HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-02-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR
i'tl:l SI A:FOR'l'Hl NEWS
• Sn<iirdnnifrna.,1'ubliakers
The inebrtiary W. M, S. meeting
opeuefl with the use of hym#i 101 and
Ps. 19 was react r'espolrsiveiy..T.eu.
members responded to the roll call.
January minutes were read 'and LIP
proved. Mrs, W. Hackwell presented
the ii.naucial statement and Mrs.
Wilson read a paper on Stewardship,
The Mission Band literature is to be
purchased by this society. The ,Scrip.
titre reading was in Isaiah 40 and
prayer was offered by Mrs, Kirkby.
Chapter IV, The Chinese People Rise
(1022.1027). was in charge of the lttth
of Grey group. This dealt with the
Chinese revolution, and the part tak-
en by the missionaries.
Mrs. Frank Johnson, McKillop, and
Mrs. Torrance Dundas and daughter
Olive, Blyth, have been visiting at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bolger.
Miss M. Victor of Brodhagen visit-
ed Rev. and Mr's, 'Frederickson over
Mrs. E. Hollinger and son Charles,
of Hamilton, spent the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Pollard,
Mrs. D. Steiss visited her daughter
Mrs. C. Hudson, at Listowel, last
Mrs. Norman Long er Kippen is the
guest of her daughter and son-in-law
in Windsor,
Miss L. Cooper of Toronto who was
the guest of her sister and brother-in-
law Mr, and Mrs, A, Bell, returned
to her home after enjoying a pleas-
ant vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McGregor vis-
ited with Fgntondville friends during
the week.
Mr, and Mr's. Win, McGregor visit-
ed with their daughter and sou -in-law
Mr, and lll's. 1). Mallick, during the
The regular monthly forums of
concessions 1, 1 and 3 met at the
home of Wm. Bell with 20 adults in
attendance. Russ Broadfoot gave the
action project for the week. The con-
sensus or opinion of the forum was
that if farmers receive good prices
they don't require bonuses on any
thing and that the new bonus on fer-
tilizer will not be of much benefit.
Only 500 lbs. of any 'kind .of fer-
tliiser can rinnlit'y for the bonus and
this amount Alight not be at all ada-
(mate to meet the needs or the soil
analysis, There was a vete of thanks
to Mr, and Mr's: dell from Mrs. Mc-
Gregor and Mrs, Broadfoot. Atter a
delicious hunch the rneethig ,was 1d•
jointed by motion of Ernest Cldp-
chase and Mrs. McLellan: The . next
meeting- will be at the home of Mr.
.1oe McLellan.
The service on Sunday was eon -
(Meted by the minister. Rev, A. M.
Grant, who delivered the sixth ser-
mon in the series on the is ird's
prayer, "Forgiveness" andannounced
for next Sunday the subject "Tempt-
ation." The choir sang the anthem
"Shine upon us."
The February meeting of the Mis-
sion Band is to be held next Sunday
scorning and Mrs. W. F. Alexander
will tell a mission story.
As in other years the Women's
Missionary Society has arranged to
hoi4 the World's Day of Prayer on
Fridlay of this week in the United
Church as the prayer centre of the
community. The Society Tropes that
all the women In the community will
avail themselves of this opportunity
to seek the blessing of God upon the
nations in these critical hours and
days. The hour of meeting is half
past two.
Miss Doris Alexander of London
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W, Alexander,
Mr, and Mrs. Ii• Jones spent a day
in London recently.
LAC. Homey, C. R., of the RCAF,
at Clinton Radio School, visited on
Sunday evening with NIr. and Mrs.
W. Homey.
The many friends of Mr. George E,
Thompson will bo sorry to learn he
is seriously ill in Scott Memorial
Hospital. Seaforth.
Miss Edna Cochrane spent tire
week end with relatives in Hensall.
The Kippen East W.I. held their
regular monthly meeting at the home
of Mr's. James MacLean on Thurs-
day, Feb. 5th, with a good attend-
ance. Meeting opened by singing of
the Ode and all repeating the Lord's
prayer. The song When the Moon
Comes Over the Mountain, was sung.
Mrs. MacLean gave the history of
their farm. The guest speaker for the
afternoon was Mrs. R. H. Middleton
of Hensall, who gave a very interest -
ng paper on child mental health.
lvir's. It:+Sirripsoii also read an Intel
esting itemon civilian arinamen
Mrs, W. Dining and Mrs, .M, Trativai
favored the gathering with a due
entitled "The White ClitIs of Dover,
This was followed by'; 3tll singing
"Let's All Get Together," The meet
ing was brought to a close by a
singing God Save the King and
social half hour was spent.
Wednesday 'evening 'four r tables of
8, Vivo Hundred, Prizes were' won by
r Mrs, P. Jordan and Mr's. w, J,
1, O'Rourke,
„ AL five o'clock 00 Saturday after-
• croon a wither of ladies called at the
home of Mrs, James Redmond and
11 surprised 'her to a Valentine party,
Mi's, 1., J. Locby assisted by Miss
Mary Beale decorated the table with,
.Red and White Hearts, and served a
dainty Imieh. The evening was, spent
in games and music. Mrs, Frank
f Smith won the lucky Valentine prize.
The friends and school daypals a
Mi', and Mrs.' Tom Coyne put on a
oid time dance in Staffs hall Monday
night to celebrate their return from
a honeymoon trip to Hamilton wher
they were married the previous Sat
urday. Mrs. 'Coyne is the forme
Mary Birchali, daughter of Mr. an
Mrs. Robert Birohall, The dance and
reception was a very enjoyable of
fair, The happy couple were present-
ed with gifts and the following ad
"We, your sincere and loya
friends, have gathered here tonigh
to eat, drink and be merry and cele-
brate with you on this your first
"Stop over',
on a journey which we
hope will be a long and happy mar-
ried life, We do appreciate the honor
and courtesy you have extended your
friends and schoolday pals in com-
ing back home, even though the stay
may be brief. It does give us an op-
porturiity of expressing to you, both
the high esteem and warm personal
attachments we entertain for you,
Soon you will be leaving us to take
up your abode in a distant city. We
trust this occasion will imprint on
your minds the fact that "there are
no friends like the old friends," and
that often in your pleasant memor-
ies we can monopolize a small frac-
tion of your precious time, Mary
and Torn, please accept these gifts.
They are simply a token of our love
and friendship. Everyone present in
this hall tonight wishes G' you good
luck, and may God bless you."
Miss Mary Bruxer, Chicago, and
Miss Margaret Bruxer, Toronto, at-
tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
Catharine Krauskopf on Satui'day
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Walker and
children, Listowel, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown
Miss Rose Feeney, London, spent
the week end with friends.
Mrs, W. R. Mathers entertained on
e A quiet wedding took place in
. Holy Family Church, Toronto, on
1, Saturday morning, when Helen Piz
d abeth O'Hara, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Jerry O'Hara, Dublin,became
the bride of Francis William Kraus-
kopf, son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis,
Krauskopf, also of Dublin. Rt. Rev.
Monsignor Coyle officiated . 'at the,
l ceremony and Miss C. Fleury presid-
t ed at the organ. Given in marriage
by her father, the bride looked love-
ly in a street length frock of ro-
mance blue, pall' mall crepe with val-
eneia lace trimmings, matching tur-
. ban and tulle shoulder veil. Her cor-
sage was of sweetheart roses and
sweet peas. The bride's only attend-
ant, Miss Marie Israuskopf, wore a
gold crepe dress with matching tur-
ban and veil and, her corsage was of
talisman roses and blue forget-me-
nots. Mr, Gerald O'Hara assisted the
groom. The ushers 'were Tames
Krauskopf and Charles Benn. A
wedding breakfast was served at the
1•o,t.e of lull'. and Mrs, J, Upper, 33
Dunn ave:, afterwhich the bridal
party motored to the home of the
bride's parents where a reception
was held. For travelling the bride
wore a dress of pld rose wool sheer,
with matching hat, black coat and
accessories. After a motor -trip east
Mr, and Mrs. I(rauskopi will reside
in Toronto.
04/ 16,444,4/A Pi!
co "f
Whereas the people,of Canada are now being , asked to sub-
scribe $600,000,000 to Canada's Second Victory Loan, the
money being required to help arm and equip our fighting forces
And whereas Canadians have cause for pride in their patriotic
response in the nation's need in men, material and money.
And whereas in the words of Mr, Churchill, "We are doing the
most blessed work in the world. Not only defending our
hearths and homes but the cause of freedom in every land,"
and as this freedom means the right to our religion and our
worship, I hereby proclaim
and call upon all churches and citizens to co-operate by their
observance and attendance.
I call upon all citizens to subscribe to this loan to the
utmost of their ability, remembering: -
1. This is not a tax or a donation, but an interest-bearing
Loan—an Investment in Canada.
2. Your savings now' will help win the war and will help you
and the nation a second time in post-war reconstruction.
3. If Germany were to win, our money would be of no use to
us anyway, therefore
It is further.requested that we show our loyalty and
patriotism by flying the Union Jack from every household and
business place in the municipality throughout the Second
Victory Loan campaign.
Sacrifice and Lend For Victory
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the church on Thursday
last with the president Mrs. Wnr,
Lyon presiding. Meeting opened by
singing the national anthers and the
daily prayer, There was discussion on
the Easter thankoffering meeting
speaker. The world's day of prayer
will take place on Friday the 20th.
All are invited to be present. Mrs. F.
Tamblyn; the Christian stewardship
committee, gave a splendid reading
on praying and giving. Miss Young
was appointed as . key woman, Mrs,
Fangr'ad gave a reading on temper-
ance The roll call was answered by
a verse of Scripture with the word
work, The next loll call will • be
verse with do. The meeting was then
taken over by group 3 with Mrs. R.
NOW 'PLAYING _.._-.._._
Richard Arlen
Jean Barker
"Tower Dive"
William Boyd
as Hop -a -long Cassidy
"Border Vigilantes"
• A rip -mating Western packed
• with Action
Bette Davis James :Cagney
An interesting action Drama
Coming: "She Knew All the Answers" "Boston Blackie"
When double features are shown, patrons must be in by 8.45,
• to see a complete show
Caldwell in the chair. A hymn was
sung followed by the Lord's prayer
in unison. Bible lesson bt Miss Ruth
Shaddiok and Mrs. W. E. Manning,
Solo, He Knows the way, Mrs. Fan -
grad, The study book, 3rd chapter,
was ably taken by Mrs.• Geo. Moon.
Miss lVfauy Caldwell took up tire off-
ering. A hymn was sung and Mrs.
Caldwell closed the meeting.
The bingo which was put on by the
group from the east end' of the vill-
age was well attended. The proceeds
of the evening was $45 clear for Red
Cross work.
All those who have tickets on the
quilt areasked to hand them in on or
before Feb, 27th. as the draw will be
made on the evening of the concert,
which the villager's are putting on,
Whereas the successful conduct of the war necessitates
public financing at this time, and Canada's Second Victory
Loan Campaign is now in progress, 1 -call an the citizens of
Tuckersnith to exert every energy in ensuring the success
of this campaign. To the end that maximum enthusiasm
be aroused and maintained during the campaign, I request
that all homes be decorated and.flags flown on schools, and
that the decorations be left in place until the conclusion
of the campaign, also that Sunday, Feb. 22nd, be duly ob-
served as a special Victory Loan Sunday.
Reeve of Tuckersmith.