HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-02-05, Page 8AGE
bases to be mitt to the boys overseas,
iIEI�ISAi. Theytwore ably assisted by W 0,' Card of Thanks '
The regular meeting of the village Goodwin, We wish to express our gratitude
council was hold on Monday evening,. --Mien least W.I. Sponsors and appreciation to Rev, A. W. Gar=
commit 2nd at 8 p.m. in the coctl concert and Dance-- ' diner and choir of. Egmondville
obambers with all members present, A very successful concert and church, friends and neighbor's, for:
Minutes of the last meeting were dance was held in the town ban, their many kindnesses shown ue in
read, Moved by Harry Hotton and Hensall, on Friday evening', Jan. 30, our recent sad bereavement, 'also
J. Perkins, that the minutes be ad- Under
teeInauspt es of I�ippen East those who sent flowers end loaned
opted as read, Carried. R. 3, Pater- W ran s t, a e The platform was cars and all others who helped in any
son, tax collector; reported es having nicely decorated for the occasion other way. Mrs. Alex; Wallace and
collected; $30,53 sincelast meeting, and after the singing of 0 Canada a family,
3..A. Paterson, treasurer, eepol'ted short talk was given by Mrs. $imle-
having received $990,00 in prepay- son, Quartette,.eMen of Harlech " by
merits upto date, Miss C, Mitchell Fan FOR SALE
W A, Maclaren, Hairy' Horton, W. Choice farm for sale, Lot 35, Con,
appeared; complaining about being O. Goodwin and Rev. Wm. Weir, ac- 6, Logan, 100 acres, 3 miles north of
taxed too high, also re insulin. The companied by Benson Stoneman; Dublin. Brick dwelling, bank barn,
auditors report was presented and Sailors Hornpipe, Lila Norris; Scotch root house, hog pen, drive shed and
looked over. Commnnreatiens; Hos_reading by Mrs. H. MacGregor; garage, all in good state of repair,
pital for Sick Children, Mrs, E. Stap- "Blue Birds over the White Cliffs of Drilled well, land fairly level and
leton, Salvation Army, Ontario Good Dover," "You're the One for Me," well drained and fertile. 35 acres
Roads Municipal Affairs, Cosmo, olDitant. of
songs, also tap. dance by Joyce Brod- plowed and 6 acres in wheat. Apply
surance Services,rProv. t ens. Citiz- erick. A play was given; the cast to John Dillon, R.R, No, 1, Dublin,
being: Bride, Mrs, Wm, Bell; brides- Administrator of Norman Dillon Es -
ens Research Institute, County Tree- maids, Mrs. M. Kraemer and Lorrain tate,
surer, Dept. Health, Assoc. of Assess- Martin; bride's mother, Mrs. George
ing Officers, Chamber of Commerce;. Glenn; groom's mother, Mrs. H. on Wednesday evening, Feb. llth,
K. Buchanan, De,, Smillie, Monteith Caldwell; bride's sister, Miss Flor- Hostesses, Mrs. Cook, Mrs Sherritt.
& Monteith. Horton and Cameron, enee Smith; groom's cousin, Mrs. W. 'Roll call, What I Did for. the Red
that we accept the resignation of Dr. Kyle. It was also Mrs. Wm. Bell's Cross This Year. Speaker, Mr. Cross.
Smillie from the Board of Health. wedding anniversary; Holiday Par- Motto, Great Glory' is not obtained,
Carried. Cameron and Kerslake, that ade, Jan. 1942; Robert Burns' birth- by never falling, but by rising every
the auditors report of Monteith .& day, Jan. 25; Highland Fling by Lila time we fall, Jean McQueen,., This
Monteith be accepted and sufficient Norris; recitation by Isabel Cald- will be, a special grandmothers' meet -
copies printed of same. Cameron and well • Feb, 14, Valentine, Joyce Bro•. ing. Grandmothers will describe their
Horton, that we refund $24 to the derick, Betty Mickle, Eleanor Cook, wedding clothes. Committee, - Mrs,
Chamber of Commerce for April 16, song, Elmer's Tune, tap dance; Mar. Weir, Mrs. Steer, Mrs. Passmore,
17 and Dec, 31 hall rent and amount 17, St. Patrick's Day, Irish Melodies Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Blowes, Mrs,
to be remitted to the Red Cross. Car- by Florence Welsh; Irish reading by Case,
Tied, Horton and Parkins, that we Mrs. Lanky Coleman; April, Blue The Senior Mission Circle held
grant the sum of $50 to the spring Birds over the White Cliffs of Dover, their regular meeting at the home of
seed and stock show. Carried. Bills Mr, S. G. Ronnie; May 24, Queen Mrs. Jean Morris, co -hostess, Mrs. C,
and accounts, Dept. of highways, for Victoria's birthday, recitation, Billy Hiscock, Margaret Shepherd presid-
road material, $236.74, Monteith & Campbell; June, Mrs. Glenn Slavin ed. The meeting opened with the
Monteith, auditing, $76; G. M. Case, as the Bride; July 1, John Bull; July theme song and a hymn followed by
coal, hall, $15,55; 0, Geiger & Son, 4th,Uncle Sam, taken by Mrs, Wm. the Lord's prayer. Scripture reading.
snow plowing $6; Tom Kyle, salary, Coland Mrs. M. Traquair; Sept, by June Sundercock; devotional was
$70; School board, current expense, Labor Day, songs, School Days,
$ Wil- ably given by Mrs. Byron Kyle; roll
1,000; Dr. Smillie, part salary, $9; ma Kyle and Hazel Smith, I'm A Lit- call, name of a missionary in China.
R. Dick, labor, rank, $25; C. Cooper, tle Teapot, by Claudette Blowes; re- Topic was given by Miss Douglas,
do., $1.25; M. McEwen, do., $8.60; citation by Shirley Caldwell;; Oct, China, City of Yen Ping, Fix Chow.,
Hydro Com., $37.15; Chamber of Thanksgiving, reading, Sybil Grant; Nanking. Business, quilts; social
Commerce, refund, $24; seed and Dec. 25th, Ch istntas, Chorus by the committee, E. Walsh, A. Funk, Mrs.
stock show, $50. Total $L550.29• pupils. Mrs. Simpson moved a vote Redden, Mrs. Mary Buchanan, Edna
Kerslake and Parkins, that the of thanks to everyone especially the Sundercock. Meeting closed with
bills and accounts be paid. Carried. parents and those who took part. God Save the King.
Horton and Parkins, that we appoint NIr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott of
Dr. Steer medical health officer at a Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Harold White STRONG AS CAST IRON
salary of $90 per annum. Carried, and daughter Beth and family of St.
Cameron and IZerslake, that bylaws Marys were Sunday visitors at the
Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, be given first and homof Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Petty.
second reading. Carried. Cameron Mrs, Charles Smith of St. Thomas
and Horton, that we adjourn until is spending a few days at the home
next regular meeting, March 2nd or of her cousin, Mrs. W. B. Cross.
the call of the reeve. Carried. Jas,A, The many friends of Mr. G. C.
Paterson,Clerk. Petty will be pleased to learn that
Mrs. Nicholson of Parkhill spent a he is improving nicely and is able to
few days recently with her son -in- be up for a short time each day.
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pte. Fred Beer of London spent
Hicks. Sunday with his wife and fancily.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Passmore of Thachuk-Pearce.- .
Delhi and LAC Ken Passmore of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hen-
Trenton visited over the week end sail, was the scene of a pretty wed -
with Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore.
After two years' continuous re-
search, Great Britain is to -day able
to introduce pottery into many new
fields of British industry to take the
place of metals, alloys, glass, rub-
ber and wood on the use of which
restrictions have inevitably :been
placed in war time.
High grade chemical stoneware
comparable with grey cast iron in
mechanical stregth can now be
used in place of metal for pipe lines
and also for packieg purposes either
in relatively small units or in bulk.
These novel ceramic wares have
certain advantages over the mater-
ials in former use. They resist rust
and contamination; they can be
turned into an Almost unlimited
number of shapes and sizes, and
Card of Thanks
Mrs, Wm, Houghton and family
with to thank their many friends and
neighbors fol' the kindness and Sym•
pethy shown them in their recent
sad bereavement, also those who sent
flowers or helped in the many differ,*
ent ways,
Auction Sale
Of Farm. Stock and Implements,
and Household Effects. Mr. Harold
Jackson, ,Auctioneer, has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
MStanley Township, 73i, miles north
of Brueefield, on Tuesday, Feb, 17,
at 1 pare; -
Horses -2 aged mares, 1, aged
horse, 1 mare 12 Years old. 2 fillies
3 and 4 years.
Cattle -3 fresh cows, le cow due in
March, 2 cows dee in April, 1 cow
and 1 heifer due in May, 2 yearling
heifers, 3 calves.
• Hogs -4 sow due in April, 4
chunks, 6 suckers, 22 pullets.
Implements-M,H. binder, 6 ft,
with pole truck; Deering mower and
rake; cultivator; 13 hoe M.H. drill
with fertiiator, 4 section harrows,
riding plow, walking plow, wagon and
hay rack, sleighs, buggy, cutter, set,
of 2000 lb. scales with stock plat-
form, Renfrew cream°separator; man -
urn spreader; disc harrow; fanning
mill, 2 sets double harness, brooder
stove, whifiiletrees, neckyokes, forks,
chains, shovels and other small
articles, root pulper.
Grain and Hay -About 400 bus.
oats, 125 bus, barley, 100 bus. mixed
grain, Some hay and sorghum. elan -
gels and potatoes.
Household Effects - Dining room
table and chairs, buffet, • china cab-
inet, chesterfield suite, 1 bedroom
suite, 3 beds and dressers, springs
and mattresses. Kitchen table and
chairs, Glass cupboard'. 2 conches.
Sewiug machine. Radio. Washing
machine, tub and boiler. 2 heater
stoves, coal oil stove with oven.
Rugs, mats, small tables, dishes,
sealers and other small articles.
Terms cash,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Bert McKay, Proprietor.
Three acres of land, adjacent to
village of Varna, including / acre of
garden,. about % acre orchard, bal-
ance in pasture. Also eight -room
house, barn, hen pen and pig pen,
good spring well and other conven-
iences. Apply to George Clarke or
Wm. G. Clarke, Varna, Ont.
Feed beans for. sale. Guaranteed
dry and hard. $1.00 per cwt. Lewis
Tebbutt, phone 665 r 11, Seaforth,
LAC Gerald Passmore of Uplands, for-
ding on Saturday, January 31st at
Ottawa, is spending two weeks leave 3 p.m. when Doris Irene, only dau-
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pass- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George
more. Pearce Sr. of Tillsonburg, and for -
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon of merly of Hensall, was united in mar- In rhe Estate of Francis Colema
Schonberg spent the week end with riage to Mr. John Thachuk, son of All ersons haulm n STOVE FOR SALE
friends in Hensall, also visiting the Nicholas Thachuk and the late Mrs, P g claims against
the Estate of Francis Coleman,. late , 1 cosy home Quebec stove, with
forme 's mother, Mrs, Kate Cantelon Eeter Thachuk. The Rev, M. A. Hunt of of the Villa a of Hensall in the oven. Burns wood and coal, Apply to
who is at present in hospital in Clin- Exeter officiated and the bride was Count of Huron Mrs. Jos. Hickey, North Main street,
ton. We are pleased to report that given in marriage by her father. She Y Gor about de -
P wore a floor length gown of ivory ceased, who died on or about the Seaforth, Ont.
Mrs, Cantelon is improving nicely. satin with finger length veil and car- they are proof against all corrosive 13th day of January, 1942, are
Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatricksatin
a bouquet of likes and roses 1 chemicals except hydrofluoric acid hereby notified to send in to the P
moved to London on Tuesday of this and forget-me-nots. The bridesmaid, and hot, strong caustic alkalis. undersigned on or before the 21st
week. , Miss Joyce Fairweather of Wood- The new day of February, 1942, full articu-
The Young Peoples Society of y pottery is, moreover, lars of their claims. p
Carmel Presbyterian Church held a stock, wore pale blue net over gene-
prepared with such scientific thor- Immediatel after
most enjoyable skating party on gette and carried a bouquet of roses ou hness and fired in the kilns at mentioned .date,the assets flof the
Tuesday evening. After skating a so. and forget -me -mots. The groom was g said estate will be distributed WINTHROP CHOPPING MILL
tial hour was spent in the school attended by George Pearce of Ham- such a high temperature, 1250 de- amon st the
room of the church. Coffee and ilton, brother of the bride. After the grees C. or more, that, in compres- g parties entitled thereto,
doughnuts were served, ceremony at the church a reception'sion strength it resembles metals having regard. only to claims of Complete line of Shur -Gain Stock
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs g which the undersigned shall then and Poultry Feeds. We wish to thank
Church Services.- Robert Dalrymple of Tuckersmith, rather than the fragile china orhave notice, to the exclusion of all ! he our
new customers
Rev. Wm. Weir was in his own P earthenware oranaments • of the others,. and the undersigned will not
pulpit in Carmel Presbyterian church The bride's mother, who assisted ing throughout the distriict. We uaran-
both morning:and evening. At the receiving the guests, wore a navy home, claim liable uto any person l whose g g
g• the undersigned shall not then tee satisfaction on all your chopping
morning' service Mr. Weir gave a and red ensemble with a corsage of New applications of ceramic mat- requirements. Ephriam Haase,
short address to the boys and girls roses. The home of Mr. and Mrs. erials have also been introduced in
on God's All Seeing Eye and took his Dalrymple was nicely decorated in recent months to textiles •ra on
Notice To Creditors
Fahey Quality Aptinots
lb , ,•,,, 27c
3' Crown Choice Quality
Currants, 2 lb. ,,,...,.21e
3 Crown Seedless Raisins
2 lb, 23e
Whyte's Pure Lard, 2 lb. , . 27c
Sehneidor's Pere Lard
3 lb. 45c
Pastry Flour -24 lb. 690
Japan Tea, Green, lb 39c
Bulk Soda Biscuits • . , ....... , .
Tender Leaf Tea, pitge. '.. , , 37c
Club Rouse Coffee, lb..53c 53c
Detre Choice Walnuts
14 lb. 15e
Rose Brand Baking Powder •
Ib, tin . ,., ; . 17e
2 Large Kellogg's Corn Flakes
& 1 Fancy Glass
all for 23c
Swans -Down Flour, pkge. , 33c
One Pkge, Post Toasties &
:one pkge, Grape Nut Flakes
for 16e
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 2Ito. 19c
`. I. Finnigan
In Memoriam
CONND+LL-Iii loving memory of
George James Connell, who passed
away Feb, 7th, 1941.
His life was one long sacrifice,
His heart was true and tender;
He toiled so hard for those he loved
And left us to remember.
-Sadly missed by wife and family.
Tenders wanted for six cords of
hardwood, 3¢ maple and ',z beech,
20" long, for S.S. No, 5 , Tucker -
smith. Tenders to be in by Feb. 14,
and wood to be delivered by Mar lot,
Hugh Chesney, Seo: Treas„ R. R. 4,
A hired girl for a family of three
adults in the country. Phone 847 r 2.
One pure bred Shorthorn bull, 12
months old. Priced reasonably. Tele-
phone 658 r 4, Seaforth. Harry Nor-
ris, R. R. 3, Kippen.
100 acres choice land, very hest. 8
acres hardwood bush, 2 real good
barns and stabling. Frame house,
drive shed. Lot 21, Con. 12, Hibbert.
Property of Arnold Westlake.
A snow suit size 12. Rubber gal-
oshes size 12. Dress. Leather mitts.
Apply to Mrs. Walmsley, Centre
street, Seaforth, ,
A colony house. Phone 655r22, Sea -
forth. '
A rubber tire tpp buggy in. good
condition Apply to Mrs. Ed Rowland,
St. Columban.
120. acres -mile east of Walton.
Large bank barn. Frame house.
Gravel pit. Apply to Frank Fingland,
Clinton; or Alex Kerr, Seaforth.
text from John 14-23, "If a Man Pink and silver. After a short hon -4 Y ,
Love Me He Will Keep My Words." eymoon to Niagara Falls and St. Ca- paper -making, printing, soap, per -
Morning anthem. "My Soul Longeth therines the young couple will reside fumety, cosmetics, brewing and
for Thee." Evening anthem, "I Can- in Woodstock. They were the recip- food manufacture industries and to
not Know." Services in the United ients of a number of useful and many branches of the chemical,
Church were well attended on Sun- cosbly gifts. metallurgical day last with the minister, Rev. R. A. Guests present were: Mr. Daniel gi 1 and electrical indus-
Brook, in charge. Morning anthem, Ross, Mr. Percy Sales, Mr. and Mrs. tries.
"Incline Thine Ear." Evening anth- Arthur Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey i
em. "God Is Our Refuge." Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Youthful Father -"Our baby is
Rev. M. A. Hunt dispensed coin- Lachlan, all of Kippen; Mr. and Mrs beginning to recite, "Baa, baa,
minion in St. Paul's Church at the Walter Madge, of Hensall; Mrs. Nor -
black sheep,have wool?"
service. val Jones of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. you any wool.
The regular monthly meeting of Ed. Chappell of Cromarty; Mr. and , Neighbor -"And he's only eight
the W.M.S. of the United Church Mrs. George Pearce Jr. of Hamilton, months old?"
will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce Sr. of Father -"Well, he doesn't say all
Cook on Thursday afternoon of this Tillsonburg; Miss Joyce Fairweather, of it yet, but he's got as far 'es the
week. Special meeting for payment Mrs. Spencer, Me. PercyJarvis all of
of fees. Lunch will be served. Woodstock. 'Be baa'."
Several members of the Women's The February meeting of the Hen-
Institute met in the council chambers sail Women's Institute will be held "I hear your friend Tamson's
on Tuesday evening and packed 12 at the home of Mee and Mrs. Cook married again."
! "Aye, so he is. He's been a dear
frien' the me. He's cost me three
weddin' presents and two wraths."
New! Smart! Fast!
A Melburn E. Turner Production
Gay Costumes. Colorful Scenery. Catchy
Music. Thrilling War Tunes
Smart Dances. Two Big Acts
Thurs.-Fri.,Feb.12-13 8.30 P.M.
Admission 50 dents.' Reserved section, ten cents additional.
Plan open at MoKindsey's Drug Store, Saturday Feb. 7
Matinee Thursday 2.15 for School Pupils --15c
Get your Tickets now from any member of Red Cross or cast, Don't delay
Men of 30, 40, 50
PEP, ThEr VIGOR, Subnormal?
Want normal pep, vim, 'Igoe} vitality?
Try Oatrex Tonia,q'Pableta. "Contains
tonics, -)stimulants, oyster elements -
aids to normal pep atter 30, 40 or 60.
Get a special Introductory size for only
Md. Try this oldtonormal pep and vim
today. For sate at all good drug •stores.
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated ab Seaforth this 27th day
of January, 1942.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Good 100 acres of land in Hibbert
Township. Water in both house and
barn. Good buldings. Barns 60x40,
and 50x30, large drive shed 28x40;
ten acres of bush. Apply at The News
Notice To Creditors I FOR SALE
For mineral for cattle, pigs or
poultry, see your Watkins dealer.
!Wm. Bradshaw, 3 blocks easb of
Seaforth public library.
In the Estate of William John
All persons having claims against
the Estate of William John Dever-
eaux, late of the Township of Tuck-
ersmith, in the County of Huron,
Drover, deceased, who died on or
about the 4th day of December,
1941, are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on or before the
13th day of February, 1942, full
particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not
then have notice for the assets so
distributed or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this
23rd day of January, 1942.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executor.
JOHN BACH, Seaforth
100 acres, lot 3, con. 5, H,R.S.,
Tuckersmith, 85 acres good grass
land, 15 acres bush land, plentiful
water supply. Reasonably priced.
John Sproat Estate. Apply at News
To supply 15 cords of 14" green
body wood two thirds maple and 1/3
beech to 17. 8. S. No, 1, McKillop &
Logan. Tenders to be in Feb. 10.
' Wood to be delivered by April 1. Ap-
ply to James Nolan, R. R.#5, Sea-
forth, (See.-Treas.).
Personal Rubber Goods mailed postpaid, in
6samled lC5smpl $ 00.
Please state age. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231,
Hamilton, Ontario.
We have on hand a quantity .of flax seed
for feeding purposes. We are also .supplying
a number of farmers with our Flax Shives
for bedding. For information and prices on
the above articles. call Rooky F. P, Ltd.,.
Phone 24, Seaforth.
Life, Eire, Auto, Sickness R Accid
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds,
Rates reasonable. M1 risks placed
in first class companies.
i at"r,nn'rc,u cneerfull v ph en
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell', H. Glenn Hays.
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron •
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ng, Seaforth. Office hours;-
ours;Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
I:30 p.tn, to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m, to 9 p. m.
Funeral ral ' prnirg
Special and Careful Attention
Office Residence
Main St. Jarvis .St.
43 18
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm. Knox, Londesboro
Vice President, W. R. Archibald'
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A
Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R. R.1, Dublin; Joh¢
E, Pepper, R. R.1, Brucefield; J. F
Prueter, Br'odhagen; James Watt
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William.
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;.
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R..
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex MoEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. B. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D.,.Graduate of
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday to every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday In
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
in Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate iir Medicine, University
of Toronto. ,Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267. -