HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-23, Page 8PAGE. EIGHT THEI SEAFORTH NEWS • THLJRSPAY, JULY 23, 1942 • HENSALLISinelair near Kippen was the Mlle I of e delightful avent on Thursday Church elotea-- 1 evening, July 10, when ,abolit 40 • Rev, W. Weir left ' On Monday to members of the Wohelo Class of the take charge of • the Presbyterian •United Church met to honor Miss „Camp at Kiniail,, north of Goderieh.GIedye Passniore, bride -elect of next ID place at the three 'conies usually , week and a valued member of the conducted there is only one tbie year,' deee, A pleasant time was epeet in a 130ye' and Cites' Camp and it is lie'. contests directed by Misses Gladys ing held for children between the moxeneee, Elea BieQueee end Mary • ages of 10 and 15. Billy Campbell and Goodwin, and 0 sing song in charge Gordon Moir accompanied. Illir. Weir. of Mise Gladys Luker, ' A dainty to the mile which is to last ten lunch was served and Mr. Edison days. Mr. Weir will bave °barge of Forest expresed grateful thanks. to the services in Hensall and, Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair for the use of as usual this coming Sunday. " their home. During' the evening Miss During the month of August there Passmore was presented with a will be no morning service at Carmel clothes hamper, the presentation be - Presbyterian Church, The evening ing made by Miss Margaret Shoe - service will be conducted by Rev.J• , herd, president of the class' and the Galloway of Caveu Church, Exeter, address was read by Mrs. David during that month, . Kyle. Miss Passmore made a feeling Mrs, Weir and Fredy are visiting reply, thanking the members of the at the home of Mrs. F. G, Weir, class for their kind thoughts of her. Goderich, while Mr, Weir Le attend - .The .following is the address: Dear lug camp. •Gladys. The Wohelo Claes have gath- Mr. and; Mrs. Laird Mickle andered this evening because of a Per- faraily are holidaying at their cott-,sistent rumor that you are about to age at Rondeau Park. cbange your name and before that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid of occurs we wish to tell Gladys Pass - Woodstock are visiting at their borne, more how much we have appreciated here. , her. Our feelings are somewhat mix Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson of ed. Tbere is a real feeling of regret London spent the week end here. I when we realize that in the future Mr. Norris McEwen of Hamilton we will not have the pleasure of and Mr. Alpine McEwen of Waterloo. your conmany or be able to obtain spent the week end at their home here, Pte. Fred Beer of the RCOC., Lon- don, visited at his home' here over the week end. Mr, and Mrs, Walker Carlile at- tstenintersts of the class, that we tended the funeral on Saturday of ouhanarywelliallraeh glad of them oTheyr David 1VIcBrien, little son of Mr. and Your happiness, the fact that Lorne Mrs. Secord Marlen, whose very, also was a valued member of our sudden death occurred on ThersdaYi class for several years adds a spec - labile being rushed to hospital, ial touch to our interest this evening. Mrs, Julia Cross of Cleveland visit- It is pleasant to think that you two ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.! . i will go through life together trying W. B. Cross recently, I to carry out your class motto, Mr. and Mrs. Cross are spending a1"Work, help,love." So that you won't few days in Toronto visiting 'with I forget the Wohelo we ask you to ac - their daughter Goldie. cept this token of our affection and Bombardier Jack. MacFarlane and appreciation. We all wish you every Mrs. MacFarlane of Sydney, N1S , ' success and happiness and pray that epent the week end with the latter's i Grid may greatly bless your life to - mother Mrs, Violet Schwalm. ' gether Signed on behalf of the Wo - Miss Margaret Schwalm of Wood- helo Class-, Margaret Shepherd, pres- stock, Miss Mae Schwlam of London, your valuable assistance in our ent- erprises. You have been so capable and so cheerful, so unselfish and so whole-heartedly willing to further Miss Florence Schwalm of Clinton, ident. A delightful event took place at and Mr. Lee Schwalm of Hamilton, the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Me - spent the week end with Mrs. Naughton on Monday evening, July Schwalm. 'Mth Little Miss Paula Hansen of Strat- when about forty or fifty friendsMiss Gladys Passmore, bride elect ford is spending a few weeks with' of of this week, met to present her With her grandmother Mrs. Schwalm. a miscellaneous shower. The gatle Mr. awl Mrs. Alex Hildebrand and ering was held on the lawn and the family spent the week end litering evening was spent in contests, bingo, Windsor. and a quiz between the single and Mr. Roy MacLaren of St. Cather- married ladies, the later winning by fines spent the week end visiting his one polnt. Miss Passmore was made wife and little son Donald. I the recipient of a great many lovely, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker, Mise; useful gifts. A dainty lunch was Olive Walker and Mr. Donald Walk -1 served which brought a pleasant er , who spent last week camping at evening to a close. Grand Bend, have returned home. I Sgt. and Mrs. James Stokes of Sus - Mrs. C. Hudson spent a few days sox, New Brunswick, are holidaying with friends at Grand Bend during, with the latter's, parents, Mr. and the past week, I Mrs. Wilson Carlile. The annual Sunday School picnic Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson and son of the United Church was held at Bud of Pontiac, Mich., spent the end with Mrs. Logan and Mrs. TurnbuThs Grove on Wednesday alt-weekHarvey ernoon, July 15th. There was a good attendance present and as the wea-I Miss Carol Ann Richardson has re- ther was most favorable a delightful turned home after spending her holi- time was spent in sports. A pleasing . days with Elaine Carlile. feature of the occasion was the pre-, Mr. Albert Wolfe and Miss Million sentation of a kenwood blanket to of Goderich spent a couple of days Miss Gladys Passmore, bride -elect of 1 recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles this month and a faithful member of the, Sunday School staff. The pres- Miss Pearl Harpole and friend of entation was made by Miss Gladys London spent the week end in Hen - Luker and the address was read by Mr. Edison Forest, superintendent of the Sunday School, The following is the address: To Miss Gladys Passmore. Dear Gladys—In a very few words and with no intention of causing Yoe em- barrassment, we your friends and co- workers in the Hensall United Church Sunday School desire to ex- press our sincere appreciation of and gratitude for the many years of faithful service you have rendered to this organization. Your withdrawal In a short time from our Sunday School staff is going to leave a vac- ancy difficult to fill, because almost all your life time you have been identified with our school, coming up through the various classes as a scholar, and then assuming the re- sponsibility of being a teacher in the primary department. You have brought a splendid spirit of co- operation and cheerfulness to our work in the Sunday School as a member of the staff. As a teacher You have won the affection of your scholars, and your diligent and faithful services will have an abiding influence iii the moulding of their lives. We never can tell how much good influence we are exciting in these humble and simple relation- ships with the young. Seeds Sown in those tender years bring forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. But while your as- sociation with us must be broken because of 'promises you have, and no doubt will make before very long, we shall always feel a bond of friendship linking us together, and no matter where you go we shall follow your career with interest and with our prayers. And now with the future in mind, we desire to take this opportunity to not only thank you for the past but of wishing you sincerely, happiness and prosperity in the days to come. We hope that your new venture and your new home will bring you the fulfilment of your highest dreams and that oc- cesionally you will remember us, and especially recall this delightful event and know that these wishes here expressed on behalf of the scholars and staff of the school have in them for you permanent satisfaction and ion We are therefore asking that You. accept from us this token of our appreciation and good -wishes. It in- adequately expresses all we feel but , we believe it Will some day give you warmth, and we want that warmth to be the symbol of the deep emotions We now most cordially express and the respect we have toward you. Signed on behalf Of Sunday School, Monsen United Church., Miss Passmore was also presented with a New Testament from the raembers of the MissiOn Circle, Kippen Hall was crowded to cap- acity on Tuesday evening, July 21st, when a reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Art Finlayson, who were married recently. The young couple were presented with a handsome div- anette and address which was read by Mr. Albert Alexander. Mr. Finlay- son thanked the company on behalf of his wife and himself after which all joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." Music for the dance was supplied by Murdoch . or- chestra. On Wednesdtty afternoon, July 15, members of the Thomson clan held their annual reunion. It was held this year at the home Of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Thomson on No, 4 highway. The weather was ideal for the oc- casion and a delightful time was en- joyed by all in sports, reminiscence, etc. A. delicious picnic supper was served on the lawn after which the officers for the coming year were elected. President, Samuel W. Thom- son; vice pres., Robert Thomson; sec. treas., Bert Thomson. Sports comm., Norman Alexander, Elmer Keys, 'Wellington Good. Lunch com., Mrs. Albert Alexander, Mrs. S. W. Thomson, M rs. E. Thomson, and Mrs. Wellington Good. The place and time to be decided by executive. The youngest member present was David, little son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Alexander, and the eldest was Mrs. S. Thomson of Brucefield. Hensel]. United Church manse, on Wednesday, July 22nd, at 3 p.m., was the scene of a charming summer wedding, when Rev. A. R. Brook of- ficiated for the naarriage of Gladys Loreen, daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore of Renee% and Lorne Cavell Elder, B.Sc., of Hamilton, son of ItIr. and Mrs. John Elder of Hen- sall, The lovely young bride was charmingly gowned in a fioor-length gown of illusion net made with sweet- heart neckline, barque waist, ruffled bouffant ekirt, caught here and there with petite white forget-me-nots. Her finger-tip letigth veil of illusion net was draped from a lovely coronet of mother-of-pearl blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. Ste was attended by Mrs. Delbert Geiger of Zurich, sister of the groom, wearing a floor -length gown of pick organza witb white picture hat, and carrying a bouquet of roses. Mr. Delbert Geiger, brother- in-law of the groom, was best man. For their 'wedding trip the bridal couple left by motor for Muskoka, the bride donning for traveling a heavenly blue crepe redingote en- semble with accessories 1 white, Mr. and Mrs, Elder will reside in Hamilton. Mr, Herb Heddee of St, Catharines The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack spent the week end with his mother Want and Mrs, Catherine Redden, Mrs. Frank Hechlea 01 Hamilton visited for a couple 00 days recently with Mrs, Redden and Mona. BAYFIELD Mrs. Robbins and daughter of De- troit are visiting her mother, Mrs, ' W. J. IVIcLood. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Rhynas of Hut"- lington were visiting Mrs. O. W. Mynas. Philip Jr. and John, who have been spending their vacation with their grandmother, accompan- ied them home. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ford of Lon- don returned home Monday after two weeks' holidays at the Little Inn. • • An auction sale of the household effects of the late NITS. Foster was held on Monday. About 50 trucks loaded with sold- iers from Camp Borden, camped in Bayfield over the week end. The finance committee of the Red Cross are arranging for a carnival on Clan Gregor Square on the evening of July 81st. A baseball game will take place at 7.30 after which bingo and other games will take place. Good prizes and band 1 attendance, Come and help the local Red Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weston of Chicago, who have .been visiting with friends and relatives in the village returned home Sunday. Mrs. Robt, Middleton of Hensall was a guest pf her rnother, Mrs. N. W. Woods, this week. , 1 Mr, and Mrs. Clarke of St Tho- mas visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Toms over the week end. Misses Clarke returned with them. Mr, and Mrs. Ranald Reinke of Toronto spent their vacation at the Ritz hotel, People find it very convenient now the bus is running from London to Hayfield. Miss Mary Robinson of Montreal is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson. Mr, J. Davidson of Stratford spent the week end with his family at their cottage. FOR SALE 27 steel Beatty stalls and stanch- ions evith head rail„complete. .All new, never been installed. Herbert Smale, Staffa. NOTICE For latest quotations on wheat, barley, beans, etc., truck service, phone 655r2. Wm. M. Sproat, buying for Geo. Thompson, Hensall. HONEY FOR SALE Wallace Ross, apiarist, is booking orders for honey in your own eon- tainers at 123c. One evening delivery a day in town. Phone 135 J. Auction Sale t Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, July 25th. 120 head of mixed stock cattle. Usual run of calves and pigs.. Sales every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments.—On Lot 31, Concession 7, Hullett Township, on Friday, July 24 commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp, and consisting of the following: Stock: 1 team of work horses; red cow, 9 years old, due Jan. 1; grey cow, 8 years old, due Jan. 21; Here- ford cow, 4 years old, due Feb. 15; roan cow, 9 years old, due Mar. 14; Hereford heifer, 2 years old, due Apr. 5; black cow, 6 years old; 8 Hereford steers, rising 2 years, 4 calves, Implements: Massey -Harris binder 6 ft. cut, in good repair; Massey - Harris mower, 5 ft. cut; Massey Har- ris hay rake, 10 ft. cut; Massey - Harris 12 disc, Massey Barbs seed drill, improved, 10 hoe combination; International 3 -'drum roller, Interna- tional 3 -horse cultivator; Quebec riding plow; 1 good walking plow; set of 4 section harrows, good Bain wagon, hay rack, fanning mill, root pulper, pig crate, top buggy, cutter, set of bobsleighs, 1 scuffler, Anchor - holt separator, Melotte separator, churn, set of double harness, set of single harness. Also some good elm planks and hay, Other articles too numerous to mention. ' Terms—cash. R. J. Watkins, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FALL FAIR DATES Blyth Sept, 9-10 Milverton Sept. 10-11 Exeter Sept. 16-17 Kincardine Sept. 17-18 Atwood Sept. 25-26 Bayfield Sept, 28-24 Seaforth Sept. 24-25 Zurich Sept. 21-22 Mitchell Sept. 29-30 Teeswater Oct. 6-7 International Plowing Match, Seaforth Oct. 13, 14, 15, 16 1 For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, Record IVIcBrien and Maxine wish to express their sincere thanks and aPpreciatiort to Their neighbours and friends for their kind thoughts aed flowers in the loss of NOTICE The Seaforth Farmers 0o -operative is holding a meeting on Saturday, July 25th, at 9.30 p.m, at the Library for the purpose of adopting a consti- tution and the election of permanent officers. WANTED TO BUY 1928 Pontiac • Sedan, in good condi- tion, Apply to The Seaforth News, HOUSE To RENT on North Main St. Available on or about Aug. 1st. Apply to El 0, Chamberlain, Dominion Bank Bldg. Phone, office 334, residence 220. Notice Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Infants Act that the application of William Proctor, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and of Jean Proctor, his wife, to be appointed guardians of Charles Don- ald Proctor, and James Reginald Kennedy, will be heard before His Honour Judge T. M. Costello, at his Chambers in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Friday, the 14th day .of August, 1942, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon, or so soon thereafter as the application may be heard, G. MEIR, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the Applicants, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the outside painting and redecorating of the inside of the Community Hall at Walton. Tenders clime August 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. A. Marshall, Walton, R.11.2. Used Cars 1941 Chev, Special Coach—Clock, heater and • defrosters. 12,000 miles. 1941 Ford De Lux Coach, blue. Heater. This car is in perfect order in every way. 1940 Chev. Standard Sedan. Upholst- ering and finish next to a new car. 1937 Chev, Standard Coach. Locally owned. These models are starce. 1937 De Soto Coupe, equal to any 1941 model for condition. Guar- anteed. Only 15,000 miles. 1933 Ford Coach, new motor, clean inside. 1935 Chev. Coach, nearly new 'tires. 1934 Plymouth Coach, new tires. 1931 Chev. Special Coach, 6 wheels and trunk rack. 1930 Chev 4 door Sedan. Refinished dark blue. lege Plymouth Coach, 1929 Chev. Coach. 1929 Ford Coach, SEE John Gallop SEAFORTH FOR SERVICE A young pure bred Tam Hog for service. Apply to Campbell , Eyre, Kippen, Ont, The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULLVVATER No. 4750 Enrolment No. 3049. First Class Form 1 Grade "A" Premium #245 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at Lot 34, Con. 5, McKillop, or will meet mares at a reasonable distance. This horse won first prize at Toronto Exhibition for the past five years, taking the dip- loma M 1941. Geo. B. Dorrance, Prop. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No. 3500. • Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) Enrolment No. 3959. Form 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment No, 4177. Form 3 Route for 1942 --Monday and Tues- day, in the vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wednesday—Through Kinburn and west to the highway, south through Clinton, home by way of Tucker - smith, Thursday—Through Seaforth to St. Columban and Beechwood, home through way of Winthrop. Friday and Saturday, Goderich Township and Colborne. Terms 113.00, payable Mar. 1, 1943. T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Mgr. Enrolment #3844Form 2 The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion INSPIRATION (28006) This horse is a son of Lochinvar (Imp.). Will stand for the improve- ment of stock this season at Lot 1, Con. 1, Stanley (Kippen). Terms $10. Thomas W. Butt, Prop. & Mgr JUST ARRIVED A shipment of McCormick Deering Binder twine 650 ft. to the ib. at last years price of $11.50 per cwt. JOHN BACH MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH cur COARSE FOR rift PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES SPECIALS You'll Appreciate Our Saturday Cash Specials Ohoioe Lemons, doz. .. „ . , 29c Perk & Beene, 5 ties „ , ,25c Aylmer Soeps, 5 tins 26e Sardines, 5 tins ,,.,,,,,,,,30o Tiger Catsup— large bottle .. , .. , 19c Libby's Tomato Juice 5 tins , . , , . . 33c Red Rose Salmon, Tall tin ...... ..... 18e Sunkist Oranges, 2 doz. 49c Mime, giant size pkgs. 49c Rieso, med size pkge 25c Chipso, pkge. , „ . 25c Super Suds, ined. pkge, 25c Super Suds, giant size 49c Oxydel, giant size pkge. 63c Surprise Soap, 5 cakes 22e Odex Soae, 4 cakes 210 U.F.O. TWINE, 650 feet to the Ib. 11 yoe W. J. Finnigan • FOR SALE Frame house one and • one-half story. Wired for electricity. 26 ft. by 21 ft, Apply to • Robt, J. Cooper, Kippen, Ont. BINDER FOR SALE Good used Deering Binder, 7 foot cut, for sale. Apply W. F. Alexander, Heiman, Phone 13 on 82, Hensall. HOUSE FOR SALE 6 -room house, all modern conveni- ences, reasonably priced to wind up an estate. Box 127, Seaforth News. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Conrad Eckart. All persons having claims against the Estate of Conrad Eckart, late of the town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1942, are hereby 'notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of August, 1942, full particulars' of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only' to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 13th day of June, 1942. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. Electric Fencers As help is scarce, get an ELECTRIC FENCER, and save time and wire I have Test Equipment for fixing fencers. I also have BATTERIES, INSULAVORS, BERT McSPADDEN PHONE 834 r 24 FARM FOR SALE The following lands are offered for sale by tender, namely, West Half of Lot 23 and East Half okLot 24, Con- cession 8, Township of Hullett, County of Huron. Tenders may be submitted for all of said lands or for each half lot, and must be in the hands of the under- signed on or before the 27th July, 1942. On the said lands there is said to be' about 20 acres of good hard wood bush and two spring wells, and on the East half of said Lot 24 there is said to be erected a first class brick house and frame barn and hay shed. The said farm is situate about one- half mile from No. 4 Highway, about one-half mile from school and 11/2 miles from the Village of Londes- boro. These lands are offered for sale to close the Estate of the late Benjamin Hunter. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont- ario. Solicitor for Albert Weymouth, surviving Executor of Benjamin Hunter Estate. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accifr ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Seaforth Monument Works , Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE , We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 McCONNLLI, & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConneR, H. Glenn Haye SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p,m, to 9 p,m. BOX. Nuntrai 'rruiu Special and Careful Attention , AMBULANCE Office Residence Main St. Jarvis St. 43 18 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. „OFFICERS President, Alex MoEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager & Sec,-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth, AGENTS F. McKercher, 10.10.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.11.1, Brucefield; J F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoott aSeaforth; William Knox, L.Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhitgen; 11. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. • Archibald, Seaforthi Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. ' Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications tofie ofcansy. ofthe- above named officers addressed to their respective post Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduatc f University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of tbe Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. 11. 11.'Ross' office. Phone 6J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER • Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic drat Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIC44 District Agent - DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER Su DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. • 71).