HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-12, Page 5'4r biArsd4y 1)ecember 1 a C.R. ?> NJ. Of SIR EDMUND WALKER. C,V,OO, LLD., D,C.L„ President CAPITAL PAID UP, $I5,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, Deuced Mentzer H. V. P. JONES, ASA Gen% Manager RESERVE FUND, . $13,$04,090 Careful attention is given to the bank: in$ requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. el Seafort$ Braca_o t J, G, MULLION, Manager W, J, Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. ,J, Walker, holder of gov- ermnent Diploma . and License - Day or Night oal:s receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " r8 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady graduates of last term are now earning as high as $18 and even $20 a week, while young men are earn- ing still better salaries. We can not meet the demand for trained help, Write us at once for partit:ul ars regarding our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart- ment, Students may Suter at any WJ ELLIOTT D A MQLAGHAZ PRESIDENT PRINGIPAL GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative', can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Look at the tongue, nether! If boated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels r•e'd cleansing at once. When peevish, ¢rose, listless, doesn't sleep, oat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diasrho:a, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, -constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a Stell, playful child again. Ask- your iruggiet for a bottle of "California Syrup of figs," which contains full Creations for babies, children of all ages end for. grown-ups, FOR skLE 01411RAP Frame House, 7 rooms end pantry Wilmer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft w;tter, Electric lights, large ve• ran fah, Stable l0• x, 1a' hon ;house 0 7' . Apply at the Now; Office For Sale House.aud half acre of land in the village of Egmondville, The property is situated ou Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known all 'the Purcell property. Good com- fortable house, good shed, good well. and oement eistorn. All kinds of 'fruit' trees, strawberries, raspberries and eurPant bushes, This is a oorner pro, party with no Breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of oultivation. Thio is a nine property for. a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or ti_ John Rankin, Seaforth, For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH, JOHN RANKIN Bonds for sale bearing interest from ' 6 to 7 p. c. —half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. 1`qo ex: pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. JOAN NKIN Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street Seaforth }'hone 91 a 'EA.11 WANTED ?,1,1 your dream to ns ani: receive tip prices. We are running"ur ;Ian: he year through and can handle your full supply 0116 furnish you with cans. We pay twice exult month and weigh aamele arid test emit eatl of cream ear - ,fully. Our motto is " Honesty to net Parons" Patrons are requested to rt, urn all our 00118 Whet) not ill 1)8e, 3.)tterell iitttttermillc al on hand ni for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH MARKET (cosi Milling •Wheat,.............. $2,11 Oats 000000 75. Barley .........„........,.,1 no Bran per ton ...... ...............gfi.00 Shorts per ton ................. 41 Flour 5.70 Butter.,. 43-44 Eggs,:... ,.,. 60 los 40,11,1de—ca Hogs to forensic ......17.00 • No child should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms when prompt re- lief eau beget in a simple but strong remedy -Mother Gravee' Werre Exter- minator, Local Agent Wanted 6111...1111. for the "Old Reliable” FONTHILL NURSERIES i housands of Orchard trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency With liberal commissiols, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1837) TORONTO, ONT. HToWn Topics .qw.,.w,.n-wo„mnml l..W4boflnloofx, i � 011.1..•NIi..�.lip.-..w) 11.+s.INN .11t',t 13 , The High Cost of Living --laoonomy in tile word today. Make your old garments do insteacl of purohasing new ones, Have titan dry Weaned and pressed, Dry oloaniug when properly dome lengthens the life of garments preserves their fre8h new appearance and ante as a dieinfaotant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often canoes oiolt'nese and death due to germ; clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth Opp. queen's Hotet. • - Mr, and M•ro. '2, Baird rand eon o Stanley and Mre Sage of Ashfield were v Miters at the (tome of Mr H •MODfat mid, Mr W, Fiablcirk of the Bank of Oom coerce stair has accepted a fositimt ih Dunnville, Mr and Mrs Inglis of North Dakota are the gneste of Mr and Mrs 2, Paton Mr and Mrs Robert McGee and son Jack left Thursday morning for Wing - ham. Their many friends regret their removal. Miss Dilling who was a visitor at the home of Mrs Westoott has returned to Hensall, Prof. Ballantyne was a guest of Dr . and Mrs F, H, Larkin at the Malleo ov. er Sundsy. Dr. H. H, Ross has returned from Toronto. Mies Florenoe'Tholnpson of Toronto spent Sunday zither home here, Mrs, Redpath of Toronto is visiting I er cousin Mrs. Wm. Sclater, The many friends of Mr, W. J, Free are pleased to see that he is snfficient- y recovered to be able to attend to business again, Mr D D, Wilson of New Westminster B. 0; is the guest of his son, Mr, J.A Wilson, It 18 several years since he left Seaforth and his friends are glad to sea him, Mrs, J. Warwick is visiting her dau- ghter in Toronto. Mr. Robert Laird of the Royal Avia- tion Corps is visiting his mother Mre, R Laird, Rev, F, H. Larkin will have for his subject next Sunday evening "The Great War and the New Ages". Mre. Hannah Laidlaw left on Mon- day afternoon for Hamilton to uuree her nephew, Mr, Palmer Whiteley who is ill with the Flu•i Mr. R. S. Hays is visiting herdaugh. ter, Mrs.1E. C llfo0lelland in Baden, Mrs. J. 0, Greig has returned from visiting her mother, Mrs, Aahsson in Goderioh. Sir. 0, H, Morley of St. Catharines is a visitor at tllealome of Mr, E, firm. The many friends of Mr, A. A. Mo- Lenaan are glad to welcome him again after a severe attack of iefluevea. Mr, M. McKellar is able to be outl anp says he is feeling fine after a very big fight with pneumonia. His hieucds aro glad to shake hands again. Mra, Rioheeel Clark received 00 Fri• clay from her eon, Sgt, Chas, R, Clark who is 1)0W serving with hiebattalion in Germany, a box of tear souvenirs consisting of a gold watch from a Ger- man soldier, several regiment numbers from German regiments that Ito fought, a pair of Gorm,n officer's field glasses, German drinking out) at,d several other articles, Mr, J Scott and Mies Scott of Ex- eter attended the Worden Aitchoson Wedding Mies Kate McDermid gave a allover for Mies Mary Aitcheeon at her home on ive:t Goderioh Street on Saturday, when forty guests were present, An enjoyable time was spent. 't.'wo oars horses were shipped' from Seaforth for Guelph Show on Saturday. Mr, L Gorden had word that his eon -in law, Oharlee Matthews, had died very suddenly in Alberta, The Ideal Xmas Gift Club Tickets =• for the - • Strand '- 8 Showy $1.00 memorminameemodsO 1'IiI SF.\FORTH NEWS For your own oaks don't mill "iSuek and Tom" at the Strand Thursday, Friday end Saturday,' Mr, ,John Soott,,'Roxboro, had word Glia week that his'seeond son, Pte Jae, Soots, wee harried on Saturday to an English nurse. Be had been wounded but has 80 far recovered as to take up farming in the Peace River Diatriot where he enlisted, The Canadian Megasiae for Decem- ber has a picture on the front page of Winnifred Sevauge daughter of Mr, and Afro, 2, 5, Savauge and Ian Me- Tavfah eon of ,Mr. and Mre John Mc- Tavish, The anniversary servioee which were Held last Sunday in the First Presby._ terian Oharch were very st oeeesfnt. There was a large atlendanoe at both servioes especially in the evening. The addresses given by Prof, Hellen- !qua of Toronto were both timely and inspiring, Thie is the first opportnnity the congregation has had of listening to Prof, Ballantyne and they were very favorably impressed by his power in the pulpit as well as hie scholarly attain- ments, The text of his morning dis• 0001130 wall from Matthew 11.3 "Art Thou He that should Dome or do look we for another?" Dr, Ballantyne dealt with his theme in an admirable manner and applied it to present day exper fences when doubt existed 115 the minds of many because of the terrible happen loge of the past four years. In the evening he dwelt on God's dealing with John and the final triumph of his faith Special music was furnished by the choir aesieted by Miss Isabel Woods. Next Sunday evening an union mem- orial service will be held 111 honor of the late Pte. Clarence Westoett, The members of Winthrop and Seaforth L. 0. Lodges will attend in a body. The pastor's morning theme will be A Model Witness. IYIr W Polkingham of Hslnilton is 1. visitor at the home of his uuole Mr J R Archibald Silver Creek Miss Minnie Merrier has accepted the position of organist in St Thomas Church Mies Edge having resigned Mr J Quail is moving into Mrs West• eott's home Mr D McGregor is moving into Hal- lett this weal: and Mrs MoDermid is moving into Mr McGregor's house: Mrs. Haney Dead Mrs Haney died at her home in Tuekersmith on Friday, after a few days illness with influenza. The i'em- ily moved from Antherstbnrg to the farm of Mr John Gemmel, last spring. Two children, Essie and Bert, besides the bereaved husband survive, To Work For Refugees The Executive of the Huron County R 0 W C A met at Clinton on `. at. urclay, December 7th A letter was read from London }Led Cross asking that we stop all regular Iced Cross work tor a few months and devote our time to work for the repatriated refug008 of France and Belgium The meeting was unanimous in deoiding'to do 6e livery 11011100 in the county should have anion part in thio work of caring for the wo- men and children of those devasted cantltrtes It was also decided to place ourselves on resort.' as being fn tneOlri• With alt efforts pnt forward to erect suitable memorials for 001 fallen sold leis and our willillgtl0es to assist 1.1 Rama, .Juan Fitton, Exeter, Cor Kiley Wood! Wood 2 Don't wait 8111 the cold weather seta in. Bily your supply now. 500 cords of 12 fu to offer, W. AIENT, Mtt,er's Worm Powders will purge the'stomaoh and 111805 11188 of worms so effectively and so easily and paitllossiv that the moat delicate stomach will not feel any ineotiveuienee from their act- ion. They recommend themselves to mothers as a preparation that will re- store strength and vigor to their child- ren and protect theta from the dobilt- ating effects which result from the de- pretletions of worms. ww As a business proposition, there is tie ootuparison between the value you re- ceive from a year's subaoriptiot for The Farmers' Weekly Sun and that of any othee farm paper, considering its accurate market forecasts and reports, The Sisters' page double the volae. ''11 is a'woman'a page with life Jn ()tory line. No increase in Oleo, ,One Dol. lar per year. Warta ST1AND Thursday Friday 86 Saturday A Genuine Treat Jack Pickford in "HUCK and TOM" If you want to see one of the best photoplays ever produced, bar none, see this one. Monday Tuesday & Wednesday Miss "Billie" urke The Mysterious Miss erry The above pictures are two of the best in e have ever shown or could ever hope to show SJANo 1 HEARTS OF THE WORLD Seldom If ever has it fallen to the fortunate totof any American to be received by David Loyd Georgi,, Prime Minister of England, during these pres- ent war times, unitise his mission was strictly a diplomatio one, Yet this honor came to David Wark tdrifti h in a way that was humorous. Mr Griffith; just prior to his depart- ing for the battlefields of France to take the more important scones for his latest production, Hearts Of The World which is to shown at Seaforth, visited London in order to interview Lloyd George who had promised on behalf of the British Government, the official aid of Great Britain's army in taking the pictures on the firing line in Preece, When Mr Griffith was about to leave the Downing Street rooms, Lord Beav- erton suggested to Mr Lloyd George that the camera man take a moving picture 01 himself and Sir Griffith shelr. ng hands. Lloyd George agreed This historic picture is now s pert of the prologue t0 "Hearts of the World' mud will be seen at the shote by those who arrive early enough to catch the prelimiIlary scenes. When fvlr Griffith was about to de- part for France he saw Lloyd, tleorge again and the great British statesman said; 'The idea ketch of your splendid story is message to all civilization that its light will not be in vain. Let hie be the •first to predict 11,11t 111 en t<0 have completed your labors, you will have produced a masterpiece which will carry a message around the aurid --a message which will inspire .Itery heart with patriotism; with love of country and home; with the gnat cause for which the civilised natinua ar:• now fighting iu France' Throughout all Mr Gti$itlls work on tho battlefields of Franco, both the 13ritish and the l.rouvh (le1'eri11111111 officials gave him every aid and assist. mum many times going out of their way 'to help along in the taking of some particularly historic) scone. :Mr Grif- fith was eighteen months itt ooutplet• big his picture, during which time he was under bouhardntent, one of which lasted four hours. It ie also intei•88ti1151 to note that he was the first American to set foot in the front line trenches ie Europe, Hearts of the world is not iu any sense a war pioture. It has been termed "the sweetest love storyever told" The,great tear serves only as a background to the nu old ug of the main drama of the eternal and never. dying story of a great love that ,could not be destroyed Oardsto's Opera House Monday Deo. 10th, Ma,inen and evening. Stints on sato at Aberhart'e Drug Store, Shown ender the attspiees of the Soldiers' Aid Oommissiol, Corns cannot exist. when. Holloway's Corn Cure ie applied to them, beoaneo it goes to the root and lcllls the growth Your Christmas Groceries (come where you can get a nice fresh stock of groceries. Reels eurrants Raisins Oranges Fruits of all kinds Nuts in every variety The Garden rocery Phone :5 Thursday Friday & Saturday Triangle L riangle Presents l iI A Romance of thrillsinter- mingled with Comedy Monday Tuesday & Wednesday EL.eI Claytiiii We start at 8.15 P. M. Saturdays 7.45 P. M. Princess