HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-14, Page 5Thursday Noveia5er 14 WI, J, Walker Ueder(aker and Embalmer W. J, Walker, holder of gov- erment Diploma and License Day or Night cells receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady graduates of last tern aro now earning as high ae $18 and even $20 a week, while young men are earn- ing still better salaries, We can not meet the `demand for trained help. Write ns at onee for partionl ars regarding our Commerotal, Shorthand" or Telegraphy Depart- ment. Students may enter at any t 5. W J ELLIOTT PRESIDENT D A McLACHAZ PRINCIPAL "OASCARETS" WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels - Take Generate tonight. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and ;logged 'bowels, whioh cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the drat step to untold misery -Indigestion, foul ;'uses, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and .etnsoating. A Oascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by Morning. They work while you sleep -- a 10 -cent box from your druggist will -'yep you feeling good for months. FOR SI1LE ellE14P Frame louse, 7 rooms and p_utry. summer Idtuheu trod cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large vr•- rentlah, dtablo 16' xi 1a' l0 u.:Luper, fi 7'. Ap,,'y et Th., Nees odic), For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centro Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property, Good com- fortable hones, good shed, good well and clement eieteru. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, Thie is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of oultivation. Thie is a nice property for a retired fanner and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut Call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFOR'LH JHN RANKIN Bonds for sale bearing ,interest from 6 to 7 p. c, -ha 1f yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. 1't o ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. KIIN AKU Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street, Mesforth Phone 61 et i fa Town �'o��CS. MrwoYl:im*.•t1YY.�w1 M�IMIrMf� The High Goat of Living -800000Y is the Word to -day. Mahe your old garments do instead af"purohgcing naw ones, Have them dry cleaned and proceed, Dry cleaning when properly dots lengthens 111e life or geements, preserves their fresh new appearanoe and Gots as a dieinieotant, iJusanitary wearing apparel often oausos sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals: My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Phone ordars to "The Garden Oroo. cry promptly delivered, Phone,•25.. Miee Pothiok has returned to Bur- lington, Mise G. Orioh left on Tuesday to at• tend the Normal School in Stratford. Mr, J, W, Featherstone of St, Thom- as is a guest at the Methodist parson. age, Miss Rose Dorsey has returned to her school in Hamilton, Many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Russel Sproat is slowly re- covering. There will be a special Thanksgiving service held iu St, Phomas ohnroh on Sunday morning, November 17, All are welcome, Rev. F, H, Larkin will have for hie eubjeot next Sunday evening, "Has the War been Worth While? Mrs Haguerman of Kitchener is a visitor at the home of her parents, Rev and Mrs H. D. Moyer, Mies Evelyn Grieg is substituting for Miss Gretta Rose who is laid up with the Flu, Mise Thompson spent the week end at hor home in Listowel, Miss Florence Thompson has return- ed to Toronto Mr Berl Chesney of Guelph wee a weekend visitor at his home here, Miss Minnie Laidlaw has returned to Toronto. Mr's and Miss Gillespie are epeud ing a few days with friends In Cromer- ty. Mies Mary Smillie has returned .to Stratford to attend the Normal. Mr J. J. Merrier • M. P. is moving into the reeidence on John St which he recently purchased from Dr Atkinson. Mies J. Govertlock left on Saturday for Goderich to take a position on the Staff of the Goderich Collegiate Inetit- ate Mies Bessie Grieve has retut'ned to her school at Tara. Call at "The Garden Grocery" for frees and up-to=date groceries, Inoue 20, The ICnitting Bag tor wilioh tickets wore sold by the Misses Layton and Raukin was 'von by Mr Marshall Stewart, Sergt, J. Gillespie of London spent a few days at his home here. Mrs G. Hillery is visiting friends in Dashwood. Mr. ;ioirn Taman of 'l'uelceremith had official word o11 Saturday that his sou -�---«m - •Juhu Henry 'Taman was in the hospital to Franco with emitusitul of the knee. Mee. B. 1'n eell had word 011 Sat- urday that Corporal Johu ,fns: POl'Onll ie atlically rcportetl wounded and miss- ing tin Sept, 27. 111 is 8 brother of Al re, P. Freeman of town, rnngesut 1)' Haetiugsemitted in sea- f:,rth nn Friday last to visit his sister, FONT HILI, NURSE RI.E Ill.: 1, .1.2210 Brown, 110 1186 just re- t trued from France where he 11)65 serv- ed 10'.' y+al'S alit Ilad 1100 8068 kirred t hrttisattds (if Orchard ire's:; Though 515 years of ago he ie. still quite need rttplaeitlt„t, tit for Service but, on account of hie age is being d•sohargod, The November Quarterly meeting �l'rtr Gardens call fol' small will be held in the 117ethudiet Church fruit trees, Aspa.r,tgus, Rhu- next Huntley mol111np beginning with 631'6 plants t tC, Fellowship m sting at tit. The (om.- mouton -will iie celobrateu at 1 I, A CREAM WANT,9 D your 1' lira; nil to n" end 18oEive t ,f, prices, 1V5 aro rr.nning 0 111 plant ha year thruugharid can handle your ful1"5upp!y and furnish you will: Puma. We pay priers each month 661 d wcngh sample !,16(1 t -et 11111, r:tn 01 02,a4111 cat - f'1!ly, Our motto ie " 6 .61t'sty'to om Patrons" L'.61rous aro rorino8ted to re (1111 ail U,tl' :i.(11,4 511411 11111 Til Ilse, 1 Ittor .u1 iilntt fermi,' art on lean 11:1 for at reerkel 1116106 The Seaforth Creamery Co. S 1 RTH MARK ET Good Milling Wheat ..,. ,., .2,11 B1611,1 1 nn Bran 1)131 toil ....•....,•...,, Shorts per tun l l liege to farmer. ,,,,: .. 1'1,031 thn'ev ars mused by the pie ear:, (If tight boots, but„no one need 1,., weld ed with them long when so 161)1115 a remedy as Holloway's Corn Owe is available, I @Fcal Agent Wanted for the '`Old Reliable" 5p.=,lal'I'ha,hegiviug service will bo The iii ua 1fi lOr lir:taltletl MI held in 110 everii6g; Stt):'k 1r1 Io.:1111,: 1l,',6l Vi!lagt.'S 1i tivt.r 21313 L,sc.•6 for )l6 t ry' , ,'('n(.es large!. 1`111."11 t' L)r!\ 7i , lir ll(+1 1t 1Lh I11•:•i i 4ailt Iii a ;tq vS, t.':� ,. fr:;tc tl_l utcc, .; tr16, wore pat itl41 on `fttc5,6,.. '1 11 mince• . 111 Itl 11111 , 6, i''t1I1_t, a I61', ),II) de- • !. • r .,t r. at •, .III colon 1: :.I i'},. - .1 tilt` it. 11, , l,. t, tithe A 1611.1, 116 , lhersd•,y rti1,r 61. , , al nlietiuo i5 1:ale ',1, can, t'al C'l,r1 ,-,, . 1',.b le (•x•-' A -r N I \ . 1- i,L 1. G l ();V a , m ilt ,, i61 pillid11 :wets prepared ' fur I he r . , tI y .:i 1 ,. Irw„paImr•e ( 6''ltr161i'611e I 183'7) 106,166 1.i 1:66111 1u 6•r• : • .,, 1„Itl.' •3 ()R ON': 0, ON i. W1.1.11 1J11..; i60661Vi41 rs. THE Y. 10:( h? '' r As a matter of business, what do you think of the plan You are a farmer. Canada is a farming country. Canada grows more food than the people of Canada need, To, prosper she must sell that sur- plus food. Great Britain is mar best customer for grain, pork, beef, cheese and other farm products. Every practical man must see how important it is to hold the British trade. Canada wants not only the profit on this trade, she wishes to create a good- will in Britain towards Canadian pro- ducts and thus assure our export busi- ness for the future. At the moment Great Britain asks for credit, asks Canada to sell her the products of the farm, "on time." To hold her trade, it is necessary to give this credit. This takes capital --immense capital. For Britain's purchases from Canada are huge, and these purchases must be paid for in cash. - In these times, it is not easy even for a nation as wealthy as Canada to procure money. Certainly, no other country can lend us money. The only way now open for Canada to secure money is to borrow from the people of Canada. This is the reason for selling Victory Bonds. Can anyone deny the. sound busint1ss sense of this plan of protecting our valuable market? From the standpoint of the man who lends, what better security heet for his money ? Where could he get a five and a h ilf per cent. return on such security? Wu'hcr.'. w')Liid he find an investment to pay ilii, r r so regularly and with so little tl'o1.'1•i;' to the lender? Certainly C-1t'iaLl' i:a have an opportunity to benefit . e. directly from this borrowing Calan, . And the money Canada borrows is' spent entirely in Canada ---a ver,,; l;l r:; -e - part of it for the very crops the farmer has to sell. Therefore, if the Victory Lriai-i is a success, business in Canada must b( good, the nation must prosper and 51:) be able to carry on a vigorous war effort in France and Flanders. As a practical man you i.nu't approve of the Victory Loan plan. Then help it along. Put your own money into Victory Bonds; urge your friends to buy; work hard among your loyal neighbors to make tie Victory Loan 1918 an overwhelming success. Buy VICTORY -all you can payfor in cash and all you can carry- on instalments. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 147 N£61,e.Y. `_ 816'216126 .1,6120 /NONIRO, Rev. Mr, Clarke of C.otlerieli was in town on Saturday afternoon Lieut. and Mrs, W. 11 Smillie visit- ed Seaforth ou their bridal tour and spent a few days at the home of his 1 pareute Mr. and hIrs. W, 11, Smillie Market St. Mrs, J. Habkirk has returned from 1 Grimsby. Mr, and Ml's. James (1,'16611111' alt• comfortably settled its 111r, Peter Kerr's hones, litany Frieuda trill be ple..sed 6, lee, 11 that Mr Jack frau Egmont] is 1: 14,V( fcool a seri lll8 rttt 1 Mies Liogerife Iter PI T0111110 i8 015 it.ing her sister Mrs 0. Alexander. AL., William Catuerou of Tucker - smith had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of his collar hone n110 day last week by falling from a tree. Mise Nettie Chesney who has been spending 851'51 al weeks at the haute of her parents her, and hits. P. ill. ('hes' net 11165 returned to (tall, Mr. F. G. Neelin anti her. 1C, Fie who 1, txe hear enrions13 ill with mom n116ia art• iml'revi"g but 5t611 101,41,4.d to lied 11Th, (e,ge He11de16, n ,t,,1 f'.nlli3' THESE ARE FAMILY TIMES and family ties and interests prevatle everything It is a time when the val- ue of the Youth's Companion to the family is doubly appreoieted, .It serves ALL, every age, because youthfulness has nothing to do with years, and the paper appeals to the hopeful, the en- thusiastic!, these with ideals. The Ed- itorial Page, Boya' Page, Girls' Page and Special Features delight all hands Th Companion is a friend, a servant, a sloryte lor,,,n informer, a physician, a"d a 1611nxn•ist, 1t not ot11y' 8181165 for 1111.* best things but it ferllisltrs them.. The bright66', the 'o,'es1 and most tot:an:orthv .1'ncdtcal-raid 1t:uivn g lIe' 1,711 .1111 1, L•1 1 115 !Mot tAl 1•Seaforththis wealaed dee ,ung1,101ar601.11y y..1.10 l ae faro - Mr, Carrot Workman uh,1 44,,• ,. tis 1.1, H.nd. r Aut. n1.d funnily of 1 ---s1-: iia 686orfte It, Cue. ht./W....1, 13,666 La114 itor at the home of Sir. John spreat lave rake, 1','t, 5 Ing of Cha ben+e - has returned to (treat Lak,s i6'. W116 -6%,•. lnuaiet,) '�5 6 , is to Clay. i.ts, 4aca ti, :�i, h.•t on f'uu, i. lion''1 lu�1 :311r 111• nl:t 1 s ;r,.st he is Statiolled with Chu L', 161, N.t.vv sm., 1. i 1- „1,. 1i ,. ..;n ... ,.. iah Ant.,. I•: ,,•r. ,,, ,.1 -- r. tog f6,666.611666r-i1. The Misses :Millie tool ('•.,t,. V ss.•t have returned from vision(; their nail' r in Bolgrave. Dr, Becheley of i"1, rho, visiior, ti ii t Y.39o1 't1'e'' First l'1•e56tror4e11 .'f;:Ad's, ti0111,u1 I :, ,. • -t 6 n t. ,, t: l i!: fi. ,t 111101111 0465605 5529.. Which 15 t . LarO 1'illi«;' ,.1 . -, ! r „1',,66 j 1„.11, I'' n r, 1...1r1i: .., '..1,-- OEthe$3uotvhll ,i ( r,Wrru .15soul• !'1".r.1:,d,rtehaltl leus:r',1i:... bly has askott I h'.:• u!,dt., . , .d and Young People's b.:cteUl „ ,nna tthr , , :1 ;, iuclgullnit of .lir. for the War :Mrnluria1 i'uud for thole ".1 , 61,10, n kuch 1I'l,1!ure d ,•f p': For Freedom and the Rig "THE ALLIES" The above is 1.•" title of a moat interesting 11 ar 1 hilum i1etied try The Family Herald 1 1Vselcly`Star, of Montreal. It is brimful of useful information from rover to cover. '17 re front cover 166 515 , most t bens "t 1 Crit r' data ant - 1 g g brarit.0 tit • f3tgo ,'f flats of all tine .1611116, it Is 1. "16(06 artistic error' 11,1 A111111,, eut,lates the Slags in et:lots of•a!6 the A ;le.:. It toile it,-fnli ti.61 story 01,0be• 160.411 ,lack" anti 131,1 11:• 1641 t.1,,, :let)) 111,61 13.151(1 1111• ,111/7,' u' 0001. n 111.'A1l16•s nate• :is,, '.o „ 41.. • 1 e .1. is 6411,,10- ,1 ., 1' "1" . 1, \•:+_ ._ tsar, vttl-Ll,;" - 111e't 01 I it•11, - , 11 tet len, 11.1 ..0. Th- 1. nth; 5 6 „l,, ')l.1.n1--f1'� +s1ne5 . tl: I I _i17 YI',(tair -ter :'t,lUE, I;.f 01111.) (114 1 t .n Fla! 1 t Cho (r i',I1 31'. roe ro o'.. 1.-(, 4:'r- - 1. -se if yt;a a• ,a: ut li ,I •;tl .lt •. 01:613' ..ata. i tllet. "r'.:,p, .:-y," 1."1'.:11';•:,.i.., TI!!!!!' 1 13'0:ular 't•a: 1 r,. i C al,.. :t to 1:• •. 1 ::..6,1 f... tUr•' nivel i'6,1. '1. 6,14. 1 , .. 111 1h:. sins,, i, , tat t ,+":1.11 of '_,.., 6 .. .!El 4 . 1`.• .. ,ri .111( ti0 1' 1:1 yt tt hl 1 111• :at M1 rip of „ ,rig To •!1, , ,.. ! 1, ,, 1161 2, 4 6 , )6 ol,lnit :.1,1016 061' of their 3u3•1363.vs 61 811, hast'+ 111.:,1, uclde 1, tb«. 'f„:,,,ry 1+„ cal fallen at tile froeti. 'i'hr t,•ael,n :1::11' ' I' " 1 , 1 r "1 b,h, "I rt:.' •' havesubscribtd x31 11i•:. .,n, •.r. ,club", t, r .•,. Masa have shuatl a spier lii41 iVIM() 111 • 1'''!!'h a ,., i ,, 01 i i li L FUL' t 1' I11"•, volillteeri"g to give $5,1 of tie • 106"nit 6 '1 ' ) . rine 16.1 linn•.,:.1'1:'. tivinuunwt•16161; 1c. A _ L'o,u' .•.1 61 11 1 "ell t 6 11, .1.h ' 61,. 16:01.• uJ,3 ,.:1.1 .1,, ......:161•I•.16. 1,11,,,, - -1 :nm' -i le r 1 166 .ill., 11(63 1.1,. . 1!?!!, 6,t :Ill l' i b . r 1tte, 10.11. I5 •1•,:. t i •••1'0. It 1. I I,-ly fl•,- '1.i.. leIr 1V, Bairiki] k6,x8 r 1t:rl,d ftotu Ina 11u5),"• 1f d -o "1616'1'!""'''"'"' tilt R- 6 i,,. 111',1omanse:11,e 1:• Ih' L::Inily Htr.,d 1.1 en:•tu:.l • 1 �, �-•,h, t f:•ub5cl r1•,Ir r 1.• :, •it -{ : t this Dunnville , . 6 ..l .1 older . I 11 I t 11'111 1.11 k' 10l'i' nit, tied: i l,,,8 '�r t ;1 i•�•�l 1".' the to .tire an b '1111 l•0I f 111, r..y tl ,,,sin Ft5 a 43 .4'6U y9 i 1t i"�-� and 1,6c-_ tail. aiie •r •l b;.til,, rt! gill111! 1.111'.,,,, TOy CONSTIPATED CRUZ 1+ 1. t TO Sd' W�J,V �1.L..3: �".��.,..dA✓ Li�.P..JV I ptop6rr ,1,Itiu,rrtl '1'I , It 1 1 _ M tnnt'rt i ! of •• t1 ; 44110 61:51 the 1110116.3' Ira.+ 1.66111 nut on Delicious "Fruit t_axativ e0131 1101113 6-n •. ; t.t -:-tlicntt 1' nl.;d,• i•} the rite- ! , i . 10,6,16. tl.tio 0,81, 0)' t.iv,`r • I:t .•�-et 161,''Ill,: let l.:,6 .:1".i +i,,. i,.� i -i, and •eow''�:+• .161:11, his • 6 ai d l )'a 111 , 1 i',!: - 61' .),,- LO lc 16 i, i 1 1e t 18 Wit's, Wylie atVictoria F' misfortune to fall a fee de, tore her right arm lilies Kathleen I.lu1 rtnl 13, fior0nto to utt,•acl the Univ. 13, 61.64i. .':Ill, covered to ep<'6 't 1. ed. 1 ., s.1t h me In Lire''rn:. KILN, Tv . tiovon,..: . , .d, is visiting 111r 1r<-:6 . Mts. 8A',CI,..I.vit :stator at Chu 1:4,61,6 , . 1.. .. -.ol. 1arald to 1 le 1: 1 , Miss 1 Itttene tli:: i•, ..r :.. y,•..l.t the 11•[6.16 cud tvltfl 6,,.. . 11!8., eu;. nt n J 1.11'rey. 1110 ,. r,, 1-,:lttd, 4nnr t01•1-, ' . 1,•1 11 1 01,,1 I,(41•;,•',. 1 U' 11, 1, 1- 6 !1•, 1.1 1:., :t+c 61 ,fat I:, i{ I''•_. ., .!,,•,. i 6C';l• ,.11,1,•1 ;1.,1 1' 11 11.6(16 •' un • ` ' 1 A :•, Pi: l +i rte •"u i` I{7 ill •:r11 u11 :61,d 1 11 ' '',t.,r t, t• Ili J 1.111• 16) 71.101, 1,f...• 1 25, 1,�0 cN. ('l'0 l•11, 1C' t 1•i .f.ttil•it11t'u[I tl:ti, ti.,' 1 :51111'0, 61-'i"ti;l- '.1•.• ..... 1,11'06• !tuts gt.•1,t ti'.:l , ,.1',16 r ,• ''.61,1 0, anti .Aetna 14:1' 0 l• 1 ;:., N. r t t.. ,. ❑11:.••.1 . . :.I 1 low_ , 1--n oliisi' . Al111+11.1 1. ,.;. r• r 6, ;.' I i a 166 1,4,••:" I .: 11471'1:4'1":;•:;10 'ehl ,ua,i, 1 ilial• 1\: i;' i es ,,4. r 16 1 vt L 1, :66,1 1111 1: ,,?11 3;.!;:,!"11‘;';!;!", . stinal 11( i.oniplck.+.l; and the 111•16-6-. +' fl'it's I betrola, 5161 .1611. 11113111,,, PIM i }o-1. 101 1 19 vtlriln nvae.Worn, ntko ,tod th,!i, lcsic0tiva i,+-11, ,211:1 ,rain 1 tm traggi,t ft bottleof 118 lAei1l11nato,1r2ntees 1 Syrup o1 'igb," which evear,l.ine nail ? ; ,vo 1.121• 411 1t: r1 : 1litore' lloaltit, directions for brides, children of all ages i +tad for. grown -ape. Victory Loan 1918 It is the duty of every citizen to purchase Victory Bonds, and this Bank is prepared to assist wage earners by making loans for this purpose on the most favorable terms, Wherever possible, the bonds will be held for safe -keeping, on behalf of small sub- scribers, for one year, without charge, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seafmacth 3Brarr.o..t J. G, MULLEN, Manager WI, J, Walker Ueder(aker and Embalmer W. J, Walker, holder of gov- erment Diploma and License Day or Night cells receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady graduates of last tern aro now earning as high ae $18 and even $20 a week, while young men are earn- ing still better salaries, We can not meet the `demand for trained help. Write ns at onee for partionl ars regarding our Commerotal, Shorthand" or Telegraphy Depart- ment. Students may enter at any t 5. W J ELLIOTT PRESIDENT D A McLACHAZ PRINCIPAL "OASCARETS" WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels - Take Generate tonight. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and ;logged 'bowels, whioh cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the drat step to untold misery -Indigestion, foul ;'uses, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and .etnsoating. A Oascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by Morning. They work while you sleep -- a 10 -cent box from your druggist will -'yep you feeling good for months. FOR SI1LE ellE14P Frame louse, 7 rooms and p_utry. summer Idtuheu trod cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large vr•- rentlah, dtablo 16' xi 1a' l0 u.:Luper, fi 7'. Ap,,'y et Th., Nees odic), For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centro Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property, Good com- fortable hones, good shed, good well and clement eieteru. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, Thie is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of oultivation. Thie is a nice property for a retired fanner and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut Call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFOR'LH JHN RANKIN Bonds for sale bearing ,interest from 6 to 7 p. c, -ha 1f yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. 1't o ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. KIIN AKU Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street, Mesforth Phone 61 et i fa Town �'o��CS. MrwoYl:im*.•t1YY.�w1 M�IMIrMf� The High Goat of Living -800000Y is the Word to -day. Mahe your old garments do instead af"purohgcing naw ones, Have them dry cleaned and proceed, Dry cleaning when properly dots lengthens 111e life or geements, preserves their fresh new appearanoe and Gots as a dieinieotant, iJusanitary wearing apparel often oausos sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals: My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Phone ordars to "The Garden Oroo. cry promptly delivered, Phone,•25.. Miee Pothiok has returned to Bur- lington, Mise G. Orioh left on Tuesday to at• tend the Normal School in Stratford. Mr, J, W, Featherstone of St, Thom- as is a guest at the Methodist parson. age, Miss Rose Dorsey has returned to her school in Hamilton, Many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Russel Sproat is slowly re- covering. There will be a special Thanksgiving service held iu St, Phomas ohnroh on Sunday morning, November 17, All are welcome, Rev. F, H, Larkin will have for hie eubjeot next Sunday evening, "Has the War been Worth While? Mrs Haguerman of Kitchener is a visitor at the home of her parents, Rev and Mrs H. D. Moyer, Mies Evelyn Grieg is substituting for Miss Gretta Rose who is laid up with the Flu, Mise Thompson spent the week end at hor home in Listowel, Miss Florence Thompson has return- ed to Toronto Mr Berl Chesney of Guelph wee a weekend visitor at his home here, Miss Minnie Laidlaw has returned to Toronto. Mr's and Miss Gillespie are epeud ing a few days with friends In Cromer- ty. Mies Mary Smillie has returned .to Stratford to attend the Normal. Mr J. J. Merrier • M. P. is moving into the reeidence on John St which he recently purchased from Dr Atkinson. Mies J. Govertlock left on Saturday for Goderich to take a position on the Staff of the Goderich Collegiate Inetit- ate Mies Bessie Grieve has retut'ned to her school at Tara. Call at "The Garden Grocery" for frees and up-to=date groceries, Inoue 20, The ICnitting Bag tor wilioh tickets wore sold by the Misses Layton and Raukin was 'von by Mr Marshall Stewart, Sergt, J. Gillespie of London spent a few days at his home here. Mrs G. Hillery is visiting friends in Dashwood. Mr. ;ioirn Taman of 'l'uelceremith had official word o11 Saturday that his sou -�---«m - •Juhu Henry 'Taman was in the hospital to Franco with emitusitul of the knee. Mee. B. 1'n eell had word 011 Sat- urday that Corporal Johu ,fns: POl'Onll ie atlically rcportetl wounded and miss- ing tin Sept, 27. 111 is 8 brother of Al re, P. Freeman of town, rnngesut 1)' Haetiugsemitted in sea- f:,rth nn Friday last to visit his sister, FONT HILI, NURSE RI.E Ill.: 1, .1.2210 Brown, 110 1186 just re- t trued from France where he 11)65 serv- ed 10'.' y+al'S alit Ilad 1100 8068 kirred t hrttisattds (if Orchard ire's:; Though 515 years of ago he ie. still quite need rttplaeitlt„t, tit for Service but, on account of hie age is being d•sohargod, The November Quarterly meeting �l'rtr Gardens call fol' small will be held in the 117ethudiet Church fruit trees, Aspa.r,tgus, Rhu- next Huntley mol111np beginning with 631'6 plants t tC, Fellowship m sting at tit. The (om.- mouton -will iie celobrateu at 1 I, A CREAM WANT,9 D your 1' lira; nil to n" end 18oEive t ,f, prices, 1V5 aro rr.nning 0 111 plant ha year thruugharid can handle your ful1"5upp!y and furnish you will: Puma. We pay priers each month 661 d wcngh sample !,16(1 t -et 11111, r:tn 01 02,a4111 cat - f'1!ly, Our motto ie " 6 .61t'sty'to om Patrons" L'.61rous aro rorino8ted to re (1111 ail U,tl' :i.(11,4 511411 11111 Til Ilse, 1 Ittor .u1 iilntt fermi,' art on lean 11:1 for at reerkel 1116106 The Seaforth Creamery Co. S 1 RTH MARK ET Good Milling Wheat ..,. ,., .2,11 B1611,1 1 nn Bran 1)131 toil ....•....,•...,, Shorts per tun l l liege to farmer. ,,,,: .. 1'1,031 thn'ev ars mused by the pie ear:, (If tight boots, but„no one need 1,., weld ed with them long when so 161)1115 a remedy as Holloway's Corn Owe is available, I @Fcal Agent Wanted for the '`Old Reliable" 5p.=,lal'I'ha,hegiviug service will bo The iii ua 1fi lOr lir:taltletl MI held in 110 everii6g; Stt):'k 1r1 Io.:1111,: 1l,',6l Vi!lagt.'S 1i tivt.r 21313 L,sc.•6 for )l6 t ry' , ,'('n(.es large!. 1`111."11 t' L)r!\ 7i , lir ll(+1 1t 1Lh I11•:•i i 4ailt Iii a ;tq vS, t.':� ,. fr:;tc tl_l utcc, .; tr16, wore pat itl41 on `fttc5,6,.. '1 11 mince• . 111 Itl 11111 , 6, i''t1I1_t, a I61', ),II) de- • !. • r .,t r. at •, .III colon 1: :.I i'},. - .1 tilt` it. 11, , l,. t, tithe A 1611.1, 116 , lhersd•,y rti1,r 61. , , al nlietiuo i5 1:ale ',1, can, t'al C'l,r1 ,-,, . 1',.b le (•x•-' A -r N I \ . 1- i,L 1. G l ();V a , m ilt ,, i61 pillid11 :wets prepared ' fur I he r . , tI y .:i 1 ,. Irw„paImr•e ( 6''ltr161i'611e I 183'7) 106,166 1.i 1:66111 1u 6•r• : • .,, 1„Itl.' •3 ()R ON': 0, ON i. W1.1.11 1J11..; i60661Vi41 rs. THE Y. 10:( h? '' r As a matter of business, what do you think of the plan You are a farmer. Canada is a farming country. Canada grows more food than the people of Canada need, To, prosper she must sell that sur- plus food. Great Britain is mar best customer for grain, pork, beef, cheese and other farm products. Every practical man must see how important it is to hold the British trade. Canada wants not only the profit on this trade, she wishes to create a good- will in Britain towards Canadian pro- ducts and thus assure our export busi- ness for the future. At the moment Great Britain asks for credit, asks Canada to sell her the products of the farm, "on time." To hold her trade, it is necessary to give this credit. This takes capital --immense capital. For Britain's purchases from Canada are huge, and these purchases must be paid for in cash. - In these times, it is not easy even for a nation as wealthy as Canada to procure money. Certainly, no other country can lend us money. The only way now open for Canada to secure money is to borrow from the people of Canada. This is the reason for selling Victory Bonds. Can anyone deny the. sound busint1ss sense of this plan of protecting our valuable market? From the standpoint of the man who lends, what better security heet for his money ? Where could he get a five and a h ilf per cent. return on such security? Wu'hcr.'. w')Liid he find an investment to pay ilii, r r so regularly and with so little tl'o1.'1•i;' to the lender? Certainly C-1t'iaLl' i:a have an opportunity to benefit . e. directly from this borrowing Calan, . And the money Canada borrows is' spent entirely in Canada ---a ver,,; l;l r:; -e - part of it for the very crops the farmer has to sell. Therefore, if the Victory Lriai-i is a success, business in Canada must b( good, the nation must prosper and 51:) be able to carry on a vigorous war effort in France and Flanders. As a practical man you i.nu't approve of the Victory Loan plan. Then help it along. Put your own money into Victory Bonds; urge your friends to buy; work hard among your loyal neighbors to make tie Victory Loan 1918 an overwhelming success. Buy VICTORY -all you can payfor in cash and all you can carry- on instalments. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 147 N£61,e.Y. `_ 816'216126 .1,6120 /NONIRO, Rev. Mr, Clarke of C.otlerieli was in town on Saturday afternoon Lieut. and Mrs, W. 11 Smillie visit- ed Seaforth ou their bridal tour and spent a few days at the home of his 1 pareute Mr. and hIrs. W, 11, Smillie Market St. Mrs, J. Habkirk has returned from 1 Grimsby. Mr, and Ml's. James (1,'16611111' alt• comfortably settled its 111r, Peter Kerr's hones, litany Frieuda trill be ple..sed 6, lee, 11 that Mr Jack frau Egmont] is 1: 14,V( fcool a seri lll8 rttt 1 Mies Liogerife Iter PI T0111110 i8 015 it.ing her sister Mrs 0. Alexander. AL., William Catuerou of Tucker - smith had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of his collar hone n110 day last week by falling from a tree. Mise Nettie Chesney who has been spending 851'51 al weeks at the haute of her parents her, and hits. P. ill. ('hes' net 11165 returned to (tall, Mr. F. G. Neelin anti her. 1C, Fie who 1, txe hear enrions13 ill with mom n116ia art• iml'revi"g but 5t611 101,41,4.d to lied 11Th, (e,ge He11de16, n ,t,,1 f'.nlli3' THESE ARE FAMILY TIMES and family ties and interests prevatle everything It is a time when the val- ue of the Youth's Companion to the family is doubly appreoieted, .It serves ALL, every age, because youthfulness has nothing to do with years, and the paper appeals to the hopeful, the en- thusiastic!, these with ideals. The Ed- itorial Page, Boya' Page, Girls' Page and Special Features delight all hands Th Companion is a friend, a servant, a sloryte lor,,,n informer, a physician, a"d a 1611nxn•ist, 1t not ot11y' 8181165 for 1111.* best things but it ferllisltrs them.. The bright66', the 'o,'es1 and most tot:an:orthv .1'ncdtcal-raid 1t:uivn g lIe' 1,711 .1111 1, L•1 1 115 !Mot tAl 1•Seaforththis wealaed dee ,ung1,101ar601.11y y..1.10 l ae faro - Mr, Carrot Workman uh,1 44,,• ,. tis 1.1, H.nd. r Aut. n1.d funnily of 1 ---s1-: iia 686orfte It, Cue. ht./W....1, 13,666 La114 itor at the home of Sir. John spreat lave rake, 1','t, 5 Ing of Cha ben+e - has returned to (treat Lak,s i6'. W116 -6%,•. lnuaiet,) '�5 6 , is to Clay. i.ts, 4aca ti, :�i, h.•t on f'uu, i. lion''1 lu�1 :311r 111• nl:t 1 s ;r,.st he is Statiolled with Chu L', 161, N.t.vv sm., 1. i 1- „1,. 1i ,. ..;n ... ,.. iah Ant.,. I•: ,,•r. ,,, ,.1 -- r. tog f6,666.611666r-i1. The Misses :Millie tool ('•.,t,. V ss.•t have returned from vision(; their nail' r in Bolgrave. Dr, Becheley of i"1, rho, visiior, ti ii t Y.39o1 't1'e'' First l'1•e56tror4e11 .'f;:Ad's, ti0111,u1 I :, ,. • -t 6 n t. ,, t: l i!: fi. ,t 111101111 0465605 5529.. Which 15 t . LarO 1'illi«;' ,.1 . -, ! r „1',,66 j 1„.11, I'' n r, 1...1r1i: .., '..1,-- OEthe$3uotvhll ,i ( r,Wrru .15soul• !'1".r.1:,d,rtehaltl leus:r',1i:... bly has askott I h'.:• u!,dt., . , .d and Young People's b.:cteUl „ ,nna tthr , , :1 ;, iuclgullnit of .lir. for the War :Mrnluria1 i'uud for thole ".1 , 61,10, n kuch 1I'l,1!ure d ,•f p': For Freedom and the Rig "THE ALLIES" The above is 1.•" title of a moat interesting 11 ar 1 hilum i1etied try The Family Herald 1 1Vselcly`Star, of Montreal. It is brimful of useful information from rover to cover. '17 re front cover 166 515 , most t bens "t 1 Crit r' data ant - 1 g g brarit.0 tit • f3tgo ,'f flats of all tine .1611116, it Is 1. "16(06 artistic error' 11,1 A111111,, eut,lates the Slags in et:lots of•a!6 the A ;le.:. It toile it,-fnli ti.61 story 01,0be• 160.411 ,lack" anti 131,1 11:• 1641 t.1,,, :let)) 111,61 13.151(1 1111• ,111/7,' u' 0001. n 111.'A1l16•s nate• :is,, '.o „ 41.. • 1 e .1. is 6411,,10- ,1 ., 1' "1" . 1, \•:+_ ._ tsar, vttl-Ll,;" - 111e't 01 I it•11, - , 11 tet len, 11.1 ..0. Th- 1. nth; 5 6 „l,, ')l.1.n1--f1'� +s1ne5 . tl: I I _i17 YI',(tair -ter :'t,lUE, I;.f 01111.) (114 1 t .n Fla! 1 t Cho (r i',I1 31'. roe ro o'.. 1.-(, 4:'r- - 1. -se if yt;a a• ,a: ut li ,I •;tl .lt •. 01:613' ..ata. i tllet. "r'.:,p, .:-y," 1."1'.:11';•:,.i.., TI!!!!!' 1 13'0:ular 't•a: 1 r,. i C al,.. :t to 1:• •. 1 ::..6,1 f... tUr•' nivel i'6,1. '1. 6,14. 1 , .. 111 1h:. sins,, i, , tat t ,+":1.11 of '_,.., 6 .. .!El 4 . 1`.• .. ,ri .111( ti0 1' 1:1 yt tt hl 1 111• :at M1 rip of „ ,rig To •!1, , ,.. ! 1, ,, 1161 2, 4 6 , )6 ol,lnit :.1,1016 061' of their 3u3•1363.vs 61 811, hast'+ 111.:,1, uclde 1, tb«. 'f„:,,,ry 1+„ cal fallen at tile froeti. 'i'hr t,•ael,n :1::11' ' I' " 1 , 1 r "1 b,h, "I rt:.' •' havesubscribtd x31 11i•:. .,n, •.r. ,club", t, r .•,. Masa have shuatl a spier lii41 iVIM() 111 • 1'''!!'h a ,., i ,, 01 i i li L FUL' t 1' I11"•, volillteeri"g to give $5,1 of tie • 106"nit 6 '1 ' ) . rine 16.1 linn•.,:.1'1:'. tivinuunwt•16161; 1c. A _ L'o,u' .•.1 61 11 1 "ell t 6 11, .1.h ' 61,. 16:01.• uJ,3 ,.:1.1 .1,, ......:161•I•.16. 1,11,,,, - -1 :nm' -i le r 1 166 .ill., 11(63 1.1,. . 1!?!!, 6,t :Ill l' i b . r 1tte, 10.11. I5 •1•,:. t i •••1'0. It 1. I I,-ly fl•,- '1.i.. leIr 1V, Bairiki] k6,x8 r 1t:rl,d ftotu Ina 11u5),"• 1f d -o "1616'1'!""'''"'"' tilt R- 6 i,,. 111',1omanse:11,e 1:• Ih' L::Inily Htr.,d 1.1 en:•tu:.l • 1 �, �-•,h, t f:•ub5cl r1•,Ir r 1.• :, •it -{ : t this Dunnville , . 6 ..l .1 older . I 11 I t 11'111 1.11 k' 10l'i' nit, tied: i l,,,8 '�r t ;1 i•�•�l 1".' the to .tire an b '1111 l•0I f 111, r..y tl ,,,sin Ft5 a 43 .4'6U y9 i 1t i"�-� and 1,6c-_ tail. aiie •r •l b;.til,, rt! gill111! 1.111'.,,,, TOy CONSTIPATED CRUZ 1+ 1. t TO Sd' W�J,V �1.L..3: �".��.,..dA✓ Li�.P..JV I ptop6rr ,1,Itiu,rrtl '1'I , It 1 1 _ M tnnt'rt i ! of •• t1 ; 44110 61:51 the 1110116.3' Ira.+ 1.66111 nut on Delicious "Fruit t_axativ e0131 1101113 6-n •. ; t.t -:-tlicntt 1' nl.;d,• i•} the rite- ! , i . 10,6,16. tl.tio 0,81, 0)' t.iv,`r • I:t .•�-et 161,''Ill,: let l.:,6 .:1".i +i,,. i,.� i -i, and •eow''�:+• .161:11, his • 6 ai d l )'a 111 , 1 i',!: - 61' .),,- LO lc 16 i, i 1 1e t 18 Wit's, Wylie atVictoria F' misfortune to fall a fee de, tore her right arm lilies Kathleen I.lu1 rtnl 13, fior0nto to utt,•acl the Univ. 13, 61.64i. .':Ill, covered to ep<'6 't 1. ed. 1 ., s.1t h me In Lire''rn:. KILN, Tv . tiovon,..: . , .d, is visiting 111r 1r<-:6 . Mts. 8A',CI,..I.vit :stator at Chu 1:4,61,6 , . 1.. .. -.ol. 1arald to 1 le 1: 1 , Miss 1 Itttene tli:: i•, ..r :.. y,•..l.t the 11•[6.16 cud tvltfl 6,,.. . 11!8., eu;. nt n J 1.11'rey. 1110 ,. r,, 1-,:lttd, 4nnr t01•1-, ' . 1,•1 11 1 01,,1 I,(41•;,•',. 1 U' 11, 1, 1- 6 !1•, 1.1 1:., :t+c 61 ,fat I:, i{ I''•_. ., .!,,•,. i 6C';l• ,.11,1,•1 ;1.,1 1' 11 11.6(16 •' un • ` ' 1 A :•, Pi: l +i rte •"u i` I{7 ill •:r11 u11 :61,d 1 11 ' '',t.,r t, t• Ili J 1.111• 16) 71.101, 1,f...• 1 25, 1,�0 cN. ('l'0 l•11, 1C' t 1•i .f.ttil•it11t'u[I tl:ti, ti.,' 1 :51111'0, 61-'i"ti;l- '.1•.• ..... 1,11'06• !tuts gt.•1,t ti'.:l , ,.1',16 r ,• ''.61,1 0, anti .Aetna 14:1' 0 l• 1 ;:., N. r t t.. ,. ❑11:.••.1 . . :.I 1 low_ , 1--n oliisi' . Al111+11.1 1. ,.;. r• r 6, ;.' I i a 166 1,4,••:" I .: 11471'1:4'1":;•:;10 'ehl ,ua,i, 1 ilial• 1\: i;' i es ,,4. r 16 1 vt L 1, :66,1 1111 1: ,,?11 3;.!;:,!"11‘;';!;!", . stinal 11( i.oniplck.+.l; and the 111•16-6-. +' fl'it's I betrola, 5161 .1611. 11113111,,, PIM i }o-1. 101 1 19 vtlriln nvae.Worn, ntko ,tod th,!i, lcsic0tiva i,+-11, ,211:1 ,rain 1 tm traggi,t ft bottleof 118 lAei1l11nato,1r2ntees 1 Syrup o1 'igb," which evear,l.ine nail ? ; ,vo 1.121• 411 1t: r1 : 1litore' lloaltit, directions for brides, children of all ages i +tad for. grown -ape.