HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-31, Page 5it
Victory Loan 191.8
It is the duty of every citizen to purchase
Victory Bonds, and this Bank is prepared
to assist wage earners by making loans for
this purpose on the most favorable terms.
Wherever possible, the bonds will be held
for safe -keeping, on behalf of small sub-
scribers, for one year, without charge.
J. 0, MULLEN, Manager
W. J. Walker
W. J, Walker, holder of gov-
erinnent Diploma and Lioense
Day or Night cal:a receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night " 16
s flu,
Lady graduates of last term are now
earning as high as $18 and even $20
a week, while young men are earn-
ing still better salaries. We can
not meet the demand for trained
help. Write us at once for par'ticul•
are regarding our Commercial,
Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart-
ment. Students may eater at any
t e.
Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wit`
Life; has an incomparable softness -„-„f
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
diandr'uff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive sourf robe the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; tho
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast. Surely get a.
small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
from any drug store and )net bey it,
Frnme House, 7 rooms and pantry
sunlmar llitehetl and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Elea)ie lights, targe ve•
randah, Stehle 16' ells' hen :11151 85 0
: pel3 at -the
News ()thee
For Sale
House and half ecce of land in the
village of Egmoudville. 'the .property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
aa the Purcell property, Good com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberriee and
currant bushes, This ie a ooruer pro
party with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation,
This ie a nice property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partieulara apply myths .premiaes or to
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
air Cut
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
Bonds for sale
bearing interest from
6 to q p. c, — half yearly
If you have any unemploy-
ed funds now - is the time
to buy some of these.
1'o ex -
Choice securities.
pense to investor.
All information cheerfully
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, afo:t
1'honr of is
Sand yoer • •. Ile ,.
r, ,m prices, We are u:,., 1 rr t,'n:.1
h , year through sad eau handle your
fold.supply and furnish you with cane.
Wo pay twice each mouth acid weigh
sample and test each eau of croon) oar
fully, Our motto is " Honesty ill 0
Petrone" 1'airuusire regneatall to ren
urn all our cans when not in los,
Setter an 1Buttermilk al- cu hand
ted for at market pr'ioes,
The Seaforth Crearncry Co
Good Milling Wheat,.............. $2.10
Bran per ton ...... ................. 10.00
Bhorta per ton ........ ................. 41
k'{our................... ........... ......n,rrd
(Top to farmers ....... f 11 no
Your Asthma, lnii7'11R; "111700v of
J D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is
net something that is merely to Zero
hoped for; it is to be expected. It
never fails to bring relief, and in your
own individual ease it will do the garde
Ho universal has been the success of
this fen -faired ore that every ono
afflicted with this disease owes it to
hihreolf to try it.
0)01 Agent Wanted
for the "Old Reliable
housaflds of (Achard trees
need replacing.
War Gardens call for small
fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu-
barb plants etc. ..
The demand for Ornamental
stock in towns and villages i;,
Secure a paying Agency with
liberal comnissio.l5, Exper-
ience not necessary.
(Establi:(hed (83-
14ITPLLY- In Seafortll, Oct, 24111,
lellehael Hurley aged 1( ) t r h s
Town Topwws
The High Coat of Living.:.-Roonowy
is the word to -day, Make your old
garments do trusteed of purchasing new
ono, Have :'hem dry cleaned and
pressed, Dry °leaning when properly
done lengthens the life of garments,
preserves their fresh new appearance
and sate as is disinfectant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often manses sickness.
and death clue to germs, clothing
should be cleaned at frequent intervals,
My Wardrobe, Goderich St., `Oeeforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel,
Word has been received that Pte,
Bullard who wits. reoently reported ser-
iously 111 in Frauoe hay died,
Sergeant Norman Bohemia of Lon-
don was a week end yid tor,
• Mrs, (Dr,) Glendenning of Toronto
is the guest of her sister, Mrs, W. E.
Mr, and Mrs, Ferguson of Chisel -
hunt aro moving into his mother'e
house on James St.
Mr, and Mrs, inglie from Michigan
are visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, G. Patton,
Miss Grace Walker is hone from
Mr, Gordon Miller has taken a pos-
ition with Mr, J, (1. Craig,
Mise Brewer of Detroit is visiting
her aunt Mrs, W, Mefruw.
Mr, A, Mott of Stratford and Mise
Ada Evans of London were here at-
tending the funeral of MiselMarie Mur-
tf 1r.
Gunner Jett McMillan has gone to
Mr, Joseph Atkinson Tuokeremith
received word recently that hie third
sop John"who lives in Chicago had
succumbed to intlueuzo,
Mrs, Martha Buean of Nonlife ay
attended the funeral of her brother the`
late J' F, Reid
John R. Reid of Maple Creek, Seek,
arrived in town last week to be with
brother the late J, F, Reid,
Mr John Sutton is moving into dirs,
John Kerr's hones on Goderioh St,
Mrs, Kerr intends spending the winter
in Ottawa,
1411•, (3. Smithery left on Monday for
Mr, A McQavtn hes gone to Windsor
where he has taken a position,
Mrs. Gibson of Hluevate is with her
oousin Mrs, J, Warwick,
Mies Grace Welke: deter of Mr, W.
3, Walker is visiting: friends in Lista-
Clayton Baughlnaun Wellaoebm'g
attended the funeral of his brother-in-
law the late J, F, Reid,
Mts, 0, Baughmann and \Ise, W. W,
Meredith who have been iu constant
attendance on their brother the late 3,
F. Reid since his operation last dilly
will return to their Immo in Walling..
burgon daturday,
Miss Bessie Grieve tof Tara 1n Here
on al:cotltlt of the (loailig of her school
on 190eun1 of the 0pidemic.
Mrs, Glee,) A. W. Barker of Mo-
dell 1'pent a week s,1 tl:o fouls, of Mr,
nisi M ., J, H. Reitl,
41r, 11unrge Nrnith,ce and Al iso'tMD1,
f411111 luta of Toronto nae Sero uwn,p
t•, the (144th of Mr W. - Ottght01, noel
the aeriuu9 illneaa' of Alra, Oupi,t,•1l
who, the art' cleaned to learn is r''a,,,,v-
are, F. R. Beattie and. two child-
ren left ..11 Friday ror their home i/1
;flies Florence l'hompson is home
from Toronto.
Mr. A, Close is seriously ill with in •
SIr, L. Tyernlan is moving into the
resideuee of the late Mrs, MoKiuh.y on
Church St,
Pte. E. A, Chapman of the School of
Armament tvhb spoilt a few d','8 with
his parents Mr. and Meg \v!'linrn
Chapman has retltl'ned to Hamilton,
lir, and Mill. Miles of Lon loll „sr •
v1911 l,:g fi ie•Lda ln.r e.
Mr, 11,A, Mclntesh of 't'oeoOlo s17e 1(t
a few :lay v ht nth Lie moth,.: Mrs, James
iii. U, .0. Heigh and Mr, A. A.
A/Ho -mail are terweringfronl rt serious
eitaol8 of ii,lduenza.
Mr and lire Davidson of Egmond•
villa have returned from a trip to the
Mr, Joseph 'ROb1IISon of Toronto is
visiting .at his, home here,
Mr, and Apra, 0, Sparks were fn .Zoe.
Nob on Tuesday attending the funeral
of Mrs Sparkle'sieter, Mise Sadie Wood
who died of fllavel1ze,
Pte Glazier aasompanied the remains
of his wife here from London.
Mr, Finlay McIntosh iseulferiug from
a severe attack of influenaa
Mr, August Wankle received word
that hie eldest daughter is eerionsly i11
in Regina,
Mre, Laird left ou Wednesday for
Meeere Rankin, J, Beattie and Lou
Jackson are oenvaseillg tate town for
Victory Loan and Messrs, (3, McKee
and 13. Soar'lett in Mol(illop.
Any person wishing to send a letter
or parcel to any o1' the Boys Overseas
may procure their .lddreesos from Mr,
A, D, t'utherlar,d, Soy, Tram), Seatorth
Breuc11 Soldiers' Aid Commission,
Distribution of Seed Grain
from the Dominion Experiment.
ai Farms 19181919
By instructions of the Hon, Minister
of Agriculture, a free distribution of
grain will be made during the Doming
winter and spring to Canadian farmers,
The samples for distribution will
0o0aiat of spring wheat (about 5 lb )
white oats (about rI lb,) barley (about
5 Ib.) and field pens (abort 8 Ib )
Theca will be sent out, free, by mail,
from the Central Experimental farm,
Ottawa, by the Dumiuion Cerealiat,
who will furnish the necessary applic-
ation forme.
Duly one sample can be sent to eaeli
applicant, As the supply of Beed is
limited, fartne,"e are advised to apply
very early.
Director, Dominion Expetimeutal
Flow Fall Fairs Can be Made a
(treat Success.
Attend Your Local Fair to Improve
Education and to Elave a Good
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto,)
8.3E marketing of thin chick-
ens is not conserving our
meat supply nor is it the
most profitable method to
the producers. Present prices of
market poultry admits of the liberal
use of feeds and the marketing 01
well -Oohed birds, -
The best birds to flesh or fatten
are these of the heavier breeds, such
its Wyandottes, Reds, and Rocks.
The light breeds,, such as Leghorns,
seldom pay to fatten unless they are
very thin in flesh,
The birds Intended for fattening
should be confined to a small pen or
slatted coop. The process is not diffi-
cult if you will but pay attention to
a few points that are essential.
Do not feed the birds for the first
day. they are shut up. You should
give them something to drink, but
it is best to give 110 feed. After the ,
first day feed very lightly for two 01'
three days and thou gradually in-
crease the ration, being very careful
not to overfeed. We usually start
chickens on very finely ground grains
at the, rate 01 three-quarters of an
nnnrc' or grain to -i' feed to each bird,
ii e:•ding twice daily. This can be in-
c.e.used gradually to two or threes ,
tem a this amount, Generally the!
lit, :91 profitable Hairs are outdo dor- 1
1(,;`, the first fonr:e'en (0 girt e,:•I1 days
tee(11111;. Such bird, twill not be ex-
ee 8!Vely fat, Jul; ,Ituitld be fat
e It. ,1P, (0 ecn,k an t-11 1vrll. Sonic
tilde kers demand ii ,atter 1,11,1,
The most lire i ='111,- gains are made
011 birds well -01,1g 1ralil three -and
one -Half le torn' and one-half pounds
when put up to i,iten.
The grain:' fed 1:houlcl be finely
gl .1,11,1 rind, if e :ill pasnibl(•, ahoni:l
be mixed with Tutu milli. Mix thio
feud to 8 consistency of 11 pancake
Welter. The more milk the 011111en
will take 1Eie better 'bird you will
have in the end. Milk appears to
have no rued substitute for fattening
chickens, lis yon cannot get milk
then ado ten to fifteen per cent. of
neat meal to the ration and mix with
water, The addition of a little green
food daily will help platters. Many,
people get better results by feeding
a little salt. About one-half pound
to ono hundred pounds of dry grain
is sufficient. This mixes best by be-
ing dissolved in water and adding a
little at each feed. Be careful not
to 1.1818 10o 111uC11.
The best grains available now are
a mixture oe ground barley, corn -
Meal, finely ground buckwheat, and
shorts, Oals are good if part of the
hull is aitted out, as are also ground
brewer's' grains, We have used with
good results a mixture of two parts
of ground barley, two parts 0001 -
meal, and two parts shorts, mise,
with twice the amount of sour Milk.
Fn general Peed about one-third
shorts and then whatever finally
ground grains you may have about
the farm,
(1 at all possible mix rho ground
grains with sour milk,—Prof, W, It.
Graham, 0, A, College, Guelph,
The prose ede of Me Lotto will be aped far Waw' walleyes.'" °lily. told win ibe,ipe.4 ipUally is ZJarrdk
Tu1c 50)51910)) 01' Finance of Tttg Donrlmo0 ov CANADA °sere for Public Subscription the
ct . ry :.,oa
'300,000,0008 5'/,2% G.Id .Bonds
Dearing interest from November 1st, 1910, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which la optional with the subscriber as
5 year Rohde due November 1st, 1923
15 y..ar Bonds due November 1st, 1033
Principal payable without charg" at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the
Office of the Assistant Receiver General at 1lulaax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, 1(sglna, Calgary
and Victoria.
Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and Interest, at any of the above.mentioned Offices.
Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, May 1st and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered
Principal and Interest payable lo Gold
nenominatlona: 550, 5180, $500 and mope
Issue Price: 100 and Accrued, Interest
Income Return 51/zr% per Annum
Free from taxes -including any 10607110 tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of
The proceeds of the Loan will he used for war purposes only,including the purchase of grain, foodetulfe, napnt-
lions and other supplies, and ,111 be spent wholly In Canada.
Payment to Le made as follows:
10% on application; 2001 January 6th, 1019;
20% December Oth, 1018; 20% February8th, 10191
31.103, March 00, 1019.
The last payment of 31.16% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.16% representing accrued interest at sal o from
November 1st to doe dates of the respective instalments,
May 1 t 1 making cost f the bonds 100 and interest.
vett be ,aid on & a lat, B, ma t o to est.
( f o'r'sinterest, y g
Atulhat year's 1
S.,bs,.ripilons 111817 be Pair! ,n 1011 at the time of application at 730 wIthout Interest; or on any lustalment doe dem
thereafter together with accrued interest at the rate of 8)3% per annum.
mu Loan to authorized under Act of tete Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest area clisrgeupon the'
Consolidan•rl Revenue Fund,
The Amount of this issue is 6300,(100,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for Ly the surrend"r of hoods of
Previous vs Of
lsues. '18, minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of rho am,nint,nhscrbed
Conversion Privileges
B'mds of this iesac. MIL in the_ .nt of future issues r h'-"uterity.orlonger, made by the. Government, pear,g the •
forint ie purperiod of fsubscriptionthe .t`,, stha uch9 , u,•, made abroad, be , ecepcc, at 100 and accrued interest, as the equivalent 01 aa,1,
All cheques, drafts, etc., covering Instalments, are. to Le mads payahIe to the Credit 0f the Minister of Finance.
Failure to pay any instalment tvle'n due will make previous pay n.e:rta liable to forfeiture, and the ailotmant 1., .,,:,•Itat(na.
Subscriptions must be: accompanied by a deposit of 11111 of the t•r:•-:nt seberrlbed. Official Canvassers will forward Sub.
ecrlptiona or any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept sithscriptinn and hole recni;,t s.
Subscriptions may be paid in Ail at time of application at 1111. aith0, 1 interest; or on any instalment due date tissre.
after together with accrued interest to tine of malting payment in full. Lnder this provision, payment of subscriptions may
be made as follows:
If paid in full on or before Nov. 101),, 101.9, par without interest, or 100%.
11 remaining instalments paid on Dee. Ode. 1010, balance of 0(1 %e andinterest, (300.19 per 5100.) -
1f remaining Instalments paid on Jan. 018,, 1010, balance of 70% and interest, (870.80 per 0100,)
If remaining instalments p lid on Feb. et1, 1910, balance of 50" , and interest, (561.04 per $100.)
If remaining instalment paid on Mar. 0th, 1010, balance of 80% and interest, (238.18 per 3100.)
Denomination and Registration.
Bearer Bonds, with 8.01150118, will be issued in denominations of MR, 5100„ 6500., and $1,000., and may be registered
as to principal. The first 0008(80 at larked CO these bonds twill be due on May 1st, 1019,
Fully registered h'.nds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will h. issued in
denominations of $60., 51011,5500.01,01)0., 5,000.. $10,000., 625,000., 350.0000 $100,000., or any multiple of $100,009.
Payment of Interest
AMU half year's interest at the rate of 53315 per annum will be paid May 1st, 1910.
Form of Bond and Delivery
Subscribers must indicate on their application tl,e form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities ao
indleated will be delivered by the bank 11500 payment of the subscription in full,
• Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for delivery at the time of application to subscribers desirous :'f making
payment in full. Bemis registered as to principal only. or fully registered as to principal and interest, will be delivered to
subscribers making payOO'nt in full, as soon as the required registration can be made.
Payment of .11 iu,tatments roust be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber.
Non-negotiable rse";-'ts will be furnished to all subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts win be
exchangeable at subscriber's book fur bonds on any instalment date when subscriptio0 is paid in full.
Form of s. ends Interchangeable y;;
Snblect to the payment of 25 cents for cath new bond issued. holders of fully registered hoofs without -moons, win
have the right to 0001001 tor0 hands with coupons and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to russet t into luliv
registered bonds without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Bec••.•.or General.
Formsof application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan C„i, ,'oitet • or member
thereof, or from any bmnett in Canada of any Chartered Bank.
Subsortodion Lints will close on or before November 16th, 1918
Orraw1, October 28th, 1018.
ocastmam- - - - .,__ ,aura:
Behind the Gun the M.:,n, o Behind the Malt. the Dollar
Make Your Dollars Fight the Hun. 143
esC�alcsF'cG �vJ+'AxF+rv.,t.-- .n„' ,�xun-, .0,4 .a... •,-.•,..- ••,•-.•,�,urt,.al1
,: e_.Y.,,01' A auori", vin'cwe.v" r :0501001014 '3000t01,..a0-t_170IT a5t101'
User °t %'n ar Souvenir
The War Album nhitt11 by the Yam
ily''Herald 111:(1 1(1'811813' Star „1 Nieto. ?
trent is to hand mid is a credit 1:1 tis, l
Publishers. A copy is sent free to all
who seder that paper for 1219. 'rho
Album contains a mine of valuable in.
forinat.lon nod the 11(11,: ae11i mould not
be impi weed on,
It 10 Jnet ouch a 11,1111( as 101.0' would
1130 to 11881. clos1 nt all (hoes, itivory
school child in Ceund's should have it.
Ill alter yew '9 when the war 1s u10'. 1'
will be a v'rinnhle honk of reference.
The Family Herald anile Duly $1 25 it
year and with the Albnnl 1s t„rtaiuly
lilt value,
At the Roved Deanery meeting held
a1 Minton on October 2t1rd the follow -
leg resolution 00ts nnaminuely passed.
That the ('lorfry of Oda Deanery pledge
their utmost support iu ovary way the
coming Victory Loan Campaign nod
ergs uptlo the Chnroh people of the
Deanery the supreme necessity of in-
vesting in Victory 13b11ds to the limit
of their ability.
For Freedom and the `'`ight
'l'Lo aI,ve is the title of a 1(1o91
interesting \tar A lohnl 11118111. ti by The
Family Herald 01:d \t eekly Stat', of
1t ie hrnnlul 0f 111pful uaermatiou
here cover to, ('017178' '11.,• fl (711/ r.pvor
lingo is a most bea:uifn1 deeiy(1, ant -
bracing tho daps of ft,gt. of all the
Allies, It is a (levo. ertf0t,0 effort,
Thu album esstaf1,7 the 11lga in colors
nf all the Alii'c. 11. tells in frill the
story of the "Union JRelh- and "Old
idiots'•. It givesthe date IAA 1'0:5505
for entry of 0aoh of the einem into the
War. It gives the system of Govern -
knout of each, aide population, arta, site
etc, It 0ot1ta1118 the Nations Songs of
Great Britain, France and the United
States, eft well as a great many of tlr.
1.opelet eonge Onc11 ae •1'ipporary
I :.•1 ., .:..iiC .: .'1,.r ,tri pot,-
: '7,1 7,8717, , 71 1 ,. --, : 14071 to.
I 7,41117t7 11 t' li 8(180•. . Li
!Which tier 8, 1,1'0',.1 17l.4' 1r1 in fu'n' ;,
!110104 anal bus, ti:.' coinl,l, to l:i,ite'ry.
the All'nlli'8. 1,. 1:,i! R't'•:li! 11;'
sig7:8 at 401* 1',118,1„117'17 ('1(4'..- blit `1.
1101 fit :+n'' . It 19 aheenttt'ly free to
1 all who snbsenhv to "l'he i"emile 11011,1(1
1.1,01 \V01Joy ::tat' for 1910 1'10, Sear
ly .nilev'11,ti, ,, 1,1 41' 1s 11.25, We
ftette mule, n oa,i-1777.g tv:nlb111t10on
wile th1' r.1, (3 (' :811i 111,81 can offer
'hay , r ;,t l\ 10 610 svtll t e Alhun and
Nee., 1r ;e-, u. 'i ha trier of the Album
in 11 a :imbed tanto ot11y. Udder now
Iand ba sere u1 a eptly, The Family
11, rale dose :8t C''lltillile 01x011 an offer
i hob)1,81ely. A eemple of the Album
'i❑•', r:1• 1,i, 74)1..),,
' Peevish, pa11a, restless and Oak
31111dreu owe their cOnditien to WOrbI
'%tether Graves' Worm Exterluinat,
µ,., , ;.a," ,t, , . .,. , ,r 1 .