HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-11-07, Page 2DUST, BACTERIA, MD ODORS AND FLAVORS Iandlina the Milk and Methods of Feeding Determine the Parity of Hairy ProtlllctH, dust, bacteria, bad odors and firm Yore are four wastes so big that to -day lbho dairy interests are dealing with ilzean, ae live issues, taking steps for their elimination on every farm; and already much prevention worst hes been aeConlplished on the better class of dairy ferns, In every business where food is bodied dust means direct lowering of quality, if not aebuol spoiling. Dust- ,lassness pays. Cleanliness is next to ,profits, Dust inside a dairy barn or Malik house often indleatei faulty con- struction. When the trouble is stud- ied, and when the rause is corrected the problem of reducing the amount of sediment and ba•teria in milk will be partially solved. The president of -one of the big city milk companies recently said to the writer: "We place :more stress upon the se sent test Athan upon the bacterin eot�, because if milk is comparatively free of sedi- ment the number of bacteria, as a rule, will not be excessive," In a broad way the ceiling of the side walls and overhead of the dairy stable and milk house with lath and plaster or match- ed material will 'lead to the production of cleaner milk. Bacteria are close- ly related to dust when it comes to produeirll.; arniiary nlllk, and the same care le stable and milk house construc- tion produces as plea;;ant results. It is still impossible to produce a germ - teal milk -a few duet particles and bacteria enter the milk in south my- sterious ways that there will always be more er less trouble from such sources, but careful stable manake- ment has reduced the amount of dust and number of bacteria to such an ex- tent that the milk produced on many farms is a pure and healthful food. As .the dairy farmer understands that this sort of thine pays the incentive to aboli,h dust and bacteria becomes very direct and practical. A few dairy farmers have become and scarlet fever get into milk, Milk Interested in the fact that dust and as it comes from the healthy cow does bat eria are injurious to the health not contain these bacteria. They of their cattle. Many preventative come from the outside after the milk neasnres were introduced. In a lit- is drawn from the cow. Any person tlen while e i t t wee faun h d that the cows who has been in attendance 0n a sick produced het.er mrtk, more of it an. person cannot work among the cows edairy room without being a drawn from the eow or in the peeress of milking. The cow is not the guilty party. Milk dogs not oonle frons the cow entirely free from bacteria, be- cause it is impossible to keep the 'teats of the cow sterile; however, we can keep them cleats and reduce contami- nation from this saurei,. The-dude of the teats and the body temperature of the cow afford ideal conditions for the bacteria to multiply and, the best we van do, the !ewer ducts of the teats will contain eansiderable num- bers of hruteria, By using the first few jets of mill: to wash out the ducts the milk that goes into the pail will be practically free from bacteria. If proper care is taken at this stage of pzoduetloe, the few bacteria which get into the milk from this 8051050 are of but little consequeneo to the consumer, On the outer hand, rows that have local diseases of the udder may give milk which at times la contaminated with the bacteria whish cause this disease. There is many a proof that such germs can live and pass into the body of the user and cause the same iliseaae as the cow was afflicted with, This shows us that tuberculosis of the udder may readily be transmitted to other animals. Milk from amhealthy cows should never be used by human beings, or to feed young stock on the farm. No matter how well all other requirements are met, if the cows pro- ducing the milk are not in good health we fail. The milkers and handlers of the milk in the dairy rooms aro a prolific source of contamination. Unclean methods of milking and the handling of the products afford opportunities for the pollution of the milk 'by dis- ease organisms, as well a's dust and dirt that adheres to the hands and clothes of the milker. Here is where such .diseases as typhoid, diphtherla that the. men were better -tempered or !u th through the day and lass. tired at source of danger to all who use the night. Dust and bacteria in the dairy milk from such a dairy, Typhoid, barn often indicate something out of1diphtheria and scarlet fever out balance. When the trouble is stud -1 breaks without number prove this led and rhe cause is corrected the, point with their deadly results. cows will produce better milk, more of I .In the care of dairyutensils there it, i.emain healthy and need less food' is still further chance of contamina- than is the ease when they are confzn-1 tion, This trouble is not front bacte- ed in a stable, and exposed to bacteria i ria that commonly adhere to these et - laden dust and dirt. iensils, but. from those introduced in Even in the most carefully con -handling and washing. The washing atructe,f stables care mast be exerois-I and care of dairy utensils is one of ed in feeding, cleaning the stables, the most exacting from the stand - bedding the cattle and preventing too point of cleanliness and the quality of free circulation of- the air in the neater used. A supply of bacteria - stable and milt house. Hay and laden water which will leave some of roughage should not be fed until after the bacteria on the ., ,._Lls d milking rime and it is better to change sTdious source of danger to those who the bedding material during the mid- use the milk, When the milk goes into die of the day so that the dust will the utensils there is a fresh supply of nettle before milking time. If milk- food for these bacteria and they be- ing machines are used care should be gin to grow and multiply with dis- tal:en not to allow the teat cups to bang close to the floor where the suetion will draw dust into them and deposit it in the milk. Healthy cows secrete healthy milk. Bacteria get into the milk after it is A' e�"' POULTRY, EGGS and A ,y FEATHERS Highest Prices Paid receipt Returns -No Commission 1'. POULIN & CO. 39 stoa8eoonre ata Icer - 3Boatreal vele deteleirre0.10:Yrie POULT of all kinds. Better quality preferred. Write for prices. STANFORD'S, Limited 128 Mansfield St. • - Montreal 1:DUver Spanner 82 Co. 28 ELM ST„ TORONTO S ti °�AXIDIDE�.ti��,i�` estrous results. If typhoid germs are in well -water they will have a chalice to contaminate any milk that goes into utensils after they have been washed in such water, Numerous other kinds of bacteria, such as those that cause ropy, colored and slimy milk are frequently in well -water that is used in washing dairy utensils. Cooling the milk immediately after it drawn from the cote will retard the development of bacteria and the, more the temperature is lowered the' more .the bacterial growth will be re- tarclecl. Milk that is promptly re- dueed in temperature to forty degrees' F. and held at that temperature until ready for use will keep for a long time. When the milk is shipped to the city the trouble is invariably with the morning's milk, which goes into the sans without being properly cool- ed. In the froth milk the bacterial growth soon exceeds that in the older milk that has been properly cooled, Cooling the milk does not kill any of the disease -producing 'bacteria or the lactic acid bacteria, so that it cannot take the place of cleanliness in the production of milk. All of the bac- teria present in cold milk become ac ve as soon as the temperature con - (tions become favorable. Clean i- a tap FREE �. f�os fir+ T b�r GIRLS ■ Big DOH said Doll Ca�'riage Tido lila 11011 is Y0 1n. ohm; tall. 11act fainted toles and arms and natural tread, hands and feet, 'l'hs Dull Carriage heti steel reams nod whce141. and the seat, bade and hood aro made or leatherette. ft le 34 trwilee high and 1e Suet the Hatt 4108 for the 1311; I)ol1. or .lust send tie rolls name and. address and we will • Send tem e0 l'ackeares of lovely embossers )Camas Post Cords to seri at 10 cents a package. When they are sold sand us the money and w will send you the Bit; Doll, with 1111 (thalweg pre aid, and we will also bend you the Doll Car. stage without any ehmrge 10 you will allow your Poll to your edemas and fret lust throe or them to cell our Dards and earn prises too, Bend tis 00110 nerve and ad- dress today s0 30u can get your eon and 4ol1Carrlege pulolely Aadreeri lxoxao;n-vrdssamor elosersnter Dept. les, 'Toronto FUNNY FOLD.UPS CUT OUT AND F010 ON DOTTgD I-IlMS, rote PpaWaep WILLIE'S SUCH A NAUGHTY BOY, LOVES HIS SISTER TO ANNOY- , DOM T YOU THINII THAT SHE'LL FEEL SILLY ,WHEN 511E FIND 115 ONLY WILLIE - with mad, This mud dries quielcly and nudity falls into the milk pail.. It is one of the most objectionable forms of dirt because it quickly finds its way through ,the bottom of the strainer and ssttlas in the pails, cans and 'bottles, It is tilso loaded with dangerous bacterial life which have a delecterious effect upon the an 1110 and its products. Cows that are plaster- ed with this kind of mud should be thoroughly cleaned before they are milked. One of the most prolific causes of trouble during the sunnier months is that of old, sour strainer cloths which are rinsed itt lukewarm 'water and hung up to dry. These elotts should be put in boiling water and th•orough- Ily cleansed before being used for an- other milking. Ordinary wire strain- ers are worse ,than none at all. They are very difficult to keep clean and are almost worthless for removing fine dirt and dust, -W, 111, K. e� it hieell With lambs at anywhere near pees- ' eat prices it is especially imporbant that every method be employed for in- creasing the number of lambs that coli Ibe produced front our present supply of breeding ewes. One method not ' generally employed but well recogniz- ed by old shepherds is that of flushing: the ewes just before breeding time. Flushing means graining or other liberal feeding for a short time before turning in the ram so as to make Ihol ewes especially thrifty and rapidly gaining flesh at the time of service. It 1 has been found bhat where this method of handling is used, not only do a entailer percentage of the ewes fail to catch and come in heat again, but more ewes give birth to twins than when the ewes are on poor feed at breeding time. Thus it bobh increases the number of lambs and makes more of them come during the first three i weeks of the lambing period. The ewes do not need -to be grained all winter where plenty of good clover hay or other satisfactory roughage is fed, but more satisfactory results will be obtained if they are fed well en- ough to keep then from shrinking weight at any time between breeding and lambing seasons. The careful shepherd will be well repaid for his trouble of seeing to it that the ewes receive sufficient feed at this time of the year, Sheep are often pastured even into early winter and they are all right there if they really get enough food. But the frosted grass sometimes bloats them, causing them to look full and apparently doing well when 'they are actually hungry and .losing flesh just at the time when they•should be most thrifty' to insure a maximum yield of lambs the following spring, A few pumpkins scattered in bhe pas- ture, oats once a day or some other additional .feed to short late autumn pasture will often give much greater returns than the same extra food at any other time of the year, TO PARTICULAR PEOPLE n ne Send for Illustrated Booklet. _ i Artificial Eyes and Supplies. n RAal WANTED tt fi FURS li ED rn it r� Latest Price List ! w arid 'a'''it.li" and Shipping Tags is ess is of fleet importance, cooling is xt. Dairymen frequently experience nsiderable difficulty in the work o acing the source of an unnatura Inr or flavor in milk. In such case i.e first nese Cary to determine bother or not:moll au odor or flavor present evher the mill: leaves the w or develops later. If any parti- lar cow is geeing milk which is tilted it f n„1 slue to bacteria, but other eauscr, If the milk from any number of ws shows the taint the: feed or :some- ing else which the cattle have faun the pasture is the, cause. Carrots rales, wild o ileo.;, ragweeds, cab bates, off -quality ,;rains and other strongly flavored .substances will cause tainted milk. Certain food stuffs fur cows not ordinarily considered .likely to produce bad -tasting milk will at times do eo. Where the flavor is thought to have been caused by some- thing in the ration a change will fre- quently remove the trouble, Cows that are kept in the pasture will keep reasonably clean, however, if the pasture is so situated that the cows have access to muddy pools or stagnant ponds they will often stand in the water up to their knees, fight- ing flies and plastering themselves y Selling at wholesale and buying at f retail is one of the sure methods or 1 reducing poultry profits, Some poul- s try -men purchase feed at the city feed store and wholesale their eggs to the rocery-man. Others buy as much of their feed as possible from .farmers in the fall and sell their mss to con - WORM'S who can afford top notch prices for high-class geode, The ser. - end elates of producers usually find that poultry can he made to return Et profit. I A poultry rnrthorlty emenlly stated •that buttermilk was worth five. cents - per quart to bite ;in producing eggs, Ho was purchasing it at a price of twenty cents for ten gallons. Many farm poultry owners would make more from eggs if they were able to obtain a reliable supply of lhllte)tnilk et a fair price. It is said that the sltcheee In spe- cialized farming depends more upon the aeliieg ability than the producing ability, The egg business: probably falls in that classification. An ex- tra flee 0r ten cents per dozen paid for eggs becauae they aro of fila quality may mean success when the commonly received market price would barely pay expenses, 'Market Iteporte, Supply Catalog Gama Lows, %e ars Guide$ 'Chis is going to be one of the biggest yearsfor trappers and fur shippers ever known. ,Moro taro neerlid-fewer men t0 trap, Get ready early for big money. Loolc over vent trip and supplies now. Get our PERS BOOI(-Supply Catalog. ila,neLawsan TrappungrrSeerets-alitliree mons book. Shows furs in natural cob 0ra. Factory armee on traps, smolcers, etc, Write today--ssref 47f a efgn141505 bos lP Fa. Alto l'ansten �° e9 18551 r Why Keep Accounts? A man in Mnniboba kept accurate accounts of his farm business.* At the •end of the year he added together the cash which he had on hand at the beginning of the year and his cash receipts during the year. .; Then he substra•cbecl his cash. expenses during the year roses whether the remainder equaled the •cash balance which the bank reported,at the end of the year. I -Ie found he was $8 short: He ask- ed the bank to .look up his cash bal- ance again. They reported the same amount the second time• He took his farm account=book into the bank next time_he went to town and found that a cream check of his had been credited to another man hav- ing the same initials and a similar atlrname. The loss of $8 wouldn't have ruin- ed this man -nor any man who ispro- 'gressive enough to keep accurate ac- counts of his farm business, Eight hundred dollars might have done so, although we do not know definitely. The incident merely shows that ad- vantage of keeping accounts. The most 'important thing is that this man made money that -year, and having kept accounts he had the satisfaction of knowing it. So he went ahead and planned for bigger crops the next year. Keeping farm accounts is not only an advanbage; it is a necessity. Since farming people have to make income- tax returns just the same as other business people, it is absolutely es- sential to have figures upon which to base the reports. Hence every farm= et: ought to keep accounts. The time necessary to keep accounts on the farm need not amount to sore than six hours a year. At the end of the year the banker or county agricultural agent will be ready to help in balanc- ing the books, or taking the inventory which is necessary, There are at least four important reasons why men on farms should keep accounts. The main one is to have a definite method of studying the business with the idea of making it more profitable. If farmers were to produce wheat or other farm pro- ducts without a profit, soon agricul- ture would suffer. b. second reason for accounts and farm records is that they improve a man's credit. If .a farmer can show from carefully kept records that .the money he wishes to borrow is to be used for a purpose that will increase the profits of the farm, than he will be able to get a loan more readily and on better terms. A third reasop for accounts is that they often are the means of agreeably settling disputes or misunderstanrd- ings that otherwise might occur be- tween parties who deal with one an- other and who never keep any record. of their business transactions. A fourth reason, and not the least important, is that a man owes it to hfs family to make use of every means! possible to detect and prevent leaks in the farm business, and thus make the farm income sufficient for the sup- port of the faultily anti the education of his children. Rice pudding slakes a nice dessert for Sunday and can be made on Sat- b Hay, - t Aprons, both of the attractive and serviceable ;ort, are becoming an actual fashion. Meriting Small Ferns Tools. In a well equipped ,form shop sinal tools lire eort0111 to be diapleced, Some plan :for marking toolo in order to nlin10 themcailspicu•oas is needed Sarno plans we have used may help to show what 1 mean, Such tools art hltnllilersthllt('llets, r".1isels, ate„ which aro used oubsud•e of the shop a great dual aro identified by painting them a ‘bright red color. This color is easily distieguisheblo in the grass, making tool painted with it conspicuous where It would be hardly seen if it were the natunal steel, The paint will aleo preserve the steel against rust and wood against decay, A nloderltto'ly thick Imple- ment'paint is the best fee this pue- poes. A small pint can will usually eovor the tools, but it is well to clean orf all fust before using it, Sometime neighbors borrow tools and neglect bo bring them back, fin•aily forgetting •to whom they belong, If the tools have solus l-dentifioation marks on them they are much surer to come home. A good .plan is to take a sharp etoel punch ,and by repeated tapping on .a smooth surface the ini- tials may be cut dnto the toot in a short time on a whole kit of tools, A single .tap of a hammer on the punch will an.alce a dot deep enough to 1'e0iet the wearing away of service and rust, ft is seldom advisable to cut the name or initials in the wood of handles because of .bhe rough surface it -leaves for the'hands. I recall one tool that 110480d up after being gone for five years, the,,.•man finding it recognized the initials and returned it. The rebunn of that one tool paid for the time in znarlcing a whole kit. There is also a plan for initialing 'tools !with acid, but the above plans will be totted very serviob- able,-J. L. It's a wise young man who, feeling that lie needs culture, makes plans to attend an agricultural college. It is seldom wise to mature new seeding. It is especially unwise to do so this year when growth is slow owing to dry weather. Casseroles and other pottery dishes ahoul'i never be .placed in a very hot oven- o0 on a hot stove with- out fleet being warmed a little. A sudden change of temperature may cause them to crack. • The Ivan who chooses between a good and indifferent tree, merely on account of the difference of a few cents in price, certainly does not look Ivery far ahead. The saving• here will be wasted many times as crops ' come on. THIS WAT YSEE 'TO ANY ,1111,4 "1$atllroad Mine" watch le an able lately guaranteed tt telteeper. 1t la Mtn. wand and stem Net, rumble mietproor beck, Melee ease. Regular man's size. B nd ua your name and Adverts and we' will mond you 40 Packages of lovely ernbossed Xmas Peat Cards to sell at 10 cents a peekaa;e, 5Vhen said sand ua aha 10011445 anti we will send you rho watch and e lovely loather fob, TIOMER-WARREN CO. Start. 300, Toronto. Out. Dietributiott of Seed Grain Froin the I)otnillion.Experimental. Farms, 1918-19. By instructions of the Hon, Minister of Agriculture, n free distribution of superior sorts of grain will be made during the coming winter and spring to Canadian farmers, The samples for distribution will consist of spring wheat (about 5 ib,), white oats (about d 14).), barley (about 6 lb.), and field paws (about 5 lb.). These will be sent out, !free, by mail, from the Central Experimental fan, Ottawa, by the Dominion Cereallst, who will furnish the necessary ap- plication forms. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant. As the supply of seed is limited, farmers are advised to apply very early. ,T. H, Grisdale, Director, Dominion Experimental Farina. "You can't buy a hone, A man buys a house -but only a woman can make it a home. A house is ab od Y. a hone is the soul." -Tho Outlook, When one considem the enormous losses of dairy cattle in .abhor coun- tries, losses which farmers in Ameri- ca may be called on in a large meas- ure to make good, it seems reasonable to say that it will he profitable for a farmer to raise even more than -the usual number of w ellehred calves GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX By Andrew F. Currier, 10.0, Dr, Carrier will answer all signed letters pretaining to health. It year question is of general Interest it will be answered through those columns; 11 not, it will bo answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is ere closed. Dr. Currier will not prescribe for individual eases or make diagnosis Address Dr. Andrew P. Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 Adelaide Et. West, Toronto. Paralysis Anxious -What is the best way to treat a• person who is paralyzed on one side? After a person has had one stroke how can the next one be de- layed? Paralysis or what is commonly call- ed "a stroke" means ,that there is dis- ease or injury of the arteries. The arteries may be very soft or they may be very brittle. When paralysis occurs one or more arteries in the brain has been broken, the blood has forced its way into the 'brain some- what like water soaking into a sponge and the pressure of this effused blood injures or destroys the nerve centres in the brain by which motion and sen- sation in the paralyzed' parts are con- trolled. The paralysis in most cases is on the opposite side of the body from that on which the accident in the brain takes place. The reason of bilis is that the fibres proceeding from the brain to the spinal cord, along' which body would be wise enough to toll When another break would occur any- more than one ,can toll when anobher break is going to oceur in a water d1 d a0 om 0 e e 0 s e Y pipe or gas pipe that has become of and diseased and has already borate once or oftener. The only thing person with diseased arteries can (1 is to lead a very quiet simple life, fee from fret and excitement, from indi gestion and hard work, and fr everything •which has a tendency t raise the blood pressure. By such mode of life one stay often contiau and do useful work for many year after the first attack. One of th greatest and most useful nren wh over lived was Pasteur, when he wa between 40 and 50 he had a sever stroke which made him completes helpless on one side and he never gem pletely overcame the paralysis, but he lived for thirty years afterward lay ing broad and deep foundations for mpnlsee pass to and fro like the mes- t ndustry, her sheep -and cattle, discov- ring the means for treating hydro- hobia and doing many other things which made him one of the greatest enefactors the world has ever had. Questions andAnswers. A. V. R,-1, When a person has a ervous breakdown, doos be 80m0- tmos imagine that he hears voices'? 2. After the ncrvousnoss has mused p way, will be sometimes continuer to ear velem? Answer -I. Such- a condition as y:1u else to, is very apt to be an itecom- animea of mental disease, and if ou are suffering n t1 • i from it, T ahouhl fee you to and rt;o cul examinetiuil yttnalimis, 1' 2 4s long na.you continue to hoar sicca to 10)11011 you refer', is is fair to some tllgi: you re gin] ; sIreinr 1 EXPERIMENTING ON rAT11UR beet summer I tried an experhnon or .perhaps 1 should say a series of i' experiments, with leather' as my sub- ject. 1 began the, fleet everting that 1 was at home, by asking Father what he thought about woman entering Paella. met. The eonver:tation turned to politics and before I knew it we had spent the whole evening' talking 'aloe current events, 1 was so ignorant that I resolved to study the weekly -•and daily papers. I also discovered that Father was interested in many other things that appeal to ire. We pure chased y, bird book and looked up all the birds we knew. Following this we had the most interesbhtg diseue- aiuns aid summer on all sorts of sub+ • j acts, On another day I asked Father 11' 1 would not like a picture of his new elle. Ile went out with roe to help get the host view, Before we .put the camera away, I had used a whole film taking pictures of barns, horses, COWS, pigs and sheep. One day after that we spent half an hour getting throe calves in the corner• of the force so we could take a good picture. Fabh- er was interested in developing and printing these pictures. We tried all sorts of experiments with my camera, One time he sent away, In a letter, a picture of ono of the calves. I do not know whether •he sold the calf but I do know that he enjoyed the pictures. There was !to be a dance in town and I asked Father why he diel not go. He said he end Mother were too old. I said it was time for them to !grow young again. The whole family finally went to the dance and I dis- covered that Father was as good a dancer as the college boys and he dis- covered that he was not as old as he • thought he was. Mother danced too. aT tried a number of other" Bette`ex- perisnents but bhe grand succe: s was when I started Father and Moeller off to the National Exhibition. I made each think tits other wanted to go and to their own surprise, each had.a fine tinge! When I went 'back •to college and told the .girls that I had had a grand good summer' they asked ale what I did and all I could tell was that I just stayed ac home, -P. A. Flint. PITY THE POOR OSTRICH Between Dame Fashion, and the War He Has Suffered Greatly. Not the least fortunate among the sufferers from the war aro the os- tl'iches. An oatrieh a dozen years ago was a very valuable animal, the price of a well grown young bird being ordin- arily about $500. Ostrich farming was a prospering and promising in- dustry in this country, though the main source of supply was South Africa. The Cape government has put an embargo on exportation of the birds, because it wished to discourage rivals in the market, But there wore more than 6,000- in the United States ---the bulk of thein in Arizona and southern California. Unluckily, not long before the war began, ostrich feathers suddenly wept out of fashion. The price of plumes • 1114- dropped. 1" dropped. Then came Armageddon, and the South African flocks mostly per- ished of starvation. It did not pay to feed then, provender being scarce. And now we learn that in Arizona large numbers of the birds are•being slaughtered for pleat. Women are not wearing their feathers, and it does not pay to keep them, It is surely a great pity. The fash- ion for ostrich plumes will certainly come baok, and they will be very cost- ly by reason of the scarcity of the birds, From the naturalist's viewpoint it s extremely fortunate that the French Government maintains -111 the Sudan a groat ostrich preserve, in which the birds are not allowed to be hunted or killed. From this source the do- mesticated flocks may be recruited later on. the seianca of beeteriology, saving o France her silkworms, her vinegar' t sages along telegraph wires, cross 1 from one side to the other at the junc- tionof the brain with the spinal cord P so that if there is paralysis on the left side of the body we may be pretty sure there is injury to the brain on the right side. When the loss of blood is great and the consequent in- jury to the nerve centres In the brain great the injured person may die in a few hours or even in an hour. If however the loss of blood is small and a a clot is quickly formed within the h brain, the opening in the broken art- ery is closed by it and the bleeding r stops, The clot then begins to con- p tract d 11 1' 1 n l'refif in Black Walnut. A black walnut tree once planted v)itl take cru'e of itself. It needs uo rullrng or spraying. Furthermore, he product is not perishable and can e kept and shipped when and where he prices are the highest, In twenl.y- ve year stile tree. is easily worth $200 o e400 for timber alone. With the strong interest in the ,airplane inrlua- l'y and the great booth bound Co fol-- ow at the conclusion of this present gar, the planter of black walnuts will cap a fortune, for this wood is abso- utt;ly essential. For the practical g'ra ua y re iening t le pressure y n 1e brain and if the brain has not v b 1 eon destroyed -to a very great ex- ont the injured person may gradually regain more es less complete nae of the paralyzed parts; But, of course, w' the arteries remain diseased and no- f rout mental cls a e• s " R ., �,r.,t fl ��; � .'� •� � to ,I i,1p � `` ( X11, Ei -JSP t> ({. 11 ' la � �.JJ �,. t r:..^1 tI S: !� �y>"wv,d `dd C.� SPREE TO BOI': r AND C.1'4L 1 ;y-�. • 'rl,ls anent ct:ntalndr J 1'8u Points, d A d 2?1rtr11a11 S isoe 1tws, 1 l.o;t Crayons 113 colors) m,aad II 1 Japanese Pmmdl 11t»r, 1 ilz•itsar, 1 Bpeolal Drawing Pollen, . 1 ricsx h,tiuts. (d cnlersj 1 ClomDase 1 1?airtf o Itrusl i y t TEubl)o1 �IpnF.d Leal Pnn,ril;a, 11 fetrfotia 13 otter U 9 iiletal C' ed Lsad Penoila, aolcages talon .Tack Diel 'atloUrrs an 1 heti 1x811¢,r hat Yvu can nut the Mut on year 411YA1: 'iai�e wil) hat ppr,l.a, letters, etc. ntueiea 1l siva-•y,.tttltts who 2;• l n p e -v eleh061 Outfit free of. all ehargo if Ta you will sell just 80 7i71GraA„a 01 not" 1nvNl+ An1110ssocl 5cmaa Post Clardy at rc 10 cents a package (six lovelly`bartfiTtt`;,e4E0iaar\Oej, Send 00 your name and we will send you i 'v.oartla to sail, When Sold 4ead tui the money and we uvlll send you tine whole ontlzIk Addressi HOMER -WARREN CO. Dept. ,l$ 't 4l &ONTO, nth ide, a well cared for orchard of lick walnuts at the ago. to ten years estimated to givo a gross return of 40+) and a not yield of 50 per -cent. o1 this. From that time on the pro - :action increases by leaps and hounds. ` ho black wahult is a baautiftd tree ) wudl 1 n m'odit t yc ells ani m�1 rFl :,h eking effect along avenues, drive- ways or as a single specimen in the horno grounds, under which the entire t,utnily will enjoy gathering and eatt- Mg the rich, nutritious )nits. Tile horseman who spreads line 015 the land to benefit his horses will also stimulate his crepe by that pro- rens, and the loan who spreads line for his crops thereby supplies it to the horses. In either ease the horses got the lime in the form in which the animal system is host adapted to take it.