HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-07, Page 8NOTHING Adds more to the ap. pearancc of a man than a neat Hair Cut or Shave If you come to oursanit- ary, carefully conducted parlors, you are sure of every attention. Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL Mies Annie G, Govenlock, (lraduate Teacher's Course Godowsky Methods, anadian Aeademy of Music Toronto re -open her classes in pinno, Organ d Theory on September 3rd. Pupils will be prepared fm Canadian eendemy and Termite C onservetory r,.miltetions Studio North Main rt. Phone 103 Help Wanted CORIKESPONElt NCE Dublin In spite of sickness the belle aro ringing, Miee Blizebetb Kenny wee united in wedlock by Father Noonan to Daniel Burne of Elibbert, The bride is a oharmingyoung lady and was at- tended by her cousin Mies Rosa Flan- nagan, the groomsman being Mr, Leo Kenny, After a dainty dinner the happy couple went to their new home in Ribbert. TIN 11104.011111111 daughter of John D, Wood. of Gods. rich ToWN►hip woe held here on Tues- day last. She taught sohool near i3ry- do> and contracted intluenxa, She Ives siok only one week when she died et the age of 2I, The :service was con- ducted by Rev, Mr, McFarlane, Bayfield hae had only one case of the epidemic, Mr. Gillio of the Ster. ling Bank contractees it while away on Itis holidays. The.uhoole and ehurohes have been cloeod to prevent it if pos- sible. Mrs. J. Tome le home again from Port Dover where she was nursing her son, who is now better, The death of Mei, Patrick McGrath removed a well known figure. She was bora in the County Down Ireland 84 years ago and came a child, to Can. ads, her father being one of the firer to settle in Fullerton, She had many friends who regret her death, Her husband died nearly two years age, Four tune and four daughters are left. Her death took plane at Stratford. The remains were buried at Dublin, Fathea Noonan officiating, Edward Weber has returned to St Peters' Seminary . Muoh regret is felt over the death of William Fortune who passed away atter au attack of influenza, Mr. Fortune! was a store keeper and baker and had many Mende, Staff a Help wanted to eprfe l 11 it nv the Canadian Flax Mills, rth, (i,o l Staffs is combining to make a real pages will be paid in 'veno.. ,i I1 a! 1 gift to the boys overseas. Asa result 1 o}s. of effort, a large quantity of fruit and yens ian ruts Mills. vegetables have collected at the hall, f„>tt, 'Two loads were taken to the canning centre at Stratfordbut 'as the place ' was closed by the influenza the rest of the stuff will not be Bent for a week SAYS' LEWIN JUiCE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skid. , Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best fieelcle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any 41rug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and ]rands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how elear, oft end white the skin becomes. Yes!. It tee is harmless. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WiTH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer hae the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the ,lulec of two fresh lemons into a. bottle, then putt In the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very beet lemon akin whitener and complexion beautifier known, Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the' face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, eallowness, redness and roughneae disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes, Yest 'I0 1s harmless, and the beautiful result eri11 surprise you. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue Is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Call- fornla Syrup of Figs." or Bo, So far our village has escaped the "Ftn” The churches and schools are however closed and Sunday is a long day. The youngsters enjay the holi- days and do not object to the schools being closed• Mr. Wm, Drake from the West is vis. Ring his relatives here. Cromarty Mies Irene Walker ie suffering from the epidemic. Mr. Ken McKellar realized the nine sntn of $4300 from his sale. Mr. D. McConnell ie moving to Dub lin, The home of Wilbiu Mahalfy ie in- dicted with iufiuenza• ldiae May Hoggarth of London was a recent visitor at the home of her par• ems, bur, and Mre. It. Hoggprth. Mre, McKay and baby of Alviston tic epending a collide of weeks with tier parents, Mothers can root easy after giving "California Syrup of Pigs," because in o few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently, Moves out of the bowels, and you been e well, playful child again. Sick .children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fr t laxative."va " Millions of mothers keep it handy bor num ;they knrnv its action '00 the store- + 441, liver and bowels is prompt and sura. !Ask your druggist for a bottle of California Syrup of Fite," which cat-,' ,eine directions for babies, Children of ` ell ages end for grown: ups._ Auburn Grain is NUN coming in and the farmers are getting good prioes, Nu new cases of the epidemic have oc ured and the e°huuls and churches are open again, The slight snow on Friday made pee. pie huetle to get in their tureips, lliss Margaret Jackson of Toronto sohee! to vieitiug at her home,. Hensall Mr, WilfrideBechanan died after a few days illness ni Londoll Hospital aged 21 years, Mies Jaokeon is in the hospital at Guelph and hopes are maintained for her recovery. Miss Etnlua Johnston is home after a trip to Detroit. Mies Ida Dnnsdale has been appoint ed Librarian in place of Mies Hudson who ie taking up other work. The break in the weather on Friday when our first snow fell made those with roots atilt out hustle to secure them, Others rushed to get the cattle under cover and make all safe for ' the winter. Thanksgiving to Providence for our escape from the epidemic eoupered with other places, appears to be the prevaling topic, When the Churches open we trust some of them will not need a reminder, but come and join publicly, in these expressions firs, Short os Woodstock is visiting at her home at present. Mre, T. G. Argue haf returned from London where hae been with her par• ants. ,lames Howatt hue moved into the village, Tboe. McCabe of Wewanosh shipped a oar of cattle to Toronto last week, The apple °top ie a very good 048 fa this putt, Walton Mr, James McLaughlin has been on eick list for some time. The canvass for Victory bonds in the township and village is (being pro- secuted, The Walton Red Cross will hold a special meeting on November the 12011 in the afternoon when pinch will be served, Donations of fruit, cane, ma pie sugar, home made candy and money will be received to fill the boxes for the boys in France, McKillop Iufluenza patients are apparently all on the mend we are pleased to say, The news from overseas Is joyful and quite refreshing. A victorious peace is near at hand, and we hope the vicious enemy will be made pay in full for what they have destroyed. Turnips which are an excellent orop are now being stored away The schools are still closed which may be all right. Some who have children to send are complaining and say they should not have been closed at all. Mr. J, J, Irvine leaves for Toronto this week, He intends remaining there all winter, --a hayfield Mr. Wm. Evens of Toronto is stere with friends, The evaporator is now daily taking in large quantities of apples, Mr, R. Penhale took a oar load of spploe to Roetowu, Bask, The funeral of. Miss 8 adie Woods, Manley NQS Men and Money Men and Money will win the War. If you can't fight, save, for it is essential in your Country's interest that every possible dollar be saved. Savings Accounts are a National safe- guard. Open one to -day with DOMINION BANK 492 SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M, %JONES, Monagier Notimunio iximmorgeletvet®RWrleippdm urigNMttINIainotanlows„rirvif Auction Sale Farm stock, implements ole, F, S, Soott 11111 sell by euetiou on Lot x6, Con 14, McKillop, on Thursday, Nov. 7th at r p, m, sharp, heavy draft mare and horse 8 yre, driving borne 0 yrs, draft filly sired by Glen Rae, eligible for registration, foal driver, Durham cow with calf 6 months old, Dni'ham cow with calf month old, Durham heifer year old, Derham heifer 2 yrs in calf, cow 3 yrs freshens in November, cow 3 yrs freshens in January, cow 4yrs fresh' ens in January, 5 heifers a yrs, steer 1 yr, 5 calves, 9 York pigs 3 months, mo wer with pea harvester snd bundler, a champion seed drill, Massey Harries binder, two furrow plow, one furrow plow, four section harrows, hay loader, sixteen foot hay rack and stock rack, bob sleighs with flat rack, wagon, stock rack, pig box, fanning mill with bagger Bet scales, grain bags carriage wheel of binder, 60 cords of wood , work bench and other articies, No rseerve, Terms —Sums of $r0 and tinder cash; over that amount r0 months credit on ap proved joint notes, 4 per cent off for cash on credit sums. F S SCOTT Auc- tioneer, W, 8, FORBES, Proprieter. The sad news on Saturday morning was received by our citizens of the death of Minnie Baeurman at the early age of about 30 years. She was a vic- tim of the iutlueeza. She has been keeping house for her brother Fred for some time at whieh place the sad end came, She was brave nestle waited on others in their affliotiotl and feared no- thing when she suddeuly attacked and lived but a few days. She was the first victim ill our burg ar,d what made it more ead was that the interment teok place at once in the Brodhagen Cemet. cry, She was loved by all whe knew her. She ie survived by her mother, six brothers and one sister. Her father predeceased her some two year's ago, The family has the sympathy of all in its hour of bereavement. Bean threshing has begun and the retlll'1>e are fair, 'threshing has been completed and the returns are good, The many friends of Joe Johnston and family will be pleased to learn that they have recovered from the Flu. Mr. Archie McKay of Guelph paid ne a Hying visit, On their return they were a000mpanied by Mrs. John Hol. don who intends to visit her son Wm who resides>n Guelph The heat Liver Pill,—The notion of the liver is easily diearanged, A sud- den chill, undueexposure to the Me - menta, uver,indulgenoe fn Boma favor- ite food, exoees 10 drinking are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the ane e Parmelee's a Ve %table Pills eau be relied upon as the beat oorreo- tive that can be taken, They are the leading liver pine and they have no superiors among such preparatione, Auction Sale Of Cattle and Sheep, (not offered at proprietor's recent sale, owing to the lack of time), T. Cameron m 0, W. Robinson, anctioneere, have reoeived instructions from lir. Fred Ellerington to sell by public aviation, on Lot 29 Con. 6, Ueborue, on Friday, Nov, 8th 1918, the following:—Cattle-4 miloh Cows; 6 Heifers, 2 year old; 5 Heifers, 4 year old; 5 Calves; 45 Steers, 2 year o-Ic1, 1,001) to 1,100 pounds; 4 yearling Steers, Sheep -90 Lincoln and Leicee ter Ewes; 2o Shropshire Itsvee, 1 to 3 yeare; 40 Ewe Lambs; Purebred import ed Lincoln Ram, 2 years old; 1 Lincoln Rani, 2 years old; 4 Ram Lambs, Feed —7 acres of corn in stook; 3 acres tur- nips; quantity of oats and barley. Terms -510,00 and under, cash; ovor that amount 12 menthe' oredit with 6 per cent added, Sale at 12 o'clock sharp T, CAMERON F, ELLERING'l'ON, ,t. f. W, RO11INSON Proprietor. Auctioneers Notice TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persons in 'need of coal for the coining winter are notified that the latest advise from the Fuel Administra- tor state that no further supply of hard coal can be shipped for dilvery at Deb. lin this winter, Those who have not already laid in their frill supply should at once endeavor to secure a supply of wood or other feel, By order of the Council, James Jordan, Clerk, v it AiT'h MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receive ed at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 22nd day of November, 1978, for the oouvtyance.'of His Majesty's Maile, on a proposed Contract for four years, Six times per 110011, Over Seefortl, No: 1 Rural itnule, from the 1st of April, next, Printed 1>Otieee containing further information as to conditions of propos- ed Contract may be Been end blank forma or Tender may be cbtaiued at the Post 0t0ue of Henforth, and at the °nice of the Post 1)Hice Inspector. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. London i lth, October, 19I8, CHAS. E, H. FISHER, Post O11iue Inspector, PRIMERS' eLL1D> A meeting ofthe Seaforth Farmers'. Club will be held in the Separate School Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday evening Nov, 18th at 8 o °look Mr, T W, Jowell manager of the United Farmers 0o, Operative Co, of Toronto and Mr, J, J Morrison Secretary of the United Farmers of Ontario will be present to address the meeting. As the question of establishing Branch Stores. throughout the province, to be operat- ad in connection with the United Farm ere Do. Operative Co. is doming up for consideration a good attendance 10 de- sirable' Mr, Morrison will also tough upon The Organization of the Farm Women of Ontario and it ie particular- ly desirable that there be a good attend angio of the Ladies of our farms at this meeting. 111 farmers non members aa well as members are cordially invited. Bring the ladies with u to attend, Brt g .,yon, Meeting will commence sharp on time Gee, Te 0, Elaen, Preeident END STOMACH TROUBLE OASES' OR DYSPEPSIA Tk su' duty November y 0 "Pope's Diapepsln" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes.. . If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or 'you belch gab and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a. feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fellness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomaeb-head- ache, you can get relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store, t You realize in five minutes how needless it is to stiffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom- ach disorder caused by food fermentation due to excessive acid in stomach. IDT EVERY TIME OF STRESS and difnculty fur over ninety years The Youth's Companion has stood by the family, It has cheered and encmnreg- ed and ni,t,rtai> td— del p1> >h g all, in- forming all, a,,1 making hone life end loyal sentiment the ideal of a 1. P'or 1910 the,punlishere intend to make the paper worth more to family life thou ever before, The 8pivt>did miosis alone are events in next year's reading in the fa,,,ily life, Hundreds of Short Sto,ie8 tend Articles by great uoutribn- tors, and a steady etrealt, of helpfulness in everything from the solus and seri- ous to the happy humor Or which The C'orapaoien le fumed, In these days the whole family neede The Cumptu,- ion, and it is still o,ly•$2 25 a year fqr 52 splendid iseurs. Don't miss Grace ttiohmand's great serial, Anne Exeter, 10 °barters, begin Mug December 12, The following special offer is made to new elrbeerit>ers I. The Youth's Coulpnri>on---52 issues of 1919. 2. All the remaining weekly ;acnes of 1918, 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1919, All the above fur only 52.25 or yon may i"chute 4. McOall's Magazine -12 fashion numbers, All for only 53 25. The two magazines may be sent to separate addresses if draired. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave..0 St. Paul 8f. Boston, Maes, Nev Subscriptions ftoceired at this - OIHce, ;TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Halrl Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Min, brittle, colorless and scraggy !hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There ie nothing BO destructive to t>1>e Bair ea dandruff, It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very lifer eventually producing a feverish- ness and heeling of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hairroots to shrintc, loosen and die—thon the hair falls out fast, A. little Danderine t o- tight—nnw—an wrote, tare your hair, Get 'et small bottle of Iinowlton's !land;:>rene from any drug store, 'Y'ou surol',e can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will filet try a 110010 Dag' 'serine, Save your hair! Try .itt You'd be astonished, Sir, if you knew the number of Men that always come here for their Shoes. The reputation of the goodness of our Men's Shoes has been spread abroad, and every pair of Shoes we sell is a walking advertisement for us. Do We Sell You Your Shoes, Sir? Carefully selected, High Grade Leathers, the most Skillful Shoe Making by Makers with a reputation, the best styles, splendid sorvice in fitting and a Guar- antee of Satisfaction form a combination, that builds and su 'tains our immerse trade in Men's 'Shoes. Try our Shoes, Sir, for we'll hitch more value and satisfaction to your money than it ever bought before. H. a R . fie/ oT .t57 "The•b-Iome of School Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth vc PRINTING Counter Check Books Letter Beads Posters ,Envelopes Menu Cards Loose leaf Ledger Eorms etc. Statements Programmes Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cards Bill Heads Wedding Cards Note Heads Neatly and promptlp done tis vo>ezOSPxra,T...-, The biggest leen in the country have found that the easiest way to spell success is to ADVERTISE. Supe pose the newspaper did not publish the news. how would the people know what is happening ? If you don't publi; h your Store News how will the people know about your goods? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling about your stock. The firm that advertises gets ahead, every time, of the firm that does not advertise. Shop• worn and out.ofcdate stock is the penalty merchants pay for not advertising. SEAFORT ess will be open Next y