HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-21, Page 7DEL MAN TEACHERS
Atterlipt to 1.'eutonizp the Scheele
Y'ltas Veiled by the l,viyaity of
the Professor's.
The' Germans while inBelgium loft
no atone unturned iin.their endeavor
' to possess themselves permanently
of the country,; by force or by fraud.
Force, illustrated by teirorisip,, Was
first used, with the immediate flee
that the,country wits atros't'entire1y',
overrun, and„for the time being otun�
ned into apparent submission„
Aso- Months and years went on, see-
ing that the pipulatron, contrary to
expectations, ;'e;ntfmEd 'obstinately;
optimistic of deliverance and steadily
hostile to the occupier, a new kind of
opproesion .was begun, and this in
spite oa”, tile' fact that 'any' Intferfer-I
taco'With the internal laws off`occb..
pled countries, is in,direet.contrdtiiea
tion to the provisions of The Hague
Convention, sig'ned'by Germitizcy With
the tithe}' ,Powers,. It clid not repiriee
the old method, the militarists were
-too powerful to`allow, any rel'n$cation `-
of tyranny, but it came in addition
to it; The new plan was to sow dis-
trust of each other and of their al-
lies iimong the Belgians, and to pre-
pare ''for the future by working on the
minds of the young
In' Belgium two languages are
spoken, french and Flemish, but
'French has been, • largely„ predominant,;.
espemilly In high education. Ira„re-
cent times the” chathpions•of the Fleur-
iahtia'lrgilage, caned i+lammgrants,
have Odispfayed considerable .activity
In demanding the practice and recog-
;,nitioh of their language apart from
French. one,. of the main points. of
• their"progranil waatlie eataiilichinent
,of a'purely Flenrillt State,4itWereity.
'French was the only laii'galige tiled
,;for teaching at all the universities ex-
sept. Ghent where, in 1911, twenty-
four ;out of 24'8 courses of lectures
'were''•given(in Flemish, The llainin
grants, dfseatisfied witli''this"propel•=
`tion„ sdeinanded';either (a) an^entirely
new Flemish university at'Antwerp;
(b) the%=irhmediate tradsfoi'thation''of
'the existing Ghent State :animosity;
(c) the duplication of all, courses at
3tf- '.Ghent, and aii equal 'Manlier' being
given in: each language; ;(d) the' grad-
ual transforhlattdn 61 the Ghent tint-
lersttaa,Suggestions (a) and (c) feI) j
through for lack- of funds; (b) was
• considered too' d astie; but'; the last
proposition seemed likely to be' adbp.
ted by the Belgian Parliament, when
Sts success "awns interrupted sty the
outbreak'oft war.
Von Eissing's::Itecree Ignored.
Bareri 'vokr Blatt,' from Septem-
ber, 1914.,,. tojApril, 1910,' governor-
general of occupied Belgian", en-
deavoredlthrbuglfiiut the whole course
of his administration to ,soiy"disunion
Among the people he was set to gov-
ern ancfivllosca4patriotic feelings, an
well?as laws and institution he,.had
promised to, protect.. The Fleinish
univerpity question was his first in-
strumenb,sncll as early as+Deeem:her
'M lis; 1915;'he issued n decree providing
that `Flemith should« be the language
used for teaching There. But a'de-
cree does not in a moment ,change'°a
universityz sl?r•ofessors would, not
teach, nor -students learn, according to
the ivill"gf a' fordgn governor Fur,_
thee stept,w:aj,a`.taken'to's'eehre the
adherence, of;the professore, and sud-
denly two 'of Wein,'Prrifessor•'Pirenne,
the "world-yonowned historian, and
l rote'ssoi• Frederieq, himself a pre-
war Fl&n isfgrant' were "deported to
Germany. Popular legend says that
Professor Pirenne was personally of,-
fered the position of rector of the
new 'university by the governor• -gen-.
eras„to whom ho replied that he could
only accept if his appointment were
signed by Ring Albert, and that iris
deportation wag •the consequence of
his patr•iotif: answer. Vett pissing in
denying the story states that the two
professors' were deported "because
ai they influenced' their colleagues hi a
prohibited manner with the object of
preventing- them from cal' ging out
then Oficial duties.” •The•faet is, the
institution: of the university under
Gortnan patronage has raised a storm.
of protest.',fromaall classes and so-
cieties of Flelninga, who, announced
that, whatever their aepiratioirs to-
ward a seat of Flemish learning
, might be, they Would accept no gift
from their enemy. The Germans,
therefore, were determined toecrush
opposition in the 'tiniverisity itesiP,,
Professor Pirenne was particularly
well known in Germany, his portrait
being published • in the 1918, number
of the Minerva, a learned German re-
view, as "the great Belgian savant"
and German honors heaped upon hint,
Since his refusal tto co-operate In a
German -Flemish' university the 'Ger-
man scientific papers no longer write
Of him tie "a historian," but a 'tromp
ntictsta and toh
ly porta�it
Is a snapshot of him in his prison
camp. Something more than German
spite will ;be necessary to mush Prof.
Pirenne's reputation, which is only
enhanced, In neutral as well as in al-
lied countries, by his firm attitude,
The 'Alberta Department ii' aoireulture acting' in oonjdrletiou. With the
lamniniorl-. authorities • have taped
estops to equalize fodder and cattle
conditions in Alberts b1 arranging to
winter cattle heir'the the southern
darnighlt-ailtected 1110iticts In the
north where early frosts have, in-
creq,eed the; supply of fodder. ( .
Ieasu et
r,� i
I ; , • �i, t� ei-Ititlil$'Ia�
�Ias bossily �tac�ed .has belief that tl-Ie'#aIx;,ous
caused a co 'let -
.,{,,p e revolution in''social' life in the "
Y' rural
districts today ! "• v'
It is true as he says, that one cannot now diainguish between the city man
and his brother in the country.
But do not give all the credit to the Gillette -Safety Razmr.
Smooth chins assuredly do prompt correctness in other.' things,,•• but: it hardly
seems possible -that the smartness of the social gathering' in' resent -da fa�'m't
p Y
homes is due to a razor=evert the -best razor in the world. •
You answer an invitation � '�:
a on .to call. � ,fel,.
l a friend's' houses and eiter'aa
1 gh.ed roomtofird.well diessed'vonlen' and
xd kr eei oortl�it`r clean Shaven' -men.
I-IoWlad u are that o
g you you' calx►°, prepared to hold your own in any company.
And how satisfying it, I., t.ytino, :
ng w That ifu ss drop g e op an ,. n you unexpectedly,.
the daily few minutes with„ your Gillette finds rou READY DY to receive them. -
One thingis certain -a Gillette'
Safety Razor' should be part ,ofthe';° ui
cent of every man of today. -
Gillette Segs are ,.sold by Jewelers' Druggists rnsr
Hardware Dealers everyw.liere at _first dollars. ,
Gillette Safety Razor Co,: 'of Canada, Limited,
Office anal Factory t 65-73 St. Alexander St., '1l2ovttreal,
MA02 01 >� CANA4p :.
Are ,.the Isolated'; Light}iouses Which
Guard the =Coast,
''Manis,aagregarious animal, To he -
happy he must have the companion-
ship 'of his kind. Hermits are not
cheerful people.
The loneliest places ba the world are
isolated lighthouses, quite a number
of which guard tho Boasts of North
. 0
I:N,” Ctilal II. isas
stated repeatedly
that the morale of
our troops i0 without equal.
Ile Imon•e that this is duo to
twa thhrgs—d110151iaa and smart -
the :ofi ers ere responsible
foe dloo,i'i ce—Wo AutoStrop
for smart arpearenee, •
The AuloStropSaf ty bases
has beon,of Hakim', Service to
lieeping, with the oid, of spite
and avatar, n e faces of many of
our soldiers In a fresh, clean,
comfortable condition,
)four soldiee'tvlllapprncletg
1 mora tltatl ant lg Aloe„ ah
nntoa Y t"anatf
0 1 1 !
S z ,
aikaSia iaaeilly share+pora nl , dee
d thet adraio¢ra ltlib only, Sipe
tGaE Is t,nrmaumuly ready for
• nervine
?rice; s.�Q•
At healer stores,everywhere
22a, Oontalte udll dulfoce ail
futoS/,o%.•Racer OveYneas b ,
irs? Ma as Vefiisaered°rrnnil..
Atil;oStrop -
LlmIt d
117^" Duke i;, Toronto
Amerirfat 'ln'•oht.rl,e`tile're rs lalwaysiL
keeper; of ,'cou,rse ansi ''perhaps
or' three, asaiggante. , They .soon.ltal
each other onjt, • become ..ouproge, ,an
actitallp quit. speaking to „one anofhe
except on business. It is a "curtail
freak of human psychology- '
On this account :the keepers of, sine
lighthouses and their helpers ar
changed as often as possible. It 1
really necessary. There were live a
tempts .at suicide In one lighthous
within 'a dozen years.
It is said that no' person is -of aitch..
sound mind as not to show some signs
01 , Mental aberration after-. being
cooped up for a few months in,thie
way. Raving madness,sometimes
homicidal uta"y,;i�pl�ol'v usually •laegiim-
ning with melancholy,
Ainong the worst are the lighthoilses,
on the Florida reefs, which stand out
1n the ocelin many miles' from neareet`
laud, •, Tiley. ase:'erected upon stbel
piles driven deep ante' the .iroef,cavol;
and some of them rlse"125 fget•above
the water, Others squat over the
waves rese'mbling gigantic iron spiders,
There is, of necessity, a'krous`e, With
n big lantern` on top Beneath the
platform that supports .the house - is.
another platform "for the accommoda-
tion of::boats anti food -stores : The
genoraleffect is of a dwelling on. stilts,
uplifted.a'bove'the sea.
,The lnnhatea grave two things chiefly
to fear—the :hurricane and the tidal
wave. Oncei in a while the .former,
blows 125 -miles 'ail hour in that trop-
ical' latitude. The tidal wave seems
to be the result 01 a ehbrnai•ine'ea,i•tla:
quake; It may attain ' a height of
ejghty feet One, of the kind destroyed
the city. of Galveeteff a few years ago.
The amphibious 'occupants of the
reef lighthouse are thus liable at any
time to -be wiped out, either by wild
or by water, It they do not lose their
lives, they may„at a moment's notice
be robbed tif' at1 their food sudplies,
store r
ri th
eels r
Twice. a year .,they are visited, by
Government supply ships,, which ,
liverc 'fiat they are supposed to need.
(mostly; canned goods) in the way 'of
food, They enjoy no other' means, of
communicating. with their kind, save'
90°11 as may be afforded boat -tripe'
now and then to the mainland,
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Orders, Ftve'
Dollails costs three cents.;
The best way to keep dried Jambe
is to rub off the leave
s frofrt the
woody stems.and store -them in largo
'mauthed glass jars; fruit • jars are
excellent. Write a label -,cud panto
.on each jar and keep the jars tight-
ly covered,
Millard's Liniment Mire's Dlstsnrp5P,
1:E'_MfiNS'• 1NFiIT,•l+1'. ANR.adu 1:+ 1,:,
AIEAIUTil'y T,11E-, S!C!
Make ihie beauty" :lotion roh'ediSly ^for
your face, neck, arfna'and han'da,
At the` cost of ti rttirall jar ci'i`ora)1nu11v
tole ereirin one Lan prepare a 'full
(luta tot chit of ,tire most ieot,00>aul
lemon` okltr eottoner add oonzplexi
bo;autltler, by Hqueeiing the juice''
two fresh lemons into'a bottle con.
tattling, three ounces of orchard white,
Caro should be taken to stealn the
ftfce,tlii'oli'gh e lino cl4t}r s6 no lembn
pulp gots In,'then oris lotion will keeii
ireelr foi menthe. Every woman sinews
that lemon jul e le used to bleach and
rentove''audit 'blleutithes 'tis"rfrebkles,
sallowness end tan ,,and Is the Ideal
skin softener, whitener and lleauti0or,
,lust try it! Get three ounces of
orcbard white at auY drug store and
two lemons from the: grocer'mid make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra-
grant lemon,, lotion and massage it
(Massy late the, fa ,or',uteri, arras and,,
hands.'- It le nme,rvgjoue',to smoothen.
rough, red hands.
the 1151,1y Innocent @ looked down
II'rntnt ea7nl're"leiir"'1"71"oiglli;”"'
1�(itt -tender pitying cyte upon .
This world's inset aY401 r'.likht.
1 aeaeding strung and purse aro they
rola"-never ,kiiowirlg' airs; 'r -;'
()el Andr !Ikea hand beside Mlle heflvenly
of '' gaits
welcome children In,
Acmes .the many;centpl'les
P1 memory comes to tl}ere
Of their own infant ptnrtyrdom
In .little .Ilethlehem, ,,
So they greet'the murdered children
Of Armenia, Serbia, Frnneey -;
The teanglerj, babes of Belgium,
With loving arms and glance.
'Strange Forms in, }'Yhich Welldtnown
Medicines Reach the Market.
To form the collection which fills
tdrawers, e
h tiY .s, bottles' and jars"'of 'even
the most unpretentious drugg(at(ta
shop, tax is levied upon almost every
country in the world North, south
east and weat, mar drugs come to us
and they reach, our shores• in such
strange forme that not one person
in a thousand, seeing them. in the
rough,- at the docks�;or in any of the
great wholesale stores, would be able
even to griese at ,the names and na-
tares of' half of them • .
Who, far example,
a great ilemof dry,thn twis, neatly
tied into eall•bundlea,
with. sarsa-
parilla, thea great?: blood. ^:,;uiarifier?'
These ,twigs are the creeping roots
and+rootlets of a prickly. -shrub ,that,
igmovas in'tlamaica,'and they are worth,
10,to 50 cents a pound , i
Somewhat similar in appearance is,
ipecaMttanhh' wliith';'also comes to us
in dry twigs, being, part o ache trail-
ing root,of:aeplant:found:in;the damp
-foreste of Brazil, These roots receive
no preparation, save 'drying, before
theyare. chipped'; off to, Eurdpe . is
Montevideo.; -, They, ',a -,packed ,in,
large sacks, and the workmen who
open the ''bales' must ,bewafea of
breathing +the .pdngent, irritating dust
given o,,which• isj•productiye of un-
pleasant results if incautiopsly in,
aster oil, too visa arld,to-r eeignize
'in the pretty little brown beans, spot-
ted with black, and ‘'With polished
skins that arrive in bags from India.'
° They leek 'far too ;attractive to sug
•gent the much -hated dose of „,oar:
early days.;''
Aloes, 'the base of many nauseous
,medicines, may be.seen,in iits;,cr•ude•
form as, a solid mads, resembling'
brown sealing -wax, packed in heavy
wooden hexes; lfront^Which, it'ia' chip -.
pia out' with 1 n chisel: and,. hammer.
It is of different` qualities and prices,
according to whether it conies from
:Arabia; Socotra, tor' thse West Indies,
The yoke of th'i`s model is empire
back and froOt, and the dropped sides
arelengthened- by flappets set up
unds't:.,and stitched in -pocket effect.
McCall Pattern ,No. 8020,`. Girl's Coat.
In (i sizes, 4 to 14 years. Price +20
cents, t1
These patterns, may be -.obtained
from your local McCall, dealer, oat
from the McCall. Co- 70 Bond St,
Toronto, Dept. ,W,
First Aid.:
As the motor was dashing madly
through the little village, the driver
soddenly pulled up with a frantic
jerk. A man, Was standing right in
front of his'm8chitre waving his arms
violently and shorfting: "Stop! Hil
"What's the trouble?" . asked the
motorist after he had brought the
ear to a standstill. "Is this a police
trap? Becatrde,'if it is, I tvasn:t driv-
ing; more than 20 imiles an hour-"
"That's all right„ sir," said the v11
lager li
la anal ,
g , 1 y. , I ain't no policeman.
Only my Wife has been invited to a
wedding to-moeadW and i wanted to
rile ii` you mulct spit%•o her a ;few drops
of gasoline to clean her gloves wins,"'
"It ie only. -b +'Intim%:that I,blight
can ,be. Matte baealthy, and only. ,by
thought that lahgr can be made happy
and the tout cannot be separated
with impunity."--Rnslciti.
I,S1nard'r Liniment Carom Celan, 00,
They ; soothe away. their' .tiorro',o
And hush their frightened' cries,
And wipe the tears of anguish
Forever from their eyes'...
T)ley bear them to the Great `White
, I Throne
'Where each one„fin'its, its place,
And ;every baby angel'
Beholds its Father's face..
•M1nard's. Liniment 00,, 'Limited.
rsi,tlhntlemenr,. Last ,winter •1 recelvod,
great' 'benefit front the use of VjI' r
A'RM'S LINIlyIENT in a severe attack
of: LaOrippe, and. I, have, arequently
prayed it to be• very effective In cases
of Inflanianatton.
Ara Unexpected Answer. a
A lady. from the city said to a
farmer 'after ^ church, '
"Wasn't it awfih'l, the way ,• the dea-
con sneted •all,atjtrough,.ael`vicev"
"I cer,tai?lly. was, ma'am'," said the
fanner warmly... "It kepi ,all the rest
ofus' awake."
Minard's Liniment glares Gorget in COW/
There i,i nothing,thatefita;into the
regular farm Bret b adduklive stock
better than a well-managed flock of
Poul ry. i..,_at
04 ' DyT' f7(i� + l8f'Fi
rth nd P4, TES
#:.4NIIF+aTANr:RAiPIxI,L'RtNNM ...'
i O.illOYa B OOQ 19.4P,1
THLG.rOAIM COnr...PONS ym,I19t1 [TON.rAn�OA
hilts may fetch any sum frorni $6.25 to " r '14,1a r '
1$45100 a, cwt. Aloes is 'the }bice of , k.
the big fleshy leaves of
he sarit o
that ndine:.This juice is pie sed
or evaporated 'from' the leaves, 'and
Poured into chests or kegs in a:. semi-•
fluid state,, hardening ,presently Otto
a solid` block. Not infrequently, it •Is
enclosed in:the dried .skins of mon-
keys, and in this strange form is
brought to market.,
In spite of .its wattle, an idle rumor
is always 'a. very busy thing.
The advantage of keeping one
breed of poilltry-is that the' poultry-
man can market a uniform product
in eggs and 'stock, '- ' , s-.
or, coffeefind
relief whe
-the:..- c
some +a e
caffeine or an
nerve dis+urs-
)ng in red en -E
(9Reason' 1 1.
Comforting relief front pain
makes ' Sloan,- s:, the
World's. Liniment
This famous reliever: of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
:,sprains, neifralgid''p`aidi,' and xno'st
°het external 'tlginget that humanity,
sirtffera,from enjoys ,its greaatsales
because it practically never fajta to
bring speedy, cbliifort;ng 'relief. •
Always ready for use, it takes little
to, pdnetrate u)itJtaul iiltbbhl»j'an ' ro'
,duce results, `Clean, refreshing. rlotadel
ih C9nedg,,l At,all;drug, ;stoles,,,`1
large bottle means economy.
vx'u,�L't�3:� $41t9C��
Apples cut In irregular pieces will
cook •'more quickly in a ,pie than t4
sliced: They do not pack so closely4'
ao that the hot' air comet in contact
wjth ithe fruit mote easily, and cook-
ing 'is facilitated.
laktsgd's Ltnimont Cures Diphtheria.
r vvANTEa ...
lX Bros„ Bothwell, Ont
I,eU7ft.NTDD: —:AT axon, -01,7
,gressive Concern in. the Niagara
Peninsultaie the Garden Sim t of Canada.
13oilermakel's, Helpers and Handy Men.
S tea ay— ^employment: -Engineering -arua
VS -chino Works..oS Canaria,,united, •,Ht.'
,Catharines. Or. 1.
• ,'POR. 9ALB
and soh DrintfnR �'.yCantEIn 0 i•.''s!
nOapNelgriAn aoroilhinnpa#!Ericileon Publishing Co:Ltd,,'iororto
. ,
V 1 lin hIetetOnterlo: :rOiwo eltgointri2o"
Wrabce. :W111 sell $2.000, Worth doubts
that ..e mount A'ppty T '-dao Wilson
Pnbl12111nrt CR ti tm,ttadrriToronto'
is ly�l'ICly°�'?O�IIs/a,�'
Axotott. tAiamORe. "ra..ruP81,c.i5re,4 :-..
tat45na1,t .fl4 externa4,,t,ApreA.14,1k/Si
,put gath b o' fiome freaa','tme 4 r
$e hetore too lata Dr B5+itdoogu'died'le '-
,Cro,, I,1nrttea pa111nawocs' Qnt1
A uekelf
A headache is frequently caused;,
by badly digested food; the gases
andsactds resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerves and
jeaue:es painful symptoms called
ill-Mit:1% jeep neriralgia, . rheumna-
Gang efc. r15,to' 30 drops of?
Mother Seigel's Syrup wilt correct
faulty digestiion and afford relief.
Quickly Heals
Iltehinqs anet1
.insists iris
Ole 60e., $120.
_.,_..—._ _ 1. c -`j_, rt
In the treatment of all skin
troubles bathe freelywith Cuti.
tura Soap and hot Water, dry.
gently and apply Cuticura hint
meat tolthel:iaaidetb`rftleparts.
These fragrant super -creamy
atiiollaeptg telid•,tg ppeueut lade
skin;-teonhles'bpceiming, serious',,
if used for every -day toilet put'-
0aod echC froe bymDadt
q.S.A Satdbyiepi,s
the world.
Ii. teumettem+ lymbd v: ,nettrnia;la, sprains, lame baht toothache, ear-
n rho, ado throat; flu °lien loins/ daft 011' idalilar-troubles aro qutckev -
raliop5rdby44irs„ gain ;iintornlina or. It 1(00 boon.. sold for 40 years, _��,('.
and should bola everyhousebold—tes a hundred uses. (
hU de ninns,on urritatrs.,ilia5113tEMUDy CO„ Ilamilton, Canons. ,LR
ISSUE 47—'18,
utel Del Coronado
�r California
Near San blego
18 -Hole Golf O iur je
1-Iotel is equipped throughout with Aut orotic
Sprinkler System.`„
46H'N J 'EiFRNAlJ,