HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-02-05, Page 6INVENTa.; f. r. f ... 1Ytft AR NCE Men's Cotton Work Gloves ON SALE, PAIR 15c, Men's Heavy Weight Work Sox ON SALE 23c pr. Men's Winter Weight Work Shirts ON SALE 79c MEN'S FANCY TIES SMART PATTERNS SOME 49c VALUE ON SALE 29c Men's Pullover SWEATERS A REAL SNAP ON SALE 98c SALE! THURSDAY, 9 a.m. FOLKS - This is the greatest Sale we have yet undertaken. Cost is forgotten. We are out to clear all our surplus stock. Odd lines and our regular as well. Everything goes on sale. Prices speak louder than words. A word to the wise is sufficient. Men's Glove Leather JACKETS. Pony weight Horsehide. Sold all over $12.95. On sale 95 1 BoWoyo'sl Sweaters Brushed ®0 g ON SALE ... Sits GROUP 1. 25 Men's Suits, some with two pairs of pants. On Sale $13.95 GROUP 2. 30 Men's Suits, stripes and plain colors. On sale $17.95 GROUP 3 27 Men's Suits and Young Men's Suits, On Sale $ 19.50 GROUP 4. Serges, blue, lent quality, I for men and 1 Sale at steel grey, excel - smartly tailored young men. On $21.95 SWEATERS 0 a Boys' Check • ON SALE ,.,i Men's Fancy Pullover Sweaters SOME WITH ZIPPERS ON SALE 1.98 MEN'S BRUSHED WOOL Sweater Cardigans Windbreaker Style with Full Zippers ON SALE 2.59 Men's Cloth WINDBREAKERS In Brown & Blue, with full zipper 2.98 Same in Boy's $1.98 MEN'S JUMBO SWEATER All Wool 1.98 Nen a Cardigans 1.98 Men's Coats • 50 COATS TO CLEAR AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Group 1- Meltons and Silvertones, smartly tailored. To clear $12.95 Group 2 - Brown, blue, blue grey, swagger style, raglan sleeves. To clear $14.95 Group 3 - Tweeds, checks, extra heavy cloth. On sale $1'5.85 Men's Fine Shirts MEN'S DRESS A real snap HATS On Sale ....,..... 98c On Sale Men's 8 oz. Overalls COMBINATIONS Heavy denim OVERALLS $1.39 A real buy .. $1.59 KitSPEO Mace. • $1.49 Very Special Reductions on Men's and boy's Underwear Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers ... 69 c Men's Fleece Lined Com- binations . , ...1.39 Penman's All Wool Shirts and Drawers. $2.25 va- lue. On sale ....1.69 Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers. Broken lines. On sale 97t Same in Combinations On sale 1.79 Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers. On sale 88c Men's Plum Knit Combin- ations. $1.45 value. ° On sale 98c Boys' Fleece Lined Comb- inations. On sale at 69c MEN'S HORSEHIDE WORK GLOVES With high cuff. On sale 69c OVVIANYVVWWliA MEN'S SKI CAPS. - On Sale OWINIAIIMARANIA 74c BOYS' LEATHER AVIATOR CAPS. - On sale '. WWWWWWWWIN 89c MEN'S CAPS. -With fur -lined earlaps. 75c 98c value. For IARAIWWWWW MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS. - On sale at 1.39 MEN'S POLICE BOOTS. -Leather lined Fine quality leather. On sale ..395 MEN'S BROGUES. -Grained leather. On sale RANINVINIAIWIN MEN'S BLACK OXF'ORDS.- On sale at 2.98 2.25 a Ladies' Handkerchiefs Sale 3 FOR 'Sc Children's Knitted Suits - On sale 89c. Children's Silk Dresses - On sale 98c Boys' and Girls' Snowsuits 2.49 On sale Children's Patent Slippers -Up to size 2. On sale 98c Ladies' Oxfords. - On sale 1.69 Ladies' Kid Oxfords. - Arch support. EEE. On sale 1.95 Ladies' Dress Shoes. - To clear 1.89 Men's Heavy Flannelette Pajamas On sale $1,39 Men's & Young Men's TWEED PANTS MEN'S KNEE Permanent crease. Smartly tailored, at a price you don't RUBBER BOOTS want to miss On Sale $2.95 On sale $1.89 ummisamaimmounimmomm LADIES' COTTON . HOSE ALL sIzEs ON SALE, PAIR 19c One Rack of HOUSE DRESSES ODD SIZES. ALL COLORS ON SALE 59c MON Ladies' Flannelette NIGHT DRESSES ON SALE 59c LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS Large. Medium WHITE AND TEAROSE ON SALE 29c LADIES! EXTRA SPECIAL ! BATH TOWELS 19c Children's Fleece lined BLOOMERS ON SALE 24c Striped TERRY TOWELS 23c Ladies' Pure Wool CARDIGANS NAVY. RUST. ROYAL, ON SALE 1.89 Ladies' Silk Slip 49c Ladies' Silk Hose PAIR 23c HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN Silk BEDSPREADS DOUBLE BED SIZE ON SALE 1.09 MAIN STREET F SEAF OPPOSITE POST OFFICE RTH