HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-30, Page 3NEW YORK'S GREATEST PARAPE—FOR VICTORY With 500,000 marchers and 2,500,000 spectators, New York went all-out in its greatest parade,— a 1.0 -hour, day' and night procession of victory -confident Americans. British troops, in their summer uniform shorts, add an international note to the spectacle as they swing peat Vice President Wallace and King George of Greece on the reviewing stand, What Science Is Doing SOME BIG BUSINESS IN FARMING Elmer von Mahn, a farmer in California, also rates as a big bust - :lees man, as his 40,000 acre tract yields a 31,500,000 harvest In a 1!elia, says Popular Se1011ce Month• 1Y. With a floating dredge capable of running half a year without Te filtering, five airplanes, and a fleet of tractors, trucks, and land scrap- es's, Von Glahn will harvest grain and cotton warth $1,600,000 from his farm this year. This 40,000 - bore farm in the San Joaquin Val- 1ey.has been made as fertile as the Nile. Valley by the ingenious and intelligent use of machinery, which ot only plants and, harvests the `props, but keeps under control + ulare Lake, the source of life t, the farm yet a constant threat 6f flood. On Ton G1ahu's ferns—lying in 28 mile crescent on the shores 1110 :0the lake—irrigation ie done in d big way. Four huge electric famps suck sup , 12,000 gallons of ate` a minute, five other sets tft it 36 feet and 0111 26 miles Of main canals and hundreds of pules of secondary ditches. Water La in on patches as big as ,600 acres and allowed to stand r 20 days or so at a time. But this, farmer is not eonteut with ordinary irrigation. In a drought, even the deepest. canals Might fail, To meet this possibil- ity there is ready a wheeled ma - Milne which can scoop water- from Wells and lay it over, an acre a day to a depth of from 1 to 12 inches, flaring the flood season, Von Mahn tours his lands by plane. His special machine for flood fighting is a huge floating dredge with a three yard bucket. It is operated by a two man crew and can be rushed to any danger snot in the levee for quick repair worst before crevices become too large. In an elevator and warehouse, one man handles 86 tons of grails bn hour as it rides endless belts from the pit. Establishes .!Hint Production B',:ard U. S. and U. K. To Pool' All Food Resources 'saving of 25 per cent In ocean 1 icing space may result from establishment of .a British - American War Production Board, Authoritative sources estimated recently.: In addition, further economies bi cargo space may he effected through the creation of an Anglo- American foot! board. The two new agencies, designed. to combine the war and food pro- duction efforts of the two coun- tries, were announced by Presi• dent •Roosevelt in behalf of him- self and Premier Winston Chur- chill. Donald. M. Nelson, war pro- duction board director, and Oliver teyttleton, British minister of pro - auction, will form the production hoard. Three Objectives An, authorized spokesman ' said " Ibese three objectives were the immediate goals: 1. Savings of shipping space through allocation of production in ouch a way that supplies could be moved. from the producing area closest to the War .theatre 001' which they are intended. In some cases—such as India -'machine tools and equipment might be moved :there to set up local manu- facturing units, 2. Standardization as far as pos- sible of weapons used by the Unit- ed Nations so that ammunition' and parts would be interchange, table, 3. Consideration of. the .total United States British production capacity as. one vast industrial empire in order to gain a maxi- mum of efficiency from existing machtuery. Only the two countries were in- cluded in the plan beoauee other United Nations powers are not producing war materialo sufficient to meet even their own demands, and bhus have no shipping' prob- lem. Mr Roosevelt made clear, however, that Canada would par- ticipate in any joint action through her membership on the British Supply Council, Combined Food Board One development from the joint Production effort, officials said, might be a concentration of bomber production in the United States while Britain steps up pro- duction of fighter planes. Bombers can be flown to England!, but smaller planes have to be taken in ships. The "combined feed board" was expected to fulfill virtually the same functions in regard to cor- relating the production and dis- tribution of food among the Unit- ed Nations. It also will seek to reduce shipping space by restric- tion of non-essential imports, in- creased use of concentrated foods and Improved methods of stowing and packing. In addition the hoard will deal with all other questions .of food policy and strategy. The entire food resources of the United States and Britain will be considered as a common pool. }LMS. Penelope", Now 3dil- epperpot" Cruiser Shot Full of Holes Is 'Re -christened The British cruiser Penelope is so full of holes her crew has re- christened her the Id,M,S, "Pepper - pot," but she's being patched up to defy again air and sub attacks, her skipper said, in telling of Lis hale -raising experiences. Captain Angus Nicholl said his ship, called one of the "most bombed boats afloat," had been patched up at Malta, again at Gibraltar, and now is at an alas - tern United States port for • a "face-lfting" operation. She was a whole ship when Capt. Nicholl assumed command in March, 1940. During air raids at Malta, site earned the nickname "Pepperpot." Between Malta and Gibraltar, the crew ran into more gunfire and Plugged her holes with wood, For a while the clew called her the "Porcupine." ,After a direct bomb hit, the decks were so littered the 'crew al- luded go her as "Tbe Rock Gar- den." "It's not so bad being bombed at sea," the doughty skipper said. "You can twist and turn and wrig- gle, You watch the plana until he is committed to Ills dive, and then change your cem'se, "You feel hurt in your dignity if you are hit at sea." Captain Nicholl told bow an aerial bomb hit the gangplank when they were tied up helplessly at Malta. Shrspuel killed one of- ficer and three crew members, wending 60 others, "I got a splinter in a place not usually mentioned," he eaid, But repairs which were expect- ed to take a mouth were com- pleted in two weeks by an un' daunted crew.. * * * About the trine tine Germans reported the Penelope "seriously damaged, he took to the Medi - in STOPPED fir a Win/ acr Money Bock For, uiok reliotfrom Itching of manna pimples, ads lot's loot, monies,,,„bias, rashes end otic` externally caused skin troubles nre fask noting, cooling, rush. septic, 1)0q010 D. , b Prescription, Greaseless st `sinless, 800tkD ea iurtgdon and pidckly steps intone itelleg,36eufalbettle proves it,ormone Irak, Ask ,onr druggist todn, For D:D,b,j'9 8cs.U'rt0bt. terraneau where the ship and orew withstood an all -day sky at - tank before the Italians wheeled their planes off, dlagusted, •In Gibraltar he repaired "worn out” guns and replaced the wooden plugs with steel repairs. Except for a convoy battle, the trip across the Atlantic was "quite uneventful," Capt, Nieholl said. More than 1,000 'shrapnel holes are being repaired In the hull of the "Pepperpot.' HOW CAN I? Q, How can I remove iron rust? A, Iron rust is easily removed by applying a mixture of salt and. lemon juice, Rub thoroughly. Q. How can I stiffen organdie trimmings, such as collar and cuff sate? A. Tliey will have Just the right amount , of stiffening if they are dipped into water in which rice has been boiled. Q. How can I mend a small hole in a screen? ; A. By first trimming the edges until itIssquare. Cut a new niece of wire cloth about an inchlarger. each way than the hole. Pull out several wires . on each side of the patch and bend so that the wires stick out at right angles. Place over the hole and Push the wires through the screen, bending back through the screening. until the new piece is firmly 1n place. make How San I m o 1 1 Q. a the flower Pots 'look attractive? A. Cover the pots with two or three thicknesses of paraffin pa- per, then with crepetissue paper. Tho paraffin prevents moisture from penetrating to the tissue paper. Q. How can I soften dried shoe polish?. A. A small quantity of turpen- tine added to dry shoe polish will soften It almost immediately, Germany Moving 3,000,000 Dutch Gerrnan authorities in Holland have set up an official corpora- tion to carry out a vast plan of moving 3,000,000 Hollanders from The Netherlands to settlements in German-occupied western Russia, The Netherlands Indies news agency has reported. ALL TYPES OF FACTORY LABOR FOR lilt WORK Ample Housing Available INTERNATIONAL MALLEABLE IRON CO. GUELPH ONT. r-'-� Relieves MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer pain of irregular periods with cranky nervousness— due to monthly functional disturb- ances—should find Lydia E. Pink - Jinni's Vegetable Compound 'Tablets (with added iron) tory effective to relieve such dl0treee, Pinkham's Tab lets made especieii7 for w001071 help bulid tip resistance against such annoying symptoms. Follow label tdirections. Made in Canada. Have You Heard? Att aldor'wmben t,R hoar` her nlyoilhewopreian G1!lad forefirs ftret time, and she thought' At very poor sermon, Later that day are asked, "James, 'wily did you outer the mtniatry?„ "Because. I was called," he ana- werod. "James," (gala' the aunt, looking solemnly at him, 'are you sure it wasn't eomeother noise you heard?" - o- The following correction ap- peared,in a local 'nevespaporl "We stated last week that Mr, John Doe was a 'defective' In the police' force, This was a typographloal error. Mr. Doe le really a detective In the police farce." — o— Hot worde had Passed between the two youngsters so tepidly that finally they both ,halted for want of ideae, Then one had a breAn• wave. "Galul" he sneered, "Ter mum- ver'takee in washing!" "Course she does," retorted the other. "D'ye 'think she'd leave it art in the black -out for your muv- 'erto pinch?" "Does the foreman know that the trench has fallen In?" asked the contractor. "Well, sir," replied the workman, "we're digging him out to tell him." _0..: Sandy was thinking seriously of marriage, "And do ye no' read in bed?" he asked Jean anxiously. "Ay, Sandy," replied Jean, who wasn't Scots nor nothing, "but ony be it a b1'icht munelioht nicht, ye' ken." She got her mon. —o— Husband, "You must think automobiles grow on trees." Wife; "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants." —o— "By Jove, old boy, I couldn't be•. !leve it when I heard you were in hospital. Why, last night P saw you dancing with a pretty blonde." "Yee, so did my wife." -0- 'Agnes -married a self-made man.' "Yes, but she compelled him to make extensive alterations." 12,000 Said Killed In Cologne Raid Reuters, said in a recent dis- patch that 0tto'Abetz, the German "Ambassador" in Paris, had ac- knowledged in conversations that 11,000 to 12,000 persons were killed in the RAF -RCAF RC F bombing of Cologne and that 180,000 per - sent; had`been ordered evacuated. Taught To Swim In Flaming Water The four trunk -clad Navy offl- cere emerged dripping from the flame -swept swimming pool, look- ed ruefully at the suis -and com- plained of its blistering heat. The officers were giving the final test to the most spectacular. swimming lesson to be taught at the United States Navy's pre-flight training school at the University. of Georgia—that men can swim through burning oil and gasoline and escape injury. Lieut. W. r, Foster, chief swim- ming coach at the school, and a former instructor at Southern Methodist University, termed the test "extremely satisfactory". The swimmer propels himself under the blazing oil "until his lung -held oxygen supply is about exhausted. At this point he pushes hard for the surface and as he breaks water, slaps the flames away, takes a deep breath and sinks again. "Kill That Rat" The government has ,declared war on rats ail part of the war on the enemies, of democracy. At a time when everything possible is being done to combat waste to the benefit of the greater war effort, it is estimated that rata do damage of at least $115,000,- 000 a year in Britain in their gi- gantic secret banquets in places where the nation's food is stored. An Agriculture Ministry film "Kill That Rat" is being shown all over the country to make the people rat conscious, The new Waterloo: Bridge over the Thames in England will have six traffic lanes. CRESS CORN SALVE gets results with stubborn corns JUST RUB IT IN! Cress has removed corns surely and easily for rhousands o war an E e wookers d o`re`s. II. a -suffer ill, stubborn oed corns. callousWon't 0 iothoman ,uy, toenails, buy .t.and bo it. woa'r warm Remedies i clean and safe. Ask forCress Root Remedtd i� all Druggists. Modern Etiquette, 1, If the wedding is to be no small that wedidng invitations. are not engraved, how should the bride and bridegroom invite their guests? 2, If a man is walking with a woman and someone who is -a stranger to him bows to his ante Penton, should be also return the salutation? 3. If there are two waitressse serving luncheon, how do they Proceed around the table? 4, Should one ever praise eons member of one's own family? 5, Isn't it the duty of a hostess, at a small luncheon or dinner party tkg; introduce eacb guest in. dividua{lly to all the others? 6. 'Which is the correct form, when a husband and wife are alga- ing a greeting card, Mary and Sohn or John and Mary? Answers 1. The bride should write each invitation -personally. 2, Yes, al- ways, by lifting his hat. 3, They should start at opposite ends of the table, each proceeding to her right and serving only one side of the table. 4. No; this is almost as ill-mannered as to praise one- self. 6. Yes; the alert hostess' never fails to do this. 6. Mary and Soils is the correct form, BEfkv TS Abdominal Supports For All Deformities ,Write For Catalogue To S. J. Dew 149 Church St., Toronto 25 Years Established TRUSSES ...-CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... DART CHICKS 1f1110E'S YOUR CASA CROP — ALL ready to make -motley for you. right before your eyes. You can fairly see Twaddle Chicks grow. They're bred that way Gov- ernment approved from blood - tested breeders - with: 18 years of Tweddle Hatching experience behind then`. 19 pure breode, 0 hybrid crosses, 5 breeds ottur- keys to choose from. Prompt de- livery guaranteed an day old •non -sexed, pullet and cockerel chicks, also turkeys. Prat) range pullets, 4 weeks up to 26' weeks for immediate' delivery. Free catalogue and July price list. Twaddle Chick .Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergne, Ontario. DAISY CHICKS POULTRYHTIEPERS -- IF YOU think you'll be short of later laying stock, we've some 2 week Leghorn pallets. These are fine buys for later profits. Summer chicks, with date of delivery wanted, should be ordered now. Were prepared to take care of 4ummol" chick orders promptly. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ham- ilton, Ont. .ACCORDIONS WANTED ACCORDIONS WANTED .hest prices paid for piano accordions, twelve to. hun- dred and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. musical Instrument Depnetnseut Toronto • BAHERS E(p.U1PMENT BAKERS' OV18NS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipments al- ways on hand. Terms' arranged, Correspondence invited. Hubbard. Portable Oven Co., 103 13athuret St., Toronto, iF'Ui:CICg PON'1'IACS ANDERSON MOLAUGTILION 1303103<- Pontiac Ltd. the largest dealers 10 Canada. for Buicks and Pon- tiac! are located at 1029 Bay 81„ Toronto. You San always bo Sure of real high grade used care, at very reaSortable prices.. Cars' that you can depend en for real ser - Nice and with excellent tlrea. We enjoy a very large out-of-town clientele; built uo, through years of serVIng well. It will pay you to Visit Us when Iir Toronto, be-. sides we 'are Afire Wil 0011 sieve you money, FRPSE .4A'1'ALO64111 FREE! CATALOGUE BARE and Exalting hookanev. Trolootio' Work Marriage • n Rota- tions, $2,49. SUPER MAIL 011- DIIIt,: 50 QUoen Street West, Toronto, Ontario., ISSUE 26-'42 CARS- USED AND NEW 10OUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; .three location?, 68.2 Mt. Pleasant Road 1040 Yonge St. and 1660 Danforth Avenue, Our Used Cars make us many friends, Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreedrenewed and an- alyzed used cars, CATTLE ANYTHING IN GUERNSEY COWS ,, heifers 13u11 Calves; one choke young bull, dam recordten thous- and milk as, two-year-old and half sister to Brooknell Shirley with over fifteen thousand milk; price reasonable. A. Rlschner, Stratford, Ontario. DY 91NG .8 CLEANING ISAVE YOU. ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaningg? Write to its for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart - Aleut H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 191 Tongs Street, To `onto. FOR, SALMI MILTON; 11 Acres; SEVEN -ROOM Brick House; Stable; Hydro; Town Water; Stream; High, Pub- lic Scliools. Excellent Garden. and Poultry Farm, $'1000' Closing 13state. Clarence Porn, Milton,. Ont. Iron SA8E FOR SALE SEVEN COWS, EX - Gallant milkers, with first .or sec- ond calf at foot, also Diesel Tractor, large Late Combination Feed 34111, other good used ma- chinery, also 1936 stake body International Truck, 8, A. Lister, 58-60 Stewart Street, Toronto, articles can beseen at R.R. No. 1 Oalcvill e, Dundas Highway, West, of Trafalgar. MEN WANTED MEN WANTED TO CUT AND swamp four hundred cords of fifty inch boxwood. All soft, cut- ting, $3.00; Swamping) -one dol- : lar. Frank. Say, Rockwood,. Ont. HELP 'WANTED WANT1bI1 COMPD Demi' T RAC - for and thresher operator, State wages and caperi01100 steady. empibyment to right ran. Ray-, mond Willson, Route 6, Welland. 1 0518, (7633)13 WANTED oirrRR '200. FAMIL191i: t RODUCT,9 to a Well established clientele. A Sale in each home. Explanatory, A.B.C. Book — Colored .111ustra- tlons of products gets resulte. No risk, Come 00 write 1'A1111.1..363 PRODUCTS COMPANY, 1?0 St, Clement, Montreal.' ' RANDT9IAii" JACK "HANDYMAN" JACIC WITH 100 uses. Lifts tractors, buildings, implements, stretches fenced. Capacity 6000 lbs. Free circular. M. B. Horst, St. Jacobs, Ontario.,. MSODICAL NATURP1S H 13 LP — DIXON'S Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Thousands praising it. Munro's Drug Store, 315 Elgid, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. •RftEIUMAT1C PAINS GOOD. RESOLUTION — EVERi: sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or, Neuritisshould try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store 335 E11- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. I'AT01N'1'S. F'ETHEHS'1'UNHAU4H .(t COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1899; 14 fling West, Toronto, Booklet or Information on res quest. OLD RUGS t{.1IWOVLN NEW MUGS, NnW HUGS MADE FROM, old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com- Pany, 064 Queen St. W., Toronto. Write for booklet. S1'OIi.T8a1EN ATTENTION OUR NEW NO. 'l CATALOGUE, containing more information on guns than any Canadian gun cat- alogue, balliatles,. classification of guns trail safety and camp h'rils, 4b pages, over 300 ilius- tratiens, sent postpaid for 25c 'i44 stamps or coin. Large stock of new and used rifles. Cash paid, for rifles and shotguns.. Clinton Bicycle & Sporting' Goods, .Cit - woody -Epps, Prop., Clinton, Oltt.. PHOTOGRAPHY WHY PAY Dlo010? YOUR FILMS developed and 8 glossy .vcl(rat prints- only 20c. Free 4 x 6 :en•- largoment included. Write for free mailers. Nation Wide Photo Service, 10 James St., St. Cath- arines, On tari°. PHOTOGRAPHY 29e—UNE ROLL L DEVELOPED ANDeight pr s, 5115 e"hlargesuont mounted in Portrait easel mount. Reprints 10 for 25e, Daily service. Reliance 111nm Service, 1116 Aileen Ave., Tor Unto, PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Dent, Man, or 'Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Moil Any 0 -or: 8 exposure film perfectly, developed and printed for only 250. 50Pratno gnality and fast mervice guarooteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Statloh .1, :reroute - ..