HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-05, Page 5Tilt UecemlbeI' • 4
C.V.Q, LLD, b.c.L,. Preddrnt
• CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
88t JOHN AV', General Manager
H. V. P, JON68, Ari t Oen'i, Manager
RESERVE FUND, • 13,500,000
Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest
way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from .
The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The cost is moderate. Apply
for particulars. as
Seatort]i- BrEb3:1-0-t
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W. Ji Walker
W. J. Walker, holder of gov-
ermnent Diploma and Lioeuse
Day or Night cake receive our
prompt attention'
Day Phone 67
Night 18
Ladygraduates of last term are now•
earning as high as $18 and even $20
a week, while young men are earn-
ing still better salaries. We can
not meet the demand for trained
help. Write us at once for partioul.
are regarding our Oommerclal,
Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart-
ment. Students may enter ar any
Save your Hair! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now -Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and serasegy
• 8iair 4s saute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually productng a feverish
nese and itching of the soap; which if
not remedied causes the flair roots to
shrink, loosed and die -then the hair
falls out fast'- A little Danderine to-
night -now -any time -will surely save
your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderjne from any drug store, You
surely oan have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will ;just try a little Dan
Serine. Savo your hair! Try it!
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry
sunnier kitchen and ostler, Hard and
Gorr water, Electric lights, large ve
rau'tah. Stable 16' x112' hen ;House 9
Apply at the
News 0111 c
For Sale
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville, The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Puroell property,'"Good oom-
fortable house, good shed, good well
sud cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes, This is a corner pro
party with no hreaks'on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a Moe property for a retired
farmed. and the taxes 'are light. For
partioulars apply on the peemises or to
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
Hair Cut
Bolton's Barber Shop
JOHN R71.NliiN
Bonds for sale
bearing- interest from
6 to 7 p. C. -half yearly
'If you have any unemploy-
ed -funds note is the time
to buy some of these:
Ghoice securities. Pio ex-
pense to investor.
All information cheerfully
Bond and Debenture Broker
slain Street, Seaforth
Phone ql a
„•1 I yam. Ore no to co er.d receive
tip prioss, We are intoning o ur plant
he year through aid can handle your
full supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twice each n'outh aid weigh
sample and teat eecil can of 0(0101 0it1'-
fully . Our motto !s Honesty to Out.
Patrons" Patrons are 'requested to
urn all our cane when not 10 use, 10'
3 -atter 001Buttermilk alt;, on hand
n3 for at marketprioos,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
•(Good Aiilling Wheat,. ......:.,, $2,11
Cats .....,c.,,.r 75
Barley.• "%V Irs Ott,. ...+...,..1 00
Bran per tone.- .........,.. ....30.00
Shorts per ton , :,.41
Flour.....,.., $.60
Butter, 43-44
Flogs to, farmors. .x7.00,
McKillop on Nov, 20th by Rev, 1).
Oerawell, Mr John Pethick of Me-
Rillop to Miss Margaret A, Oldfield
.of 9'dckersntith,
Local Agent Wanted
for the "Old Reliable"
"thousands of Orchard trees
need replacing.
War Gardens call for small
fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu-
barb plants etc.
The demand for Ornamental
stock in towns and villages is
Secure a paying Agency with
liberal conimissiols,, Exper-
ience not ileCessary.
(Established 1837),
oex1isemea.leN,.l..oiiese esersowesee M,
w®ro, saw,w.rwm„mwr.wwi,�.,,..,r.w,�:!
iJa..�.wr,•�+la�•1 n� li.•.,•n
Town Topics.
The High poet of Living--lLoonomy
is the word today. Make your old
garments .do inetoad of pwoheeing new
ones. Have them dry (leaned and
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done lengthens the Life of garments,
preserves their freeh new appearance
and auto as a'lisinfeotant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often unties sickness
and death due to germs; clothing
should be cleaned at frequent inbervale,
My Wardrobe, Godorieh St„ ;Seaforth,
Opp, Queen'e Hotel.
Mr W Brine of Toronto was at the
home of his mother on Sunday,
Mice Greta Thompson, librarian, ie
ill with a serious attest( of iufluenea
Capt, IVInir Thompson has raturued
Dr, 11, H, Ross is a Toronto visitor
this week
Miss Verna Jarrot, daughter of R.
Jarret wont to London on Saturday for
ah operation on her ear,
Mrs, Stephen Gibson of ..,Belleville
announces the marriage on Nov. 21 of
her daughter, Edith Gertrude Gibson
to Melville Howdah Staples of Cowan,
Out, Miss Gibson was formerly on the
Collegiate staff here her many friends
will unite in extending good wishes.
Aviator Hinohley'is home from the
Miss A. Stewart has been laid up
for a few days.
Mr. Archie Hays, son of Mr. James
Hays is home as the aviation camp to
which he belonged is broken up,
• Next Sunday the pulpit of the Meth-
odistohuroh will be ogoupied,. bye Etev
Egerton Armstrong B D. of Wingham.
He isoneof the strong men of the Lon
don Ognference and will be listened to
with pleasure as well as profit,
R+v. 31'r, Moyer will conduct 8001,
versary services bilis church.
The Women's War Auxiliary will
meet on Friday afternoon at four
o'olook. All members are requested to
be present,
iu seleoting,your reading for 19(9
do not overlook that old standby, The
Farmers' Weekly Sun. There is no
other paper just like it, No increase
in price, One •Dolliir per year. Free
sample copies will bo sent on request,
address The Weekly Sun, Toronto.
The dollar invested will bring a, hand-
some return, Try it!
Reevee Harburn of Seaforth, Govan•
look of McKillop and,Crich of Tucker
smith are iu Godericb attending the
County Oouucil meeting,
The many friends of Mr, W • T.
Chapman are glad to see him out on
the street again.
Mr, Oscar Reid of Ottawa is visiting
hie payouts at present,
Dr. Servioe of West China gave an
iuepiring address in the Methodist
Church last Sabbath morning.
Mrs, J, al. Wilson has gorse to Owen
Sound to spend a month with her
daughter Aare. Sutherland.
Mrs Kirkpatrick of Mitcli011 is a vis-
itor with ids W Sclater,
Mr, and Mrs, E, Tretheway of Strat-
ford were vlalf3rs at the home of Mr•
Trothsway of. Goc10ric11 8t,
Mrs James Pringle and Mise Kate
Broadfoot of Hamilton were guests of
Mrs, .J H, B oadfoot,
Mrs. Eaigmire who was visiting her
parents, Rev and Mrs, H, D. Moyer at
rho parsonage has rotnrned to her home
in Kitchener ,
Mrs Jaojison of of Egnloutiville is in
Toronto with friends.
A Servioe of thanksgiving for peace
and victory was holti in the Presbyter
ian ohnroh on Sunday morning when
Dr; Leritiu preached an eloquent ser-
mon from the text In Everything Give
Mrs. W G Willis is visiting relatives
in Detroit ,
Tho Subshine mission band held a
Thankoffering oervice in the Presbyter
fan church on Friday su,al.rr.g, An
Interesting pr6grammo was provided by
the Band, The ofteriuge amounted to
Mr, (3. E. Pocock of the Dominion
Bank Staff has been transferred to the
Dominion Banti Staff' ill Guelph and
left on Saturday,
Mr. and airs, Jas. Aitchsson of Box
boyo mitten/me the engagement of
their niece, Mary E. Aitobeson, to
William 0, • Worden of Staffs, Ont.
thea. rnarriegs to take place early its
Docomber4 _
Mr, and Mrs, WhilmeMith !rainhe
vieinify of Lindsay have come to spend
the winter with hie nephew Mr, F. S,
Mi, 1, F, Be Ouse of Toronto visited
relatives here last week,
.Mrs JamesKerr has returned fruto
apending a few days With her .daughter
in Toronto,
Mr, Robert Sleefh has disposed o
i honso to Mr, F, Potorsou,
Mrs, Win, Somerville has returner
from a visit to relatives in Toronto.
Mise E Smith has gone to St, Jos-.
eph's Hospital London for treatmout
Miss Bright who was It Vieltor at the
hone of hen uncle W, D. Bright left
on Saturday for her home in Warren
The articles of jewelry for w1lteh
Wolcott; wore sold by Misses Rankin and
Layton were drawn for at the lied
Groes 100100 cu Thursday last as follows
Mrs, Slaght of Toronto, necklace, 29
Me, M. Broderick 1st pin ticket no 961
Mr. Lukes, Toronto, 2nd pin " " 627
Mies Cresswell 3rd pin " it 461
The amount realized was $58.50.
Alex, MoLaughlin of Morrie township
had 8 acres of turnips that yielded
2,500 bushels of turnipe'''many a sample
scaling from 12 to 15 pounds, The Met
Load hauled into timber!) oontaihed a
roc bushels, Also about a thousands
bushel of sugar marigolds were harvest.
ed from one acre,
A gang of Mexican workmen were in
Clinton' last week working at the leugar
beet crepe of that district, '
.A sad and tragic feature of the death
of bite, Albert E. lezard of Godericb
township -on Tueoilay df lest week was
she was still a bride, having been mar-
ried exactly fix weeks on the day of her
death She was the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. T, Ma10ghan of
Clinton and was born and grew up
there. For the past few years she had
been living in Detroit, returning as a
bride to her husband's home in Gode-
rioh township. Much sympathy is felt
for the young husband so soon bereft,
and also for the parents and brothels
one of whom is overseas and another
who is training in Ottawa for Siberia.
Another brother is living fn 0331110, ,
The funeral was held last Thursday to
the Clinton cemetery.
Congratulutioue are extended to Mr.
sldMrs. Patrick O'Loughlin of Code -
rich, who on November 2 let completed
sixty one years, of married life.
The invitation; of the Methodist
Churches of Godericb for the holdiug of
the Loudon Conference there next year
has been accepted, and this body will
accordingly convene in Goder•ich next
When you hear a bullet come crash -
log through your front window it does
necessarily mean that yon ale dream
ing of war and the front-line trendies,
Rev, Canon Hill of Goderioh was sit-
ting peacefully at bonne last Saturday
eight between 7 and 8 o'clock when hs
had such an unwelcome surprise. He
called up the chief of police and on-ku
vestigating around the neighborhood
he discovered three boys in the vicin-
ity of the Mistier factoiry with a gun,
They had been looking for a rabbit and
carelessly discharged the gun with the
result above msntiouod. The bullet
was picked up inside the room et tile
Oonon's residence.. 'Phe boys welt.
brought before the magistrate later and
pleaded guilty to cllsobalging tire anus
in the etr'eet
County Clerk Helmet), of Goderioh
and fortneety of Seaforth, has "soevived
a war trophy from his younger son,
Gordon, wlio eulistee with the old 3314
Batt, , in the form of a Germai helm, t
The helmet has been painted in stripes
yellow and brown or red, evidoutly a<
oamoullage to make it iuoonapicious
among foliage. Vila was captured at
Cambrei, Sept. 1918. A name, which
is probably the name of the fortntr
wearer, is marked in pencil 00 the ila,
side rim of the helmet.
Mr. Marshall Harrison of aloioriof
had the misfortune of hoeing two tunes
by part of a straw stack sliding 011 top
cif thous during Sunday night of last
week, ft was a heavy loss as cove ate
each big prices at the present time,
While Mex. 0, J,. Riutonl and her
sod, (lhoeter, were dt•iving from their
home near Brussels along the 5511 line
on their way to visit airs. Riutonl'a
daughter at 13olgrevo, their horse scar.
ed at newly paillted letter hex and
bolted. The buggy was 'turned over
into the ditch and Mrs. Rantoul was
kindly shekel) up batt no_ bones were
broken.. The horse ran foe a couple
miles before it was stopped.
Ensure Equalerops Next Year by
Attention to Seed Grain.
Larger Profits From Live Stock Made
WJleii Stables Are Given Thor-
ough Clean-up -- Live Stock
Thrive Better In Dry, Well -Venti-
lated Stables,
(Contributed by Ontario Department or
Agrleuiture, Toronto.)
is fortunate thio ,Pli year !n hav1ng a good supply
01 grain kn almost all classes
of trope. Tile more grain
there is to select from, the better
chance there is to get the very best
seed for sowing in the spring. Too
many farmers forget the seed supply
for .next year's crop until most of
theft. grain is fed or sold.
If the best of this grain was set
aside for seed at threshing time or
taken from the grain bins before any
of It was fed or sold, there would be
less work of seed preparation in the
spring and a foundation provided for
better seed than is often sown.
Small, shrunken or broken seed
has a feeding value nearly equal to
that of large plump seed. The follow-
ing results of seed selection experi-
ments conducted at the Ontario Agri-
cultural College at Guelph will show,
however, that there is very great dif-
ference in the value of these for seed
purposes: -
Oats -
Large Plump
Seed 33.2 1.9 62.0
Medium - sized
Seed 32.2 1.8 54.1
Small Seed , 81.8 ' • 1.8 46.6
Barley -
Large Plump •
Seed 49.5 1,5 63.8
Small _ Plume
Shrunken Seed 49.1
Broken Seed46.6
- Spring Wheat-
Large • Plump ..
Seed 59,1 1,4 21.7
Small Plump
Seed 58.3 1,3 18.0
Shrunken Seed 66.9 1.2 16.7
a:t4 71
to to 44
E yr
w 01
(Oats were tested seven years,
barley six, and spring wheat eight.)
Selecting the best seed from that
which the farmer has available will
not only provide large plump seed
for sowing which will produce the
most vigorous plants and the largest
yield of best quality, but it will very
largely ' illiminate any weed seeds
which may be in the grain. - Dr.
C. A. Zavitz, Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph.
Clean, Dry and 'i'entilllte Stables.
Cleanliness, dryness and good ven-
tilation are hygienic conditions very
desirable in the housing of all kinds
of live stock. Horses, cattle, sheep,
hogs and poultry all do better And
are less liable to contract infectious
and contagious diseases when kept
under such conditions than when
dirt, dampness and poor ventilation
are found ,In the stables in which
they are housed.' Undoubtedly, out-
breaks of infectious and -contagious
diseases do occasionally occur in the
best built and best kept stables, but
the danger of these spreading is much
less than where unhygienic condition¢
Without doubt good stock has been
produced under stable conditions that
were not of the best, but the chances
Of producing and maintaining good
healthy stock are much greater where
cleanliness, dryness and good ventila-
tion in the stables are the order of
the day.
Dirt of all kinds, whilst it does
not itself produce disease, is liable
to harbor and foster the bacteria or
other germs that do cause infectious
diseaoe, hence, so long as it is lying
around inside the stables it is a
source of danger to the stock.
If there is one class of stable more
than another in which cleanliness is
desirable it is the dairy stable. Milk
ie an ideal food for many varieties
of bacteria -as well as for hun.an be-
ings or live stook, and many varie-
ties of bacteria are always present in
stable dirt. Consequently, when dirt
or stable dust gets into milk, many
contaminating bacteria get in with it.
It Is the action of these bacteria in
the milk that causes it to spoil either
by souring er putrefaction. Conse-
quently, one step in the production
of good clean milk is to have it pro-
duced where there is little danger of
-dirt or dust getting into it.
Dampness is a great agent in the
spreading and fostering .f disease.
Perhaps the one disease that it Is
most liable to induce is pneumonia.
Many hogs are lost annually as a re-
sult of contracting Pneumonia
through being kept In low-lying,
damp quarters. Dampness due to bad
ventilation is very conducive to the
development of various lung troubles
with all kinds of stock. The damp
stagnant air in badly-vontilaled sta-
bles lowers the vitality, depresses the
blood circulation and so puts the ani-
mals kept under these conditions in
such a state as to matte thein ready
subjects for the development of such
diseases as influenza, pneumonia,
tuberculosis and others,-Pr0r. D.
Jones, Ontario Agricultural College,
Hinclei for Stone Road,
If a broker -stone road gets very
heavy auto tramo then it must 'be
laid with a tar or asphalt binder to
keep the pieces of stone from grind-
ing on each ‘other and finally pow-
dering up under traffic.
Time to Use (toad Drag,
if the roadway is full of holes or
badly rotted the drag should be used
once when the road is soft and
Warm Comfortable and ''a Good Show
Thursda.. Friday t
Thursday y Saturday
Goldwyn presents
Mae Marsh
in A Story of Romance and Myotony
The dace
In The Dark
by Irwin 8, Cobb Directed by Hobart Heller,
Monday Tuesday & Wednesday
J, Stnart Illacictou
Wild Youth
A Parmount Special
Feature from the novel by
Sir Gilbert Parker
ST B A : fJ
Thrift and Industry
By thrift and indnstry the Freugh
people paid ever the huge 0001: indent.
of 1870 to Germany in an incred-
ibly short space of time. The same
thrift and industry, if exercised by
Oanatlians now, will reconstruct and
make Canada a prosperous_ country..
ro achieve this end there Jnust be in-
dividual vigilance. Watch food adver-
tisements. There is always a best and
dleapeot place to buy any commodity.
By watching the advertisements of
foodstuffs in local papers, much ono ne
accomplished, M,rohants do not ad-
vertise unless the price and quality of
the goods are attractive; they linen,
they cannot retain the business of the
pubic unless they "make good,'' Help
the most progressive merchant kl) your
ocality by following his advettistd
prices and patronize him. Competit
on does more to regulate prices than
anything else,
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then putt
in the orchard white axd shake well:
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin. whitener and complexion
beautifier known. Massage this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands and just see flow
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear the Skin becomes, Yeali
It is harmless, and the beautiful result$
will surprise you.
Miller's Worm Powders will *wadi eat
the worn evil that hears 00 heavily on
children end is believed to• cause many
fatalitiee They i.re an acceptable
modioine to children and ono be fully
relied upon to clear the food cbennels
thorolgh'y of these 1 striletfve Tata -
sites and restore the inflamed aid pain
ful surfaces to healthfulness, They are
excellent remedy for these evils.
Thursday Friday & Saturday
The a.°
ith Stoiehouse
apreal'ing as
the Girl who never had a beau but
who kept her curious .friends lis
tenting for the wedding bells
Keystone llighjinks
We start at 8.15 P. M.
Saturdays 7.45 P, I ,