HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-12, Page 8iralikAPOVIII NWS
The Best Wino
That is whp',this is the most
opular.Barber Shop in town,
slaty thing is sanitarp and you
an en/pp a hair cuthere.
Commercial BarberShop,C9th
Miss Annie 0, Goveulock, Graduate
Teaoher'e Conroe Glodoweky Methods,
aaadian Academy of Music Toronto
re -open her olessee in piano, Organ
el Theory on September 3rd.
Pupils will be prepared for Oenedian
4cademy and Toronto Conservatory
' • terminations
Studio North Main St,
Phone 103
Mrs, O'Connell has re -opened rrlaeseo
in Piano and Singing.
Pupils prepared for the London Con-
John Street.
Special Banking Facilities
Mre, D. Diekaon has returned from
the hospital in !London,
Mra, Swan ann daughter Helen left
for Rochester, Mirnreeota, where Mies
Swan will take up nnreing,
Henry Dougall has bought the fart
of Wm, White, tie gets possession i
the spring,
Rev, A. E. Doan was in London last
Good sleighing and merry eleigl
°burettes all busy preparing fo
Christmas services and entortainnrents
There are still a few light cases o
Eleotious are drawiug near and there
o much speculation as to who will he
0 the field,
After spending several months in the
west, Mr. J, D, Reid is home again.
Heneall is moving to secure a mem-
orial to fallen heroes of the war, This
is quite right.
T. 0,.Joynt has purchased the
which he oarrye on hie clothing burin
neon and expects to turn it into a de-
partmental Store,
Mr, end Mre, Andrew 14;199 an..
nonneatlie engagement of their dough.
ter, Nebel to War. Ohr'difl' of Ilrueeele
The wedding will take place in Deo -
A. branch of the :bank of Commerce
will bo opened here in oonueotion with
the agency at Seeforth, We under.
Stand an office lige already been located
it will be a great convenience.
ret. W, E. Graves of 'Victoria
College Toronto preached very able
ermone in the lelethodiet Church hero
on Sunday, - -A. Fowl supper followed
on Monday evening,
The Methodist Sunday School of
Bethel Church in holding a Xmas tree,
on Dee, 23rd,
The Women's leetitute will hold
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs', Jas, Barrio on Thursday,
Dec, reth at 2,80 p, m, Mrs, J. J, Mc.
Gavin will read the second chapter
from the new book ''Our Government",
Members will please answer roll by ex-
pressing some thought peruaining to
the topic ' Christmas giving in War
The Seretary'e report of work clone
by Walton Red Cross Union beginning
June rat to Nov, 30,1
Total number of shirts made 108
" socks '' 690 pre.
" "towels " 389
" pyjamas suits" 184
" pore prop bags 120
" sweaters r
I'he Walton Red Orme Union will
meet for work as usual on Tneedey
Deo. 17th after that every month.
Mre, Roy Bennett, Sec.
ne re
Our merchants are looking for a good
season as the snow has come and the
war is over and people have more heart
for pleaeure,
Mre. Barnby of Springfield is visiting
her brother and sister here, Mr. H.
Ivieon and Mrs. B, Brownlee.
Mre, Crawford is improving nicely
after her accident,
Mr, Win. Harney who has been in
poor health fe new recovering,
Mr end }Ire, Kilpatrick who have
been in the west for four menthe are
now home again after a pleasant trip,
e Host pifal for Sick Children
War Lnld Heavy Hand on Children's
Dear Mr, Editor:—
The annual report of the Hospital
for Sick Children, Toronto, marks a
new record, despite the heavy hand!-
eap the war placed upon its work.
The task of ministering to the eat -
Tering youngstere of thie province wan
no light one in view of the Hospital's
splendid response to the national call
26 doctors and 48 nurses from its
forces have seen service overseas.
Yet the number of patients treated
Is 6,048, or 1,808 more than last year,
Of these in -patients, 769 were from
266 places outside of Toronto.
The tireless efforts of the staff
made possible also a reduction in the
average length of stay neeer0ary for
the little patients from 24 days in
1914 to 14 this year.
These results show that the Hos
pital has again pair' to the children
rich dividends of health upon the in-
vested kindness of its supporters.
There has been careful stewardship
of the funds entrusted to the Hospital.
There has been saving—almost scrimp
ing—in every direction except wher,
it ?could prevent the Hospital's Booth
ing the suffering or shortening the
eickneee of one child. The daily cost
or operation was held at the lowest
Point which would still allow the
children entrusted to.the Hospital tt
get the best medicine and the best n'
And yet so high has risen the cost of
every item in the Hospital's budget—In
labor, in fuel, 1n food, and, above all,
In medical supplies—that the mini
farm expense of taking care of one
child for one day has risen from $2,84
hack in 1914 to 48.21y',r in 1918. 0f
that, ;1.66e'4—the amount per patient
per day that the official Government
grants do not cover—must come from
voluntary contributions,
During the pact four years debts
were incurred to the extent of $100,
086, which the Trustees felt assured
would be wiped out by the public as
80011 as the war drew to its close, and
!.hose heavy demands cease which
haus hese made upon the generosity
of the loyal people of this province
The time has now come when It Is ne'
cessary to make known the Hospital's
dire need of financial assistance,
If this 48rd Chrietmae appeal Belle
10 rally the friends of this Charity to
•ils support, it will be necessary to
mortgage its land, buildings and plant
By the bounty of the late John Ross
e Robertson that property has lust been
cleared of debt for the first time since
It began Ito ministry of healing mercy
Little children have lost a big
hearted friend, and the province a
noble benefactor: It is for the public
i.o decide whether his lifework shall
be shaddwed with a mortgage within
lees than a year of kis passing.
What think' you 7
Send your answer as 0000 ail pos•,
ethic to the Secretary-Treanarer., Hos
Meal for Sick Children, College Street,
, Toronto. Meanwhile the Charity will
'Carry on,' truating in your support.
Abbf►Iraan of Appeal Gomntlttee
The,Box Socia] held m the town hall
on Thursday evening laat by the Angli-
can Church attracted a large number of
people and all enjoyed themeelvee,
Mille Joy Rogers was a recent visitor
to her home in Stratford,
Mrs, Patrick McGrath of Seaforth is
now living with her parents on the Hur
on Road.
Mise Lizzie McConnell spent a few
days in Seaforth with her aunt,
Mr, F, Davis of Sudbury is at the
home of hie father,
.Pte. Jas, Jordan writes to his friends
that he met his brother Louie a few
daye before the war stopped iu France,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Weber are
with relatives in Hamilton at present,
While Mitchell and Seaforth are pay
ing $13 per ton for soft coal in Dublin
good soft coal for domestic use being
distributed at $7,50 a ton
A box for overseas valued at $148,
50 was packed and sent overseas to
oureoldiers providing good cheer for
Ohristmas, The receipts for the year
amountedto $1030,30 and the expenses
$966, The following omoere were
elected' Hon, Pres. Mrs, Jas, Jordan;
Pres, Mre, May; Vice -Pres, Mrs, W,
Jordan; Sec-Treae, Mra, L, J. John-
stone; Committee, Mesdames Bonn and
November report of St, Patrick's
School Pupils who made 60 per
cent, or over.—
Sr, Fourth—Veronica McDonnell,
Jerome Jordan, Mary Waters, Mary
McGrath. Mary Hastings, Joe, Feeney,
Jr, Fourth—Mary Crawford, Helen
Cronin, Hazel Hills, Evelon Delaney,
Catherine Gormley, Ralph Dill.
Sr. Third—Angela Shea, Teresa Oar-.
pentor, Annie Enright, Peter Dill, Ger.
ald Jordan, Annie McGrath,
Jr, Third—IClorenoe Hills, Mary En-
right, Jos, Nagle, Annie Delaney, Lor.
etto Hastings,
Second Claes—Mary McGrath, Mary
Hills, Joe, Looby, Peter Benny,
Part II—Veronica Dill, Evelyn Neil,
Katharine Krauekopf, Margaret Jordan
Clayton Looby, Joseph lerauekopf,
Class A.—Teresa Delaney, Rose 0'
Connor, Bertha Dorrenetyn, Frances,
Hills, -
Claes B,—;Elia Orawford, Dorothy
Molynoeux, Bernier) McGrath, James
Tr'eaeurer'a report of W altou Red
those Union beginning June rst and
ending Noy. 30th 19l3.
Balance on hand from 132 02
Meetings 106 46
Donations 43 21
Grant from Morrie Council 275 00
Grant from MoKillop Council 2,26 00
Olive Bolger's birthday party 6 25
French Relief 18 Og
Qailt 2 00
Belgian Relief Tress 30
Methodist Ladies' Aid 21 70
Cotton yarn 175
Paper . 2 25
Chrietmae Boxes 44 40
Total $?78 37
312 79
38 78
347 99
r2 82
2 61
20 10
54 74
Flette ell flannel
Tape, needles, wick ets,
French Relief
Christman Boxes
Total $790 64
Balance ou hand 87 73
Mra john Watt, Treas,
There are rumors of a great fight
south of the village :in which Britian
again won, Nuff said.
We are glad to see Ben Snell able to
be out after a long illness from blood
Geo. Riley is busy cutting wood on
the acre lot bought recently,
Miss Edna Love of Walton spent a
week with her sister Mrs, Ed. Britton.
Mr, F, Wakefield had a wood bee to
get his winter wood home,
The Sacrament was obeereed in the
Church here on Sunday, Services in
preparation were held on Friday,
Mre ,N, Gillespie of Seaforth is vire
Ring relatives here,
Mre. 8. Spare has gone to Bramp•
ton for the winter to live with her
The Women's Institute ehipped fruit
to the Canning Centre at Stratford last
The memorial Bervlae held in Grace
Church for Pte. H, Phillipe was of a
very solemn nature and the sermon 'by
Rev, Mr, Garrett of Heneail was very
Frank Tutu invited a number of hie
frionds to help celebrate hie birthday.
They all unite 16 wishing him maey re-
turns of the name,
Invitations are mit fob the marriage
on the xi tie of Mite Aicheaon of Sea -
forth to Me, Wofellie ,$, Stara,
At every branch of this Bank d general banking
business is conducted. Deposits are accepted,
Loans made and Letters of Credit issued, Draf
on foreign banks sold or the money transferred
direct by us, Bills of Exchange, Sale ,Notes,
Collections, etc., looked after and collected.
Make use of the facilities offered by this Bank for
the advancement of your business and personal
aecelnber rr
pltom twimullMpMMl4rr unimotIF111f1ImriMMgg11MWMMimsYmitatt :maiii
The Commercial Hotel
Thursday Dec. 12th
DORENWEND's of Toronto
Invite you to their
display of the
newoat creations in
artistic hair goods,
If your own hair
ie thin, dull and un-
becoming, let us de-
monstrate just what
can be clone to sup-
ply your lack of
hair, and how per-
fectly it is accom-
plished ,
For Ladies:—Switches, Transformations
Waves, Pompadours, Chignons, Etc.
For Bald Men:—Dorenwend's Toupee
will make you look vears younger
and improve your health. Light as a
feature and indetectable on our sanit-
ary patent structure.
This display is for I day only,
Thursday December 12th
Appointments can be arranged at
residence if so desired.
The Dorenwend Company of Toronto
Head Office; -108-105 YONGE ST.
The two McKillop Proebyterian
Churches will hold union anniversary
seivicee on Sunday Dec. 15th, The
Rev. Mr. MCDermid of Knox Church
Goderich will preach in Defies Church,
at r 1 a, m. and at Cavin'e Church
Winthrop at 7 p• m
Mr. Wm. Johnston is buoy loading a
car of turnips for shipment,
Aegreat deal of preaaed hay is com-
ing in at present.
On Friday of loot week as Mr, Barn
of McKillop with his daughter who
teaches in No. 11, Bullet was coming
home his oar collided with a run -away
horse near the railway crossing. The
horse had got away from. Sidney Lee.
In the collision, the horse was thrown
into the ditoh and its back broken
Mr, Ham had a finger broken, Mina
Barn escaped injury. The front of
the car was badly broken.
Mre, Button of Seaforth visited her
cousin Mre, B "Adams.
Anniversary services were held on
Sunday when Rev, Dr Morrison of
Sarnia officiated, He also gave an ad -
dreier on Monday night,
Tho sawmill has closed for repairs to
the engine.
Unknown joy was felt bare when
word arrived that Pte, Ernest Mustard,
who was reported missing and dead,
had been a prieouer in Germany and
was liberated,
Robt. Gemmell ie home again after
spending the Bummer in Edmonton,
Eightleada of fat.oattle were chip.,
ped here for the Toronto Fat Stock
ehow and trade.
The Christmas tree celebration is
now taking up all the apace time for
preperation, The youngoetere enjoy
All persons in need of coal for rho
coming winter are notified that the
ateat advise from the .Fite! Administra-
or state that no further supply of hard
coal can be slupied for dilvery at Dab
lin this winter, Those who have not
already laid in their full supply should
at ouoe endeavor to secure it supply of
wood or other fuel,
By order of the Council,
James Jordan,
Splendid War Album
The War Album issued by The Faun.
ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mon-
treal is one of the beet souvenirs of the
War. Future generations Will cherish
this book. It will be a complete diary
of the great struggle and contains a
whole mine of information regarding
the Allies. We learn the supply is
limited, Any home that fails t0 seotre
a Dopy now will regret it, 51 25 pays a
full year's eubaeription to that great,
weekly paper and a copy of the War
Album, Sample may be seen at this
"Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces-
sive acid in stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at once.
Time itl In five minutes all storm
itch distress, due to acidity, will go.
No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or
belching of gas or eructations of undi-
gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache, �q
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for Ito
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quietest stomach sweet-
ener in the whole world, and beeidee it
is harmless, °Put an end tootomgch
dietrese at once by getting a large fifty -
eget case of Pape'e Diapepsin from any
drug store, You realize in Ave minutes
how needless if, is to suffer from Indi-
gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis-
order caused by fermentation due to
excessive aside in stomach. Cr
Scott's Home of
Christmas Footwear
Cozy Slippers, Hou fe Slippers, Overshoes
Spats, Moccasins Leggins, Hockey Shoes,
Rubber Boots, Suit Cases, Club Bags,
Dress Shoes, Work Shoes Buckled Rubbers
Lace ,Rubbers, Men's House Slippers, Rub-
bers Arch Supports,S Felt Slippers.
14. R. seen
"The "Home of; Christmas Gifts"
Phone 51 Seaforth
Advertising !
Counter Check Books
Letter Heads
Menu Cards
Loose ?Leaf Ledger
Eorms etc.
Calling Cards
Memorial Cards
Bill Heads
Wedding Cards
Note Heade
Neatly and promptlp
The biggest men in
the country have found
that the easiest way to
spell success is to
pose the newspaper
did not publish the
news. how would the
people know what is
happening ? If you
don't publi ; h your
Store News how will
the people know about
your goods? You can
never sell the goods
people do not know
you have.
Advertising is telling
about your stock. The
firm that advertises
gets ahead, every time,
of the firm that does
not advertise. Shop.
worn and out•of=date
stock is the penalty
merchants pay for not
Girls! Try It! Hair gets 'aft, fluffy anti
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that &to-
tens with beauty and is ^radiant witr'
life; has an incomparable softmaas
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine,
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You oan not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of fee
lustre, its obsength and its very litfe,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the ecalp; the
hair roots famieh, loosen and die; them
the hair falls out fast, Surely get a
email bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
hem any drug atore and, just -try it,
'Tie a marvellous Thing —When the
cures effected by Dr, Thomas' Eolectrio
Oil are considered, the speedy and per-
manent relief
er.manentrelief it has brought to the stiff
eying wherever it has been wised, it
must be regarded as a marvellous thing
that so potent a medicine should re-
eultfrom the six ingredients which en-
ter its oempoeitiok. A trial 'will con-
vince the most mkeptieal of•lte healing
One of the commonest complaints of
infants are worms, and the moat effeo•
tive application for them is Mather
Graves' Worm Exterminator,
For Sate
A good base burner with even fo
Apply to
Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic —
TI,irough lack of consideration of 'the -
body's needs many -parent allow dis-
orders of the digoetive apparatus, to ou-
tline until they become chronic, filling
daye and night* with (suffering. To
these a coarse of Parnelee'e Vegetable
Pills ie recommended as a mire and
epeedy way to regain health, These
pills are opeolahy compounded to oonee
batrdyepepeia and the many Ole that
follows in its train, and they ares elle. Wilda) always,
h :. •I