HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-07-02, Page 2Ac:,E TWO TH TEXTURE OF 5LOAVES OF BREAD INSURED FOR ONLY 24ER CAKE �rral Hydro 7sers aci 010,7n Meters s r -t of =Tot {� r7 .tta-, Read cg rv:cs.rwis War istat€.r]a.s .«:ai_Z:»-:'e'a'ts ;•- cam. `^ 7777. 'tt' Trza! r a 'SPreafatug +777 7 ue i=_c r. _ . i*' _ ss :.n ,ter pan :f --tnere leen sum. mutee*d 7. mai...:.. te,77771 tem, '3i re N .fit a- :sa , Mfrs z ;1. aa. grAss A, rsaIer, ,=_,47.7., 1:- 11?:.. H. 3:.e and Nina a:..F- fest s : ;as es geteMr e.a.rr.e, .._ Mflrs. ... TE .3_.;;n as 'as.bse, 'Y,estamesAZei, Ra'1''iks. L'Ttarase., Mrs A. laraufses eco p• MS. Vitta.::r ii,g a. mutt et «Tran pro a^,. , a ease 'intra/ twirsauris__....yt. av*^.r a. a^r A4_ a 4:1 s Ire:' . E3:3 ie '. :1- r: _.._ s:Lson: *i ,_.u• 34 _ .- :: ; v_ -gift i a *.77477,4:0-e7.2 '•r -h..,. u l ,. : rat - smates 177V ,7,7`. _ -:rf the. Wit i. _I Submt. been e. of Mrs. T. J. Hucsstep, ince Called to the Dere- Mc'. ere- Mc Robert Eimer 'Bert/ (I-art/Mei .3.. _a.. of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur tis"ardirter. of v.he Thames Road, hs,;v- ir.g Oar :e ed his course in Suet :sr, Os„a3e Hail, Toronto, vn Thur' slay ¢ las: week called to the bar. MGardiner amended Exets;r high sehaal, secured hi.: B.A. degree at thn University of Western Ontario an'J or :he past three ^Mans attenritUJ Oa. goade Heal. Those who ;snow MA t?arnaner ar 3 ga bandioall front which he safer,cannot; but admires sus -mina and :'ouraxe that watt arose r ta carryhim through the ?ortg Blears ea- arragg%, necessary to ce the wonderful results hr: Zsh,, ed. Exeter Times-Advo- Dr. itles.Adv' Dr. Margaret Savage Visits Home* Tr. 313-7-taret Smug' Sa^:age, or ar:i honored mis- sionary domor of 1e Peace Ritter rerun, has beer. with rhr parvenus, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang of Exeter_ Sate sp,,ae recently in Ca - Vert Chtare s„ Eie:vr. orate to G' GUaL FULL STRENGTH e. r . DE3 E DAB IN THE AIRTIGHT WRAPPER „ 7L17 Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes DUM N Ezsgagetrents 7.7 7.7i17 of Myth -- The y t -he :.Fa:?. 4 carr=d :=1 Blyth on Tuesday. lune 3r3. of Margaret Da_ 'tet: campbe`.`, wife of she late T. 3 Hue users. arra &neater of the ?max t'aursbe l and Oliriet na Grabar-,y e ate Mrs. Hvvk.:::t, ,._Esthes.nr :o"-rsh:p ;•:‘t. fyl. •e.. before ruvaing til Blyth ea d dressmaking' J� _ r:a : a years ado l,,nv- e = H, gip raJta. -s - -• _ �3 ..._ .. - _.. _a rat, - e ht.been . _::fitz d. •.i 'bed ever sinta.. Mrs. {, .. stai. Miss 4:1. mow, «.•a,.• ?ata Eduard Hemnth Dies At Wir.gbaa.-- _ _ •. _ __ citizen- Sohn E -.. _. r_ 7777 r _ . - •__ --.1,-,_-....... c'. r- _.. _ �...__ __ sees.. _ _..__ ref...,--;._ _�. �..I'y� .___ �'iC9�".4r r-�e _ _ _y � 'h YH-y-:i 3 �i 1a: '--- -- ._ ' . -7".:::;.?!! :}.:; ire• 3 7'« ._ .-..-. _..._ IC. -_ who. of ...: wa :. cess. FTe„was= .n rJzt'.: • -- r due %7".7"4"1' .. '.T -n PL -1 "s... i e,.. .. fd 7 Stns-srve.. _.._ c ..-......._ &.: .�.:3_ .. 7777.__ „` _._. ir. _ _ _ s.-�r=r•_:>i^c-T 3.._ . a:-. :i .a'. Navy., he 3. :ad :« :enfaty the zeletranun -anth h:_ - _ Ib_ a 'rz:....>:. their : » a: 7,==+=- A - _rs �.:,r:t ,,:.::5. 35L."�,. Via^•?- Co r. -7,de _tate_: - --Itms-r,_ _._ _.: Awnsal-=n- _ :-r:.i.: . _ : J3 brave.des.;-or_ .:s awe a.. fairemiy -�_ - " 5'. az.f. DL- - ' 7-77_7 ars =_ rca,,r.a 4 T 4'- -'� .t.. -..V. 1'1.x.. r_ .t t'"•- -_ serf L.6 - T 4- _ _.- _ _ _ e-- s:f gres:a. Idaiia- ._� •77_77 , __•_ -- ___ .__ _ 7777..; .._ -:_ .._:_�- Fa ting :..z:.maer . IwSa?e Li! tallatle 77:07.-E:d:..__,_ The6an2._ .te „ __ .._ - '-Kl-eg 'Alas a Se ) __ _ _. __ . _. .. i _• ^' � 7777... _ .. ,.r= _ 'A•:,s be' __. .. u.._ r. ..._ 1-7 t: -2r...77- __:_a_i. - y F.77 -S1,77:1 s r'e`ify Power Leaving Zrsy:.TW' ...,_. Z. - For Pitt etcwm- .T- 5-" ... _ S p AFi fad t - - Y q • •-P ate_'. a 'ry Ts C v :. Y! s g e' 11 wan given n 'w-lat. . _ser one M 7 Greg.: ., ..1="4.7'17,17. :7... _. 4,17 77 7 7 after fer .. heti...Err:filed floes e Anniser>;arr - .o a , dune Mr.. Medd. Exeter. et- tl y'FS•..3-...>;., a Ti'. C?ai _ . 7 5 S $..u. _ _ ._ :tie:. 7777.. .'-�•r; ::ti :+r'k,3 year anti dad nved his entire fife in .the cor TMztani y. He as born on :he .:0 -ah concession of Turnberrr and' cominaed :.a r_ilda an that farm un- :Jored :a7 Wingr€am :n 1920. 3 be was married :o Agnes S -tri Grieve. After cot -clog to- Wing- -61z= he operated a 2Qnr and fe:•d a-. ainas and a.::r disposing of this » ond:IC:.esi a serciee station a fs ^ears ago Schen ie rs- - ma. He was a member of St. An- dre -es Pr15ni-xe tan Church and for ye..ars had been a member of :he :se -„_son and a: the ::n:e of his death ins senior in 'length. of service. Be :eaves. no mourn his passing his mn:h. _ Mrs. August Hor- n.._. Z.C7,7i four ianoh:ers. Mrs. N lte-a::ol:: Mrs. • - _:Tr • Mr?. Ht -.77.7:', ?es ;'ed e .. 7'ilUW10PA`f, 41.11..V Z 1 4 On War Footing Planta Work at Capacity Pro. ducfny Armaments and Farm Equipment ltcsrnarkuhle tsvirieae:e of the ex int to which a largo (.eradiate rods *.r;e suss Awitle, into line and be au imp- ortant factor hi producing monitions tor the war effort may be gathere-d1 Roan urs illuitra+xri booklet ,tat o,z liy MusiscsyEiarrls (lemony. e.t:i,;::-j elml+ft.nkrsnts and Munitions for War- time l'fw5111," shells of three different .a1ibru;, wings and upars for trainer Dienes, arts some of the. Irsiple e.t.a elf ,oar ups company Is fira.laair.zg 'r nmol the heads ale roman for wore. shr;el.. r.$i.!' Planes, and Sas a equipment 11e yh e .T Massey.f'fattis Scar indoetviee are kept turnirct, rs :naxA:. rr a✓ail _.,r, The emopany has a, een:rated moon making suss>ll prnit-ttLes.T ;$ era automatic machine I777"."Z "a•:t ,hoods four times faster than ira the last war, and thouenads r.pon thous- ands of shells cosec from the, _G.w. S eet'y week. Application of the Saler manufact- uring methods has enabled til ep- Harris to produce quickly equip_: em for mFchanlze:d units. it <a e a.3ie� for motor vehicles to Seeerrai sizes, gun portr:ea, trailer ?n:its for special ecial $ervice5, Irani of -which, have - active service In the Libyan desert campaigns. One of the e: .y a plat'te 1- naw .9pere 2r .an s -A 3'ir schedule and is sora<_,: ! lieges as Many wings per week ee W •5 called for in tyle- original in the Blit d 1 r. Harri- (lt "ri a-iT-L _ n sie i p res1t e.1 �l- tonv r yet the T../ •7777 •'•� _ administration a.:3 r . t - I':ullsidera77027 ti fat:, j IDacb ffi4ry. of Wi ingbssss and' Miss M1; al Toronto. He is also survived by ane bro b_r. ;~red. of H sen. and a sister, Mme. John Ise:'y. and .hr en a -r ndLnnt.. The f cry was herd from his Sate residence, an Friday a=.e:'noon. the service be:n e conducted by the :ie:. Ee> e.h 3tri - Lear.. Burial :rook n ace n 'Sts -_:.ars: remeLeri', The pe rens• were member.- of :he 45 c,efS -- rets- Church, H. F. M.G-e. R. H. Loyd. W. H. Gurney. W John Baby. W. E. Han_nY.- Wing-nat.,. Advo ce-Times. • Esk' -- Wa :- - =a:. der:in= - 1_ T r d' ., _. 1 cf CHAMPION PLOWMEN TAKE TRIP EY PLANE Tlse :Calaa;s Tea fnnupiuty`s Cltiuupiottsltii class at the Inter- national PIorsiun m.ttrh held near Peterborough last Pall' brought together top rank horse poo anuli avows all parts of the Pnirinte Unser Artmtrcntr; of tit, Pintss t t it illi, [.old .11rclnllist. and Marshall Deans. Paris Oat). Sihe,r ltc itallist, nrrumplintiad by ll . t; Barrie of Gait, are seen read) to hoard :r Platte tti-ntatcstrino the valu- able trip that rag offered ars first told .wont{ prirea. rinse Toeing au important factor to its;rietelt srnlists, they elected to travel by - ale and 5ithin nine dcsrs they ri.•:iird 555511 pssints as Winnipeg, Portage La Prairie. Regina. Vnne1M1er mud Lethbridge. One of the highlights of their Juuroo rens slu' stop of at Portage La Prairie .there they participated hi the \luaitr�dtn Provincial Plow- ing Match, Jane 2.1.th. At experimental stations linty vi51teel mil at meetings. they attcoded, they 'iters etfcsrded t{u' o t1tortuuit'- of exchanging and studying ova ideas, psartirstlnrly tai ss tt-sat itsµ ileiiees and other aids to greater ellieieney on the fatten, The trip rias arranged by M.r. ai A, d",areoll, Manager of tete Ontario Pdenttuntes A. ociatiott. Plotting hfatrhe5 which arc rnuiltirtird is basil hrasn5:hes thresnghottt the routttry^, play dot h,tporinat part in the production. of foodfor war, for 'theyettenurntaer the bettor plowing and cultivation of rhr land isu etatrttUul for 111.101k{halts production,