HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-03-12, Page 2PAGE. TWO
321c°ii Hits
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Flenniken Sentenced
to "Reformatory
"Not guilty of murder„ but guilty of
he verdict re-
Engagement is Annotinoed.--
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott. Brussels,
announce the engagement of their
elder daughter, isiargaret Elizabeth,
to Lieutenant J A McGinnis young-
est eon of Mrs, McGinnis, Midhurst,
Ontario, and the late Mr. 1', Mc-
Ginnis. the marriage to take place
quietly this month.
Fine Mare Sold--
old-Currie and Tervit. of Wingham,
bave sold their show mare Lady Lee
Axworthy, to L. J. Wright of Listowel.
Mr. Wright has a mate for this mare
and will now have an outstanding
turned last week at Goderich in; the
case of James A. Flenniken. The
prisoner was at once sentenced to
two years less a day, determinate.
and two years less a day, indetermin-
ate. in an Ontario reformatory.
"I agree with both verdicts," said
Justice J1eFarland. "You are to be
given a chance to reform and to get
rid of your criminal tendencies. I
have no intention of imposing on you
a long term in penitentiary where you
would associate with hardened crim-
inals." His Lordship then passed sen-
tence. A suppressed smile of pleasure
came over Flenniken's face as he
heard the verdict.
In his charge Juetief- daFarland
had told the jury that if they found
there was no intent to 'kill they might
find a reduced verdict of guilty of
manslaughter. The jury was polled at
the request of defence counsel. after
bringing in its verdict. All were
The fate of Jimmy Flenniken. as
he was frequently referred to
throughout the trial. was placed in
the bands of a Jury of ten farmers,
one baker and one mechanic at 12.30
noon last Thursday. It was 1.30, how-
ever, before the jury began its con-
sideration of the case.
The following composed the jury:
Wilson Armstrong, Brucefield; John
W. Carter, Hallett; Cecil B. Chamney,
Belgrave; Stewart Cowan. Wingham;
John Deans. Tnrnberry; Thomas
Foran, Belgrave; Ernest Hunter.
Grey; Harold Jackson. Tuckersmith;
Albert J. Kelly, Morris; George Mc -
Gavin. Seaforth; Luther Reynolds.
Usborne; Earl Watson. Hullett.
Crown Prosecutor E. S. Livermore,
K.C., addressed the Jury briefly.
shortly over twenty minutes. The af-
fair was planned deliberately. he
maintained. pointing to the evidence
of the hiding of the hammer under
the bed the day before the abortive
jail -break. He also pointed to the pri-
soner's statement that he sough' to
choose a time when only one guard
was on duty and when the door of
the cell block was open. Flenniken.
the prosecutor said. was not the in-
nocent and childlike creature he was
pictured to be. The only conclusion
the jury could reach was that he in-
tended to knock out the turnkey and
get his keys. He was not amazed. as
had been said in evidence, by what
he had done to Mr. White. Rather
was he amazed that his victim was
still conscious after the attack.
Mr. Donnelly's address was a
forceful one. He first claimed that
FIenniken wae in jail illegally at the
time of the assault. becau-e he was a
juvenile. There had been nr, vicious
intent. bus a mistake in judgment
that prompted the "deed" to commit
the art. He did not realize what he
had done, as his subsequent actions
showed. Mereover, had 'fir. White re-
ceived the medical treatment he
hnuid have received. in time. he
would be jiving today. Counsel quot-
ed Dr. MacKenzie's evidence to this
effect; also the surgeon's testimony
that the blow was a "moderate" one
and not in itself sufficient to cause
death. Deceased, he emphasized, had
died of an infection of the brain -
"meningitis" -which set in after and
grew worse daily. Mr. Donnelly also
objected to the police method of ob-
taining statements from accused.
At the outset Justice McFarland
ruled that Flenniken was legally in
jail whenthe attack on Turnkey
White was made. His Lordship did
not review the evidence, but confined
his remarks chiefly to an explanation
of the law. He agked the jurors to
take the detneanor of witnesses into
accotint and commented that one,
Bloomfield, had told as little of the
truth as possible.
Horse Headed for the Barn-
Sunday evening Jim Currie's horse
became impatient waiting for biro in
front of the home of ]Urs. John Wi14
son. Edward Street. Jim bad the
horse tied to .a telephone post but
the horse just did not agree that it
should wait..in the cold. It backed up
and forced the rope and then romped
to Fryfolgle's barn, It's dream of
awaiting in a warm barn did not
materialize as it was turned about
and driven back along Minnie street.
Jim by this time had missed the
horse and started out to find it. He
did not have to go far as he met it
en its returo journey.-Wingham Ad -
"Oh, my husband's changed since
aur marriage. He eats out of my
hand now."
"Really? Mrell, it saves a lot of
11 Al1AAUU111,1"'AFAX{IAA111!„4l,tllAilA1M11A11)11AA141)1011 IlIluIAIII
Firm Survey of
Stanley Township
UmM.4MoMuM 111 lllllllllllll, A llll IlmftmOMR,11R11111
Statistics (as supplied by the coun-
ty clerk):
Assessed acreage, 44,777.
Total assessment valuation, 43,-
Total population, 1.818.
Foreword: The farm survey was
conducted by the Stanley Township
Federation of Agriculture. Each
school director was responsible for
canvassing the farmers of his sec-
tion. The completed lists were sent to
the office of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Clinton, for tabulation.
The objective of the survey was to
find out the actual farm conditions
relating to labor, machinery and.
equipment. livestock, Sold crops, and
other important farm phases; so that
assistance could be given for the
production of foodstuffs so necessary
for the Canadian war effort.
Number of farmers co-operating,
Average age of ~farm operators,
4See years.
vance-Times. Average size of farm. 127 acres.
Number of farmers' sons enlisted
Car Turns Turtle- in Active Force. 12. •
County Constable John Ferguson, Number of farmers' sons enlisted
of town, who bas investigated many in Rerserve Force, 3.
an accident. was himself the rietan Number of farmers' sons liable to
of an accident Thursday evening of be called for military training in 1942
last week when his car left tine road -30.
Number of farmers hiring help, 77.
Number of hired men enlisted in
Number of farmers with a hired
man at present, 17.
Number of farmers with adequate
help for 1942-52.
Number of farm women belping
with farm work in 1941-137.
Women belping on farms more
now than in peace time, 94.
Farmers who could exchange more
labor with neighbors to advantage
in 1942 than in 1941-29.
Number of farmers who have suffic-
ient help in prospect to maintain the -
1941 production, 93.
and turned over three times, landing
up on top of a fence. Mr. Ferguson I
was unhurt, but his car was damaged
to the extent of about three hundred"
dollars. He had driven about 175
miles on Thursday. and was settling!
down for the evening when he was
called to Crediton to investigate the!
theft of some money from the till of
one of the business places. The call!
was urgent and Mr. Ferguson was
travelling rather fast for the condi-I
tion of the road. On a slipper portion
the car left the road and turned over. I
-Exeter Times -Advocate.
Will Try To Remedy Conditions
.The long-standing charges against
Frank Balaton. Blyth woollen mill
operator. of permitting industrial
waste and animal matter to enter a
stream. was adjourned for three
months by Magistrate Makins. in
weekly court at Godericb. during
which time it is proposed to remedy
the situation. Dr. A. E. Berry, divi-
sional sanitary engineer. and In-
spector H. G. Tyler were present for
the provincial board of health. Crown
Attorney Holmes explained that al-
legedly, through air. Bainton's negli-
gence. the -potability and palatabil-
ity" of the water a. -ere affected. This
water was used to fill the Blyth
-'and-pipe for fire -fighting purposes.
anti. on occasion. had been used to
fill dried-up welts in drought seasons.
Defence Counsel Campbell Grant of
Walkerton outlined a scheme to settle
Thing -4 amicably. He said his client
wee prepared to build a septic tank
and ;hat four members of Blyth
Council had consented to move the
intake pipe up stream above the
woollen mill. He asked three months'
adiournment. Crown Attorney Holmes
objected strenuously to any adjourn-
ment. He said the abuse was of five
years standing and that every poss-
ible means had been taken to effect
a=ettlemenl before the laying of
charges. Mr. Grant maintained that
unreasonable demands were being
matte of 31r. Baintaln- There was
also much personal spite. and he said
the Village of Blyth was itself de-
positing abjeetionabie mater iti the
orae stream.
Excitement On The Hill -
There was plenty of excitement on
the hill approaching the Maitland
River bridge early Tuesday morning
before the county sanders were out.
The hill was very icy and Dr. H. R.
Hall. now wth the dental corps at
Port Albert was the first to get into
trouble. When he applied his brakes
to slow down just before he entered
on the bridge, his car sleeted around,
first hitting one guard rail and then
the opposite one, doing alight dam-
age to both and to his automobile.
Then came a truck drvfen by Dave
Cornish of Clinton, en route to Port
Albert. Seeing Dr, Hall ahead of him
in trouble he also applied his brakes,
swinging into one guard rail and
taking out a. post and doing about $25
damage to bis truck. Next came Wi1-
hieiM gnus, who also was forced to do
some fancy driving before coming to
a stop against the guard rail. Shortly
after county road workers gave the
hill a liberal application of sand, -
God erich Signal -Star.
washing np,11
Want and For Salt 1r1.. 1 A
Fertilizer drlite, 195.
Drills with fertilizer at
Milting Meehfaes. 1.'
Grain grinders, 82.
Cream separators, 186.
Farmers requiring new machinery
in 1942-53.
Farmers with hydro at present, 88.
Farmers who would install hydro if
available, 40.
Farmers with sufficient seed grain
for 1942-147.
Farmers taldng a daily paper, 123;
weekly paper. 189; farm magazine
210. Number of phones, -196; number
of cars; 136; number of trucks, 2.
Number of farmers who thick that
farm prices should be based on cost
of production plus a reasonable pro-
m t. 191.
Number of farmers wbo would be
willing to keep a record of the cost
of producing some farm product in
M ystery-
Sir. Ellwood Epps is still wonder-
ing how his bicycle got down to Sea -
1 forth without his permission -Clin-
ton Nees -Record,
Salisbury -Nigh -
The marriage took place queitly
an Tuesday. March 3rd, at the rec-
tory of Sr. James' Church. Seaforth,
Rev. Father Hussey officiating, of
Gertrude Elizabeth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Ngh of Seaforth,
and Mr. Frank Albert Salisbury, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Salisbury.
Mitchell. The bride was lovely in a
I street -length dress of wine velvet
with black accessories while her sis-
ter, Mrs. Louis Freeman of Clinton,
attended her wearing black crepe
and matching accessories. Mr. Free•
man supported the bridegroom. Wed-
ding dinner for the immediate relat-
ives was served at the home of the
bride's parents, the table being cent-
entred with the three storey wedding
cake while pink and white effective-
ly decorated the dining room. Mr. and
Mrs. Salisbury will reside in Mitchell.
On Friday a miscellaneous shower
was held at the home of Mrs. Jack
Eisler, Seaforth, when the bride re-
ceived beautiful gifts of linen, bed-
ding. glassware, china, red and cream
kitchenware. -Mitchell Advocate.
Number of work horses in 1941-
740. Plans for 1942-748.
Number of dairy cows in 1941-514;
plans for 1942-539.
Number of brood sows in 1941-269.
Plans for 1942-285.
Number of bacon hogs marketed,
3619. Plans for 1942-3686.
Number of milking beef cows. 913.
Plans for 1942, S89.
Number of steers and heifers mar-
keted in 1941. 1276. Plans for 1942-
1 fill.
Number of ewes in 1941-392. Pians
fur 1942-356.
Number of laying hens in 1941-
19.575. Plans for 1942-23,474.
Number of baby chicks purchased
in 1941-31.3555. Plans for 1942-
Number of farmers expecting to
purchase more feed in 1942 than in
Acres of winter wheat grown in
1941-1492. Sown for 1942-2284.
Acres Spring grains grown in 1941
-6198. Plans for 1942-6760.
Acres hay grown in 1941-3937.
Plans for 1942-33909.
Acres pasture grown in 1941-6879.
Plans for 1942-6766.
Acres corn grown in 1941-1773.
Plans for 1942-206.
Acres turnips and mange's grown
in 1942-95, Plans for 1942. 96.
Acres cash crops grown in 1941--1
2373. Pians for 1942-2450.
Number of acres of bush, 2317.
Number of farmers having land
suitable for reforestation, 52.
Number of farmers desiring an ap-
plication form for free forest trees
sent them. 44.
Number of farmers' planning to
leave more land down in hay and
pasture in 1942-63. in 1943-63.
Number of farmers planning
produce as much of the following
products required by Great Britain in
194-2'as in 1941: Bacon, 172. Milk,
170. Eggs 183.
Tonnage of commercial fertilizer
used in 1941-430. Usual rate per
acre, 125 lbs.
Number of tractors, 73. Steel 42.
Rubber 31.
Number of tractors tbat did ousone
work for neighbors in 1941-35.
Number of tractors that will be
available in 1942 for custom work, 33.
Amount of tractor machinery of
following items on hand: Plows 70;
cultivator, 48; disc, 37; one-way disc,
2; row•crep machinery, 18; combine,
9; grain separator, 24.
Joseph Smith of McKillop town-
ship, received word of the death of
his mother in London, England. Af-
ter having her home bombed twice
she was taken to the hospital to have
her leg amputated, from which oper-
ation she failed to recover.
Binder Twine Supply
For 1942 Only
Farmers will net go short on their
binder ravine requirements to harvest
the 1943 crop. but will leave to find
other types of rope than manila for
other farm uses, as result of r'estrie..
tions which have been placed on the
sale of manila rope In Canada. The
outbreak of war in the Pacific has
jeopardized future supplies of manila
fibre. which largely come from the
.Philippines and the Dominion gov-
ernment has taken stepsto conserve
available supplies of bout manila fibre
and rope for essential purposes. This
type of rope is now restricted to a
few marine and drilling uses.
Patrick Ryan, Hibbert, has, purch-
ased the 100 -acre farm of Patrick
and Joseph Maloney one-quarter mile
south of Dublin. Mr. Ryan will take
possession on March 18th. James
Shea has purchased the residence of
the Miss Mary Hanlon estate.
Two quilts were completed by the
ladies for .the war services organiza-
tion on Thursday afternoon.
A card party for war services was
held Thursday night in the club
rooms when honors were won by
William Curtin, John Ryan and Geo.
Mrs. Frank Evans was hostess to
two tables of bridge on Wednesday
night in aid of the war services as-
sociation. High honors went to Mrs.
Martin Klinkhammer.
Leading Aircraftman James Cur-
tin, Jarvis, has returned to military
duties after spending a 16 -day fur-
lough with his parents, Dar. and Mrs.
Janes Curtin. Private Herbert
Brown, Chippewa, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown; Dirs. E.
Frost, Seaforth, with her daughter,
Airs. Joseph Dill.
To Fuel and Arm the British War
More vital war materials like oil
and cordite can be obtained from
peat bogs in allied countries when a
new method for carbonising peat has
been dee-eloped on a commercial
Evolved by British engineers only
a few mosths ago, the indications
are that the new process will yield
over three times the quantity of tar
compared with existing methods, giv-
ing a correspondingly larger yield of
diesel and other oils. It is also hoped
to obtain about 2 per cent. of carbo-
hydrates from the tar water, yielding
acetone for the manufacture of cord-
am"�' .%
ite, the smokeless explosive propell-
ant used by the Navy and Army.
Peat, used from time immemorial
as a fuel, has become of increasing
industrial importance in recent years
owing to the development of artificial
drying methods which reduce the
time taken from weeks to hours.
There is some six thousand million
tons of peat solids in the peat .bogs
of Great Britain alone, while peat
bogs cover one-seventh of the area
of Ireland and huge tracts in Russia
and Canada.
`I'm having a hard time meeting
expenses these dayop. How about
"Not at all. I meet 'em at every
Send UP the names of your visitors.
If every ono of Canada's new army of
wags -earners saves more, the country's effort toward
winning fir war will be greatly helped.
livery dollar you save meets mord labotlydna 'materials
freed for making the war goods so urgently' needed.
These livings, lint to the country in the purchase of
War Savings Certifieatte or Victory Loan fiends --lent
to Ind i'nelhe tenants war effort -will' Wk. victory --
and pease -nearer.
awe k734ecreal7"arloZZoite,