HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-05-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT TI -IE. SEAFORTFI NEWS FI.Napil.l. Mrs. Whinney Carter andbaby of Clinton spent the week end with her The May meeting of ,the Iiensel' ---other, Mrs. Catherine Redden. Senior Mission Circle v.as held at Mr, ,lack Corbett of London spent tli0 week end with the home of Miss H. Sutherland -on th his wife and fain- the evening, May 4th, 'Mrs, fly here; He vas accompanied by Mr. Maude Heddon was hostess and Miss and Mrs, Alvin Kennedy also of. Lon - Gladys Luker co -hostess. A splendid don. attendance of members and guests Mrs. G. C, Petty has been confined was present. The theme, "Temper- to her home through illness for the' since." Miss Margaret Shepherd was Past week or so. Mr. Petty is improv - in the chair, The opening hymn, rug slowly. "Take time to be holy," and prayer by Mrs. Eric. Kennedy. Miss Gladys Luker gave the Bible lesson and the roll call was answered with "A rea- son why alcohol is harmful." Miss Ellis contributed a most delightful reading which was enjoyed by every- one, Miss Irene Douglas, superinten- dent, presided for the business per iod. Discussion took place regarding the disposal of the lovely articles made by the circle members and which were on display at this meet- . ing, It was decided to send the lay- ette to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Some of the quilts, crib quilts and knitting will be given to the local Red Cross, It was decided to hold a supper -picnic to Hugh Mc- Ewen's swimming pool, Monday, June 1st, after which the meeting will be held at the home of Miss Gladys Passmore. Miss. Douglas call- ed upon Miss Jean Murray, who in a very pleasing manner introduced the guest speaker, Miss R. Duffy, prov- incial field secretary of the W.C.T.U. Miss Duff for her subject chose to speak on "The general situation in the Province today." She spoke of the modern sins of today and de- nounced the comic strip for children which she stated as very harmful to the mind of the young child. Miss Duff in her work has visited many jails and also attended juvenile courts in different cities and felt sor- ry to see so many fine youths appear- ing before the magistrate. She had asked a judge the cause of it and he stated lack of home training. The speaker said that the people in Ont- ario have not begun to realize the seriousness of the war situation, but that it would be brought nearer to their doors before it was ended. Luncheon was served- by Mrs. I•How- ard Hyde, Mrs. Bryan Kyle, Mrs. Harvey McLarnon, Miss Gladys Me - Kenzie, Miss Margaret Shepherd, Miss Edna Saundercock, Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Miss Mona Redden, Recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs, R. A. Brook -were Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Brook of Monkton, N.B., and Cpl. Ralph Brook of the RCAF, Ot- tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brook were married recently. The regular meeting of the village council was held on Monday even- ing at 8 p.m., with all members pre- sent. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read. Horton and Kerslake, that the minutes be adopted as read. Cameron and Parkins, that the gar- bage be collected May 13 and 14 as usual. Carried. Horton and Kerslake, that court of revision on the assess- ment roll be held on June lst at 8 p.m. Carried. T. Kyle reported re the trees on P. Moir's property, stat- ing they could remain for another year. Reeve Shaddick reported that the women had asked to store salvage material in the shed at the rear of the town hall. Correspondence: Dept of Mun. Affairs, Dept. of Welfare, Mrs. Churchill and family, Huron County War Service Executive, Hen-! sall Red Cross, Huron County plow- ing match committee, Maurice Tudor, same considered and filed. Cameron and Parkins, that we re- fund 824.00 to Red Cross, hall rent paid on three rents. Carried. Bills and accounts read: M. G. Drysdale, supplies, $21.20. W. Hildebrand, la- bor. 31.20. Robison Dick, re rink, 35.20, W. Dabus, sanitary work, hall . and streets. $4.60; Hensall hydro, hall. $11,20; W. 0. Goodwin, mater- ial, hell, 31.37; W. C. Passmore, re- pairs: hall, $7.14; G. M. Case, team- ing, streets, 32; A. Mousseau, cultiv- ating nark, 32.50; T. Kyle, salary, $70: J. Sangster, labour hall, 32; total, $128.51. Horton and Parkins, that bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried. Cameron and. Kerslake, that we now adjourn.—James Paterson, Clerk. Miss Jessie Mclflwen of Vancou- ver, B,C., has been here visiting her sisters, the Misses Kate and Mary McEwen. Mr Carey Joynt of Western Uni- versity, ni-'ersity, London, is home at present. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United. Church will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Cook on Thurs- day, May 7th at 3 p.m. Miss Duff, provincial secretary of the W.C.T.U. will be the guest speaker. The May meeting of the Hensall WS. will be held at the home of Mrs Kenneth Hicks on Wednesday even- ing, May 13. The roll call -will be answered by "One nice thing a neighbor has done for me." The top- ic, Origin and Aims of the Women's Institute, local and federal, will be taken by Mrs. Glenn MacLean. The motto will be given by Mrs, (Rev.) Weir. "Start at the bottom if you want to land on top." A most enjoyable time was spent at Clinton radio school on Friday evening when a ,number of Hensall residents and others were invited to a dance there. The high school girls held their knitting meeting at the hoine of Mrs. Minnie Sangster on Wednesday ev- ening with Miss Ruth Mcllvenna • in charge of the knitting. During the evening lunch was served after which games wereindulged in for a short tune. These meetings have been held at diffcrent.,times during the winter and spring, months at the following homes:'Mrs; W. A. Mac- Lai'en, Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. C. A, McDonnell's, Mrs. James Sangster's. Mrs, Russell's and Miss NI, A, Ellis' A number of articles such as socks, mitts; etc., have been made • by the girls for war purposes. Quite a number from Hensall mo. toned to London on Wednesday ev- ening to enjoy dancing to music fur- nished by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, Horton-Caron— A lovely Spring wedding was sol- emnized in the chapel of Old St. Andrew's 'United Church, Toronto, when. Rev. J. 13. Munroe, D,D., offic- iated for the marriage of Evelyn Harriet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Caron, of Mount Royal, and Stuart Mitchell Horton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Horton of Kip - pen. The couple were unattended. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a silver blue corsage bouquet of white roses. A re- ception was held at the Royal York. Mr. and Mrs. Horton will reside in Toronto. The bride is a graduate of Queen's University class of 1941, and the groom of the University of Wes- tern Ontario class of 1989. Mrs. Sundereook spent the week end with friends in Kitchener. Dr. and Mrs, Steer and little dau- ghter Patricia spent part of Friday in London. Pte, Burton Green of Hamilton spent the week end with friends in and around Hensall. Margaret Sangster and Barbara Shepherd of Clinton spent the week end in IHensall. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Pfaff and family have moved into Mr, Peter Moir's house on No, 4 highway rec- ently vacated by Mrs. Baynham. In Carmel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Wm. Weir was in charge of both services. At the morning ser- vice Mr. Weir gave an interesting ad- dress on what took place at the re- cent meeting of the synod of Ham91- ton and London which was held in Woodstock. The sermonette to the boys and girls, "Doors." At the ev- ening service members of the I.O.O. F. from Hensall and district were in attendance. Mr. Weir preached a most appropriate sermon for the oc- casion taking his text from Matt. 22: 37-39 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." A duet by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and W. A. MacLaren, "I will lift up mine eyes" Anthem by the choir. Next Sunday, May 10th, Mother's day will be observed in the different churches and on Sunday, May 17th anniversary services will be held in Carmel Church when Rev. John Fleck of London will have charge of both services. At the United Church, Rev. R. A. Brook was in charge of the services. A pleasing anthem by the choir, solo part by W. 0. Goodwin. Solo part in the evening anthem was taken by Miss Ruth Hess. New books at Hensel] public lib- rary: Fiction, Spencer Blade; Spring Magic, Stevenson; Pied Piper, Shute, West of the Pecos, Grey; The Juice of the Pomegranite, Dill; The Black Flamingo, Norris; Cross Creek, Rawlings; Corn in Egypt, Deeping; Manhattan Love Song, Norris; Army Doctor, Seifert; Prodigal Nurse, Phillips; Edge 'of Beyond, Hendryx; (l1 Memorjarm SM1°1'H---in loving uroniory 02 a deaf' wife and mother, Mrs. James Sinith, who passed away oneyear ago, May 9, 1941. She suffered patiently and long, Hel• hope )vas bright, her faith Was strong, The peace of Jesus filled her broast, And in 1 -lis arms, She sank to rest, —Sadly missed by Husband and. Family, NOTICE TUOKERSMITH SCHOOL MEETING A meeting of the ratepayers of School Sections No, 4, No. 6 and '110, 7, will be field in S. 5, No, 6 School House at 8 o'clock p,m„ on Thursday, May 21st, to consider the advisability of forming a School Area of those three sections. A good ,attendance is requested, D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. Western Union, Grey; Easy to Kill, Christie; Murder at the Vicarage, Christie; Saddle and Ride, Haycox; A Vexed Inheritance, Swan; Trail's End, Raine; My Fried Flicka, O'- Hara; A Daughter of the Dons, Raine; Case of the Silent Partner, Gardner; Not One of Us, Greig; Marry in Haste, Greig; Prelude for War, Charters; 30000 on the Hoof, they. Non-fiction, The Doctors, Chapesattle; My Remarkable Uncle, Leacock; Living Biographies of Great Painters, by Thomas; North.- ern Nurse, Merrick, Juvenile, Sugar Shanty, Rorke; Corp. Cory of the R.C,M., O'Brien; Silver Chief to the Rescue, O'Brien; Jean & Co.. Unlim- ited, Curtis; juvenile: Patsy, .Lind,, Marjorie's Maybime, Wells; Folly Farm, Abbot; Dave Dawson with the R,A.F., Bowen; Dave Dawson at Singapore, Bowen; The Lone Foot Print, Judd; The Double Disguise, Judd; Hunting the Sky Spies, Dixon;; Brushing the Mountain Top, Dixon; Amelia Anne Goes Touring, Hewart; Raggedy Ann and the Magic Book, Raggedy Ann and the Golden 13ut- berfly, Guille; Bible Stories, Chalm- ers; Happy Tales,. Anon. The following books have been re- ceived from the Huron County Lib- rary Association and will, be in cir- culation for three months: Fiction: One Who Kills; The Keys of the Kingdom, Cronin; Great Arguments,. Gibbs; Sackcloth into Silk,-Deeping; Whq Is This Girl, Milies; Astra, Hill; The Lone Feather, Fuller. Non Fic- tion, The Balance Sheet of the Fut- ure; In. Search of Scotland, Morton; The Complete Book o1 Gaines, Wood, Memory Holds the Door, Buchan. Juvenile, A Child's Garden of Verse, Stevenson; Treasure Island, Steven- son; Heidi, Spyri; Anne of Windy Poplars, Montgomery, Want, and hor'Saale .Ads, 3 weeks ,50c Auction Sale Lambert's Sale Yard, Strathroy, May 9211. 120 head mixed stock cattle, 200 mixed pigs. Also usual run of calves. Sales every Saturday. .A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. PARMAK ELECTRIC FENCERS The Parmak Electric Fencer, has compound armature springing, gets more out of the battery—longer life. Years of trouble-free service. Five-year guarantee. A fu1nine of equipment For full particulars, see Harold Agar Phone 836r5. Seaforth NOTICE Due to the war there will be a lot of poor fly spray on the market this summer, So be on the safe side and send in your order without delay to your Watkins dealer, Wm. Bradshaw, Seafortb. FOR SALE A quantity of Irish Cobbler and Katadines seed potatoes. Grown from certified . seed. Joseph L. Maloney. Phone 401.22, Dublin. NOTICE Berkshire Hog for service. From Advanced Registry stock. Gov't in- spected. Elmer Townsend, lot 21, con, 2, Tuckeremith. Phone 665r2, Sea - forth, • USED CARS Most of our Cars have Original Finish and Spotless Interior. Tires like new IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE 1939 CHEV De Lux Sedan, like new • 1908 FORD Coaches (2) 1937 PONTIAC Sedan -9595.00 1936 V 8 Coach; trunk -$425.00 1008 FORD Coach, trunk=$525.00. New motor 1929 PLYMOUTH Coach, repainted—$145.00 1928 FORD A Coach, as is, $65.00 1930 CHEV 4 Door Sedan, re -finished 1937 CHEV Standard Coach, original finish 1935 CHEV Standard Sedan 1934 FORD Roadster; rumble seat, new top 1932 FORD 4 cylinder Coach, new motor JACK GALLOP'S GARAGE Phone 179 - Seaforth SAVE FOR CANADA Save something regularly, because: You strengthen Canada's might for war. You helpfinancepurchases in Canada for our Allies. You form the habit of thrift that safeguards your future. You open for yourself the door to opportunity. And you . smooth the path for post-war readjustments. Money in the bank gives you a comforting sense of security. 7oSa'e aa • THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1342 Cash and Carry Specials — Saturday Only Purity Flour, cotton sacks 98 ib, bag 32.49 National Hog Concentrate Per cwt, 33.35 National 8oult;y: Concentrate Per cwt. 34.25 National Pig Starter Per cwt. $2,65 Royal Purple Calf Meal 25 lbs 332,s. 05 Oil Cake Meal, per cwt, 32.49 Bologna, lb,, 19c Weiners, lb. 23e Headcheese, lb. 18c Whyte's Pure Lard 2 lbs, 27e Ginger Snaps Lb, lac Carnation Milk 5 tins 25c Pork and Beans• 6 tins • 29e MEN'S WORK SHOES, per pair $2,10 J. Finnigan IIANVOWWWWWWWWWWv WANTED oma. Girls and Women FOR essential war work on fine precision machines. Excellent, healthy working conditions. BEST wages paid. Qualifications, ages from 18 to 35 years, We now have in' our employ many girls who were formerly salesgirls, hairdressers, stenog- raphers, models; all now are engaged in helping with the job that is to be done. YOU CAN HELP TOO. APPLY MUNITIONS DIVISION BATA SHOE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED FRANKFORD ONTARIO Note,—Application forms can he had from the News Office • • Street Oiling TOWN OF SEAFORTH Residents wisbing to have their respective ,Streets oiled are request- ed to have signed petitions in the hands of the Clerk by May 15th. - D. H. WILSON, Town Clerk Electric Fencers As help is scarce, get an ELECTRIC FENCER, and save time and wine I have Test Equipment for fixing fencers. I also have BATTERIES, INSULATORS, ETC. BERT McSPADDEN PHONE 834 r 24 WOOL We are buying wool as, usual on a graded basis, according to Government regulations. We will be pleased•to handle your Wool Licensed grading station No. 498 H. M. JACKSON Phone 3 J & 3 W Seaforth dor Sale SHEDS THREE LOTS Coal Business of The John J. Sclater Estate HOUSE FOR SALE 7 roomed brick house en Church street, Seaforth. Modern conveni- ences. Also barn or suitable garage. Apply to M. A. Reid, FOR SALE Dodge deluxe coach, splendid con- dition, good tires, heater, defroster, new 17 -plate battery. Apply News Office. PROPERTY FOR SALE House' in Egmondville, 5 rooms. Good stable. 3 acres of land, Low taxes. Apply to Jacob Wurm, Eg- mondvihe. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bands, Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES McLuNNLLL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc;. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEA FORTI-i, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours;— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p,m, BOX iffuntral .rrvir' Special and Careful Attention AMBULANCE Office Residence Main St. Jarvis St. 43 18 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex McEwing, Blyth;. Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea- forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John • E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; J. F. Prueter•, Brodhagen; James Watt,. ,Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot,. Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers• addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAiN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Or. E. ,A.. McMaster, M.B., Graduatt ,f University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto, The Clinic Is fully eglripped wit), -omelet° and modern x-ray and other 'ip•to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Mr, F. J. 11 Forster, Specialist try Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the drsr Tuesday in every month from 4 to R. n.m. Free well -baby clinic will he held' 'n the second and last Thursday is ^very month from 1 to 2 p,m. JOHN A. GORWILL, 0.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon 'n Dr. R I3. Ross' office. Phone 5'J DR. F, J. R. FORSTER 1'lyo, Ear, Noae end Throat rirarin'ate in Medicine, University '1 Toronto. Late Assistant New York 'phlbelnilc and Aural institute Moorelleld'a Eye, and Golden Sonars throat hospitals. London. Eng. At ''emmercial Hotel, Seaforth, third' Wednesday in each mouth from 2 to 4 p,m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterin" St., Stratford. Telephone 267. DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAPORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 4