HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-21, Page 8The "lest , Wins ,.Thut is why this is the mast papular Barter Shop in town. FJvery thing is sanitary and you can enjoy a halt here. Lbmmercial Barber Shop,e4th W. ROBINSON Prop (MUSICAL. Mies Annie f , Govetilook, Graduate 'Teacher's Course Gotlotvtky Methods, 'liine'diata Academy of Music. Toeonto re -open her classes in piano, Organ Theory on September 3rd Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Academy. and Tomtito Conservatory t uninetime Stadia North Main ht. Plume Ins MUSIC Mrs. O'Connell hes re-npea,etl classes in Piano and Singing. Pupils prepared for the London Cun- acrvutory. MRS, tl•ColeNELL, John Street, ;SAYS LEM1MI JUICE WiLL REMOVE FRECKLES Wrist -Make this oheap beauty lotion to' clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze The juice of two Iemone into beetle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the beet fieekle and ;La.111 lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small. cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug etore or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few Bente. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the 'face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and bow clear, soft and white the skin beeomee,Yes! It in harmless. C:OINRle$IP0114' IC Kippen The Methodist's Anniversaryservicee will be held en the lir Sunday in December. There were no sevvioer bore on Sum - day au Annivereary Services were held at Varna, Mr, Ieaao has sold his fine bean crop et five dollars a nuchel, a total of $56dr Mr. W. W, Cooper shipped' two cars of turnips to Chicago. He had good weather for the work, After being closed for four weeks the reboots and uhurebos are again open. Mr, Alex Montioth has gone north to Powaesiu to visit her brother and s few days hunting. This has been a line Fall enabling the farmer to do his work. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cente to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemone and any dtug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of ewe fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily roto the face, neck, arms and hands and just pee how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and e' ronghneas disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin beaomea. Yes!' It is harnilese, and the beautiful resul*g will surprise you, 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath --Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, etomaeb. or bowels; how much your Lead aches, how miserable you are from constipa- tion indigestion, ,biliousness and slug. gish bowels -you always get relief with E'tascarets." They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the ,,Hour, fermenting food and foul galea; i take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter • 'and' pbison from the intestines: and bowels. A 10 -cent box from your drug - 4000 )Still keeppryour liver and 'bowels clean ; etomaeh' aweet and head clear for Menthe. They work while you Bleep. Staffa -- Rev. Air, Lovc was kicked by a Cow, which broke hie arm. School wee open again last week af- ter being shut for three wecke. 'Mise Winterminte and friend uf. St, Thomas are at the parsonage. Fifty five boxes for the boys over- seas at Christmas were packed here and sent off last week- May they bring real peace to them, The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the town .hall on Wednesday November 27th a good programme is in store, on account Of the influenza we had no meeting last month. So every one try to come out next Wednesday. Bayfield fiY F009 rid of the. ll4ieer, We will pow gladly await the return of our boys to the pestle of the Canadian boniest tkey'defended. Mr. D ° MoCenuell hes eloped 'tie ptore here end moved °way, The place is non, witltcat a store. Mr and Mrs Alex Stewart are home again after a visit to the west W.erd has been received here that Donald Gillespie. a eon of Air, Donald Gillespie, a former resident had died at Wolseley, Seek, hire, F, R. Hamilton and daughter of Exeter are et the 'loin° of Mrs, Gam ilton's son. An express parcel front France was received !by Mrs. Brandon .laat week which contained a French helmet sent by her son, Abs. Mr. Robert Howard and family of Smith's Falls spout the past week with relatives, Thomas Castle is fishing at Port Stanley, Good old Bayfield celebrated Victory in Royal style. , Bells rang and flags floated; Business was forgotten, Every body was Blanking hands with every one A Thanksgiving service was held, A procession marched up etown and at night there was a bonfire.' The Churches after being closed for four weeks were _opened again last Sunday, The Misses Currie of London are at the home of their mother, Mre, A, E, Erwin is in Wingham, Londesboro Dublin Dublin was not backward in celebrst ng posoe, She began et ale in the morning and kept in rip all day. Whistles, belle and everything that would make a noise did their part, Mrs, T, Melyneaux and children have beim at Goderieh, Mr, John Dorenstein has put a° -flew fottntlationunderhie house. Pte, P. H, Benn has been here on a few days leave but has gone back to London; We are,lookiitg far all the boys home ehortly. Mre. Fortune has reopen her store 5.5 gain. It's a boy! Mr, Crawford has a smile that will swear, That old eyesore owned by Mr. Lasham tell over much to the relief of the public, It is hoped an improve- ment will be made on the lot. James Hill a section man on the G. T. R. had the misfortune to have hie foot badly crushed by a rail at London, Mr and Mrs, John Burke have re- turned to Toronto after visiting at the home of Mr. John Fingland, Mise E Bell of Clinton is at the home of her brother Mr, T' Simpson, Mrs. Grey of Detroit is at the home of her parents. Mr. John Melville is deer hunting in Muskoka. Auburn Auburn royally celebrated Peace on Monday of last week, The school children paraded in the morning, In the evening the Presbyterian Church was crowded and addressee were given by the clergy. After the meeting a bonfire was lighted and the Keiser burned. The eveningwas spent in singing and parading the street, John Rathby has bought a farm on r4th Con, Mullett. Mr, Wm, Craig has rented the house of Mr. Bunking and moved into it, It is a fine fall for farm work and much plowing is being done as it hi evident the food will all be needed in Eurppe, Cromarty Cromarty rejoiced With the world when Military cnle'wail overthrown and Constance Mr. Wm, Britton bas been en active canvasser for Bonds, Mr. Wm, Clark still continuee .to cause aneasinesc to hie friends as he is not gaining as fast as they would like Annivertary Services on a reoent Sunday brought out large cougregat ions and good offerings of over $110. Mrs. Ed Britton spent a few days last week visiting her home in Walton. Her parents are Mr, and Mrs, Love, Brucefie Id The manse is rejoicing over the birth of a eon.. Miss Rial Rouatt who has been visit - jug her mother has returned to Lan- don, Miss Margaret Wilson of Hensel] has been at the home of Mies Alice Rat- tenbury, God sove the king was never felt so strongly as when word came that the war was over People had prayed for peace and at times it appeared to go a greaterdictanee away. Now' that .it has Dome we can hardly believe it. iIrre, D. Mclntosh has sold his farm to Mr. Armstrong from the west. The prioe is $5600, :luny went to Clinton and Seaforth for the oelelration of Victory, Miss Flora Smith is visiting her bro- ther, Alex Smith, Sympathy is felt ,for Mrs, Davidson whose son, Cluff, died in the west where he was Farming. ohne Is Built On Saving if you have to work hard for your money make your money work hard .;for 'soup Our Savings Department pays 3% per annum and this interest is added to your principal twice a yeah. ME MI 486 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manages+ pit refettrdtoisenentdeldsdefd eweiidelgdtidnirnrinwilieliornere'eette.:f0ii1 land piaci been killed, Avlr }3 C btumpf of Torooto is limiting his daughter at bhe parsonage, Rev Mr Aanow presided at the Metb, odist Board meeting on Tuesday. Eel D S Banes B. A" will preach the Methodist Church here at 11 on Sunday, Bethel at 3 p end Provid• once at 7 1' C Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Love reoeived the sad news Oot Rest that their eldest eon Arthnr Welleely died Oct 30th ir. the Hospital at Moosejaw from pneume onia following Spanish Influenza, The late Arthur Love was born near Walton. 29 years ago, And went to the west about g years ago, and has been engem- ed in farming for a lumber of years, He was a bright promising young, -who was•helovetl and respected by all and his early demise has, cast a gloom in the neighborhood,as he had many many friends who will sympathize -with Mr.and Mrs Love and family in their greatlose. The remarns"were laid" to rest Nos.. ,let . in Moosejew cemetery, on account of health restrictions" could not be brought home Densall Mrs, 0, E. Edwards formerly, Miss Mabel Sparks hes returned to her home 1n Detroit after visiting her mother. The signing sf the armietiee was well celebrated by our loyal people, All are glad the wards over and ended the right way. Viotory was celebrated in the Meth. odist church by a special service Mr, James Crawford near here died in the London hospital, - Grain atill•ooutinuee to corns in and goad prices are prevailing. Mies Gladys Hardie reoeived a sho- wer from her friends previous to her marriage, Mr, W. J, Clark has returned after a visit to Belgrave. The ladies have been busy packing percale for the boyo oveseoe, W alton The Walton regular monthly meet- ing of the Women's Institute will be held on November the 28 at the home of Mrs Lundy. The reports from the Toronto Convention will be given by our. delegates, Mrs. 0htls. McGregor and Mine K. Simpson, A ohapter from our now book "Our Government" will be reads Word has aortae that Pte, J, J, Row HURON NEWS Miss Sara Bentley of Blyth has been appointed matron for the- children shelter in Coderioh, duties to coin- tnenee on December let. It is expect-- ad xpect=ed that, the, shelter will have its 'formal opening this week-, Ap,old and respected citizen of Zu- rich passed away on Tuesday smorning. last in the person of Mr. Fred Hese,' He was in ill health for nearly a year and during the past` month he failed rapidly in health, He has always tak- en a keen interest inpublic affairs of Ms community and will be greatly missed In that- locality. The funeral' was held on Thnreday afternoon in Zu- rich, Pte. Ernest Walton strived home in Clinton on Monday,' November 11th, after four years service at the front. He was in England when the war broke out and has been in service dur. ing the whole period of the war. He arrived in time to help with the cele- bration Albert E. Tbomae apeut a few days visiting at his former home in Blue - vale recently, after nearly two yearn in France: He took trench fever while in Frame and was sent to England for a time. On his return trip to France the vessel ahead of the one he was on was torpedoed and sunk. When the pas. sengere were brought to the following boat the overload caused it Ito capsize, Pte Thomas was thrown into the water and lost oouciousneee, Complications set in and he was sent back to Canada, Pte, Thomas is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Thomas of Bluevale, The electric right service was out of on Tuesday night last owing to -the shortage of fuel to operate the plant, Enough was borrowed to continue run- ning again the following day, until the expected supply arrived. On Monday morning last Mr. and Mrs, Wm Brimacombe of Exeter re. eeived the sad news of the death of their son, Pte. Thomas Brimacombe, who`was killed in action on. October 310. , Last Wednesday evening while re. turning home from near Holmesville edr Hiram Rill had a oollision with James Hamilton. The former's buggy was badly damaged and he had to walk home as a result Mr W Grant of Bruoefleld appears to have bad nearly a record pig When he killed it, after starving for twegtyfour hours, it weighed 360 lbs, It was only about seven months old. Mr. David Ca'sh' bag' purohaeed the 81 acre farm on the Bronson line, Stan. ley, near Blake from Mr, Christ Zirke, The price wee:' $6200 and Mr, Mash will get possesaior next March.. Hod. nil Quo • The november itele of Rod and Ger published by W, J. Taylor Limited', Woodetocic,• Ont. , is on the news- stancte and is replete with good things ¶or the eportemau reader and lover tef optdbor life generally. "Canadian Game'1'rnils" by Flubort Hutton, "The Moose Call," a story of two narrow escapes, by ' G, le Hiltz, "Oaroajous,l the reoord-of a unique experienue in, it winter wilds by A, Sturtzel, and "Humors of the Hunt" by' George R. Beltou, are some of the contributions to the story section of the magazine, Other article's fellow end the usual de- partments are well maintained, An Article on the-niaking of rg.oecasius is illustrated by F, V,• Wflltams-who-ie ileo the cover design artist, ,Guns and Aulmunition contains the first metal - mint of "The National Matches at Camp Perry" by C. S. Landis, Rod and Gun Mechanics for Trapper is a page of 'illustrations and supplements the department Along the Trap Line wlI"oh is continued in this issue. .Unlees.worme, be expelled from the system, no child cart be healthy Mother Graves' Worm Txtrtn,ii elate the beet medio_ne extant to destroy worms. Notice • TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persona in need of, coal for the coming'winteaare notified' that the steer advise from the Fuel Administr . or state that no further supply of hard coal can be shipped for dilvery et Dub lin this winter, Those who have not already laid in their full supply should at once endeavor to secure a supply of wood or other fuel. By order of the Council, James Jordan, Oler k :0 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED • TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receiv- ed at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 22nd day of November, 1918, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contraot for four years, Six times per week; Over Seaforth No, 1 Rural Route, from the ist of April, next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of propos- ed Contract may be seen and blank forme of Tender may be obtained at the Post Olfioe of Seaforth, and at the office of the Poet Office Inspector.' POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, London lith, October, 1913, CHAS, E, B, FISHER, Poet Office inspector, Over the last week end there were three alleged, robberies in the Cbnnty end in every instance -the per. Sane accosted and robbed were held ups at the point of a gun. Mr, John McEwen has sold hie store in Monorieff to Mr. Curtis Ratbell and intends moving to Ethel, probably to reenme farming. Dr. Beattie Martin, son of Rev. W. M. Martin of Londdn, formerly of Exeter, has been "taken on the 'staff of the Mayo Hospital, Roottester, Minn. , in sueoession to .Dr. Beal who died of pneumonia; Dr. Martin has had a wide experience in France and Pal. estine during the past fact' years, 'flier oky November 1 You'd be astonished, Sir, if you knew the number of Men that always come here for their Shoes. • The reputation of the goodness' of our Men's Shoes has been spread abroad, ;ind every pair- of` Shoes we sell is a••walking advertisement for us. • Do We Sell You Your Shoes, Sir? • Carefully selected, l-tigh Grade•Leathers, the most Skillful Shoe Making by Makers with a reputation, the. best styles, splendid sorvice in fitting and a Guar- antee of Satisffction•form a.combination, that builds and su tains our immense trade in Men's Shoes,. Try our .Shoes, Sir, for we'll hitch more value and sajsfaction to your money than'it,ever bought before. R. seorr "The Home of School Shoes" • Phone 51 Seaforth Counter Check Books Letter Heads .Pesters Envelopes Meuu Cards .- Loose Leaf Ledger Dorms etc. Statements Programmes .Dodgers - Calling Cards Memorial dards ' Bill Head' Wedding Cards r;» Note Heads - Nearly 'and promptly done APO The biggest men Li the country have found that the easiest: way to spel;r success is to ADVERTISE. Sup= pose the newspaper did not publish the news. how would' the people know what is happening .? If you don't pubIL. h your Store News show will the people know about your goods? _You can never sell the g o ods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling about your stock. The firm. that advertises 'gets ahead, every time, of the firm that does not advertise. Shop worn and outaofsdate stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising. I19 NEWS • Mr, P J prigg endfamily of- - One of the commonest complaints of infants are worms, and the most effeo• tive application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, For Sale Ohiselhuret have moved, to Seaforth where Mr, Sprigg will work in the munition' plunt Mr, Cr, A Glenn, just smith of Bruoefleld has refnaed an offer of $9000 for his I00 ears faun • END STOMACH TROUBLE GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Dlapepsin" makes alek, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes, 1f what you just ate is souring on your etomaeh or lies like a lump of lead, or you belchgap and eructate emir, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and 'stomaclr•head- ache, you can get relief in. Eve minute' by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepein from any drug store. a You realize in:. five minutes how needless it is, to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia oir.anyjonp• aeh disorder caused by food fermentation due to exaeesive aeii is atemasi. A good base burner with oven fee gale.' r - Appiy.to L, CROWELL, Seaforth For Sale . A: few good Berkshire Boars and Rowe seven months oid eligible for registration and out of a litterof twelve also a number of emall pigs both sex the same breed eligible for registration out of a litter of thirteen ready to.wean" 1st of December Let 14 Oen 13 Grey Township. ;;, I2d13T 0 CAMPBELL, R R 2 Brussels, P 0 ,Phone 4313 i'♦mewls Central