HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-02-19, Page 2PAGE TWO
'Funeral of L
Rev. J.
The funeral of tit
Williarn Penrose, wl
on Wednesday of las
on Saturday tnornin
the Main street Ind
service was in char=
Brook of Bernell,
Huron Presbytery,
al of his fellow ruin
Hazen of London. a
of the deceased, dell
al sermon and spoke
of the sterling eh
ceased His tea: was
25:21. "Well done.
faithful servant. t
faithful over a few
make thee ruler re-
renter thou into the j
Rev. N. J. Woods,
and Rea. Wm, Mair
assisted in the servie
Hunt, of Trivia ch
the benediction. Pre
lie service at which
parishioners from
present, a short pri
conducted at he ho
were taken by motor
interment in the We
sal cemetery. Rev.
Brantford, conducted the conmettal grailuchilttren
t 1942
M. Penrose Qst?
Death of M. Margaret Becker of
flay Tovsnshlpe--
Hay township lost one of` its oldest
residents in the person of Ur,. Mar
Wet Becker, who Passed awn} at,
the home of her daughter, titxa wen
Beiber on the third .Concession of
Hai township on Saturda3� last in
her :lath year. Airs. Becker was born
in Germany and came across the At-
laude in a sailing.boat when she was
21 years old, On her arrival she was
married to John Becker, who had
come aerate several sears earner and.
settled near what is now called Kit-
chener. They lived for few years
near Elmira and in 1866 moved to
Bay town hip and farmed on the
Bronson line. Besides farming they
operated a loom, although not in use
le still in possession of her son Hen-
I` Her husband, John Becker, pre
deceased her in 1914 and since that
time she has made her hon=e with
s everal of her daughters. She is' sur
:vivied b- four daughters, Mrs. W.
Heckman, London; Mrs.Mary Mar-
ane, of Dashwood; Mrs. William
Bieber. of concesion 3. Hay town-
and Mrs Ed Stire of concet
sten 14, Hay township, also five sons,
4Henry, John, George and Charles of
Hay township, and William, of Ste-
township. There are also fortebeeause
children d-
five great at gran
hoses Finger to Saw,--:
with Exeter,
been ework ng Dunn,
Russel Con
structlon Co. at the Centralia -kir-
:port. lost the forefinger of his right
hand when it came in contact with a
circular saw: ?sir. Dunn was workingEngagement,—
with the saw when his sweater sleevei.Q�
caught and drew his hand in. The tsar
ger was cut off clean between the
second and knuckle joints,
Seventeen Late for Scholl.—
QA Afondan •there was a parade of
students due to them overlook-
ing tate fact that daylight saving
time went into- effect that- morning,
of this incident the change
of since did not seem to create many
survrises as people had been well
posted before hand.—!Ti ingham Ad-
lance Times.
Gam Hospital Board—
At a meeting of the Li inghaiu
Hospital Board, R. A. Lloyd was re
elected chairman for 1942. and Wal-
ter VanWyck was named vice -chair-
man. Abner Cosens was again sip-
pointed to the positions of secretary-
A Bill Johnstnn" Recard,
y g .—
s hal pressers have
nstabltshed still another record. They
haled 211e tons. of hay` in six hours
on Monday we Earl Bentley's farm,
McMsrs. Art Barr, Bill brown and
Bill Cockerline did the sobs ---Blyth
Airs. Starr Manson announces the
engagement of her daughter, Beat-
rice dine, to Newell Rennie Geiser,
son of the late Rev. and ,Airs A. E.
Geiger. The marriage to take place
the lister part of February.TENDER,
Donate $1;800 to War Victims
At the recent annual meeting of
the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
held in the Zurich town hall,it was
decided to donate 41,800ito the Bri-
fish War Victims' Fund;
Pilot Officer Sees
Himself on Screen.—
There was one man in the audience
at the Capital Theatre last night
more interested in the picture 'Tar-
get for Tonight" than were others.
He was P.O. More. now stationed at
Port Albert. He was more interested
he was in the picture. taken
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Isle Rev. Jame.
o died fn eter
t week, was held
gat 10.30 front
ted chur'rii. The
or Rev. R. A.
of the
by sever-
Dr. G. al.
persanai friend
vered the tuner-
in kindly. terms
of the de
taken tram Stitt
thou good andlate
hap hast been
thin . 1 will
er many thin....Outside
by oz the Lord."'
af Main st cellMADE
of Thames Road,
e and, Rev. 31.A.
arch pronounced
iae• to the pubWin
a number of his
Elf sere were
cafe service was ,ship,
The remains
FL F. in real action; for,
preparing3 Special George Washington Pages
taking off and returning home from a. Of interest to all loyal Americans
bomb' ...and particularly valuable for
rug raid aver Germany, The plc• school children studying history.. ,
ture is not acted; the scenes are will be b three George Washington
actual ones. As he came out of the .
Birthday Anniversary Pagea...inelud-
theatre Pilot Officer More was asked ing one page in full color...appear-
how he liked being a movie star. 'I'm ing in The Pictorial Review with this
getting a bit used to it," he replied. Snaday"s (February 22) issue of. The
"This is the third time I have seen Detroit Sunday Times; Be sure to get
The Detroit Sundav Times this week
to'Hamilton for
-aunt Mentor§phen
r:hug Brown of
Ree. air. Penrose was born 'nov-
ember '_'etc.:>..s.. oz.. Hall, England.,
and for several years was a mission;
worker at Hen and Manchester. In'
iter^_ E. an:e with has fee try to Can-
ada?. and _ hares a: N" es:awn..
Whi:r..._... ter.ella. We.: Leine,
Meresa. 0 . 3`a..... Avon.
Ethel ar J: Z? p he
ret -- eve none - ry and
came te Festeteereside Re h^
been a $er1t3l. r n r e 7e.:>'n
.. nt•ree.:.an wht... -ecarne ser .
!tees abet: three weeks age.
While ... England he mprrled
Ch mete T _._a;" : Hs" who sur -
vines. : e :he. with fear sons and
one de: ^ter: Thomas. yr h :. Car.
adian Wehouse `at Hayton
George, tar`.-. ._ the Wesentowee
Teacher's A_socia oa at We_ ozn:
Que.. John. of the, lefichimata Tool',
Ca.. St. Clair Sheres. ?i:.^?:., Wager
and Eta. a: home. Two sous prede
ceased Ern Ja_.es e e'_de= who'.
los. his ale a: Amiens in :u1* int e
last Great Warand .ht fourth rson,
Ernes:. who died in :924 *bile'
:reachingsame] a: P_c:on. was the
ictim of a store en the Bay of
Q in:e, and died from exposure.
Two bro :ere and one sister also
: wr vi e. George at d YMies En rn e
Penrose. of Hull, England, `and Bic'h-
and c' Bradford: also she grandsons •
and :We granidaaghters. — Exeter
T ?nee Acv::_:_.
54 great grana -
in Ebel and months ago. It shows the the picture."-- Goderich Signal -Star.
nd every week.
Mrs. Ca:^r;re Erekt _. a wets
_sown .end ^=_spa_:: e:` -ren
of 3ieEI :op. died ia ne. Joeepins hos-
Meal, London. an Thursday margin_.:
She was in her Seth year and had
been for only a few week.. She
was born in South Eastope and wens.
the daughter of 31r. and Mrs. SeAas-
;Ian Weis. Before her marriage 50 F
years ago to Joseph B. Eaoskopf.
she was Ca:here Weis. Her hus-
band predeceased her .-'c^: years
ego and e.nce that time she had _iced
wi:h her nephew. Louis Bruner. Mrs.
Era:tskopl was a faithful re -ere -her of
Sr. Patrick's Church, Dublin. and a
member of the Attar Sacety and
Sacred Hear:' Lee—tae. She Es aurvived
by one ester. Sirs.Anderson. Hays-
ay=ville. The fmaeral was held on Sat-
urday a: 10 air... dayliigh: easing
me 1'frau: the residence of Mrs. Eli-
zabeth Brexer :o Ste Pa tick's
Chnrth Duienre
The Sla=v Anglican Cherch
Guns held :heirenar •teeag `-n
:he war s vire ^ wb rooms on
Thursday `f:erycon.L Rev, Dr. Hair -
lard led in teraeer. Sirs. A. Pack pre-'
:dei and the seerenery. Mr JohnDie --... .....: i of the pre-
vleus : I: was deeided :o
have seal-dm:ie.: a __..elope: for the
month of )are:. Tee) c•' were
competed by to ladies for patriotic
purposes and a d 'e o :Ties". was
Mts. 'uiehae. 3ieCar•hy underwent
a serious aper` on in S:. Joseph's
Hospital. Loudon, on '3$orday.She is
rag" -J`favorably.
Patrick3iaoney underwent an op-
eration for appendicitis on Tuesday
morning in Seet Memorial Hospital
and Is progressing
Michael Donnelly is seriously ill at
the home of his brother,. Frank Don-
Dan McCarthy is holidaying in
The games of euchre played in the!
war service club rooms on Thursday
night were well attended. The prize
winners were John Flynn. Joseph
Maloney and James Jordan.
3fre. Joseph Jordan has returned
from Toronto.
Want and For Sale Ms.. 1 week ear
FEB . 22.
a4vrhwac/otriem tigem
PINKY -WHITE DIMPLES; a button of a nose;
wee, slender fingers clutching at your
coverlet—what kind of a world is this to
which you will awake?
Your life, we hope, will be rich in love
and laughter.. God forbid that your Canada
should ever come under the heel of a ruth-
less barbarism, where babies are born to be
the future shock troops, or the mothers of a
brutal, military race.
We promise that you shall inherit a Canada
blessed with the liberty our fathers bequeathed
to us. You shall be free as we are free.
So we gladly lend our money to our country
in this crisis. We will buy Victory Bonds to
the very limit. We must and we will make
sure that the threat of a brutal way of life
is banished forever.
HOW TO BUY—Give your order to the
Victory Loan salesman who calls on you.
Or place it in the hands of any branch of
any bank, or give it to any trust company.
Or =and it to your local Victory Loan
Headquarters. Or you can authorize your
employer to start a regular payroll sav-
ings plan for you. Bonds may be bought
in denominations of $50, $100, 4500, $1,000
and larger. Salesman, bank, trust com-
pany or your local Victory Loan Head-
quarters will be glad to give you every
assistance in making out your order form,
Naiionaf'War Finance Committee, °nowo Canodo