HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-19, Page 5sy sed l3. 'ouroiil.aty L ecemlaer 19 THE CANAD SE EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D,0,1. , President CAPITAL•PAIQ UP, $15,000,000 BANK E SIR JOHN MW, General Manager H. V. P. JONES, Asst Gen'I, Manager RUSCKVE FUND.. . $13,500,000 a Open a Savings account with this Bankand deposit money which would otherwise be kept at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis- faction of knowing that your money is secure. Se.caliortil. Bras o.% J. G, MULLEN, Manager Wt J. Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W , J, Walker, holder of gov- ermuent Diploma and License Day or Night oal:s receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady graduates of last term are now earning as high as $1$ and even $20 a week, while young mon are earn- ing still better salaries. Wo can not meet the demand for 'trained help, Write us at once for partionl• ars regarding our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart- ment, Students may eater ar auy WJ ELLIOTT D A MCLACHAZ PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL'' TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hairs Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. For Sale House and half aere of land in the village of Egmondville. The property ie situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Churoh and is known ae the Parnell property. Good com- fortable honeo, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raepberriee and ourrant bushes. This ie a corner pro perry with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. Tide is a nine property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to Jelin Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Botton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOOK SEAFORTH' `chin, brittle, colorless and scraggy flair 4e mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful sourf. 'There is nothing so destructive to the hair ae dandruff. It robs the hair of its Lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied canes the hair roots to ehrinic, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A. little Danderine to- night—now—any time—will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dander:nee from any drug store, . You surely can have beautilnl hair and lote of it if you will ,just try a little Dan- , 'twine. Save your hair! Try it! FOR STALE eHE1ip' France House, 7 eooms and pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Eleotrio lights, large ve randah, Stable l0' x, 1.' hen ;house 9 7' . Apply at the News ()dice Cly E AM WANTED JOHN RP NKIN Bonds- forsale bearing interest from 6 to 7 p. c. —half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. No ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. JOHN Ki Bond and Debenture Broker Alain Street, ell Seaforth Phone yl a l' Mil y,0e Crown to 118 andrieeive t ,p prices. We are running o plan. • .he year through rad can handle your full supply and furnish yen with 0808, We pay twice each month and weigh sample and test each Dau of Orwin Oar - fully. - One motto is " Honesty to on,. eoatroue" Patroue are requested to Ire urn all our sada whet) not 111 1130, I1tter au 1 Buttermilk al.; co heed 11.1 for at rnarketprices, 'rhe Seaforth Creamery Co. SIiAFGR9'H ielAI21�1C'L' Good Milting \i heat ............... $2,11 Barlev, .....,.,.t 00 Bran per Shorts per ton ...........................41 Butter,,.,.• ........... ......... 443-44 Hoge to„ Partnere.................. i 7,00 Wog 'Fame on its Merits .—The nil- 130W1(led popularity that Dr. Thomas' 130lo0t1e Cil enjoys ie not attrbutsbif to atly elaborate advertising, for it ha not been so advertised, but is eutlrely tine to the merits of this Oil as a red- ieine', ,1u every city, town mad hamlet iu the soolntry>t ie 8lIuglet afeet solely ' because' of ite lga+ol gse,Iitiie, Local Agent Wanted cateanwame for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of Orchard trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. 1 he demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal cominissio `is, Exper- iellCe not necessary. STONE &WELLINGTON (Established r83) TORONTO, ON I',, Town Topics$ ,s11�.lfY/(��114Mk.R�ie �.. .a,. til' neees W3eeesHldeee-i ussee etesseeeelti The High post of Living--lfeononee is the word to -day. Make your 0111 garmoute do Wetted of pureileeiug new ones, Have them dry cleaned and proceed, Dry cleaning when properly done longtheils the life of garments, preeervee their fresh new appearance and note as 8'lisinfeotant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often canoes sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, (ioderioh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Mrs, Andrew Gibson returned to her home to Wolsoly, Seek, after a lengthy vieit with her sister Mrs. W, J. King and other relatives ab Bluevale,—Brun. sole Poet, Mrs. Gibson spent several weeke with lreroonsin, Mrs, Werwiok,of town, All booksmust be returned to the Library on or before the ;24th of Deo ember, Yon are looking for a Ohrfstmae gifb to your abeent friend, What bet ter one titan a year's subscription to the Seaforth No s, He will get lity two reminders of you during tele and earth one worth the cost of the fifty two, Mies Isabel Woods spent tree week end with frianda in Bayfield, Mr, Donglaa Beattie lune returned from a visit to relatives in London. Miss 13, 1, Graham acted as organist iu the Presbyterian Choreh last Sun- day during the ebeen0e of Mr. A. George who was out of town. Mrs, N. A. Willoughby reoeived a cablegram from her husband;on Friday stating that he had sailed for Oanada, Mr. George Jackeon of illoutreel is a visitor at the home of his father Mr. 0, E .Jackeon, Miss Alva Graves has en interesting display of water colored and hand painted Christmas cards in their store window, There are all Mies Graves own work and are well executed. Flight Lieut. Harold MoLeunan of Winnipeg was the guest of hie uncle Mr, A. A, McLennan at the Commer- cial, We regret to learn that Mies Gilles- pie, Louisa St. ie confined to bed' with all attack of influenza. Mr and Mrs. P. Scott of Brnsse'e were visitors at the home of Mrs, 1, P, Brine, Mr. F. Peterson and family have got nicely settled in their new home which Mr, Peterson purchased from Ivtr R. Sleeth, Mr James McKay of Egmondville has returned from a trip to Toronto St Thomas Church will celebrate it Diamond Jubilee 011 ,tan o and 6 1919 with special services on Sunday at which Bishop Williams will be present and a supper aid eiterteillrnoit ou Monday night A small history of the Church has been poblisl,ed for the 000881011 The reports of the various depart- menteof the Women's Missionary Soc- iety of the Presbyterian Church pre- sented at the annual business meeting show the finances of the Society to be in a tionrishing condition. $506 45r having been raised for iniaeions during the year which is the largest suns eve realized, The annual meetingof the ratepayers of public wheels, both urban and ne- at will be held this year on "Chnreday Dec 2b ae Christmas falls on the day otherwise' set, Special Christmas music will be ren- dered at the Cbrietmae sorvioee in the Methodist Ohnroh on Sunday next, The pastor's morning theme will be "God's Love and its Gift'' in rho even. Ing "Lessons from the Manger". Mr, J. 5/1 Wilson left yoeterday to visit hie daughter in Owen Sound, Mr, and Mrs, W. Deem received word that their son Pte,'!idney Deem is ou his way home. Mi', Geo Brownlee si f.•!1 oa s'i.tar- day and dislocated histine-tee Dr Field School, Iuepoutor, of Jode- rici, was ie (cove this week Mies Cost) went to Toronto on. Etna day, • Nurse Minnie Best arrived home on Tuesday from overseas, Tho tlearte of the World was shown hose on Monday night, Ptee 11, Sproat, Harry Grieve, John lidronntla and Limit l l Sills reached home on Monday night, A big crowd' met thom, S i; A•il'i' f -11 - MACHINES SAVE LABOR Work of Efficient Gas Engine in House and Tiara, How Handy Winter Pnu)ittg May Be Done Without injury .— Winter Ithilbarb Is Delicious 11101 May Be Grown by AD. (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture Toronto.) AVINC labor in etable and home, by 111.0 use of utacltlnery, Is one of the great econozeic Problems engaging the atten- tion of farriers today, Through he use or machinere they can produce even more at loss cost than in years Past, when labor was plentiful, ane, tolerably cheap. Probably never before in the his- tory of the farming world have so many farm problems been solved by a single plece of machinery as has now been aecotnpliehed by the gaso- line engine. In the stable it can be employed to advantage in grinding feed for the stock It can cut feed and ensilage. It eau. pump water for the house and stable whenever one pleases; a hydrant on the lawn, and in the stock yards to which a hose may be attached for washing the buggy, sprinkling the lawn, flushing pens and stable and for other pur- poses, is a source of much satisfac- tion, pleasure and comfort.. By •means of a line shaft a gas engine may operate many labor-sav- ing machines at the same time, It can run Ole grindstone, root pulper, fanning mill, ereanm separator, churn, sheep shearers, hprse elippera, rotary ourry-comb and the milking machine; with which it is possible to milk two cows in about six minutes, including the time required for changing' and setting, Further assistance may he had by attaching the power for re- frigeration and fn' circulating- milk over a cooling surface --a practical necessity. No longer need the preparation of whitewash and its application with a brush be consigned to warmer re- gions, for the engine can pump the mixture from a tank or barrel through a hose attached to a spray- ing outfit. It is possible to pump it two hundred feet. When the job is done the hose should be cleaned out by having fresh water pumped through it. The gasoline engine solves for the farmer the problems of comfort in the house, safety in the stables, and a great deal of drudgery generally.— Prof. John Evans, 0. A. College, Guelph. Light Fall Peening Is Safe. Light pruning in fall is permiss- ible, but heavy pruning is dangerous and likely to result in serious dam- age from winter. killing, especially if the succeeding winter is severe. The Injury is caused by drying out of the cut area and may be prevented by covering all wounds of any size with a good covering of paint made from pure lead and oil. Do not use pre- pared paints as these contain injur- ious benzine or turpentine dryers. To make an effective covering it will be necessary to give not less than two coats, because one coat will nee prevent checking and drying of green wood. Coal tar makes an excellent wound covering and Is easily applied. This matter of covering wounds made in fall or early winter. is fre- quently slighted by orchard men, but the writer has seen such serous dam- age result from neglect of this pre- caution that be feels justified in warning fruit growers with regard to the practice. In experimental trials in the college apple orcbard, varie- ties so hardy as Duchess of Olden- burg, Wolf River, Snow and Scott's Winter have suffered very serious in- jury following November pruning with the cuts left unprotected. The wounds dry out around the edges and by spring the dead area is greatly en- larged, frequently extending down the trunic or branch to' a foot or more. The dead bark comes away later, leaving a large dead area, detri- mental to the parts above and certain also to decay later, --Prof, J. W. Crow, 0, A. College, Guelph. How Winter Lthubar''b Is Produced. The production of rhubarb in win- ter has become of ei melderablo value among gardeners. It is easy to do if certain methods are followed, if one is making a permanent business of rhubarb forcing, it Is necessary, each year to set out a now bed, 11s plants once fenced are of no further Value. In the spring large roots should be dug, split in one butt sec- tions and replaced in rich moist ground. During the growing season they are kept cultivated anti free from weeds. In the fall they are cov- ered with manure. Next spring rase. tend bed is planted as before. Thu! ball a large part of the 4191 bed ie taken up, leaving sufficient to rel>lan, another bed the next spring. The roots are taken up the Iasi (.(ling 111 the fall before the hard freezing wea- ther conies and are placed in piles !n a sheet where they awn easily bo got at during, the winter but will reineln frozen. Early in December take in a sufficient • number of roots, place these bud side up on the floor of a warm cellar—about 68 degrees or 70 degrees — and cover with an inch of sand, Be sure to 1311 in all 111ter- 8n00e. Keep this sand Moist Abom a week later the buds will begin to swell and in from t foto' to sly( weelet depending upon the heat of the 1.01,1 —the cooler and slower growth stare: —you should have ehubalb reedy, After 'these reels are exhausted throe theta away and pni in more, If e constant supply is required made 11 new bed every two or three weep-+ during the winter: Be sure to lteee all the: front dimmed, Pull Irurlll,>s of brown paper over the windows in give the bright pink color so rnuoh desired. ---,e, 11, SacLeenatl, 18.8.A., Ontario Vegetable S,pec'alist. • Warn STRAND Now Showing The Newest truimph of the girl who never disappoints Maliel Normand Joan of Plattsbttrg CO► Oditbie Monday Tuesday & Wednesday Mary Pickford —in— a real Cbrietmae Picture Stella Maris A series of smiles— ineludiug a few giggles and a lot of laughs It's an Artoraft —No Advance in Price— . STRANO Opposite Daly's Garage Nomination Meeting Take notice that a meeting for um - 'Mating a Reeve and four 0 01111 01 1 lo r for the Municipality of the Township of McKillop for 1919 will be held at Calder's Ball iu Winthrop on M0uday the 30th day of Des, ill r8 at 1 o'olool1 to m. and in the event of more persons being nominated than are required to fill the several offices an election will be held on Janurary lee 19 c) Viz, Polling 1)iv, No. 1-21.t G. R, 8o1 - land's House' Lot lit Cote 5. Jaynes Evans D. It 0. , Thos. Moylan P, (1. Polling Div. No, 2—Atlas. H1lieu's House Lot 25 Cou, 4 Jos, Dorrance I), 12. 0, Jas, Htllei P. 0. Polling Div, No 9—At Walter Dav- 1(1e0u'13 E101388, Lot 10 Cop 12 1, Leen) lug D, R, 0. , W Davidson P. C. Polling Div, No 4—At School House leo 7 Lot 26 Con 12 W. Mct;eviu Jr, D. R 0, ,.R, Archibald P. 0. M. II U RD10, Clerk. Wood! Wood! 1)nn't wait till the cold weerlier setp. i,,. ituy yonr supply now, elm of 1`i in to offer, 33', A31b1N I'. r:et Like Germans nese yotu' own judgment. Good husk!" If fates were for the Hun that night the.,, officers would be ready Whatever the emergency that was created. I wondered, knowing what ( did, if such a conversation could take place in the over -designed German 8iilitary machine which had brought tin the war'. "These canting -out expeditions which you Canadians are doing now," said the Imperial officer to me later in the evening. "are initiative's answer to super -militarism. They are man's answer to the machine." Later when 1 sate the competition there was In the trenches to get on' these "strafing" parties I knew what it meant, PIU@'G UP MATERIALS Here ar. the latest figures of French enumabions productions that the censor will pass: The French army on Febru- ary 1, 1916, possessed twenty-three times a9 many heavy gulls as at the beginning of the war. It possessed a daily output of thirty times as many shells for the "actuante quinze" guns, 3t possessed an owlevit of 44 times as Many a1h011s for Ispllser guns. The powder factories had twenty-three times the capacity they had at the start. The French stook of munitions not only keeps up comfortably with the terrific expenditure but increases daily. Your Christmas Groceries come where you can get a nice fresh stock of groceries. Peels Currants Raisins Oranges Fruits of all kinds Nuts in every variety The Phone 25 arden 6ricery .u203am:=a. 'K F Seaforth We take pleasure in announcing The Film f ovel Supreme ripe •. 0 Web A Drama dealing with the machinations of the German spy system presented on a magnifi cent scale. Elaborate Court and deawime rot 111 eeenee depletive life its all tee \V,,,1,1 Power capital 0itit'a etlltbieed 31111 1(1ld,or file of the h1131 ',fill,' Ru311au Cossack find 3110 (treat American 0 1 et matte this pieteue of mnivereal appeal 'chis wonderful meeterpiece chats us mice the price of the erd1181y serial but it fa worth it because It 10 Gettig to Please you. See the first ohepter Thursday Friday & Saturday also showing a dandy surly of the N1ri1 Nest Mellott (1 .l'olioc (1.tit', d Utll They Get Matinee Saturday afternoon Prat(,r,3 'i ;.°� s�