
The following pupils will be grant-
ed Secondary School Graduation
Diplomas: Dale, Keith; Doig, Hugh;
Duncan, Mary; Eckert, Teresa; Hay,
Wilma; McKellar, Isobel; Moffat,
Janie; Moore, Ahyvonne; Ryan,
Frank; Sandford, Beatrix.
Piiits' Eiii.me1s
21 Beautiful Colors Must Go
Administrator's Order No. A304 has limited the number of
colors any Paint manufacturer is allowed to manufacture.
We have 21 Colors in our stock which are no longer
obtainable. We are clearing these at a discount of 25%, off
regular price,
Saving our Customers 25%
Saving Canada's available supply 100%