HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-14, Page 81 1 Buy Victory Bonds Commercial Barber Shop,C4eh W. ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL tw CORRESPONDENCE Walton Mise Annie G, Goveulock, (;raduate 't'eacher's Course ludosvthy Methods. ')anedien Academy of Mesio Termite re -open hoe classes in piano, Organ d Theory on September 3rd. Pupae will be prepared for Canadian Academy end Toronto Conservatory rarainations , 'Studio North Main St. Phone the MUSIC The Methodist Church will haxe ser` vises as follows on Sunday. Provid• ewe at I1, Bethel at 3 p. rn, and Walton at 7 p. m. The regular inoutlrfy meeting of the Womeu'e institute will be postponed to Nov, 28 at 2,30 will be held at the home of etre, R, A. Lundy. The re- ports from the Toronto tlouvention will be given by our delegates, Mre. Ohea, MoCregor and Viae R, Simpoou, Mrs, O'Connell has re- Ten eci "lasses in Piano and Singing, Pupils prepared for the Lffl ,lou Con- servatory. MR1.O CONSELL, Johrt Sties r, SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES. filrle!"Make this cheap beauty lotion to' (gear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into et bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best Heckle and ;tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at eery, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any tdrug store or toilet eounter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the akin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. _ 'f - THE SgAFQKTN NEWS The farmer who Nile to take a week. iy paper that ie devoted to his interests sorely is not farming with a view to profit, You eannot make the farm pay all it can pay without a paper that takes a lively interest i11 your welfare• Ono reason why other brauheee of in- dustry aro united more closely than the fanner, le because they support the puhlioation of their respective business- es So should you. One Dollar sent direct to The Weekly Sun, Toronto will pay your subscription for that pap. er for the full year of [0,0 with fhe balance of 1918 You will find file Nutt a vett' great help to you and well worth the price. Every reader of The Sun is A chapter from the New Book ',Ont' a Sun booster. Government' will be teal. Hensali The past week has been the harvest season for sugar beets, Mies 1. Hudson has gone to Court- land to learn telegraphy. Henaail was glad to oelieve the war was Battled en Wedresdtty and for a time believed the news Pte. Temple Acheson spent a few days with her parents. He is at the Byron Sanitarium Mrs. E, Rennie is in Derroit with her daughter. much sympathyts extended to Mrs, Angill who received the sad news of the death „f her husband in France' He went with the least, Mush regret is also felt for the rt Iatives of Pte. Wen, Sangster of the sumo Battalion who have had word that he way wounded and in the hos- pital. Londesboro Mise Esther Jameson, who has been teaching in Toronto was spending a few days at her home here owing to the closing of the schools there. Mr. and Mre. John Barker of Toron- to were visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Fingland. The services in the Cburoites here were resumed on Sunday last after be- - ing closed for several weeks, Mrs. E, Ball of Clinton was in town week to attend the funeral of the late Mr, John Brunedon, Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman of Seaforth spent lent week at the home of Mrs. 1. Pamblyn, Missea Mary and Flora Fingland vie. ited a few days itt Toronto during the peat reek, 51iss B. Catley of Mount Forest was visiting liisa lis Lyon for a few days. The death occurred in Londesboro on Oct. 30th of John Brat,edon who had been a raei(1ttnt of the village for nearly sixty years, He had been ail- ing for some months previous although he was able to he around as usual until the fatal Wednesday mottling when he was seined with a serious attack of pneumonia. Fit phased away at noon of the same day at the ripe age of $2 GiRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN years, He was born in Yorkshire Eng ia par - WITH LEMON JUICE eras coming ee resto ided Toronto.anada tHelearn Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug etore or toilet counter will supply you witb three ounces of tient rd white for a few cents. Squeeze the ,iuier of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, ereamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how emooth, soft and clear the skin becomes, Yes It is harmleae, and the beautiful results sei81 ourprise you, ed the trade of wagon maker, In I860 he married Margaret Blake who pre. deceased him 16 years ago, He began t csrriage busitiv es in Londesboro, which iu later years became an agency for the Massey Harris firm. which work he performed up to the last. He was a Methodist and took part in the Snn- day- School work in Luudesboro, He is surnivedby two sons and one daugh- ter; Wm, T. with whom Ito lived, Al- i bort, in France and Mis ,T, C, Adams of IOUs village, Interment took place in the Londesboro Cemetery un Friday afternoon. The Messrs. Alex. and John Wells have purchased the crushing mill from Mr, .fames Hill and are busy getting it ready for operation, THICK, GLOSSY H.AITi, Dublin FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a email bottle of Danderine. If you ears for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant wit"' life; hoe an incomparable softness ti,,,,) is fluffy fro and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nine heavy, .healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive ecunf robs the hair of its ,lustre, its strength and its very lite,, and if not overcome it produces a fever- ishness and Railing of the scalp; the hair roota :famish, loosen and die; them the Stair falls out fast. Surely get a *call bottle of Knowiton's"" Danderino tom any drug store and just try ft, Mrs. Patrick Burns of Logan has re. ceived word of the death of her brot- her, Mr, Joseph Dion, son of the late Mr. and Mre Hugh Dunn of MnKillop, Ile died in the Woodstock hospital al- ter a long illness of nerve trouble. The rem ins were brought tothe a g h Dublin Cemetery for interment. He is sur- vived by one brother and two sisters; Jim of Verona, Mrs, Patrick Burns of titlgan and Mrs, leek Mulligan of Log alt. Mr. James Shea and sister Anna are visiting relatives around here Miss Agnes Stapleton returned to PREPAREDNESS alal(gt1 Money in the Bank means preparedness to meet income taxes and ;hake conic butions to patriotic funds and purchase of war bonds. ' We recommend an account in OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT where interest is added to principal twice a year at the rate of S% per annum. DOMINION BANK A89 SEAFORTI4 BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managa0; Ifi11i1it11tistion asalm unawmtew nnient1tleiMn mitt@,d1YWII rini� AnZ_E9 ^^+'nS'sL'OL7i"�.Te51iS,"+�:i' , "•ta.'"�.'. T93fL7Ek3ri::i The Bank will, trust 0 11 Perhaps you never had an account in a bank ----maybe you've never clone business in a bank -- hardly evert cashed a cheque in one. Brit— that is no reason as-hy you catnit tt gn -to a hank and borrow money to buy Victory. Bonds. If you are a steady, industrious, thrifty citizen, working and saving a part Of your income., you are just the kind of. person Canada's chartered banks stand ready to help to -clay. • Any bank will lend you as iiiuc't money as you can save during the pe:;t twelve ntonlhs, with which to buy Victory Bonds. .\11 you have to do is to pay ten per cent. of the amount you \\'ant to buy and deposit the receipt for that ten p'r rant in the• bank. The bank v; it lend you the 911 per cent. balance at 5A per Cetlt. itttt'rest and \t -ill give t' )',ill a year to rt'p.ty,lt, the interest you 1, 't. on your -bond being just the salve as the bank charges yttu. • This is a line opportunity for you to begin a real savings account, to make a first Class investment and to help your country at the sante time. • \\'hy not Seco a 'banker to -day-- be will tell you all about it and you will be glad of the advice and help he can give you. BOkTOIN and Buy Victory Bonds lee tdl l v Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the :Minister of Finance of the Dun inion of Canada i 164 Welland last week to take up r or pos. Rion as teacher there, bliss Mary Fortune intends conduct- ing the business of her nrothar in Duh. Dublin hart rot been badly affected by the epidemic of influenza which hes been ao prevalent throughout the coun- try durin ilio past few weeks. Kiptven A young couple. popular in this place weft' units -d in matrimony this weep when Mr John McGregor led Miss Bate McDonald to the altar. - Mr. Moffatt brought itty bushels of oats in one load to Kippetl last week and holds the record for a single load, Our farmers are pleased with the look of thi it fall wheat this year, With a favorable winter season their should be some grand fields of grain in those parte next year, Mr, Jas, Mcllymoutlt who has been threshing with Mr. Jos. Daytnan of MnKillop is home again. Staffa The Red Cr( as Society pecked boxes to be sent to the soldiers oversea) for Christmas, containing oomforis and eatables and they will t,e shipped in time to reach the boys for Christmas. Mre. Webb is spending a few week) at Hagerville where site is visiting Menthe Mrs, Joseph Morris who hes been visiting hon daughters has returned to Stake, The funeral of the late Mr, Thomp- eon took place last Monday from his late residence to the Staffa Cemetery, He was a son of Mra, James Morrie, Wo are pleased to state that Miss Edna MiVory has recovered from hoc repent illness. Manley We are sorry to learn that Miss Maggio tValel, is not improving in health, Mr, Daniel Manley anclMr, William Manley and family called on friends near Seaforth last Sunday, Some of enc boys took in the Cele- bration of Peace at Seaforth last Mon- day, Messrs Joe Eekart and .Joe Daytnan have been busy threshing beanain our burg for the past week. Mr, Charles Regele ie having some the Canada Co. lands fenced for pas- turing purposes, DEATHS. LOVE—In Mooeejaw, Oat. 3o, Arthur Wellesley Love, beloved and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love of MnKillop, aged 29, -- Asthma Overcome, The triumph asthma has assuredly come. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has proved the most positive blessing the victim of asthmatic attacks has ever known. Lotter( received from thous. ands who have tried it form a testi- monial which leaves no room for doubt that here is a real remedy, Get it to- day from your dealer, vRP In all infantile complaints that r It of thedepredations. the esu of r worms in the stomach and intestines Millor'e' Worm Powders will be found an effec- tive remedy, They attack the cause of those troubles, and by expelling the worms from the the organa insure .an orderly working of the system, without which the child cannot maintain its strength or thrive, - These powders mean health and improvement, are ei sat MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster (lemma], wilt be receiv- ed at Ottawa until neon, on Friday, the 22nd day of November, x,918, for the conveyance of Hie Majesty's ,\tails, on a propoeed Contract for four yeas, Six times per weak, Over Seat'artlt. No. 1 Rural Itou'u.l'rom the let of April, next: .. Printed r.otiees ti , taiuit g further information as to conditions of t ropus- ed ttontraut piny he seen and blank forms of Tender u,..y he a btait:id at the Post ()thee of Setd'urth, anti as the office of the. Post Utiles inspector. Pd'l' II FM IC I1 INS, PEI OFFICE. Luridun 11th, October, 1918. ('HAS E, 0, FISHER, Post Office Iimpactor, SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, o GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsln" neutralizes excee- slve acid In stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time 111 In live minutes all stom- ach distress, due, to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi` gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache 6°1 Pape'( Diapepain is ;noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. 0Put an end to stomach distress at onto by getting a large fifty- cent case of Pape's DiaPepein from any drug atone. You realize in five miriutes how needless it la to suffer from itiili• gestion, dyepepei'a or any stomach c- order caused by fermentation due to exresriive acids in stomaaia. • Tburwday November 14 You'd be astonished, Sir, if you knew the number of Men that always come here for their Shoes. The reputation of the goodlltss of our Men's Shoes has been spread abroad, and every pair of Shoes we sell is a walking advertisement for us. Do We Sell You Your Shoes, Sir? - Carefully selected, High Grade Leathers, the most Skillful Shoe Making by Makers with a reputation, the best styles, splendid sorvice in fitting and a Guar- antee of Satisfaction form a combination, that builds and sta tains our immense trade in Men's Shoes. Try our Shoes, Sir, for we'll hitch more value and, satisfaction to your money than it ever bought before. Ia R. seorr "The Home of 'school Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth marrraam2asNEMMX202GOESIZZIMEs. v rtisi PRINTING Counter Cheek Books Letter Heads Posters Envelopes Itleuu Cards Loose Leaf Ledger Bonus ete. Statements Programmes Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cantle Bill Heads Wedding Cards Note Heads Neatly and promptly done. SEAFO The biggest men in the country have found that the easiest way to spell success is to PiDVERT1SE. Sup• pose the newspaper did not 1, ublish the news. how would the people know what is happening ? if you don't publi_ h your Store News how will the people know about your goods? You can never sell the ggods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling about your stock. The firm that advertises gets ahead, every time, of the firm that does not advertise. Shop• worn and out=of=date stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising. al NEWS he ce open n ay ext