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The Seaforth News, 1918-12-12, Page 4
VESSIOV MEI)ICAI. 310S. H.MtL3i RIIo nle1;11pet' Avow atctOfl M Mamma ofEyC,,EatgtNnodsO daily Throat, ecoend lenldon. besidencephone No, ,17fl1c Phone No. '�. H r.•.tr F, J. BCRBOWS eenforWt 011lee and s donate-Godexlelt Street, cast of the Mata. odlat Cbnrob, ndyoner for Coant7 rat Huron VeYfphone ", 40. W�R:s Satin Physiriaos rind aJAtrr gis, Guderteh street. opposite MotiveGenrrlb, rienforth, ereez gt'ednatelletorla and Amt Arbor, end Bomber of Ontario College of Physicians and 3urgeone, - Coroner for County of Fiume, 3 ClOT,honor graduate Trinity Oittversite. ;coldmeileIM Trinity Aledeal College, Member of College of Pysietans and eergenns, Ontario, B. iso. IiII1,IMAh, Osteopthic speelatfet APONO. Womenla and �Chtldretee discomfited shenmatle trenbles. Aerate and t'hronic disord ars, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re. Mored without thekulteliotel snitail0,t free. RoylTnaalay.1.Sol . to p.m.te'ridoY doom. to it CAR'S, tamed " Marriage Licenses Fndoptfla a TT i OR FORyIN Insurance Are yah _ytwldertng Insurance, Life or Accident? ityon are, a peetcard will get our rates. J. D. 4IIrlet1LEY, General Agent for London Life Insurance Co, ud imuerial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. James Watson General nt'erstnytahneAgnad daleAccident Machines. Main Street. Seaforth, THE Mc1KILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS Jae t'nantlly, Gederirh, President, James Evans, I.eeehwood, Vtee•I'resIdent. Thomas Hays, sehtorth. Sac: Treae Director. D. F. McGregor, Seofordit Joho G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rion, Constance', John Bennewels. Bredghtgen; -Robert Fetus, arlock; Malcom BAC"xn. Clinton; 1, McCartney seaforth; Swaim Connolly, Godedcht Jas. Evans, Beechwood Agents Alex. Leitch, Hariock; E. Hioc4ley, Seatert'• �AMUtem Chesney Egmondvllle; J. %V. Ye.. Vel and John Goy enl�ocok, SafB�r thhamatt Jame r Parties deelroue to effect Inaurancr or tram's- other ran'a•other business will be promptly 0ttended eo t LtpAC1215011 to any of the above officer!, address 90their respective pesteftices. se GP. 6 t180 SOU Ole! t 4,11 Sias of H.10'.Crt I. The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold on the Meiits 6f ltinard's Linimenf .rar Sae SCR NTON COAL 4101. . Kt:`v, Sedforth. Phone 180 B std cess Without a proper systm of aflver- tisin is like a motor without the power. . . Sea -forth News F-DVi:IRTISEMENTS will supply the Tequired energy pitons .. 5b Cvenhigo127 c►�ix IS ISSUED EVERY TIWRSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. e SEAPORTIi, ONT• Phone 04 Eretti0g ItT SUBSCRIPTION one dollar per year, ►tdetly 1a ad e a nee if net paid fp advenoe the doll at and pwltoretstieop et . will renxra.rk(yt advan esd, Wbeu subscribers chomp their address notice should be lent us immediately, giving etelbbers willl cooler a and the new by notifying ti of any irregularity of denient. Rending Noticee-No .'eading notice, advertiany entertainment money Is to be made by amatter t w labperson or cause will be inserted 1n Tex News without charge. The price for the Inset. tion of butanes' announcements is TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties paving no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each insertion to those laving display tonteacta, and for church, ►oelety and entertainment read nl0 notices. Card of Thanks 3 to 9 TH : NEWS SECR.II't'AItY'S REPORT 1 for Ont. u and Nev 121g, IGS suite of pyjamas, 24 military flannel shirts, 3106 Aire of eons, 102 to(ele, 13 pair's of heelese bed socks 48 sculteta's baudagos, 12 huttot clout b audka ro It i ef0, Edna Dt 1 ttu y, Set:rttary. The quilt donated ly Miss Ellen Scarlet to the Red Cross was won by Mrs, Jas Watson, The amount real- ized was MAO.; Judlelnl, Legal,. Official and Govern- most overn- in ertion a d 5,0 cents per lihme-Ten tents per ne fofrt .each "nrst 1 rubseenet insertion. Yearly tarda -Professional Cards, not $S 00 per year, inch, we abl strictly iwill be n Inverted Display advertising -Rates furnished on eppttcetlon, Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUnttl forbid." and those sent without written instructions frptdt. rtorders rrceid for their continuance. Lettere to the Editor must. be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith The publisher accepts no noon- elbility whatever for the statements made !a such communications. Lettere on reli- gious copies will not be published at an except as pal4 advertising, plainly marked as such. The tate for such matter is ten cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Red Cross Report ]HURON NEWS ThuradaY Di 01111 bolt 7 l ea ])y p ill h*oration, 1111 ion The real tato 0 1 which oousisted of a brick 1 0neo and about five of land was pnroLosed by M Witt 3Corniek of Usborne, totvneltip. Tho price was $6365, The Ethel Choose factory Inas olooed' for title 0eaeon. The Leadbury-boof ring legs been in operation for 13 yoaro and during that time over 400 fat outtlo have been kill. ed and the beef divided among the pat. runs, Mr 0, Al, Chambers lute pnrcheeed tb0 Gardor Block in Blyth Although ho does cot intend setting up in host. Meat there he will make repairs on the place in the Spring, P10, 1', Lttttoto 001 of i11r, 'Phomas Luttou of Wingham hat won a commie. len for bravery un the battle field in oarrylhg orf Capt. C. G. Valtstone, while wounded, Belli men aro from Wing - tam and wont overseas with the iSict Battaliou, Elaut. Luttou hue boon over the top nine times. FINANCIAL STATEMENT For October RECEIPTS Balance on lend 31363.94 A friend 326 00 A friend 100 00 John Forest 25 00 McKillop School Fair At (Nol.i.)5120 00 Proceeds from Silver 'Pea Pot donated by .Mise Lukes I07 75 Rag lenge sold 4 00 Quits sold 2 75 Rod Croat Pin sold 25 Fees 10 00 Muney. Boxes 23 Total $i9J9 42 EISPENDITURER Miss Dorothy Gunn (Prisoner of war) 20 1111 F. Minion t)si,•r 148 00 Stamps 5 00 Total $ I73 00 11 (01101 on hand 1781; ;.1.2 190;1 42 lrr,r N veetb3 10E,!El1''r Buiauce 011 11141 ,l 11'ittthi ,1 I:r;eu;h 1)n11s C ,ur, it l.::di:•s':A11 • I.,f, 1Ien,Le ti ltrs„ut1(1 to 01(011.--110 1i"it's ht frf»rad n iverkor it the Rod ''re*s `cadet to; P t v!it:)i t:' e. , ti iltam roil it 31.e eateee Reid 1111-ees Merfetret teem, had Elva .1..ifereen. tole of bags 01irsae Norio Conk and "laijorie Bich ell sale of blankets %Ire W 1: Southgate ,ori Mies.10nnie 1)'hrsde A friend Red Croat pin sold Rag !tugs sold Rags sold Free Concert Subeoriptiuts l,lonthty Con Letitia loos i;30 42 09 110 7 00 The death naourreti during the past work of Christian lieoblor at the home of his sou Meer Exeter, He is one of the oldest inhabitants of that part of the country, He was ill hit gaud year and hall pa0s0d nlostlnf his life in Hay township, 'rhe remains were interred in the Amish Cemetery on the Bronson Hue, Hay township. 'rhe Bank of Hamilton has opened a branch office in Bluevale with Mr, W. Pugh of Winghom as manager, Master Stewart Cook of ()lintel] had a Close call last week when a team of horses standing near the track bonnie frightened at a passing train and bolt ed. They knocked him over causing two wheels os the wagon to pass over his legs He is reoovering Nom the accident at present. On Wednesday night of last week Sergt, Edgar Paths arrived 110nla to Clinton oft the Stratford train, Ho was met by the reception Committee nil the Kiltie Bend. A quiet wedding took plata in the Methodist parsonage in Exeter last Robert C1I Cin,tit one tittle a ) ro- nnot b)auufarturer'in Toronto is dead Tho late IA1. dKllgon1, prior to retiring from Rosiness was ooutlootetl with many manufacturing commie, Moog the attest being the ICilgont• Bros, Paper Bag oono0rn. 110 woe at ono tipo Pro sitlont of the Canadian Furniture Man- ufacturing 00. Ha, was also at ono time vio0 presitont of the Bank of Onnliller0e, ' Hayfield Wm, Elliott and wife of Dopper Clift wore visiting friends here, „v; t. Mrs, D. Wilson has gone to Watr0us Saslt. with her son Charles, Mrs, Cowie is in Goderioh with iter mother, , Mr. and Mrs, John Biggort have gone to Toronto for th, v'•ntati, .lir, J. Printer of Zurich 11105 tlis polled of his hardware stook to Messrs, H F. 5 lade end Earl Wiedn of that plant. Mr. Preeter intends carrying on his general store' business in future, Pte. Percy Clark returned to his home in Zurich on Tuesday evoniug of Met week aftorbemg through the great sr pert of the war. Fle is one 61 the first to return from Franco shin the, 0•1.l of the war. 11r, McKinnon head Miller of the 131) th Milling Oo, leaves shortly to take charge of tae mill in Lnoau, 81r, Addison Kiug who has charge of the mill it; Lucan will taste charge of the Myth mill in futnre lellyth has bade without electric light Tuesday evening when Miss Gladys nearly .two weeks owing"to a brenIre Delve beoarno the bride of Mr Earl oat. in the pions there. It hat beet) Pweuur both of Exeter. The grin m 10 un t r d on again dosing the past week, a veteran of the great war having serv- ed several years in France. Th07 h tv 'I'urlreys, itis said will be very scarce the beat wishes of a inrge Ouao of chic st.uson, and prices in eousegnence Needs. a'0 likely to be very high, The Cold The estmte of the lute Air. George wet Spfiug this year is blamed CO Semwetl of Exeter Ives sold list week this shortage, .n.4040,1=8" WORK WIME xo1T szaur For 151010. Headache, Sour Stein oh, Sluggloh Liver and Bowels -- Take Caaoareta tonight. Furred Tongue, Bate Taste, Indigo - Hon, Salloty Skin and Miserable Head- aohea oomo front a torpid liver and ,logged bowels, wltiolt cause your stout - Atilt to become filled with undigested food, wltloh sours and ferments like gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery^ -indigestion, foul ;ayes, ball ,breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and :lauseating. t1, Cascara tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough Cleansing and straighten you. out by morning. They work while you sleep - a 10 -cent box from your druggist will 'lop you feeling good for months, Mt 11 regret ie felt here in recording the death of AL'. J, Reid, Most of hie life was spent on a farm in Stanley, Slime that he has lived with his son here, Hie death was caused by heart talon. The following officers were elected for the L. 0. L, No. 24 for 1919. ;W, M. , It. McMurray; D. M: , H, Stinson It. S. 0, E, Greenslade; F,S, P, Tippet Treas. d. Tippet; Sec, , R Elliott.. Efforts aro_ being made to have the 12th horn itex't year. No more Asthma. Dr, J. 0, Kull ogg's '_ethma Remedy sounds the death knell to this trying trouble, It stops the awful choking and painful breath- ing. it gllartle against night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep and rest the whole night long. Much is claimed for this remedy, but nothing but what can be demonstrated by a trail If you suffer from asthma try it r and convince yourself of its great (aIle. THE THRILL FOLLOWS THE TEAR THE LAUGH FOLLOWS THE THRILL Sweetest Lave Stcay Ever Told' --Enacted to the Accompaniment of the Terrible it'Arraished by the Clash la Corabat of Millions of Men. Soul -Stirring - tragedy Alternating with incidents of Genuinely Delicious Comedy. 2 lu 2 1(1) I BO 1 110 25 9 300 1 00 2 75 242 25 235 27 Total $2350 94 F.X,PEN DIT ORES Miss Dorothy Gunn (Prisonu r of wet) I Stamps Post Cards F Gordon Osler F Gordon Osler McLean Bros .J F Snowdon Thompson's Book Store r MacTavfsh 20 00 51, 50 a5 00 610 60 14 2o 5 00 190 73 62 Total 742 22 Balanoe on band 15rb 72 $2356 94 inion. T8 lE't1d33.a Achier otnetitt her Gres+ esi o'gym ' p� Created ©Tl the Battle - Fields of riamce ASSINO EVEN THE BIRTH OF A NATION' AND DWARFING ALL OTHER PRODUCTIONS" Coniin Seaforth Monday Dec. Mad Evening Cardno's Opera House Cinder "Auspices of the !?aeaforth Branch Soldiers' Rid Commission Prices -Matinee -25c, 50c--Evening-50c, 75c MOO Seats on sale at Thberhart.'s Drug Store Shown Here withS� ecial Orchestra and zffects Notice Reoidente of the Township of Mail. lop who require coal are required to forward a written request to J. M Gov enlock who has been appointed Fuel Controller for the Municipality of Mo- [Cillop. Only those who have no wood or rail fences need apply, as the gaan- tity of ooal promised McKillop is limit- ed, 13y Order of the 00110011, M . Mnt'dis, Olerk CHURCH NEWS sint11tIte11115 Road art s ho.) fr acing charge, ex-' epih°sa regarding meelinga wham 1113 ad Mission tee 19" Charged. '1 he rate for such being him centper cumuli line . ,. SPAR.1404141rki firiMUI Obt4 S SI. James' St James' Uhurelt. liev, Father Iff„ 1'. !loots P. L' Early Melia 8,110 115th , Mese „10,30, Sunday 1301101113 p. rd,. Veapurs and Bt.nedicltut, ni lig, -Bless.. ed Saorutoent 7 p lit For Freedom and the Right "THE ALLIES" 51. Thomas' Itely. `0'. H. Brown, Ituotoe. Sunday 00 rOuoo 11 e to cud. ill Sunday scltoo 1 2,801 p In, 11 out,'nt,gliuw: Mi58iollary Asouciatlnn, Tuesday 2 30 p,un. Chiltlren'a'iraneh Saturday 2 p.ru, to tet'toeel tot at ev151,8 - every Thursday, .O p, In. The shove is the title of a most interesting War Albans issued by The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of M ou.treal, It is brimful of useful information from cover to cover : T to front: cover page is a most beautiful dation em- bracing the flaga of flags of all the Allies, It is a clever artistic effort The Album romaine the flags in colors of ail the Allies. It tells in full the story of the "Union Jack" and "01d Glory". It gives the date and reason for entry of each of the allies into the War. It gives the system of Govern- ment ofeach, aolo population, area, etc etc, It Contains the Nations Songs of Great Britain, France and the United States, a well as a great many of the popular onge such as “Tipperary," 'Long Long Trail," "Good Bye Broad- way," "Over 'There," eta , etc It no tains a diary of the war since its cent- meocemeutUp to to time of going to going to press, with blank 8p0.00 on which the recipient map fill in future slates and have the complete history. The Album is one you world boy or sight at any reasonable price, but is not for Bale. It is absolutely free to all who subscribe to The Family Herald mud Weekly Star for 1919. The y'eat. ly subscription price it $1 25, We have mode a clubbing combivatiot with the Fondly Herald and tum offer ''Ninthly 8 p, rat, L O - Let- Wed. that greet Weekly with t' a Album and Mei--.,.- hodrst Rev, H. D. Moyer, pastor -SUNDAY School at 10:00 a,,rn•, Ptiblio service 1,1 a.m, and 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting 'L'her„dfay 8, p.m, • Salvation A.riny Lieut. F. W. Leight Sunday services-Holiness'l1 a, ra. Praise 3 p.m, -Salvation 7 p.m. -Sun day School 4 p. m.-Wedneedoy- Ptiblic meeting All are welcome. Bgmondvilie, Presbyterian Rev, S McLean pastor. Sunday ser- ving 11 a.m. and 7•t p Ill. Bible blase 3 p.m Prayer • meeting Wednesday 8p. m, Y.1' M.S^Uuivu 3rd Friday in the month 8 p m.. Women's Mission• ary Society 3rd Wednesday inthe month at 2,30 p.m Ladies' Aid inn s im- mediately after. First Presbyterian Rev, ie. li, harlun, I',tst 11., Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p rat, Sm'da school 2.30 p.m Prayer mea ,! Thursday, 7.45 p m. Wntnelee A1iee- ionary Stele y•tile first Tuesday fu oaoh month at 3 pm, 1larbara Kirkman Mia. cion Baud 3rd'ftwatlay: in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4:15 p 111, McKillop Presbyterian 0.trsorel1 p.tetor Sunday services IJuffs' church 11 a to - Sunday school 10 nail Prayer meeting, Wed- nesday 8 11.111. wotn0u's Missionary Society 1att Friday 1111 twin mouth at o'clock. Winth-o,r Presbytut, iaegt"' Sond0y settlor 2 30 no, Stniday School 1 15p m - Prayer nioatfttg News for $2.51f. The inter 01 the Album 3 3 1 A. 0.3. t-t1:u38 8i is fur alitnttetl tine only. Order now l,l,Saw) or, p.w:or, Snntlay service 2 30 porn. Yonrg 110410's Loa - p, in 8 an .1 oa- p.tn8an1 7 tveuen's.>'txfl ary first 'Tuesdity of every 'inontlt a 30 11,.,130= Aid last Thursday and be sure of a copy, The Family Herald does not continuo ouch an atter ndahnitely. A sample of rho Album may be seen at this (Mot. " THIS CHRtSFylr1S 111113t 0011111 1113 llo nhrietMeg ill rt•ron I years luavo 00,11111311, 1'b.• spirit. of Cln•isttnas tnnat be kept rap. n..1) s •:.eible, wisely eellialed things can by given, tout 0110 gift *141111 puey'. da for many Here it is -an ideal gift, for o-:: and the w1i, t' family are sure t(. be delighted with it, The Youth's Companion !ills the bill eempleteli o0miug all not; 52 tittles a your, Stories Articlos. Receipts, Speoial !'ages anti more in quantity for all 11508 that an) monthly magaa1T1* gives in 0 year. A dietinot benefit to all hands, You give cheer, uplift, inepiretion and autortain nlveit-an actual need in - these times, The Companion is still only $2,25 a year. Don't miss Grace Riehntand's groat serial, Anne Exeter, 10 chapters, begin wing D000mbeo' 111. Tho following speeiul offer is made to new enbetribers, I. The Youth's Companion -52 issues of 101q, 2, All the remaining weolrly issues et 1018, 3. The Cotnpanion Home Calendar or 11100) All the above for uuly $2,25"or you may include 4. McJall's Mageiins-12 fashion nuinbore, 411 for only' $3,28 The two magnsin0s may' be sent to separate addtoesee if desired, THE YOUTH'S CON PAN ION. Commonwealth Avit'&' 81, 1'attl.,St. Boston, Mase, Neff Suloecriptrone Reoaiv,d At ti. 0flioo. er ri•grasa.wera nveer^• '4.u""ca,alsr"^.-r"`'rl "For the Blood is the Life." 11 WHEN MU ARES SUFFERING, With any dteoaao duo to 00010re 1,0n such ea gOcere , Sorofela, sou rvy, 30 Logo, *1,600,1000, Moors, Glandular Swellings, Bolla, Pimples, 9or0e of any kind, Piloo,etood. Poi0on,0heematlem, Gout, otos (Wt. waste -your time and mulcts' on lotions and ointments which cannot gel billow the surface of the skin, What you went is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood ..f the poisonous matter which alone is the true -este of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood llixtu a is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood- all impurities, from wbate3er cause arising, and by rendering it cleats and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting cur, •...",d assn), Over 10 years' success Pleasant to take, Sold by ill Chem tsta toll Stnrt5,epora. Holing all istbatlutr,.v. CURES ALL SKIN & BLOOD. DISEASES House to. Rent A seven roomed house to ; IAtt wit It collar, soft water. Apply to CIOs i'ad 'Eokart , ,Phone 28a r