HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-19, Page 488; Cat•dno tiros 36 18; W E Ker- t'1i1LP.I;A:'S �11N".1..'1'EftOPENED- ul.,lce7 25;LBoltou 8 30; 0 Aberhnrt GRANTS 1,'t )0t TO NAVY L1(AGIIE 2:; 1,11; 1' Daly 8 40; MWilllatns tD 60; CANED" 'THE 4VAftUEN Huron Expos]tor 3 00; 0, D. Haigh L i 7 95; H St rcott 9 00; Garden Grocery 12 uu; W A Crich 29 80; A 11 Box 5 25 4/poling ri arm. County Connell !set P,3t88e ori soolca U 38; J Scott 1 40 Titteduy,-Weldon Elliot aeko 1 1110 Donn y,tndries 7Ie; Total 504 (12; Balance oil oiilnrs to ,ong me U.>xo ugy, u1:,1 1,1,1, i,,tid 744 2y Lih,irul rani l..'i,mservative enlmeiilor9 to Mina Niulaysuu,'1'reas. nix up; insh atf 1•5 aittiog at two 8:,311:-i In Nuv,ittber 201) Krona Loxes were ,,t,. party tables, He reforroll feeling.) cr nt f•-,;el(lel•e fl'em 9400ff,I'l11 w,, •'e ev,, 7'u lar of 01v>h t t , > to tilt +it,ntll or itv y uv.,rseae. N•aeh b,•x contained a tuwt 1, who was killed nt an sotto arci.icut g ',mike, els, pati of she« Ine,s, So (114 ti1114 agu, leaving a vacant (abate 0 olio t1; ' ,. 1 elate), matches, cn, ,l:e at tan, (:,Swett beard. ht a reference 05>cealate, tin of cod'.o 03: 0100, 1),, to the armistice. Wardell Elliot 081)108 (lake, loaf sugar ami candy, 72 pairs of sed the opien that a Divine hand had BMGala W0l•e sept 10 France during Ntv Slpported aha allied arms in win- S. 1, McLean, Sec, nig the war. Reconstruction, rehabil- other count es to i0t a 51005)re o'her suitable building to uommomor- ate the soldiers who have fallen in the war AFQR.THNX:+:' g t1EDIDA►. a D. ILStiJi WAS, 114yttetanaua u rlae4n ��1"padt et matte oto �Alsenues etµEy r, Dar, Voile Tiaon't, llaa and los dunce behind POIM lea Enna. . Uo rllpnal n• fi, Residence phase No, las r F, J.StiltitOW$ Ssaforth ()lupe aBMalh nt 1 tb, • d Church, eaten, r L 8 p V ,ut (,+itprpy,, ("owner ler 4uuntyot Hama St !i n 1•iv, •!e, - I4 t4 R -._.. Te I _ Dasge.'6G) X S st.lUU.AT, reyarelaus and $urgedui tlodprk•h Street, enpeofie steno).t:hursb• i504E111, d r and and Aim Arbor, WKIa duo eVia Scud, iu { Tx 1 ' 1 na old I P115 siva CoIlO eR rtxr g xoSUl 1 il>U 0 sten Ht t Huron. z County R Cormier rrn8, () Ur nU let D11C1CdY hGU4YradUntoTrl4lly UnlvVraity,, gold medalist 7 rinttvMedical College, 'Member of Collate u> rysiciausand Surgeons, Oland:, ESO, 1.iittLhalAr,, Osteupthio Speuialist in women's and Uhildrou a diseases and t Chronic, d 1sorL and RbGuunntic troublRa. Mute aro, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re- moved wildcat tlRoyale((llotelnsultation free. arae, Tess lay..'n.in, tor, p m Friday s a.m, to cpm Ma t F DALY lewolet arriage licenses and optician, Sea. Sarah Insurance Arlt you a,aaldering Insurance. Life or Accident? mien are,* postcard will get Dur wee. 1. D. HINOPILEY. Sim wool Agent for Loado5 Lite insurance Co.. 1d l moarial Guaranty and Accident fosuraua Co, Seaforth, Ont. fames Watson (generalne'toAccident etces Agent, and dealer wSgMain. Main Street, Seaforth, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Iusurauee Col Farm and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS ,es, i. 5olty, uoderirh, 1residen6 James Evans, l(eechwsod, wlee-Yresilent, Tminim )lays. Seaterth, Sac,-Treas. Directors 11. F. MtGre1Kor, Seaforth: John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rims, Constance• John Beanewels, Sredghagent Robert Ferris, 'Matlock; Malcom ,'Vic? os, Clinton; d McCartneySeaforth;hares Connolly, Goderlcha Joe. Evans. Beechwood Agents Alan. Leitch. Hariocki E. Hinesley, Sea -fort,' v Chesney EgmoudvlUe; I. W. Ye, csvilie; R. G. Surmount, Bmdhaaen: Jame est and 'oho Govealock, Seaforth. au1uore. Parties desirous to effect lneurnatr or craves other business will be promptly ottcoded .o application to any of the above officers, address so their respective poeteihcea. Pzel � t , IE � I � N p f 5 1ns t «Oeb i�, ti Slee 2s etS,1«le f�R1 S L.INiMEfTC - rrR stagsTO Cro C CRIG r a5d@ OU.TH S _.tet The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Mlnard'S linirneni ]acute. itottrokito Dom 1S ISSUED EVERY "rtIVaaorsY 1 From the Pffteee MAIN e'r. tIONT. Phone 84 Melting 127 no, SUBSCRIPTION oat dollar per you, strictly toad 114810 tact paid in amine, oatdol ,ar and a nail wiltbe charged,Vatted States pnpaxs, arty vents extra, strlekly to ad )tut evd, lr do u (th ade.a c 0. V rs rho g subscribers When a notice should be/lent no Immediately, giving I n g both and the newaddress. b- or,wil' confer fllvrYynotifying as of cyIrrrulerItY odee, Rending Nnticea^190 reading notice, ab which yanyI entertainment obemo or matter . y which money s beo no meds by any strewn cause will eYpri In Tug Slawswithout ofcharge,oldnThe price for the TEN cements Is TEN ann boldness • a Immo- don of ua cents per count line each insrrdou t1 parties having no contract for dad% advertising, and FIVE ants pet's cob insertion to those Laving display and for church, society and entsrtahtment reading notices. hard of Thanks S to 9 noes, S0 teats. 1 1 11 Judicial. Legal, Official and Govan- j went Nooses -•Ten cents per line for first iI Insertion and ave cents per line for each rubeequet insertion. Yearly cards-rroteesional Cards, not t exceeding 0110 Inch, will be Interted 95.00 per year, savable strictly In advance Display advertising -Rates furnished 1 on application, j Advertisements ordered for Insertion, soiled! forbid," and those sent without written Inotructicos wUl appear until Allen orders are received for their dls• continuance. one hundred view* of kiddlea were throws ou the 00reeu, shOwleg them he. Letters to the Editor must be accom- !j panted by the writer's own signature, not ! or publication, but as a guaranty of good (filth The publisher accepts no oon- slbilitres y whatever for the statements made to such communications. Letters on rel- gious topics will not be published at all !i except as pold advertletng, plalnly marked as such. The mte for such matter 1■ ten i! ectad per line. .f, F. SNOWDON Y EDITOR AND PUBLISHER iI tyre end after they had heeintte IYnt'cle of the society. Help l S Navy League a Y 8' Baron l'ounty Council Wednesday. afternoon voted $18,000 to the Navy League, payment et the rate of $3.090 per mouth to start in June, 1919, (19 there is no levy toeover the antenna at present. The matter of a great to the Y . 91' tl Awas left W the January mission, RS further information regarding the needs will be available thea, The ('ouueil voted County Clerk G, W. Holman all 1(1erea58 of $3011 in salary, County "reae t cr Lane reported th uv the county had oontributed to Belgian Relief, proviltaial war tax, Canadian Patriotic Aesooletlot, Oanatllan Red Oroas Association, British Red Cross War Auxiliary, Navy League, Y, M, O. A , Salvation Army and Knights of Columbss, a grand total of $621,031 during the four years of war, At the close Ol the afternoon erosion Rev. A. L. Clarke presented to the County the honor flag won in the re- Victory Loan eampaigu, the cannily 8 tbssribing over $36,000,000. The flag was hung up in the court bolihe along with the t6tet Battalion. A Grant To Red Cross General Observations •rase Read our advertising columns and snake your Christmas selections, Our advertisers have prepared carefully for your wants at this season and you will, help them and get more satisfaction by buying as early as possible, In this way you have a wider stock to choose from and the hard worked staf will have more time to servo you. :«ev 1f Itis true that Canadian boys have been married to French and Euglieh girls, the News thinks it can only be accounted for by the fact that they hate been fuer years away from Can- adian girls and have forgotten hot) sweet they are cuwpared to the foreign I Doss, They are to be pitied it they dune back to Cali Mitt and see what they have missed 1•y not waiting to get For Si SCRANTON COAL W. 1. HY, Seaforth. Phone 150 TO SAYE SES CORN Straw May be Used Much More Freely tote Idle Horses. Vegetable end Boot Crops O1'owIt '1714s Summer Must Be Carefully Stored to Prevent Loss•. Proper Temperature Cheeks Dectty-.-Sand Will Ensure Firm Vegetables, (Contributed by Ontario Department of A.grioulturo, Toronto,) WA year 1817 Provided, Belli in bile United States and in 0it tio, conditions very uu- A grant of $8,000 has been made to the Red Croce by the Oounoil. Caned Warelen The closing hours of the Huron County Council witnessed an interest- ing oveut, when Warden Elliott was presented with a fine gold -headed cane, A complimentary address was read by Reeve Ford of Clinton,sxpres- sing the appreciation of the oonnoil of the courtesy and marked ability that the warden had shown during his term of office. Reeve Beavers of Exeter in presenting the cane made a neat speech Presents 161St Picture Major J. W. Shaw and Capt. 111. D YloTaggart, of the former 181st Huron Battalion, have presented the County with a large picture of Lieut -Col. H. B Combe and the officers of that unit, The picture with a brass plare suit- ably inseribed,is adorning the walls of CountyOlerk Holman's office, a•a War Auxiliary Torn Gallagher's Information By REir•)1 v RosS Tom Ctuitng1101 5 term In slate pole 011 was lluislietl. Ile wile given some money for present ego slid steeled down the street. 10111 Iola nowhere 00 g0 and there Heenan) lu i 1e nu vel 100k. d Ln a Joh Tina 1 or t I, 1 1 div 0 foil ( g 1u ter j favorable fol the Preelection living by hu8tat unlit had passed, f1e of good seed cern. Bxcese of plots- bad trlod work laid had tried house - tune in the crop was followed by breaklug. Several terms at hard tabor freezing and these conditions resl>4ts in prison had led him to prefer hard ed in one of the worst send corn labor in the open. But if he Could get Years In a genorutlal. As a result of this, much of the seed seen sown in h least was, 10814 the in 19 8 a , Ontario 1 y O of varieties that were late in matur- ing. A very high percentage of this corn which will bo used for sped next year, now contains a large amount of moisture. To make this corn 05 the greatest value for seed purposes, ft should be harvested, if possible, be- fore heavy frost and thoroughly dried. Maturity is one of the essentials in producing good seed corn, but no less Important 1s the thorough drying of the seed. It is not even necessary for corn to be frozen to lose some of its vital- ity, it will deteriorate at ordinary temperatures 15 not well dried, When freezing occure, greater loss in vital- ity is experienced. Corn which is har- REOEIPTS Balance on hand Oct. 1st, $gay 93 Boxes sold, $0 40; Tea & Euchre Lan R. 0. Church, 166 85; L. A, S„ Meth- odist 0hurolx, 15 oo; From a friend $u 09; Goods sold, $2 76; A. D. Suther- land, Thanksgiving dance; $6 55; can- vass for Xmas 1)07e8, $564 80; U, A Se U0; Kindergarten class, public school 33c; Total $1308 31. EXPENDITURES R ES (3, L, Williams 2 30; postage on sold- iers' Xmas boxes 104 28; The Greig Clothing Co. 80 00; Beattie Bros 17 25 W. 11. Bright & Sou 49 60; W, D. Fin Signa 28 28; E. Close 2I 60; W. G. Willis 15 00, Thompson's Book Store 8o; Mrs. R, L. Clark 14 33; Sproat tvC Sproat 7 30; Oscar Nell 23 10, G. A. Hurons oaao. (U(fCli .lila 2 00; II, Edge '2 40; W R Smith n job-wbioh was not likely without a recommendation, which be did not pee• gess-it wouldn't be long before somee One who knew 11101 for what he was would come along and glue him il 5585'. £io stopped ata restaurant and had a meal, after which he bought a cigar and enjoyed the first goal smoke to a long while. Then ho wide, I. en into the residence part of the ells, Inspect- ing premises with a view to analog one of easy access, from which Ile might extract somellling which he might exchange for funds against the time ,when his meager puree should again need replenishment. Coming to a tine residence 18111 stood in a lot so largo that there were no other hcuses near it, be stopped and Vested with an excess of moisture looked it over carefully. There was an should be dried as rapidly as os- arbor for grapes roma which 8 second Bible as this removes the danger of injury from moulding, fermenting and treezing. In the process of dry- ing, a free circulation of air should be provided and, if necessary, arti- ficial heat used. Seed corn can be most readily dried when stored in the ear. Where the corn is well natured and is grown in large quantities, the corn -crib provides one of the most satisfactory drying mediums, as it supplies the best of air circulation along with protection against storms and vermin, A post in which a number of nails are ,driven at an angle of forty-five degrees, and the ears stuck on the protruding ends, provides a good me- dium for drying seed corn ears. These posts with a platform at the base may be readily removed to places where artificial heat can be used if neces- sary. •- Where relatively small amounts of seed 50111 are used, selected ears may be hung up to dry in the attic, kitch- en or furnace room. Corn which has been thoroughly matured and thoroughly dried gives the highest percentage and most vig- orous geresisation, but seed corn which has reached the dough or firm dough stage of maturity, when har- vested, if well dried, usually makes good seed. When bkorouglily dried and surrounded by a dry atmosphere, even zero weather will not injure the germination of seed cern..—.Prof. W. J. Squirrell, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. lege, Guelph. A Business Without a proper systln of adver- ti5in is like a motor without the q, power Seaforth News 'NEWER TISEMENTS will supply the required energy phone - d5 c9enines127 Capt, Coles addressed the Council on behalf of tate Navy League, which is asking for a grant. In the evening the Councillors were guests of the Warden at a smoker at the Hotel Bedford. Children's Shelter Opened A public meeting wee held in the court house 111 the evening in oonae0- bion with the opening of thenow 01tf14' renis Shelter. Warden lt'Iliott was chairman of the meeting, and the coun- ty o0un0iliore and a large or0wd of cit- izens were present VV. J. bele° of ereato and others spoke, 8hd. about notion of soldiers in., civilian life, a memorial to fallen 1,erroes and the good reads %veto other mattere dealt with lie favored 00 -operation with Straw ler Idle Horses. Straw is a feed very high in fibre and the horse's digestive system is not suited to the liberal nae of this roughage. It is not a suitable feed for horses at hard work, but during bbe winter eresthe may be used to advantage where kay is scarce, and particularly it 1, little grain is fed Alongwith it, et le juet a euestion whether it is more ecocomical to iF YOUR CHILD I$ CROSS% FM ERISH, CONSTIPATE! Look, Motherl If tongue Is coated, oleanoe little bowels with 1'Poll- fot'nla amp llP of Figs," Matra oast zest easy after Ovine "California Syrup of Figs" bemuse in 0 few 'flours all the ologged•up wash', sour bile anti fermenting food gentle moves out of the bowels, and you have i well, playful child again, Sick children needn't be coaxed in cake this lt mla as "fruit to it laxative,' Millions of mothers i eeP 10 hand, be, muse the slim - liver tacit 9 i u o know t ,they It t8 Gt o Y livor and bowels 114 prompt and sure. Mie your druggist for a bottle or tCalifotmda Syrup of Figs," which eon - vans directions for ba11108, children of X11 ages and for grown-ups. story window wighl be reached, and most of the whitlows on the main door were not so high but that they could be reached from the ground. With a view to looking for a weak spot he entered 18e premises and trent round to alto MOP. '1117014g1.1 a window he saw a woutun washing dishes. She SAW mm, too, and to divert suspicion he knocked at the kitchen door and asked 1f that was ell. Smith's house, Fle was taken all aback when the wo- man. said that it was. "Mr. Jacob Smith t" The woman replied in the affirma- tive. "Mr. Jacob Brown Smith?" "Yes, ilMr, Jacob Brown 8w1111 lives here, Do you wish to see hint?" Torn, not having sufficient wit to ex- tricate himself from 41811 u hole, stolid looking at the woman shamefacedly and without reply. "You don't want to see the °weer of the house at ell. Yon are recon nolterlug with a view to breaking 151 to carry off estimative. l saw you see lag up the chancre of en entry from the arbor and glvlug n pl'ofeseientl glance ut the second- story fear twin dons. You ought to know that the safest way for ti job like that is to take a servant in and have the whole thing 01)8(100 01) to you." "Are you in the biz?" asked Tow. • "I know all about the craft end can tell one of them on sight. I'm tired of taking ritelts 1111(1 wili.110ver take no other unless l'nt t•ochsure that there's no chance or my getting' caught, and the pity must be big." "What luck!" exrbiinted Tow. "1 new er thought to nod n lullpor in here. Yon just put ate on to the game end you cult make your Own terms as to the divvy." The W0101 111 stood u IuAtin^ at Toa feed good hay and no grain than it with an eye that punted bite- T1,00 Is to feed a percentage of bright she said: straw and a ration of crusked oats. "1 reek„ I'll trust y,>u, i've 5180 c Only clean, bright straw should be lot of 0xperie11)0 with, one kind. and if used for horses and one of two feeds per day, replacing hay should be found advantageous under certain circumstances. Yore have seen horses wintered in good condition on oat straw and a light grain ration. if hay were available f0r a light feed once a day the other two feeds could be composed of straw, and less grain would bo required than where the entire roughage ration was straw. Oat straw uzakes the best feed, bar- ley straw coming second and wheat and rye straw last. A few roots may be used to good advantage with the t d de' no circumstances meal u pursue has any ll hilt at , to 1 cult tell it. You wawa give rue away." It was arranged between the two e house w that Tow should c, c❑n to th that night at 12. 110 las 10 find a kitchen window nulue•ked, through which he might expiat nn entrance. A bade staircase would !rad hilt 10 n safe. hunt in the wall and he would find the key under n rug near by. Ile W115 to take the silt•er laid any cash he Iniglit find in the sale Mid go Dirt with it as he came 11t. 1Tat•ilrg turned straw an under he swag into cash, he vv ;IS to inset the Is it good policy to winter' horses on the straw without supplementing it with woman that any week at the north at least one or two light feeds of oats west corner or the ,•ity pork and do- per day.--Prof,-Wade Toole; Ontario liver two-thirds or the prutlt. '50,11 Agricultural College, Guelph• wee surprised at being so largely trust ad. blit this didn't trouble hila a bit. )lints on Harvesting Root Crops. .\t the 'appointed hour he appeared Root crops should be taken up at the window and found it unlocked, before the weather becomes: too wet el.irred, went up the keel; stair,.,,, and disagreeable in the fall if in any f°uuil the kap of the sate under the quantic>. It is slow work at any time Was eliciting th, ;Ile tit•00,,rand beeotues much more s0 under hal„ and when suddenly every ele,'t(f light cold damp conditions. Lift the roots with a digging fork and twist off the blazed out of once. ]'rollnu n hand ou tops, putting them in piles and cover- bre shoulder, he 1urc.d trod leukpd into Mg ,with the tops, If a large area the face of n roll I' . in .1t the same is to be lifted and one is expert ,with ;tem 110 heard a ruche or a dross nod a sharp hoe he can very (10icltly re- the woman with wheat he had made move the tops, but they will not keep quite as well. The roots should 'be HURON NEWS ploughed out, throwing them as much as possible on the top, Bins with slatted sides and bottom should be used for storage where possible, as Kr, Joseph Davis of Exeter, died et this gives the roots a chance to sweat. home last week' He wee in pour health for some time and a shore time ag000ntreotod pneumonia. He was :I etaanoh oouservative, a great admirer of Sir John McDonald and James Whit ney. Ho was also a raked member of the Orange Order. Dragged Down by Asthma. The man or woman who is continually sub- Halts.Strawy manure. IiavO vontflastlons asthma is unfitted for his or bet every 15 of 20 feet as all roots weat life's work, Strength departs and en- fn storage. These may bo tilled with orgy is taken away until baa becomes a Straw during cold periods. All roots 08'°114(5 be as free from dreary existence, And this is needless, dirt Its pess1111e when tout iso storage. Dr, J. D, Kellogg's Asthla,. Remedy It in often advisable to leave a few 1 Iles so that at the sea as brought n groat change to an army and lifting anp adhering w11t1 be ro- of sufferers It relieves thed --A L 1 eLennan BSA If the storage room temperature is above 40 degrees le. cover them with sand. Carrots should not bo deeper than two feet in a bin, others may be four feet. Where cellar storage is not available use pits. These should be three feet wide, two er three feet high and of any length. stun the pits north and south where poesiblo, and have them on well drafaed ground. Put a layer of straw on the gr0uud and cover first with straw six inches sleep, then six Inches earth, and as frost gets harder cover with fruit h b ht t h days in small P e 85 res., move . , . trieted air tubes and guards against fut t)atae'to Vegetable SAeeleUst. are treulsle. :Cry it, the deal appeared on the :eine fu 01 en lug 001010010. "Shall 1 free him away, ma'am?" "Walt a minute; 1 wish to speak to hhu." i'bma, Writing to Tum, she added: " Wtt,n you , railed Ibis afternoon, both my servants hewing left ane, 1 was doing my own work. I spend u good deal of nay time its the work 01' rescuing prisoners and recognized you es one I had seen behind bars. You are 11 bettoh 11111 11 than you )welt to be If yon here not heiellt'npped holy would you like to earn e11 b:me01 Iiw ingl" "1'11 like it mighty well, entente" eaep('cl Tom. A lengthy eonvorsst1011 followed, at the mei of which the pollee were ifs missed and Torn was to report the Ile511 Inoruing for duly its chlluh'fltir. r!0 appenrcel. ns agreed. (11111 4111 net heave hie 0rnpioymee service! for n number of years, Viten be did he tools with him her cern l(needetf(in for honesty aid fn;)hfelitess Tie! Inds, vena 00101/111 1'011 ns it work er with pelaneers and 3losseseed u won 4e0'01 influent° 0501% ttleraa, Notice Residents of the Township of MGTSiI• lop who require coal aro reynirod t° forward a written request to ,1 , M Gov- enaoett who has been appointed Fuel Controller for the Municipality of Mc- Killop. Only those who have no wood or tail fences need apply, as Ole quan- tity of coal promised eloKillop is limit- ed. By Order of the Ootwoll, M, Mut•die, Clerk For Freedom and the Right "THE ALLIES" CHURCH NEWS 51131 airier Lids Heed etre s had tree of obarge, 08- eptlwe0 rogerdinUntoatings where an art n11ssbe,i fee la' Margot 'I he rate ter each beteg live tont pertinent nue S1i14I41911ITH eHtii't4Ht.S $t. James' St Sandie' Ullllrolt, Rev. Father E, N', Goetz 54, 1' Early Mess 8,00 14 , Moos 10,30. tinuclay Sellout p. nt° Vesper's mull Iienedielit t, nl the hill>es• ed h't,Grttitl 1111t.7 .11 111 SL Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rooter, entale y Sunday a.m. and � 1 nl 1 1 ll ser0oes• ! l m l i y ecltoo 1 2,30 p, tn. Women's nuglieau Miesionary Association, 'Tuesday 2 30 p.m. Chil(lrou'Bhtauch $atmdsy 2 pen, Ill°"ce sIou services every Tharstley, ,0 pall. - methodist Ituv, H.; ll. Moyer, pastor -SUNDAY School at 10:00 a,nl. Pnhlic sarviee 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thured* y 8, p,m . The above is the title of a most interesting s't'ar Album issued by The Family Hierald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. It is brimful of useful- information from oover to cover. T iii front cover page i8 a most beautiful design em- bracing the flogs of Hage of all the Allies. It is a clever artistic effort The Album eontaine the Nage in 0010185 of"ail the Allies. It tells it, fall the' story of the "Union Jack" and "01d', Glory". It gives the slate and reason for entry of each of the !llliee into the War. It gives the system of Govern- ment of each, aslo population, area, eta etc. It ooutains the Nations Songs of Great Britain, France and tber MiltedStates, a well as a great mauy tf the popular: ongs 811011 as •1'L'ipperary," 'Long Long Praia," "Good Bye Broad- way," "Over There," etc etc It con tains a diary of the war since its com- mencement up to to time of going to going to press, with blank space on which the recipient map fill in future dates and have the complete history, The Album is one you would buy 01• sight at any reasonable price, but is not for sato, 11 is absolutely free to all who subscribe to The Family Herald and Weekly Star for 1919. The year. lysubscr•iption prioe i+ $1,25. We ncombination have mato n cluhbt g with the Family Herald and eau oder that great Weekly with 1• a Album and News for $2,50, The elIe•r of tbo Album is for a Hunted time ot,ly. Order now and be sure of a 000y, Tho Family Herald floes ,tot continue such 101 offer udeenitely, A sample of the Album may be semi at this union, '1 HIS UH11181'MaS must count 55 (11, ('1l riot inns of recent roars have counted, The spirit °i ("Misdates elect h0 itept cep, 01113 s xihle, wise( y selected 11,11 go otw he given,. and one gift should prov bus ninny. Here it is -an ideal gift, far 1111' atilt the '0'It" e family are surd a• be delighted with it, The lou,'. Canlpaniou line the bill nonlplrtett coining all 11(55 e2 times a year. Stet i, e 4ttittlt•l. Receipts, $reeial 1'agen :unl more in quantity for all ages that 8,1,3 monthly 111ogileine a 11 V08 ill 11 y5111'. .1 Ihat111ot 801l0fit to all hallus, You gie cheer, uplift, inspiration atm] entertain. meat -an actual need in these times. The Oompanion is still only 52,25 n year Salvation Army Lieut, J.P. W. Leight Sunday eerviues-Holblest 11 a, m. Praise 3 p.m. -Salvation 7 p.m. ---Susi day School 4 p. m,--Wednesday- Public msetiug All are welcome, eginondville, Presbyterian Rev. 8 McLean pastor. Sunday set - vices 11 a,m. and 7 p m. Bible class 3 pun Prayer meeting Wednesday Sp, m. Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday in tate mouth 8 p 1n, Women's Mission. wry Society 3x11 Wednesday 11 the month at 2.31) p.m Ladies' Aid moo s im- mediately after. First Presbyterian Itav, h', ti, Lerki, ,.5'ttatur, 81111day services 11 5,10, and 7 p m, Sunday 8011001 2.30 p.m Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 46 p 'n .M'arten's blies-- ionary St cis y'ethu first Tuesday in each mouth at 3 p m. Barbara Kirkman Mis• Bion Band 3rd 'fncedayr in the mouth ,15 Y 7.30 p.m,. Sunshine A'liesiun Band every 2nd Monday at 4 15 p m. Mcttillop Presbyterian Rio, D O.arstvall pastor Sunday services Unffs' ol(nroh 11 a in Sunday. sellout TO t m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 pm. women's 91issiunary Society last Friday ill a tub mouth at (o'elon!: Don't miss Grain, Richmond's great serial, Anna Exeter, 111 chapters, begi, Ding December '12, 'Cho following 15 1 ciai otter is made to new subscribers, 1. The Youth's Uenlpamlon--62 leisure of tele, 2, All the retraining weakly leaves ul 1918. 3. 'rhe Oompailio11 Home Calendar JC 1019. 411 the above for only $2,25 or you may iuelude e. MaSall's M0ghziee-12 faehlol, numbers. All fol mliy $3 21 The two magazines may be sent In separate addresses if desired l'Hli YOIT''5H'd 011ViPANION Commouweelth Ave es se, Paul SI Beaton, Main, bTef Suhaori[tieua lgeesived at th19' woe. Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday service 2.;11) pm. Sunday School 1 16I , rn Prayer meeting; Tuesday 8 p. et, 1, 0 Let • Weal, eag4' teunstettee .i.thod19Z Rev. 'i'.le. Saw er, p,a:.r. Sunday service 2 30 p.0,. Voting Pe .1 le'6', Laa- gn,' in p.m '4 11 ley 01,114 A. '81 v 1' ,r5 ,1111111 a 311 . 1 • \I : 11' 1' Inreday cf .1n m,,'• , "For the Blood Is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING Wall any dleea8o duo to m..poro blood ouch as Eczema, Sorofula, Scurvy, land Lege, Abaoo80os, °loors, Glandular Swellings, Bolls, Pimples, Soros of any kind, Piloc,Blood Poi8on,Rheumatlsm, Gout, ate., doll t, Waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skhh What. yen want i+ a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is Just such a medicine It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blond all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it dean and pure, 6.111 be relied on toeffect n la ting aur Mew war of ftrafswilnishr mold settle), Over 10 yearn' success. 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