HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-07, Page 4THE. SEAS' Tbsilr idel�° N�1v''i11k�. i rt, 1 wieDicm. 892Lagon0RoyblOLou'k*fZ L,' ittbPtiondi+RNeesoye, Ear, Nose Thx it, 6'1t4sesideaoe behind Pomtolop Bank, Quo Pltelie No, 6, lees den0e Phone Re, lot 14l'den4tis Gloss 0I1 6tteet4eaat oil thQ ndr MotIL odht Citaxeh, (`crone.lor Qottutl of Huron T®il'.'hena't1o' 40. lilt, B(Q`ll l 1UA0l*AY, PhYslelaus. and Surgeons, (doderlch Street, oppoa to Meths' church. Seaforth, Ron, graduate Victoria 11011 Ann Arbor, and MemberotOntario 001108eol Phyelotans and Surgeons, t'oroner for County 01 BUren, la 86S$1', honor graduate Trinity Uulveraity, oflllegTs1tnniSrsOtatnr Coenyieiad Surgeons, Member D1l 1;1;0, FIEILEbiA i, Osteopthic 400(8110 in Women's and Children's diseases and Rheumatic troubles, acute and chronic dlsord era, Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re- moved without iheknife. Consultation free. Royal hotel To erlay, F ann. 10; p.m ;Friday 8 a.m, to 0pm Issued by JOHN Marriage Licelrses andoptician Rea, 0110 In gamin'n1 !ril I ks rance Illyonarc, at postcard d will get our rateAccident? 3. D. 131(eML1 Y. General Ascot for London Life Insurance Co, nd 1 mesial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seatorth, Ont. fames Watson General Fire, Lite and Accident Insurance Agent, dealer Sewing Machines, Mai THE NicKILL©P Mutual Fire Insurance Co Farm and isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS J as. t'nnnol:y, t.oderith, President, lames Evens, Beachwood, Vice -President, Taonlas Hays, aeatorth. Sac: Treas. Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve Winthrop W. Rina, Constance• Tobn Benaewelo _ _ ...... Bredghasen• Robert Ferris, iiarlockt Malcom Me -'eon, Clinton; r, MccartoeF Sesror18 fames Connolly, Goderlch: Jas. Evans. Beechwood General Observations IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. • SEAPORT1l, 010. Phone 84 itventer 156 OMNI SUBSCRIPTION Ono dollarerpear. strictly laadyanee If 'unpaid ion a van0o, one dol\at and a half will be oharged, United Statea papers, fifty cents extra. 010108ly to advanced, When subscribers ehaange th01r address notice should bo dent as lmmedletely,10108 both the old and the pew address, Sub. of 'scribers Irregularity of dellretconfer a favor y nocUying no Reading Notices—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money 18 to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tag News without charge. The price ter the Inter, tion of busloess announcements Is TEN partiesp havh gntnotncontract Ifor display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion for church `t society and entertainment Ilead1n0 louts' Card of Thanks 5 to 9 Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices—Ten canto per line for first insertion and pre tents per line for each subseouot Insertion. Yearly eardo—Professional Cards not exceeding one Inch, will be Inserted for 55,00 Per year, parable strictly 1n advance Disploy anivartl•Ing—Rates furnished on application, Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid," and those sent without written Instructions will appear until ratan orders are received for their dls• continuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publeher accepts, no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Lettere on relt- eat all xceepttopics pwild advertisill not ng, plainly marked se such. The rate for each matter Is ten cents per Ilne. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Aponte Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E, Hlnchley, Seafortl' 8illfam Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Vet 3plmesvate; R. G. Jarmoutb, Brodhagee: Jacor Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transit other business will be promptlyttroded to t eppltattlon to eny of the above officers, address- ee their respective posto0Ecen. M' &lip ' N 'Ice 5 its. jorurr .11 P i11 I'S LifilIMEli) U7),„ ="-•LIMITED.--1 f(tesep0To nutmeat/nate�y,I j R�j7 QI1T k+•S. ' 5t Al baa The Original and Only Genuine Beware 0 *1i. 1t is amusing to see the different con st'uctlons put 0n the recent election on The Mantoolin, The Liberals claim it is a Iib rel victory, although the lead- ing Liberals on the Island supported Mr. B. 8. Turner. Sortie of 'the Conservative papers say. the Island is Mennonite and chose one of their own, when in fact this demottination is very sparse on the Island. Others say it is hatred of the Military Service Act, though few counties have given as many o sidiers In proportion to population , The fact is diet the election is One which may occur at any time in a Of democratic nation, The farmers felt Imilatiofls that it was their turn to elect a farmer atal shay slid Su for the Island. No 111011, 10 more popular than 1Vir. 'I'ltlt.er� the defeated canditdate, Ile is wide-! it' known 81,d woad have made an ex-' G'.. ,Ii•il `. E0( -'-01l1 2121 0 1 0, He w110 Hi211lnly a 1/011712 tit t'1lt' allHt;:1:C,0 '11 :' is - Sold on the Merits of Minard's Liniment r O° sate CIZA TON COAL uG/. 1. Gil', Si: il'Qsi gp?. Phone 1.30 B smmess Without a proper saatm of attvef - ti sin is like a motor without the •t• 'p4Wer. Seat Oh News ND va1a'1'1SEi ieNTS will supply the 'required energy phone - M evlealaJs127 • 1 Farmers of Canada Have Much at Stake In the Victory Loan I" . ii .a •"YtU n till alai 0' 010.11 Want - ..el-rn oe. 1 '1'.• L1.II there , e t:•a rt, 1•.110 1' •,'. (:11 not 1/ata it. 1' n Ct.'ir:tr 11• 01.1; Ilnn1L:,011 1t,' I,011r'e j•ot,1,1di the; this ;h, hrs- ... .rat6r 101 an). th- Money From Loan Needed to Finance Exports of Farm Products to Britain. The Canadian farmer stands to gain or lose much through the suc- cess of failure of the Victory Loan, He is ntuell more dependent on it for the ready stile of his products than Lias generally been realized. Some there are, even to -day, who tail to grasp the facts of the situation. It is a mistaken Idea that all a farther has to do these days is to raise grain, cattle, hogs; or produce cheese, butter or eggs and he Is sure to and a ready market at high cash prices. A keen demand for these 611.0..1, H. GUNDY, Vice-chairman or the Dominion Victory Loan Committee, and a strong leader In the campaign. products, of course, exists, and Great Britain will take alt of them that Canada has to spare; but the de mends of the war have been so heavy that she cannot pay cash for all these things. She must have credit. It is here that the Dominion Govern- ment steps In, and provides the cash, obtaining the necessary funds through the Victory Loan. The farmers should be as enthus- iastic over the Victory Loan cam- paign as any other class. If it is not a decided success they stand to lose heavily. But 11 they subscribe to it liberally and endeavor to gel others to do so, its complete success is assured, BTJY MORE VICTORY BONDS. PRAIRIE FARMERS' MXAJ•I:PLIS. Saskatchewan, which is al- most a purely agricultural pro- vince, has given a splendid lead to the rest of the Dominion. Owing to file crop failure in sev- eral of the districts, the allot- ment for the Province in the Vic- tory Loan drive was placed at $15,000,000. Recently those in charge of the provincial organi- zation said that they would not think of getting less than $22,000,000. BONDS OR BONDAGE. Canadians at Home Mug Do Their Utmost I* is F„, Them (o i)emnt'ntratc 'That the Spirit of the Boys Over There 'Exists at Home, Canadians at holm,' 0)11007 do their Utmost in the 1 ielo,y Loon cirivl,, for the boys in Fry, n> 1 king an: These brave fellow. 1 ;. (.r the of the• Frohn Fusl Commisslon&o 011,101.10,, The offioe of Fuel Commissioner wilt be opened ou Monday Nor, I0tb, 1918' in the Carnegie Library, Office 080819n00 front door. Office hours A 8, m, to 1. p, m, and Jp,in to5p,m, The Commissioner wishes to impress upon eonsumere the following facto, 1st That on receipt of advise that coal ie available is available for delivery, cash mast be handed in the offioe to ensure prompt delivery, No goal de. livered until paid for. and The Ontario Fuel Adminietrator advises the keel Enol Commissioner on 8X01011 of the reduced Ontario allot- ment, due to hufluenzn, labor shortage Std, , it is most essential that every ootlsnmer protect himeelf by laying in a sup. ly of soft coal to Mum with an. tlhraoite that they are now using. Bet. ter bum hard and eoft opal nuforeed new than burn soft eosi later iu the 0689011, No carrying of (mai, All our customers will be treated exs actly the same, No exceptions will be made 00)401' any circumstance, • The local eituation is such that it will take the oo.operation of all users of and the dealers to get opal this com- ing seasdn. Your hardships are small' compared to those we are having to contend with But we shall continue to bear t11e111 and sepply you with your neldld coal just se long no we are able to get it for you. J. A, STEWVART, Coal Commissioner, Brutal Army, 0'-11:' 11r11:e carnet -1 all (1 '-01 n 1he111 n11.11 tIte list. throe '.)11 OE 1l0lths, 111el01 u u L., Paointed 111 1Lrz folks at holo, 1t •..1•.1 b„ de'11ton• - '1•ai,tl to 1 licht 1 , 0'1)1(1 .•v- h"st.a} 6410, 'bnI,ii III the 1.1 lin l( in bn Gxln I nine on di,'•1,,. front. S ,nes .n, 1lertln{ '71, ro is no t e' -o, nut;onting .. -,,. .11'• l 1it,00- il1'811:1,70. t' )-11o3 0, 1:,) 0 r7,nflllnt 1)chr„ 1 --r 111 thr fat t rrlu,h t.:tn,diaus 1 pr,) .,,.111', If • 1,t.! 11 II' 11111111s ,:1,1,'2„. ,erten t' . •lisinc t• , it There i.• r-, 1'. •:l- ter there tori i 1,1 1' 1.,= 1 11113 ill it.-ar - thio-, Ifl t o n n u„> tenting P abo'1t it, nal 1n • i, L ty Lunn is • ati.1 ,, <';-, its ,n rS trtn'v. pat over. Il Will b.% tor 11 Limit be. 1, :l, STl,41.4R'T, 11UY BONUti Pull VICI' ORY. 17.11 111,E VV. The call is uww P•,ni,le ' a ,' P Everybody teems to b' ricin ll. Why shouldn't they The ean:le to worth doubling up for. Be:ride, , It would b« inip0,, 1ble to I,e t In b •'tor in v0...4,- 0110111. It's bolter than the Alli 160110 were offered. for their Fourth fdborty bonds bear only 41.1 per wfler•t'aq 01114 t' 1I I J a 3e., .i0 •doubling up” to the correct thing. 10 is palliotie, and .11.,) ,recd buoinn d. h,iuble tip. Getting Around It. "What would happen If au irresistible force should meet un immovable body 7" "It is not. nese:ssary for anything to happen. I maintain that arbitration is always feasible." Louisville Courier. Journal, Tried Gadby—I am sati.,6ed of tine thing. Our forbears certainly did pass their time at home 10.'=1t m1(' rnfortably. Snappertite—ITolt do you knew? Gad- by—I've been buy;n.g it lot of antique furniture.—Browulna's Magazine. Some Resemblance. "Lightning rotes in one respect are tike waiters." "What's that?" "They won't give good service unless they are well tipped,"— Baltimore American., 16.1221.29,1111 TI11i CRISIS. Your country needs your un- cial help to meet its crisis to -day. You may need financial re- sources to meet a possible crisis in your affairs later on, There is one safe, sane, sure way to meet either kind of crisis, In taking It you discharge your duty to your -country and to yourself. Take it to -day, Buy Victory Bonds. Buy all you can. IalUND TO CANADA, The death occured in Exeter ou Sun. (lay last of Mrs, Ann Sseawell I 91 years, The deceased had been in ill. health for some time and had the mis- fortune tin is-fortune'EO itc>1 and injure her lisp, Pte, 3obn IffeConnel et Grey Town - 'Ship is.:,teporf`dd'miesing. He enlisted three years Ago in Brandon, Manitoba, and has been serving overseas shies, Atelier and Mrs. Caption of the 3rd line, Morris township have moved into Brussels to make their borne with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollard. House to Rent A seven roomed house to rent with cellar, soft water. Apply to Conrad Eckert, Phone 238 r 14, Auction Sale of farm Lands in the Township of McKillop teffeetelee tiliaa 1180119 ILathwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N'nt Rothwell of Crary brook passed away at her }tome during the past week, after a brief ilhleso of Isesed09 followed by pneumonia, She wee borrtin Goderich 'Township and woe aged 27 years. Mr peotge Porter of Stratford who is an expreee 00Peeenger on the run he- tweon Buffalo and Goderieb, met with a eerions accident near Buffalo on Thursday, when hie auto was struck by a atl'eet oar and his skull was fractured. It was expected that he would succeed the express agent at Mitoholl, who hos l•oelgned. The death 000l1Cred in Clinton on Saturday last of Mise Kate McTaggart, after an illness of more than two menthe. For many years she was dir- ector of the Horticultural Sootety, The Exeter Flax Mill which has been owned 'and operated by .err George Kellerman of Deshwood has been pur- 0(1asecl by the Ontario Flax Company, Mary Aohesou wife of Mr, Joseph 0, Landry of Exeter passed away in that place after au illness lusting over a period of three weeps, with the Witten. za• She was married in .June, 19 8, and was 51 years of age' She is ear. vivet 1 by three brothers anti two,(eia- ters, Goderich 'Township lost one of its oldest citizens by the death of Thomas Elliott of the Bayfield Road, Mr. Elliott was 96 years of age at the /time of his death. He was a native of Ire. laud and after coming to Canada with his father, bought tile farm he owned at his death from the Canada Com- pany in 1850 and proceeded to hew a home for ltimeeif out of the forest, Mr Elliott was the father of ,Dight children, of whom one son and seven danghters are living. • Mrs, Elliott diets eight years ago. Up to a week before his death he was able to attend to small duties on the farm, He had no illness but jest wore out and went to sleep Ilk. a child•. Last week the Brussels Poet remark• ed: "On the 35th of October 45 year ago snow fell in this locality and nev- er left until the following spring. The farmers were unable to dig their pot- atoes but the tubers came through the winter all right and gladdened the heart of more than Irishmen," 181r, 0, ,f 8 Loynes, some time ago manager of the Dungannon branch of the Sterling Bauk, but lately of the head offioe staff, has been appointed manager of the Goderich Brauuh of that bank, with supervision over the six bream, es in this district. An unfortunate accident 000urred at Camp Custer Battle Creek, Stich, ; when Corp. C. Mason, son of Charles RIasen, London and nephew of bits,. Wilt Mason of Clinton, was shot and instantly killed. The weather bad been unfavorable for outside drill 811d the machine gunners were studying the army rifle in the barracks, using dum- my ammunition, Ll O3By sumo means a live cartridge slipped in among the dummies and whet, a sultlier pulled the trigger a ballot atruok young Ma- son in th-) head. lulling hint 7'etanr. There will be offered for sale by pub. lie auction at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Seaforth on Saturday the pith day of November 1918 at 2 P. 51. by Mr, Thornae Brown, altotlolleer the following laude, nanlely— Ist—The east, half of Lot 17 111 the Sid CP1100001011 of the Township of Me Kiliop, 2n,1—Tho south half. of Lot 17 in the 2nd (.)o77eeSsiptl of the Township of Mc:. li i l l c•1,, 3rd—The southerly twenty acres of the wrest half of Lot 16 in the 21'0 Con,'esoiun of the Township of 0101< l - lop. 4t1 --The northerly ten acres nt Lot It, in the let Uouee„eion of the - Township of ;sleKillop, '('1:181818 O1' 8ALE The purchaser tit the time of sale w1(1 he required to pay to the Vendor or his Solicitor a deposit, equal to ten percent of 1110 purchase 1nOt1Oyr and a further sum to make nil 0010 1ta:f of his purchase money within thirty days thereafter, and to execute a mortgage upon the harm lntrehnepti for the hal. aucti of his pnrchae" money' pay'tthle in (Ire years with interest at six p:'r cent per 511100111. '('1,' purchaser will also be r>gniretl at the tune of sale to sign an agreement for the 00miilptioe of his parohaee. 1.'nrther par'ionlars and conditions of solo will be made known on the Clay of sale, and in rhe meantime may be ob• tallier] urian application to the under signed, Dated at iicatorth this 26Th clay of October 1018, I , HOLMESTED, Solicitor tor the 'Vander, Mr. and JIre, Halstead of Goderich received word Inst weak that their u"r- Ilew, George Youngt,tntt. formerly of 148111+0101, wan drowned in t a $unil•or ricer at '78001,6,, as 1111, re'aulr of a r n. 00 accidl•nt last sv+,,k. The property ie (lolc'rneh (1,61., cl by 181r, John Johnston has he u t erohrir- • esw:camnr saxvrrroxaz ,. Winth,-op Presbyterian Sunday Hervic>. 2.30 pm, Sunday school 1 18(i in Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p. es. 1. Cr last Wed. — t1onstancmethodist Rev, '1'.E. Sawyer, olutfl'. Sunday service 2 30 (1,tn, Young People's laott- 002.3 311 .netanday women's Aux, I 01y first Tuesday of every month n 30 p,00- rrt.ties' Aid last Pllnrsday of each ,oath 2.80 1).111 First(res byterian .Rev, F. Ci, Larkin „Pastor. Snuday ser6icee 11 amt. and 7 p til, Sunday school 2,30 pan, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.m, %Yemen's Miss- ionary Society`the first Tuesday in each mouth at 3 p.m. Barbara Kirkman Mie• Edon Band Srel Tuesdayin the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band ovary find Monday at 4.15 p.m. Meleiliop Presbyterian Rev. U Carswell pastor Sunday services Duffs' oharoh IL a rn Sunday cohort! 10 n,m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p,m, women's Missionary Society last Friday in 08011 month at o'clock, NOTICE Miiitarly Service Act, 1917: EMPLOYMENT OF MEN iN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARY • SERVICE ACT. The following Regulations, recently approved by the Governor General in Council, impose strict obligations upon every employer TO ASSURE HIM- SELF` THAT EACH OF HIS EMPLOYEES OF MILITARY AGE AND DESCRIPTION IS IN POSSESSION OF DOCUMENTS P R OV I N G THAT HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN DEFAULT UNDER"' THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. An employer who is charged with having a defaulter in his employ must be able to prove THAT THE MILITARY SERVICE PAPERS ISSUED BY THE REGISTRAR OR MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE EMPLOYEE IN QUES- TION WERE PRODUCED FOR HIS INSPEC- TION at the time when the employee was taken into. his employment, and that it was reasonably estab- lished to his satisfaction that the mail was not in default under the Military Service Act. It should be, clearly understood that the Canadian Registration Certificates given on June 22, 1918, at the time of general registration, in no way define the status of a man under the Military Service Act. REGULATIONS. " 106..Evt:1'y person who employs or retain, hl his service any lean NOW has tie erted 00 is absent without leave .from the Canadian. Expeditionary Force, or who is hi default In the ,performance of any obli- gation or requirement, for re- • porting or for military service, imposed upon him by the Act or Regulations, or any Procla- mation thereunder, ,hall be guilty of -an offence punishable on summitry conviction by im- prisonment not exceeding six months, or by a penalty of not less than One Hundred Dollars. and .of not more than Five Ifundred Dollars, or by both sueh imprisonment and fine, unless such person prove that he made due inquiry and that TIl'F ,.[ILITAR.Y SER- VICE PAPERS ISS1'lil) BY THE REGISTRAR ()R 'l'III: MILITARY AUTHOR1'1'II•:S '1'O 'I'lil: MAN SO EM- PLOYED OR RE'1'AINI:I) IN I -IIS SERV1('E \1-I.Ri'. PRODUCED POR 11164 IN- I4PEC'TION, incl that it 061(0 reasonably established to his satisfaction by such inquiry and papers that the than oVas 1101: a deserter or absent from the force without leave, or in Io'fault in -respect of any of the obligations or -requirements aforesaid." "106x. Every person who HARBOURS OR GONUII:ALS- ()lI IN AN Y WAY ASSISTS ANY MAN WH() IS A DE- 641?Ir l 1:R - OR ABSENT W1'111(1UT LEAVE 11111010,1 THE CANADIAN EXPE- DITIONARY: FORCE, or who is in default in the per- forn1tt11('e of any obligation or requirement for reporting or for military service imposed upon him by, the Act or Regu• latlnll0 00 atty' proclamation thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence punishable upon 5(1111mary conviction by im- prisonment not exceeding six niouth0, or by at penalty of not less than One hundred Dollar aril of not more than I''ive Hundred i)ollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine, unless ouch person prove that he wars not aware and had no reasonable ground. to suspect that the man lu1 harboured, ro11eealcd, or assisted was a deserter or absent from the forces without leave - or in default in respect of any of the obligations or requirements aforesaid." MIL['1'ARY SERI'[(.' 'BRANCH. Ore, ed by the Collegiate Board which is having It fixe, 1 1 r a0 g t u it a play);ronnd and making tennis and basket nnllemtrts on the property. rbc+ property was bou_4ht for $75,1 Mr. Jerry Maddigwe, aesio.ei,t tiger of of the Wingbam Fon'ry Con, pally died on Oetnbe6 i:: n., attar a short illness rf in01 „ .r. .;1 ,'i,iirinnon ia, Capt. and Mrs, Fee, who have had o;,arge of th • -•a?... ,. o 11rn:s its f-lode- rieh during thn,1,, • 0)1 r.;,' tear- ing that pipes this v"ool: kr a now 11+ ..x. r:Maalatmt W.s x -.-.,.-lana: c11Eii..11i? ; nine n q jr' gt t p, A51:a 5Ic�V'� t1:. elrrh • r.11 t...u,4, e h. r:• , ,11, n 00 .0a ,.. I 011.50111It-i. 1lkar:tic..a a t..I James' M At, Jannis' Ulo;r 'r, !''•ether 1 floats J 1, 1 atlt 1fnss 8,0000, JJ, , Mass ll.311, Sunday Schee! 3 p, 010. Vespore tool ituu,nlicd 1, n. 11,0 lllc s. ed Saurninent;7' p, n., St. Thomas' Bev, '1'. 11, Itr,.wu, Roder, 64unllay ...roues 1I a.m. nr,l ; pin. 1.1111111at 01h0o 1 2,311 p. 111, Wanton's Aug lican Missionary Association TUoetlay 2 3n p.m. Children'sbrnnch Saturday 2 p.m, ntcrcession services every Thursday, .0 p.m. Methodist Ilsv, 11, D. Moyer, pastor —SUNDAY School at 10;00 a m Public servioe 11 8,m, and 7p.m. PSayer Meeting '1111 ,,'oo., y 8, "For the Blood Is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFER. With any disease duo to tmfuro blood uch s Eaxoma, Scrofula, acur„y, Bad Lege, oge, Ansmeen00, ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Bolla, Pimples, aores of -any kind, Pltoa,Blood Poieon,Rhoumatian., Gout, ore„ don't e sots your time and money ,n lotions and ,,int menta which cannot get below the snrfa-e of i he .1:0,,. what you wept it, a medicine th.,t will thoroughly Gree the blood ,f the poisonous natter tvhicl, alone idi the true arse of all your sutrering, Clarke', Blood J1 ixture Is (est mil a medicine. It ), cmnposcd of ingredients width quickly expel from the blond all impurities, from whatever cause ati,ing, and l,y rendering it clean anti pure, 081 he relied on to erect a Iasah7g co:; , Mama and r/"Ni• ,eair, �, rar dr San riria ,p lt �ry .v - ye rraei. �s Ora .050yents' auetesk Pleasant 00 Oaks. l0,1J by nil rot utdrds-S' ALL. SIGN & BL000 DISEASES, t . z".n's-r:+"s.°aR4atr1:ni :}.c.L..."tFb"�' st S livation (Irony 1?. to ,•,ti'hn•+t V. 'ill Holiness in. otu•g l 1 a.m. fraise service 8 p in, 1(,:1,:.: *181.8. ice 7 p'm Childress S",.•,,.,, it(.,,,' •rt 0(850 10 a,m, Bihln e. ,....• t o m 81 . t night 141netinge--11,_,he, 0,n. Prue. meeting, 8 'a:en Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. 8 1701,0.17, pnstor,dSnorlar epr•. viols 11 a.m. ant 7 p m, Bible glass 3 p.m, Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y P M.S Union ."rd Fritiny in the month 8 p in, Women's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2,30 p.m Ladies' Aid mee a im- orediately after. ;en 43'