HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-28, Page 8Titmaw .>• SALE NOTES Best esi Wins That is why this is the most popular Barber Shop in town., Eery thing is sanitary and you • can enjoy gihail cuthere. Commercial Barber Shop,C W ROBINSON Prop h ithoweisreeltoweleillewskestelilleseasele 1 O WINIM OW NC» »ewes caeca erne tet -• MUSICAL Miss Annfn (1, 000811100k,(lradnate Teacher's Course (.'udowsky . Methods, anadiatn Academy of Mucic 'Toronto re -open her ela0ses in piano, Organ d Theory on Septviubi r 3rd Penile will be pr..pto'd for Cryo liatt Academy and Toronto t'oneervittory laminations :atnihu NorthktTai 1 at, Phone 103 MUM!„ Kipple Mr, and Mrs. Stephen King and datighter and Mr, and Mrs. W' Sparkin of Gerrie visited Mr, Thos, Mollie and a wily, M. Peter Fisher of Stanley had word that her nephew had died in Weyburn Sask. Gorden was the old-, est son of Alex Voting of Colborne Township aud contracted pneumonia of which he died. His father has gone west. Mr. W. W. Couper is slopping three oars of turnips to the States at 18 rite per hushes' Be thinks this will yield $180per acre. We regret that Mrs, Jolie Muldurta' is making slew progress to recovery, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce were in lona attending the luueral of an uncle, Mr, cud Mrs. Win Henry were pre- Isent,-d with an easy chair and pictures before leaving far their new home at hruoetield, Mrs, O'Connell has re-evened ,•1 nes P10110 and Singing. Pupils preparE( for the Lonii .i1 ('on servatory, Ftti, , 1)NNELL, John (ID"'t, ;SAYS LEMO JUICE 1, WILL REMOVE FRECKLES atrial Make this cheap beauty lotion rto.olear.and whiten your skin. I Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of -orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of Ike best freckle and .tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at 'very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any 8lrug store or toilet counter will supply three minces of orchard white for a few cents, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft sad. white the skin becomes. YesloIt is harmless, GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion fora few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put to the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massae this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the akin becomes, Yee! It is harnilees, and the beautiful resuitt will surprise you. GIVE ''SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Dr. Mary .1uhueton after practieing f,•r some time 10 Loudon has gone to take a position in St, John's N. }t She left on Monday last for her new work, Mre, W, Ai,mpholl el Toronto is with her parents,. Mr, apd,Mre. 13agt1 Nee. kilt, Mr. and M. Frank Been have re.. turned from the waist and are living in Bribed l:veratt'e house. Mies Dora minor* Sherritt, cse in training in London, spout a few days at her Home here, Pte. Wim, 81144(100k is home again from the from the front slid was we]. opined by everyone, St Paul's Church had ono of their well.known suocesefel fowl suppers when the tables were full of good thing end a pleasant programme luso parried out, Mr. aud Mre. \Vm, Harvey of the town Lino lost their infant son, Mr. Archie Noakes is recovering from Au operation performed in London Hospital. A pretty wedding W811 solemnized at the home of Mrs. Isaac Jarrot of Tuck - smith when Rev Dr, Aitkin tied the nuptial knot for Mise Kate McDonald and John McGregor. The young couple will live on the second 00110easlon of Hay. Many gifts and good wishes were bestowed on them by friends. Mrs. Joint Crawtord met with a pain. fillaccident while returning from her w son's funeral, when the car in biclt she was riding ran into the ditch and she had her nose broken, air, J. B. McLean has ahipped 011e 0a. of sugar beets and is filling a se. sono, - He is shipping about a too tone Londesboro On Nov. 13111 Mr. and Mre. George Bogdeu celebrated their golden wed- ding having spent fifty happy years to• gather, Mrs, 'Mains who was at the other wedding was present at this, The bride and groom are still active and their four children were all present except Will of Winnipeg, Their many friends Cruet they will still enjoy many more years of blies, Mise Mason of Blyth spent last week with her sister Mrs. Brunsdon, Pte. J. W. Shaddick of Hensel! who has lately' returned from the front was visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs Brimley, He lost his right arm in active service, ''iiey Bayfield Mr' and Vies, 0000110 of Hay have even the guests of Mrs. liifl'ar, The svapdretdr ie'ruuning again after Unhurt rest. Mr. Win. Fergueon has gone to Port Stanley to fish, Mre. Jacobs of Detroit has been a greet of i.1r D. Loetch. Mrs. John Davidson is suffering frotu pneumonia, Mr. 1', Hoare was a business visitor last week.. Mrs. Dau Harrison of Goderich is with her brothers, 'rhos, and George King. Bruce Moore was in Detroit last week consulting a doctor. A gloom was cast over 0ttr barg last Saturday when it was made known that Miss Maggie Welsh bad passed , away although not unexpected after a prolonged illness which she suffered ,vttlt patiencer>signed for the end to soma, The funeral took plane last Monday to `1. Oolnmban Church where high mass was said by Rev. Fr, Burk thence to St. Cohimban cemetery where she waslaid to rest beside her father, brother and sister who prede- ceased her some yearn ago. She leaves to mourn her loss an invalid mother and two brothers Win. and Frank on tbe homestead who have the .sympathy of all this their hour of sad affliction, What might have resulted in a earl• 0118 aooident oocnrrod last Sunday while Mr, and Mrs, 0, Eckert were on their way to our burg the horse became frightened at some cattle grazing in a gravel pit upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants out. Mr. Eo. kart received 801110 bad bruises while trying to hold the horse while Mrs, Eekart escaped nuhurt, Look at the tongue, mother! Tf coated, your little one's stomach, liver end bowels reed cleansing at 0710. When peevish, cross, lisfiless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever. IA, "stomach sour, 'breath bad; has sore 'throat, diarrluoa, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and Sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without ggriping, and you have a well, playful child again, Ask your 3ruggist fora bottle of "California Syrup of ' Figs," width contains full be l4irectiona for .hies, children of all Ages glad for. grown-ups. f-llensall Rev, A, E, Doan lase in Wyoming last week on the work of the Church, There wag Thanksgiving service H held in en8all Oburoh on Sunday last whfoh was well attended. Mrs, Wm,'Shirray of Detroit is visit- ing her relative Mrs, D. Shirray, Mica Josie Medd of Exeter spent a few days with friends. Staffa • The Women's Institute did not meet in October owing to influenza, It meets on Wednesday of this week and a good programme provided. The Townehip of Ribbert has passed its objective for the Viotory Loan. The farmers subscribed very freely; It is a good investment, Mucic sympathy is felt for tbe relit• lues of Harry Fellow of Chapleau, who was accidentally short while deer hunt- ing. It is only a short time since he visited his brother here. He leaves a wife and nine children. Dublin Mr, John McDaid is a visitor at the home of his father, Mr, and Mre. Weber of• Seaforth spent a few days at the Dominion Hotel. Mr, Joseph McConnell has returned to Hamilton after a visit with his par- ents. Several from here went to London on Tnesday last, Mrs. James Davis spent a few days in :lt. Merye. Mr, Jas. Cronin was a recent visitor to Buffalo, Mr, Walter Wolfe of the Bank here has been transferred to Parkhill Mr. 3. Howard is again in Paris after visiting his parents. Mies (iivlat of Seaforth spent a day with Miss Maloney Sister Fidelis of Sarnia is visiting her mother, Mre, W, Fortune, Mrs. James Shea visited in Seaforth recently, Mr. T. Molyneaux is back at Niagara on the Lake, Mr James Shea is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. L. J. Leahy spent Thorley in Toronto Misses Katt: and Lizzie O'Connell were visitors in Seaforth last week Miss M Crawford of Londesboro ie visiting her cousin Miss Helen Craw• ford Mr Wm Sadler's team of Staffs de• livered to Dublin Grain House, 9o8 bus and 20 lbs of ostein one load and Oil his return home took 7,208 lbs of coal Can you beat that for a load? Mr J Ryan of Port Rawan spent Sun day with his wife here Walton Save yourself the time worry and incon. veiience of (collecting your sale notes by having this Bank do it for you. We will look after all payments when due : and credit the amount paid to your account. Consult the Manager. THE DOMINION BANK 519 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, PAanagaa rietillfillaefaa.usit uennusstsentrisa lrtlessotiatosteneuxus ctillwIDtrtQBtrlt,,nsaiii Mr, Elugh Fulton has been attending the funeral of hie sister in St, Marys, The servioes in the Walton Circuit on Sunday will be Providence at xl a. m. taken by Mr, Bentley. Mr, Gilroy Manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia of Brussels will speak at Bethel at 2,2o and Walton at 7 p, 01, Mr, Foreman will sing, The Commercial Hotel Thursday Dec. 12th DORENWEND's of Toronto • invite you to their display of the - newest creations in artistic hair goods. Il yout'_awn_ hale is thin, dull and un - hemming, let i0 de- monstrate just what can be done to sup- ply your ' lack of hair, and how per- fectly it is accont- pliehed For Ladies:—Switches; Transformations, Waves, Pompadours, Chignons, Etc. aid Men:-Dorenwend's Toupee will make you Iook -beitrs younger and improve your health. Light as a • feature and indetectable on our sanit- ary patent stvttcture• 'Phis display is for l day only. Thursday December T2th Appointments can be arranged at residence if so desired. THERE .IS NO CHARGE FOR A. DEMONSTRATION The Dorenwend Company of Toronto Limited .. Head office; -103-103 YONGE ST. New Books New books at the Public Library which will be in circulation Nov. 23, F LOTION— Name of Book Author Lord Tony' Wife Crazy Chivalry of Keit'i Leioester Hood Zsppelhes Passenger Appemheim My brave and Gallant Gentlemen Miss Mink's Soldier Thieves' Wit Daughter of the Land Whispering Wires JUVENILE— Cruise of the Dazzler Little Cuha Libie Boy Sooute at Sea Patty Bride Mystery of Ram Island Girl Next Door Story Hair Favorites Scout Drake in War Time Jatakas Tales of India Lost Island Call to Colors ()dreamt Sweater Captain Kituk Tommy and The Wishing Stone Mother West Wind Where Lost Little Lady Courageous Girls Cinderella's Grand. daughter NON FICTION— Ten Month's in a German Raider George Westinghouse Gentlemen at Arms Donald Thompson in Russia Fighting Grande The Black Watch When The Somme Ran Red Mapping Up Ladies' from Hell Watson Rice Footner Porter Lenerage London Duggan Carey Wela Atkins Seaman Harpe Hornibrook Babbit Barbour Jackson Barbonr Snell Burgess Burgess Knipe Gilchrist Cameron Centurion Thompson Lausanne Cassels Dugmore Munro Pinkerton AigzsummtmummEstoza Notice TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persons in need of ooal for the Coming winter are notified that the aates advise from the Fuel Adminieh'a- or state that no further supply of hard coal can be shipped for dilvery at Duh lin this winter, 'Those who have 1101 already laid in their full supply should at 01108 8111eavor to secure a supply of wood or other too, By order of 'lie Connoil, Jnmee Jordan, ('lark Splendid War Albury The War Albutn lamed by The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- treal is one of the hoot souvenirs of the War. B'uttue generatirl.s will cherish this book It will he a complete diary of the great straggle and contains a whole mine of information regarding the Allies. We learn the supply is limited, Auy home that fails to secure a copy now will regret it, $1 25 pays a fail year's subscription to that. groat weekly paper anti a copy of the War Album, Sample maybe seen at this office, SOUR,.ACID STOMACHS, II GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Dlapepeln" neutralizes expos•. sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or ernetations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. ei Pape's Diapopeln is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs, It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener inhe whole world, and besides it 10 ,harms, 0Put an end to stomach difkresa.s once by getting a large fifty. cent 0800 of Pape's Diapepein from any drug store. You realize in five minutes bow needlee0 it is to suffer from indi- geetion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to esressive acids 111 stomach. 0 You'd be astonished., Sir, if you knew the number of Men that always come here for their Shoes. The reputation of the goodness of our Men's Shoes has been spread abroad, and every pair of Shoes we sell is a walking advertisement for us. Do We Sell You Your Shoes, Sir? Carefully selected, High Grade Leathers, the most Skillful Shoe Making by Makers with a reputation, the best styles, splendid sorviee in.fitting and a Guar- antee of Satisfaction form a combination, that builds and, su tarns our immense trade in Men's Shoes. Try our Shoes, Sir, for we'll hitch more value and satisfaction to your money than it ever bought before, 14. seen. "The Nome of School • Shoes" Phone 5J Seaforth rti PRINTING Counter Check Books Letter Heads Posters Envelopes Meun Cards Loose !Leaf Ledger Bonus etc. Statements Programmes Dodgers Catling Cards Memorial Cards Bill Heads Wedding Cards_ Note Heads NeaCly and promptly 'done Ar The biggest men in the country have found that the easiest way to spell success is to ADVERTISE.. Sups pose the newspaper did not publish the news. how would the people know what is happening ? if you don't publi h your Store News how will the people know about your goods? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling about your stock. The firm that advertises gets ahead, every time, of tbe firm that does not advertise. Shop. worn and outeof=date stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising, R7 s To Men Who Live Inactive Lives,— Exercise in the open air i8 the beet tonic for the stomach aud system gen- erally; but there aro those who are nom polled to follow sedentary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and siokneas follows, Parmelee's Veg. stable Pills regulate the 0tom8eh and livor anti restore healthy action. It le wise to have a packet of the pills al- ways on hand. The next two or three years are bound to be the most important to every Canadian industry, and to 11011e does this apply to a greater extent than to the farming industry. To make the best of this opportunity read each week the Weekly din, the most helpful farm paper in Ontario, No increase in price One Dollar Bent direct to the Farmers' Weekly Sun Toronto, will pay for a subsoription for the full year of 1919 and the balance of x918 Free, There is no other paper just like the Bun; Une of the commonest complaints of infants are worms, and the moat effoo• tive application for them is Nether Graves' Worm Exterminator, For Sale A good base- burner with oven fo sale. Apply to L, CROWELL, Seaforth F or Sale A few good Berkshire Boars and Sows coven nlontlie old eligible for registration and out of a litterof twelve also a number of small pigs both sex the same breed eligible for registration out of a litter of thirteen ready to sv0an let of December Lot 14 Oon I8 'Grey 1st of ip, ROBT 0 0AltiPBELL, R R 2 Bruesel,a P O Phone 4813 - Brirese1s oentriil -ry