HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-12-05, Page 1l+rttil..
New. Saltie$ Vol, 3? No 47
Seaforth News
Canadian Granite
SInce the inportittion of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
stricted, our CANADIAN
GRAN ITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
=are equal in color and texture
to any imported granite,
The.-Seaforth Monumental
Works handles the best grades
ehapmaK,Prop .
ii Olympia 99
Our Ice Cream
yrs .& TREAT
Everybody, young and old people
appreoiatd the delightful, unueu•
al flavoring. The rich quality
and absolute purity of
are reasons why yon should •pat-
'ronize us. When you want ioe
cream we serve the beet id town
utiiler'the. food board order,
made; from Pure Rich Country Ctleem end' Bast Fruits
SIGN 16 DIf '14T'E`
of the World Musical Score. 'Pickets
The Eueet of the Seasoe
go on sale at Aberhart's Drug Store
On Monday December 10th I! \i,
Griffith's Supreme 1 ritenplt, Hewitt of
the World is conning t0 sad, r,'. 111,1,„
House for one day only; M •t „ earl
evening performances under the anr-1
pities of the See fnrbb lnti r•!• wn'rll r:' I
Aid Cornmiosirm The no 0..1' pro-
dnoer'a meter pr011ncIi1 n iP aleim, .11,y
critics to be the sweet( 's,13 Inge story
sin co Romeo nod Juliet. Ali I4.t410
000009 taken 011 the,, list, I, lit, of
France by the pet,miseton of British
and 1; eneh war c flier A Tho p'0lrne
will be preseetVil with n 11'8 oleee or-
chestra rendeti111the 08igiun1 11oarts
Thursday December 12th.
IPrices—M atiure —250 & 500
Evening -50o 750 &,$I 00
It.vlve the Jaded Oondition--W ben
energy Sago cud the caree of buaiuoas
bocntno irkenme;when the whole system
ismit of sorts and there is general de-
ereeeice, try Parmelee's 'Vegetable
Pillo, They will regulate the action of
a cl' rel ged'stomach and a disordered
live , and make you f el like a hew man
No one need Suffer a day iron, debilit-
ebilita ed digestion when ao simple and
,olf.'elive a pill can be got at any 'drug
The Han Pays The Cost
"Poultry and eggs aloue could pay
Oanada'a National War Debt," says
Mr, Fred 0, Elford, Superintendent of
the Poultry Division of the Dominion
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, And he
produced the following figures to prove
"Canada's net national debt on Oct.
31, 1918, was $1,247,000,000, We have
adopted the slogan, one hundred hone
to every farm, ten have to every urban
lot. That would mean taking the
1,00O,00o as the round number of Can-
adian farms 100,000,000 hens in the
cities, towns and villages, a total of
1to,000,000., Of coiree everybody in
the oily, could not keep hens, and
many would neteven if they could.
But many people in the suburban die.
tricte of the cities, and in the smaller
towns, and the country villages could
keep more than 2o, -3o,-59,—,75
perhaps, So take an average of ten
A good selected hen will produce Zoo
egga a year. But taking a low estim-
ate'of ten dozen eggs a year (120) for
1 lo,000,000 hone and we woulu produce
1 100,000,000 dozen eggs a year.
'1At , the present time we consume in
Canada 23 dozen eggs per head of pop
elation per -annum in Canada. We
could increase the allowance to 6o doz.
a total of about 320,000,000 dozen.
We nae lege than 25,000,000 dozen of
eggs at the tresent time for inoubat-
ion.Suppose we increase this to
5o,000,000 dozen, That would total
4co,000,000 dozen for Canadian oon
sumptiou, a very liberal allowance,
We would then have left for export
7oo,000,000 dozen at an average price
of say 4o cents a dozen. That would
bripg $28o,000,000 per year into the
country by -eggs alone. The interest
on our debt of $I,247,odo,000 at 61,. per
cent will amount to $68,686,000. We
would pay this interest and apply a
balance $213,4i5,00c to reducing the
principal everyyearin lees than six
years Canada'a hens would wipe out
the total monetary colt of the war to
Canada, and our'totalnet national debt
1 do not say that Canada will do
this, But I flay that Canada might
well do it; for it is within the possibil-
ities of what could be done without un-
due strain upon our present labor cap-
achy. .
Report for the
Huron Belgian Relief
October and November
Balance from Sept.
Seaforth Branch
Mrs, Adam Hays
Mrs, M. Y. McLean
Mrs, Jas. Cummings
Mr. Jae, Laing
Mrs. Jas. Carnooban
Mr, Snowden
M, B, 2
Mrs, John MoTavieh,
Mrs • Ohae, Stewart
Mrs, Govenlook
Mrs, J, B. Thompson
hire, De Lacey
Mrs, Oscar Neil
Mise A Somerville S 8 Class
Post Office
Dominion Bank
Bank of Commerce
Clinton Branch
Bayfield Branch
Mrs. Hugh Shannon Blyth
A friend
Winthrop Branch
Mra, Geo McKee
Miss Agues Beattie
Mrs S. G, Grieve
Albert Jones
1 24
1 00
1 00
3 00
3 00
Remitted to L, S, Colwell
Montreal 68 oo
Expenses _ 2 75
Balance on hand '77
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
-2 21
7 4o
7 4o
10 00
2 oo
1 00
1 00
1 00
$71' 52'
Mrs, 3, B, Thompson,
• The cheapness of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator puts it within
reach of all, and it can be got at
any druggist's.
Carter Scholarship
Seaforth Collegiate has again tine
honor of eepluring the First ()titter
Scholarship. `]hese aoholsrships are
awarded the three candidates in each
of 24 counties who obtained the high-
est marks on the 1918 June exatninat.
ion far the Upper Sohool. The throe
candidates fn Hnrou County are-1—
Helen Carswell, Seaforth 0. 1,; 2—
Gerald Newton, Goderich; 3—Jean
Middleton, Olinten,
I, 0. 0. F.
Fidelity Order of Oddfellowa held
their Mittel election of oflieers on laet
Wednesday night resulting as follows: -
R. (i. Wm Hay, V. G Dot Reid, R,
S. A, A, Naylor, F, 8, W . Golding, 3'.
John Thompson,Trnatees, Jas• Beattie,
M. - McKellar, F, Harburn; Medical
Examiner, Dr, F. J. Burrows.
Hockey Meeting
Seaforth has always liked a good
game of "shinney" in the past. Appal'.
ently the good old game 18 again alive
and only awaits Oleioe. At the annual
meeting the following officers were
elected —President J. E. Willie; Sec-
retary O. Dick, Executive, Dalton Reid
3, Bills and Carl Sheehan, 'There will
be junior and intermediate contests.
A good season ie looked for.
• -ere--
Care of House Plaits
Inoari ng for house plants it should
be borne in mind that they are of two
classes and that such plants ae ferns,
palma and the rubber plant will do bet-
ter in thoee parte of the room where
the light is limited, while flowering
planta, such as geraniums, tulips nar-
oisei and cyclamen, must have ae much
light as possible, Plante are more like
human beings than like bric-a-brie and
if grown to brighten the home during
dull winter months they must not be
left to take oars of themselves or they
will soon fail to fulfil the purpose of
their presence
There are not a large number of
successful house plants and those
which experience has shown are beet
suited for the purpose demand certain
definite conditions,,. The fundamental
condition relates to the atmosphere of
the room. If this is suitable elm') the
'roil is of Secondary importance' The
atmosphere must be kept at a suitable
temperature and` also, for success,
mnet contain plenty of moisture. A
dry, atmosphere, even wbeu planta are
well watered, is fatal to good growth.
Regular watering is another important
factor for success.
Planta will grow better in houses
heated with hot water, The latter
system absorb the moisture from the
atmosphere with the result that the re-
sult that the plant either 10808 some of
its leaves by withering or fails to make
healthy growth, Pana of water stood
on the radiators to give off moisture
always improve the oonditione.
The bloom will last longer when the
atmosphere is kept somewhat pool and
moiet. The ideal temperature ranges
from 5o degrees to 70 degroea, High-
er temperatures neceasitate more fre-
quent watering:. Some plants need to
be watered daily, others not more than
two or three times a week, A pot
which rings hollow when,tapped with
the knuckle needs water. Over water-
ing is bad for plants and only one or
two varieties; like the epirea, will sue
need if the pots are allowed to stand in -
nwater All pots should be supplied
with good drainage in the form of hrok
en crooks filled in at the bottom of the
pot when the plants are potted,
Fresh air ie always beneficial, but
not in the form of direct draughts, A
temperature" of 40 degrees or lower
will often seriously affect the tender
honse plants. Palms and ferns are
the better for sponging once or twice a
month.- Never water a sickly plant too
freely; it more often wants to bo repot-
ted, Moet planta will be benefitted by
a` yearly repotting, Healthy plante
and planta in flower require much, more
water than those, which are sickly,,
Soil should not be watered - so often
thar it becomes soggy and always cold.
A plant with told feet and a hot head
moor dies.
Lyceum Course of Concorts
given ander the auspices of the
Red Cross Sociely
Fairchild Ladies' Quartette
Dec. 11th 1918
Saxaphone Sextette
Jan 27th 1919
Lou J, Beauchamp, Humorous Philospher
Feb. 14th 1919
John B. Rettoz, Impersonator
March 25th 1919
One Book of tickets (4) 39.00 Two Books of tickets $2.72
Extra single tickets to subscribers 60c Single tickets to all others 75c
The subscription list will remain open until Tueeday Dec 10th.
All wishing to subscribe may do so by applying at Thompson's
Beek Store or Aberhart's Drug Store .
The Plan for the Fairchild Performance will open at Aberhart's
Drug Store on Wednesday Dec. 4th.
$00 per year
The best and greatest thing
that we can do in life is to be"
sure that we are instrumental II
in making others happy.
When we have learned perfeet-
ly this lesson we have master-
ed life's biggest problem.
There are special tunes and sea
sons especially adapted to thin
purpose—such as the Xmas
Season; and there are helps
that are especially adapted to
the season—such as :a good
Jeweler with a store full of good
jewelry and kindred lines.
You will never understand
how specially'"adapted to your
Xmas requirements this store
is until you have seen the nev-
er before required display of
"Jewelry of Quality" which we
are showing.
Van r ariafrhtuahrr & l!Dgtirinn
31saurr'ifdarriage 'Raisers
11Buaineea 194
Evenings 10
)The Store you_ will always like
for the
Big Rush
Buy Her II
New Skirt
You can find
here a hand-
some ready to
wear skirt for
her and she'll
surely be glad
to get it without
the worry of
,having it made.
$5 to $I2.50
kid or fabric --
long or short
25C t0 $2,50
the always ac-
ceptable gift—
are here in im-
mense assort-
ments. Prices
5c to $2,
$15 to $45
Phone and Mail
Orders filled 'prompt
ly and transport-
ation paid by tie,
and you will find many of your what -to -
give problems answered
A most durable as well as acceptable gift for
wife, mother, sweetheart or sister is a set of
Furs. Our assortment offers an easy solution
of a suitable set to give.
Fashionable Silks and Dress Goods
for Waists, Skirts, Suits and Dresses make
splendid presents, Let us help you choose the
right fabrics.
PRICES 50c to $3.00 a yard
A Set
MINX= 11111.110•1•11
Umbrellas . Silk
a pair
Our showing ie very
complete, embracing
a wide range of dif-
ferent handles aid
You get a good ono
if you got 1t here,
$1.50 to $5.00
Do your Shop-
ping. Early
24 Sweater
Coat for Her
Here you will
find many differ
ent styles and
several color
All are excel-
lently made.
What's nicer for
an inexpensive
$2,50 to $11,50
Give Her 14
New Waist
select one of
the many hand-
some waist we
are showing.
$I.5o to $8.00
There are prob-
ably a lot of
things you will
want to make
with ribbon.
We show in im
mense assort-
SUI rs
$15 to $40
It is absolutely impossible for us to list
more than a small portion of the many
things shown here now that are especially
desirable for gifts, All over the store you
will rind pleasing suggestions that will
make you glad you came.
Gifts things suitable
boxed so that they
will look moat at-
tractive when opened
The Store Full of Pleasing Gift Suggestions
The Canadian Government offers interest-bearing
War -Savings Stamps
Issue of 1919 --Payable Jan. 1, 1924
RDER-IN-COUNCIL P.C. No. 2462 authorizes
the issue of War -Savings Stamps for the pur-
pose of assisting in the financing of Governtnent
As Sir Thomas Whitt, Minister of Finance, points ont; W. -S. S. .
will provide "an excellent investment for small eavinp; and a
strong incentive_ to every -day economy." I
$5.00 for $4.00
•Until January 31st; 1919, War -Savings Stamps will be sold by
all Money -Order Post Offices, Banks, and other authorized.
Agencies, for44 00 each, and on January 1st, 1924, Canada will
pay $5.00 each for them.
Registration Against Loss
A Certificate is provided for the purchaser of a W. -S. S. On
the certificate are spaces to which 10 W. -S. S. may be affixed.
A certificate bearing one or more W. -S. S. may be registered at
any Money -Order Post Office, fully protecting the owner amine*
loss by fire, burglary or other cause.
The Certificate also shows the Cash SurrenderVaalue of W. -S. S.
at various dates before maturity.
SIGN 16 DIf '14T'E`
of the World Musical Score. 'Pickets
The Eueet of the Seasoe
go on sale at Aberhart's Drug Store
On Monday December 10th I! \i,
Griffith's Supreme 1 ritenplt, Hewitt of
the World is conning t0 sad, r,'. 111,1,„
House for one day only; M •t „ earl
evening performances under the anr-1
pities of the See fnrbb lnti r•!• wn'rll r:' I
Aid Cornmiosirm The no 0..1' pro-
dnoer'a meter pr011ncIi1 n iP aleim, .11,y
critics to be the sweet( 's,13 Inge story
sin co Romeo nod Juliet. Ali I4.t410
000009 taken 011 the,, list, I, lit, of
France by the pet,miseton of British
and 1; eneh war c flier A Tho p'0lrne
will be preseetVil with n 11'8 oleee or-
chestra rendeti111the 08igiun1 11oarts
Thursday December 12th.
IPrices—M atiure —250 & 500
Evening -50o 750 &,$I 00
It.vlve the Jaded Oondition--W ben
energy Sago cud the caree of buaiuoas
bocntno irkenme;when the whole system
ismit of sorts and there is general de-
ereeeice, try Parmelee's 'Vegetable
Pillo, They will regulate the action of
a cl' rel ged'stomach and a disordered
live , and make you f el like a hew man
No one need Suffer a day iron, debilit-
ebilita ed digestion when ao simple and
,olf.'elive a pill can be got at any 'drug
The Han Pays The Cost
"Poultry and eggs aloue could pay
Oanada'a National War Debt," says
Mr, Fred 0, Elford, Superintendent of
the Poultry Division of the Dominion
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, And he
produced the following figures to prove
"Canada's net national debt on Oct.
31, 1918, was $1,247,000,000, We have
adopted the slogan, one hundred hone
to every farm, ten have to every urban
lot. That would mean taking the
1,00O,00o as the round number of Can-
adian farms 100,000,000 hens in the
cities, towns and villages, a total of
1to,000,000., Of coiree everybody in
the oily, could not keep hens, and
many would neteven if they could.
But many people in the suburban die.
tricte of the cities, and in the smaller
towns, and the country villages could
keep more than 2o, -3o,-59,—,75
perhaps, So take an average of ten
A good selected hen will produce Zoo
egga a year. But taking a low estim-
ate'of ten dozen eggs a year (120) for
1 lo,000,000 hone and we woulu produce
1 100,000,000 dozen eggs a year.
'1At , the present time we consume in
Canada 23 dozen eggs per head of pop
elation per -annum in Canada. We
could increase the allowance to 6o doz.
a total of about 320,000,000 dozen.
We nae lege than 25,000,000 dozen of
eggs at the tresent time for inoubat-
ion.Suppose we increase this to
5o,000,000 dozen, That would total
4co,000,000 dozen for Canadian oon
sumptiou, a very liberal allowance,
We would then have left for export
7oo,000,000 dozen at an average price
of say 4o cents a dozen. That would
bripg $28o,000,000 per year into the
country by -eggs alone. The interest
on our debt of $I,247,odo,000 at 61,. per
cent will amount to $68,686,000. We
would pay this interest and apply a
balance $213,4i5,00c to reducing the
principal everyyearin lees than six
years Canada'a hens would wipe out
the total monetary colt of the war to
Canada, and our'totalnet national debt
1 do not say that Canada will do
this, But I flay that Canada might
well do it; for it is within the possibil-
ities of what could be done without un-
due strain upon our present labor cap-
achy. .
Report for the
Huron Belgian Relief
October and November
Balance from Sept.
Seaforth Branch
Mrs, Adam Hays
Mrs, M. Y. McLean
Mrs, Jas. Cummings
Mr. Jae, Laing
Mrs. Jas. Carnooban
Mr, Snowden
M, B, 2
Mrs, John MoTavieh,
Mrs • Ohae, Stewart
Mrs, Govenlook
Mrs, J, B. Thompson
hire, De Lacey
Mrs, Oscar Neil
Mise A Somerville S 8 Class
Post Office
Dominion Bank
Bank of Commerce
Clinton Branch
Bayfield Branch
Mrs. Hugh Shannon Blyth
A friend
Winthrop Branch
Mra, Geo McKee
Miss Agues Beattie
Mrs S. G, Grieve
Albert Jones
1 24
1 00
1 00
3 00
3 00
Remitted to L, S, Colwell
Montreal 68 oo
Expenses _ 2 75
Balance on hand '77
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
-2 21
7 4o
7 4o
10 00
2 oo
1 00
1 00
1 00
$71' 52'
Mrs, 3, B, Thompson,
• The cheapness of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator puts it within
reach of all, and it can be got at
any druggist's.
Carter Scholarship
Seaforth Collegiate has again tine
honor of eepluring the First ()titter
Scholarship. `]hese aoholsrships are
awarded the three candidates in each
of 24 counties who obtained the high-
est marks on the 1918 June exatninat.
ion far the Upper Sohool. The throe
candidates fn Hnrou County are-1—
Helen Carswell, Seaforth 0. 1,; 2—
Gerald Newton, Goderich; 3—Jean
Middleton, Olinten,
I, 0. 0. F.
Fidelity Order of Oddfellowa held
their Mittel election of oflieers on laet
Wednesday night resulting as follows: -
R. (i. Wm Hay, V. G Dot Reid, R,
S. A, A, Naylor, F, 8, W . Golding, 3'.
John Thompson,Trnatees, Jas• Beattie,
M. - McKellar, F, Harburn; Medical
Examiner, Dr, F. J. Burrows.
Hockey Meeting
Seaforth has always liked a good
game of "shinney" in the past. Appal'.
ently the good old game 18 again alive
and only awaits Oleioe. At the annual
meeting the following officers were
elected —President J. E. Willie; Sec-
retary O. Dick, Executive, Dalton Reid
3, Bills and Carl Sheehan, 'There will
be junior and intermediate contests.
A good season ie looked for.
• -ere--
Care of House Plaits
Inoari ng for house plants it should
be borne in mind that they are of two
classes and that such plants ae ferns,
palma and the rubber plant will do bet-
ter in thoee parte of the room where
the light is limited, while flowering
planta, such as geraniums, tulips nar-
oisei and cyclamen, must have ae much
light as possible, Plante are more like
human beings than like bric-a-brie and
if grown to brighten the home during
dull winter months they must not be
left to take oars of themselves or they
will soon fail to fulfil the purpose of
their presence
There are not a large number of
successful house plants and those
which experience has shown are beet
suited for the purpose demand certain
definite conditions,,. The fundamental
condition relates to the atmosphere of
the room. If this is suitable elm') the
'roil is of Secondary importance' The
atmosphere must be kept at a suitable
temperature and` also, for success,
mnet contain plenty of moisture. A
dry, atmosphere, even wbeu planta are
well watered, is fatal to good growth.
Regular watering is another important
factor for success.
Planta will grow better in houses
heated with hot water, The latter
system absorb the moisture from the
atmosphere with the result that the re-
sult that the plant either 10808 some of
its leaves by withering or fails to make
healthy growth, Pana of water stood
on the radiators to give off moisture
always improve the oonditione.
The bloom will last longer when the
atmosphere is kept somewhat pool and
moiet. The ideal temperature ranges
from 5o degrees to 70 degroea, High-
er temperatures neceasitate more fre-
quent watering:. Some plants need to
be watered daily, others not more than
two or three times a week, A pot
which rings hollow when,tapped with
the knuckle needs water. Over water-
ing is bad for plants and only one or
two varieties; like the epirea, will sue
need if the pots are allowed to stand in -
nwater All pots should be supplied
with good drainage in the form of hrok
en crooks filled in at the bottom of the
pot when the plants are potted,
Fresh air ie always beneficial, but
not in the form of direct draughts, A
temperature" of 40 degrees or lower
will often seriously affect the tender
honse plants. Palms and ferns are
the better for sponging once or twice a
month.- Never water a sickly plant too
freely; it more often wants to bo repot-
ted, Moet planta will be benefitted by
a` yearly repotting, Healthy plante
and planta in flower require much, more
water than those, which are sickly,,
Soil should not be watered - so often
thar it becomes soggy and always cold.
A plant with told feet and a hot head
moor dies.
Lyceum Course of Concorts
given ander the auspices of the
Red Cross Sociely
Fairchild Ladies' Quartette
Dec. 11th 1918
Saxaphone Sextette
Jan 27th 1919
Lou J, Beauchamp, Humorous Philospher
Feb. 14th 1919
John B. Rettoz, Impersonator
March 25th 1919
One Book of tickets (4) 39.00 Two Books of tickets $2.72
Extra single tickets to subscribers 60c Single tickets to all others 75c
The subscription list will remain open until Tueeday Dec 10th.
All wishing to subscribe may do so by applying at Thompson's
Beek Store or Aberhart's Drug Store .
The Plan for the Fairchild Performance will open at Aberhart's
Drug Store on Wednesday Dec. 4th.
$00 per year
The best and greatest thing
that we can do in life is to be"
sure that we are instrumental II
in making others happy.
When we have learned perfeet-
ly this lesson we have master-
ed life's biggest problem.
There are special tunes and sea
sons especially adapted to thin
purpose—such as the Xmas
Season; and there are helps
that are especially adapted to
the season—such as :a good
Jeweler with a store full of good
jewelry and kindred lines.
You will never understand
how specially'"adapted to your
Xmas requirements this store
is until you have seen the nev-
er before required display of
"Jewelry of Quality" which we
are showing.
Van r ariafrhtuahrr & l!Dgtirinn
31saurr'ifdarriage 'Raisers
11Buaineea 194
Evenings 10
)The Store you_ will always like
for the
Big Rush
Buy Her II
New Skirt
You can find
here a hand-
some ready to
wear skirt for
her and she'll
surely be glad
to get it without
the worry of
,having it made.
$5 to $I2.50
kid or fabric --
long or short
25C t0 $2,50
the always ac-
ceptable gift—
are here in im-
mense assort-
ments. Prices
5c to $2,
$15 to $45
Phone and Mail
Orders filled 'prompt
ly and transport-
ation paid by tie,
and you will find many of your what -to -
give problems answered
A most durable as well as acceptable gift for
wife, mother, sweetheart or sister is a set of
Furs. Our assortment offers an easy solution
of a suitable set to give.
Fashionable Silks and Dress Goods
for Waists, Skirts, Suits and Dresses make
splendid presents, Let us help you choose the
right fabrics.
PRICES 50c to $3.00 a yard
A Set
MINX= 11111.110•1•11
Umbrellas . Silk
a pair
Our showing ie very
complete, embracing
a wide range of dif-
ferent handles aid
You get a good ono
if you got 1t here,
$1.50 to $5.00
Do your Shop-
ping. Early
24 Sweater
Coat for Her
Here you will
find many differ
ent styles and
several color
All are excel-
lently made.
What's nicer for
an inexpensive
$2,50 to $11,50
Give Her 14
New Waist
select one of
the many hand-
some waist we
are showing.
$I.5o to $8.00
There are prob-
ably a lot of
things you will
want to make
with ribbon.
We show in im
mense assort-
SUI rs
$15 to $40
It is absolutely impossible for us to list
more than a small portion of the many
things shown here now that are especially
desirable for gifts, All over the store you
will rind pleasing suggestions that will
make you glad you came.
Gifts things suitable
boxed so that they
will look moat at-
tractive when opened
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