HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-05, Page 8The Best Wins That is the this is the utast popular Barber Shop in town. per thing is sanitary and you can .en/op 1r hall outhere, Commercial Barber Shop C4th W, ROBJNSON Prop MUSICAL •maa®ss,+ Miss Aunia.k=, Govenlock, tlradnate -Teacher's Coliraa-Godoweky Methods, ante -lien Academy of Mueio . Toronto reopen her classes in pinto, Organ d Theory on September 3rd. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian academy and Toronto Conservatory laminations Studio North Main St, Phone 103 MUSIC Mee, O'Connell has re.opened dames in Piano and Singing. Pupils prepared for the London Con- servatory. MRS. O•CONNELL, John Street, SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Pete Make thio cheap beauty lotion to clear and Whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ouneee of "orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the beat fieckle and le lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small coat. Your grocer has the lemons and any frog store or toilet counter will supply 8tree ounces of orchard white for a few tete. Meseage this sweetly fragrant etlon into the face, neck, arms and =detach day and see how freeklea and Imbibes disappear and how clear, soft and white the ellen bceomes, Yes! Y# harmless. ea Women's Auxiliary he Women's Auxiliary of St. Tnom- hurch held their annual meeting he School Room on Tuesday Dee„ There was a very large attend e• The several reports were read showed the out put of work for the lana was moat encouraging and the iteral standing very good. All los were met despite the fact that ;he members are active war workers following officers were elected. sident, Mre, T, R. Brown; Hon i President. Mrs, Robert Johnston; Pres Mrs. H. Edge, Tres• Mies lresswoll; Sooty, Mrs. H Edge; rd of Management—Mre, Everett, 5 Fowler, Mrs, L, J, Van Egmond, Archibald; Seoty-Treas, of Pledge 3, Mrs F Holmstead, was with deep regret that the )nation of Mise Jessie Case was pted, who is leaving town, The 'dent then read an address to Mies and MissFowler presented her a Life Membership of the W, A' 1 beautifui gold Auxiliary Badge in g memory of one of its most de. members from the very beginning ,then served which bi ought ''nf'd the •moot euocessful *Sy. r. 1 CORRESPONOENCE 1 Kipp.en Mrs. Munn of Ripley has returned. name after a visit with her aunt, The Petriotio Society report an in come of $93z for the year with an ex- penditure of $023. Flensall The open fall has given our people a fine eilanoe to save fuel and oleo finish up their work before cold weather COMPS, Pte, Wm• Shaddock has been pre- sented with a purse of $14U by frieude in Hensall The howl Supper given by St Pauls Ohnroh drew, as usual, a large orowd and was quite up to their standard, The fowl left over was sold by auction. The programme provided was also of a high order. Rev, Mr. Garrett made an excellent chairmau, The proceeds amounted to $IOQ, Thanksgiving servicss were held on Sunday. eonstance Mrs, J. Sutherland has returned to Winnipeg after visiting her brother Mr, Geo Stephenson. The Ladies' Aid Sooiety met on Thursday. Our hunters hare all come home again laden with the "spoils" of the chase, The weather was very fine. They all report s good time in the woods and deer plentiful. C''.rorn rty Mr, Donald Parks has gone to Allen. ford to spend the winter with hie niece Mrs, Aikens, Mrs. Tufford spent Last week with friends near Seaforth. Mrs, Jae. Scott w home again after visiting a sick relative in Seaforth. The Hospital for Sick Children TORONTO War Laid Heavy Hand on Chlidren'4. Charity. Lear Mr, Editor:— The annual report of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, marks a new record, despite the heavy handi- cap the war placed upon its work. The task of ministering to the suf. Tering youngsters of this province was no light one in view of the Hospital's splendid response to the national call .ii doctors and 43 nurses from its forces have seen service overseas. Yet the number of patients treated is 6,048, or 1,808 more than last year. Of these in -patients, 769 were from 266 places outside of Toronto. The tireless efforts of the stair made possible also a reduction, in the average length of stay necessary for the little patients from 24 days In 1914 to 14 this year. These results show that the Hos- pital has again pair' to the children rich dividends of health upon the in- vested kindness of its supporters. There bas been careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to the Hospital. There has been saving—almost scrimp •ng—in every direction except where t would prevent the Hospital's Booth ,ug the suffering or shortening the tcknees of one child. The daily cos. of operation was held at the lowest oolut which would atilt allow the •hildren entrusted to the Hospital ti ret the best medicine and the best r' are. And yet so high has risen the cost of ••very item In the Hospital's budget—In abor, in fuel, in food, and, above all 4, medical supplies—that the mini mum expense of taking rare of one •hild for one day has risen from $2.39 hack in 1914 to $3.21§'1 to 1918. 01 'hat, $1.66§$—the amount per patient r'r day that the official Government Brants do not cover—must come from voluntary contributions. During the past four years debts sere Incurred to the extent of 9100, 00, which the Trustees felt assured could be wiped out by the public as .‘eon as the war drew to its close, and hose heavy demands cease which have been made upon the generosity of the loyal people of this province ('he time has now come when it is ne• ressary to make known the Hospital's dire need of financial assistance. If this 43rd Christmas appeal fails 'o rally the friends of this Charity to s support, it will be necessary to mortgage its land, buildings and plant ily the bounty of the late Sohn Ross Robertson that property has just been ^leared of debt for the first time since 'tbegan its ministry of healing mercy Little children have lost a big hearted friend, and the province a ,oble benefactor. It is for the public n decide whether his llfe'work shall se shadowed with a mortgage within els than a year of his passing. What think you? Send your answer as soon es pos. slble to the Secretary -Treasurer, hos- pital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. Meanwhlle the Charity will 'carry on," irueting in your support. 0 IRVING E. ROBERTSON, Chairman of Appeal„ Committee Tit l 8M O*Tin Walton *Mr, A, 0, Foreman who has been buying and shipping hay in this vioin- itv for the past few months retnrne tide week to his home in British '001. ullrl)ia. There will be Service in the Mettle, dist Church here Sunday morning. It will be Communion servioe, Remember the Bethel Sunday School entertainment and Christmas tree on Monday night December 23, The Anniversary Servioee of the Walton Methodist Oherch will be held on Snuday Jan, eth, Prof, W, 0, Creates M. A, Pro miser of public Speaking of Victoria College will preaoh morning and evening, Prof. Greaves will oleo eeeiat iu the pregrainrno which fellows the fowl supper on Monday evening Jan. 6th. Dublin A box social will be held by St, Marys Church nn Thursday evening. Mr, John MoDeid and sister are nearly over the "fin", Mr, and Mrs. Arnold sod their daughter Mrs, Rose McGrath now occupy their new home on the Huron Road. The farmers are busy with their club organization. They appear quite bneineee litre in their dealings and are bound to be progreseire. • • There is a peculiar dog in this town that while wagging his tail as friend, will also growl at the grime time at you, Staffs A memorial service was held in- the Anglican Church on Sunday in the memory of Pte. Phillips and an elo- quent sermon lo-quentsermon was preached by the res. tor, Forty five memkere were present at. the last nseetiog'of the Women's Mies ionary Society at the home of Mrs. D Brine, Rev, A. J. Love and several others of the Methodist Ohuack were at Strat. ford last week attending the District meeting, Mrs. Webb is home after a pleasant visit with friends in Hsgerville. Mrs, Jeffrey recently visited her son here, Mr. A. Patrick ie in poor health at present, A former pastor of the Methodis �t Church was here last week. He is1 `0 81s tjoct,Wellys stationed at Scotland at present. 8 Rock row If You Can't Get to Town Banking by mail is a good way of doing business without the necessity of coming, into town yourself. Forward 'your deposits ,to uls by money order or registered ntail. The amounts will be acknowledged and added to your account upon receipt, THE INION BANK 621 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managuet psistleetnienniseinsietneinnetineensuelints iesieenlannsinuBIWtra..inisit The Commercial Hotel Thursday Dec. 12th DORENWEND's- of Toronto invite you to their display of the newest creations in artistic hair goods. II t ilc If your own hair is thin, dull and tin- beroming, let us de- monstrate just what can be done te sup- ply your lack of hair, and how per- fectly it is. accom- plished F,tP For Ladies:—Switches, Transformations Waves, Pompadours,.ehignons, Etc. For Bald Men:—Dorenwend's.Toupee will make you look Yenta younger and improve your. health. .Light as a feature and indeteetable on .our sanit- arppatent structure• c This display is for I day only, Thursday December I2th Appointments can be arranged at residence if so desired. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION The Dorenwend Company of Toronto Limited Head Office; -103-105 YONGE ST, Mr, Templeman is a "flu" sufferer at present. Brucefield Rev, Mr Johnston of Varna preached in the Presbyterian ohuroh recently, a favorite, the congregation are always glad to hear him, Mrs. Fred Tomlinson has been in very poor health for some time, Tho Red Cross are still shipping Books to the eoldiers overseas, Rev Mr Morrison of Sarnia will be the auniversary preacher at the service on Snuday next and special mus o will be given. Rev Jesse Gibson will give his fem• toe lecture, The Boy on Monday even- ing, " K McKillop MoKillop Council will meet at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforthon Doom ber r ith, lgt8 in the afternoon, M, Murdie, Clerk Manley, Mr, Archie McKay and Mr. Carrot Hargerty from Guelph and Mrs, Cotton from Ohesley attended the funeral of Mice Maggie Welsh last week. Mrs. Thomas McKay called on friends around Seaforth this week, Mrs, 0. Eckert was a visitor in our burg this week, Mr, W. Manley has been busy draw ing wood to town the pant week and is one of the lucky ones to have a good bush which 4s more valuable than clear lands at present., "Sunny South Company" That uncommonly strong combination of oclored talent, known as the J. C. Rockwell '`Sunny South" company, rs ,show that never disappoints, the one that never misrepresents is an - no need to appear in the Opera House Seaforth, Thursday evening December 12011, This company has been here several times and it has always made good every promise, delivering, the goods just as represented, Aa on eta former visite, it will be found to be Olean to a fault and during the entire performance there ie not a line, an action nor an insinuation to which ex. caption can be taken. There is every ingredient of gayety and melody and it is illuminated with an Olio of top. notch and refined specialities, the kind that are seldom seen outside the larger cities. It is snappy, gingery, enter- taining and well calculated to drive away the blues. Mr, Rockwell does not believe in putting thogreater part of his salary allotment into one or two sots and' allowing the balance of the performance te suffer th.ongh the em., ployment of cheaper ones, which 111 - ways disgust the experienced patron, but he has found that the expenditure of money for the purpose of snaking each act and detail complete pays twice over in the box office reoeipte. This explains why the performances given by this company are always up to•ths-minute and sends the 11.10d10800 home whistling, happy and contented There is also plenty of fun in the per formanoe, in fact if was built for laugh- ing purposes only and it is generally eonoeded to be one of the funniest shows since time began. The organization is accompanied by a. solo concert band and au excellent orchestra. The "Koontown" parade, a decided novelty, takes plane at noon. The prides of admission have been plaoed at 85, 6.11 & %s ota, Seats are now selling at berhart's Drug Store. Notice 't'i►+urstlay. Geluber 4 0 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persons in need of coal for the coming winter are notified that the utast advise from the Fuel Administra, or state that no further supply of hard coal eau be shipped for ililvery at Deb lin this winter. . Those who have not slready laid in their full supply should at once endeavor to secure a supply of wood or other fuel, By order of the Council, James Jordan, Clerk` Splendid War- Album The War Album issued by The Fam- ily Heald and Weekly Star of Mon- treal is one of the beet souvenirs of the War. Future generations will oherieh this book. It will be a complete diary of the great struggle and oontaine a whole_mine of information regarding the Allies. We learn the supply is limited. Any home that fails to eeoure a copy now will regret it, $1.25 pays a full year's subscription to that great weekly 3i'aper and a oopy of the War ;Album, Sample may be seen at this office. END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's piapepaln" makes elok, sour, Ropey stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes, If what you just ate is aouri g on your stomach or Hee like a lump of lead, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -head- ache, you can get relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a largo fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapopein from any drug store. a You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom- ach disorder caused by food fermentation due to exams -lye meld In stomata. You'd be astonished, Sir, if you knew the number of Men that always come here for their Shoes, The reputation of the goodness of our Men's Shoes has been spread . abroad, and every pair of Shoes we sell is a walking advertisement for us. Do We Sell You Your Shoes, Sir? Carefully selected, High Grade Leathers, the most Skillful Shoe Making by Makers with a reputation, the best styles, splendid sorvice in fitting and a Guar- antee of Satisfaction form a combination, that builds and su •tainsour immense trade in Men's Shoes. Try our Shoes, Sir, for we'll hitch more value and satisfaction to your money than it ever bought before. as R. seoTT "The Home of `school , Shoes" Phone 5'i Seaforth: dvertising! PRINTING Counter Check Books Letter Heads Posters Envelopes Menu Cards Loose Meal Ledger Forms etc. Statements Programmes Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cards Bill Heade Wedding Cards Note Heads Neatly and promptly done The :.biggest men in the country have found that the easiest way to spell success is to ADVERTISE. Sup. pose the newspaper did not publish the news, how would the people know what is happening ? If you don't publi h your Store News how will the people know about your goods? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling about your stock. The firma that advertises gets ahead, every time, of the firm that does not advertise. Shop. worn and outoof.date stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising. SEAFORTH News ( 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick ^ Headache, Constipation, Bllloueness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No ndde chow bad your liver, stomach or 'bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowels—you always get relief with eascsrets, They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the 'tour, fermenting food and foul gases; tulle the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -vent box from your drug- gist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. 'Tis a marvellous Thing —When the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrio Oil are considered, the speedy and per. manent relief it has brought to the Buff Bring wherever it has been used, it must be regarded se a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should' re- suit from the six;ingtediente which en- ter it' oompositioa• A tele! will con- vince the most skepttesl of it■ healing virtues One of the commonest complaints of - infants are worms, and the most effee• tive application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, For Sale A good baae burner with oven fo sale, Apply to - L. CRO WELL, Seaforth For Sale A few good Berkshire Boars and Sows seven menthe old eligible for registration and out of a litterof twelve • alto a number of small Riga both sex the game breed eligible for registration out of a litter of thirteen ready to wean let of December s Lot J4 Con 13 Grey Township, ROBT 0 CAMPBELL, R k2 Bruaaale, P o Phone 4$13 Enmesh Coating