HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-30, Page 6SUNDAY
Proverbs ' 21:17; 2333 s lisalalt
5:20-23; Hosea 4.111; Joel 3, 2, 21
Ephesians 588
GOLDEN TEXT. If sinners
entice thee, Consent then not,
Prov, 1:10.
Time. -The Book of Proverbs
was written about 1,000 B.C. That
portion from Isaiah from which
our lesson wee taken Was mitten
about 760 B.C. The early. part of
the book of lima describes ev-
ents taking place tibout '780 B.O.
the prophet Joel wrote his book
about 800 B.C. The Apostle, Paul
wrote the Epistle to the Ephesians
about A.D, 04.
Place. -The Book of Proverbs
and the earlier part of Isaiah's
prophecies were probably written
in Jerusalem. All we can say of
the prophecies of Hosea and Joel
is that they were written in the
kingdom of Judaea. The city of
Ephesus, to which the Ephesian
Epistle was addressed, was, in the
days of Paul, one of the greatest
cities of the Roman Empire, lo-
cated in the province of Asia,
which is now Asia Minor.
Bitter Fruits
17. "}Ie that loveth pleasure
shall be a poor man: He that lov-
eth wine and oil shall not be
rich." There is not here a direct
prohibition of pleasure, wine and
oil, but there is a solemn warning
that the man who sets his heart
en these things shall know pov-
erty. Only a few in the world are
rich. The rest must live within
certain restricted incomes and the
income from normal labor has
never been able to afford these
32. "At the last it biteth like
a serpent, and stingeth like an
adder." The pronoun 'it' in this
.1701.16 refers to wine, which is the
theme of the preceding two
Good and Evil
20, "Woe unto them that call
evil good, and good evil; that put
darkness for light, and light for
darkness; that put bitter for
sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
'Evil, as hostile to God, is dark
in its nature, and therefore loves
darkness, And although it may be
sweet to the material taste, it is
nevertheless bitter, inasumch as
it produces abhorrence and die.
gust in the godlike nature of man,
and, after a brief period of self-
deception, is turned into the bitter
woe of fatal results.'
The Proud
21, "Woe unto thein that are
wise in their own eyes, and prud-
ent in their sight." Self conceit
was strikingly characteristic of
the Jews, particularly the Phari-
sees, in the time of our Saviour.
As they supposed that they were
already wise enough, they refused
to listen to others. This is always
the effect of such self-confidence;
and hence the Saviour required.
his disciples to be meek, and
humble, and teachable as children.
The Heavy Drinker
22. "Woe unto them that are
mighty to drink wine, and men
of strength to mingle strong
drink; 23. That justify the wicked
for a bribe, and take away the
righteousness of the righteous
from him!" The word hove trans-
lated 'mighty' is really a word
meaning 'heroes,' But the men
described are heroes 'not in
avenging wrong, but in drinking
wine; men of renown, though not
for deciding between guilt and
innocence, but for mixing up
strong urines; whereas they judged
unjustly and took bribes that they
might consume the reward of
their injustice in drink and de-
Sensual Sins
.11. "Whoredom and wine and
new wine take away the under-
standing." Nothing will take away
man's understanding, his common
sense, his power of reasoning, as
indulgence in sensual sins, and in
the drinking of intoxicating lig-
:nor. Man is a noble creature
when he lives according to the,
laws of God; when he violates
them, he does not think, talk, live
or work in a normal, noble, human
Craving For Wine
2. "I will gather all nations,
and will bring them down into
the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I •
will execute judgment upon them
there for my people and for my
heritage Israel, whom they have•
scattered among the nations: and
they have parted my land, 3. and
have cast lots for my people, and
have given a bay •for a harlot,
and sold a girl for wine, that they
may drink." The reference here
is to those nations of the earth
which have taken the people of
Israel captive, The awfulness of
selling these people into slavery
was aggravated by the objectives
which the conquerors had in mind
ia thest sales, Theae dreadful
vices, lewdness and drinking, al-
ways follow war and go tegethers
as We saw in the last pa.ssage,
Drunkenness Forbidden
18. "And be not drunken with
1.1.114.SS: ,'SSVat1
I'ightem from this 'side talk things over in the British isles.
Above, Maj.-Ge.n. Russell P, Hartle, commander of A.E.F. in Northern
Ireland, consults Scrappy, his Irish kerry blue terrier.
wine, wherein is riot, but be filled
with the Spirit." The Epistle to
the Ephesians was written not to
the pngans of Ephesus, but to the
Christian believers in the city of
Ephesus. This verse of our les.
son is a command. We are to be
filled with the Holy Spirit. At
the same time, we are not to be
drunk with wine. The two are
antagonistic to each other. A
drunkard is not filled with the
Holy Spirit. A man filled with
the Holy Spirit will not be drunk
with wine. But why are these two
seemingly contradictory atate-
manta brought together in this
passage? Because they both re-
fer to a' life of atimulation, exalt-
ation, a life lived far above the
normal plane of existence.
"Please Go 'Way
And Let Me Sleep"
One of the unsung heroes of
this year is the fellow who takers
a job on the midnight shift and
tries to get his sleep in daytime.
Unsung but not undecorated. The
eity of Hartford, Conn., full of
aircraft workera, has invented a
decoration for him -or for his
house, which may be better.
The insignia is a flag with the
city seal in blue on a white field
with the words "war worker" be-
low in red. When hung out his
window in the morning •the flag
may be interpreted "Please go
'way and let me sleep", or "man
at work" -sawing wood in order
the more efficiently to saw up
stainless steel or aluminum alloy
during the eight or ten hours of
the next night.
• -Horse Whimsies
The report that the Japanese
have been using elephants for
some of their transport has stirred
the memories of old military men,
who, says The Edinburgh Scots-
man recall the days when - as
readers qf lupEng know -some of
the heavy guns in India were ele-
phant -drawn. There is a legend
that this came to an end after a
famous march -past, when, as 24
gun -elephants approached the sal-
uting -point where stood the Vice-
roy, they trumpeted in salute -
and thereby scattered cavalry,
with mounted officers of all ranks,
for miles over the countryside.
Horses strongly object to the
scent of the elephant, but his
trumpeting just sends them mad.
Nevertheless an old cavalryman,
commenting on this, writes to say
he cannot imagine anything more
upsetting to the nerves of the
steadiest horse than a windmill in
swift motion. In France during
the last war he saw the march
discipline of an Indian cavalry
regiment comletely set at naught
by the whirling sails and the yet
more alarming sweep of their vast
shadows on the grass. Almost as
alarming to his own mount. was,
he says, a small balloon which had
broken away •and, on recapture,
was tethered close to the ground.
Finally, he has ridden a horse
which would not step over a hose,
and, no farther away than Edin-
burgh, another which was reputed
to fear nothing save perambula-
tors! "Horses," he says, "are
creatures of unaccountable whim-
sies, and in that fact lies part of
the fascination."
By William
- a
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THEY 01,41....Y ALs Ltd,
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ANSWER: The Boston Terries Some authorities say it is the •
only American breed. It Is believed to have originated about 60
years ago in Boston, with the crossing of a Bulldog and an English
NEXT: Do swans sins at death?
Bishop Addresses
Graduating Pilots
Air Marshal W. A. (1311iy) Blain
op urged a group of graduating
pilots at No. 13 Service Flying
Training School of the Royal Calk,
adiftn. Air Force at St. Hubert,
Que. to "keep fit, keep alert and
keep learning."
The Canadian flying ace at the
First Great War, now director of
R. C. A. F. recruiting, recalled an
incident ooncerning one of his fel.
lowettuildlaii heroes of the war,
the late Col. W. G. Barker, V.C.,
which he said showed "how solid
is the took of tradition in ,OUr air
Col. Barker, in ooinmand of a
squadron battling the Austrians on
the Italian grout, had complete son
nrernaoy in the air and the enemy
bad been reluctant to fight.
. . , Re had a ehalleuge Print-
ed and dropped thousands of thein
over the Austrian lines," Air Mar-
shal Bishop said, "It was the
4gorewante„st, I believe, eyer. flung
The challenge read:
Mal, W. G. Barker, V.C.,
M.C., and the officers under his
command present Weir compll-
meats to Capt. Bruinowsky, Rither
von Fiala, and Capt. Ha.vratil, and
the pilots under their command,
and request the pleasure and
honor of meeting in the air,
In order to save Capt. Brismow-
sky, }tither von Fiala, and Capt,
Havratil and the gentlemen of
their party the inconvenience of
searching tor them, Maj. Barker
and this oilbcers will bomb Glodega
•airdrome at 10 a.m. daily, weather
permitting, for the ensuing fort.
"That was the spirit then;'' the
Air Morsel said. "The esprit do
oorps is today, I would say, even
greater; the comradeship as true
and as loyal,."
As an example in cloth saving,
the Boy Scouts of Preston, Ont.,
are encouraging other boys to go
through -the summer, like them-
selves, wearing shorts instead of
long pants.
Boy Scouts of Trail, B.C., gath-
ered 275 tires and two large sacks
of heels and other rubber article,
in a week's rubber drive.
* * *
A. five mile climb with each
piece of metal up the sides of an
isolated valley did not prevent
Boy Scouts of the Blue Moun-
tains district of New South Wales
from tackling the job of salvag-
ing' the aluminum of a crashed
pla-ne. Other valuable parts also
were brought out in packs on
their backs.
* * *
Nearly 450 pounds of Govern-
ment -approved vegetable seeds
were collected and shipped by Boy
Scouts of southern Alberta, as
their part in the Dominionswide
Scout campaign for seeds for Bri-
tish Scout "victory gardens."
* * * •
A large Boy Scout Troop of
Polish -.Canadian boys of St. Stan-
islaw's Church, Toronto, is play-
ing its part in supporting the Pol-
ish war effort. With funds raised
by an entertainment, 5 radio and
phonograph were sent the Polish
training centre in western On-
tario. s
,I, 0 *
Escorting blind persons to a
concert is a weekly good turn of
a Boy Scout Troop of Trowbridge,
* *
An entire Rover Sea Scout
Crew makes up the personnel of
one of the leading ships of a Bri-,
tish rnine-sweeping fiotilia , in
home waters,
• * *
While not so intended, the visit
to Canada of the four "blitz -
trained" Boy Scouts from Britain
has augmented interest in the
Canadian Scout's Chins Up Fund
for British Scout war sufferers.
A total of $8,500 was added to the
fund during the four boys' tour
of Ontario. At June 1st, $21,500
had been contributed to the fund
by the Scouts of the Dominion.
The money is being earned by the
Scouts and Cubs themselves, and
is not being solicited. Much of it
is produced by the collection and
sale of salvage.
-•;*al.*:444ss!sftstssas •
Famous Network and Newsreel
commentator, was recently con"
ferred an Honorary Doctor of
Letters degree'from Franklin and
Marshall College.
This week -end will bringto
close the current series of inallY
of your top -flits `wintertione' lis-
tening shows - including Fred
Allen, the Happy Gang, 'Share the
Wealth, True Or False, Blended
Rhythm, Charlie McCarthy and
others. Either they go off alto,
anther for the summer months, or
have summer replacements until
the new fall series begin. Hear
Charlie's irresistible doinga Sun-
day, night at 8.00 o'clock -CBO
including CKOC, CBL, CB01
* *
Here's a bit of con-trast for you. .
Ted Slade, the sound effects man,
put in a busy half-hour Sunday
on a recent "Inner Sanctum"
show (CKOC-8.30 p.m,). The
various sound effects called , for
by the script required the use of
three doors, a -window equipped
with ahades and Venetian blinds,
a French door, two chests of
drawers, a box of glass fragments,
three turntables, a dozen records,
a Chinese -gong, a gravel box, a
rake, a hat4et, a pistol, twe Whig.
tles, so kazoeA so Pair of food
tongs, an electrical switch and twit
pieces of rubber sponge, All in
all, Slade puts in a very busy
weekly half hour on the chill -
show. An hour later, he turned
for the 'Hour of Charm' broad.
oast. This time, his duties were
ridiculously simple, All he had
to de was hold a metronome up
to the microphone - to indicate,
the passing of time, But believe
us, the excellent co-ordination of
music and sound effects are vitally
important to the creation of the
weird atmosphere that makes each
Inner Sanctum show so effectivel
Red-loearded Peter Donald, the
friendly philosopher on "Carna.
tion BougaeL" heard Tuesday and
Thursday at 10.45 a.m. from
CKOC, is also the M.C. os
WOR's "Can You Top That" fun
show, He recently hit the ulti-
mate mark of 130 an the "Laugh
Meter" used on the show, with a
gag submitted by a listener. And
that listener dropped Peter a line
which read "I was particularly bus.
-.Wrested to hear your version or
that joke. You see, I heard Peter
Donald, Senior, your father, tell
that same yarn at Tony Pastor's
back in 1903i"
This 'n That!
Jim Jordan, Jr., young son of
Jim (Fibber McGee) jordans, will
enter the Army Air Corp train.
Ing at U.S.C. before .the end of
June. Ginny Simms, who held
the vocal spot on the Bob Burns
bowed out to start a new
picture for RKO. Ginny is an ex.
Xay Kyser vocalist. A minor
catastrophe befell Lorene Tuttle
(featured quite often on Acad.
emy Award, Sunday at 6.15
CKOC) when she moved into her
new Lake Toluca home bus North -
Hollywood she lost her sugar.
rationing book I The Academy
Award series are Hollywood pro-
ductions, starring various Holly-
wood radio -Mos, including Lurene
Tuttle, Ona Munson,Gail Page,
Elaine Barrymore anothers!
1 Common frldt.
7 It is a --- 6±
the tropics.
12 God of war.
13 Spurred with
a rowel.
16 1VIitten.
17 Conjunction.
19 Skirmish.
20 Health spring,
21 Inundation.
23 Biblical
24 Ledge,
26 Disorganized
28 Sheep's coat.
'.29 Natural
Answer to Previous Ptizzle
laigE RNENIAUP 0347101M1
Pii E
Ezzigomsfre ElliaM110
49 Resinous.
51 Timid,
53 Right.
54 Fish.
31 Meantime. 56 Form of "a,"
34 Dutch (abbr.). 57 It is -d
35Married. or grown in'
37 Cravat, many climates
38 Ancient. 60 The. shank.
39 Hawaiian 61 Condition.
food. . VERTICAL
40 Long poem. 1 Palrh lily.
42 Inclined. 2 Spoken.
44 Office. 3 Geld house.
45 Ranted. 4 Transposed
47 Pattern block. (abbr.).
5 Uncle.
6 Its ripe fruit
Is either red
7 Bom.
8 Advertiso-
ment (abbr.).
9 To instigate„
10 Glass bottle'.
n And.
14 Tiny.
15 Rumanian
18 Destiny
20 Boot.
21 It has a yellow
• blossoni
22 Song for two.
24 Bartered.
25 Its Is
used -ad a
vegetable and!
for juice.
27Kite end.
28 To languish.
30 To leave,,
35 Oilstones.
34 Dower
36 To plunge
into water.
39 Italian rivet, 1741;,
41 • of
boxing glove.
43 Sloth.
46 Clock face.
481.Tnit of fem..
50 Insects' eggs.'
52 To loathe.
53 Fabulous hirtl.f
55 Bugle plant.
57 Cubic (abbr.).
58 Neuter
59 PrepoSition.
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comma up TO SEE
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