HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR
11i1�� SLtAFt.)I�'1'1-1 i Js'WVS
Snowdon Bros„ Publtsl,ors.
The 'J.F,W.O, will hold their
Monthly meeting at the hens of Mrs
Wilbur Turnbull on July 15th, 1tLio
M. Knox will speak on Empire Day:
There will be a demorlstr'aton by the
junior girls.
Mr, Harvey Travis of Shelburne
&pent last week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, A. 'Travis,
Mrs, Wells and daughter Joan of
Toronto spent the past two weeks
with Mrs, Humphries and other
friends around Walton.
Miss Marton Steles left for Weil-
and where she intends to spend the
next two months.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Rutledge and
daughter Evelyn, Toronto, returned
Saturday after holidaying with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutledge,
Blyth, and Mrs. Chas. Drager.
Mrs. 0. Grey, Toronto, spent Sat-
urday with her mother, Mrs, Chas.
Word has been received by Mrs.
Chas. Drager of the safe landing of
her •• san Ritchie in England last
week. Her son Jack has also been in
England for the past two years. She
has only two sons.
The funeral service for John Or-
val Greer, whose death occurred
suddenly at the home of his brother,
Norman Greer, Stanley township,
was held on Tuesday afternoon at
2.30 o'clock and was largely attend-
ed. Mr. Greer, who was born at Kent
Bridge, July 19, 1S85, was a son of
the late Robert J. Greer and Janet
(Davidson) Greer. He had farmed in
Stanley for over 85 years. He was a
Presbyterian in religion and the ser
vice was conducted by Rev. D. J. Diesel Reunion—
Lane, Goderieh. The pallbearers were:
Arthur Peck, John Howard, Georgy About 140 people attended the
Elliott, Harold Penhsle, Wm. John- 6th annual Diegel reunion at the
stop and Orval Greer. Thome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F. Vock
He is survived by a brother, Nor- en Wednesday, July lst. After the
man, Bayfield road, Stanley, and one noon lunch was served the afternoon
sister, Miss Lottie Greer, Clinton. was spent in playing softball, races,
Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. contests, horse shoes and bingo. The
following were the winners in the
various races and contests: 4 years
McKILLOP and under, Gary Sholdice; 6 to 9,
St. Columban Church was the Russell Diegel; 6 to 10, Yvonne Die -
scene of a very lovely wedding on gel; 10 to 12, Leona Smith; 9 to 13.
Tuesday, June 30th, when Esther S. boys, Alvin Leonhardt; 10 to 13,
Duffy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Duffy, of McKillop, was united in the gents, Elsie Steinbach; 14 to 16, girls,
holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Ordelia Leonhardt; boys 14 and up,
Alvin H. Rau, son of Mrs. Rau and Dalton Steinbach; three legged race,
the late Joseph Rau of Zurich. Rev. girls Georgene Young and Verna
Father O'Drowski performed the cer- Sholdice; Norman Steinbach and
emony. The bride, given in marriage head Leonhardt kick the slipper,
her father, was lovely in a floor-
length gown of white triple sheer girls, Ruth Rapien; ladies, Della Ah
crepe chiffon, which fell in graceful rens; young ladies, Arbutus Smith;
folds to the floor from a shirred bod- young men's running race, Howard
ice. The bolero effect with Elizabeth-
an scroll looked charming. She wore Querengesser; young women's runn-
a veil with a long train and her ing race, Mrs. Norman Ahrens; fat
wreath was of orange blossoms. The women's race, Mrs. Henry Leonhardt
bride's bouquet was of briarcliffe women's potato race, Mrs. Herman
roses, bouvardia and maiden -hair
fern. The bride was attended by her Leonhardt; girls' potato race, Joyce
.sister Miss Vera Duffy, who acted as Diegel; paper bag contest, Ruth Ra -
maid of honour and wore a beautiful pien and Irvin Leonhardt; bean race,
gown of old rose crepe chiffon with captain, Mrs. Geo. Bennewies; pea -
low neckline.. She wore a matching nut race, ladies, Ruth Rapien; men's.
bow in her hair and golden slippers. Barry Steinbach, girls, Joyce Diegel.
Her bouquet was Virginia carnations,
blue delphiniums and maiden hair The youngest person present was
fern, Miss Doreen Regier, of Brescia Jean Eleanor Eisler; five weeks old
Hall, acted as bridesmaid in a pink daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
sheer crepe chiffon gown with low Disler'. The oldest person -
neckline and wore a matching bow p present
in her hair. She carried a bouquet of was Mrs. John Leonhardt, 85 years.
roses, blue delphiniums and maiden The general. meeting followed the
hair fern, Her shoes were of shining evening lunch with W. L. Quer'en-
silver•. The groom's attendant was gesser, president, in r charge. The
Mr. Verdun Rau of the Provincial
Police force and brother of the 'following officers were , elected f or
groom. Mr. Louis Duffy and Mr. Roy 1948: President, Norman Kistner;
Rau acted as ushers. The chauffeur sec.-treas., Russell Sholdice; sports
for the wedding party was Mr. Svend committee, Mrs, Norman Kistner,
Ross of Detroit. The bride's mother
was dressed in a pale flowered chiffon Mr's. Chas. Gethke, Mrs. Howard Os -
dress with large white picture hat borne, Mrs. Herman Leonhardt, Mrs.
and white accessories and wore a Wm. F. Vock, men's sport commit -
corsage of roses, The groom's mother tee, Henry Steinbach. A hearty vote
chose black and white sheer with
white accessories and corsage. The of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs.
altar was beautifully decorated with Vock for their kind hospitality. The
pink tea roses and carnations. Pink 1943 reunion will be held at the
and blue bows adorned the guest home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel at
pews. , Brodhagen on July lst. The even-
After the wedding ceremony many ing was spent in bingo and dancing.
congratulations and greetings were The 20th anniversary of the deli
extended to the newlyweds, amidst a
shower of confetti. Afterwards a large 1 cation of St. Peter's Lutheran church
host of friends motored to the bride's was celebrated on Sunday. Rev. 0.
home where a sumptuous wedding Stockmann of Sebastopol preached
breakfast was served. During the re -
;the sermon in the morning and Rev.
past toasts were offered by Rev.;Gelhaar of Listowel was the u
Father O'Drowski and the groom.) gest
The afternoon and evening were speaker in the evening. The choir
agent in dancing and singing. Mr,lrendered special' anthems for the oc-
and Mrs. Rau left on a wedding tour rasion being dressed in new gowns
to Brampton, Barrie, Owen Sound,
Ifor the first time. The Eiger mala
Tobermory, Manitoulin and other g
northern points. per travelling the; quartet of Kitchener favored with a
bride chose a appropriate beige caress number of selections.
with beige and brown accessories,
lipon their return the happy couple
will reside on the groom's farm in
Drysdale, The bride has been teach-
er of that school section for the past
live years, Guests were present from
Zurich, Drysdale, Goderich, Clinton,
Detroit, Seaforth and Stratford. Prior
to the wedding, the bride was the
recipient of many beautiful gifts, A
number of friends from Seaforth pre-
rented' Mr, and Mrs, Rata with a
lovely coffee table at a stirprtse party
held in their honor at the groom's
home on Thursday, June 18th. The
following week a trousseau tea was
held at the bride's home and a
ladies' shower was held hi Seaforth
ht honour of the bride when many
gorgeous miscellaneous gifts were
114r. and Mrs, Leslie Wieter'sen and
ehtldren of Detroit with Mr, and .Mrs
Aug, Hillebrecht.
• Mr. and Mrs, Harold Grove, Har-
old and Bobby of Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs. L. G, Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Fred Scherbarth,
Kenneth and Earl and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Hartji and Sharon of Detroit
with Mr, and Mrs. J, . L. Bennewies.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode of'De-
trolt with Mr, and .Mrs. Ed. Prueter.
Mr, and Mrs. John Arbuckle' ..and
Mr, and Mrs. J. Arbuckle Jr. and
Jimmy of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Querengesser.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Miller of Wal-
ton with Mr, and Mrs. John Benne-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollatz of
Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Aug.
Mrs. Mary Dittmer of Toronto and
Mrs.Elizabeth Morenz of Kitchener
with Mrs. Mary Prueter.
Mrs. Annie Pfaff of Heidelberg
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Amstein.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dykeman of Pt.
Credit with Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rode of Kit
chener with relatives.
Mrs. Golding of Stratford is
spending' a week with Mr. and Mrs
Harold Diegel.
Mrs. Jim Cole and Wilfred of Wa
torloo with Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Hinz
Mr, and Mrs. George Jacob and
Helen of Kitchener with relatives.
Don't forget the open air band
concert on Sunday evening..
Mr. Robert Rock has procured a
position with Kellogg's in London
for the summer months. '
Mr. Glenn Diegel has returned af-
ter a week spent in Thames Valley
Camp with the high school cadets.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3' ,weeks 50c
Mr. and air's. Earl McLachlan of
Port Huron, a.nd Mr. Keith Hayter of
Detroit with Me, and Mrs. E, Ross.
Miss Shirley 'Regele of MCICtllop
with Miss Rena Murray,
Mie. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper and Mr.
Lorne Hay of Niagara Palle are hol-
idaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Jas, Hay,
Miss Pearl Ross has r'etur'ned to
Hamilton after a weeks visit at her
home here.
Miss Dorothy Reinke of Hamilton
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jaeksot.
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 ,week 71ir
Promotion Results—
Promotion results, St. Patrick's
School, Dublin. Standing for Septenn'
Grade 'S—Edward Holland, Loreen
Jordan, Patricia Ryan, Mary Staple -
Grade 7—Mary Costello, Brigid
Costello, Teresa Kistner, Dorothy
Kistner, Francis Kistner, Norman
Kramers (on trial), Jerry Stapleton,
Rosemarie Woods.
Grade 6—Fergus Feeney (on trial),
Barbara Holland, Teresa McLaugh-
lin, Vincent Morrison.
Grade 5 --Ronald Butters, Billy
Evans, John 'Fitzpatrick, Louis •Lane,
Grade 4—Jeannette, Jordan, Patrick
Grade 3—Fergus Donnelly, Billy
Feeney, Louis Kramer, Mary Morri•
son, Alice Ryan.
Grade 2 (Senior)—Joseph Costello,
Leonard Feeney.
Grade 2 (Junior)—Allan Butters,
Dorothy Ann Costello, Louise Feeney,
Paul Kramer, Joseph McLaughlin,
Edwin O'Hearn, Gordon Rowland,
Joseph Woods.
Young -O'Rourke.
Pink peonies and red roses decor-
ated the altar of St. Patriok'S,Church,
Dublin, on Saturday for the wedding
of Irene Isabelle O'Rourke, Reg. N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Rourke, Dublin, to Elwin Henry
'young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
'Young, Toronto. -.Rev., Dr, Ffoulkes
officiated and celebrated the nuptial
mass and Miss Mary Beale presided
at the organ. The soloists were Miss
Veronica Molyneaux and Mrs. Joseph
Miller, Detroit Given in marriage by
her father, the bride wore a floor -
length gown of ivory slipper satin in
classic style with full length .sleeves
pointed at the wrists, and long
train. Her full length veil of silk net
fell from a pleated halo and she car-
ried a colonial' bouquet of roses and
bouvardia. Miss Loretto O'Rourke,
Toronto, sister of the belie; as brides-
maid, wore a floor -length gown of
heavenly blue silk jersey, made on
long torso lines and a bouffant skirt.
She wore a shoulder length veil, and
carried pink carnations with blue
delphinium. The best "man was John
Lerman of Toronto, and John ` and
Frank O'Rourke, brothers of the
bride, were ushers. After the " cere-
mony, a reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. Receiv-
ing the guests the bride's, mother
wore a gown of navy sheer, with
corsage of pink tea roses. The
bridegroom's mother assisted, wear-
ing an ensemble of mauve sheer, with
corsage of pink roses. A dinner was
served later at the Royal Hotel, Mit-
chell, to 25 guests, immediate relat-
ives of the bride and bridegrootli.'k'or
traveling 'the bride donned an en-,
semble of blue crepe with sand ac-
cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Young will
reside in Toronto. Guests were pre-
sent from Toronto, London, Detroit
and Seaforth,. including the bride's
grandmother, Mrs; Flanagan, who is
in her 87th year.
Benn - Roche—
Red peonies decorated the white
marble altars of St. Cecelia's church,
Toronto, 'on Satm'day when Therese
Roche, daughter of Bunsen 3. Roche,
became the bride of Charles Henn,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Henn.
Right Rev. Msgr. Tresey officiated.
The bride's gown, fashioned with
Basque waist and full skirt, was made
of white dotted Swiss voile. She
wore a picture hat with veil end car-
ried an arm bouquet of red roses and
baby's breath. The bride was attend-
ed by her sister, Miss Frances Roche,
wearing an old-fashioned dress of
white rosebud dimity with poke'
bonnet to match and carrying a Col-
onial bouquet. The bridegroom was
attended by his brother, .Tack Bann.
Karl Roche and 'Joseph Bann were
ushers. The reception was held in
the Old Mill garden. Guests were re-
ceived by the bridegroom's mother,
wearing a navy redingote over navy
and white printed silk, white asses-
sorios and a corsage of red roses.
The bride's sister, Miss Vivian Roche,
also received in navy and white
printed dross, navy picture hat and
corsage of pink sweet peas and
baby's breath.
Miss Joyce Maidens, West Lorne.
Ont.. and little Loreen Jeffery, of
"•trat:ford, niece of Mrs. Alex, Dar-
ling, are guests at, the home of the
Three of Joseph Dwyer's sons of
Logan are in uniform. Thomas is in
Vancouver, B.C., Gerald, at Manning
pool, Toronto, and Michael has join-
ed the navy.
Me, and Mrs. William Devereaux
and their little daughter of Chicago,
have been the guests of her sister,
Mrs, D. McConnell and her brother,
Mr*. Joseph Carpenter, McKillop.
Mrs, Elizabeth Nagle returned on
Monday from a week with her niece,
Mrs, T. Connolly, Bornholm. This
lady is much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom L DeCoercy,
of Windsor, spent a few days in. Lo-
Miss Tessie Nicholson, Chicago,
arrived for a three weekss vacation
tb be spent at the Logan home on 23
Miss Mary Beale left on Tee, dtiy
for a two woke' vacation at Preston
Springs, Windsor and Stratford.
ICennieott social is on the evening
of the 22nd, and Dublin on the 29111.
Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto is
spending a week's vacation at her
home here.
Next Sunday, July 12, Rev. ,Harold,
Snell of Ethel, will preach ooth
Morning and evening. In the evening
he will address the. L. 0.L. who will
meet in a body and occupy the eep
tee seats at front of church, o.
Mrs. Nellie Watson and Fern are
spending a few weeks with her dau-
ghter and sister Mrs. John Sinclair
and' fancily, Kippen,,
Mrs, Medd and daughter Josie of',
London visited with 'Mrs. J. Tamblyn
last week.
Mrs. Wm. Griffith spent the week.
end with her son_ Arthur and family
in Clinton. Art goes into training this
Miss Joyce Fah'service and Mr.
Cooper of Woodstock are holidaying
with Joyce's parents Mr. and Mrs.
T, Fairservice.
Miss Betty Brunsdon is spending
her holidays with friends at Fort
Erie, Ont.
Mrs. Marry Grierson of Sunderland
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Fingland.
Mr's. Elizabeth Lyon spent last
week with her. son Will Lyon and
family of Thorndal'e.
Dr. Kirk Lyon with Mrs. Lyon and
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Leamington,
spent a short time with the doctor's
mother, Mrs. Wtn. Lyon, on Monday.
The' Women's Missionary Society
met at the home of Mrs. ' T. Laing
with Mrs, Jamieson presiding. The
scripture lesson was read by Mis.
William Harper, followed with pray-
er by the president. A very interest-
ing paper, taken from the book en-
titled "'Climbing," which was written
by : the late Mrs. Jonathan Goforth,
was read by Mrs, Houghton. The
study book chapter was read by Mrs.
McCulloch, followed by glad tidings
prayer by .Mrs. J. Hamilton. A re-
port of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety meeting at Avonton was given
by Mrs. S. A. Miller. Mrs. T. L. Scott
gave the current events dealing with
missionary, work near Prince Albert,
where she had been visiting. The
meeting closed` with the national an-
Miss Mary A. Hamilton is leaving
for training in the RCAF at Ottawa,
Every good wish goes with her in
answering the call of her King and
Country. She was a valuable mem-
ber of different church organizations
and will be missed by our conmun-
' A large number of friends and.
neighbors' assembled at Staffa hall
and presented Mary A. Hamilton
with a military clock and a money
belt with a substantial sum of money
in it.
Lloyd Miller, Stratford, with his
mother, Mrs. S. A. Miller.
Private Wilfred Scott, London, at
his home here.
John Houghton, Ottawa, accomp-
anied by A. M. Schmaltz, Mildmay,
with the former's mother, Mrs. Win
Houghton and family.
Mrs. Len Houghton and son Fran-
kie, at Mount Forest.
Mrs. Rorke, Montreal, with Mrs.
Tufford and Miss M. Currie.
I Mrs. Neil Gillespie, Seaforth; with.
Mrs. J. Scott.
Miss Helen Kemp has returned to
her home in Mitchell.
Large congregations attended the
annual open air services of the Unit-
ed church in F. Tuffin's orchard, on
Sunday morning 'and afternoon, with
Rev. Mr. Grant of Kippen, as guest
minister. Two very inspiring ser-
mons were delivered. Music was fur-
nished by Zion dhoir, with Mrs. Bar-
ker at the organ, and Staffa choir,
with, Mrs. 0. W. Reed, accompanying.
A quartet.nnmber by Mrs: W. Alds-
worth, Mrs. R. Worden, Mrs, K.
Drake and Mrs. H. Harburn was well
Mr. and Mrs. Gleson Gill and Mr.
and .Mrs. Charlie Page and Luella
May, of Russeldale, with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray, Millbank,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathison, St.
Catherines, with Mr. and Mis. O. W.
Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sad-
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Whal
.en, Mrs. William Sadler and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Marjorie
and Roy, with Mr. , and Mrs. A. Jeff-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Worden were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Wor
den, Mr. and Mrs, L. Worden, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J: Fell, Lois and Lorne,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witsman and
sons of Niagara Falls, with Mr. and.
Mrs. James Barbour.
W.M.S. Meets—
The July meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held on
Thursday afternoon,' July 2 at the
home of Mrs. Monteith. Mrs. A.
Johnson presided and the meeting•
opened with a responsive reading
Mrs. Johnson read' the Scripture and
Mrs. J. Hyde led in prayer. Hymn
330 was then sung. A 'temperance
topic, the Case for Total Abstinence,
was given in a very interesting man-
ner by Mrs. W. W. Cooper,assisted
by other 'members. Hymn 351 was
then sung. The meeting closed with
the benediction by Mrs. Johnson. The
August meeting will be held at Rev.
and Mrs. Grant's cottage near Grand
Bend, in the evening. Each member
please be prepared to give a number
on the program,
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Thursday evening last at
the home of Miss Beatrice Cooper.
when the choir met to honour Miss
Gwen Cooper, who is leaving shortly
for Toronto. During the evening
Gwen was presented with a packa-
Miss Ruth Bell' of London spent
the week end With her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Bell,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of
Guelph and Miss Wanda Baker of
Clinton visited over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrett.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Ml's. W, Hoi'ney were Mr,
and Mrs, W. Ferguson and Wilma of
Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Motz of Crediton, Mrs, 3'. Stacey of
Exeter and Mr. A. Gackstetter of
The July meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. Harvey Moore on Wednesday
evening, July 15 at 9 o'clock. There
will be a continuation of first aid un- ��
der the' direction of Dr. Brady. The '-,,,,_
members will be given the opportun-
ity of performing under the doctor's
direction. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to the women of the commun-
The Red Cross and Women's Ins-
titute are making jam again this
year, 1200 lbs. being our quota.
Have you fruit to donate or time to
help make this very necessary article
of food?
This is for every woman regard-
less of Women's Institute member-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson
have returned from their honeymoon.
The whole community extend to
them heartiest congratulations.
Music Exams—
All pupils of Elizabeth Mills, A.T.
C.M., who tried exams were success-
ful, The local centre was held at
Clinton with Mr. Crawford , of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music exam-
Grade VIII=Norma Daer, pass.
Theoryz—fir'st class honors.
Grade IV—Ferne Pollard, honors.
Grade III—Marie Raithby, honors.
Grade II—Margaret Jackson, first
class honors. Joan Killough, honors.
Born—In Clinton Public Hospital,
on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Gibson (nee Miss Eva Holland) a
daughter, Even Marie.
Mr. Hugh Ball has erected a new
barn on his farm, and is. finishing it
off with a coat of paint. It is going to
look pretty nice, Ht;glt.
Send .us the names of your visitors.
This IsImportant
Hydro consumers will find with their next bill a printed
form which you are requested to READ CAREFULLY,
The inforrriation requested is very necessary in order
that we may inform the Government definitely what
materials and parts we will require to KEEP YOUR.
Pub1ic Utility Commission
"Bachelor Daddy"
Baby Sandy with a grand cast of comics
"Sunset in Wyoming"
A new action, song and fun-festter•
Edward Arnold Walten Huston
"All That Money Can Buy"
Based on the story "The Devil and Daniel Webster,"
by Stephen Vincent Benet
Bud Abbott Lou Costello
"Keep 'em Flying"
A real laugh bitwith six new songs
"Ball of Fire",
When single features are shown,'last show starts at 9.15.
When 2 Features are shown, last show starts 8,45
Large congregations attended the
annual open air services of the Unit-
ed church in F. Tuffin's orchard, on
Sunday morning 'and afternoon, with
Rev. Mr. Grant of Kippen, as guest
minister. Two very inspiring ser-
mons were delivered. Music was fur-
nished by Zion dhoir, with Mrs. Bar-
ker at the organ, and Staffa choir,
with, Mrs. 0. W. Reed, accompanying.
A quartet.nnmber by Mrs: W. Alds-
worth, Mrs. R. Worden, Mrs, K.
Drake and Mrs. H. Harburn was well
Mr. and Mrs. Gleson Gill and Mr.
and .Mrs. Charlie Page and Luella
May, of Russeldale, with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray, Millbank,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathison, St.
Catherines, with Mr. and Mis. O. W.
Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sad-
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Whal
.en, Mrs. William Sadler and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Marjorie
and Roy, with Mr. , and Mrs. A. Jeff-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Worden were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Wor
den, Mr. and Mrs, L. Worden, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J: Fell, Lois and Lorne,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witsman and
sons of Niagara Falls, with Mr. and.
Mrs. James Barbour.
W.M.S. Meets—
The July meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held on
Thursday afternoon,' July 2 at the
home of Mrs. Monteith. Mrs. A.
Johnson presided and the meeting•
opened with a responsive reading
Mrs. Johnson read' the Scripture and
Mrs. J. Hyde led in prayer. Hymn
330 was then sung. A 'temperance
topic, the Case for Total Abstinence,
was given in a very interesting man-
ner by Mrs. W. W. Cooper,assisted
by other 'members. Hymn 351 was
then sung. The meeting closed with
the benediction by Mrs. Johnson. The
August meeting will be held at Rev.
and Mrs. Grant's cottage near Grand
Bend, in the evening. Each member
please be prepared to give a number
on the program,
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Thursday evening last at
the home of Miss Beatrice Cooper.
when the choir met to honour Miss
Gwen Cooper, who is leaving shortly
for Toronto. During the evening
Gwen was presented with a packa-
Miss Ruth Bell' of London spent
the week end With her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Bell,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of
Guelph and Miss Wanda Baker of
Clinton visited over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrett.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Ml's. W, Hoi'ney were Mr,
and Mrs, W. Ferguson and Wilma of
Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Motz of Crediton, Mrs, 3'. Stacey of
Exeter and Mr. A. Gackstetter of
The July meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. Harvey Moore on Wednesday
evening, July 15 at 9 o'clock. There
will be a continuation of first aid un- ��
der the' direction of Dr. Brady. The '-,,,,_
members will be given the opportun-
ity of performing under the doctor's
direction. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to the women of the commun-
The Red Cross and Women's Ins-
titute are making jam again this
year, 1200 lbs. being our quota.
Have you fruit to donate or time to
help make this very necessary article
of food?
This is for every woman regard-
less of Women's Institute member-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson
have returned from their honeymoon.
The whole community extend to
them heartiest congratulations.
Music Exams—
All pupils of Elizabeth Mills, A.T.
C.M., who tried exams were success-
ful, The local centre was held at
Clinton with Mr. Crawford , of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music exam-
Grade VIII=Norma Daer, pass.
Theoryz—fir'st class honors.
Grade IV—Ferne Pollard, honors.
Grade III—Marie Raithby, honors.
Grade II—Margaret Jackson, first
class honors. Joan Killough, honors.
Born—In Clinton Public Hospital,
on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Gibson (nee Miss Eva Holland) a
daughter, Even Marie.
Mr. Hugh Ball has erected a new
barn on his farm, and is. finishing it
off with a coat of paint. It is going to
look pretty nice, Ht;glt.
Send .us the names of your visitors.
This IsImportant
Hydro consumers will find with their next bill a printed
form which you are requested to READ CAREFULLY,
The inforrriation requested is very necessary in order
that we may inform the Government definitely what
materials and parts we will require to KEEP YOUR.
Pub1ic Utility Commission