HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-06-11, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942
PAGI: amigN
Lift Restrictions
On Imported Bags
Owing to the difficulty of obtaining
new bags on account of the war the
restriotions against the importation
into Canada of second-hand or pre-
viously used bags or bagging, either
empty or conveying merchandise,
have largely been removedfor the
To guard against the introduction
of disease into Canada, regulations
are in effect in ,certain cases.
Dried Vegetables
Mark Advance In
Dehydration Process
Vegetable dehydration --or the sci-
entific drying of vegetables for dom-
estic use—has travelled far along the
path of progress, partelularly during
recent months. 'Under the guidance
and direction of various Divisions of
the Dominion Department of'Agricul•
tura, dehydrated vegetables have da -
Tanned in all-round quality to the
point when they may now be placed
in the top ranks of processed foods.
Recently, a demonstration was giv-
en in Ottawa of dehydrated veget-
ables processed in Canadian factories
for the Agricultural Supplies Board,
Carrots, turnips, . cabbage, pickled
beets, and potatoes (Mashed, rrced,
French fried and pan fried) were
served and the consensus was that
they could not be distingilished from
fresh cooked vegetables. Some of the
persons who tasted them maintained
that' the dehydrated prodacts were
even better.
Vegetables are selected, then wash.
ed, trimmed, etc. Pre-processing con-
sists of eooiceding the vegetables for
an exact time in steam, etc, This
cooking or blanch, is, to preserve the
characteristics of the vegetables.
In the dehydrator; the vegetables
are subjected to a blast of hot air
until they have dried to an exact
moisture content,. Dash species of
vegetable requires a different treat-
ment After the process, the vege-
tables are immediately packed into
metal containers and sealed. •
A ton of potatoes (20 bags) Inaltes
300 1b. of dehydrated potatoes which
may be packed in 16 cans of 5 gall-
ons :capacity. each.. One hundred ib..
of cabbage are reduced to six pounds
which can be packed in. a three gal-
lon container, When required for use,
the dehydrated vegetables merely
have to be soaked in sufficient cold
water for a Pew hours to "refresh
them," following which they are
Booked as fresh vegetables.
In a country dike Canada where
there is an abundance of Fresh and
canned vegetables,• dehydrated mat-
erial is not normally required except
in limited quantittie. In time of war,
however, dehydrated vegetables have
a definite value as emergency rations
and ships' stores.
The slholiassistant was in the act
of proposing. "Remember," he said
to the girl, "this is the 'last Clay of
this astounding offer,"
"I'11 teach that boy to tell lies,"
ive vault cavi a. 4ealgav eai.e
Or ,
The fortifying agent is ,the finest
. litgredient that modern science has
0, — created—it increases the oiliness
'- content. thus preventing metal to
metal oontoct and so deduces
CIL / weengime ar by over 40%,
Akira:In ants less than
�� parted= motor
CAN How BE e00101tt AT oils.
JOHN BACH, Seaforth
tn 1 1y
a. t e N. Y e Ct lY t s
We can save you money on Bill and
Charge. Forms, standard sizes to fit
Ledgers, white or colors.
It will pay you to see our samples.
Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec-
tional Post Binders and Index
The Seaforth News
The World's News Seen Through
An International Daily Newspaper
is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased-Free from Sensational-
ism •— Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Featured, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make
the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home.
The Christian Science Publishing Society
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month,
Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2;60 a Year.
Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents.
Name --------
iltolid.ays at Banff inthe Canadian BoeidoQ
...:sa3,'i�;:3.v `�:�..oM.cj;<;•�:rw.>.. to �...x.�a
"sappy, carefree expeditions into
the Canadian Rockies, com-
fortably far from the routine of
Civilization, are among the many
health -giving amusements avail-
able to visitors at the Banff -
Springs Hotel, at Banff, Alberta,
this season. These expeditions
can be made on horseback with
the Trail Riders of the Canadian
Rockies, or on foot with the Trail
Hikers. Both organizations are
based in the Banff -Springs Hotel,
where riding, hiking, golf, tennis
and swimming are but a few of
the vigorous activities which con-
tribute to the e T"^.ce of a mourn
Physical fitness must be among
the first personal rules of every
citizen of the Allied countries in
these days when the stress and
strain of war makes exceptional
demands on everyone. Holidays
this year are being planned with
increased fitness in view, and this
is particularly true of Canadians,
and visitors from the United
States, who are including Banff
in their holiday itinerary, The
Canadian Pacific Railway, in
keeping with this spirit, has ar-
ranged extremely low American
Plan rates on a weekly or month-
- '^^^+^ and ill Pee rover a really
magnificent holiday and provide
a complete escape from the
spectre of gas, oil, and rubber.
There is no joy greater than
riding a sere -footed mountain
pony along far-flung scenic trails,
or in hiking above the clouds
along what is literally the sky
The Banff -Springs Hotel golf
course is internationally famous
and justly so and is a continual
challenge to experts and ama-
teurs alike. There is much to do
at Banff and a splendid holiday
in the doino•
Combination Offers are the Biggest Bargains of the year and are fully guaran-
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