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The Seaforth News, 1918-11-14, Page 1
IVew Series,Vol. 31 No 9<`i The Seaforth News Canadian Granite Since the inportation of Eur- opean granite has been re- stricted, our CANADIAN GRANITES are being devel- oped at an amazing rate, arid are equal in color and texture to any imported granite. The Seaforth Monumental Works handles the best grades W .E, ehapman,Prop le 6 v pia ,9 RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY IT'S A. TREAT Everybody, young and old people appreoiatd the delightful, unusu- al flavoring. The rich quality Rud absolute purity of OUR CONFECTIONERY are reagens why you should pat- ronize us, When you want ice cream we serve the best in town under the food board order, Our Ioe Cream is made from Pure Rich Country Cream and 13est Fruits Thursday Friday & Saturday Wallace ! eid 15c in a new Parmount Picture also the 2nd Episode of Vengeance and the W 6.15 P. M. ST S 4'. N I0c �,T.Z"�z :v,s..gS -L' I,4�' �b.+rA�"t�.f..1v '.' 6. kr Thaksgiving Wiil be held Thursday Evening November 21st 1918 Proceeds in Aid of the Christmas Box Fund = Boys Overseas Music --Tony Cortese London Harpers (Four Pieces) Dancing commences at nine o'cicck Buffet Lunch by the Women's War Auxiliary from eleven to one o'clock. A cordial invitation to all, Committee — John Beattie, L -T, De Lacey, D. Shannahan, Chas. Stewart, Gentlemen $2.00 Gallery & Stage 25c A, D. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. a nce soiroirrni t,NTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER toe Victory Never dirt that word Victory timid so good to the world! November the eleventh! Tallc of history making epochs! Leaving out two events, the Day of Creation and the First Ohrist- mas Day, November lith 1918 moans the greatest event in history, Had the autoorat won it would mean a return to brute force—might is right—every man for himself—never mind the weak, But on that Day this devilish doctrine was defeated. The Allies were fight- ing against it and won. The Kaiser was defeated—Truth and Justice conquered From early morning, Monday was giv- en trip to rejoicing in Seaforth. The war wits Forced upon us and we were glad wheu it was over. The bells rang and the whistles went loose, All fore noon Main Street was crowded. The Mayor proclaimed a holiday and the boys and gide who looked forward to saliool re -opening were free again. Buuting and flags hung everywhere, Autos with horns tooting travelled up and down the streets. But everything was orderly. In the afternoon at 2 o'clook a pro- cession lined up at the station headed by the band and cadets and a tractor drawing several wagons with the effigy of the Kaiser hanging on one. Follow ing these came a long line of oars and after parading the streets proceeded to Victoria Park where a grand program of prayer and praisewasconducted by Mayor Stewart. The prograthme consisted of Prayer b•y Rev Mr. McLean, Hymn, "Oh God our Help in Ages past'' ; Selection by the hand, Rev, Father Goetz then spoke on the years of agony we had borne. He thanked God that militiarism is dead— that the Kaiser is gone; but there is still much work to be dope and all should work that a just,peace may be seethed. M1 should still keep up their interest in the work until the boys oome home. The address was listened to with much interest. After another tseleetion from the band the enormous crowd joined in sing ing "Onward Christian Soldiers, Rev, H. B. Moyer urged his bearers to preserve the newspapers of today. He told how German military rule was broken, bot there must be some heart still in Germany, Evan if it had been so nearly ornehed out that they rejoiced r as a nation at the sinking of the Lusi- tante, because to day they are in revolt against this evil system It was the beginning of a new earth. After another selection by the band and tea Hymn `•Abide with me", Rev, T, A, Browu spoke of the grand work done by the men and women at home to uphold the hands of the boys at the front. The service closed with the Doxology and God save the king, and it was at the head of his platoon that he metthia death, Not only did be have the confidence or his ,nen and Itis officers but he was awarded for bravery on the field, the Military Med. al, a deooration he certainly earned, It was my pleasure to Know Sergeant Veneer both in civil life and after he _joined the Battalion and I know of no more capable or energetic soldier, one who was honoured and respected and it is to such as Ile that the Oanadiene owe their great name as the finest fighting force in the world. To hie many friends I offer my sincerest sym- pathy in the less of such a friend, but what greater henonr could any soldier ask than to meet his death at the head of his meu.l Asking you to be good enough to pub fish this in your paper. I have the honour to be Your obedient servant, H, J, Dorranoe Lieut. Horticultural Society The Future Many people at the present time al- most despair for the future, The look on; at the chaos and revolution in Rus sic and Germany and they say every- thing is 00 the down grade, One man says the outrages and cruelties have wrecked hie faith. Another says after the war, social and iudnstrial revel= utions will make a very unhappy world Still another declares the progress of of the world hue been set back one hundred years But its all in the way you look at it. And you will look at it a000rding to the knowledge yon have of the past and y our inner vision of the great realities, If the world to you, is only a ship drifting without chart or compose upon a shoreloss sea at the mercy of every wind, then such au experience as that of the present moans a battered hull and wrock which will take generations to place it even in running order, But if the world has never sailed throngh the centuries in a hit or miss manner, but has had always a master hand guiding withh compass es a1d chartrt in spite of all that loulc otherwise, then our ship no matter how great the storm has not left her course. Let us rest assured that the moral forces of the world have not lost their power or chart, It is a better world that is to be. Many a heavy wrong will be fouud to have been swept away in frightful fields of this earl war. Many an ancient evil entrenehed in The Annual meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural Society was held In the council room on Wednesdliy evening last, President Wm, Hartry presided, and gave a short synopsis of the work of the Society in past year, The hard working secretary, Mr. A. D. Suther- land read the Financial report of the auditors which showed a balance of $166,89. The procuring of the Fal Bulbs which had not arrived but are on the way, will somewhat reduce the bal- ance. The Society had expended 5289.40 for plants and seeds during the year. Sundry other expenses were $94.68 Violist of membetsfor 1918 were 156 names. $19,85 was spent on civic improvements in town. The report was considered very satisfactory. Mr. Har - try declined being President again and Dr, Grieve was elected, The following other officers were appointed—Sec.- treas.—Wm. Hartry, Vice President— A. D, Sutherland, Directors—A. F, Cliff, W, D. Hoag, 12. l0, Jones, John A, Smith, W. 9mithers, 0. Stewart, H. Edge. Auditors—R, M. Jones, Dr. 0. McKay, Delegates to Provincial Con- vention—Rev. T, H. Brown. J. F. Snowdon. 711 Sergeant Vanier On Active Service, Oct. 8, 1815 Mr. 'J. F, Snowdon, m Seaforth, Ontario, Dear Sir In reading a dopy of your paper I came across an announce- ment of the death in action of Pte, Vanner lata of McKillop and thought that a short note of explanation would be appreciated by his many friends NOTICE hilmail eustome,sacial, political, relig- ious, will he blown to shreds, end jus. doe, truth, humanity, will command 1110 reverence of mankind Reliever before. If this be not 00 then our noblest and best have thrown away their lives in vein. it is our duty to stand behind them upholding with a strong faith what they fought for end won. • $i,50per year`. &1`g0orufort for the Dyspeptic.—`]'hare is no ailment so haraesing and exhaust- ing as dyspepsia, which arises from de. feative action of the etomaeb and liver and the viathe of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Perms. lee's Vegetable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effective use, There are pills that are widely advertised as the greatest compounded, but not one of them rank with Parmelee's. Notice ever C1111 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persons in need of coal for the coming winter are notified that the _test advise from the Fuel Administra- or state that no further supply of hard coal can be shipped for dilvery at Deb - lin this winter, Those who have not already laid in their full supply should at once endeavor to secure a supply of wood or other fuel. By order of the Council, James Jordan, Clerk. From Fuel Commissioner The office of Fuel Commissioner will be opened on Monday Nov, 18th, 1918 in the Carnegie library. Office entrance front door. Office flours 9 a, rn. to 1 p. m,and 2p,m,to5p,10. The oomiesioner wishes to impress upon consumers the following facts; I, That on receipt of advice that coal is available for delivery, cash must be handed is) the office to ensure prompt delivery. No coal delivered until paid for. 1I. The Ontario Fuel Administrator advises the local Fuel Commissioner on account of the reduced Ontario allot- ment due to influenza, labor shortage, eta, it is most osesential that every ounetlmer protect himself by laying in a supply of soft coal to burn wits) 'ante- r :cite that they are now using, Bette burn hard and soft coal unforced now than burn soft coal later fu the season, No oarryiug of coal. All our customers will be treated ex- actly the same, No exaptious will be made under any ciroemstanoe, there. Pte. Vannor joined the Bat. talion in the summer of 1915 and after a few monthseervice was wounded and sent to England where he remained undergoing treatment for some months bat again joined the Battalion late in 1916 and since that time has had an excellent record. By bis ability he rapidly gained promotion to non-com- missioned officer rank and soros hemline a sergeant and at the tints of leis death was a platoon sergeant and had more than once led his platoon in the attacks The looal situation is such that it will take the co-operation of users and the dealers to get opal this coming season, Your hardships aro small compared to those we having to contend with Bat we shall continue to bear them and supply yon with your needed coal just aa long as we are able to got for you. J, A. ST lWART, Coal Oommieaioner it Bids Pain Begone; W110n neural- gia ranks the nerves or lumbago crip- ples the back is the time to test tea virtuso of Dr, Thomas F,oleetrie Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a Mentlatien of ease and rest There is nothing litce it as a liniment for its curative properties are great, A trial of it will establish faith in it. FURS It Is Only Natural That Women Be interested In The NEW FURS SCARFS and MUFFS HERE When you buy a set of furs at this Store aside from the Furs you buy the saris= faction of reiiaalbility and eorrect fashion. Prices Lower Than Others See for yourself SEPARATE Slug"' TS i1�1 DEMAND when the snow is on the ground a warm coat is ab- solutely neces- sary even with a suit, Some oz, men feel they can- not afford both a new coat and a new suit. Instead they are buying one of the new skirts_ and a styli ish coat. In this way they are saving the price a suit any- where from $9:5 to $410 zkirts '!I to $10 Don't Put Off Buying Your Winter Clothes Any iLonger Get busy nowt When Y©u - —Alfa have to gel up in the morning, and are not used to it you need a good alarm We bevel in stock a fine variety from 52.00 up, including Big Ben at $4.00 a If you prefer an alarm that you wind only once a week, we have the Columbia 8 -day alarm. Drop in and See them. Jrg auaugi? ;Jour Watchmaker & Optician 1courr Marriage irrnsra }Menge swBusiness 194 Evenings 10 The Store you will always like Lanonmi...i.,.eLmozczimexcaossma=ca=ccemi UNDERWEAR IS YOUR UNDERe WEAR WARM ENOUGH? November is warm under– wear month. A time when most persons change to heavy underwear.. Don't take chances in thi's kind of weather, It's best to be on the safe side a,,d be warmly dressed. I'HE BEST MAKERS BEST MAKES ARE IN STOCK HERE Prices You'll Find the Lowest INDIVIDUALITY FINDS ITS BEST EXPRESSION IN THE, FALL COATS NOW BEING DISPLAYED DERE PRICES $15 to $45 J. Mactavish Sl AFO3ITIl WILL A STRIPED TUB SILK BLOUSE BEST MEET THE STYLE OF YOUR SUIT? Pretty striped waists are here in becom- ing styles. One has a conversable coliar, The colors on the collars and cuffs lend a unique touch, Ear the most part tailored styles of a very desirable wash. silk, Prices $2,75 to $5,00