HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-21, Page 1eaforth
New Series Vol. 31 No 46
Canadian Granite
Since the inportation of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
strtcted, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any imported, granite,
The - Seaforth 'Monume.n it
Works handles the best grades
W .>I:. ehapmari,Prop
I�1I�I�i ,�Y
11 l! l
Everybody, young and olid people
appreciate! unusu-
al Revering. The rich quality
and.absollite purity of
are reasons why you a'bould pat-`
ronize u! When you' want ice"
cream we eerie the beat in town
tinder the'fooi board order,
Our Ice Oream 16 made from Pere Rich .Country Cream and Beet Fruits
The Postponed.
Thanksgiviflg- Dallce
Will b e held
Thursday Evening
-N&iember 21st 1918
Proceeds in Aid of the Christmas Box
Fund - Boys Overseas
Music—Tony eortese London Harpers
(Four Pieces),
Dancing continences at nine o'clock
Buffet Lunch by the Women/s War Auxiliary from
eleven to one o'clock, ¢.
A cordial invitation xo all.
Comfnittee — John Beattie, L. T. De Lacey, D.
S 11'annahan, Chas, Stewart, .
Gentlemen $--i.00 Gallery & Stage 25c
Following the direction of the-Gav-
ernmsnt that Sunday shonld be ob,erv•'
ed as a day of Thankegi'ving to God
that he protected us from -oyer enemies
the 'Aunties held special services with
special male. The sotvioes were all
bright, bet in all .the falieu and wound.
ed were remembered. ,
In the Presbyterian Church in' the
evening Dr. Larkin preached a eehol,
arty sermon ou the,,suiijeot, Was it
Worth VY hide" and showed the great
benefits the world will derive from the
sacrifices made. The morning service
in at Thomas Ohuroh was very largely
attended and a special servioe prop-
ared by thel3ishop for the Day, was
used, In the Methodist Churoh a aped
dal Thangsgiving sermon was preached
by the pastor in the evening.-
All Change
On Sunday, 4Tov. 24th, there will be
a general.exehange of pulpits for miss.
lonary work on the Goderioh- Metho•
diet district as follows;
. Godorich, North 5t, 11 a m , Rev,
J, E• Sawyer; 7 p. m•, , Rev, A, E,
Jones. _ Goderiob, Victoria St, 11 a. m,
Rev. A 1'7„ Jones; 7 p m ', Rev, J, E,
Sawyer. Clinton, Wesley, Ir a. in
Rev. A, D. Moyer; 7 p. m, Rev: Dr.
Rutledge. Clinton, Ontario Sb. , a r
a, m. Rev. Dr. Rutledge;7 p m. Rev.
H. D, Moyer, Seafortfi, Rev. J. H.
Osterhoat, B, A, , 13, D, `Golmeeville,
Rev, J A. Agnew; Blyth, Anniversary
cervices; Dungannon, Rev, J. W. Hisey
Nile, Rev,: T, A. Stedman;-Benmiller,
Rev, F, 8, O'Ifell, B, A. ; Auburn, Rev
H, J. Bentley, B, A, ; Walton, Rev, P.
8, Banes, B, A ; Londesboro, Rev. A.
*eclair; Bayfield, Rev, R. L. °Wilson;
Varna, Rev. 111, L. Anderson,
Decemberist will be final mission-
ary day when 'each minister will seenre
aseiebance if.peebible and take a cub•
Reeve of Blyth_ Killed
Blyth's flay of celebration of the
signing of the armistice oame to a sad
ending, when Reeve N, A. Taylor was
accidentallykilled by the overturning
of his auto about 10.30 p. m,
Mr Taylor took Mr and Mrs McGee,
the former being one of the entertain-
ers of the evening, to their home near
Auburn, and When returning, it is pre-
snmed that when passing .a waterhole
at a bridge he lost control of the oar,
which crashed into the side of it
and turned over, pinning Mr.,. Taylor
to the ground and breaking his neck,
He was a man about fifty years of age
and had been reeve. of Morris township
prior to going to Blyth about eight
years ago, he served two years as Coen -
oilier and this year as reeve of Blyth
He leaves his wife and one daughter.
Tuberculosis Sunday
Under the direction of the National
Saditariem, Association with the endor-
eation of the leading clergymen of all
denominations and the Board of Ed-
ucation, Sunday November 24th, and
Monday following have been appointed
for the-obaervsnoe of Tuberculosis in
churches and eoheols.
Toe recent epidemic of Io+'Iuenze Lae
undoubtedly left many of its victims
in a weakened condition of heilth:
With vitality lowered they should .be
mgrs careful of their Health, - Avoid.
needless worryand work. See that the
food is nourishing and taken :regularly
and above spend all the time possible
in the eunebine and slowly and regular..
ly inflate the lungs. See that day and
nightyou get a plentiful supply of
pure fresh air.
soription and collection in. the 'con.
9regation.followed by au every mem-
bee canvas, - • ..
We Stock Conference -
A qniet wedding took place at the
Ontario Street Parsonage, Clinton, on
Wednesday afterroon, November the
6,h, when Mies Sara Walters of Trick
smith, was united to Mr, John A, Hor-
ton, son of Mr, N. B. Horton of Sea-
forth Itev, .l. A, Agnew performed the
ceremony, Miss Itne klorton, stater of
the groom, was brideeneafd and Mr,
Wrn;' W, Walters brother of the bride
acted as best man. At the conclusion
of the ceremony the party drove teethe
home'of the bride's mother, Mr and
Mrs. Horton will reside in Seafortfi,
Congra ulatioue 500 extended to the
happy 'couple.
Over the Top -- -
Patrick McGrath
A painful event wag revealed ou Sun-
day by the fending of the dead body
of Patrick McGrath of Egreoudville iu
the bush on John Forrest's farm south
of town, It seems that Mr, McGrath,
who was a prosperous farmer eold his
farm last spring and came to live in
It mondville, Regretting the sale he
bought it book having to pay more than
he got for it, This seems to have caus-
ed dim to become morbid and 111 men-
tal aberration to take hie own life.
On Wednesday he left _home and his
wife"thought:he had ,gene to buy a,
horse _and was nof alarmed until. Fri-
day when ahe told the .neighbors who
began to search for him. It was not
until Suede), his body was found and a
bottle of carbolic 'acid 'beside it, Dr.
Burrows the corner did not consider an
inquest necessary' The ,funeral was
held on Tuesday. Much sympathy in
felt for Mrs, McGrath,
Lyceum Course -
Lovers .of Music 1 Lovers of Fun; I
Attention I
You are going to be more than eat=
ished by the the cerise of top-notch
Entertainments, four in all to be given
in Cardno's Hall,1nnder the auspices of
the Red Cross Society.
What are theyP These:
The Fairchild Ladies' Quartets
The Saxaphone Sextette
Lou J, Beauchamp, The Humorous
John B.Ratto ImpersonatorBut to get down to busineee;
Remember Wejdn'esday evening Deo,
llth at 8.16 o'clock for the curtain
risen to begin the rare Music Festival
try the Fsirchild Ladies' Quartet.
These ladies sing bewitchingly and re.
lease melodies harmonousfrom preheat
rat inetrements in away to• win round
after round of op'ptabeo.
Listen to this advance information,
Their performance will inciude inetru.
mental and vooal quartets, Piano, Vio-
lin,'cello, soprano, and contralto solos
reading riamolopes, whistling quartets
and solos, ivat.rumeutal'duets, trios and
vocal duets.
eeNote This—The plan will open et
Aberhart's Drug on Wednesday Dec
The -Presbyterian Sunday School
went over the top in the Victory I(oan
Bond Campasgn '$400 being raised
whioh was double the amount allotted
to this Sundae/ School in connection
with effort made' by the Presbyterian
Cherub in Canada to raise $300,000 far
the extension of the Church work, The
money will be invested- in Victory
Bonds at present and whein they mat-
ure be given to the Church to be ex
Lauded as follows'
(1) Extension of .the work of the.
Board of Sabbath Scheele and young
people's Societies.
(2) Founding of seventeen school
homes for Canadian Boys and Girls - in
Quebeo, Northern Ontario and the Weet
(2) - Founding of twenty Ohrietian
Homes for East Indian ohildren in
Trinidad and British. Guiania.
(4) Boys High School Formosa,
(5) Christian Schools in our Ohineeel
and'Itoreen Missiona,
(6) Indttebrial Training of Orphans in
Central India.
given under the auspices of the
Rs Cross Society
Fairchild Ladies' Quartette
Dec. I 1 th 1918
Saxaphone Sextette
Jan 27th 1919
Lou J. Beauchamp, humorous Philospher
Feb. loth 1919.
John B. Retto, impersonator - -
March 25th 1919
Books of tickets '3,76
One Book of tickets (4) $.. 00 Two o i+
Extra sirpgle tickets to subscribers 50c -`Single tickets to all others 75c
The subscription list will remain open until Tuesday Dec 10th
All wishing to subscribe may do so by applying at Thompson's
Book Store 01' Aberhart's Drug Store.
The Plan far the"Fairchild Performance will open at Aherhert's
Drug Store on Wednesday Dec, 4th.
'To Formulate national plans for meet•
ing the new and critical oonditione hi
the live stock aindnatry accompanying
restoration of peace, somo of the lead,-
ing Canadian live stook men and re-
presentative meat packers are being.
celled to a conference by Hon. T. A,
Orarer, Mirristor of Agrtoulture. Those
who have been watobing the situation
realize that Canada has the opportun.
ity of planing her live stook industry ori
a broader and a Bounder"basis than ever
before. The war hex stimulated live
etook production in Canada, An even
greater stimulus fe expected to develop
with the restoration of normal commer-
cial oommunioation, es the biseding
stook of Europe hoe seriously declined
during the war, in nearly all oountriee,.
A heavy demand is bgngd to be made'
upon this continent /or meats and
breeding stock for some years to come.
MoDTt1tMI154MoGREGiOR •- Itr Sea -
forth by Rev Dr, Larkin on Satur-
day November '160, Mise ;Christina
McGregor of Seafortll to Mr, John
Demean MtDerniid of Hallett,
Red Cross Continues
The -Canadian Red Cross is asking
workers to continue sending supplies in
spite of the armistice andthe likelihood
of. peace. The meed overseas is such
that everything Will be required. The
Siberian force will still need large sup-
plier, The work for refugees recently
undertaken will also make urgent de-
mands. The local society would ask
the monthly contributors to continue
their contributions, Collectors will
call on or about the 20th of the month
A Remedy for Bilious Headache. To those subjeot to bihops headache,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pille are .recom-
mended as the way .toe speedy relief,
Taken according to directions they will
euledue,irregularities of the stomach
and set eo upon the nerves and blood
veseels that the pains in the head will
ceaae, There are few who are not at
sometime eubjeet to billunsnese and
familiar with its attendant evils. Yet
none need suffer with those pili! at
When You
haye to get up in the
morning, and are not used to
it you need a ,good alarm We
have' in stock ra fine variety
from $2.00 up, including Big
Ben at - $4.00.e If you prefer
an alarm that you wind only
once a week, we have the
Columbia 8 -day alarm. 999999
Drop in and see them.:
Fnp tug>i'
,The Store you will always like
Lmenneircimse®ver,S mAr
/jour-1ltatehniakrr & (Oiiliriarr
3lesurc 9l✓larriegr: rierneee
=, f,Busineee 194
Evenings 10
MAS" is the phrase beilig used
on the paokagee bought now for
Christmas and 80111 out immed•
to wear
makes a
Our stock is
Prices absol=
utely ri iht
for you.
Dear Madam: - -
Peahaps you read the papers this morning and
somewhere. in ,some column you must have run a-
cross the question of early purchasing of Christmas
of all, you must realize that several vital
paints are connected with this Christmas which you,
are interested ;in knowing.
I That it is of utmost importance and in keeping
with the request of The Government. to pur-
chase gifts early.
That gifts be' sensible, practical and useful,
3 That you avoid extravagance and make gifts
of a serviceable sensible quality in each case so
that the recipient will put your gift to good use
Patriotism -takes first hand in asking that you ob-
serve all of the above. Furthermore, it is an abso–
lute certainty that people will appreciate gifts along
the above lines even if the cost is ever so slight..
We suggest that you start planning your Corist–
mas gift -giving at once. Every day or two make see
lection of some item and in this way help the Govern
ment and help yourself in spreading the outlay for
gifts over a number of weeks rather than into a few
days. -
Be patriotic,, be economical, be foresighted, Do your Christmas
shopping EARLY and observe the advice above. -
Finally, come to THE Christmas store, where you can solve the
Christmas problem quickly, economically and satisfactorily.
Yours for a sensible Christmas, -