HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-02-12, Page 5Valentine Specials — T.hurs., February 12, to Wed., Feb, 18 Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup, 2113. tin 23c 5 lb. tin 53c Finest Sultana RAISINS 2 lbs. 21c Royal York COFFEE ., 1 lb. tin 43c Concentrated SUPER SUDS 22c BLUE PKG. PURE LARD ,,,..,.... .2-1-1b. cartons 25c Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. tin 23c FINEST QUALITY Use Syrup in various ways — Save on Sugar NEWPORT FLUFFS 5 Qt. bag 19c; 8 Qt. bag 26c Fruit Juice Glass FREE Tumbler FREE Cowan's Perfection Cocoa %z lb. tin-15cc; 1 Ib. tin 26c Old English Paste Floor Wax 1 Ib. tin 49c Old English No Rubbing Wax Pint tin 49c Shirriff's Fruit Puddings 16 oz. tin 27c Shirriff's Seville Orange Marmalade 32 oz. jar 37c Jell -o or Jell -o Puddings 3 pkgs. 23c McLaren's Minute Tapioca 2pkgs. 23c Old Dutch Cleanser r 2 210 Javex bottle 16c VALENTINE CANDIES OF MANY KINDS No. 1 White Clover Honey 8 ib. tin 1.15 No. 1 White (Moyer Honey 4 lb. tin 60c ige. tin 27c Peter Pan Peas, #3 sieve 16 oz. tin 11c 2 -16 -oz. tins 23c 3 tins 26c 2 tins 190 Aylmer Baby Lima Beans in Tomato Sauce 2 -15 -oz. tins 23c Van Camp's Tomato Juice 2 -20 -oz. tins 19c McCormick's Ginger Snaps 2 lbs. 25c 1 lb. pkg, 16c 8 lbs. 29c 2 regular pkgs. 29c % size tinl8c 1s lb. pkg. 430 'F, lb. pkgs. 21c 2 ige. tins 25c 2 bars 11c 3 bars 20c t lb. 10c ige. bar each 10c Happyvale or Libby's Mincemeat Old English Ripe Peas & Carrots Aylmer Infant Foods Aylmer Junior Foods McCormick's Butter Sodas, Red Bag Fine or Coarse Flake Oatmeal Princess Soap Flakes Golden Net Salmon Royal York Tea Royal York Cheese Choice. Quality Pumpkin Kirk's Castile Soap Palmolive Soap, Regular Size Fresh Silted Peanuts Ivory Soap Ross J. Sproat 4: Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for ever One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & • PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburu—Phone 105 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 1 BUS TIME TABLE Leaves Soaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.26 a.m. and 6.16 p.m, Leaves Seaforth for Coderich: Daily except Sunday and. hol., 1.06 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. Sun, and hol., 1.06 p.m. and 9.20 p.m, Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo. London, Detroit, Tavistock, Woodstock, Brantford Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick Hones BORN HEWITT—ln Toronto hospital on Feb. 1st, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hewitt of Toronto, a dau- ghter. DALE—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1942, to' Mr. and Mrs. . Alvin Dale, Sea - forth, a son. MALONEY—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Friday, Feb. 6, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney, Mc- Iiillop, a son. Sergeant (to raw recruit)—"What's the difference between a time and percussion shell?" Raw Recruit—"That's what I say. Who cares?" Town of Seaforth PRE -PAY TAX RECEIPTS May be purchased on the same basis as former years, at the office of the Treasurer, commencing Feb. 1, 1942. D. H. WILSON, Treas. "IKE PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED." DEAD or DISABLED I � A 1,SAN Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED THE SEAPORTI1 NEWS TOWN TOPICS PAGE FIVE Mr, John D. Craig and his sister, Miss Craig, of Hensall, have been staying with Mrs, McDonald, James street, Misses Vera and Laura Mole re- turned home Monday after spending a week visiting relatives and friends in Toronto, ' Lieut. 11, G. Sharp, of the Salva- tion Army, attended the annual Young People's Rally in London dur- ing the week -end. A group of young people of the local . Corps aceompan. led Lieut. Sharp to' London on Sat- urday afternoon, Enroute their car was forced off the toad by another car in heavy snow, near St. Marys, but no injuries were sustained. Mr, Joseph Eckart of Oakville is ' spending a few days with his family here. Mr. Con Eckart, who was progress- ing favorably, hada setbaok and is not so well. His 'many friends wish him a speedy recovery. A.C. Buchanan R. N., of the RCAF, T. T. S., spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mr's. Roy MOMane, Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs,• Wilbert Ganville and family of . near Staffs, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Dalrymple on iSunday. Mr. Ro• land Squire, near Exeter, spent the week end with his daughter Mrs, Garnet Dalrymple. I Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Bradshaw and David visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Herdman of Elimviile. I Mr. W. P. Thompson left on Friday to spend the winter in Muskoka, with his daughter,. Mrs, Ed Boyce, Hunts- vine. BRUCEFIELD The Y,1',U,—• The Brueefield Y.F.U. held their regular meeting on Monday evening with 16 members present, The meet- ing was opened with the vice presi- dent, Kay Mustard, presiding. Hylnn 192 was sung and then all repeated the Lord's prayer. The Scripture was taken by Genevieve Smith and the topic by Mr, Atkinson, Following this a hymn was sung. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the business was dis- cussed. The meeting closed by every- one singing The King and repeating the Mizpah benediction. We would like everyone to come to our Y,P,U, meeting next Monday night as we are celebrating the national nite be- ing observed throughout the Dom- inion. Following this there will be a Valentine social, so everyone come and make it a success. 1941 Financial Report for Bruce - field Red Cross: Receipts, Donations and subscriptions, $450.77; grant, Huron county, $487.75; special fund raising events, $250.81; donations for blankets, $76; Countryman prize, $25; sale of salvage $151.20; inter- est from bank, $5.15; cash value of donations in kind $471.00; total re- sources ceipts from all cash balance from $2,068.73, Expenses: Pai Choiceteria..0-. Open Formula Feeds Only ingredients of the highest quality, carefully selected and evenly and thoroughly mixed, are used. The number of pounds of each ingredient is on the bag. CHOICETERIA 0. A. C. Laying Mash $2.70 cwt. CHOICETERIA 0. A. C. Chick Starter $320 cwt. 32% Laying Concentrate 3 55 cwt. (To unix with your own grail) 32% Dairy Concentrate 2.85 cwt. Scott's Poultry Farm Phone 851 32 Seaforth $1,917.68 • in technicolor, shown b Mr. J. M, 1940, $],61,06, Total Y Scott of Seaforth, were greatly en- d to Division for joyed, The pictures included a series War work $158.20; Division for taken by R.A.F. officers from Clinton wool and materials, $402.66; local radio school, showing beautiful for wool and materials, $202,32; scenes at the Carnochan farm in Queen Elizabeth Fund $26 • Russian Tuckersmith .and around Bayfield, Relief fund $50; British War Vic- followed by a visit to Toronto, De tiros fund $60; purchase of sugar, troit and New York. The flashing el - 290; purchase of blankets $176 00- ectrie signs in brilliant colors, scenes sundry expenses $8.06; cash value of from the tops of the skyscrapers, 1 W. C. Sutherland,. RCAF, Tren- donations in kind 471 total ex- street and park scenes and many ton, and Dom Scott, RCAF, St, I$ others were all very interesting. Thomas, spent the week end at their : p°uses, $1,533,24 cash bal.,. 'Dec. 31 Then followed pictures of Muskoka homes. $6; bar, in bank, Dee, 31st, $480.49; taken by Mn Scott, and lover her- bal. $2,068.78, Y The death occurred in Winnipeg I We sent awn knitted vest and other views at the Scott 0 1,V farm at Seaforth. The of Ml', Harry Bright, son of the y• articles to late H. A. Bright of the former articles 971,tario rhospital 7sup supplies gee beautiful colors and local people Seaforth firm, Bright Bros., tailors,p in these movies made them of arti- Miss E. Davidson received word blankets 8, flannelette blankets 13, P quilts 71. Total 1,800. cular interest, also the scenes of the of the death of her brother-in-law,Miss Anna Cornish o Lucan and poultry plant, and many were de- bliMrse R. B. Clavis keofofillToron o Carlyle eeknCornisht of rHamilton here. sent Nlihtanclwith sthe HarhyarPalin, ai-Mdenopf spent the week end with her Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling and The wedding pictures had special in- ter Mrs. Brady and Dr, Brady, I daughter of Seaforth spent Sunday terest for Varna district. Another Mrs, Malcolm McLeod was at with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. reel showed modern methods of tur- eath is on Sunday owing to the Mr, and 'Mrs. E. Munn and Aileen key raising in Western Ontario, death of Mr. John Galbraith, Mrs, Connell Is at present visiting Mr. Sam Cudmore was a visitor of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schilbe with )ler daughter, Mrs. Marks and at Brussels owing to the death of and Kenneth of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr.family, in Toronto. Mr, John Galbraith, and Mrs. G. Swan. Miss Lillian Elliott has returned Mr. and Mrs. Prsiting t of North- hone after spending a month in God - ern Ontario are visiting their sister, ericlt with her sister, Mrs. Herd. Mrs. M. McKenzie. We are sorry to report Mr. Hart is Besure to keep March13th open not enjoying the best of health but for MRS. H. STEWART Continued Frain Page One bekah Lodge conducted a service at her late residence on Sunday after, noon. A funeral service was held in Egmondville United Church on Mon- day afternoon. Rev, A. W. Gardiner officiated, assisted by Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church. The church choir was in at- tendance and during the service Mr. John Beattie sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." The Rebekahs formed a guard of honor at the church. In- terment took' place in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were: W. J. Finnigan, Thos. Jackson, Roy Mc- Geoch, Art Nicholson, Edwin Ches- ney and Melvin Clarke. The flower bearers were: W. D. Smith, W. A. Wright, A. W. Dunlop, Percy Little, Mac Wilson and Robt. Tyndall. A wealth of flowers showed the esteem in which she was held. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. Leslie McKay of Elmvale; Mr,, and Mrs. W. G. Charlesworth, Toronto; Mrs. Murray and. Mr. Broderick of New Hamburg; Mr. Malcolm McKay of Goderich, also a number of relatives from the vicinity of Exeter and 'Jensen.'Jensen. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HOLD SOCIAL EVENING The first of a series of social ev- enings, sponsored by Group 1 of the Women's Institute was held Thurs- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney east of Eg- mondville. A hot supper was served pot luck style after which euchre and dancing were enjoyed until midnight. Prizes for euchre were: Ladies' first, Mrs. R. McGeoch; ladies' con- solation, Mrs. Harold Jackson; ladies lone hands, Mrs. Roy McGeech; mens first, Mr. Bert Haney, men's consol- ation, Mr. Lloyd Haney; men's lone hands, Mr. Bert Haney. Group members are: Mrs. Raymond Nott, convener; Mrs. Victor Lee, Mrs. Wm. Oldfield, Mrs. Harry Chesney, Mrs' Wm. Stanbury, Mrs, Paul Doig. All proceeds of these events go to war work. Music for dancing was played by Messrs. George Armstrong and Jas. Doig, violins; Mrs. Raymond Nott, guitar, Mr. Tom Hodgert was floor manager. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c Sodality Dance AT DUBLIN MONDAY, FEB. 16 Adam Brock and His Columbians ADMISSION 40c open nee ti o e n, ,.,, al Society. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Noi man Walker in the death of her fath- er, the late Mr. Alex. Wallace of Eg mondville, Mr, Bert McKay and Mrs, Lorne Wilson also have the sympathy of their many friends in the death of their sister, the late Mrs. Harry Stewart, who passed away in Seaforth hospital on Saturday, Feb. 7th. The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed at the Morning service on Sunday, but owing to the condition of the roads there were not as many present as. usual. Preparatory service was held on Friday afternoonnoon when eleven united with the church, nine on confession of faith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCowan, Mrs. 2, W. McBeatlr, Miss Freda Hill, Kenneth Scott, Alex. Thomson, Jack Mustard, Ernest Talbot and George Mustard; two by certificate, Mr. Al- vin McBride and Mrs, Wm. McKenzie. Robert Frank, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. McCowan, was also baptized at this service. We are sorry that Mr. ,Jas, Moody is not enjoying good health. We hope to see him around soon, We are pleased Marion Ross who has been confined to her bed for three weeks is now improving. The 'World's Day of Prayer service will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Friday afternoon. All ladies are cordially invited to attend, Next Sunday services will com- mence at eleven and Sunday School at ten daylight saving time. A joint meeting of 'United Farm men and women will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Cairns on Wednesday at two o'clock, Feb, 18th when the inen will provide the pro- gram. VARNA Varna Red Cross Notes— Varna Red Cross workrooms were humming with activity on Wednes- day afternoon when 24 ladies of the community were busily engaged in sewing on little girls' print dresses, finishing up five . men's dressing - gowns, and quilts. One quilt finished, the top being donated by Mrs. Mc - Ash Sr. and another, the top of which was donated by Mrs, Clarence 1 Stephenson, and the lining by Mrs. 'Anson Coleman. Owing to the ab- sence of the president and vice- president, the past president Mrs. Alf Johnston conducted the business. The conveners reported for January Pthat 14 dresses were .finished and 32 dresses cub. Knitting: 2 aero caps, 1 pr. seamen's boots, 5 pr. seaman's ribbed socks, 6 'pr. army socks, 2 pr. mitts, 1 turtle neck sweater, 1 scarf. The secretary reported 6 letters of appreciation and thanks for parcels, have been received from young men of the community who are serving their "King and Country," namely,, Gordon Keyes, Walter Johnston, Wm. Forrester, Robert Aldwinkle, Walter Smith and Harvey Hayter. The treasurer reported receiving do- natins from Mrs. Ed Foster $2, and Mrs. Henry Erratt $2. The intensely popular film "Britain at War," with both motion and sound effects, will be shown in the township hall, Varna, on Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 24th, in aid of the Red Cross, Among the artists appearing on the program will be Miss Greta 'Laramie, A.T.C.M., celebrated violinist, Watch for further particulars next week, and keep this_ date in mind, Tuesday, February 24th. Varna Red Cross needs you. An interesting meeting of the Var- na Junior Farmers was held on Monday night, The moving pictures DANC[ T. COLUMBAN FRIDAY FEB. 13 SNIBIDER'S ORCHESTRA Admission 40c. Lunch served. Auspices of C, W. L. HARLOCK On Friday evening, January 30th, a .nice gathering of old friends and neighbors gathered at Lonclesboro Community hall to present Mr. Eddy Bell and his bride, who were recently married, with a slight token of re- membrance. The nicely worded ad dress was read by Mr. George Brown and a chime clock was presented by Mr. James Mcliwing. Eddy replied thanking Itis friends. The evening was Pleasantly spent in dancing and a bountiful lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bell (the former has for some time been in training at Camp Borden) were spending the week end at the home of his parents, Mr,- and Mrs. Wm, Bell. The friends .took advantage of the opportunity to have the gathering and spend an evening together and have the pre- sentation. Mrs. Bell returned hone with them to Welland and also went to Detroit to visit her daughter Mild- red. who was recently married and is living in Detroit, Sergeant Leslie Beattie spent a couple of days last week with his friend Mr. Bert Beacom. Mrs. Samuel Ruddell, who has been laid up, is we are pleased to know, able to be around again. Mr. Sinton McVittie has been laid up for a few clays with a cold, but is somewhat better. We hope he will soon be feeling fine again. Mrs. Simon McVittie is somewhat better than she was, having been laid up recently, We are glad to know Miss Estella Murphy, who was very sick a while ago, is able to be out again. We were very spry that Mrs. Win. Knox "Jr.", was in Seaforth Hospital few rlays last week. Site returned home Friday evening. While away the children were at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Knox, The latter tools the children to their home Friday, and is still there looking after them and their mother, who we hope will soon he all better again, Messrs, Norman Shepherd, Reece Ferris and Isaae Rapson attended the Red Cross party at the hone of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Farquhar near Clinton Monday even- ing of this week. A very pleasant evening was spent in progressive euchre, after which a nice lunch was served. Mr. and bus. Arthur Colson spent the week end in Toronto, returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colson of Blyth were at the farm dur- ing their absence, Mr, Leonard Shobbrools, who had an operation in Seaforth hospital for appendicitis, has been home for a while, Mr, Haggitt has been looking atter his work, Mr, Geo. Watt spent the ween end in Toronto, returning hone on Mon- day. BAYFIELD Mrs. 1P: Baker returned from visit- ing her son, Mr, and Mrs, H. Baker, of London. Mrs, 12, Smith of London spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Chas, Parker. Miss lcta Reid, who has spent the past 0 months with her sister Mary, returned to Detroit on Saturday, Mr. Remna Larson and Mr, Wm, Orr spent the week end at their re- spective homes, NM, M. Gilver of Kitchener spent the week end at his home here, Pte, Thos, Castle Jr, and Pte. Jas, Sturgeon of London spent the week end at their hones. Mr. Stewart Sturgeon, who has been working in Preston, has joined the Canadian navy. Passing of Richard Weston, Bayfield's Oldest Resident— Richard Weston, Bayfleld's oldest resident, died at his home in Bayfleld on Thursday, Feb. 5th, He was in his 92nd year, Born on the 6th conces- sion of Goderich Township, April 12, 1850, he was a son of the late George Weston and Helen Cronin, one of the pioneer residents of Goderich Twp. Mrs. Weston, whom he married on Jan. 6th, 1870, predeceased him 12 years ago, She was the former Eliza- beth Looby, Mr. 'Weston lived in Goderich Tp, until 35 years, when he proved to Bayfield. Surviving are five daughters, Miss Elizabeth Weston and Mrs. R. Blair, Bayfield, Mrs. T. Elliott, Goderich Twp., Mrs. W. New- ton and Mrs. Lulu Crane, of Detroit; 3 sons, George of Bayfield, Edward of Goderich, and Orval of Detroit. An- other son William predeceased him last May. Also a brother Mr. Henry Weston, of Bayfield. The funeral was held from his laic residence on Sat- urday. Feb. 7th, Rev. J. Graham con- ducting the services. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery in the family plot. The pallbearers were his grandsons Mr. Harold Weston, Fred Weston, Kenneth Weston, Ed Crane. W. Blair and G. Blair. Triose attending the funeral of the late Richard Weston were, 101r. and Mrs. 0, V. Weston and family,' Mr. and Mrs, W. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston and son and Mrs. L. Crane,. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crane and baby of Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. E. Weston of Goderich. HIBBERT The Hibbert Township Council met for their regular monthly meet- ing in the township hall, Staffs on Saturday, Feb. 7th, at 1 p.m, All members present. As our Reeve Mr, Kay was elected Warden at the Jan- uary session of the Perth County Council a letter from the township council and officials congratulating Mr. Kay was read by the Clerk and Mr. Kay very ably expressed his ap- preciation. The clerk read the min- utes of the previous meeting which were adopted as read, Mr. John Em- ily of Mitchell was appointed town- ship drainage engineer, Mr. Roy Bur- chill was appointed tax collector. Mr. John Hackney and Mr. Lloyd Calqu- houn were appointed to attend the Good Roads convention to be held in Toronto, The auditors report was presented to the council and after careful con- sidering it a resolution was passed to adopt the report. The Clerk' was authorized by res- olution to advertise for tenders for crushing and delivering approxim- ately five thousand cubic yards of gravel. Contractor to furnish crusher and all equipment, Bylaws No. 3, 4, 6, and 6 were given their third and final reading and, passed. The follow- ing accounts were paid: Municipal World supplies, $56.18; Mrs. Quance stamps, $3; A. W. Reid, premium on the Treasurer's bond, $5; Joseph Roach, part payment on salary as assessor, $75; direct relief, $7.— Thos. D. Wren, Clerk of the Twp- of Hibbert. Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions From All Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY FES. 21 MAR. 7, 1942, inclusive Return Limit — 46 Days TICKETS GOOD IN— Coaches, in Tourist Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping Cars at Special Reduced Rates for each class Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional BAGGAGE checked. Stopovers at All Points enroute, Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all Information from any Agent ASK FOR HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL.