HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-06-04, Page 8PAG
MENSAL -1 -•
Hie and Catherine, of Clinton, also
Red CNotes.*
Herb Hedden and niece, of .St,
rose NoteCnthet'ifes, spent the week end with
The final figures of the Fled Cross seee, 0, He(lden.
drive held recently in Hensel). and, . Mrs, spied Bengough, wllo had the
district aro not {available fie yet but misfortune ,to have her hip fractured
it M felt that whew all returns are recently, is (Whig as well as can be
in the local branch will not he verY expected. She :15 under the card of
far off its Obiectixe of $2200.00, ROW- Dr Steer and is at present in Scott'.
ever it must he remembered that iu-I Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
eluded in the amount credited to this Regular meeting of the village
canvass was a gig of eeom(Q from, council was held en
the County of H'�uron so that in a' . 8 4 p, the councl
sense we as a community fell far be- mediately after the Court of Revision
hind the goal set for us by the Red ou the 1942 assessment roil with all
ors headquarters. If by any chance;, members present. Minutes of the pre.
You were missed in the recent can- viemeeting meeting read and adopted. T.
vass or if you desire to give more to Kyle reported the .grass in the park
Your' as needing cutting; instructed to
this great work, kindly leave
donation with Mr, H. Lawrence or have same done. Constable Kyle was
Mr, W, R. Davidson. instrueted to step all bicycle riding
Arrangements to pick up salvage on the sidewalks at onoe.'The Clerk
in the district ground Hensall were' was instructed to order 5 barrels of
not completed in time to have this' patching material from the Imperial
work done during the last week ofoil, Correspondence read. Bills and
May as was intended. However, this I accounts—Wm, Love, labor garbage
matter is being attended to this week cgllectinn, $3.40; Wm. Hildebrand,
and it is expected that a good pile ofdo, $3.40; C. Kiefer, do, $3.40; W.
material for the war effort will be Allan, trucking, $21.25; W. Madge,
thus obtained, and at the same time disposal, $9; G, Huddleson, labor,
the Red Cross will receive the drainage, $5.40; T. Kyle, salary, $70;
money derived from the sale of this, F. G. Bonthron, postage, $5; School
salvage, The thanks of the Red Cross, Board, current expenses, $1000; H.
is hereby extended to those who do-, T. Cudmore, gravel, streets, $2.20;
Hated the salvage and also to those G. M. Case,'coal, hall,' $158.50; Katie
who loaned their trucks and who Seott, plants, hall, 50c; Hensall Hy -
gave their time in collecting it. Our
thankyou's are also cordially sent to
those who collected in the campaign
and to those who contributed.
Church Notes --
In the absence of the minister Rev.
Wen. Weir, who is attending the Gen-
eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Miss Marie Fletcher of Exeter
Church in Canada being held .this spent the week end with Mr. and
week and next at Montreal,there Mrs, Russell and Audrey.
Pse. Fred Beer of London spent the
week end at his home in Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Kirke of Fair -
Mr. and iMrs,spent
a short A. MaoLarent with
Sun -
and friends to encourage the young doll and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale on Sun -
Mr. and Mrs. George Gram were
visited by members of their family
from Lansing, Mich., over the week
Mr, Lorne Elder of Hamilton vis-
ited with bis parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Elder recently.
Mr. John Tapp is spending a few
days in Toronto this week,
dro, hall, $9,80; 0. Twitchell, sup-
plies, $3.06; Treasurer of Ontario, li-
censes, $6.—James A. Paterson, clerk.
Mies Mary Clark bf Wingham spent
the week end at her home here.
Dr. Wm, Joynt of London spent the
week end with his mother Mrs, A,
In Memoriam
PINKNP1Y-1n loving memory or our
dear mother, Mrs. Wm. Pinkney,
who passed away June 8th, 1938.
Tete rolling atreani.of life goes on,
But still the empty chair
Reminds us of the face, the smile
Of oue who once sat Caere,
—Lovingly remembered by her son
and daughters.,
Card of Thanks
Relatives of the late Mrs. James
Nelson wish to thank friends and
acquaintances for kindness shown at
time of alokness and death; also Mrs,
E. Macklatn and Dr, Brady.
—Mrs. Roy Nelson, daughter, and
will just be a morning service 1r
Carmel Church next Sunday. This
service will be conducted by the
Young People of the congregation
and it is hoped that there will be a
large attendance of the congregation
men and women in this service,
In the United Church on Sunday,
special anniversary services were
held with a splendid attendance uest
both morning and evening.
speaker for the day was Rev, George
Kersey. B.A., of Kincardine. At the
morning service the minister took
his text from the 34th Psalm, verse
17. "The righteous cry and the Lord
heareth." The guest soloist for the
morning was Master Arthur Palmer
of London, who sang sweetly two
lovely solos, "Father in Heaven,"
and `The Holy City." Morning an-
them by the choir, "Lave Divine."
Special solo parts taken by Rev. R.
A. Brook who also assisted with the work, Mrs. James A. Paterson. Peace
service. In the evening Rev. Kersey and international relationship—Mrs.
took his text from St. John. chapt. Wm. Doig. Education, Mrs. Pani Doig,
11, verse 44, "Jesus saith unto them, The guest speaker, Mrs. McCrae,
Loose him and let him go." The guest F.W.I.O. representative, from Sarnia,
soloist was Mr. Lorne Eckmier of gave a splendid address. She told
Brussels, who sang "Comfort ye my the meeting that this was an out -
people," and "Were you there." In standing district, that we should be
the evening anthem, "Thee We ready and willing to take on added
Adore," special parts were taken by I responsibilities, that the women of
Harry Horton and W. 0. Goodwin. Ontario are in a favorable position to
Miss Greta Lammie presided at the carry added burdens, to prepare for
organ throughout and Mr. Goodwin post-war problems, for home defence
was in charge of the music by the and to keep the home fires burning.
choir. Other ministers who assisted, She also disclosed that the Centre
in the evening, besides Rev. R. A. fund in addition to sending gifts of
Brook, were Rev. Wm, Weir of Car -I money to the mobile gift, canning
mel Church, and Rev. Mr. Grant, of machines in England, Chinese relief,
the United Church, at Kippen. I navy relief and boxes for prisoners,
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir and little! that five thousand Canadian song
son Freddie left on Monday morning sheets had been forwarded to the
for Toronto. Mr, Weir will go on to `camps in England, which was doubly
Montreal to attend the General As -i appreciated by the boys. Greetings
sentbly. Mrs. Weir and Freddie will from the area convention were ex -
visit with her sister in Toronto and tended by Mrs. Oster of Blyth, who
her mother in Huntsville. in her remarks expressed the wish
The Women's Christian Temper- that it would be fitting if the Insti-
ance Union met in the school room totes could devote a period of their
of the United Church on Wednesday, time at their meetings for war ad-
justments. Miss L. Rowe, district rep-
resentative of Toronto, spoke on the
co-operative programme in "Home
Economics." She also presented a
fine conception of war work, Miss
Rowe congratulated the conveners of
the standing committees upon their
excellent reports. She also expressed
pleasure at the wonderful progress
made during the year by the differ-
ent branches. Discussion took place
regarding a shower of knitted goods
for the Navy League of some 350
pieces and 32 quilts, all to be com-
the extension of hospitality oread p
entertainment of air men in South
Huron is being worked out by the
individual branches, .there was a
splendid response of magazines and
books brought to the meeting. A
complete summary of South Huron
war work for the past year was on
display and was of a most commend-
able order. Total money raised for
war work was over $2,000.00. Jam
and honey made 7,048 pounds, in ad-
dition to numerous articles of
ted goods, layettes,
Mrs. R. Simpson gave a delightful
demonstration on posters. Miss Greta
Lammie contributed two pleasing
violin solos, accompanied by Miss
Gladys Luker at the piano. The local
leaders training course will be held
in Hensel, last week in August. The
project to he taken by Seaforth,
Hurondale and Hensall, will be
"Cheese, Butter, and Eggs." Miss L.
Rowe presided for the election of
officers, Honorary president, Mrs. A.
Rwidle, Exeter; president, Mrs,
Glenn MacLean, Kippen; vice press
Mrs. R. Kestie, Exeter, Mrs. Merano
Oeech, Zurich, Mrs. Crozier, Seaforth,
sec.--treas., A'Irs. R. Schenk, Crediton,
assist„ Mrs, M. W. Telfer, Crediton;
federal representative, Mrs. A. Run-
dle, Exeter; alternate federation reli-
ves entaRye. Mrs. Glenn MacLean,
Kippen; district delegate to conven-
tion, Mrs. R,: Hey, Zurich; auditors,
Mrs. Gerald 7urckes, Mrs. E. Fahr-
ner. Conveners of standing commit-
tees, agriculture anis Canadian ind-
ustries, Mrs, A, Ntorgan, Hensall; cit-
izenship, Mrs. Wm. Doig, Kippen;
hone economics, Miss Thelma Elgie;
social welfare, Mrs, Newell Geiger,
Zurich; war work, Mrs. James Pater-
son, Hensall. Special tribute was
paid to Mrs. Falu•ner, the retiring
secretary, far her splendid services
and co-operation. Mrs, MacLean ex-
tee forthe beautiful a thanks to the ray of flawerit-
Continued From Page One
May 27th. Mrs. Brook conducted the
devotional opening of the meeting
with the singing of a hymn, the
reading of Scripture and prayer. In
the absence of the president, Miss
Annie Consitt, vice pres., presided
over the remainder of the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read by Miss Douglas and the
roll call was responded to by quota-
tions from Scripture on "Love." A
report of the executive meeting was
given by the county secretary, Miss
Consitt. The county convention will
meet at Wingham on June 23rd. The
meeting tools the form of a round
table conference in which was dis-
cussed the work of some of the de-
partments. The meeting closed with
prayer by the corresponding secty.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the United Church
manse, Parkhill, on Saturday, May
30th, when Frances Christena, young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Anderson of Heneall, became the
bride of Robert Franklin Upshall,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Upshall of Kippen, Rev. E. F. Chand-
ler officiating. The bride wore a floor
length dress of blossom pink printed
organza with narrow blue velvet
streamers falling from a small bow
at the sweetheart neekline to the
floor, A shoulder length veil fell from
her sweetheart shaped headdress,
which was touched up with blue for-
get-me-nots and she carried a bou-
quet of white olivette carnations and
fern, Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson,
Mother and sister -ha -law of the
bride, were their only attendants,
the latter wearing a floor length
dress of turquoise blue georgette and
corsage of white carnations. After
the ceremony, a luncheon was served
at the home of the bride's parents,
to the immediate relatives. Later „the
young couple left on a short honey-
moon, the bride travelling le a gold
crepe dress with brown aeeeseories.
They will reside on the groom's farm
in Tuckersmith.
Miss Pearl Harpoie and friend, of
Landon, spent. the week end with
Mrs, Gr'aee Harpole,
Mr. and M es. Robert Keys of Mit•
shah spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. 1-larold Parker and family.
Keith Buchanan of the RCAF, at
Hagersvilie, spent the week end at
his borne here,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hadden and
Marie of Hamilton spent the week
end with Mrs, C. Hadden and Mona.
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Sparks of Det-
roit visited with the former's father.
Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Don -
Auction Sale
Mr, Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction for
the undersigned, at the premises of
Mr. Harry Smith, Hensall, on Wed-
nesd&Y, June 17th, at 1 p.m., the
Pandora range, 1 furnacette heater,.
coal oil stove, extension table, 12
kitchen chairs, pantry table, glass.
cupboard, dining room table, 6 dining
chairs, 1 sideboard, 1 writing desk, 4
rocking chairs, 2 large rockers, 4
small tables„ 2 couches, 2 cloaks, 1
gramophone, 1 rug 12x14, 3 large
pieces linoleum, 1 hailtree, chest of
drawers, 2 dressers, 3 washstands, 3
iron beds, 1 wardrobe, blankets,
quilts, bedding of all kinds; 2 mat-
tresses, large quantity of dishes, kit-
chen utensils, etc,,. 3 stepladders,
shovels, axes, hoes and spadess crow
bars, set carpenter's tools, 2 cords
dry wood and other articles too num-
erous to mention.
Terms cash.
Harry Smith, Proprietor,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
One frame house, 17x27, and one
frame stable 20x40, 16 feet high, sit-
uated on lot 27, con, 6, McKillop.
George McKee, Seaforth,
Tomatoes, Sweet Peppers, and
some Flower plants. Albert Baker,
Railway St., Seaforth.
UNE 4, 1942
Auction Sale
Mr, Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell "by public auction on
the premises of the undersigned 00
Saturday, 'June 0th, in Egmondville,
Sale commences at 2.39 n n.
Kitchens table, extension table, 0
kitchen chairs, coal oil stove, Quebec
range, linoleum mat 4x1 It., washing
machine, 'eongoleum rug 9x12, con
goleum rug 0x9, pots, pans, kitchen-.
ware, garden tools, 4 crocks, side-
hoard, pandora range, 1 range, table
and buffet, couch, sewing machine,.
oak dining room suite, day bed, bed•
reties suite, hall rack, 2.rooking
chairs, settee with 3 chairs to match,
washing machine, lawn mower, 8 pr.
curtains, carpet. Terme Cash,
Mrs. J. .A, MaeLaren, Proprietor,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
08 Household Effects and Property
of'the late Isabella Henry, in the vil-
lage of Brucefiold, on Tuesday, June
9th, at 1 p.m.
The property consists of a brick
cottage and frame stable.
Terms cash. Property will be sold
subject to reserve bid.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
s William Douglas, William Henry,
Mitchell. Our Studio is open every
week day. Also Wednesday after-
noons, Photos taken at night. If you
want sittings taken at night, phone
228 for appointment.
2 storey house, with lot, on South
Main St., Seaforth, Garage, small
garden, for sale. Price $800. Mrs,
Jane Strong , Walton R.11.4, o/o
Archie Somerville.
Second hand "Canada" cook stove,
for sale. In good shape, Price $10.
Frank Upshall, Seaforth.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be, held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
TEACHER WANTED Goderich, ,commencing Tuesday,
For S.S. No. 7, Tuckersmith. Must June 9th, at 2 P.M.
have First Class certificate and be tions and other business requiring
qualified to assist in teaching music.
Protestant. 'Application in writing to
be followed by personal application
by June 10th. Arthur Nicholson,
Sec.-Treas., Seaforth, R.R. 3.
All accounts, notices of depute -
the attention of Council should be
in the hands of the County Clerk not
later than Saturday, June Gbh.
N. W. Miller,
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
LOST The Standard Bred Stallion
Young bull strayed from lot 27, BARON LULLWATER No. 4750
eon. 4, McKillop, red in color. 'Ed. Enrolment' No. 3049. First Class
hone 844 r 16, Seaforth. Form 1 Grade "A"Premium #245
P Will stand for the improvement of
stock this season at Lot 34, Con. 5,
McKillop, or will meet mares at a
reasonable distance. This horse won
Block Salt -
50s White each 390
50s Iodized 45c
Purity Flow—
Cotton sacks, 98 lb, 2,49.
Sepoy Flour --
cotton sacks, 98 lb. 2.39
National Hog Concentrate J 85
41%, cwt, ...... , .
National Poultry Concentrate
cwt; , . 4,25
National Pig Starter—
per cwt, ,,,.,,,,,,•, 2.65
5:bai'S Pearl Wltite Soap
1 pkge, Anlntoliia 29e
Rinso, pet' pkge
regular ,. .,., 230
Ringo, extra lge, pkge 490
Jib, Per pkge. .... , , 23e
Chipso, per pkge. .,,...,. 250
5'aii banks. Carbolic Soap 23e
6 cakes 95c
Super Suds, pkge, . . .
ivory Flakes— 250
Large pkge
Oil Cake Meal, per cwt, , . 2.48
Whyte's Pure Lard, 2 lb. -23c
W4 J, Finnigan
Four -room cottage on East Wil-
liam St., Seaforth, one block north
of C1uff's mill. Immediate possession.
Apply to Mrs. John Walsh, Dublin,
R.R. 1. Phone 40120, Dublin.
Covers for Tanks Shipped first prize at Toronto Exhibition for
the past five years, taking the dip -
Overseas loma in 1941. Geo. B. Dorrance, Prop.
The straw in the thousands of pal- The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions
liasses on which the British Army ROYAL CARBROOK (27101)
sleeps is now regularly turned into
paper as fresh straw takes its place.
In the old days the straw would just
be burned. To -day it is laid out to
air thoroughly, then packed up in
bales and sent off to the paper mills.
Enrolment No. 3500. Form
Enrolment No, 3959. Form 2
Enrolment No. 4177. Form 3
Lady and school child would .like
to get accommodation in car going to
Toronto around weekend of June 5,
or return, Phone 14 on 79, Hensall
Central, Mrs. Geo. Few, Kippen.
Route for 1942—Monday and Tues-
day, in the vicinity of Walton ,and
Jute from tattered sand bags goes Brussels
west to the highway, south through
Clinton, home by way of Tucker -
Thursday—Through Seaforth to St.
Columban and Beechwood, home
through way of Winthrop,
inium and tin. It sorts out empty Friday and Saturday, Goderich
bottles and sends them back to the Township and Colborne.
brewers, the distillers and the wine Terms $13.00, payable Mar. 1, 1943.
T. 3. McMichael, Prop. & Mgr.
Wednesday—Through Kinburn and
on from the Army Salvage depots to
the paper makers too, There is not
much that the depots do not collect.
Every week one of them alone
handles 500 tons of iron, steel, alum -
merchants. Thousands of old bat-
atteries are returned to the makers
that the carbon may be reclaimed.
Old barrage balloons become strips
of rubber sheeting made into water-
tight covers for tanks shipped over-
seas. Cotton reels sent in by the Wo-
men's ohintary Services and the Girl
Guides are used by the Royal Engin-
eers for cable rests in laying tempor-
ary telephone and telegraph lines.
More than 15,000 of them have come
Last year this one depot collected
859 tons of Army paper for • salvage
and sold it at £6 a ton; in all the
Army got £100,000 for its .salvage in
a year and passed the money on to
war funds.
Send us the names of your visitors.
Monday, June VII
For Round Trip
Good going from noon, Ptiday,
June 5th, until 2 P.M. Monday,
June 8. Return: leave destine -
tion up to midnight Tuesdays
June 9, 2942.
For fares and farther information
apply to any agent,
Frame house on Center Street,
Seaforth, formerly occupied by Mrs,
Wiltse, 7 room house, Will be sold
very reasonably, and on terms if
necessary. Apply McConnell & Hays,
Solicitors for Executors Joshua F.
Dennison Estate.
Anyone who knows of a swarm of
bees, Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay
50e for same during the months of
May, June and July. Phone 135J.
Rooms for rent in Seaforth, with
bath, Apply to News Office.
Personal Rubber Goods mailed post
paid, in plain, sealed envelope,. with
pricelist. Adults—only, 6 samples 25c;_
24 samples $1,00. Please state age.
Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton,
Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower,
Peppers, Celery, Huckleberry, Petu-
nias, Snapdragon, Marigolds, Allysum
(violet and white), Stocks. Many
other varieties: Some perennials.
Come and seg them, one block east of
Hospital. A. L. Porteous, West St.
Also Dahlia Bulbs.
Tenders will be received up to
Saturday, June 6th, 1942, for lunches
for plowmen and helpers to be
delivered to the field each day of the
International match (approximately
300). Lunch to consist of two sand-
wiches, ham or beef, 2 kinds of cake
or cookies and pie, tea, coffee or
milk. For further particulars apply
to R. 'Williams, R.R. 3, Exeter; C.
Rowe, R.R. 1, Exeter; Wm. Ethering-
ton, R.R, 1, Hensall.
The Seaforth Salvage Committee
have a Titan tractor. Parts are avail-
able for sale. Inquire of Harold Jack-
son, Seaforth. Phone 661.14.
Enrolment #3844 Form 2
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion
This horse is a son of Lochinvar
(Imp.). Will stand for the improve -
anent of stock this season at Lot 1,
'Con. 1, Stanley (Kippen).
Thomas W. Butt, Prop. & Mgr
The premium Thoroughbred Stallion
PANDER No. 1528
Enrolment 3076
Will stand for service at the l rm
of Thos. Jelly, Lot
Pander,, is a large horse weighing
1300 and standing 16-2 hands. He
is a good sire of Riding horses and
from draft mares produces excellent
wagon horses. He has the best
legs and feet and has already proved
himself a good sire.
Terms—To insure a mare 'in foal
310.00 payable 1sb of March, 1943,
J. Fraser McFarlane, Owner,
Thos, Jelly, Manager.
Enrolment No. 3010, First Class
Form 1, Grade A, Premium No, 76
Route, 1042—Monday, leave his stable, lot
4, con. 3, Hibbert, to Matt Murray's, lot 5,
con, 41 McRiilol, for noon ; to Jack Mc-
Carthys, lot 83, eon. 2, L6gen, till 6, then
home, till Wednesday manning.
Wednesday, proceed to Ben Thiel's, first
fm•m east of Mitchell on No, 8 'Highway
Thursday, to Dune Colcahoun'a, lot 3,
con, 8, Hibbert, for noon ; then to Gem
Wallace's, lot 11, con. 11, Cromarty, from
3 to 6, then to Jack Burehill's, lot 10,
5, for night.
Friday, west to. Nagle's sideraad, then.
north 11,1 miles, then east to his own stable
for noon where he will remain till following
Terms, 813. Payable January 1, 1048.
2, Dublin, Ont. Phone 19 r 13.
Seaforth Fanners Club
- Are unloading a car of Wheat
on SatnrdaY,
We have a supply on band of
Coop. Lay Mash, Growing Mash,
Concentrate, Pig Starter, Lime,
Shell, etc,
852 r12, Seaforth
Wool Growers
We have a Dominion Govern-
ment Licensed wool warehouse
and grading station, number 29.
Will pay guaranteed Government
prices, also buy hides, tallow and
horse, hair. Write or phone""3 J or
3 W, Seaforth,
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build --
hg, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1,30 p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday
' evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Due to the war there will be a lot.
of poor fly spray on the market this
summer. So be on the safe side and
send in your order without delay to
your Watkins dealer, Wm. Bradshaw,
Electric Fencers
As help is scarce, get an
save time and wire
I have Test Equipment for fixing
fencers. I also have
PHONE 834 r 24
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bands.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies. a
Information eheerfelly given
nnt'rad trnnici
Special and Careful Attention
Office Residence
Main St. Jarvis St.
43 , 18
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex McEwing, Blyth;
Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M.. -
Reid, Seaforth.
F. MciCercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John -1
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefeld; J. P.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris • Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
Thomas Moylan, . Seaforth; 'W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ffected at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M,D., Graduate of
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month; from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Rose' office. Phone 6
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moot'efleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. 53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.