HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-16, Page 2PAGE TWO
Fernities Arrive,-,
Oyer twenty-five
families connect -
et' with No. 9 Service Flying Trebl-
ing School of the R.C,A,F;, have Ex
been located in eter this month.
Numerous homes have been opened
up -t0 accommodate these families,
More are'arriving every day and ad-
ditional rooms and apartments are
urgently needed. It is expected that.
several hundred will arrive by spec-
ial train from the Service Flying
School at Summerside, P.E.I. The
runways are fast nearing completion.
and inside of another month the air-
port will be in ful 1 swing, Among
those coming from Summerside will
be a band of forty members and.
about 120 members of the Women's
Division of the R.C.A.F,
Gas Masks Needed As
Ammonia Fumes Escape -
Escaping ammonia fumes at the
Exeter branch of the Canada Packers
caused the workmen to make a hur-
ried exit from the cold storage room
on the second floor of the building
an Tuesday. Gas masks, something
we were unaware were in Exeter,
had to be donned before hte neces-
sary repairs could be made. One of
the men was working at the top of
a thirteen -foot ladder when the break
occurred and it was with some diffi-
culty but great speed that he trade
his exit. A gas mask inside the
chamber could not be retrieved until
a second one was secured from the
Exeter creamery. --Exeter Times Ad -
Leaves Estate -
An °star+: worth 335.194 was left
be Mrs. Sara Weeks. of Strathroy,
ace.,rding to an application for pro-
bate of the will filed in surrogate
cora at London. A granddaughter,
Fr::neee Clare WW eeks, of Toronto.
yr s named ,l 1•-f beneficiary and will
receive $26,904, Sr, John's Anglican
Church. of Strathroy, was left 31,000.
The a.tase was eompri ed as follows,
mortgagee, 52..'95: stocks. $2.250; se-
curities. $27,:59; and cash $1,774.
Those named- beneficiaries were JohnWeeks, Toronto, 33500; Albert Scott,
Kirkton, Ont:. 3505: George Weeks.
London, $500; Thomas Weeks, Clan -
militant. Man., 9500; Annie Seed. To-
ronto. $500; Bertha Clark, Hensall,
Ont., 3500; Emily Boyle. Tornoto.
3500; Norman Scott, Strathroy, 5500;
Daisy, Dorothea Pugsley, 3300; Mary
Scott. Strathroy, 3500; Henry Weeks,
Devonshire. England, $500; Stella
Scott. Strathroy. $300; William
Welsh. Henna $600; Ellen Boyle,
Toronto, $300; Scott Welsh, Hensall.
5300: Frances Clare 'Weeks. Toronto,
326.994: St. Johns Anglican church.
Strathroy, 31,009, Clifford Scott,
Verna Scott and Audrey Scott will
divide 3500.
Hand Mangled While
Unloading Hay -
The first accident of the haying
season_ occurred at the farm of Eli
W. Thompson. of McGillivray Town-
ship. when his son, Arthur, had his
left hand seriously injured, While.
assisting in unloading hay his hand
became entangled in the pulley just
above the hay fork. The horse be.
carte unmanageable. The end of the
middle finger had to be amputated
and the other fingers of the hand
were badly crushed or bruised,
Mrs. John Maths, Blyth -
The death of one of Blyth's oldest
and most respected residents, in the
person of Mts. John Mains occurred
at her home here. on Monday, July
6th, following a month's illness, in
her 35th year, Mrs. Mains, wito be-
fore her marriage was Mary Ann
McCullough, was a daughter of the
late John McCullough and Catherine
Wilson, and was born near Westfield.
In 1355 she married Mr. Mains, and
immediately took up residence in
Blyth, where she has resided ever
since. Although of a quiet and un-
assuming disposition. Mrs. Mains
was keenly interested in her church.
She was one of the few remaining
who assisted in building the Queen
Street church. Formerly a Methodist.
she joined the United Church at the
time of Union. She was one of the
Life members of the Women'sAfis-
eionary Society. and had always been
active in church work. The late Mrs.
°loins was tate leer surviving mem-
h. of a family oft nine. Surviving,
besides her husband. are two daugh-
ters. Mrs. J. E. Bryant. of Stratford.
and Mies Annie ef., of Ottawa. and
'one con. Rev. W. J. Mains, of 'Til-
bury. A duaghter, •Myrtle, died in in-
fancy and a son. Pte. G. E.Maths.
was killed in action in 1917. Alen sur-
viving are four grandchildren. LAC.
ellen Bryant. Edward Bryant. Ronald
and Shirley Mains. Funeral services
were held from her late residence on
Wednesday afternoon, July Sth, et
2.30 o'clock. Rev. A. Sinclair conduct-
ed the service. The floral tributes
were many and beautiful, sbowing
the high esteem in which the de-
ceased was held. Pallbearers were
Messrs. Jas. Watt, Leslie Hilborn.
Thos. iKernick, John and Leslie
Buchanan. and Ab. Taylor. Flower -
bearers were Sohn nad Edward Bry-
ant, Interment was made in Union
Cemetery, Blyth. -Blyth Standard.
Child Dies From Scalds
Terribly scalded when he upset a
pan of boiling water on himself, Dan-
ny Nivins, one -year-old' soh of ]Wiz',
and Mrs, Clayton Nivins, died in
Alexandra iospltal, Goderich, recent-
ly. Mr. Nivins .is foreman: of the God-
erich newspaper, His wife is the
former Miss Sue Livermore, of Clin-
ton, The accident took place at the.
home of the child's grandmother in
Clinton. when the baby, tied on the
seat of an ordinary kitchen chair,.
close to the kitchen table. suddenly
and without warning, reached up and
upset the dishpan, just filled with
boiling water, which poured down on
his torso and lower limbs. The
mother and grandmother were just a
split second too late to prevent the
accident. The baby was first remov-
ed to Clinton Hospital, and later to
Goderich Hospital. for treatment, and
for a time it was thought he would
survive the shock, but death carte
after two days, despite constant min-
istrations of a doctor and two nurses.
Airman Lucky, Negro Not
Stanley Smith, a Royal Air. Force
pilot. escaped with a broken wrist
last week when he leaped or fell
from his third -story room at the
Sloane House Y.M.C.A. in New York,
but Samuel Solomon, forty-five, a
sleeping negro on whom he landed,
was taken to hospital in a critical
condition. Snaith, recently graduated
from 31 School of Navigation. R, A.F.,
at Port Albert. Ont.. went to New
York on a visit with several other
pilots. His home is in Yorkshire,
England. Solomon, who police said
watt homeless. was asleep in an alley
below Smith's window.
Car Wrecked -
A taxicab. 1942 model, was almost
eompleteiy wrecked. but its driver.
Charles Bridgewater, who works at
Sky Harbor. was very slightly in-
jured. The car was returning from
delivering passengers at *Port Albert
airport and had just reached Port
Albert village at the bottom of the
north hill when it struck the soft
shoulder of the road. began to simmy
and got out of control. The brand-
new Chevrolet, with only sixteen
thousand miles on it, sideswiped three
trees before colliding witb. a tele-
phone pole, which it felled, and then
turned over. One door and a doorpost •b
were torn right off, the top was adly
crushed. fenders and running boards
were crumpled up, both cushions
tr ere pitched clear of the car, but
Mr. Bridgewater remained in the car.
When he crawled out he pinched him-
self, but found nothing except a few
scratches 00 one leg, Estimated
damage to the car is between 3500
and 3600.
Chesterfield Goes Up in Smkge-
Mr. Love of Ethel had the surprise
of his life Thursday moreiee. 3 -le
loaded his trailer with a line new
chesterfield at the Fry & Blaokbal)
factory and then started for home.
When he was • between Jamestown
and Brussels the chesterfield took fire
and before he noteed the fire all that
was left of the chesterfield was.the
springs. The, top of the trailer was
also burned. It is thought that a cig-
arette butt thrown front a passing
truck or car was the cause of the
Wm, R. Davidson), Hensallc
(Mrs, Stuart McBurney), and Lavine
(Mrs. Alex Leaver) of Wawauosh
Burial took place in Wipghau Cents-
tery. The pallbearers were five neph-
ews, Harvey Messer, Gordon Messer,
Eldon McKinney, Wnz. McKinney,
RussellMcKinney and a grandson,
Allan Davidson. Friends who attend-
ed the funeral from a distance; Sir.
and Mrs.. John King, Ethel and Mr,
and Mrs. Eldon. McKinney and Mr,
and Mrs, Frank Sharpe, Mrs. Sarah
McKinney, Russel McKinney, Charlie'
Messer and Harvey Messer, all of
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Archie Mc-
Kinney, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle MoKinneY
of Leamington; Mrs, Cecil GrlEfith,.
Brampton; Mr, and Mrs. Allan Her -
blaze. The first thing Mr. Love did sey, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Horace
was to order another chesterfield Bedwell, of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs,
from the factory.-Wingham Advance- Allan Davidson, of London,
THURSDAY, JULY, 10, 18x2
Sadfea inata11uUoli; the bar before proh(bi-
tlen waft colleldereji one of the -Meet
(n Wester° 011turl0. It was over 100
years ago that the Wetness first
Dame into being, being founded by
the tete Col, Juiut Hicks In June,
1837, At fleet it wan located at the
corner of Ontario anti St. George
streets, Then he built a more preterit -
thus brick structure in .the °entre of
the main street naming it the Com-
mercial Hotel, It was in 1872 that fire
destroyed these premises . and also
all buildings up to the Royal Hotel
corner, in the process of rebuilding,
the owner died. and in 1882' George
Davidson purchased it. In 1898 his
son, Robert Davidson, succeeded him,
his associate in the business being
his cousin, Abe Davidson, who retir-
ed owing to ill -health in 1914, After
40 years of successful hotel business
for Robert Davidson, his son, Dalton
Davidson, took it over • on July 1,
1988, Continuing it until the present.
The new owner will take over the
business on July 20. Mr. Caldecott
plans to spend $4,000 rebuilding the
place, leaving the original carving
unchanged as much as possible.
Late Lewis Jewitt -
The death of Mr. Lewis Jewitt oc-
curred at bis residence in Wingham,
following a lingering illness. The de-
ceased was confined to his bed for the
last four weeks, Excepting for the
past five years in Wingham, Mr,
Jewitt liver on concession 2, Morris
township. on the farm cleared by his
grandfather and father. He was a
member of the' Ebenezer Methodist
Church for over fifty yeara and later
a member of the Wingham United
Church. The late Mr. Jewitt was in
his 74th year. He was a son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Jewitt, formerly of
Brussels. One brother, Rev. George
Jewitt. and four sisters. predeceased
hint. One brother, Reuben of Kin-
caid, Sask., survives. Besides his
wife, the former Elizabeth Robinson,
he leaves one daughter Mildred (Mrs.
Thomas Waddell) of Newton, Out,
The funeral was held from the resid-
ence on July 3rd. Interment was in
the Wingham Cemetery. The pall
bearers were six nephews: Rev. M.
C. Tarr, Elgin Johnston, 'William
Jewitt. Wilbur -Jewett, Roy Hall and
Stanley Hall.
Passed Away In Turnberry-
Following an illness of about four
months, early Thursday morning,
July 2nd, Mrs. Wm. S. King passed
away at her home, 12th concession
of Turnberry. She was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Me'
Kinney, of Bluevale, She was the
last surviving member of the family.
She was in her 82nd year. In 1888
she was married to Wm. S. King, who
predeceased her June 23rd, 1941. She
leaves to mourn her passing two
sons and three daughters and seven
grandchildren, Ross of Turnberry;
Percy. of the homestead; Stella. (Mrs.
t ere is
_) -
° R
i,. s teat t -
t any o4
��� kind
motorists can't buy
the miles
When the maiaority of m ou Wel! t o remember d th n9 es
.Nil! Pay y er
+� �odafiu r remains
t o you drive
or retrFody ' ' it ins an asset ho
our car drive . ' 'en Y
yin your tires. Before your tires.
tires are for
your it is for Y°u everysee you
essential our tires want your tires to
care o4 y 0 you
many months ti of arose service; take good properly hoard The only Way common-sense tires -se a observe through
now of ore they
rules any kind the Goodyear
the miles in your the system- the simper sfe o- Get full details of from your
and follow Service Life Extension
safe driving skilful firer Tire- Tire -Life dealer from
Elie plan of skilful
ears Goodyear
focal od
vided by
Plan. well- TIRES
With your co-operation,
exten t hlife program OU ARE ELIGIB gdvi NE ou!
to- d the of lF Y ce to Y
or9anizedr can erten It tray , ..here s o ,Kith big-
of fire care ands °f nares. worn out tires The
' v f th LifeGuards•
i t our tires ons our car for a Ye°r Replace yo r worn out ties lire within
.,t^•��G, Y the use of Y rnileage is a reserve uld casing and
e a E mean er. Guard e, 5sa er hire
3, -til long Life tub +s inn
) °r oven cost plan of lir ss tae- atube be insured, t e. Sh aSYd htand
i , G%.1 low-cost hit-or-miss
not only p
This rrtes Yel lards re
eliminates hazardous
by providing
stop• LifeGu accidents ,
anon week -to -week, complete vent blow 0 9
service, out of your tires
out et
tare +• the only cam nna- they also enable You 1
plGoodyearyear. Its offered G
for one full tire beingoffered
other plan the last mile fety
plop of care in complete sa
than motorists our tires. Noss
does ds much for Y
ne kind °
Ducharme-Jeffrey- •
A happy matrimonial event was
celebrated at St. Martin's R. C.
Church, London, on Saturday, July
4th, at 8 o'clock a,m, when Euleen
Leah, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Leon
Jeffrey of near Blake, was malted in
holy wedlock to Mr. Napoleon Die
Marine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Ducbarnle of Drysdale. Monica Pu-
ebarme, sister of the groom, was
brdiesntaid, while Clemens Jeffrey,
brother of the bride, was grooms-
man. They will reside in London.
Mitchell Hotel
Changes Hands -
The Hicks House, at Mitchell, 72 -
year -old hotel, was sold to Walter
Caldecott, of Toronto, for the sum of
320,000. Built in 1870, the hotel had
been operated by three successive
generations of the Davidson family
since 1582. At one time it enjoyed the
reputation of having the finest dining
room between London and Goderich.
With elaborately carved solid walnut
Mrs. Chapman of Egmondvilie is
the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Gregor and family.
Mrs, Joe McClellan, who has had a
severe attack of quinsy, is recover-
ing nicely.
Mr, John W. Doig of Seattle,
Wash., visited wtih his mother and
sister for a few days.
REID-At Guelph General Hospital,
on Sunday, July 501. 1942, to Mr.
and .Airs, Dawson Reid, a daughter.
Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes
ByVIRTUE it A 'WARealRof`T from the 'Mayor of t a Corporation of the Town of Seaforth,
e Town. of Seaforth,
under his hand, with the s
bearing date the 1st day of April, A.D. 1942, and to me directed, for the col-
lection of the encors of taxes on the e said taxes together with tioned costs and charges nis hereby
paid, thatshunless
paid, I shall, ou Saturday, August Sth, A.D. 1942, at 10.30 o'clock in the morn-
ing, at the Town Hall in the said Town of Seaforth, proceed to sell by
auction the said lands, or so much, thereof as may be sufficient to discharge
such arrears on taxes and charges thereon. Taxes Costs Total
E Lot 194, Jarvis Survey, Martha Jane Baker, owner 3131.87 $8.79 3140.66
Lots 53 and 59, Plan No, 7, Goninlock's first survey, 239. 5
Seaforth Curling and Skating Club, owners
Lots 3, 4, 5, Coleman's Survey, Julia H. Bright, owner
Lot 47, F. G. Sperling Survey, Frederick Broadbridge,
owner owner....
Lot 8, Block F, Jarvis Survey, Mary Carty,
Lot 15, Block G, Jarvis Survey, John McLeod, owner..
Lot 41, F. G. Sperling Survey, 'Noble T. Cluff, o yner. .
Lot 139, Jarvis Survey, Wm. McDougall, owner
Lots 97, 98 Gouinlock Survey, Geraldine Eckert, owner
The whole of Lot 32, Gouinlock First Survey (Crombie
St.) F. Allen, owner (except part conveyed to W.
J. Duncan by registered deed, numbered 6494
Lot 142, Jarvis Survey, Minnie Cudmore, owner
South In Lot 44, Jarvis Survey and rights of way de-
scribed in registered instrument No. 7499, James
Dick, owner
Lots 9 and 10. Block J, Jarvis Survey; Lot 11. Block
J. Jarvis Survey; Lot 12, Block J, Jarvis Survey;
Jennie Dickson. Richard Dickson. Jane Dickson,
Parts Lots 4, 5, North Side Goderich St., Adams Sur -
WA 21.94 679.60
rey, Heury Edge. owner
Easterly portions of Lots 5. 6, north side James St,
Blk. H, Beattie d. Starks' Survey. described as
commencing at south-east angle Lot 5;thence
west aloe South Boundary Lot 5. , feet to a
post; thence in northerly direction parallel to East
Boundaries Lots 5, 6 to Northern Boundary Lot 6;
thence E alongN. Boundary Lots 6, 35 feet more
or less to -XX. angle Lot 6; thence S. along E.
boundaries Lots 5, 6 to place of beginning. Eliza 156.49 9.41 165,90
beth. Frai et owner
Lot 191, Jarvis Survey. John Gallop, owner 278.43 12.46 290.94
N. part Lot 40,W.side Main St., Jarvis Survey, ftge
27 ft, on Main street by depth of 150 feet, Violet
J. Gillespie, owner 547.22 19.13 566.40
Lots 1, 2. Block G, Jarvis Survey, Andrew P. Joynt, 22,90 6.07 23.97
Lot 42, F. G. Sperling Survey, Frances Jane Hulley, 202.32 10.56 212,55
Part Lot 63, Gouinlock Survey, described as commenc-
ing at N.E. corner Lot 63; thence S. along E.
boundary 92 ft.; thence W. parallel to S. boundary
41 ft. 5 inches; thence N. parallel to•E• boundary
• 92 ft. to N. boundary; thence E. along N. boundary
41 ft. 5 ins. to place of beginning, James Hughes,
owner 379.27 14.98 394.25
Lot 86, Jarvis Survey, James Hughes, owner 210,34 10.77 221.61
Lots 5, 6, Block K, Jervis Survey and Lot 222-223 on
E. Side Jarvis St.. being subdivisions of Block It,
according to plan made by Andrew Bay and an-
other plan made by G. McPhillips, James Hughes,
owner• 45.20 6.63 51.83
Lot 433 F, G. Sperling Survey, Christina Payne, owner 295,90 12.90 803.50
Lots 1. 2, 3 Block H. Jarvis Survey, Harry llilis.ownet 37.26 6,43 43.69
Lot 50. Gouinlock Survey. less the W. le of the 1 ?'
and Lot 51. Gouinlock Survey, Henrietta McLen-
nan, owner 1349.92 39.25 1,389.17
Lot 133. Gottinlacl Survey, Alexander A. McLennan
owner 44.24 6.60 50.84
Lot ?5. Jarvis Survey. Jane 1Tetend, owner 14.53 19.06 961.69
Lots le. 17. 1S. Block C Jervis Survey, Vine Pearson,
owner 116,02 8.40 121.43
Lot 28134: Jarvis Snrvec George A.Paterson, owner3,24 6.75 13,99
Lot Jarvis Stuff°cy, except D 99It.. inlet May
Horn. owner 159.35 9.905 1:993.75
Lot r5, Jarvis Survey, Gabriel A, Reeves, owner 98,74 7.84 101.58
Lot 10, Block F Jarvis Survey and Lots 11, 12, 13,
Block F. Jervis Survey, John McLeod and Sov-
ereign Production Co., owners 43.22 6.59 49,80
Lots 69, 70, 71 Jarvis Survey, and Lot 72 except N. wV
corner having ftge, G1 ft„ depth 66 Pt., Sovereign
Production Co,, owner 258.36 12.71 301,07
Lots 62, 63, 64 F. G. Sperling Survey, Maude Uttley
and Joseph P. Uttley. owners 11;79 6,79 11.58 Lots 27, 28, Block Ii, Jarvis Survey, Earl Van Egmortd,
owner 41.23 6.63 47.78'
Lot 79, Jarvis Survey, less rear 50 ft.; rear 60 ft. Lot
79, Jarvis Survey, William Masters and Antandis
Bean, owttens 302,94 14.57
Part farm Lot 24, Coleman Survey, Robert Wilson,
owner 131,56 10,04
Treasurer's Office, Town of Seatorth,
April 4111, 1942,
11.9S 251.26
233.14 11.82 244.96
515.70 18.47 637.17
Crensurer, Town of Seatorth.
Published in The Otrtario Gazette, May 2nd, 19142, (one insertion)