HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-26, Page 4p* if:t'i$ils'1.Oi a c4R^ ' 1 Mg/010 I. rig,H. U0Qf1 ROSH, Pnysleienaud Burgeon el ptt99tt Af tgtti $ 8eeente,I of $ye, 7far 1NG A 1 {4 Throat, aandreatdeeee nehind Dominlon!Mak. Phone No, G, ,Reeideaoe Phone No, 106 rat, I^, J. BI Mt66QW13 Bwaforth OftMe and r a ldoneee-gpderleh utr0et, east of the Math 04id °hued), Coroner fnr County of Huron phone No, 1.0. vitae. 1300'er •96Ani el', eh/Omens and 911rgeene. Goderloh 9treel, eppoltte Been • Ohurob, Oeeforth, ROTA Braw,(mateViotorlaa dAnnArbor, and Ilemher of Ontario College id Ph siclans and Aurgeoue. Cormier for Oonnty o! Rurott, )540K 0, honorraduate Trinity University, geld medalist rll,ii'ty Medical College. Member of Collegeof eysivaus end 6urgeon6, muerte, R, GE0. HEILEMAN, Ostep thio Specialist Ar In Women's end Ohllcroure diseaseeand RhGumatie troubles, Aoute a'd. Chrnntc dlsord ere, iter, Eye,: Nose and Throat Adenoid re. movedwithout theknlfe. Censultatlon free. Rey al .Hotel (588.6ay, 8 San, to 6 p.'o.;Friday 8 a,m, to bpm fed by JOHN Licenses Ft olawSas rth insurane Are yea 31you ore, a postcard will get cue races calico;? J. D. ill9 HLEY. G0(0r01 Agent for London Life Insurance Co., and imumitd Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. Tames Watson General. Fire, Lite and Accident insurance Agent and denier In dewing Ideohinee. Main Street, Reafo1 h, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance M u rattcaGo,11 Parch tenet isolated Town l Property Only insured. i J, F. SNONO PU DON EDITOR AND PU9LISHER 11011 gURVilygl @1 a 04. Is ISSUER EVERY TI3ifRHOAY From the Office MAIN ST, SF,A,PORTHI ONT• Phone 84 1Cveufng les ,sew SUBSCRIPTION Uou dollarer year, Oddly in wive nob if not pard in 8(van08, one (teller and a half will be chargee, United 6tatee peeing. ally 000;0 extol, 0triekly fn sdvolved. When subNOrlbers chaange their nddreee notice should 1,01 ant tie Immediately, giving scribers wilth the l conferd eR the by no ifyinguus of any lrregelarity of delivery, Rending Notlees-No reeding notice, advertising Pay entertainment or matter by which. money re to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tax News without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of business announcements Is TEN cents per count line each Insertlou to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per ono each Insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Card of Tbanke 5 to 9 llnee, 90 cents, Judicial, Lagal, Official and Govern- ment Nothree--Ten cents per line for first lneertlon and ave cents per line for each subeeggat ineertlon, Yearly cards-Profeesioaal Cards, not exeeeding one Inch, will be inserted for 85,00 her year, nevabie etrlctly In advance Display advertising --Rates furnished on application, Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid," and those sent without written 3netrllcticne will appear until ritten orders are received for their dis- continuance, Lettere to the Editor must be accent - Peeled by the writer's own signature, not faith, The publisht er acgcepts no r seen siblilty whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics win not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for Nth .matter Is tea cents per line.. OFFICERS' Jere 4 1,1,01(5' taderirh,- Prealdeat. James Evans, heeahwtod, Vice-Prei,ident. Tsomaa Hays, Seaforth, Sae . -Peens Director. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Wlathrop W. Rhin, ConDmn06' John Bennewetr, Brodghagen• Robert Ferris, 'Harlock; Malcom Mc":on, Clinton:. t; McCartney Seaforib Issue Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evan.. Beechwood. Agent. � Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. HIao'ler, Seafott" Chesney Egmondvllle• J. W. Ye., Splmesvnle; R. d. Jarmouth, Brodhaa.e• Jalre, Eery and John Govenioedt, Seaforth, evertors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trona • other buehtese will be promptly att.•eded en applcationto any of the above officers, address le theirrespective9osto9lres, 'rhe Original and Only Genuine • Beware of Imitations f atrons Sold on the aterits General Observations Peter MoArthnr 81ya' many people are afraid of Santa Claus this year he, cause he is of Gerinau extraction. Tut! Tut! Peter, The Germans did not have Santa at all. The writer thirty yogi's ago had a letter from a German Professor of a 'Toronto Uni- versity who said "Germans do not have any Santa Clone. It is the God Child who comes to (Germans on Christ- mas eve and not Santa Olaus," There you are. Little folks Wray still have their Santa Clans and enjoy him as al- ways. b'6 Chr tetmaa may tt 'sill he real a r a thing � n g to Canadians, .Eorient, y(4trs, the un- certain t n- certettill ' end t t1 tl t re 1 anxiety that ll t a 11111 g likeathe over all w 1 uthl,p rOvented 01 i ally spontaneous c'•Iubr'atl on to thin Millard's ow,. ("1' le felt it was not eeeuli *0 I,inrmeat I inrl'llIle. 4)l:heold -t nn. r.yr vitieswhile their 11tett.r''0 wet, risking tle:.1' lives tnl the nt,St'Oti;,id 'Plant 9111iety to rSade SCRANTON COJL w. L. nu, Sedfor•cll. phone 130 A Business Without a proper systin of adver- tlsin is like a [Rotor without the 4. power dee Seaforth News u'vtaiRTISeill;NT.s will supply the realred energy Meant evenhtps127 part and. .. not forgetting those who teal' giver th'.i1' all, there aid he a holy joy t1,:v chsist,nee that LI, world hoe noval'soen before, L'hristtuue bru.gs to mints the unite- of Immenity, became .,ur l.reti,er t1,o' man- kind anger h( i'ruth'.'s iu (.int, 1d! members of one 15(01!)' ander the Fath- erinwei of rod, It is bee/meet/as truth is forgetter. telt man en often shows "inrlumauity to 111511 " Th8 (lhttrclt (u,tl Labor lJni ens and Socialism today require to great) mid make real this great fact, if the world is to be made better by the lives lost, in the war, Let the returning man feel that lye hold out a brothers hand to him on his ro- tten AT REST FUNERAL OF JOHN SCARLILTT The funeral of the late John Scarlett was held on Friday afternoon and was ons of the largest seen fn this part of the country since the death of the late B. B, Gunn, M P. The folds of the Union Jack, covered the casket on which was placed his Orange saah end Past Master's Jewel which had been worn with go mach pleasure 061 life. 138antifo1 wreathe had been sent by the Grand Pdeek Chapter of Ont- ario West, Jubilee Chapter, Winthrop Ledge, the faintly, azul the brothers 'Phe funeral was under the Auspices of the of the jubilee Preemptory, No 161 0!n r > ito 1. Rev. Mr, Moulton acted h ea a ot 'n and lain aI rex. the t beau "4)l. e:, tl f a THIS AF QR I' 1 viae of the Sleek 0ilapter, rhe Orattg aervl09 was read yiy 13roa, john Billi- ard and William Rinne)', a Peet. Omni ty Mseter of Winthrop, The Rev. Mr Smith of Brusaole, teed the impresaive burial aerviee of the Anglioun Church Thus was solemnly laid away to await the reettrt'bctiou morn, the re maiva of 0118 of Nature's Gnevt typos of manhood, whose eyrupattlfes were world wide and comprehensive, '1'0 the bereaved widow, formerly Mise Anuie Lovet, and to the family the sympathy of all le given; A Safe Pill for Sufferers, -'('here are pills that violently purge and fill the atona0h and intestines with pain Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and etfeotive. They are purely vege- table, no mineral purgative entering into ;Heir composition and their effect is sootlriug and beneficial, Try them and be convinced, Tltousonds can at- test their curative qualities because thousands owe their health and atrepgth to timely use of this most effective medioiue. Lantern Slides Free Sets of Lantern Slides, illustrating the various steps in the invalided sot- dier'a climb back, from "down and out" to "up and in again", proved very popular last winter all over Canada, as well alien shipboard among the re - tenting soldiers themselves We are informed by the Editorial Branch of the Department of Soldiers ;Bail lie-Eotablishtnent that the slides hlive been thoroughly overhauled and many hew pictures have been added,. while new and tip -to -date lectures mat- erial has been written 'I'lle new seta are um being Beet out, free of charge, On loan to IIihiatere and ether responsible speakers who realize the vital need of spreading infornlat- 1i11 on this groat national enterprise among all (daises of the people, Postero to announce the leuture arc supplied in advance. Saving, A National Policy The saving of money, which was con sielored wise policy dnriug the war, must 4)e contiuued by Canadians Hurt iug the period of reconstruction, As a people, we must save in order to pre- 681ve. It will take aline time to pay the oost of the war, Besides the great atruggle brought nationalburdensin the faun of huge ineerest chargee and pan-. 0200 that will long remain, These will be s•IoceaBfully carried out in propor- tion only as our people save. Fortunately to -day saving is made (any The cost of the greut war has demonstrated Steri t n every e Y 0118 theabsolute slut 0 necessity of it The heavy taxes that have Followed and that' w(1I remain are [roust alitreminder tha L and economy ' san'u:g ere essential to the welfare of the nation. Three iuliuenoeehave prep. 5re,l the tray for the Introduction of III :tans! saving plans, The (Sandier' War Slvinga flan is Su a load us to ntuke saving easy on the I,r1 of ail, no matter how smell may he tiled' eartllfg power. The rate el ,ut"'est; which is a little over 44 per re t compounded half -yearly is good, hour dullara invested in a War tiavinga 4. ramp during December or January wilt bring 13 1111 in Ig24, There is no tralt• Nuthil:g could be safer that, '[nada and Canada standsbehindthe .0' tiavluga Stamps. REO CROSS Toronto, Ont, Deo. 23 IS Alta L 1teLa0uy, Seaforth, llsadquarto's of Canadian Red Owes Society extends to all officers Brunches and cwxiIlarise of the Society ,their cordial best wiahos for a Christ MOS gleddeued by the thought of good work doue and of suffering relieved. For a New Year's mo0tto the will take the words of our Chief Commfasicnerin a report just issued, "Until the last Canadian soldier who suffered himself a barrier between tie and deatruotiol is discharged from the hospital, we must march forward under the banner of the Red Orosa. Noel Marshall The Proven Asthma-Jlemody. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded romediee, but they Have proved short lived and woethleso. The ovor.growing reputation of Dv, J. I ellog's Asthma Remedy has given it a place iu tbo field of medicine which NEWS HENS ARE NOW LAYING' -By Lighting Pena Till 9 p.n1, Egg Production Nearly Doubled. Cense, Symptoms and Otere of Ring- worm Explained -As It 1•s Very Contagions the Stockman Must, Take Great Precautions to Pre- vent Its Spread, (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto,) ()SPEY everybody who is keeping poultry 'wanks to get eggs in winter. Gener- ally speaking, the number of "eggs gradually goes down froth week to week from September to January and then there is a slow but gradual increase until March; April and May, which in Ontario are the best months for egg production, It le unusual, and 1n most cases very unwise, to publish figures in re- gard to experiments until the -ma- terial has been very thoroughly test- ed, but in this particular case, con- sidering the high cost of feeds and the general scarcity of new laid eggs, eve are giving the figures on a rather short test of but four weeks' dura- tion, The results appear to be gen- erally truein all pens,testedand are in accord with results obtained else- where, The increase in egg yield has been obtained by' the use of electric lights, or molt/Aging the day., The facts of .the matter appear to be that a hen's orop is too small a reservoir to hold sumHcicnt feed for the long night, _ A hen, to lay, must have a surplus of feed oyer and above that required f0r body maintenance. In these particular trials, the re- sults of which are given below, the lights were turned on at dusk and were turned off at nine o'clock at night. The birds get their first teed in the morning aL seven o'clock and a few dull mornings ;require lights forabout one hour. The usual feed of grain given, at about four to five O'clock in the after- noon is missed or only a handful or two of grain -is given to twenty-five birds, simply to keep theta moving 'a little, The full fend is given at about eight o'clock. The following results have been secured:- No. of birds. W ' N 01 Ia e1 w N -1 re re o .n ,n t ti 0) 10 co N N0 to r+ N 0) O 0o m to w 10 a w et, 10 0 N m n o -n y or -M 10 ea 10 to (0 ,-1 u, t 10 ,-1 c"U• .01 jil dA 0'd r. A- 0' of F.vwSa el to beNFI."'-,-, 'd a ?o.141.04'1:, be '-" 111115, m ••' et - 'R, 7.4u y' A a y " q.°.; ^, crc, al el'-, 'd W od 1%..4pv k7r0o3od,A'vx.401 0,.-, aO oaa0 O 0 -, In ire tD '�91 ... ,n N 08 I. There are many people keeping poultry who have no electric lights. Fair to good results have been se- cured elsewhere suwhere by using g ordlna r Y barn lanterns, The danger r f , the when using lanterns is urate rially in- creased. We have not tested these as yet but !tope to have them under way 1 soon. For electric lighting we use throe ordinary bulbs for a pen of one ' hundred birds, or one light in a twenty -eve bird pew --Prof. R. W, c Graha19 O, A. College, Guelph, • U Ringworm, Ringworm is a eentagious'disease lc to which all cleave: of animals, and e man, aro subosel. 1, Calves and young cattle appear to f be More susceptible to the trouble than other animals, but no age ren- ders an annual imwnue. It is p(11,"ly s a skin disease, and is due to 111e n presence of a vegetable parasite, 11 which is readily capable of being con- y veyed from one animal to another by 'l, direct contact, the Mande of the at- tendant, pails, stable utensils, cloth- tl lag, harness, saddles, blankets, the a 00118,101 of one animal With the stalls, w etc., of affected animals, etc. In like It manner, Cur'r'y-conbs, brushes, rub- r bing cloths, etc., that are used on Ili affected animals of any class, if used h on other animals, become a fertile cause of infection, Symptoms, -While any part of the Il animal may bo the seat of the dis- ease, the skin around the eyes and 11 of the face, and on the neck null 111 back, appears to be the favorite seat, w It h1 th ve !u The Advantage o Royal Blood By EUNICE BLAKE 1'he village of Quuea dune ou the south Atlantic' (oust ons named tor the queen will) ons on the throne of tiuglaud Mimi the place was settled, A natural 0011 of Klug Chnrie$ 11, 09. ted out the expedition !hut made 1 tillage on what was then en uniphalr' lied ocean shale. tle carne out llitn- self, mei hie progeny 11019 ining184 With that of Cite other seitlero. The consequence. was 1114); at the middle '06 the nineteenth century every inliubi- tent of Queen Anne could begat that he had royal bleu In his value. Notwithstanding the aristocratic at- mosphere of the place, nearly all the men as soon as they became old enough to strike out for themselves left for more active reel me, leaving the womeu hotline thein, teI:Meetly tome persons who desiI'ed :, restful place to Live .would settle iu Queen Anne, but after staying there 00me time, finding that mine of'tlle residents called on then!, Moved away. The consequence of this e0usidersbie going and FuconsldOrttble corning was that in time, the village was reduced to sot; era1 hundred hidden Indies, all of coy al blood. One oL those 110(901118 who had itt- tempted to make tl home in Queen Anne was a 1119y 'twined Rutledge; froth the state of Alabtlmtt, She was an in- valid and her - t •s pl � ie Ian recommended her to change her reeldeu,•e to the sea- shore. Her husbtuld wits obliged to. wake a trip to Caroms Juni lett home the day his wife started for Queen Anne, he going to New Turk fur the purpose of crossing the 005au. .(Iles. Rutledge, who was 'a ladylike :woman,. alole.,10nd needing attention, was dismayed to tlild that, nut haptics royal blood In her (01ne like the other:;, she was left silt ll) 1110 101(1 by the citizens of. Queen .lout. She remained there; however, till hir husband re• turned to Amerlea, thea Jolucd him tit their old house iu Alabnulu, where slie died only u few weeks ;tiler their re 0111010.. Oce day ,a gentleman aged forty'., well bred and opearently heviu4 pleb 1e, of tnouey, went to Queen Auuo, look. ed' over the place, expressed Meisel!' .plensed with it and env(' our that he intended to settle there. The ladies of the place soon Ienrued that the new• cower Was n widower. In a place di vessel of men the ;nutter of royal blood when an uuwtu'riea wen WAS considered suddenly coaxed to be of overweening imporb.ulce. Every weld en of marriageable age was in n nut ter. Every maiden dived into old chests to get out tiuury that had been brought front England long before that she might moderuv're ft' and Wake use of it to catch the widower.. . The stranger had not been in Queen Anne a week before It •was learned that he was indisposed. 'Miss ('hal mondelny, who lived opposite hie house, first because aware of lhls fact and hastened to send over delicacies The news cw s rand (10W11 n th( broad street t Ott un either side of which the Inge was 1)11118, and everybody, even to the uttermost ttermost cud of the town, sent broth or jelly M. fruit Or s l) WM other lelicacv toh ( e invalid Ilad he consumed ill bo roeeit'ed he would have, soon died of overeating, Mt it ie tiuesl9uuable If lie ate any of t. Ills servants esetelaty tool such u least as never befurc. The Invalid re• overed and foetid an acrutnululiun of '11rtls heat'ily; the 1111111'8 of the d0110re f the delicacies deer had been sent dim which filler] a seethe. wiske' bee; et. At eosin tin lie 15110 111,le he began tilling 0l) the Indic.':, who had f11vorell 1110 and did h01 11 u:r till he had hacked e1'01)' one of them in person, 'I'I1le required time. but when liuleli d 1111) stranger 11164 a mining mem:11M l).'1' with ceet'y Ilniy in Queen Anne 11016 were very l:ll 111111 001110 t•e:•y uuug• These he I'arured but (ewe. hose ul' a marriageable age be crude list of, and there tens ti0t a day or n evening that he did not melte as 1(11)' ;'11118 its the hours would admit was evident to every \venatn in the ;Mage 61,nt ht' was looking tor n wile, id every unmarried woman ;tae hope 11. 1Vhnt the enamor sltid to theme la es, what hopes he eeellad 111 cath can't. ucvet• becau,t e':mnluu property. lough there was a good deal of spec etfon as to what fuetuulite spinster Uuhl secure the prize. At one time wont(appear atter the bite had been tzziug fur awhile un a single Cower at he was about to 0light, but the ry next day he would he seen seek g honey Prow a different source. one horning Mies (lhnlnroudelay 011 The first symptom shown is usual- ly an itchiness, wit1n11 Is followed by a slight torus of eruption, which soon assumes the appearance of little yel- lowish scales of a circular form, the mass scales terming a circular space, hence the term "ringworm." A var- iable number of these circular patches may be noticed ou different parts -of the body, Treatment, ---It is necessary that great care be taken to avoid the Mon- veyance of the virus front the dis- eased to healthy animals, Where practicable, it is well to remove all non-infected animals to non-1111e0Lal premises. The infected premises should be disinfected, by thorough- ly sweeping and dusting, and then giving a thorough coat: of an ivaeott- cidc, as a hot 10 Per rent of 0110 of. the coal ler antlseptlels or carbolic acid, or a Coat or hot lime wash with 6 per cent, Carbolic acid. - Local treatment consists in 000is- entng 111e scales with warm water 4)d soap, or sweet oil, removing them n order to expose the Unprotected nrfaeee of the affected ar 'eas. An nsecticide, as tincture of iodine should be applilald 0110 or 958100 daily until elated. J » 14rORION . Eights* illi;• .. 46iWbloli a no other can'approech. It hes never 1 s been pushed bysensational al me pthode, 1 but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new donverte, 1 • rising looked between the slats at the house opposite. The tl0009 and win dews were closed, and the premises seemed deserted, That day each and every marriageable woman received n pole, whirl' read as fultlnws: I have deemed 1114); shied there Is no royal blend 18 my veins' it Is not seem!,• 1 should unite with the descendant. of a long, There notes were signed "Rutledge. No one could explain what the strenger Menet by his otraugo conduct tilt one of them dfeeovere4 that this was the name of the dnvnlltl Indy who had re cantly been among them liar a tlin0 each recipient kept her Secret but one. after another linnlly told, and the whole thing (ante o11l Then 8boy • uutlelwtuod that they ha,l ,y one and n1! Leen pnnisb0d for their heertlessnesa to the WIre of the Iran they had boned to Match, Thulrsa ►yr Deeein)er 26 'OA13CARE'P t' WORK wmI E You I3 EP For Dick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggleh leiver and goWela•-• Take Cascarets tonight. Furled Tongue, Bad Taste, rndiges- Bon, Sallow' Skin and Miserable Ilead- aohe., owns from a torpid liver and 710gge4 ,boWele, W!1!011 cause your atone, .wit to become filled ivibh undigested food, whioh sours and fornicate like gar. bage la a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery. -indigestion, foul eaees, bad 'breath, yellow skin, mental tears, everything that is horrible and :tatmeating. A Oaaearet to -night will give your constipated bowela a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning, They work while you elect(- a lfecent box from your druggist will `'(8p you feeling good for months. Notice Rooidonts of the Township 1,f Mulcll lop who require coal are required to forward a written request to J. M Gov- e'nlook who has been appointed Fuel Controller for the Municipality of Mee. Killip. Only those who have no wood or rail femme need apply, as the quan- tity of coal promised MoKillop is limit ed, 13y Order of the 0euu0il, h1. Mudie, Clerk Tor Freedom and the Right "THE ALLIES" 1..11...0. The above is the title of n most interesting War. Album issued by The Family Herald. and Weekly Star, of Montreal.. It hi brimful- of useful information from 0080r to Soyer . T re front cover page is a moat beautiful design am -- bruiting the flees of flags of all th Allies, It is. a clever( artistic offer The Album contains the Nage in polar of all the Attlee. It tells in full th story of the "trident .luck" and "01 Glory", it gives the date and maser for entry of each of the allies into the War. It gives the system of Govern- ment of each, aslo population, area, etc ate. It contains the Nations Songs of Great Britain, ranee and the United States, a well as a great many of the popular ongs such as "Tipperary," 'Long Long Pratt," "Good Byte Broad- way," "Over There," etc eto. It tort tains a diary of the war 0(4)00 its com- mencement up to to time of going to going to press, with blank space on which the recipient Wrap fill in fatale, dates and have the complete history. The Album is one, you .would buy op sight at any reasonable price, but is not for sale. 11 is absolutely free to all who subscribe to The Family Herald and Weekly Star for 0 1919 Y The year- ly subscription priors is $1.28, We have made a (dubbing oon'binntinn with the Family Herald and d ono offer that great eat Ati eekly with toe Albion and Nowa for $9,80, The offer of the .Album is for a Bruited time only. Order 'hoe and be sure of a 0ony, The Family Gerald does 'tot cuutiune such an offer udefinitely. A 8511111)11' of the A1bi.fe. may be. seen at this ediee. CHURCH NEWS ems gad 8r;tile Head are A11a(t 16 es of °Marge,ex- epttlose rogltrdhlgeteetln e where an 845(180606 fee ria, `'barged Tho rate for ,mall ,'- bolltg 1190 004)1 par (101;6(; Ilne f!:i SIVA,ORTIA ;, Rt. James' St Jsmea' 061018*, Rov, Fattier', I: If, Goetz P. P. Early Mafia 8,110 Kist Mase 111,30, Sunday School 8 p,, m "Vespers aril 13enedietiot, el the Bless ed Snorsmont,T p to St. Tlloneas' Rev. T. 11, Brown, 1180tur. Sunday ser0oes 11 a,m and 7 p t4), Sunday aohoo 12,30 p. n!, Women's 411glicen Mia*lonary Assoeiatlon, '1'ueelley' 2,30 p.m. 0llildrell'sbl',In011 Saturday 2 p.m,, 1(;0'1'00981011 servicea every TIlllratltly, 0 pen, • Methodist•-• Rev, H . D. Moyer, pastor -SUNDAY School at 10:00' a.m, Pnblia cervica 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prep., Mooting 'Tiulradd y 8, pee Salvation Army Lieut, F. W, Leight Sunday service s-FJoliMeta i1 a, m. Praia()3 p.m.' --Salvation 7 p,m,-S011 day School 4 'p. n1, -Wednesday - Public meeting All are welcome, Hgmondville, Presbyterian Rev. S` 1'IeLeau pastor, Snitday ser- vices 11,0.111, and 7 p.m, Bible class 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p..m; Y.P M,S.,Union 3rd Friday in the mouth 8' p rsi. Won0ul1Mi8aion- a!'y Sooiety 3rd Wednesday in' the month at' 2,30 p;m Ltdioa' Aiil,tnee,eim- e im- mediately after, t 0 T'H18 1HIlleirrMss meat count as tlu t '11ria!nln0 nt reeenl leers have us -muted. •Fh„ 7pint of Christmas must ho kept up, Onl., sot''elhle, 1v10ele selected things can L( 07011, /111(1 (1110 gift she pref,de 1 1 many Here it is -nu ideal gift, for or.e mid the who's 111)11113' are glue to be delighted with it, The Youth'( Gompauiou fills the bill completely comics all new 52 times, a your, tito'i, t Articles, Receipts, Special Pages an,1 more in quantity for all ages that an) monthly, magazine gl0'00 in a veal'. A distinct benefit to all hands, You giv, cheer, uplift, inspiration end en tort,ait,• mall; --^711, actual need in these tittles. The Companion !s still only $2,28 e year. Don't miss Graoe i.tichinaud'e Brea, aerial, Aun0 Exeter, 10 ehapters, begin uing December 12. The following appoint offer is made to new slibseribere,. • I. The Youtlra r. oloparnon-82 imp, of 191 g. 2. All the remaining weekly taeuea et - 1918• 3. The Cofilpaeien llonto Celend", or (Ore, All the above for only $2.21; m yon may include 4, McCall's Magazine --12 faith jot xnitnb818, All fur only 13 25 The two magnetites may be aunt it 88parete addresses if desired. If YOUTH'S Willi PAN 101S Oornmonwealth Ai'(, & St, Paul Sl, Boston, Mask Neo Snbeoriptions Received at the 036ee. First Presbyterian her, N. 11, L.ukin,.l'ltau,r Sunday services 1! a.m. and 7 It 4)i, auuday school 2,30 pen. Prayer meeting, Ale Thursday, 7.45 p m Women's Miss tottery Seeie'y•the first I'uesd,iy in each month at 3 p in, Barbara Kirkman Mis• Bion Baud lard 'Tuesday' ll) the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine llissiou Band every 21111 :Monthly et 4 15 p m, MciCitlop 1%rttsbyterian Rev. D el eet,•'li ....tater duuday 001701080 D,rffe'lcherub 11 a m (Sunday wheel ll) 1 .11 Pr'1yer meeting Wed - timidity 8 p.m. women's' 9liasiouary Society last FFreles, etch mouth at e'ulaak WInt 0 tori h o Presbyterian Y an . ' Sunday service 2,30 pm,. Sunil y Prayer School .I lop m L raver meotfng 'rneeda 8 Yp. in L 0 1 oat Wird eonstatico Methodist. Rev, 'r E. Sawy 81', ;Tater. Sunday servlet• 3 30 p,m. Young Po ,it le's Lea - .0,11.3 ea -4 (11.:11 ,, '1'1 t 1 I .v .t• ,..1 , 1 i lax11 wry t4)+ i o with a 80 , u, ? ! . i' i't"s,ley of a tom .11 •',,', .., 1, of "Por the Blood is the Life." WHEN _you 4 RE C. fM7 017 F, {, .RS �r�y��pry ff�t4 fi1� _.- 61,th any dleoano due to hapuro blood ouch as Eosema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad logs, Abeoo0eea, Ulcer,,, Glandular Swoltingo, Boils, Pimptoo, Soros of any.. kind, Piloe,Blood Poisen,nhournattam, Gout, oto., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin, What you want is a medicine that wlithoroughly free tl,eblood of the poisonous sootier which alone is the true cause of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood Mixture is just Much nn 0(6110tc. It is composed of Ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all hnpurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it dean and pure, can 6e relied on to effect a lasting cur,: ITh! ndr a% rin'.00dak, (b ArstlieHao.reeMon,phfsf round beelq, Over so year' 81110001. Plume( to take, weld by all Chealal. and at r ;elven, Warm all Babette tea. Glarke'g Blood Mixture CURES ALL - SKIN 86 BLOOD DISEASES. House to Rent A seven roo)nyd 1lMese to '1616 ar oel1 s0f ; water ter, Apply to Collett/1 11lokart Iftholle 0*8 I.