HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-14, Page 4t.AEORTk.N1WS
p mom. c AMC
7t�K. B, UU J,l , L'4rtiol adn4Ju g*QA'
Mi,+abq o$ On r4 tipitttl. GoIIQ011eEat, R1pNe
at mention to l9eeteil Ot EYei
t piden40 behind DomlalPa 138.14.Oleo elioue x11, g, Ra dense Phpno No, lee
Ter F, J, gUBRDWs stt&gprtb, Ottige 8nd t N
Dideae40-11deriolt,Street, coat qt the hath
erten Cepa, coroner Sor ootintl' 01 Btneou
Teephone I40'40 -
Rb 6091T & MAUKAY, Yhysielens and
Peurgeot%BederLohStreet, opposite Botha.
Chetah. s;eelprth,
ecorr, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
limber 0100(8110 Canoga 01 Ph slolane and
linrgeonL Coronet for County of Huron,
S+AcIia.Y, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold medalist Trinity Medical College, Merttb8r
at cortege 01 17sielane and surgeons, 0ntarle,
R, 111(0, NE0LEllA:1, 0ate0Pthle 8P80101181
D lu \t'omell 8 and Children b 010018808 and
Rheumatic troubles. Route and !:Motile di0ord
ors, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re•
moved wait ut t Re9alell,otonsultation free. ..
To is ley, xa-Pi, to p.m .;Friday 818,818, w apin
Marriage License
d F QALY 10Weetet
and optician, sea•
Ars am me. a dpostcard will get' our rates.eclde°t1
J. D. HI1rienmBY,
Gen oral Ascot for Landon Life Insurance Co,.
ad Imretrial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
$eaforth, Ont.
fames Watson
General Fire, Lite and Accident Insurance
Agent, and dealer in dewing Machines,
Main street, Bealort1,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Fara! and. Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
J as, t'„t,nnily, l,oderich, President, James
Evans, Meech wood, VIee•President, Tamnas
Rays,0eafurth. Sac,•Treas.
D, F, McGregor, Sealortttt John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rion, Cooetance• John Bennewels,
Brodghogen• Robert Ferris, 'Harlockl Malcom
scion; CEaton; (1 McCartney, Seaforth;
Josses Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans. Beachwood,
eiMam Chaney
Alen. Leitch, Hariock; E. H�Ihutrler, Stature',
EgmondvUlei 3. W. Yeo
Barnesville; R., Gt. Jarmputh. HBrodhagen: Jame
gerr end John Govenlockk. Sealorth, auditors,
Parties desirous to effect Ineurancr or minim,'
other business will be promptly a0ttended to b.
application to any of the above aims, address
to their reepectIVe postodlees.
11! iSLtN[MEL1 M
'LSk11TED •—
Ettitiero C.G.RICHAP55,lf1i
Seaforth can sttrely oelebrate,
Only , Mayor Stewart deserves praise for
Genuine !the grand afternoon aervice,
a•aw.memsemw,04so,w.«<uru+.+.nw+, wr.,w,'�'
Fres» the OHloe
ether.. 114 Broome 137
ane dollarer year, 00/11111 la ad ra 11111
if 091 paid in 8.081100, 0110 d1.4816r sad
a 0811 will be 0110188)5. 0U110d states
papers, filly cents extra, !trickly 10
When tubteribere cheenge their addrese
notice should be'lent as Immediately, giving
both the old rind the new address. Sub,
of any Irregularity of delivery notifying us
Reading Notices—No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money is to be made by any person
or cause will be Inserted In Tux News
without charge, The price for the inser-
tion of business announcements le TEN
cents per count line .each Insertion to
parties having no contract for dlepiay
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
insertion to those having dleplay contraete,
and for chure0, society and entertainment
reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, OIBalal and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten coots per line line
101 first ch
Ineertloa and five cents per
.nbsequet insertion,
a 1 tarda
excYearlgy olio Inch, W11 lona
Inserted fox
05.00 twr one Inch, It , bet Inse
85.00 per year, l.avable strictly in advance
Display adverti.ing—Rates furnished
on application,
' Advertlaements ordered for Insertion,
wUntil forbid," and those sent without
written enlee ^nariens will appear until
tordetare received for
their die.
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no ratan.
sibility whatever for the statements made
in such communications. Letters on rel -
published at all
8 sious toIpald advertisiwill not ng, plainly marked
as such, The tate for such matter is ten
cents Per line,
.. �s }
Agriculture Aided
By Victory L040
Wonderful Trade Expansion
Due to Success of Can-
ada s Loan Issues
Since the war started Canadian
agriculture has growls in il,rportance
as a national industry. More than
ever it Is e, source of strength to the
country. The demand by Great Bri-
tain for food, not only for her sol-
diers but for her eivillan population,
hae opened a market of tremendous
possibilities. In 1915 our total egri-
cultural exports amounted to $206,-
000,000. At the end of the fiscal
year of 1917-18, the total had jumped
to '$740.000,000.
This wonderful addition to the
National wealth was, to : large ex-
tent, due to the Victory Ioan of 1917.
It was so in this way: Creat Britain
found that, owing to her vast expen-
ditures on her army and navy, and
the necessity of giving monetary aid
to some of her su'lelten Allies, she
19118 no longer able to pay for her
purchases of food with ready cash.
Rather than see our products lose a
sure market the Dominion Govern-
ment decided to advllnee such sums
out of the proceeds of the Loan issiries
to pay for a good part of the foot
that was sent to Great Britain, The
farmers had been asked to "produce
more food" and they had responded
with a will; it was, of course, for the
Government to see that the increased
Production was marketed.
In this way Canada's entire export-
able surplus of wheat, cheese, bacon
and other commodities was financed,
This year there will he for export
possiblval edyat 9?25,000 0010 }1e If the lsof wheat
of the Victory Loan 1r.eet the
expectations of the Finance Minister
a great part of this wheat will be
financed by the Government, The
export of cheese will' he over $40,-
40;000,000, and of butter, eggs and con-
densed milk another $10,000,000.
Bacon runs Into millions, In the past
twelve months the Government bas
advanced nearly $100,000,000 to
finance exports of live stock products,
1 General Observations !' VICTORY LOAN AND
Never did the world rejoice as it did
ou Monday.
The boys threw light on the subject
at night.
0f The world appears already to be a
lmitali9ls !much nicer place to live in.
09 tile s7s•
Merits if Germany would follow the advice
9i of Lord Byron and f,reace her knees
Minard's . tltapo they would bend more grace-
rerr Sage
W. L. fin', S int•ulrth.
Phone I S' 1
Sugar Siltlation
Can Be Prevented by Thorough
Wolrlen's Meetings In Pall Swing--
`rite Sumner Institute Meetings
Aro of Benefit to Every Woman
Who Attends—'Copies to Be Dis,
Bused and Work Planned.
(Contributed by Ontorio Department of
Agriculture, 'Toronto.)
OTATOIOS are sprayed to pre-
vent such fatigue disease as
Early Blight and Late Blight
and 1101, '!'hese diseases Etre
caused by plants known tie fungi
Those fungi NV 1111.1t derive their
uuurishnlent from living planta
it:,ure them in so doing 1n various
ways and thus give rise to what are
know!) as 'fungus ateeaa08,
In combating the great majority of
fungus diseases methods of preven-
tion only are practicable. Spraying
potatoes is not done to cure but to
prevent disease. In other words the
object of spraying Is to cover the sur-
face a
a d stems with
le vas u
foe's of the a
substance, poisonous to the spores of
fungi, in which they cannot grow,
and penetrate the plant. Spraying,
therefore, 10 order to be effective,
must be timely and thorough, The
spray mixture must be on the plants
before the spores reach them and the
surface of the leaves and stems must
be covered so Completely that there
is not the smallest space on which a
spore can germinate:
Efficient spree leg of potatoes de-
I. Upon the use of the proper
fungicide. Bordet'ux mixture has so
far proved to be lee only satisfactory
spray mixture for potato diseases,
2. Upon timely and repeated
spraying. Spraying should be com-
menced when he plants are from six
to eight inches high and repeated at
intervals of from a week to ten days
throughout the browing season.
From three to seven applications
will be requtred, the number depend-
ing upon the weatber, the wetter
the weather the more frequent the
3. Upon the liberal use of Bor-
deaux mixture, F1'om 50 to 150 gal-
lons of Bordeaux mixture should be
used per acre at each application.
4. Upon thorough spraying, which
means the covering of every portion
of the plant with the Bordeaux mix-
ture in Lhe form of a One mist, This
can he done only nvhen the solution
is applied with good pressure so as
to insure covering every portion of
the plant. The best results from
spraying are obtained when potato
sprayers are used which are fitted
with T -joint attachments, so aa to
insure covering both surfaces of the
leaves at each spraying,
5. Upon spraying before rather
than after prolonged rainy periods.
Infection of the plants takes place
during or soon after rain. Therefore
it is of the utmost importance to
have the spray mixture on the plants
when the rain comes,—Prof. J. E.
Howett, Ontario Agricultural Col-
Last Year's Subscription of Great
Benefit and Bigger Work
Will Follow This Year.
The Imperial Munitions Board re-
ceives advances of nearly $25,000,-
000 a month from the Dominion
It has received over $650,000,000
in advances from the Dominion Gov-
ernment and the Canadian banks,
It has placed $1,200,000,000 worth
of war orders in Canada for the Brit-
ish and other Allied Governments.
An advance of $10,000,000 enabled
it to give orders to Canadian ship-
yards for 44 wooden ships. To thlsq
program 46 steel ships were added.
Total value over $60,000,000. .,
An advance of $1,000,000 enabled
the Board to begin the manufacture
of airplanes in Canada; 3,000 have
been built to Plate of a value of
Between 260,000 and 300,000 peo-
ple are working in Canada on war
orders obtained through the Board.
It has 9500,000,000 of war orders
in sight for 1919.
To carry out this program will
require millions in advances which
must come frons. the Victory Loan.
Canada's 1918 Victory Loan is
asking for $500,000,000. :These
dollars are needed to win the war.
Von nlilst do your share in providing
them by buying as many 'Victory
Bonds as ever you. can. Invest every
dollar you have in theta. Borrow 10
blit' 1tlore,
lour' money will be absolutely
safe. The security is the finest in 1
;te world, It is all Canaria. In addi-
tion, you will be pti.l 1,• per cent,
on your atone) the money you will
11,. lending to you/ reentry to protect
, r 1 ,i tt e us, of un(;, your home, it a,ft yr, your free-
, ale tette eieeLy- tut ,iow11. dont, your Pantile and yourself. I)i4
„A,:„ r t „ :?}ilei tic you ettOrhotly .0 a sat r ln} r:ltme'nt
ll:n---.,r Qua so soil r' ly advan-
tr"N htil 4.,0na1y to 1110 I /twist '1 :Never,en
nt hid your 11!0. k,' -e.' to Pett tile. I 31811—'l'he south half et" het 1; in 111e
a t• ,1 : Then de tum 171 Sart icier ' 21id (,enc, •wi0u of thy l'owneoip ,,i Mr-
sn!tr•tliitig --- tny+1,. •'tcry'thutg
- e. -to buy VL•'nry it ds, Ile a sol- Klln9,
dict at Hanle'. A,: at twee. Iil'Y!
° 3rd—'!'he r,utltetly ti'anty Heres of
Auction Sale of farm Lands
in the Township of Millen
There will be offered for sale by pub-
lic auction at the tetleell', Hotel lu the
Town of cioefortl1 alt i+aturday•the 16th
dim of November 1015 at 2 1'. 01, by
Tharsday Nov i:lober 1
w Many ns for
r ilonor Fk
of course every city, town and district
will earn its Honor Flag,
But how about the crowns?
For every twenty-five per cent. in
excess of its quota, each city, town and
district will be entitled to add a crown to
its flag.
Can you do fifty per cent. better than
your quota -that means two• crowns. for
your Honor Flag.
But double your quota and it means
four crowns. -
Han a Flag in your hall, that for
years to cote will show that your city,
town or district did better than well—
That it. vas a real factor in tic huf�e
success of CANADA'S VICTOR'
LOAN 1913.
1-„ItwfI l,y ('analis'; Victory loan Comntitteee
in c -,-operation with. the Minister of Finance
of the Dominion of Canada
Residents of the 'Township of ivlcKil•
cue of the commonest complaints of
infants aro worms, and the most elle°
tivo application for thein is Mother
(:raves' Worm Exterminator,
lop who require coal aro required to
forward a written reyueet tq ;l 91 rev,
enloak who has been appointed Pool House to Rent
011 10 lel • for the Municipality of Ole- �8t3 ttlal to ��1
ll', 'Thomas Brown,, auctioneer the Killop. Only those who have no wood
following 1tulde, namnely—
or rail fences need apply, as the gnan-1 A seven roomed hawse
1st—The vast half of Lot 17 in the City of coal promised McKillop is limit- cellar, soft water.
3rd Ce eeeesien of the ''Township of lie. ell Apply h-
Kiliop, By Order of the (.loaned,
141, Murdie, Clerk
,11 ., w ,,. ,is i'd1_ - 110 .1'I::1i,l'E11S' ,u FIX'S. •
( rhe les tt half of I.1 16 in the and'
Ot S•ecnsiou of th 'I'uss...1i' ; nt” 3101111. isundav settees '2:3u pm, 13nntlav
School I 15p to Prayer mooting
Wintll"op Presbyterian
u k. ; q In 11.0 ltders rod t !lit, f 1 polos grow lop.
SS P;.it1`:911 ti he 11 I.I,t on tow,
'" ")1 f ,::11 ••..i.......:. ,.u„ t'11at mark out pl el 111 the sky •ltl •1 i;, , 1111r•ri1 ter+ 9,11“-, of
1/ .k'111..;, d, 1,...,',.;•,,',., ,..e. :ail 1; The 11 it.-, :9611 ,1 11,.} Tinging i1y', Let GO in the ly- 1'01 ,•u• ai+,,: of the
titat... 1t'ir,.1 1n,l i ,e, t., 1115 1ielow.
a } , , n • t:: c ! i b,•ow hob Tmvnabl;: ,:t eleieidee,
jj� ��`�,�ItP.�ti I!
41,i';jt,,�j lid'-ar,.ta n,..`J n& or t,.va • un*. , I. r,,•„tt -VVq are the deed. Seer! flys ago .t 1 1(11`0, OF 1111:
We lived, felt d vi t 'e unset ;_;low,
:h: 1'utlr•° itjt p'.. t Pool-- I .,",.d an
lt were lel.!, and 1101V
Tito N11'011.0.-1 sit !lid t'mt• of etch
' we lie
c till0f sue'
hi hlundt'rs' ind,;o-, will 155, m geile,1 to ply to th,r \'obiter
,,', 1.'e, It '. 1 •ll05 010 - 1•or u'µ 5„brit<;1' a dr, u'sit , nul t0 ten
{ Take up t our rn i of v, ith the 1'110.
1 , I
-'a c r. ' s lyra' 11 1' 1., • t _,a! To yen, from (aid • 11a0518 w,' throw per rf 1 'If },a Inu•ehne„ money nod n
11 tu• ,: , ,: , i .i .:l. 10'.,1' tl:ro,r tie! Tl1e torch. 1S, . i 1.,. 111 1"1;1t high, flat! -r:a 01 to 00,,1.,' nil on,. lot ref 111+
:.n l.t ' _ :il r rt'1: teatit+ug• ly if ye break faith ; ill, tis who die,
,,,, shalt Ito, :01,. 'h+,0 11 polllie5 1'uel.."0”• 1 hey 18itint chilly dtl'4
blow ,he 1, :'.01' •, atel 0 , pantie!.e to„t g,,g,
lIt I'L r e,t t -1 11, nonds. ..111, tilt• le 1 n' ch.,,:, ,1 for Na= hal
Villin TIL+ ii :'.til Uo:la l l ,
(,tuts( rsA29
Irl t'. ..
.,. 1.),('; , t 'i.rv't1 00
1:, t
..... ... ,�,t. .
tow(' th,: t con 5.1,1:,1 )N,. d1 1.1.:
etat_,si!.ve+'i. IrfEfwill
h0 1x35 ample 0uppiy .i ,u•,+ i•
a1�i(tl Z -i'!t1 %VW. I f"..11,1" r .1' m • r.i
1,) . ,.e r,::.
'Ura 11,11 1 ..I.It l, -.I' 8:1:1, 118
Ort 11t:'
2;+till ie. 1, tor ,
2t9,4'JU 1'•J •, t3,•
:16,0,1(1 1'-,101'.10i''.
Id 5
lidded at t0,nsfur'i, this 0011, day ut
,tr I+.vei'Sthh p, 3.,11,•'..5 1. •-'.!•Ire : ,',';'111 11..'.110+:,the suites:; G, l 1 .'t, n a'i 1']n, 1e, Hurl, k a'CidiJ,
$50O 0W..0/le 1-utt;l 08,11'!. be sus'. 5ofioltnt fur the Vander,
The ,esporisabiilly rests up-
art a13 to see that the money is raised,
'I'netlday 8 p. lit, 1., C' lair Wed,
idt nstOutteeMetliodl;3$
1 ':s•y f,l5.
14awy,r, pastor . 8utldny
service 2 00 p,111. Y4:1015 Fe^ Io'o Lieu.
r,3.3a p 11 4,,t•t:l ty '0 rn"•1'11 :1nsi1
try 111.31 1 tl 0 a'l:sy 511 00009 Iltot,tn a
30 r,,1n, 1.1810.e'i 1, t 11108 'rh,t radar
09eeee month 2.30 p,w
1=lr0t Presbyterian
—Rev, 0', H, Lerkii.,.l solar, Ruutlay
1 000Vleee 11 x,111 and 7 i, hl. ijnttthc,
who”! 2,90 p.1u• Prayer meeting
l hntaday, 7.-10 1.'11 Vo 1110, t e Mies• -
n u } Stele ' •tlu, f 0515 1 u •r,i ty in vital
mno:h at p III. Rat i.1.6ru , i
„ I1au't •,rd Tnosde ' ,, '.L, 110.1n1 1, qi
' net 1
t•etit wi'h
teemed leolial't,
Peot,e 238 r 14,
CSIoO 11141'
• n ,1 iv 11'1;i ore
ft ee :' ch.trp,('X
ividne ,ill admission ice is
110, r„+l 'I he' rote for surh
b In1,, r,' rent y r .lust line
:3 Fast IF, Writ'. $':. fa".bs fro EI lin4.,1 LI; b
80 ,lameN Church, Iiev. Farther 1
11, Goetz Pei'. Early ,11x5+ 8,('ti, High
Mass 111,110, linuday 10 1nol3 l,, to
\',,,p,.rs anal lienedicti',, of the- Bless
ed T+acr[tmentli' p. rest.
St. Tittsluos'
„„y 'f. 14 „ ua n Ice e.ee. h:un'1r•.
",•,,;, I I ,atm '11,11 i 3, in `::,0.1•..•
•...,): ;:u 1, 50 \0tirtcn '
i.:•r t,
,,,r,1r, • 1, lite .! .,, 111t
s 100!.!0 I8' t.1.., .. ' , r.. lr•' Ned Yn1 •81
uos,lity 1`•11' `
'^rite„ ut , ,. '1';:., 1 1.1'...,. + it. r , ,
"For the Blood is the Life.”
YRth any dleeaoe duo to Impure blood
ouch 80 Eozemal Soros:01a, Scurvy, Bad
Loge, Abaeoeeao, UIoore, Glandular
Swelling., Boils, PEmploo,Sorea of any
kind, Piloe,Biood Poteon,Rhoumatis,n,
Gout, etc., dont waste your cline and money
on lotions and 5.int10 nts which 000,01 get
below the sur6,ed of the skin. What yetrwant
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone is the true
• •1180 of 11 your suffering, Clarke', Blood
Alixture isfust such a me.didae,' It iecomposed
nick *expel from the
f ingredients aili which quickly ly a at m
` blood ail impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
eau be relied on to effect a 1851105 cur'
)7'emrr• ",A of1•rh•,. her,
f•r,elli„";{ 8 Ari phis at. 'r',',A,,,..
ever 50 years'
Pleasant to
' 951,r ey 11/1
101 ,18.'ar3.
a,.1ar,tita r
. •^Null, r.
Salvation Array
Lieut. Collo) t y and Envoy V. hitfieltl
[1 01111080 m0trtinn 11 0 .111. 1'11080
Novice S p m f;camel .rrficn 7 lent,
1'hildrams rrrloe 111 0l't0ry class 10
:t. u+, Rib'r n,n.,acr 1 1 tr. 01110 1flltht
1f 11 sings-- P, t (i, I all..: l'r t•'r- lnt,rtirg
R !'.tit • v ..
B00i r.'tt1Ni!1.,1 •t.st)ytrertarr
i er ri LI: Lr en 1 ;uudtly ,,ec,
110190. 1 1 ,t. n+ ' ,, 1 , i, let lithe eteec
13 ;ern floe,': 114 ,tell 001.dn,edtty
81,, til. F 1' ^1,0• 1'ri1,1, •eal f Piney
8,1 ,le, metal, 11118. `dr.( 15 't.'r 3I inr'it1•.
rptu-ty :rti A x'lu�-�.,1 in the 0111111
181, (10 I6 ut i„1!! • , f ,n, 11.1.L
/01.41110t.013, after.