HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-07, Page 5Thursday November 7 anill/1011.111110• W, L Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of goy- ermnent Diploma and Licenne Day or Night calle receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " GEMINI ym."/Y teie4,1 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady.graduates of last'terrn are ndw earning as high ae $18 and even$20 a week, while young men are earn- ingstill better salaries. We can no; meet thedemand for trained help. Write us at once for partionl ars regarding our Commertnal, Shorthand or Telegraphy _Depart- ment. Students may enter an any t 8, W J ELLIOTT 0 A McLAcHA2 PR ibENT PRINCIPAL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, ConatIpation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels;how much your Lead Relies, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowele—you always get relief with Cascaras. They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the 'our, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter go...tid poison from the intestines and bowels, A 1 0-eent box from your drug- gist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head.clear 'Mr months. They werk while yon sleep. FOR STILE ellETUP Frame Hose, 7 rooms and p ditry snintoor kitchen and oollar, Haul told soft water, Eleotric lights, large ve- randah. Stable Id' xj 12' Leo :house Apply at the Nows mhos i 1 "14.1.aa•PAI,......41.1.aaReS,WOWR For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is ;situated ou Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is know') as the Purcell property, Good oora- fortable hones, good shed, good well and cement eistern, All kinds of fruit treee, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro petty with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of ooltivation. This is a oice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. Fos partionlars apply on. the premises or 0) John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH JOHN RANKIN Bonds for sale bearing interest from 6 to 7 p. c. —ha lf yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. No ex pense to investor. All information cheerfully given, JOH RAI • Bond and Debenture Broker Alain Street, Seaforth Phone 1 a CREAM WANTED I 888818:848 solid your Orson te os and ueteive, hip prieett, We are renuitig 0 lir plant lid year through food can your foll:eupply,and furnish you with e:ine • We pay twice each month tool weigh sample and test each elm (1 01.08111 cur - fully. Our motto is " Honesty to to.. Pabrons" Patrons are requested to re urn all our mons whoa not in nee, 1.1ttor an 113utton-x:1Hk A13:. CM 11811(1 11:1 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH rVIA R IC MT Good Milling Wheat...,........... $2.1 Bean bet. Shorts per tun . 41 Eggs 311-4o • Hoge to farmers .. 18 On On Sale Everywhere —There he country morohanta she do not keep Dr Thomas' litolootrie Oil, though they are few and far between, and these may auggeet that some other oil le just as good. There is nothing so good an a liniment or as an internal medicine in oertain oases. Take no other, The demand for it allows that it is the only popular oil. Local Agent Wanted for the "old Reliable" FONTI1 ILL NURSERIES • ._ '111-Ousands of OrcIn cl trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissiols, Exper- ience not necessary, STONE & WELLINGTON (Established [837) TORONTO, ONT, ' i. 4181,01118111144‘84181811/814448.088881444818488(411.0444 fProwit . Topics 0-0.......„,,,.., tem iteasiosteseseessoomovietiweltestowat The High float of Living-11100mm le the word totday. Make your old garments do instead of purchasing new ones, Have them dry cleaned and pressed, Ary cleaning when properly done lengthen the life of garments, preserves their fresh now appearance and eats AO A Iliallifeatant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be filmiest at frequent intervals. My Wardrobe, Goderioh St., Eleaforth, Opp, queen's Hotel. Mr. kJ, thesbrook has disposed of farm in Tuoltersmith to Air, C. /381 1. Mrs, Smart of John St. has return od from a vielt to friends lo. Detroit. Mr, Frank Doherty has retnroeti from Toroo to. fMiss Jessie Scott of Holatein is Via, iting at her hoe e itiRoxboro, Mrs, Edward Walters of Clinton announces the engagement of her daughter, Sadie Helen, to Mr, John A, Horton of Seaforth, -the marriage to take place in November, Miss Scott, organist of the North St, Methodist Church, who is sojouru,og at her home 'tear Seaforth motored to town on Tuesday acooinpanied by Mrs,Hay, Mos, MacDonnell and Mies Nei - lands of Seaforth and Mies Lamb of St, Thomas —Goderioh Star; Mr, R. H, Goldhawk was officially notified on Saturday that his sonTroop er W. D, Goldhawk had been wounded and was in No. 2 Australian Hospital Winereaux suffering ftom gas wounds. TW E SEAPORT11 NEWS . , . 11 . „ „ • . • ^ '"‘""•• • 4:4'0,1' .4.'• \`' - as -sato- , 0, Miss Florence Thompson of Toronto is vieiting at her home here. Mr. Rugh McIntosh and Air. Wet- laffer of Toronto also Mr. 4, L, -Rogers of Oshawa were here attending. the fiinertel of Mr. Finlay Mclutenh. Mr A. •E, McIntosh of. Torbuto soot a few days with his lordlier Mrs. Jas. McIntosh. Mr W. &Me of Torooto was a week end visitor at at the borne of his mot- her Mrs J. P. Brills., Mrs, W. Westoott returned recently from spending the slimmer in tbe West, Mr 0, L. Williams has returned from Toronto Miss Janet Govenlook of Coldwater is visiting her parents Mr. and Mra. J. 101, Govenloolc, Miss G'1 venlook has accepted a position on the staff of the Goderioh Collegiate institute. Mr and Mrs, Aberhart of Hibbert have sold their farm and intend moving into Egmondvillo for the winter Mr. F, Neelie is still confined to hie home through Moose. Mrs. E. Crawford ItiaoLetinan and little daughter who have been visiting her parents Major and Airs II, S,Ilays returned on Friday to their home jo Baden. • Misses -Ella and Mabel Turnbull and Mise Olive Rankin left on Monday for Toronto to attend the Faculty of Ed- ucation which 1 e-opeos this week. Mrs. W. Folatex' is visiting her daughtor Airs. I, Kruse of Galt, Mr. jack Vau Egraond is seriously Ill with pneumonia, Miss Kate Cowan returned to Toron• to this week to attend tho Lloiversity, Overmeits Christmas Boxos--Thwe who have ptothiseci to donate tektite for tile Christmas boxes of Seaforth soldiers 1.11701.88(111 are asked to send 'he cakes to the imam ies on Monday Nox 1 other 1 anytime after ton o'clock a, no, as the boxes innut he away by the xfith of INevember the packing will be done as 80011 as possible during the intervening daye The Auxiliary will be pleased to have any, who re) cleeire, gee the bexee when being packed, Ensign Doherty and Falvey Whit- field will lesvo Thursday November 7th for Clinton, Ensign Doherty wishes to thank the feiends of Seaforth for the kindness. shown 1E. 1.1.0h1 while FU-Seaforth. They will be 6110- oucttlai1 by Lieutenant Loirrht, Pte, Geo. Stevouson o.s we•eoined by Reeve Harburn, on Flit? ty iast 00 his retuto from the froot. PI w 1.11ew of his arrival but they were at the station. At the Town Boll Revs, Air, Moyer mid Dr Larkin made addiesses of welcome. The returned hero saw muoh heavy lighting aod lost an com last, Spring. Messrs 11, and 0. Dawson, Detroit; W, S. Stacey, Hamilton; 0. Banghnnan, Wallacteburg; Alta A, 0. Al °teed, Lon. don aud Mra, Martha Bowie of North nay were here attending the (nomad of the late J. A', Reid. • •• .,::,14788earawescs441..488488441.848/844.^0..424*.u=4.sma • 0 •• • 44:4' • 5.1/ • •- : -•'".:..,....7.••;•;•••••••...„.Z.4.-4..ts,...; . . • .. ,..• ' '''''l `;',.. ,',7,;;;;;"'''.'"•••.k•A*1.Y•t"..".••= " .* . :., .....:'‘• ..;'''''.P:.:;.1.r.lai,;;',,, :.• •' • :: ; ':..., ••ai.-TtV — • ' • - • ' " • • e •:',;‘,,a -e•-• • 11•409110.111*IMMO6104 - • _ o.^1517,, 87-s-, : -1 :- '' ^ •7 -"if e:, , 1 P ' :I , P, , ,...._•-..4-' -, ...,.. 4.'.,, Q'e1,14,.E1,4s-- 4ereaw."' The ViCtury Ln is a bridge over \"hiLh th...3 farmers of Can - da drive their hogs, their cattle, their gn.,in and ail their surplus cro:,s to the, profitable British market. For, the money raised by the Vic!.;ory Loan enables Canada togive credit to Great Britain. And only by means of that cred- it can (13.re.at Pri:min buy the. “.luct3 of C...na.da's farms. Therefo,-.. 7.-rYla come for - call and that her vig- ;37.H.•,; the war, your - ;diet self and the whole farming community. It is the duty of every earnest Canadian not only to invest heavily in Victory Bonds 1918, but to work among his neigh- bors to make the loan a success. Before the subscription lists close, every man should realize the sterling character of the investment; the good interest return of S; the undoubted security offered in the Bonds of this wealthy nation; and the vital importance to all C)P,Sin of people, particularly to farm- ers, of the Victory Loan 1918. , • E4•''•4'.•° ,6; , 11:1_ . • , • ' - Mr, 1. 10, Reid returned to his honos in Maple Creek, Sask. on Monday, There will a service of Mower 141 an lbaultsgivieg in the Seaforth Presbys tartan Church next Sunday morning. Evening subject, "Religion a Loyalty.' Mr. C. Monkman, U, /I, Navy of Chicago was the point of Mr and Mrs, John Spreat, Mr. Robert Imes has returned from a trip to the West, We are pleased to learn that, Mr. A Close in recovering from a serious at; tack of influenza. Mr auti Mrs Stone were Stratford visit ere Ode week, iVlueli sympathy is ex. pressed with Alias Christioe. McTavish in the death of her brother, Air Roy MacTavish who WAS oue of the passengs 011.8 00 the Steamer Princess Sophia which sank recently near Skaguay ou a trip from Alaska to Vanootiver. Air, Mac:ravish was a fernier pupil of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute and 11158 employed at one time its olerk in 'the drug store of Mr T V Fear, , Mr 13 Neelin is 11A It110 parent at plesent. •. t t.t• it,11 !•„tt-o• Mrs, Cassels wh...;71118 loon 0vieitor at her home here loaves 11118 worst for B meson le, W, N. Koechiel 18 moving his family to Stratford, For Freedom and 'the Bight A meeting of the Seaforth Fatmers, Club will be hold in the Sepaeate ALLIES" Scheel Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday evening next at 8 o'cluck Long Standing Asthma. Alany have suffered so long from asthma and have tried so many so-called remedies thoa, think that there is no real help for them, They should Toed the letters re oeived by the rnanufaoturers of Dr, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from bun drods of cages as desperate as tion' own 20 /011 111 Tong negleoted oasee this fam- ous preparation twinge proinpt holp, Wise mothers who litiow the virtues of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator always have it on hand, betimes° it proves itirtmlue, When Holloway's Corn Cure is appli ed to tho born or wart it kills the roots and the callosity oomes out without in Jury to the tlesh, "THE The above is the title of a most interesting War Album issued 'I'I,o Fatully Herald and Weekly Star, of Alontreal. It is brimful of meinl lotorination from cover to cover '1 ho front cover page is a moat beautiful design em- bracing the flags of flags of all the Alliee. It is a clever artistic effort. The Album contains tho flags in oolots of all tho Allies. It -tells in full the story of the "Union Jaelt" and "Old Glory". It gives the date and 00/18011 for entry of each of the allies into the War. Et gives the system of Govern- ment of (snob, nolo population, /MA, 00 010. It oontaius the Nntione Senge of Great Britatn, Franoe and the United Staten, as wellAs a great many of the popular songs 811811 118 "T11111(11181:.,8 'Long 1 g "civt:r There," , 1, ' 11 (NW. 18.1118 0 diary Of (1)0 V('811 sition its corn- monealw,nt up to to time of going to going to press, with blank epaee on Whjoh the revipb.i:t nittp future- vists 31,41 lav, the clomp!, t,' history, Tho Album is alio you. would, buy on sight at any leasonahlo 1,0t, is not for saio. It 14 al,so'utoly fvf..). to all who sub-Heribt, te The Fikblib ulti anti 0Vot-lily Stm. 1)' i :1 I 11. rh,_‘ 3 1110 ly selleciiptiou prim) 1I $1.25, V1.0 11800 mado a nnibbing epttlbinativr. with the Family Herald at.d can offot that grout Weoli!y with o Album spa. Noss for $11,50, The otfor of tato Album fur a Hunted time -only. Order now and oure uf a copy, The Family Herald does ,lot ooutinue euoh an offer indefinitely. A sample of the Album may Ise seen at thioffice, " : - • Peevish, pale, restless and sickly children owe their condition to worm+, Mother tiraves' Worm Exterminator tot I relieve them and rewire health, Victory Loan 1918 It is the duty of every citizen to purchase Victory Bonds, and this Bank is prepared to assist wage earners by making loans for this purpose on the most favorable terms, Wherever possible, the bonds will be held for safe -keeping, on behalf of small sub- scribers, for one year, without charge, 'THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE seator-b3a. iiBraa:Lo_t J. 0, MULLEN, Manager anill/1011.111110• W, L Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of goy- ermnent Diploma and Licenne Day or Night calle receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " GEMINI ym."/Y teie4,1 STRATFORD, ONT. Lady.graduates of last'terrn are ndw earning as high ae $18 and even$20 a week, while young men are earn- ingstill better salaries. We can no; meet thedemand for trained help. Write us at once for partionl ars regarding our Commertnal, Shorthand or Telegraphy _Depart- ment. Students may enter an any t 8, W J ELLIOTT 0 A McLAcHA2 PR ibENT PRINCIPAL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, ConatIpation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels;how much your Lead Relies, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowele—you always get relief with Cascaras. They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the 'our, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter go...tid poison from the intestines and bowels, A 1 0-eent box from your drug- gist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head.clear 'Mr months. They werk while yon sleep. FOR STILE ellETUP Frame Hose, 7 rooms and p ditry snintoor kitchen and oollar, Haul told soft water, Eleotric lights, large ve- randah. Stable Id' xj 12' Leo :house Apply at the Nows mhos i 1 "14.1.aa•PAI,......41.1.aaReS,WOWR For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is ;situated ou Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is know') as the Purcell property, Good oora- fortable hones, good shed, good well and cement eistern, All kinds of fruit treee, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro petty with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of ooltivation. This is a oice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. Fos partionlars apply on. the premises or 0) John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH JOHN RANKIN Bonds for sale bearing interest from 6 to 7 p. c. —ha lf yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. No ex pense to investor. All information cheerfully given, JOH RAI • Bond and Debenture Broker Alain Street, Seaforth Phone 1 a CREAM WANTED I 888818:848 solid your Orson te os and ueteive, hip prieett, We are renuitig 0 lir plant lid year through food can your foll:eupply,and furnish you with e:ine • We pay twice each month tool weigh sample and test each elm (1 01.08111 cur - fully. Our motto is " Honesty to to.. Pabrons" Patrons are requested to re urn all our mons whoa not in nee, 1.1ttor an 113utton-x:1Hk A13:. CM 11811(1 11:1 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH rVIA R IC MT Good Milling Wheat...,........... $2.1 Bean bet. Shorts per tun . 41 Eggs 311-4o • Hoge to farmers .. 18 On On Sale Everywhere —There he country morohanta she do not keep Dr Thomas' litolootrie Oil, though they are few and far between, and these may auggeet that some other oil le just as good. There is nothing so good an a liniment or as an internal medicine in oertain oases. Take no other, The demand for it allows that it is the only popular oil. Local Agent Wanted for the "old Reliable" FONTI1 ILL NURSERIES • ._ '111-Ousands of OrcIn cl trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissiols, Exper- ience not necessary, STONE & WELLINGTON (Established [837) TORONTO, ONT, ' i. 4181,01118111144‘84181811/814448.088881444818488(411.0444 fProwit . Topics 0-0.......„,,,.., tem iteasiosteseseessoomovietiweltestowat The High float of Living-11100mm le the word totday. Make your old garments do instead of purchasing new ones, Have them dry cleaned and pressed, Ary cleaning when properly done lengthen the life of garments, preserves their fresh now appearance and eats AO A Iliallifeatant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be filmiest at frequent intervals. My Wardrobe, Goderioh St., Eleaforth, Opp, queen's Hotel. Mr. kJ, thesbrook has disposed of farm in Tuoltersmith to Air, C. /381 1. Mrs, Smart of John St. has return od from a vielt to friends lo. Detroit. Mr, Frank Doherty has retnroeti from Toroo to. fMiss Jessie Scott of Holatein is Via, iting at her hoe e itiRoxboro, Mrs, Edward Walters of Clinton announces the engagement of her daughter, Sadie Helen, to Mr, John A, Horton of Seaforth, -the marriage to take place in November, Miss Scott, organist of the North St, Methodist Church, who is sojouru,og at her home 'tear Seaforth motored to town on Tuesday acooinpanied by Mrs,Hay, Mos, MacDonnell and Mies Nei - lands of Seaforth and Mies Lamb of St, Thomas —Goderioh Star; Mr, R. H, Goldhawk was officially notified on Saturday that his sonTroop er W. D, Goldhawk had been wounded and was in No. 2 Australian Hospital Winereaux suffering ftom gas wounds. TW E SEAPORT11 NEWS . , . 11 . „ „ • . • ^ '"‘""•• • 4:4'0,1' .4.'• \`' - as -sato- , 0, Miss Florence Thompson of Toronto is vieiting at her home here. Mr. Rugh McIntosh and Air. Wet- laffer of Toronto also Mr. 4, L, -Rogers of Oshawa were here attending. the fiinertel of Mr. Finlay Mclutenh. Mr A. •E, McIntosh of. Torbuto soot a few days with his lordlier Mrs. Jas. McIntosh. Mr W. &Me of Torooto was a week end visitor at at the borne of his mot- her Mrs J. P. Brills., Mrs, W. Westoott returned recently from spending the slimmer in tbe West, Mr 0, L. Williams has returned from Toronto Miss Janet Govenlook of Coldwater is visiting her parents Mr. and Mra. J. 101, Govenloolc, Miss G'1 venlook has accepted a position on the staff of the Goderioh Collegiate institute. Mr and Mrs, Aberhart of Hibbert have sold their farm and intend moving into Egmondvillo for the winter Mr. F, Neelie is still confined to hie home through Moose. Mrs. E. Crawford ItiaoLetinan and little daughter who have been visiting her parents Major and Airs II, S,Ilays returned on Friday to their home jo Baden. • Misses -Ella and Mabel Turnbull and Mise Olive Rankin left on Monday for Toronto to attend the Faculty of Ed- ucation which 1 e-opeos this week. Mrs. W. Folatex' is visiting her daughtor Airs. I, Kruse of Galt, Mr. jack Vau Egraond is seriously Ill with pneumonia, Miss Kate Cowan returned to Toron• to this week to attend tho Lloiversity, Overmeits Christmas Boxos--Thwe who have ptothiseci to donate tektite for tile Christmas boxes of Seaforth soldiers 1.11701.88(111 are asked to send 'he cakes to the imam ies on Monday Nox 1 other 1 anytime after ton o'clock a, no, as the boxes innut he away by the xfith of INevember the packing will be done as 80011 as possible during the intervening daye The Auxiliary will be pleased to have any, who re) cleeire, gee the bexee when being packed, Ensign Doherty and Falvey Whit- field will lesvo Thursday November 7th for Clinton, Ensign Doherty wishes to thank the feiends of Seaforth for the kindness. shown 1E. 1.1.0h1 while FU-Seaforth. They will be 6110- oucttlai1 by Lieutenant Loirrht, Pte, Geo. Stevouson o.s we•eoined by Reeve Harburn, on Flit? ty iast 00 his retuto from the froot. PI w 1.11ew of his arrival but they were at the station. At the Town Boll Revs, Air, Moyer mid Dr Larkin made addiesses of welcome. The returned hero saw muoh heavy lighting aod lost an com last, Spring. Messrs 11, and 0. Dawson, Detroit; W, S. Stacey, Hamilton; 0. Banghnnan, Wallacteburg; Alta A, 0. Al °teed, Lon. don aud Mra, Martha Bowie of North nay were here attending the (nomad of the late J. A', Reid. • •• .,::,14788earawescs441..488488441.848/844.^0..424*.u=4.sma • 0 •• • 44:4' • 5.1/ • •- : -•'".:..,....7.••;•;•••••••...„.Z.4.-4..ts,...; . . • .. ,..• ' '''''l `;',.. ,',7,;;;;;"'''.'"•••.k•A*1.Y•t"..".••= " .* . :., .....:'‘• ..;'''''.P:.:;.1.r.lai,;;',,, :.• •' • :: ; ':..., ••ai.-TtV — • ' • - • ' " • • e •:',;‘,,a -e•-• • 11•409110.111*IMMO6104 - • _ o.^1517,, 87-s-, : -1 :- '' ^ •7 -"if e:, , 1 P ' :I , P, , ,...._•-..4-' -, ...,.. 4.'.,, Q'e1,14,.E1,4s-- 4ereaw."' The ViCtury Ln is a bridge over \"hiLh th...3 farmers of Can - da drive their hogs, their cattle, their gn.,in and ail their surplus cro:,s to the, profitable British market. For, the money raised by the Vic!.;ory Loan enables Canada togive credit to Great Britain. And only by means of that cred- it can (13.re.at Pri:min buy the. “.luct3 of C...na.da's farms. Therefo,-.. 7.-rYla come for - call and that her vig- ;37.H.•,; the war, your - ;diet self and the whole farming community. It is the duty of every earnest Canadian not only to invest heavily in Victory Bonds 1918, but to work among his neigh- bors to make the loan a success. Before the subscription lists close, every man should realize the sterling character of the investment; the good interest return of S; the undoubted security offered in the Bonds of this wealthy nation; and the vital importance to all C)P,Sin of people, particularly to farm- ers, of the Victory Loan 1918. , • E4•''•4'.•° ,6; , 11:1_ . • , • ' - Mr, 1. 10, Reid returned to his honos in Maple Creek, Sask. on Monday, There will a service of Mower 141 an lbaultsgivieg in the Seaforth Presbys tartan Church next Sunday morning. Evening subject, "Religion a Loyalty.' Mr. C. Monkman, U, /I, Navy of Chicago was the point of Mr and Mrs, John Spreat, Mr. Robert Imes has returned from a trip to the West, We are pleased to learn that, Mr. A Close in recovering from a serious at; tack of influenza. Mr auti Mrs Stone were Stratford visit ere Ode week, iVlueli sympathy is ex. pressed with Alias Christioe. McTavish in the death of her brother, Air Roy MacTavish who WAS oue of the passengs 011.8 00 the Steamer Princess Sophia which sank recently near Skaguay ou a trip from Alaska to Vanootiver. Air, Mac:ravish was a fernier pupil of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute and 11158 employed at one time its olerk in 'the drug store of Mr T V Fear, , Mr 13 Neelin is 11A It110 parent at plesent. •. t t.t• it,11 !•„tt-o• Mrs, Cassels wh...;71118 loon 0vieitor at her home here loaves 11118 worst for B meson le, W, N. Koechiel 18 moving his family to Stratford, For Freedom and 'the Bight A meeting of the Seaforth Fatmers, Club will be hold in the Sepaeate ALLIES" Scheel Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday evening next at 8 o'cluck Long Standing Asthma. Alany have suffered so long from asthma and have tried so many so-called remedies thoa, think that there is no real help for them, They should Toed the letters re oeived by the rnanufaoturers of Dr, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from bun drods of cages as desperate as tion' own 20 /011 111 Tong negleoted oasee this fam- ous preparation twinge proinpt holp, Wise mothers who litiow the virtues of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator always have it on hand, betimes° it proves itirtmlue, When Holloway's Corn Cure is appli ed to tho born or wart it kills the roots and the callosity oomes out without in Jury to the tlesh, "THE The above is the title of a most interesting War Album issued 'I'I,o Fatully Herald and Weekly Star, of Alontreal. It is brimful of meinl lotorination from cover to cover '1 ho front cover page is a moat beautiful design em- bracing the flags of flags of all the Alliee. It is a clever artistic effort. The Album contains tho flags in oolots of all tho Allies. It -tells in full the story of the "Union Jaelt" and "Old Glory". It gives the date and 00/18011 for entry of each of the allies into the War. Et gives the system of Govern- ment of (snob, nolo population, /MA, 00 010. It oontaius the Nntione Senge of Great Britatn, Franoe and the United Staten, as wellAs a great many of the popular songs 811811 118 "T11111(11181:.,8 'Long 1 g "civt:r There," , 1, ' 11 (NW. 18.1118 0 diary Of (1)0 V('811 sition its corn- monealw,nt up to to time of going to going to press, with blank epaee on Whjoh the revipb.i:t nittp future- vists 31,41 lav, the clomp!, t,' history, Tho Album is alio you. would, buy on sight at any leasonahlo 1,0t, is not for saio. It 14 al,so'utoly fvf..). to all who sub-Heribt, te The Fikblib ulti anti 0Vot-lily Stm. 1)' i :1 I 11. rh,_‘ 3 1110 ly selleciiptiou prim) 1I $1.25, V1.0 11800 mado a nnibbing epttlbinativr. with the Family Herald at.d can offot that grout Weoli!y with o Album spa. Noss for $11,50, The otfor of tato Album fur a Hunted time -only. Order now and oure uf a copy, The Family Herald does ,lot ooutinue euoh an offer indefinitely. A sample of the Album may Ise seen at thioffice, " : - • Peevish, pale, restless and sickly children owe their condition to worm+, Mother tiraves' Worm Exterminator tot I relieve them and rewire health,